Minecraft but there are Custom XP Orbs

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minecraft but there's custom xp i can collect new types of experience orbs that give me powerful new abilities such as the grass xp holy cow grass i can craft grass okay [Music] okay we're gonna craft ourselves four pieces of grass here and now we can make uh our grass experience sneak on grass to heal okay yeah wow i'm very healed oh that's cool i got a little grass like speed bar on the bottom nice man oh wait a second i also eat the grass by skyfy squatting on it i'm like a sheep except i use my butt to munch so i might not even need food from now on if i can eat with my butt i call that a win what else do we have we got a bunch of crazy ones they look locked for now oh a lot of these are uncraftable but i can oh this is an easy one i can get the hay bale experience let's get that real quick it's got special powers when i smack mobs they drop bread sometimes yummy and my tummy i don't know what that was i'm sorry hello friends you mind if i steal some hay bales please thank you let's make our hey veil xp nice check it out dude now let's punch some mobs give me your bread money yeah oh nothing happened give me your lunch money thank you ah delicious exactly what i needed villager bread and all i had to do was ask nicely with my fist to his face so it looks like i could eat grass with my butt and punch mobs to get bread the gold xb catches my eye it's obtained by mining gold and apparently it's an investment for the future because it helps me barter with piglens later ooh shiny don't jump in it don't jump in it die yeah oh thanks for the bread buddy all right it's cave time let's find ourselves some gold hi iron yoink it's gold hunting time is there gold is there gold is there gold oh actually golden apple's nice oh hello the gold xp also gives me a crazy buff whenever i eat golden apples so that's pretty nice ah there's our gold that's it we got it we've got the gold experience nice man that was nice and easy and i'll take more golden experience if you don't mind so now eating this golden apple will give me crazy buffs but i'm going to hold on to this for now until i'm out of kind of a rough situation he's got a glowing eye and everything do you have a glowing orb are you a traitor oh no no no he's a bad guy he's a bad guy he's a very very very very very bad guy yeah you cannot get around my block oh he got around it he got around it ninja moves what are your enchanter uh oh i've been stealing somebody's experience orbs okay okay we got him we can do this yeah take that you big jerk you can stay alive because i love you that guy had a netherright axe man i'm glad i safe spotted him but we definitely need to get ourselves some iron armor for that guy i assume there's gonna be a plenty of those enchanters around here because i have no plans to stop upgrading the water bucket xp it prevents me from lighting on fire and i do more damage to blazes and enderman so i'll snag some of this iron here make a couple of quick armor pieces and some buckets that feels better in case i run to those bad guys again whoop speaking of i just heard one yeah thank you oh it's an over those guys hello get up yeah attack oh my goodness i'm on fire no no no no no no i'm out i'm out what was that oh no no no i'm not half hard don't mess with me dude uh where do i go where do i go i gotta get out of here oh okay okay wow i did not like that that was not fun well thankfully now we can at least craft our water experience ugh and that'll give us burn protection shall we test it with some lava ah yes very nice cozy well since we're already by a desert there is a tnt xp all i need is four tnt let's see if we can find ourselves a temple shall we there he is oh my gosh all right oh my dude this temple is awesome i got some serious loot i just was here for the explosions but i'm rich now boys tnt explode when on fire wait a minute can i catch fire only one way to find out [Music] we'll make a flint and steel here and now i light myself on fire whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait if i light oh there it goes there it goes so i don't stay on fire but as soon as i touch fire i explode oh my gosh that's kind of cool i think it's a weird way to mine uh pardon me just need to get a couple of pieces of wood real quick no thank you let me grab a couple of these iron here yeah this is ridiculous yeah i assume i can do it to mobs as well right hello creepers check this out nice honestly my best mode of killing mobs might literally be exploding at them i'm basically a creeper man back in the mines oh hello oh oh there's another one of those crazy guys hello but i brought my power up this time oh fight fight fight wait wait explode explode explode come on now did we get