I Survived 300 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In A Cave Only World

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today i'm going to get a totem of undying i'm going to get brand new items from a wandering trader and i've updated it so there are brand new mobs in the game but to begin with it's time for some villager transportation which means digging a tunnel to move these guys i think this update also brings in raw gold so my silk touch pickaxe gets the iron ore but with fortune or a normal pickaxe look at that yeah we're getting in the raw iron for the ones that'll be raw gold pretty cool new feature i got a bit carried away and dug the tunnel a little bit too far but up here is a way to the surface and uh just the place that i'm looking for hold on a second a wandering trader this is different another one because i killed the last one you have nothing useful again you really do disappoint me stupid trader i really need an oak sapling and some sugar cane now let's stick this guy in a boat steal a bed and take him to his new home i've now reached the spot let's jump out the boat and break it place down a bed for you good where are you going i'm sorry sir but you live over that way now well if you're not gonna sleep with this bed i will now that you're well and truly trapped there i'm going up to the surface i always take these guys out with the hope of getting sugar and i never seem to get it i'm going to grab a lick turn for that poor villager up there and now i'm pretty sure that i am ready to do a raid and that it is actually going to work this time we go like this and fly up very very high and then slowly float our way down and then i need to take out a pillager captain and armed with this effect if i head in this direction i should come across the place that my villager is being kept which is right here but it's not triggered a raid because this stupid guy isn't accepting his bed maybe if i give him a lecture and that'll help him change his mind it did okay i didn't know something that would work all right time to get serious ladies and gentlemen the raid needs blocks to spawn on at the surface and these grass blocks yeah look at this it is finally working this is definitely like no raid i've ever done before it's almost like doing it on a super flat let's keep taking these guys out i realized that i have a very bad bow by the way these guys will drop me emerald which is very nice indeed and he knows the way look at you trying to sneak down that hole don't you go down there i can't afford to let anything happen to that villager and there's the big boy ravager thankfully he doesn't really notice where to run and he was very easy to take out he all seemed to know that the villager is kind of down the hall but thankfully they can actually get through it give me villager you're not using that bed so i might as well and i'm gonna try and get out of here yeah this is a little bit of a painful expert all right that somehow worked i don't know how and the raiders are ready i'm waiting tell you what i couldn't get sugar before but this is a great opportunity too so only one of these guys is gonna drop something no you are the last one my last chance come on no sugar at all but i came here for something much better than sugar i actually got some from that i think i got a witch before it actually dropped the one time i'm not commentating over it yeah we get it perfect i've got to be a little bit careful here because we are low oh my goodness i'm very low whoa i just realized i don't have a ton tomatoes so i have to be a little bit more careful they can get out of that hole look at them here with the spectral arrow i like that a lot both of them are now on fire i can hit them both and this guy's dropped me what i want the totem of undying finally we got one and hopefully we get the chance to get a few more now i keep going straight for my villager totem number two just you left i'd love to get a bit more sugar oh we did this time and now for the tough one the double ravager raid likes just going on the sword on the ravage sometimes it does pack a bit more of a punch there we go he's taken out you've lost everything shut this crossbow away get a totem very nice indeed let's get rid of all of you now i'm not sure if there's another wave after these guys but that's another two totems let's get rid of you and we did it we got hero of the village just need to get rid of these stupid effects well this guy's got a fire aspect thing and i can't put myself out all my goods better be careful next is one of the hardest mobs in the game but now this guy should be giving me some free gifts take your time mate i'll be waiting he threw me a book was that really worth waiting for you know what mate you keep that you're a librarian you need it more than me let's get rid of this skeleton and now that i have totems a hardcore is going to become a lot less stressful also guys we're getting closer and closer to 2 million subscribers so if you're new and enjoy my videos please subscribe hi fellas you won't know this but i i saved the village yeah your friend that i took away from you he's now in a brand new village living by himself that's where totem can go in the underchest and the rest of this loot can nicely go in here i've never smelted raw iron before but i think it works like normal yep as you can see it just gives you iron ingots i've got good news guys more emeralds and more stone after that i've decided that my boat is useless and i need to upgrade it in fact i'm just going to craft an entirely new one oh man all the villagers are throwing me stuff because i still have hero of the village and it works in other villages that's it give me all the free loot i really