Going to WITCH SCHOOL in Minecraft!

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[Music] double double toil and trouble fire burning cauldron bubbles yes it is happening it is happening [Laughter] come on you guys hurry up it's our first day of magics when we're late my outfit is soaking wet why is the rain here so harsh anyways i can't wait to be a wizard is this the right place of course it is gold can't you feel the magic i don't know guys this doesn't really look like a school all i know is we gotta get inside quick oh it looks like i have guests hey luna can you let us in it's like raining out here come on yeah back up back up what so back up okay i'm gonna perform a powerful witchery spell oh you're gonna get rid of the rain yes i will rain rain go away come again another day wait does it actually work yeah the rain's going away whoa whoa yes i'm amazing i know i don't believe you yet oh you don't believe me well if you want to be like me you gotta get in this house why can't we just break down can we just open okay it's locked yeah okay you're funny luna go find the key it's somewhere i lost it how'd you get in then how'd you get in with magic obviously now shoe shoe and go find a key if you want to oh it's a test it's one of those tests it's because we don't have magic so we need a key like i mean we could break the wood down are we allowed to break stuff no but i am because i'm the master okay okay okay guys the key is probably somewhere around here is it a chest lunar why is there so much stuff in your chest i don't know why is there demonic blood do you think she dug it up i'll be for spells funny did you bury it here did you luna please do not tell me it is right here but like what if that's a real group i actually don't know the key finds wherever it wants to go oh my gosh it's literally right here that was so easy oh okay come on let's go ahead which are you wait is this a coffin oh wait is there vampires there's vampires on the surface what don't look in there step away from the coffin and get in i think we should worry about vampires later and be witches okay fine luna there we complete your task why do you have garlic hanging over the door you don't need to know what there's vampires here oh this place is fancy dude this is awesome lunar but so many we're like the desk i thought this was a school who told you this was a school you did on your advertisement yeah i am only but a tutor not a professor okay yeah yeah what are we gonna learn today today you will be learning wait hold up what's that is that a mirror oh don't touch that oh golda miami are on the wall who is the fairest one of them all right what are you saying to that mirror uh-oh what happens what does it do [Music] we'll find out in a few seconds is she going to turn into a tone i'm scared i don't feel anything happening let me see mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest one of them all fair indeed you may be but hold another do i see alas there are more fair than thee west is where the fair this will be okay that's a creepy mirror okay we'll stop today we will be learning how to make magic wands how to chant spooky spells and to fly on a broom that's it because you guys all paid for that you only paid for beginner class what we don't get anything else how to make a magic wand what do we do first in this chest you will find a crossbow and some bolts and in the chest right behind draco and gold you will find some epic armor put that on and meet me outside this is so exciting this is cool this is cool okay let's do it so we got ourselves a crossbow hey it looks pretty oh look at these clothes wait how do i do this don't hey hey don't use it if you don't know how i weigh you okay no i was gonna test if it's strong it's quite tiny look at it wait what clothes are in here wait these are vampire clothes yeah oh they're vampire hunter clothes did she kill a vampire for these i don't know okay let me try this on hey i'm a witch lunar this isn't really armor i have a complaint hey hey this isn't really armor look at me i'm barely protected it like covers my belly that is protection right there she's right see she gets she gets uh she gets a level up because she knows luna there is no leveling in which should wreak in this switch school they're thank you [Laughter] it oh i'm sorry that was um that's that's just to uh luna is this even my armor yeah yeah sure it's all trolling i feel protected wait lunar what are the crossbows for it is for you to get your first twig i will just run in an end and you will kill it to get your magic wand oh dibs dips first whatever this is hocus pocus spawning dentist whoa wait why is it attacking you do not fret i will run away is our teacher gonna be okay wait what why is it chasing you guys it's really strong chill out all right you can't do you know what i'm gonna use the sword in my house i want the first twig why but it takes forever and it's not even i have nothing in here it's not even i'm using a sword i think it's a sword [Music] yeah we got this oh my god that's pretty strong oh i haven't died oh oh yeah twins it's mine did you get it i have it the twig guess what what focus broken spawning entities yeah yeah yeah we got it okay everyone kills one and then we all get this beautiful twig we are worthy of this twig now you will be making an enchanting potion to make your wand have magic just go in this chest right here take all the ingredients plop them in the pot and boom you got yourself a magic potion okay cool this should be fairly easy can i just say you are the most helpful teacher yeah you're totally not very welcome totally helpful okay so we