Minecraft, But There Are Custom Crafts...

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today i added a bunch of new custom crafts to minecraft's 1.17 update oh my god what i'm just going to go in just bro wait what can we beat this new minecraft update with the custom items watch out the end to find out let's do this gamers and oh my god dude no way we actually spawned right inside bro it wasn't happening for the longest time and now we're actually spawning near villages please minecraft why i thought these things were supposed to be rare man anyways gamers in today's video we have a bunch of custom crafts and not only that we're actually playing on the newest update and hold up let's get some wood right there i don't know why i always twerk when i get wood but just don't ask any questions and oh my god is that a pillager thing over there and hold up oh my goodness bruh we're not just in 1.17 we're already in 1.18 look at the caves bro this is so sick and we can get copper oh my goodness there's so many new oars guys that we can craft a bunch of stuff from from custom weapons to new custom armor but i'm pretty sure we need iron first so hold up let's make crafting table boom boom boom poop pickaxe bam and let's get ourselves some wood did i just call hay bale wood bruh i meant food okay i think we should be good with this amount for now there you go we're the bald man at oh wait no way hold up oh oh my goodness wait we already get another pickaxe we have two iron pickaxes some more bread obsidian an apple and some pit bro this is nuts oh my god we got so lucky i was gonna say we need to fight oh there he is the bald man but honestly we don't even need to i mean just because we don't need to doesn't mean i won't and okay behind me sorry bold man i like your cut g all right there you go okay we got five more iron let's go dude i can't believe we actually already got an iron pickaxe that was the easiest thing ever which is actually perfect because now okay no we don't want to go into this stupid cave look at the difference bro look at this normy looking cave actually it kind of looks cool down there and hold on a second i'm gonna collect this apple because gamers we're gonna be able to make some custom apples in today's video as well i'm telling you gamers it's about to be insane but hold up bro and then look at this cave look at this cave entrance it's just so beautiful and hold on okay let's go and collect this copper ore oh my dude this is literally the first time that i'm playing the newest 1.17 update with the additions of the 1.18 caves and oh my god wait a second we got some more copper over here bro let's go look at all of this moss and oh we got some coal right here i nearly didn't recognize it because of the new freaking textures and we got some more right here as well oh my goodness bro this is insane okay so let's go ahead and let's make ourselves a furnace boom bam bam there you go so we're gonna start smelling the raw copper and you guys are gonna see why this is gonna be insane now hold on let's get some of this new coal mine and there you go okay oh my god okay perfect we already have three copper okay so with this three copper guys let's go ahead and yes you already know boys but bionic you can't make a carpet big act it's impossible shut up nothing's impossible boom copper pickaxe baby which i think is actually slightly better than the iron so easy upgrade hold on wait let's see what mine's quicker so this is how cobblestone is mined with iron and now let's switch to copper and okay wait no dude this is way quicker right like am i tripping or no yeah no i genuinely think this is slightly quicker if i switch to my iron okay no no no i can actually tell and okay hold on with this whoa whoa whoa whoa man what you doing bro let's get this new copper what we can do is oh my goodness yes boom now we have a copper sword there you go easy bro oh my god it looks so lit anyway we already have iron pants so let's make some more pantalone wait we don't need more pantalones what i could use is come on come on give me one more copper yes let's make ourselves a chest plate oh my god there you go boys oh my goodness dude we look so awesome bro imagine a rust just like the oh dude that would be so cool like imagine our chest plate literally just turns blue oh my god wait what happens if our if our pickaxes turn blue does it get stronger or weaker i don't even know and then hold on okay there we go we still have eight more copper so let's go and make boots there you go boom and ha oh wait wait there you go now we can make a helmet there you go let's go dude we're literally full copper armor we look so sick so right off the bat though it doesn't look like our copper armor is as strong as iron which is kind of interesting oh speaking of iron we just found some right here give me that oh my goodness dude i'm still not used to seeing the raw iron that is so weird to me like this video is super custom and modded but with the new updates it honestly just looks like i'm playing like an entire different mod packet oh my god wait hold on a second we just found we just found a zombie spawner okay hold up let me just kill this nerd please have what i need yes oh my goodness we got a golden apple and a saddle and a bucket okay i'm gonna mine this stupid thing there you go and dude what wait wait we can get berries from the oh dude i totally did not know that can i eat it oh do i what do i do with these berries okay i have no idea but i'm gonna keep picking them these caves are so cool bro there's just so much random stuff i don't know why they delayed the cave update bro like look at this this is so awesome this needs to be in real minecraft and oh god okay so many mobs no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness bro wait it just