Life of a Minecraft Mermaid!

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we get sucked in we'll never swim out yes look look at me oh my gosh i'm going down here there's nothing we are exploring the vast ocean today in minecraft and the cool thing is we're exploring as mermaids so we're going to discover a lot of cool things hold up i'm slowly going down yeah yeah look how cool that looks okay hi everyone this is my worst nightmare i'm a fish in the ocean surrounded by other fish you're a merman yeah stop being such a vengeance merman okay okay i'm a fisherman wow fish magic and uh mermaids this is our guide to the ocean okay so we can swim we have to discover new fish and if we discover new fish we gotta put it on the discovery wall see we've already discovered a giant seahorse which is right there skip to the third page hello oh treasure okay taming seahorses we could tame them by petting them and we could collect treasure in here and by collecting treasure we gotta unlock new tails i have tamed right here white wait did you just find treasure yo that's cool draco can you put the seahorse down fine finally i don't have to work let us travel south do you know where south is for us okay let's just swim all right where are we going luna lead the way whoa look at this place this is so cool where are we going luna where's the seahorse now until you find something right wait i see something down here guys i see treasure oh i think it's a treasure open whoa nice gold look behind you more treasure more treasure i feel like a myrrh pirate whoa okay come on collect it yeah why is there under chest here that there's nobody protecting this treasure to put stuff in rainbow it's because this treasure is probably worthless oh i think i see a sea creature oh wait i see something too you guys see this over here yeah yeah ooh let's add it to our collection nice we have discovered a creature of the starfish oh look it's just vibing and chilling right here this belongs in my hair what what do you see through the hallway is that like some kind of thing you do everything no i want you pet it i want to pet it with my head hit butt poke all right dear manatee we shall name you gray worm of the sea it doesn't look like a grey worm or slug you know what the most important question is what can we breathe above the water oh draco no mermaids aren't supposed to go to the surface man think they're going on land will we get legs i mean i always wanted legs as a mermaid give me legs wait let's go find land let's go walk somewhere what's that guys we might travel to the ends of earth and never find land no it's a bad idea swim race to see who gets legs first jack i want to be where the people are come on give me legs okay i just saw a new mob i want to see them dancing oh we can't let us out the great white shark whoa are you friendly whoa it is friendly we are draco stop trying to smack the shark the shark eats fish i know why the shark is friendly guys it must be because we are the royalty of the sea where's your crown my father says to hide it because he doesn't want people okay gold's making us we all have the same father yeah okay i guess we're all royalty then yes we need more treasure though i want another tail should we go back to you must head deeper into the sea but why i'm lazy i must go give me more tanks keep your eyes out so we will find i think this is a sushi restaurant i don't like this oh what do you think they serve here sushi food no no no no no they would probably serve like kelp like kelp soup let's see if we got a new tail because we found three treasures jackal made a pun wait there's so much more tails jack will go back okay so we should have this one no what you need four you need to find we need four treasures have to go find four i think you have to earn these from discovering creatures oh wait we can get these ones oh wait which one is he green green i want to wait for the liquid i don't want one to match wow rainbow red cool it doesn't charge us you can just grab it gold you can get the gold one wait wait wait wait the pink how do i look did it change whoa uh gold tell me how i made it change wow and now rainbow's gold hey i want that rainbow you look like fried shrimp oh no rainbow we have legs whoa whoa legs oh she's not even burping what is happening my eyes look away don't look away she's not a mermaid give me your back ah give me back my fins there you go stay away from the button it's dangerous it'll remove your tail all right claim your fried shrimp tail it does look like fried shrimp this is it it looks like shrimp no it looks like tempura gold does this look like fried shrimp to you yes it looks like you'll be fried can you float off oh yeah she definitely i wow you're making me hungry for tempura nice tempura right i'm hiding my tail follow the seafood i mean oops i forgot i was a mermaid i mean yummy we still have a lot to discover let's go yes okay follow me actually i have to get more treasure follow the tempura that's not funny funny you