need strength for this a diamond what that's it okay guys ready i will make it first let's see if it out okay everything's on fire around here luna you really need to turn it down i don't know maybe go on the big lake over there here you go redstone soup oh gosh dude it's literally making me on fire i'm burning cast a spell cast a spell water risk okay nope okay a row and a potion of strength a creeper heart a diamond which is extremely valuable and demonic blood wait where'd you get demonic blood from don't you know okay from the mysterious coffin over there but you don't and then hocus pocus turn into a potion what did you get did you rip me off there's nothing oh lunar you probably did it wrong what do you mean i did everything right i just put completions in materials and you made it wrong hocus pocus workers okay that's gonna cost you a hundred bucks that stuff's expensive can i take it out oh i did it i took out water i failed since you just drank one of my ingredients that's another 50. uh no i totally did it i just needed a bottle you didn't provide us with the stuff we need luna this is a well you're supposed to bring that don't you remember this school supplies list huh i don't ignore that i don't recall oopsies i accidentally gave you guys the wrong strength potion that's why i didn't work but it should work now and i want to refi shut up today our top a student rainbow will be making the potion to perfect bravo bravo everyone it's rainbow bravo yay i say lunar the magnificent turn dracula into a toad don't mind if i did she didn't know how to do that like i already took her fake yeah oh you think so look at this smell right now okay rainbow take it away what are you doing so potion of strength come on i see oh it's actually working great what's happening demonic blood lunar is trying to attack me with spells rowan stapleton what are you doing no okay rainbow it doesn't look too good up there are you sure you made it it's fine my potion didn't go bad the creeper heart and the diamond oh it worked wait did it work something's happening mystic inuit i got it she did it what okay you guys try okay let's see so potion of strength out oh we need to fill up the water in first yeah yeah yeah i am on fire lunar this school if it was not in the medieval days lunar the school is highly dangerous very nowadays yes it is i almost died so potion of strength blah blah blah creeper heart oh should i be more witchy a diamond some demonic blood for the eighth hundredth time sampling and soupy doopy doopy get it doopy doopy doo you have to read a i feel like that wasn't a spell oh yeah i got it i got it you're good okay everyone else try okay everyone do it yes make your excuse draco what is happening what rude see draco she is a true wizard i mean yeah don't question her lunar can you make people not go on fire yes please uh i can make i can make water lunar while gold makes her potion i'm gonna go inside to see what else you got in here look at all this stuff what is it wait what's this like stuff or potion yo what's this oh i think it's whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing well i just want to see what it is whoa funny what's that statue why is it sealed do not touch anything in this room especially this book hey guys what's that statue it's kind of creepy i don't know it's just a bunch of wolves draco's nothing creepy about it luna what's this statue what's that you are we like touch i touch no you are unworthy oh whoa i don't know rainbow rainbow clicking get cursed wait am i cursed uh oh it says it just says you are unworthy too oh i just have my name fatigue oh no i said no touchy stop goofing off and get to the back so we can get this over with okay can we just gonna hop out the window i guess we're going straight out the window wait what's back here oh is this a signing circle yes it is the great summoning circle cool how do we make this into a magic wand all right funny come up here okey dokey first now you are going to take that potion and the one and drop them onto this golden uh spell thing do you even oh wait wait it turned into a mystic branch everyone do it this is so cool guys once you get this wand you could actually do stuff with it whoa oh like what poof wait gold doesn't work yeah it didn't exist i think gold fails white gold come on please gold you're not part of wizard and he's not meant to be a witch it's spitting it out wait what's wrong well i think you have to chill you just drop it down and then right click i'm not chilling come on come on please work gold you have to say which stuff that's why it's not working give me your money hold your two you have to wait again i think she's too impatient to be a witch lunar you should get it the key to be a witch's patience whatever i didn't even sign up for this yes you did that's why you're here no i didn't well you paid for it just work what is it girl girl girl you gotta you gotta just wait you gotta go boom now wait no i don't think she deserves that she didn't do it yeah it's mine she's quiet luna can we go grab the books for learning all this spells yeah yeah just just go in there and do whatever but remember don't touch the forbidden book remember girl don't touch say about something she said touch the forbidden book or we are dumb that's what she said okay okay i think this is yeah this is where her basic spell books is i don't think she can see us they're doing wizardy stuff out there okay cool let's see what this is oh hey that's her forbidden book it's my show good luck big brain big brain okay let me read it more is more derby dirty more is i feel stupid i can't read this moore's mordre requires