don't need half of this stuff but give it to me anyway this cartographer gave me paper you know that's really nice i think my biggest problem is a real lack of villagers so i'm gonna place down more beds and then i will give them more bread and look at the discounts i'm getting on the stone this really is free money and now i have two pieces of paper you know if i got together enough cartographers and then obtained hero of the village all my paper problems could be solved i also think clay's a new block that i haven't been able to get before by the way this chest will now be known as the hero of the village chest and isn't that great looks like we've got some more babies on the way and i will use them to get the perfect bow good to see the iron farm still bringing in great returns i'm at a point where i have three and a half stacks of iron blocks i probably need to get a treasure shulker box i guess this shulker box is kind of empty i'm gonna grab some orange dye making an orange shulker box and start adding all my treasures into it next i'm gonna head to the nether and there i plan to hunt for gusts and when you've got a light show that's extremely easy this will be my last target i feel like i'm not gonna get the loot uh we didn't but three gas tiers is enough for me and if i grab myself some blaze rods some ender pearls make eyes of ender that lets me craft four n crystals thankfully i had a couple of spare gas tiers in that chest now my plan is to head back to the surface and then track down a new stronghold according to my calculations the stronghold is pretty much right here so i just need to find a way to get below the bedrock on this grass path this looks like it'll work if i just like fly down with my lighter yeah we can fit down that gap perfect and now i've just got to dig down a long long way look at that straight in and straight to the portal room too you can't get much better than that although i'm one eye vendor shot so maybe you can get better than that i take it back the bug case room is only over there and that's what i'm mainly looking for now give me all the paper already 19 pieces makes this very worthwhile if nothing else i've been finding a lot of apples in this stronghold very good news in this chest i have found an ender pearl which means i can make a final eye of ender i found another one here as well one to spare and finally the place i'm looking for the bookcase room which has those all-important pieces of paper from the stronghold 49 pieces which is pretty insane now i have to somehow find my way back to the portal it should be pretty easy i found this bookcase room all i know is it's somewhere up there i'm going to risk it and just fly up because i can't bother to build alrighty let's head through and to the end we go and this is where i would like to rebirth the ender dragon because they know you guys that accidentally didn't do that one in the center but all the other ones are because i really hope it does and now it's time to destroy these towers i just realized i've been standing on the ground like a peasant when i can literally fly and shoot them that way which is just ten times better i can even come over here and get it from a distance very nice this is the only tower remaining can i do that oh i can do that let's get this dragon i could also pick up the dragon's breath all the way i got very weak though i better be careful probably safer to collect dragon's breath from down here right i think we've got enough let's start taking him out now this power three bow can be put to good use let's grab myself some more dragon's breath now we have got 15 bottles we can sneak right here and get a little bit more health off him oh my goodness what's going on i just used a totem wait did he he's like he he flew into me and and killed me nearly all right well we're still alive i've got plenty more totems as well thankfully i was going to blow him up with the bed but now i think it's just time to get the job done i'm going to stay crouched very careful there we go job done is it sad that you get barely xp compared to the other fight the main thing about this is a new gateway so do you have to walk you know what i'm leaving and because i used a bed in the stronghold and then broke it i've got to make my way home but as i was saying a new end gateway is opened which is an opportunity to get new end cities which is great because i feel like i'm starting to run low on shulker boxes what i will do here is drop off all the precious goods grab more gunpowder so i can make more firework rockets and since we do have new villagers i was hoping to get a power five bow but it seems we've already all taken job site blocks so i'm gonna do things the old fashioned way with an enchantment table i'm breaking and power four very nice indeed this one's also powerful you know what this is a very nice bow as well this anvil can go there and we can start putting these bows together i've gone through a lot of levels but i finally got flame which means this bow is almost maxed other than punch one i've come this far i might as well max it out i've used so many levels to do that but totally worth it and i didn't need any of you guys at all i've also realized a great way to get rabbits hide and that is by using cats you see no rabbits seem to spawn anywhere in this world but every morning cats will bring you a gift and it's possible for that gift to be a rabbit's hide and with six of them you can get bundles which are very very useful but for now little kitty cat you're going to be called scrub it was an idea in the comments and i just thought it was funny the sun is now going down let's go to sleep and see if we get a gift from my cat i'm going to insist you go and make me proud