unlocked another part of the cave let's go we gotta be very careful wait a second hold up gamers we're now below oh my goodness look at this wait this is the new cobblestone right yeah cobble deeps like what the nuts that is so weird wait what is this block oh i'm so confused like this is tough wait what can you do with tough i don't even know what you do with it i'm so confused but this is so sick and oh my goodness yes we found some lapis boys some of the lapis is inside of the deep slate cobble thing i still don't know what to call it i'm gonna call it dark cobblestone leave me alone zombie okay there you go we have yet to find amethyst which is something that i really really need we have to keep our eyes peeled boys although i'm kind of scared to keep going but hold on before we keep going first let's get boom water bucket and oh my goodness we have 25 lapis boys if i go and do this with the lapis in the new 1.7 oh my goodness lapis armor has been added well not quite but kind of at the same time honestly i'm going to ditch the copper armor and oh my god this looks so sick boom so we have less armor but oh my god we get infinite luck effect which is kind of cool i mean honestly sometimes i don't even know what luck does hold on wait wait what if i just replace the armor though is it gonna it hasn't gotten rid of the oh my goodness we yeah yeah yeah we're good wait we still have the luck effect that is so overpowered boys honestly guys i'm so scared of oh yes this is gold gold gold let's get the gold there you go oh my god raw gold that's so weird i'm honestly so scared to be inside of these caves though we found some redstone which is pretty sick pretty sure i can craft more stuff with redstone which is pog um i'm scared the caves are so much more intimidating okay that's a dead end hold on i almost missed this freaking lapis up here finding diamonds is gonna be so interesting as well hold up i almost missed some redstone right here yo okay perfect we have 28 redstone if i put my crafting table down though i should be able to oh my goodness redstone chest plate no way bro if i take this armor off put it on look at that the redstone isn't lit up now hold on a second i bet you guys if we get a redstone torch what if we put it right there right what if i start touching the okay wait no work uh huh hold up if we make a redstone block maybe this will work i have a theory and i don't know if oh my goodness yo wait what look how sick that looks oh my god dude these custom crafts are so insane how overpowered wait what can we do with this though if the redstone armor gets lit and unlit while it's lit what can we do like what do we have strength wait what and then what if i get off of it oh my god it disappeared literally disappeared we're on it we have it we're off it we no longer have it oh my god hold on a second there's some zombies here what if i stand on this and oh what i just once shot him with my strength oh my goodness wait is redstone armor like the new overpowered armor it's so weak we only have three and a half armor bars yet i can one shot anything hold up hold up hold up i need to stand on here no the skeleton come here nerd oh my goodness no no no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die no no no no no bro we are so much weaker with our not lit up redstone armor bra i literally almost died right there so we gotta be very careful honestly bro this is the new meta redstone armor with a block of redstone under you hold on let's make a copper axe holy crap it's actually pretty strong i think it's just as good as iron if not a little bit better boom there you go it's better because it's copper and not iron wait a second what the what oh my god what have we just found what up stupid skeleton die nerd oh my goodness how have we not found diamonds but we've literally found these we found stalagmites whatever the balls are called wait and then if we mine them oh my goodness hold up hold up hold up wait a second we got pointed drip stone yes if we grab all of these drip stones no no no creeper please if we get a bunch of these drip stones if my theory is correct which it always is if we grab these pointed drip stones and then go like this boom we get the drip stone block which i'm realizing now i could adjust mine but it's fine and if we make a sword out of the drip stone block we should get oh my goodness what the balls drip stone stuff oh my god wait whoa what the nuts is this oh my goodness wait it does no damage okay this is really weird um whoa whoa whoa wait what what was that it looks like something's happening when i right click but i don't see anything happen maybe we just have to get out of the cave for it to work oh my goodness bro but we literally have a drip stone staff but honestly right now i'm not even trying to look for diamonds like literally i'm trying to look for that good old amethyst bro the new purple bull you do not see that i'm trying to find the new purple boys not the og blue boys and okay hold on there's some mobs in here oh my god you got to be careful that you don't get stuck in the drip stones oh my god wait is this oh no this is a dead end about over here oh my god yes we found it we found the amethyst thingy oh my goodness yes yes yes this is exactly what i needed and hold a second wait if i mine these do these blocks give me the amethyst no they don't bruh no okay wait so we need to mine the amethyst crystals and that's how you get the amethyst shards oh my goodness bro no way we need way more than this that's not enough i want a freaking crowd yes average is armored but i can't hold on we need more amethyst come on bro i still cannot believe that we have not yet found any diamonds like bro what let that sink in bro this new minecraft is gonna be a lot more hardcore like look at this we found a