Minecraft but there are Wither Hearts

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the wither casts its haunting shadow over minecraft and by collecting various wither hearts i too will absorb souls and rule as an agent of darkness sorry still working on my evil laugh well this isn't ominous dude we got like a wither shrine over here with her shrine i would like to have your powers and we shall start with the undead heart it's huge dude your attacks deal with her damage and the ground you walk on decays and mobs can sometimes drop skulls when killed oh my god i'm corrupting the world take that cow make me some delicious beef i'm the hero of this world except it's opposite day i got a skeleton skull i forgot i only have one heart dude oh gosh hey back up man now with my handy dandy skull i can craft something called the wither blast heart it'll be a blast it'll let me shoot explosive skulls like a wither i just need some gunpowder but i gotta be a little careful here dude i'm on one heart now if we're really gonna be evil we gotta build our sword on the right side of the crafting table it's time creeper gosh i have to be so careful dude i'm on one heart right now i just need some gunpowder don't explode got one last one oh shoot well it took me all night but i did get myself the gunpowder the wither blast heart is mine i can now right click with an empty hand to shoot skull with her skull hello chicken oh snap dude and check this out i've got a wither arm i'm turning into the wither dude whether you like it or not just because i'm evil in this video doesn't mean i can't give you bad puns okay what's that wither skull return to the never i feel a surge inside of me a power to return back to my home of the nether our next heart is called the wither skull heart found at the wither shrine i hear it's high up in the mountains ooh those look like some mountains hey what's up sheep have you guys seen the ancient ruin around here whoa this is spooky dude oh gosh i've been traveling for so long oh guys i think i found it the wither shrine what's up goat whoa this thing's crazy dude legends say the shrine expands below all the way to the center of the earth oh i hear something i hear voices there must be something below i gotta be careful i only have two hearts here it does it expands underground ah hello sir oh you look like a bad guy no god takes my wither skulls dude he's got a lot of hell who is this guy are you the protector of the shrine oh that guy's got a bow oh got him dude whoa okay gotta be careful man what is this place oh this is weird i'm so scared i don't know if i like being a wither at this point there's like a cave end here it's a dead end dude can i mine these oh dude it's a nether portal it's a huge nether portal back here i knew it was calling to me what'd you think jerry jerry my shoulder skull friend i could hear the whispers of the nether let's enter the nether hey why she just broke dude what the heck was that oh behind the portal a new heart it looks like oh snap the wither skull heart yeah what the heck dude are those my pets i got little baby withers now i'm a wither dad oh and i have a new shoulder pal i got jerry on this side and barry on this side and when i sprint i break the box in front of me oh man this is gonna get dangerous it's tough being a wither dude i can't even run up the stairs i do like having my new powers and my new friends two very interesting things one whenever i run on sand it turns into soul sand and my little wither buddies over here whenever they kill mobs they drop wither roses and with these items i can craft something known as the soul sand part my game crafty crafting is out on the minecraft marketplace and i need your help adventuring and surviving in minecraft when you craft me in game we can play minecraft together and take on the ender dragon that broke me apart oh boy we're gonna be best friends i can already tell this gives me a lot of power watch this well it'd be cooler if i had mobs to kill check this out dude with my new soul sand powers i can slow down mobs when i punch them and also i can send out a wave of soul sand attack so that'll be useful against some scary mobs later and apparently we can trap mobs in soul sand whoa dude look at it go oh snap did i just do what i think i did i got a trapped soul i don't know what this is for but i guess i'll save it for later oh gosh i keep breaking every block the mobs will certainly fear us but i'm not done yet the next heart is the black skull heart i got plenty of skulls so all i need is four black dye and a corrupted heart of the sea let's head out to sea the sea until we see the heart of the sea you see i'm a giant evil monster in a tiny little boat look at how cute i am hey i found a shipwreck dude hello pirate brethren oops sorry i might have broken your sails oop my bad i just need myself a treasure map i keep breaking everything oh potatoes give me a map hey got it buried treasure map and x marks the spot yeah dude i got some goodies too oh goodies ah heck yes oh i'm gonna drown okay and now that we have the heart of the sea all we got to do to corrupt it is shoot it with a wither skull boom dude i got a corrupted heart of the sea looking pretty cursed uh is anybody here to fear my power chickens fear my power turn our wither roses into black dye and here we've got our black skull heart oh dude look at me now whoa look i look like you guys i'm a wither skull i do have normal legs but uh you know i'm getting there now when i sprint yeah i send mobs flying and also i squish them so who else wants a piece of me what the heck oh what the heck you're messing with my power oh man that does a lot of damage i'm on half a heart dude what are you doing i'm sorry for offending you chicken it's a divine chicken i can do this i just gotta shoot my wither get him with her yeah maybe i can trap him inside of my soul santa yes i got him oh dude that was tough i have so few hearts for this man chickens you stand no chance against me dude i got the holy chicken feather i'll be honest that was pretty embarrassing i almost died to a chicken dude if i'm gonna conquer the world i definitely need to get more powerful here one of which is fighting on the ground is a serious problem i gotta fly like a wither man we do have something called the levitation heart which requires some souls as well as a condensed mob so i gotta squish some mobs together and then once i can fly that'll make things nice and greasy my mission is to fly come on boys i have an idea hello village surprisingly or not i am not here to kill you buddies i am here for the week i'll explain in a second hello cows come with me i don't want to leave you out come on in i needed the wheat for bread but also i'm going to lure the cows in this little hole here and then i'm going to squish them all together evil but that's kind of the goal in this video so you know ah gosh dang it i'll be trying to get the cow in there yeah well come on everyone get into the hole please