don't just sit on the bed like that let's see what did you give me you gave me some chicken all right thanks scrub i guess there's a reason your name is scrub i'm sorry that wasn't very nice of me i'm going to put this in the oven that'll be lovely fatigue be like for the sake of my sanity i need to get more cats otherwise it's going to take me forever to get a bundle and now we're off to an end city to get more shulker shells end city number one has been spotted let's first grab the dragon head and i'd like to shoot the shulker but i've just realized i completely forgot to bring any arrows just a very small oversight to my plan looks like we're taking him out with the sword today there's not really any loot here that particularly interests me it's mainly all about the shulker shells and we can get quite a lot of them quite fast i don't know why there's loads of shulkers in really weird places that they never normally spawn they're on the sides of buildings and everything it could even be a change in 1.17 because there's never normally this many the best thing about the end cities is i always get three ender chests like three shulkers down here is just unheard of in fact there's more there's some over there where are they all coming from i mean i'm not complaining i need shunka shells already i've got 18 i probably don't need that many more there's only so many things that you can store in a shulker box i reckon these beetroot seeds should be taken because they're kind of a rare item i'm at a stage where mending gear not interesting but ender chess brilliant let's get rid of you perfect and finally i'm going to get rid of this guy and now i have 22 shortcut shells i'm getting out of it and here we have an n gateway i can gracefully float into there and collect more xp at my enderman farm it's nice to at least be back at 50 levels next on my agenda i'd like to find some axolotls found diamonds but still no axolotl here we go there's quite a few over here let's grab this yellow guys if i yeah look at that we've got a bucket of axolotls when they're killing the glow squids wait is that is that what i think it is ink sucking i didn't even have to kill him for it yeah look at this the glow squid yeah i'm definitely so happy that the community voted for this well it started as a meme it's kind of worked out well it doesn't have much use other than the fact that if you kill them you get that glow ink sack and then if i make a sign let's put it right here sb's house and if i get the glow ink sack why is it not glowing that i thought it was meant to make it glow take two with an oak sign i mean maybe it's glowing but maybe you just can't tell because it's light at the moment if this item frame doesn't properly glow i'm not going to be happy out with the old one and in with the new i mean it it it doesn't look like it's glowing i guess that's because it's light but the color is different i like that let's make another glowing item frame and change this to instead be like that perfect it is also quite nice to be able to grow some bee root i also feel like i've got way too many wheat seeds and then a load of them can just be choked away something i definitely want to do in my house now is build an axolotl tank i think it'd be quite nice to have the floor as all amethyst blocks also it's dark which means i can get another present from my cat although once again chicken look i appreciate the chicken but at the same time i don't want chicken maybe we could try and use this cow kite for the build as well feel like kalkai will be boring i'm going to try and find something better i reckon some nice coloured wool could be the way to go some nice orange wool along the sides these beams can be dark blue wool and the roof light blue once again these sheep have eaten all the grass down it something's got to be done i need to head to the nether and start collecting more wood this may seem like a stupid idea but what if you put an axolotl in the nether i'm just kidding i wouldn't do that that's like instant murder another night sleeping you are an amazing cat scrub i'm sorry of all the horrible thing you know what this chicken i will uh i will eat it in honour of you but we got our first rabbit hide oh that that doesn't mean you get to come with me for the day though you you're still staying there now i'm going to craft a load of fences when i say a load i mean definitely a load we should also get a bunch of gates that should be perfect what on earth are you doing you can't just come around here with your fancy invisibility post that's well that worked didn't it the next plan is to flatten out a massive area this should be a big enough area so let's get placing fences and this to me is definitely gonna be big enough now comes the fun part of trying to successfully get all these sheep to come into here you know what it's it's actually very easy we have a problem though that there is a cow in the sheep pen but he'll just have to stay here now let's put this pig on a lead and i can also do the same with the cow get out the way cow pigs first then you second so this is the non-sheep side and this is the sheep side and now i can finally get rid of this dirt monstrosity i now have no idea what i do with my axe and my guys i'm stupid it's in the other end it's like looking for your glasses and they're actually on your head it was definitely not me just being incredibly stupid i need another few pieces of light blue wool and this will be done might as well buy some glass as well while i can i also quite like the idea of adding some hanging bells the place is really starting to come together and with that i can now complete the roof and let's now start putting glass along here i've also been really careful i don't