Adopted By GHOSTS In Minecraft!

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this little minecraft player gets lost in a graveyard and she's in grave danger but she gets saved by a family of ghosts these ghosts help her find her way home and realize she's all alone so they decide to adopt her as their own now she'll have to learn how to live as a ghost in minecraft and when her family can go through all things can get a little tricky but they're here to help this little one learn their hard way and when she stumbles upon the family's secret she may be in for a big surprise can a little minecraft player learn to survive with their ghost family let's find out uh was that scary no oh man well then help me out by hitting that like button what was that oh no it's raining outside what happened all my torches oh no nothing is wrong nothing will get me i'm fine in my house the monsters won't come in right what come back oh i need to find my diamond i don't know where it went that must be where it's at if i could find it in here that would be perm this is a graveyard this is spooky i just gotta come in find out where my diamond is oh no what is that zombie what's the zombie oh no oh no oh no okay as long as they don't come after me i should be good right i should be perfectly fine i gotta get out of here all right i finally got one [Music] [Laughter] wait what's that pier still jealous you couldn't find a diamond like mine this is definitely what the thing i caught straight out of the sky is definitely a diamond look at this see yeah yeah yeah she was about to die man get it yeah that's not what a diamond is i mean i don't know what that is but that is not a diamond uh guys you don't know what that is what diabetes uh no it's a baby what why is she crying what's she scared of what kind of baby is this anyway well duh it's a player baby obviously see i thought she was like a diamond and stuff oh you see a classic mistake i'm so sorry ma'am tell you what uh since i i i messed this whole thing up i'll just put you back up into falling out of the sky hold on just put you right here and uh here we go yep there are the zombies right there ready to go yeah i think everything's good all right in three two one what guys come on she can't become like us just yet just yet oh wait a minute so she's got a home like where she lives yeah of course yeah i i think i know where that is that's where i found this diamond hey ian you stole from a baby well i didn't mean to steal it it was just lying there it's fine you know here it's take your bag here here's your diamond touch fine all right i know where she lives let's go that sounds like so much work i just want to haunt the grave ugh fine i know it's some work but you know y'all are mad at me for taking the diamond fine you stole from a baby i didn't step on me fine let's just go let's just go all right oh oh oh and there goes the zombies you know they'll take care of themselves that's fine you stay classy frank a classic frank all right and here's her house like i told you you know when i uh took the diamond i didn't steal it uh-huh sure also wow oh wow yeah man it looks terrible absolutely i have never seen a worse house in my life yeah that's kind of rude what that's a compliment coming from a ghost come on so are you all alone here where are your parents nobody come on uh i think i think they're gone maybe maybe they're just out for milk i don't know what no no no you know i will not stand for this no little minecraft player should ever be alone in the world on her own hey hey baby how about this what if we adopt you oh wait i i was just gonna say that what yeah wait wait wait hold on why be nice to this time not a diamond all of a sudden well because obviously this little human is all alone and sad and no friends oh family plus plus pierce pierce diamonds and that's [Music] all right then it's settled baby we're gonna be your new family now let's move in shall we all right and of course this is this is going to be no good no good no no no no okay you know what all right you know let's just go over here over here and uh you know you may want to step back for this and now ghost powers yeah yeah yeah they're a little harsh yeah you know i i thought it was a pretty good place to raise a baby you know adopted we've even got a room ready for you it is nice to be home i've been hanging on the graveyard for too long no calm down that's just the dog it's a ghost dog sometimes he likes to pop in and now you know that's why you put the collar on him yup yup otherwise otherwise he's a real sneaky one you know he's so cute oh he's a good boy now he does get a little bit mischievous sometimes so you know there's no no no what why why come on [Music] yeah so why don't we show you around while he's uh inconvenienced that's a great idea yeah come on come on we'll show you upstairs what what the ghost that's right anyway welcome to our our living spaces we got rooms for everybody here take a look take a look here is uh mine's in here over here is ian's place ah i can go through the wall too since we're family right there you have a trouble a little while i mean they are doors yeah you can just open them yeah yeah she likes it in here yeah let's show off ian's room because i don't think i'll have a chance to show it himself hold on pretty cool yeah looking pretty nice right oh there he goes he's fine he's fine hey can you pick up some dog food while you're out there sure anyway this is this room it's pretty nice yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on we got more to show you hold on let's go uh over here's my room of course oh there's so i i happen to be partial to some cobwebs you know it just kind of brings the room together so that that's kind of my style oh yeah don't want to jump in there [Music] and of course just in case we figured we have ourselves a little spare room set up take a look up here oh i think she'll like it oh i wish it comes down oh look at this yeah she's all set to go oh this could be great anyway yeah you jerk come on we gotta we we gotta show off the rest of the house hey where are you guys oh there you are there you are yeah there we go okay oh you gave her the tour right pretty much everything oh uh except that we didn't we didn't talk about the basement yet [Music] all right it looks like you settle it in for the night everything's looking real nice uh just one little thing before we go uh there's a basement in this house don't go there never go in the basement whatever you do do not go in the basement anyway have a good night bye i'm out of here oh man this is weird but you know what don't go in the basement just saying anyway bye you know they're weird but i like my new ghost family i'm so glad they're dog baby oh my god i gotta turn the lights off too [Music] man it's morning oh i gotta see what oh that wasn't a dream i'm actually adopted by ghost family i gotta go see what they're doing because they're so cool they get to go through walls and do cool things hey uh wha what kind of what