shouldn't joke about that because when you get hungry you might hurt me okay i'll just go do you see that mermaid and mermans down here treasure chest nice more treasure we need all of it let's take it we're crazy mermaids castle a clam for riches hopefully it has a pearl is it snapping back i mean an oyster i think oysters have pearls no it's a clown it is a clam i'm wow it doesn't have a pearl pearl cause someone steal it chomp someone stole the pearl it looks like you could sleep here are you sure you want to sleep there ow that feels pain seems painful all right mermaids and merman we must continue this way we must we need action women i am a siren i am scarier than the typical mermaid luna you just can't make up lord for yourself that's not how it where is your where's your beautiful song then siren lunar wow her sleep is so magical wow look at all this seaweed though and the kelp i can't see nothing i need to find treasure we gotta there's nothing i mean in the wrong area this area feels a little dangerous funny do you know where we're going uh this area feels like somewhere where there's like a bunch of sharks are you sure gold the only thing scary in the sea is draco i claim this as my siren territory you will all be eaten if you enter uh i think i found something guys i think it's a trench look what a trench no i'm not going down oh no you have to go down there remember father said it's dangerous to go down there there might be a sinkhole let's go there's treasure down there's treasure put treasure get it we're in the ocean what's it called don't you know that there's whirlpools in the ocean if we get sucked in we'll never swim out yes look look at me look what you did uh okay well let's never go in that again because that sucked me out and i hadn't used creative get out all right i learned my lesson i will not says why into a sinkhole no we don't listen wow you guys look so cool on those rocks okay but we must discover more sea creatures no more going down to sinkholes probably what'd you find ah my mermaids i we have found some more treasure but no sea creatures no there is a secret hiding from us where right there did we find that one yet whoa is that the great shark no it looks bigger oh it's a whale what is it this is a whale whale it is a tiny whale hello do we already discovered it this is a blue whale cute where's ursula though i want to meet her i don't think she's real is it me or is it getting darker i can't my vision's starting to it's getting more foggy let me take a look at night time let's see what it's still morning what the it must mean this area is dangerous it's the foggy parts of the sea ah i think so the forbidden area oh this is this is the it's so much forbidden areas because this one's really forbidden it's so dark yeah oh what's that um it's a really whoa look at this fish oh that's a pretty fish a parrot fish hello parrotfish nice to meet you it's kind of empty in the sea though hello parrotfish nice to meet you get it rainbow i don't think he'll talk back to you the parrot it looks like your pet rainbow matches what does the indented tail how did we unlock this i think it's like the different fin no draco no more green tails for you i'm turning green tail draco no blue tint i like my look i mean it does look better you guys like my new look it's the same i don't see anything i think it has a bigger fin oh yeah you can swim oh let's jump up that means he's the most aggressive mermaid he's the top the bigger the fin we spent you know uh 30 minutes swimming the sea and look at our collection that's true we are missing a lot of sea creatures whatever this tail is the lunate tail this is my tail give me that tail let's go find more treasure where is the sea creatures where would i hide if i was a sea creature though yes deep inside i told you that's where i would hide because they never hide above maybe because we're not exploring the kingdom enough there has to be some animals around here i found my treasure guys nice treasure please treasure rainbow we lost your fish siblings guys over here where oh hurry ditch them ditch them to find what's treasure well we can swim fast you can't really ditch us oh what is this is it like okay it's like a big shell thing it's oh is it a hermit crab shell wait can we get in no that's too big wait guys guys what's this oh whoa whoa whoa what a special tail it's rainbow oh that's frank and it's please right does it back up he gets rude come on luna you have it already oh i do oh i didn't know whoa it just removed rainbow's um tail again rainbow really trying to do this all day i think she's a fake mermaid i think she's what she's an imposter to me yeah i think we should took it oh there's only one oh here i'll just i'll just hand it to you rainbow it's limited what you think okay you can do that now all right i'm leaving funny i have discovered a fish hiding in this building follow me oh drock were you the fish hunter now you found fish before us from us two different fishies oh just swimming around