flood the entire downstairs and now i'm going to start adding the water and as it's all filled in i want to go and get a few more axolotls i have five buckets in total so let's get five of them let's grab these down here yeah they've all sorts of random colors aren't they i do think it's great that you can put them in a bucket five axolotls let's get them in the tank okay well that's a big boiler there's a couple of small ones and then there's like three giant ones seem a bit out don't die no no no getting black in double no no no what are you doing you crazy crazy i think it's best that i make a few adjustments to the roof which means i have to share even more sheep and now the axolotl tank is finished with the improvements i did breathing holes at the top so they wouldn't suffocate although it could do it like sea grass or something i can definitely come down here and grab a bit of kelp which will look good so if i bone mail this oh look at it it actually worked i didn't think that would happen so a bit of bone meal over there i can't get cool stuff like coral unless the wandering trader sells it to me sea grass and a bit of kelp is the best that i can do and my axle tank is now officially finished i don't know if they'll be spawned but i really hope not and here we have another cat if i can go and get some fish then i can use it to get closer to getting rabbits hide let's see one fish one chance come on oh my goodness i don't think one fish would actually tell me you are a special cat for that your name shall be one fish wonder because you were quite literally a one fish wonder you can now join scrub in living in my bedroom yeah i really like that but i think to make it proper there definitely needs to be a fish tank there at some point as well i just realized i did get coral should we yeah let's use it why not i'll place a piece in this corner can you boom it okay no you can't really bone me to get anything extra but we don't want to use too many pieces because this is rare stuff but i don't know let's let's use four pieces in total the tank is definitely coming to life i'm not sure maybe i've got too much coral in there i might reduce it but now the sun is going down so i can get some sleep and see if my cats give me more rabbit hide let's see what we got we got a feather did you give me anything one fish wonder because if you didn't that's that's very disappointing maybe they need to come and sleep on the bed with you to get it maybe i don't know all i know is that scrub is my most reliable cat i realize that this boat is also completely useless so goodbye bow you will be just spawning and if i want to build another axle tank later i'm going to need more wool let's also move this chip oh my goodness i didn't realize there was that much in it as i was saying let's move this chest down here we should probably make it into a double chest perfect now let's start adding stuff in and this night has just gone one cat gave me rotten flesh well nobody wants that you sit down but i got another rabbit hide so let's put that in here we're slowly building up a collection and i feel like it is now time to get another wandering trader because i really want to make progress but i feel like in order to do that i'm gonna need either sugarcane or oak saplings and finally ladies and gentlemen after 10 days of waiting we have got this fella right here he's the second one that i've got i did get another one earlier but i uh i did something to get rid of him but very thankfully this guy is offering sand and sugarcane two items i cannot get i'm gonna delve into me on the chest i've got a shulker box right here with lots of emerald blocks all the emeralds that i am possibly gonna need are right here i'm telling you sir it is a good day for you look at a stack of sand that's brilliant how much sugar cane can we get 12 that is good enough for me might as well buy the coral the puffer fish i mean i don't really need purple dye or glowstone i can just make those so pleasure doing business with you sir and now he's going to wander off into the sunset and thanks to finding that it actually lets me do two very useful things the obvious first thing is that i can now grow sugar cane but if i take out a few creepers and thankfully there's loads of them around here i can also use my sand to craft tnt you'll have to wait and see what i want to use that for i know i have infinite paper i can fly around without worrying too much because before fireworks are a very precious thing i'm kind of tired of hunting down creepers now but i have got 48 gunpowder if i could make a gunpowder farm this episode it would be amazing and now that i have unlimited sugar some of you guys are going to be getting infected we seem to have a bit of an egg overload here i'm going to take this spare paper create more firework rockets do a little bit of brewing and then i can head to the nether then i can head to this nether fortress drink some fire resistance and start collecting wither skulls and that's the first with the school it's super weird how if you anger pigmen it spawns zombies in the desert i think it's a bug but it's kind of crazy oh we got another school nice another one okay that's the final weather school and now it's time to head back home now this is where all those shulker shells are to come in handy she'll also pop together to get more wood now the deforestation really is a major problem and then i can make some chests turn them into shulker boxes make them into white ones because i feel like it and then load them up with eggs and now these are all completely full of eggs and then i need to get some potions of poison and then we're gonna head to the end place down the four soul sand and only two of the wither