bunch of gold literally just a bunch of everything except for diamonds and amethyst which is ironically exactly what we need oh my god i did not just say that we just found yo holy nuts go go go go so some of them have not grown yet which is really interesting but yoink i'm gonna try and get as many as we can right here yoink i think that's honestly it should i risk it with these or should i wait for oh my god i just grew wait wait i think i should wait right i don't think these are ready yet oh wait i don't even remember though wait what they just grew right now oh my goodness bro i literally have 16. okay this one can dude that one just grew right now this one's so close to being done i swear they're no they're not done wait i'm pretty sure this one is though oh my god and that one literally just grew right then in there okay wait now we have 24. so hold up wait a minute boom bam i think we literally have perfect amount to craft ourselves armor oh my god amethyst armor but if we put the amethyst armor on oh my god it looks so fire let's craft leggings boom helmet and boots bam bap oh my god dude i think this might be my new favorite armor diamond armor is cool but come on dude this looks so awesome it's not nearly as strong as i would want it to be ideally but i'm pretty sure it's supposed to give us some sort of effect hold on what if i just like eat it off and then put it back on uh oh wait oh my god wait wait wait wait oh my god we have infinite regeneration no way oh my goodness wait this is overpowered this is literally like the best survival armor just to like hold on to right you get infinite regeneration it's like having a beacon like a portable beacon with you bro look at this if i just take damage boom and then we just instantly reach out bro what this region is so quick do i even want diamond armor i don't even think i do however we still need to find one more am with this thingy to get ourselves an amethyst apple okay wait you have to be kidding me bro you have to be kidding me is this all underwater bro what i bet you there's diamonds here yo hold on gamers i'm kind of scared but we have the oh my god we have the amethyst armor just in case we start drowning we should be good i mean it won't prevent us from drowning but bro we still have this drip stone staff that we have to figure out what it does because it's probably a lot more overpowered than what i think it is so three two one we're going in for a swim boys let's see can we find diamonds i'm sorry for saying that i don't really need you anymore i i still kind of do oh no no no okay wait are those those are dummies right there oh my god oh my god hold on i can survive i can survive if i just breathe oh my god clutch clutch clutch look at this boys we're just we're just vibing we're just t-posing go go go go oh my goodness dude please please please please please get what boom oh my god i got it oh my god what there were diamonds right here and i never noticed before what that's it one diamond hey yo what mo jing i would like to report a scam i'm being scammed there's like no diamonds anymore oh my goodness great they're stupid freaking skeletons bro i think diamonds are like completely nerfed now gamers i don't think you can find diamonds that easily anymore there has to be a new strategy i mean like this is going to change everything once the pool came update drops which by the way if you guys aren't subscribed then subscribe to see early gameplay of new update stuff and custom videos like this okay anyways we have found a mine shaft dude we just keep finding more and more crazier things come on come on we need to find amethyst though any amethyst over here nope i just realized this wand literally has like some oh my god right here we found it let's go dude yo oh my goodness yes and okay oh my god so many of these are already done but we have four amethyst shards okay this one right here oh wait what no that wasn't ready i can't tell bro this literally looks uh i don't know i'm not too sure if it's a golden apple or regular apple hold on let's try this if we surround the apple with amethyst okay no no it's not this thing yeah i was right so you do need gold so gold is still really useful because you need this right to make a golden oh wait no you need to smelt oh my god okay whatever basically you actually need a golden apple in order to surround it with amethyst shards and then boom oh my god boys we have the amethyst apple oh my good bro i'm so sorry but this looks so awesome just the way it matches my armor boys and hold up hold up no no i cannot eat this now this apple guys is literally the strongest golden apple in the game which doesn't make too much sense because it's not technically golden apple so i want to save this definitely for the ender dragon this literally puts you in god mode i'm not even kidding whatever god mode means i don't even know myself i haven't eaten it yet now we can finally get the balls out of here bro we literally look like a ninja we gotta be very careful oh my god dude i was literally about to say oh god okay screw it oh thank god okay i was gonna say bro if we were just about to drown to death imagine that would suck you gotta actually be careful about drowning to death in this cave and finally we're out of this stupid thingymabob and okay hold up we have our drip wait what we're right next to the village but we haven't even moved from the spawn at what dude we spent so much time down there okay anyways let's try and test out this drip stone stack however i do have another weapon i want to make low key dude let's make another furnace boom bam to speed up the process there you go let's smell our raw copper because we need to make some lightning rods and you guys are going to see why in a second it's one of the coolest weapons ever but with