100 Days buts it's One Block

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what's harder than surviving on a single chunk how about surviving on a single block it's the classic you know and love each time you break it it spawns back as something else leading to new biomes and eventually the ender dragon can we survive 100 days here we go ladies and gentlemen it has been a very long time i'm sure at this point you all know how this works single block you break the block you get more blocks you get wood you get chests with stuff in it and sometimes you get pigs let's make our little area we'll take our oak logs we'll make a crafting table we'll do the pick and i think the rest can be slabs we eat seeds you know what i will let that dirt sit make a hoe plant or seeds can i get a chicken yes i can more slabs okay well i think this grass is broken i haven't got all day so we'll get back to it there is a method to build down basically you want to place a trapdoor here another block here trapdoor okay and then boom this is something i've always hated with the one blocks is sometimes you lose stuff down below oh but there we go beautiful oh well there's water right there actually which would have made things a whole lot easier it's been a long time since i played this i'm sorry but anyway look at that we don't lose our gravel and now we return to the grinds well the torch that's very appreciated suppose we can also go ahead and get our sapling placed down oh that's it more slabs there that looks great place water here and on we go oh the melon hey that'll probably be my last pig knowing my luck all right let's get after it okay just like that we have made it to day two and i have got a lot of resources the first thing i'm gonna do we are going to make a section for our animals i don't yet have the resources to make fences but it's a good start beautiful we've also got some crops so i'm gonna make birch planks this could be our birch side so i think for now i'll do some rows of dirt boom this time we can use our water method and boom yeah okay you get some melon seeds get everything going here pumpkin my wheat is ready and uh we can start with carrots oh and look at that so that's one sapling but with the wood we get that's more oak slabs we can go ahead and make this area a little more safe so i think that's a great start one block was actually the first series we ever did on this channel so for any of you og's you definitely know how far i've come and now we're back to the grind block and some more food and ladies and gentlemen with that it's just grass oh it's not just grass sodas just has so much more significance when you're doing the one block the pick the axe shovel uh we'll go sword farewell my tools oh ladies and gentlemen we've really made it to the big times okay hello you are a wheat fan i recall there's nothing happening once i got to stone we start to get creepers potentially let's make a furnace get some iron and the shield is always the smart play so we will chop this tree down and let's see what happens oh i am forgetting one of the coolest things you get a bowl and boom mushroom stew just like that is it infinite well that's crazy if it is oh and now we have spruce saplings ladies and gentlemen it's over it's over before it even began yep there it is nice try nerds shout out to the mushroom stew but this means we're gonna be getting creepers okay okay this is gonna be a mess okay um sorry and there it is we got four spruce saplings ladies and gentlemen as a sort of temporary placement just to get this going we'll just play the waiting game on this big tree with access to coal we can now actually torch our crops so they should grow faster and over here just because well i'm scared of mob spawning also for the sheep there you go oh don't eat that though don't eat that though whoa come on yes i'm sorry i just was curious what the next thing was gonna be so two pieces of iron gives us shears yes boom one white bed right so it's time to sleep for now this way we don't waste any time but we cure our insomnia i don't really want to move forward with another section until we have spruce i will do this while we wait oh well i want string so hi it'll give us a bow and if we take our gravel there's 12 arrows whoa this is why we have the bow beautiful some may even say spicy and nice we're getting it down more feathers means more arrows oh let's go thing that is going to take this playthrough to the next level so that is a lot of wood i'm just gonna do my best to catch what i can aha and there's four now that we have all this wood we can make another section over here get the oak you got the birch and now we have the spruce any ideas what this is going to be oh that's right ladies and gentlemen it's a storage room i hate storage one block storage especially so we're making it close labeled and double stacked we are gonna need more labels i'm going to grab our wheat baby cows i guess this is only gonna give me one right it's gonna give me none okay i'm sad i'm stupid i'm a terrible person ah we'll take a go at this tree and now we basically have unlimited wood i'm gonna go ahead and make this longer trust me there's a lot of blocks in this mod and so next oh it's getting a little square oh but i like it if we do it like that yeah that's clever and original right maybe we'll cut it off here kind of leave it as like a work in progress something like that maybe i think that'll look pretty yeah yeah yeah would top slaps be weird because then we also stop mobs from spawning so i think that looks good and hello there wow this is really bad story llamas i want your leads and i want your leather oops okay sure anyway you stay here i will eventually purchase some dye and fixing that up i think for now we've got a pretty sick structure i mean pretty good for day six i think i've lost some chickens it would seem i think we're gonna go ahead and expand this a bit and finally get a gate going on here and now let's get back to business yes that is our second cow we can grab wheat now we can start working on leather to get everything labeled i love labeling it's time we work on our farm we're gonna basically expand this outwards beautiful this is going to be wheat i feel like melons are quite aesthetically pleasing that should be good i feel like these kind of need to become birch trees from here i think we could branch off again uh for this one i might make some coarse dirt and that makes things easy for us this can become carrots so not enough dirt to finish the other side but i think we are ready to continue with our block that does put a smile on my face okay ladies and gentlemen we are through to the next thing no is our next thing start some new chests and i think before we get after this our farm is going pretty well we'll take down these trees grab our dirt and we can finish this side of our farm our base and there's our fur expand on our carrots lay down more wheat seeds oh no oh i am not ready for this fight oh oh oh okay that's some damage oh that's a zombie i'm gonna sleep yes nice try buddy i think that should be good and let's get back to it oh you're gonna give me ice i can't do anything with that i don't have silk touch okay so still giving us stuff from like oh that's new though oh hello uh no that's not that's not cool just