skulls panel and then i want to corner off a bit of this area and get busy throwing eggs honestly this is gonna take a lot longer than i anticipated why do i find it funny to throw eggs at all the chickens to make them run around i'm probably just slightly evil look at this i can open the shulker boxes and all the chickens get thrown into the it's the little things in life say what by the time i'm done all these chickens are going to be grown up i mean look at it it's absolutely out of hand how am i supposed to get to the rest of these eggs with you guys all over the place and finally i have thrown every single leg that was 1 700 of them oh no i actually made a hole they're all filtering out no i need to get back here you guys oh no they're all getting out here as well chickens stop i'm on the chicken disaster get back down here right now i guess that's just a classic example of survival of the fittest now i'm going to place that with a skull in there get in the corner you know don't worry guys this is this is going to be all right well all right for me anyway as soon as this guy blows up we get loads of with the roses and it's a very easy with a kill as well there we go get the nether star you can live down here little fella oh my goodness loads of them got taken out up here as well two and a half stacks of wither roses is not bad a few chickens now live in the end they could be called ender chickens but i have to say that's all's well that ends well but it didn't end well for all the chickens the sugar cane is steadily growing away let's plant more of this around the edge and i hereby call this the sugarcane chest now let's do some sheep snipping and now i can begin work on the other water tank and that is the floor finished and that is the walls done and finally the roof as well so next i'm going to add in all this gloss and start getting the water down now i'm going to grab more coral some bone mail and also these puffer fish there's no point having two ax lotto tanks and these axles will kill anything that's in the tank with them so i might as well take the opportunity to make this one a fish tank and so far i've only been able to get puffer fish from the wandering trader and there's not really any other way to get fish than that i'm going to be quick for this next bit i do not want oh no i messed it up already i didn't say i don't get poisoned by these guys but i think it's just an inevitability i'll just i'll just take it all right cool little puffer fish hopefully they don't swim out let's block up this hole and there you have it a little pufferfish tank somehow i feel like the oxoloths look a lot cooler so this little bit of sugarcane farming here is is good and all but we need to make something much more efficient but to do that we're going to need a lot of pistons i've only got one i've only got 21 redstone we're gonna need to mine for more thankfully like everything redstone is extremely easy to find you just go for a swim and you're sorted might as well grab a few diamonds while i'm down here too i've now got four and a half stacks that should be enough we're also gonna need cobblestone which isn't that hard to get and you know me i've already got loads and loads of iron and plenty of wood with that i'm gonna make a load of pistons you know what that should be a good amount actually i want more which means collecting more cobblestone and now i have 64 pistons that should be enough although i do still need more cobblestone and i can craft 64 observers which i've still got loads of spare redstone let's also craft a load of rails i've got hoppers and chests i think i'm ready to build this actually hold on better don't forget the sugarcane that's kind of a crucial part of the plant the smartest place for me to build this is going to be by the iron golem farm because then it'll be in the spawn chunks so it will always be working even if i'm not nearby managed to chisel out this whole area it's not quite working as intended just yet since creepers are spawning i'm placing a torch underneath the powered rails and with them being down here it won't conflict with any of the other redstone and now the rails on both sides are complete let's add dirt in over the top there's going to be hoppers along here and these will pick up sugarcane as they go past the chest system is now complete i just want to get some glass to finish it off and if i want more glass i'm going to have to buy it from this fella they also need a bit of extra dirt as well and the plan is for the glass to go all the way along here and then over this chest system as well and next i'm going to add loads of water all the way along it doesn't even need to all be water source blocks i can just do something like this and the redstone part of this is pretty basic we're just going to have redstone all the way along this edge here and then we're going to place observers along this way so that they're all facing into where the sugarcane will be and i need to make sure that there are blocks behind all these observers and finally i can add in the pistons and the reason i need the blocks behind the observers is that now when i place this when a sugarcane grows and it grows to that height the only piston that extends is the one that needs to as you can see in my other 100 days world every single piston would extend and that is a lot less efficient just because of the way that sugarcane growth works now i'm going to add some hopper mine carts and they are going backwards and forwards also my sister refuses to move off camera so she's just sat there in the background and she's got a message for you all i am not going subscribe i'm also going to collect a load of glowstone and finally i'm going to add glowstone behind the sugarcane