everyone get oh that work yes dude i thought i'd have to get him into a one by one hole i was like i think that's literally impossible all right we got our condensed mob and now just gotta get a couple of traps old there we go yeah what are you looking at all right we got everything we need let's start levitating dude now we can craft or levitate hard oh yeah can i fly now whoa dude look at my legs check it out dude oh man it feels good to be able to fly and also if i right click on mobs i could levitate them in the air yes keep levitating boom easy i'm a wither and a sith lord what the heck is that a heart attack the sheep dropped a heart attack oh no i mean i meant to kill you i didn't mean for you to have a heart attack oh it lets me craft something called a life scan heart just need a couple more souls there we go thanks guys just gonna borrow these real quick and i will fly back to the crafting table what are you guys doing down there you guys okay no we can craft i can now see mobs through the walls like that and now if i look at mobs just by staring at them they'll erupt into flames that's how evil i am just looking at you makes your eyes on fire it makes you die or ah something hello sheep i stare at you okay sheep are immune to my evil staring at the cow feel my power cow staring contest of doom yeah he's on fire dude holy cow i'm powerful yeah dude and check it out he dropped a wither skull man whoa dude all right look jerry barry it's your brother mary and with that i knew we'd become extremely powerful so i flew over the land to see what else i could find to conquer that looks like a place i can conquer come on boys we've got some slaying to do hello gentlemen oh dude it's a templar base take that wither skull yeah dude these guys are pretty powerful too this might not be an easy challenge yeah they got armor yeah that's right levitate levitate light him on fire gave him a heart attack hello buddy hello sir as you all know the beacon is a symbol of hope for so many so we destroy hey check it out we've got the nether star heart from that that's cool right click with any sword to shoot a corrupted beacon beam which will bounce between targets whoa speaking beam attack yeah we're getting more and more powerful dude boom oh my gosh okay that's crazy thanks for the power up gentlemen they're good guys we got some pretty interesting loot from in there not only did we get our nether star heart we also got another heart attack a beacon and a music disc one of those guys must have dropped it well they don't really have any need for music now because you know they did so i'm gonna take it with me oh but we can craft something called a wither armor heart with our music disc and wither skull look at me now i'm blue dude i'm immune to projectiles oh my gosh and every time i sprint i start with an explosion and i end with an explosion my goodness dude holy cow i know earlier we had some trouble getting into the nether i wonder if now we're strong enough now that you know whenever i sprint i destroy all of uh minecraft and when i look at mobs they explode we do have a ruined portal up here although we need a little bit of obsidian to put it all together oh god all right guys i'm a little powerful excuse me sorry excuse me sorry literally just me trying to get around well looks like we got a pretty good head start here for the nether portal just gotta get a couple diamonds make a pickaxe and then complete that portal alright can attempt not to sprint and break everything in front of me she's a beauty are you kidding me no okay let's try this again shall we another time here we are you serious are you serious dude we dropped something though what's this portal essence ah i see i can use the portal essence to craft our dark cloud heart just need a couple more heart attacks levitate yeah levitate oh all right that should do it and now we craft the dark cloud hard i was voted most likely to have a dark cloud around me in high school very interesting so now undead mobs are friendly around me and they can survive during the daytime you're welcome boys let's go back to the surface whoa dude check it out i think i've got night vision now look at this i can see the moon but yet it looks so bright around me zombie skeletons undead rise oh hello cat yo dude check it out hi zombies that's right you respect me now you'll respect me whether you like it or not also i have a new power i can bind mob so i light them on fire i can bind them i can explode too i can't even see the creeper in there i got so many powers going on i would say i'm pretty powerful but i'm not stopping yet wait a second my withered senses are tingling i can feel a heart beating from this direction come on jerry larry let's find our heart there's only a few left until we are hey i see something this wasn't here before whoa what is this place dude oh it's these guys again hey dude remember me last time yeah i look a little different now huh your projectiles bounce right off me how about this i don't think he likes that very much there's like a whole cave down here whoa guys this is weird are these good guy whoa it's an emerald creeper hello gentlemen pardon me sorry whoa is this like a guardian shrine ew you guys like guardian withers are clearly better dude take this guardian let's head down further in these catacombs the ender dragon shrine okay i was an ender dragon once ah good time oh snap the guardian the dragon and now the wither looks like there's a heart on here too that looks like a new power-up if you ask me life drain heart yeah i now passively drain the life from all nearby living mobs oh gosh your souls heal and buff you and are stored later for use okay oh dude i lost my arms my mutation is complete i am fully a wither look at larry and jerry they're jamming out too look at him go but we still have one more heart to clay let's absorb some soul hello boy do skeletons have souls oh yeah he's got a soul drain and drain it from his body oh gosh this is dark dude yeah if i could just have your souls that'd be nice what's up chicken thanks dude sorry to be a bother i just need everybody's souls okay grab a couple more of these pig souls thank you oh my gosh look at all those cows cow souls taste the best oh man thanks guys appreciate it what is this this must be the heart of darkness what i was after the whole time the heart of darkness i'm now a fully fledged wither dude an unstoppable force ah that village looks kind of fun to pillage what do you think oh my gosh get up job well done if you want to destroy something too i suggest the subscribe button we'll see you in the next video everybody
Channel: Craftee
Views: 5,041,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom heart, custom hearts, minecraft heart, minecraft hearts, minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, custom wither, wither hearts, wither heart, custom items
Id: lqN9vU4SISE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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