kind of drink do you guys want for breakfast what kind of juice oh i i got any uh like uh cranberry i love i love you i am berry juice let's see oh good morning little one how are you doing i'm doing good there's so many ghost themes going on let me let me let me get you a drink uh you know uh kids got a kid's gotta eat to grow up oh all right uh let me get you a drink going for breakfast i'll put it in the glass here right now and i think you're gonna like this you know i know some human kids like sweets so i'm making you a nice cookies and cream and here you go little one yes here we go we got some toast for you here you go toasting toasting red whoops i i got me some ghost toast there you go toast cool i think it's time to dig in guys let's go hey hey we're sharing the same chair again you got to stop doing that the food's going right through them what a delicious day that was well now they want to do ghost things like touch the fire because ghosts can touch the fire right i keep forgetting she's not a ghost i wonder what what we could do for to make her more ghost like maybe maybe teach out a more ghosty you know you're right if we are going to adopt her we have to teach her how to be a ghost uh i got an idea what if we just use this no no no no uh oh pierce here but we have to make her look like it goes first don't you have uh one sec okay i got it i got it i got it take a look at this here uh just the [Music] he looks like a real ghost now kind of sorta pierce you know it was a good try casey what do you think okay let's go back to this one if you want no i don't think so she's having a hard time moving do we have anything else we can use what is this she looks great yeah very much better much easier to look at too okay so now and now that she looks a bit more like a ghost what if we teach her how to be a ghost you know do ghostly things and such right like that's a good idea i feel like we really do need to teach her how to scare things right i mean i feel like she's just a little too adorable to be hanging out with a crew like us so uh hmm all right for starters give us your best scary face okay [Music] it's not bad but i mean it's gonna take a lot more than that to scare us right pierce oh right absolutely it's gonna take a lot to try and scare us yeah absolutely [Music] we're good it's okay someday i'm sure you'll do something very scary they were mean to me and they were there [Music] great hey wait tabitha what are you doing out here you're supposed to stay inside the house everybody knows that the sunlight's bad for sheep tabitha ian i think it's time we had a brief discussion about these things no no no no no no necessary [Music] let me see what i can do to the blue the dark blue guy maybe i coulda could go into his room and use oh what is this where is she [Music] [Applause] i think you're ready to go scare and hunt villagers and at mayor villageville wait we're gonna go oh we're gonna go i think you're ready [Applause] i'm gonna be a real ghost the village should be right over here oh there they are oh there's mayor zane and his nerdy friend noi oh look at them do some real hunting all right noy i've hired you because you said you were a ghostbuster right correct okay excellent well as the mayor of this village it's my job to keep the rest of my people safe and they've all been terrified by what appears to be a family of ghosts you can handle this right i can take care of any ghosts that threaten your village excellent well i'm just gonna leave you to it and i'm going to go to bed now okay bye yes sir good night mr mayor zane ah oh he thinks he could take care of goals i ain't afraid of no ghosts i have my trusty nether star and my trusty ghostbusting proton power pack oh yeah these ghosts don't stand a chance against me next time where are you ghost i see you reveal yourself hey cute little child what's going on don't run don't run hey it's okay what are you doing out here so late there's ghosts and scary things around uh nothing [Music] hey where'd my cookie go wait he dropped the cookie and i picked him up hey come back here oh good job little one second you're doing great ghosts did you see a ghost what about ghosts i don't know what you're talking about you have terrorized this village far too long we're just getting started i have a villager taste my ectoplasm ghost what's this about keep it up keep it up let's take it down [Laughter] let's go pierce oh little one um you see uh i don't think you'd understand but um oh god marzin is so cute go talk to him talk to him oh i'm too scared to do that i know how to be scared i know how to help him and get him out of here come back here do something like nope rather not and i think that is totally illegal you're done what was that just just tell yourself child what are you doing what you shouldn't be out here [Music] i always thought ghosts would be scary i didn't think they'd be monsters pretty [Music] they're really scary that's my ghost family ghost family what's going on in here hey [Music] maybe we should have been messing with all that sciency stuff as much as we thought what happened maybe i i don't think he should be here well we tried to take his netherstar and wanted to see what we could do with it but the machine it started being all weird oh and a poor gustav over here you know yeah he's seen better days hey tell you baby you need to get out of here there's there's nothing left for us here you know it's not too bad as long as it doesn't get any bigger or stronger i think it should be fine we can take care of this it's a lot bigger probably a lot of the safety of your yeah you know what it may attack the village but that's okay we gotta care about the village no that's very not okay hey look sabbath is still doing okay too oh thank goodness yeah wait uh-oh [Applause] [Music] yeah i think i think we have to stop it for two weeks [Music] i don't i don't know if this is working it doesn't really help but i mean what else can we do what is this nothing to worry about mr mayor zane uh casey where have you been working on it all right nerd if you got anything to do now's the chance this is crazy what do we do they are saying what do you feel about creating a new village if this doesn't work out noise you are fired what i have a great idea i have a great idea yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] you are the best ghost ever
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,434,984
Rating: 4.9057503 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau adopted, aphmau adopted in minecraft, aphmau, adopted by mobs, aphmau adopt me, adopt me, minecraft adopt me, adopt mobs, adopted by mobs in minecraft, adopt baby minecraft ender ghost, adopt baby, mobs adopt human baby, human adopted by mobs, minecraft ender ghost, aphmau ender ghost, human ender ghost girl, family friendly, no swearing, minecraft ender ghost girl, minecraft ender ghost adopt me
Id: 86Joxr4jCMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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