i'm going to add ladders here so i can get in and out and this right here is a complete design floor so i'm going to need to head back home realize i've not got enough redstone so mine some more up right here graph two redstone blocks and instead place those at the end of the line and now this hopper is working as it should for some reason i have to move the redstone block from here and instead place it right there with all the sugarcane i have now planted all that's left to do is place glass in the way and now this is going to be constantly working away in the background so whilst i leave that to get me loads of sugarcane i'm gonna try and get another wandering trader although this guy's still here must have been an unloaded chunk some showman but you've gotta go i need a new one for sure let's box myself in and yeah i'll uh i'll wait till one appears three hours later guys i have to wait a long time for this but we got another wandering trader and this guy he's the real deal okay rooted dirt i don't know what that was and a birch sapling that is exactly what we need either a birch sapling or an oak sapling would have done it but thankfully this guy has pulled through so we've got eight of those saplings we might as well buy the slime balls they're gonna be kind of useful tropical fish i'm gonna buy that rooted dirt i didn't even know that was in the game you know what white tulips as well i don't need yellow dye because we've got loads of stuff and now i don't like doing this bit but i have no choice definitely didn't just murder somebody and i'm very excited to see how the sugarcane farm is doing no why not the only thing i can think of is that this is in the spawn chunks but maybe this is just out of it i am so stupid sometimes well i guess we'll come back to this when we have to afk here my papa fish is still alive and well so let's add some tropical fish as well to this tank now hopefully the puffer fish don't hurt them in any way looks to me like they're all living together in harmony let's add all these white tulips along here and apparently if you bone meal rooted dirt like this look at that it grows roots below it i don't know yeah it's kind of a cool use i suppose it really gives the place that underground feel doesn't it let's grab loads more bones and i'm going to do this next bit above the sugarcane farm so it can at least be growing in the background so if we bonemail these trees eventually there is a chance of getting a bee's nest although i think it needs flowers around it for it to work couldn't really be more flowers around you could there well we didn't get one there could keep picking up flowers like a peasant but i've had a way better idea i can use the poppies from the iron farm also the sugarcane is now growing if that's not enough flowers to get a bee's nest i don't know what is after trying another four trees mission unsuccessful apparently only needs to be close to one flower so i don't really need all those well look at that it worked my first ever bees look at you i have some flowers that's it you know nothing's too much trouble another one this is great i can breed them as well yes there you go and we've got a baby bee it's beginning guys it's starting there's a 1 in 20 chance for it to have a beehive so i'm gonna try and get another one oh dude we got another one there we go perfect i never thought i'd get excited over growing trees in minecraft so i can breed these bees as well and i need to collect up the saplings since they're in quite short supply it looks as though the first batch of honey is ready if i go ahead and grab some coal and then craft a few campfires they can go underneath and i just need to get some glass bottles let's grab that glass craft some glass bottles i was about to say harvest the honey but apparently i can't uh place a campfire underneath very well and now we can harvest the honey you're not going to get angry be our guest very good stuff if we eat this that is uh for the first time me in honey and we can also breed some more bees i have no idea if there's actually any bees inside here but if i pick it up with salt touch it will tell me apparently it's empty i don't know where those bees wandered off to but that bees looking for a new home let's put it right there where's it going it's actually flying away if you ask me this is just a great beer rescue that's your home up there okay go and go and live over there what on earth wait did you shoot the bee and he stung you and now that bee's gonna die oh my goodness i rescue you and these are your dying moments this is a very very sad day you stupid skeletons and there he goes what a sad sad you know what i have a flower in your honor now let's see if things have picked up at the sugarcane farm most of them have grown to be too high and it's working sugarcane is filtering through turn that into paper and then that into firework rockets now in order to take things to the next level we're going to need to build a honey farm which means collecting more redstone i'm actually find it easier to find diamonds than redstone when you see diamonds you've just got to grab them now i can craft a load of comparators some dispensers and i'll bring some spare redstone just in case i need it further down the line right here is spawn i can't believe i didn't build the sugarcane in spawn chunks because it's still very very close i'm guessing i was only just out of range but this time i definitely won't be so the place to have the beehive here and then the dispenser above it and when the beehive fills up the dispenser will extract the honey there is probably an easier way using observer blocks but i think this will work too so the redstone is pretty simple the comparator comes out of there