that said i actually don't even know what this writing says on the drip stone staff but sorry piggy you're gonna be my test subject i'm just gonna right click your nuts and then whoa oh wait drip stones just fell from the sky oh my goodness what and it one shot the pig wait hold on a second you're telling me if i go up to this couch and i just like right click the ground and then talk bro it just got destroyed that is so sick oh wait i wonder how strong this is did we kill that or we kill the iron golem hold on wait there should be another one right i'm pretty sure right around here somewhere around here actually yeah there was a pillager thing oh my goodness this is perfect and what is a wandering tree okay this is the world's most annoying mob i'm just gonna go in just bro wait what we literally took them out in just a couple swings so if we just swing once it just does a little bit but what if we just swing a bunch of t oh my god it just never stops yo yo yo yo wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're gonna try this out yummy run away more hold on a second the big people are coming oh we destroyed him one second now if we break this guy out and then hit him yeah you're mad nerd come over here you about to get drip stone boy you can't even defeat the drip oh my god wait he's almost dead bro bro bro oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh my god i'm literally half hearted oh my god run run run run run oh we that literally took nothing oh my goodness i almost died from my own drip stones bro this weapon is probably so overpowered when it comes to the ender dragon gamers what's a bird or a dragon's worst enemy lightning right you know because they have wings and stuff and they're in the sky well gamers watch this if we make two of these bad boys boom and we place them down and then we start twerking on them they're oh my god okay wait why did that work i i wasn't that that was a meme i wasn't what i promised you that wasn't even supposed to be a thing and if we put the lever here like the trigger and then you put a copper right there and two lightning rods oh my god what we have ourselves a lightning staff even though it's more of a lightning blaster it's literally animated yo yo yo we gotta be careful with this thing this is insane look at it boys hold on a second let's try and test out the power that it wields all right you know what no perfect you guys want to fight you guys want to fight oh damn you guys can't even hear me what i'm dodging all of these arrows yorig yo they're trash okay three two one ends boom look at these nerds oh my god oh my god wait this is insane creeper stop oh my god that was a bad idea okay so boys i'm gonna grab some food and oh my god leave me alone nerds dude yeah that's what i thought idiots you can't fight the drip i'm just trying to get some food in peace bro okay finally guys so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get some food now i'm gonna do some off-camera mining okay no i'm kidding but i'm actually gonna quickly grind i want to get to the ender dragon and let's eat this amitus apple and use the weapons against him one eternity later bro look at the stronghold in the new caves oh my goodness like actually though look how well hidden it is look at this giant cave and then look where the stronghold is that is nuts i guess say goodbye to like strongholds that used to be just out in the open in the ocean and stuff oh wait we found it fog and boom let's do this boys and oh my god we're here we're actually here i'm actually kind of terrified i'm not gonna lie we have still not eaten the amethyst apple wait a second can't i just literally go like oh my god that is so overpowered i can literally just right click the oh yo look at that bruh this is broken oh my goodness this is actually broken oh my god hold on can i damage the dragon like this he has to be on a block because if not i won't be able to do it as soon as the dragon's about to come down gamers what i'm gonna do is let's go into god mode let's use the amethyst apple and then wait is he coming down eating the guy i'm in this apple oh i'm literally turning into god mode and we have strength three oh my goodness okay okay okay and then we can right click the dragon it doesn't work on him wait what how about the drip stone wait does the drips don't work oh my god it literally doesn't work yeah oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god the strength three does so much damage though okay wait wait i have an idea i actually have an idea we have the redstone armor our actual secret weapon if we place this down like this and then step on it oh my goodness while we have the string what if we oh my god we one shot wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my god i know what i know what to do go go go go go go go okay and then place this like this and then what we actually did wait oh my god how wait a second how overpowered is the redstone armor wait no wait wait what what it took my redstone block oh no i'm weak again honestly those were some of the coolest custom crafts i've ever added to minecraft let me know in the comment section if you guys think they should be added to real minecraft some of them are a little bit overpowered like the redstone one and maybe the lighting blaster and the drip tube stuff i think they were all overpowered but there should be some other videos on the screen go watch them i love you subscribe
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,869,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But There Are Custom Crafts, minecraft but, minecraft mod, mods, minecraft mods, mod, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: IepaYPPchuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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