dude it's so empty and cold in this ocean wait wait i want to be a human i want legs i want to join the world all the rainbow tails around here i am also now rainbow tail no it looks the same oh wait oh it is special look at my fin okay crew keep finding them sea creatures yeah draco so far has all the points because you have discovered two or one i'm gonna beat everyone in finding the best place look at this place it's like a diamond cave with we found a diamond weird weird things going under them ooh lunar i think you outbeat draco this place is way cooler than it is whoa i think that's like a colorful unicorn wait it's a sea unicorn unicorn seahorse we're taking you hello hello almost tame you she's now the siren queen of the sea lunar you are the queen now i am oh wait grab it come back another fish this is a magical place oops sorry fish i got it luna take it back take it back to the whale there's more fish around here actually oh it's a lot oh wait more treasure too this is probably just another basic fish yeah nothing to discover here some more basic fishies but most importantly treasure lunar i think you outdid yourself this place is quite great i definitely beat drago so discovering animals in this map is actually very challenging but look we have landed upon a submarine whoa a submarine there has to be something i've never seen a submarine before do you think there's any humans left here what's in here of course not rainbow how do you get into it though guys right here the entrance is here do we break into it i feel like a shark would be in here a shark or something skeletons will be in here skeletons thank you luna oh oh hello what's in there everything in your tail wait see anything where no what this place is so empty hello there has to be something in here why oh wait there's a little fishy you just missed right here uh we already luna have bad news we already discovered tiny fish that just basically feel like you guys we're in the dead sea um yeah this is definitely the dead part of the sea there's nothing in here nope go see there's nothing you didn't see any humans that makes me no treasure either just a bunch of broken okay just a rainbow tail we have enough tails look at me i'm fabulous this sea is empty we have explored all the surfaces for about 20 minutes discovering these creatures and we had no luck so it's time to time to uh lighten up i mean liven up this time to create the height wait can you put more so that there's there's friends yeah yeah we need to reach out keep going we need money yeah more okay not too much we don't see no no yeah these are poisonous fish the next one is a giant sea horse oh we've already seen you yeah we've seen the seal too oh there's no way we would have ever discovered this what is it what is that is that a ghost fish it says royal gang it is a ghost fish cool whoa wow that's beautiful octopus beautiful how did we not see an octopus yet come on you need more friends and that's not ursula jellyfish it's cute to be ursula yeah finally this is alive goodbye eggs be free go make more and the last two mobs we didn't discover is the hawaiian bobtail squid more bobtail squids i love its eyes dude now this is an ocean thank you yep whoa where's the straw a a harlequin shrimp i've never seen this before it's cute where's the turtles funny draco is your favorite stay there draco yeah there is no turtles aye don't worry the magic shrimp mermaid has turtle oh turtle i love turtles we have discovered everything but some of the stuff is glitching and it's not it's not pure enough no we didn't i didn't see the hammerhead shark we have a giant manta ray whoa see how did we miss this i'd swear i didn't see this in the sea rigged and then we got baby manta ray a normal dolphin has been discovered and last but not least we need the bobtail squid please we have the bobtail squid someone click on little blue doesn't work it's broken please yeah please broken well these are all the beautiful mermaid tails we've discovered let me just pick mine i love the forked tail and i like blue now i look epic we have discovered all the creatures except for this because the map is broken and it's glitched and it's time to ride off into the magical universe of the sea this ocean needs more fun now this is a cd see this is why you don't give draco spawn eggs draco this is overpopulation nope you won't stop okay you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,792,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, minecraft, minecraft games, minecraft gameplay, minecraft series, minecraft episodes, minecraft krew, minecraft itsfunneh, minecraft funneh, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft funny games, no cursing, no swearing, minecraft mermaids, minecraft mermaid, playing as a minecraft mermaid, minecraft mermaid life, minecraft mermaids itsfunneh, minecraft mermaid itsfunneh, minecraft mermaids krew
Id: FqUKGvNmdqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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