and then we're just going to stick a repeater on top of here and that will activate the dispenser when this is full the dispenser is full of bottles so if we go like that and then we put another one through and we have a honey bottle but in order to make it work properly it needs to be filled with normal bottles so that when it creates a honey bottle the honey bottle will come down into a hopper here i don't know if it sounds complicated but it shouldn't be too hard in order to make more beehives i'm going to need honeycomb and now all the redstone is complete for eight of these so i need to get more bees nests which means using me bone meal and getting on with it i should probably get around to adding some hoppers as you can see the first of my honey bottles has come from this automatic system and thankfully i have lots of iron so hoppers are very easy to make so the hoppers are going to be brought along here and nicely fill up this chest and in these gaps in between i want to add birch wood we'll have hoppers going into each dispenser oh this poor little fella doesn't have a home i don't think there's not enough space for him don't you worry little fella we'll get you a nice new home right about there that that's where you live okay he didn't go in there i think he ended up going in the beehive anyway just got an advancement total b location oh we got a honey bottle as well very nice indeed i think it'd be better if we have it every other one they like alternate the types of beehives and now it's back to trying to get bees nests and this honey farm is pretty much done now i just want to add some glass panes along here all i need to do now is buy loads of glass so i can get more glass bottles with all that i can craft three stacks of glass bottles but i want more i'm just pleased to say that the sugarcane is now growing nicely so i might as well get more of it planted i've also dug a tunnel from here that goes all the way up to the honey farm just need to craft some ladders and add them to the bottom these dispensers are now all very well stocked with bottles as you can see we've got plenty of honeycomb and honey bottles if i craft these all into honey blocks then that is eight already i do need a few more still which will allow me to do my next project so i'm gonna leave that to keep reading the background hopefully because it's near spawn it will do and this honeycomb is going to be very useful because this house has been here for a long time the copper has gone to this turquoisey greeny color if i use my axe on them look at that we can revert them to as good as new which i just found out now as possible on the wiki and if i put honeycomb on it it will no longer fade that is one of the main reasons why i wanted bees it just looks brand new again and i'll show you the other reason why i wanted bees a little bit later you'll also find out why i wanted all those wither roses but first of all i think it's time i added something else to my house and that is a room for my enchantment table which means i'm gonna have to mine up all these bookcases with my silk touch and there we go the new enchantment room okay i should probably make it look at least a little bit better and now this room is completely finished i think it looks alright and i'm gonna spend more time collecting up xp and i've now reached 125 levels let's get out of here and now i can start gathering materials for my next project and as part of the build i'm going to need loads more redstone and thankfully there is loads over here and i'm aiming to get 25 redstone blocks worth i have to say the waters look so much nicer with these glow squid i feel like all this redstone should be enough and from that we actually got a stack of redstone blocks i do need 3600 blocks let's see how many we've got we're currently up to 17 it's working quite well to be honest and i can always breed more bees and now i'm on a mission to collect more gold i've also just realized that i can now use my fortune pickaxe to get even more gold i think it pretty much just doubled the amount that i would have got and thanks to that i can craft some powered rails and my precious slime balls are going to be used for sticky pistons i've also just realized that i need over 37 stacks of magma for this farm so i'd better get busy with mining that is the first shulker box completely filled i just need about another six stacks and i now have more than enough magma i still need another 11 honey blocks but i'm gonna get started on the build and then come back for the rest i'm to start by heading up above the nether then i'm going to grab an ender pearl and then throw it right about there and then come up above another and now that we have tnt we can break this block this might take a few attempts but let's go like that and then spam on plastic placing the piston okay didn't work first time here we go for take two still didn't work and that time i did it okay there we go i uh i wasn't sure if i managed it but all right i broke the wrong piece of bedrock i actually got the right block but it turns out it was too deep some you have to try and like break that one as well she's gonna use a lot more tnt than i was intending i've managed to break these three pieces the last one is right here let's just go like this and let's see if it actually works i think it did you know would you look at that so now i can go down one and break this piece i went from breaking zero bedrock to breaking about five pieces of bedrock and this piece has also now been broken all right now we can get up and up and down from the nether my next goal is to find a nearby soul sun valley in fact there is a very nearby saw sun valley and here we are in that valley above the nether if you didn't