him i think we killed him oh we're getting stronger thanks for the bread buddy i love that i can explode now hi bye lava oh diamonds i should be able to just jump in lava right yeah oh yeah i'm all good i thought it might have exploded but we're good a nice soul warm nacho cheese okay let me get a block here oh gosh this is horrifying i'm literally in the middle of the lava but it doesn't taste good to drink i don't know who made this lava but they overcooked it diamond time oh my goodness i didn't even realize we just got ourselves a diamond xp orb what does that do oh i don't know what it does yet but we got the upgrade and four diamonds we'll take that looks like it gives me resistance and it damages mobs that i hit doesn't that happen anyways but i'll take some resistance though let's try this out shall we yeah oh he pooped yeah ouch resistance three oh yes please come on damage me okay i i still do get damaged oh whenever mobs hit me oh it's like a nice all thorns effect that's pretty sweet i wonder what that meant damaged mobs that i hit i was like yeah go okay diamond pick time nice and diamond sword [Music] oh whoops hey stop it okay we'll see you later i'll smack it back on babe ruth dude that's a famous basketball player ah but i was gonna say before i was rudely interrupted there's a blaze experience that i really want to get whenever you hit mobs it ignites them which i think is awesome obtained from killing blazes excuse me little one pardon me whoa what just happened you throw something at me what just happened what are you doing throwing stuff at me you big jerks wait a minute they're trading me oh that was the gold heart from earlier it automatically trades with piglets so all i have to do is walk by a piglet he just throws out items trade with me or not jerk hey there's a fortress geronimo oh this should be a piece of cake i can't even get lit on fire hello little fire boys you're fired yeah oh i forgot yeah dude my water upgrade is coming in handy now look at him he's dying from water take that oh look at all the bread i'm getting oh snap yeah dude oh check it out the blaze experience is ours upgrade acquired and now whenever i punch mobs i uh light them on fire which is pretty sweet oh beautiful day beautiful day i've got no blaze rods hello there we go it's like a personal heater well and since trading is free i guess i might a little sit in the hole and wait for me to get ender pearls shower me with your gifts boys impress me well i think that should be plenty of pearls oh my gosh there's like three stacks in here oh man now i feel bad do you guys want some gold there's some raw gold sorry guys we we shall make a very tall ender portal huh yeah i'm out okay well there's the nether out of the way i always love getting out of the way early in the episodes what other experience can we make ooh the potion xp randomized potion effects gotta get some glass hello sandy boys let me pick up a couple of you let me mind you real quick thank you very much 48 sand oh my gosh where did all that come from i will not complain i like how the end portal is like just kindly resting on a tree limb like it's a clat caterpillar what are those things called caliphate or cat legit i forgot what they're called catter cattle cattle i'm done let's melt up our glass and while we wait i'll make a smiley face out of grass that i eat with my butt very nice there we go got some glass bottles grab some water there it is our potion experience nice so i've got how does it work oh i see so randomly i'll just get different perks so i've got strength three right now and now i've got regeneration too oh very cool it just cycles through various effects i like this upgrade what else do we have our dragon xp obtained from end crystals can't do that yet enchanting table xp that we could do right hi again oh i don't need your pearls but thank you guys i just need the obsidian obsidian no give me the obsidian give me the obsidian i know you guys have it over here goodness gracious oh my lanta dude there's so many items in here i know it's in here there it is all right got the obsidian from the piglens over there geronimo there we are we shall make a book whatever the heck that is whoa drop lapis on items to randomly enchant them looking for lapis hello there buddy yeah yeah take that oh man i love my enchantments already oh guys we got more of those bad guys all right i've been training for this moment ah got him in two hits are you serious i got strength three oh my goodness i just need lapis man don't mess with me yeah yeah oh man i'm so powerful this is great can't stop me and i'm basically naked all i got is is gold boots on is that diamonds hey what's up diamonds thank you buddy and i got a haste now too that's convenient i wonder what kind of enchantments we're