a soul of fear demon i don't even know what this means some in a dark skull that floats and causes creatures to stay away from it that wait that's her secret spell she's hiding here girls grab this book and let's just go grab the rest of the books and give it to everyone don't tell luna i have this come on come on cool hurry up so let's see left click to deflect branch effect strength in a block boring grab an item in the entity world oh let's do this one left up right right down stay still gold left up up right what'd it do uh oh i'm bad at this so in order to actually use magic spells we had to go here and get confused with magic so now it should work everyone magic listen up we have a spell it's left up right right down okay okay let me try picking up this okay right right left down up right right down accio accio what did it do i don't know it's supposed to move lunar come on all right with your spell you can move this cute piglet okay pig left no way up up oh oh oh was it again left up up left up right right down seo oh that's so hard ah you just hit the pig in the booty how dare you hey stop moving your wand's broken i told you she's a fraud okay what else do we have you guys are just noobs dig a block up up left right okay fine this should be simple up up left right we should hurt her with the sticks yeah gold did you take the forbidden book um hey she just threw that why is this here what is this it's so cool it's it's not scary though luna it's fine right it's kind of crazy like make it go away now yeah gold we're trying to dig a hole you make it go away you spawn you're the one that's you spawned it um luna can we news uh let me see disarm okay watch this go ahead up up down up up down that's so cool hey gold that's a nice one you have there hey somebody disarm her you get punished if you use your magic for bad i'm not using it for bad i'm using it for evil luna you missed hey rainbow look i am back here because i'm grabbing one of her um voodoo dolls i'm just borrowing one of them we have this voodoo puppet we're gonna grab it rainbow please talk to them no oh sorry to please talk to the mirror i mean look at the mirror i want to show you something cool just look at the mirror yeah that's right talk to the mirror it says someone's trying to say lost you've failed you don't know what tag locking is okay rainbow you don't know what that means okay this is your voodoo puppet say hi to baby rainbow say hi no oh this is rainbow the puppy doll well i want to see what this does rainbow oh wait did you just do that yeah i moved back stop it you just rainbow you're out the door whoa what are you doing no rainbow's standing on the door so he could eat tissue i'm moving what the heck okay that's fun hahaha you can move i heard you can drown it what drowning wait wait walk hey is that forbidden magic you ain't using no we're not we're not we just want to see what it does ow what do i burn it it's just burning yourself nothing's happening to me what voodoo dolls are clearly hard to use lunar can we just fly with brooms please yeah we just do the last lessons waiting oopsies oops what water have you heard i now deem draco the teacher because he also knows how to flap brooms no i though yes you do fine i'll google 101 guide to making blooms because lunar sucks she's a lazy teacher look i figured out how to make light oh that's really cute thank you see look i can make light anyway just gotta draw an l for light okay so how do we make broomsticks can we just have them i just want to fly out of here this was quite a lesson lunar you're very welcome and this tree in the top shelf okay so we have our sticks and our hawthorne so it's supposed to look like an upside down pickaxe oh hey we got our room oh i want to bring it nice whoa whoa what are those hey hey i was just going to talk about flying ointment guys why is this the witch hunter they think you're awake oh no which way i am awake to protect us guys protect us we got this just okay i only know lightning i only have to use the forbidden spell hey guys come on what do we got a basic spell book create water that's not how yeah very minor damage down left down down right that's down left down down right crucial imperial no yes it works wherever this is crucial up up down down down down too slow you're getting confused i'm not i'm not i'm just drawing it a little too still right right see who spawned that not me does it scare them it's supposed to scare them i have low energy i can't yeah scare them away good job good job okay i'm just gonna smack you with my stick flying ointment it's easier to kill you with a sword but you're lucky i don't have one yeah dude being a witch is hard it is flying ointment and a broom is that it do we just wait did you right click it i forgot to right click there you go wow i think it worked can you fly no way oh wow look at how many arrows i have that's way cooler than magic tricks luna thank you for this room we will take it and we will ride off into the full moon and we will uh give you one star on yelp yeah because this was painful all right next time it's gonna be a million diamonds to take the advanced class see you guys next time or never goodbye bye all right bye luna we're leaving as witches goodbye dude this is awesome bye-bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,221,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft witches, minecraft becoming a witch, witch school, minecraft witch school, minecraft witch itsfunneh, minecraft witch funneh, minecraft witch krew
Id: N0s87i7TU8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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