realize we're going to be building a gust farm i'll leave a tutorial link down in the description and right here is where we're going to make a nice little hopper collection system and now i need to place down a lot of rails and now that i've reached the end if i go and break this rail place another one there that's how it's going to look i mean hopefully minecart should go around there absolutely no problem now i'm going to add slabs all the way along here now i've created a nice border around this entire area let's go up four blocks here and place slabs above these magma blocks and this is just going to be a roof so the gas can't fly away my bees are still working very hard we're now up to 30 honey blocks six more to go and now the roof is completely finished and now it is time to build the flying machine so on the side of this slab i'm going to place nine honey blocks and the reason honey blocks are better is because skeletons can't spawn on them but they can spawn on slime and due to my b's not working hard enough i still need six more honey blocks so let's try and get them come on you lazy creatures get on with it feel like we have more bees than we have space in beehives so i'm gonna make a couple more and then the bees could just live in there look at that it's working they're all going in might as well breed even more we can now get a couple more blocks i'm just gonna keep going back every morning until i have the rest of the blocks i need so for now it's back to building since another day is beginning i'm here to check on my bees and up to eight bottles looks like it's kind of working we've uh we've already got a gas that spawned oh my goodness i actually that's kind of a good thing that you stopped that because the other one's just flying away stop please thank you yeah i shouldn't have flicked that leaf until i built the other side now i can add my wither roses along here and before i rebuild my flying machines i'm going to collect the last bits of honey that i need i'm still one block short but we'll be able to get that very easily and now take two on the flying machines is nearly complete might as well get an achievement while i'm at it as well a sticky situation with these observers this bit is now complete and for the final step i'm going to drink some fire resistance grab a load of magma and get placing i've just realized that the fire resistance is completely useless you know sites like that just scare me a gas just chilling over there and now this platform is completely finished that's a lot of magnet i don't want that guy to see me now i want to head back home and get that final honey block look at that the honey bottles are ready and waiting for me let's craft it this honey farm is now completely obsolete all your work guys you're free to do what you want let's place that right there set off the hopper minecart going around and now we need to build up 125 blocks hopefully without this gas shooting me we're all right and now that we're at the correct height we're going to build 25 blocks along this is my afk platform now we just need to set off the flying machines oh my goodness the gas have been shooting me in already they've broken some of my magma no are you kidding me this is gonna be a nightmare right it's a better plan we're gonna fly away and then fly back and hope that they're just all despawn there's just one ghast up here but i can get rid of you hopefully no more spawning just while i get everything working let's start the flying machines they're going to keep moving they did destroy my only piece of soul sand but i think for now a wither rose on netherrack will hopefully work i'm sure i've got enough time to quickly mine up some more oh no oh dear oh dear why why are the flying machines not moving again let's carefully break that grab what we can place it with the rose on top drop down he didn't see me and if i repair this everything should be sorted i have now created a completely safe way to get up to the lever set it off on the one of the max is actually gone what if i go like i did did that one just get oh something's broken oh no i've made all of the repairs and i think if i play some obsidian there yeah it should set off now the machines have stopped because i flicked this lever if i set it off they should all be going and it should pick up the gas okay it looks like it's happening and now the with the roses are taking out the gas it's actually working it sounds absolutely awful but it is picking up gunpowder and gas tiers and now i can fly to my afk area and get loads of gunpowder and gas tiers it's now been about three minutes i'm just gonna fly down here hopefully i don't get spotted by the gusts as you can see it's giving me a decent amount of gunpowder it's not a crazy fast one as fast as a creeper farm but in this world it's the best gunpowder farm that i can do and when i use it with my sugarcane farm i can get lots and lots of firework rockets it's quite unlikely that i will do a 400 days because i feel like i've kind of run out of things to do in this world it's brought some great challenges and i've really enjoyed working out how to get past them but i'll just be repeating my other series if i kept it going but if you really wanted to stay 250 000 likes in this video and i'll think about it but day 300 is over thanks so much for watching that was 300 days in a cave-only world in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 2,215,456
Rating: 4.9678078 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, cave only world, cave world, cave, 1.17, caves and cliffs, 200 days, 200 days in minecraft hard mode
Id: 2Mv4BvXMyIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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