gonna get i figured they'll be good they might be crazy overpowered too so might as well find some diamonds while we're here to get some diamond armor because i don't know yeah lapis is here i have no idea what kind of damage the dragon's gonna do to us who knows what dragon is gonna be this time he could be crazy enchanted or i don't know uh yeah we throw our diamond sword down and now all i gotta do is toss a lapis on him no way what does it have is that like knockback 29. anyone want to play baseball i'm the michael jordan of baseball actually no i take that back oh hello witch see ya oh dude yoink see ya uh knock back 26. i gotta go to the surface to really see the power of this you they just fly to the other the other side of the room i love it ah yeah hello goodbye hello goodbye hello well that gave us enough for a chest plate let's try this out shall we yeah i wonder what it'll be give me something awesome please give me something awesome thorns 29. is that just gonna one shot any mob a zombie's gonna sneeze on me and then just evaporate oh speaking of zombies a zombie spawner ah yeah oh my gosh i don't even have to hit the mobs anymore one hit kill i love it enchanted golden apple oh yes that's gonna be perfect for the dragon okay well let me try this golden apple i happen to be able to try it yet what kind of perks do i get whoa a lot of stuff i like it the last thing that we can make is the dragon xp so guys i think i'm ready all i've got is a sword and a chest plate but honestly those two items right there were let's do it look at my buffs wow all right dragon it's your turn ah oh no hold on i want to eat something real quick oh hi pig thanks for volunteering oh i wanted to a poor pig child i'm sorry here just pretend this is your dad all right okay i can eat a creeper not feel bad yay oh my where did he go he just evaporated i love it hello ender boy yeah it's time to set sail we're here yoink yeah all right let's get down to the depths shall we ah we're gonna go the fun way though yeah explosions yeah this is taking a very long time and my hearts don't go down but this hurts a lot actually 0 out of 10 doctors recommend mining from explosions we're edge lords we're outcasts we do the cool thing oh hi lava i lava you where'd the stronghold go yeah yeah oh man my chest play's breaking like crazy i should stop doing that ooh hello oh dude all right let's ow ow shoot it's those guys it's fine my chest plate will protect me yeah can i kill them just by chest bumping him yeah i can dude i'm op man i love this chest plate it's almost broken though i gotta be a little careful here all right let's take on this dragon shall we let's go welcome to the end i don't want to be trapped in here i'll explode my way out yeah okay that's not gonna work great i'll just mine out normally oh we've got the xp dragon today okay i hope you're stronger than those enchanted guys you set to try to take me out whoa he looks awesome look at this guy whoa i realize i don't have a bow i can make one what the heck just happened lightning just struck everywhere ow out oh man wow he does a lot of damage no no no no no you can't kill me like this not like this oh wait i ate my apple so early i don't i don't like that but we gotta do what we gotta do yeah he sets off lightning that was a good shot thanks you're welcome yeah two in a row nailed it three in a row come on uh cut that let's try it again three in a row three in a row come on come on come on wait hold on i broke the crystal let me get the experience from up here the dragon experience it should be right here right yes there it is the dragon experience let's get it yeah we got it we got it oh man don't die here i'm fine um how do i use this thing i don't know how to use this thing sneak to fire dragon blast oh i like this yeah oh man that hurts me dude i'm sorry that was an accident this thing is powerful my goodness ow ow ow i don't like this dragon i ate grass by squatting and now i shall kill a dragon with squats i knew my twerking skills would come in handy ah what is that an xp orb snake get back xp orb no no get out get away from me you seem dangerous yes now's my chance squat squat attack attack keep squatting one more hit yeah come on yes we finally got him ironically he didn't give me any experience we've done it minecraft but there's custom xp and if you want to be mlg hit that subscribe button and comment down below what your favorite color is oops almost exploded the ground
Channel: Craftee
Views: 3,477,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom xp, xp, quickest xp, minecraft but custom xp, minecraft but xp, xp gains, how to get xp, minecraft xp, super xp, best xp, golden apple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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