chilling this boat okay oh oh that's really bad that is really bad where did they go did they burn what oh a little more iron okay so this is big as well because here you go and okay rip but we can make a chest plate now we're feeling a little beefy with five more we can make a helmet and please don't troll me thank you okay buddy not scared of you this time but i need your bones aha okay buddy gosh dang it for more iron you can grab the iron pick and finally get gold okay nice try nice try i am very weak boy buddy it's all right you know we're still alive we're we're here oh bone meal let's go get some of these going up maybe work on these carrots a bit start getting some more animals now i can tell this is already getting a little too big and hectic but before we get to that i'd like to at least start thinking about more of a serious side over here and the only logical choice to me is going to be to go with that dark hope i don't know for now we'll leave it at that and now maybe hey we have a dog whoa are you hostile i mean you could chill but like you gotta chill you know you know what i'm saying yeah i think we need to make some separate areas for our mobs maybe just a small platform feels too human with this wood you know i want to be a kind farm owner farmer animal animal owner things should come up right here in the mud you know what i'm saying next up on this side we're going to do chickens and so last this section is going to be cows not a super complicated system to get them up here lower them up with the wheats and then we can just take the sheep on down so now the rest of this is just a waiting game i think we can just continue on okay another polar bear not really sure what happened to the last one but it's polar bear we're gonna take this snow we are going to have a use for it so come on buddy there you go fence this up and hey we'll have a friend for you real soon what what um what excuse me oh i am a cheese ball and i love it boat technique didn't work very mad right now ha ha you're stupid okay now with all these bones surely yes hey a dark oak sapling once we get four of these we can start the fourth and final side in more important news we now have leggings and boots hey there's dark oak sapling number two and we have made it through ah okay on to the desert and the ocean okay oh hey look our polar bear isn't lonely i think the island's coming along nicely though and grass has made it to our cows and just a slight tilt to the left we're looking good now let's get back to this oh uh we need to place water next to that oh a turtle you chill in there we'll get you a friend dead coral block i don't want the coral block to die according to the wiki silk touch that's really stupid i don't have diamonds how could i have anything enchanted right now all right well oh i really spoke too soon ladies and gentlemen one diamonds let's go oh oh that's actually terrifying want to give me a trident no okay it's fish don't die buddy no we'll get the next one though my little puffer fish yes haha oh goodbye i really want to start collecting things so we must continue the project bit of a trickier one but i wouldn't call it tricky we'll take our sand oh no can you not take turtles we're gonna have to push them just need the sand okay just right up these stairs please don't fall off just a little further yes okay so i think this should be a better system to get turtles over down and into here i just want to give them a little bit of water to play into okay now let's get back to it second diamond oh i don't like this i don't like this i do not like this yeah you you you can go ahead um um is it gone i think it's gone really hard to deal with but um kind of helps when you live on an island well no mining for us tonight except that's what it wants you to think because of course we can get milk and boom mining fatigue gone uh and and boom mining fatigue gone anyway with that um i would like to take a bit of time to make some changes to this area so i mainly place these birch here because i actually just needed birch tree it looks like this will probably be enough for us so i want to replace it with oak because i just think oak trees look a lot better once it's all done this will look way better so progress wise i like where we are but i feel like our island leaves a lot to be desired visually so i'm gonna take some time and make it look better so first of all just want like a little structure here that looks better we've also got a lot of cobblestone i like that a lot more actually we'll wait for the grass to grow in but i like that trapdoors are something i never really use visually but i like what they add i think that's kind of oh yeah the minecraft gods like it also kind of wondering of maybe just turning this whole area into kabul also we've had some trees grow up that actually has to be thinking to start a forest over here that would be bad oh no no no i messed up okay there's an easy way to do this hit the boop okay the rain has let up so i'm kind of thinking just like like some layers you know then way here in the back we get the big boys don't know what's gonna grow and what isn't but we'll just go for it and hope for the best yeah so like a bunch of trees back here should make for a nice backdrop so for now if i want to do anything else gonna need to get back on the resource grind dolphins there's no way i could save you unless unless come on over here uh i lost my lead no more turtles yes yes okay this is what we do want i got two shots at this turtles are very prone to eat themselves off maps we must be careful no turtle need a boat all right you stop those ambitions there we go yes two turtles now we've got some seagrass here i can plant it but also i'm pretty sure i can feed them yeah now i need to keep this piece of sea grass so i think what i can do is have two water source blocks like this then it should grow up we'll get two and it's basically like any other farm we also got a trident the forest is kind of done but i think it'd be really cool to make this like three times as big kelp that's interesting yeah go on go on get nice try oh books let's go that means we're only one ingredient away from an enchanting table and there it is ladies and gentlemen oh we got mobs what how are you spawning here oh that's how they're spawning i don't see how this is like dark mobs don't spawn in trees anymore right right that's a lot of iron i think that means we can afford good tools again jungle is up next i'm actually gonna add some of these mossy cobblestones around here we just gotta grind this out oh birds okay just don't fly off the map you're gonna fly off the map aren't you okay as long as you'll chill that that's fine no ladies and gentlemen what we are looking for i was trying for the dark oak it just oh oh oh oh that's not so chill that's not social that's not so chill you're not even gonna give me an evoker this is the worst deal ever all facts no totems here it is the big chest ladies and gentlemen was hoping it would be dark oak but you need four saplings to make a tree i think this next section is going to be jungle look at that okay there's a sapling doesn't look like we're going to get any more saplings on this one but we can go again while we wait on more trees check out this vibe cute man i am the master of birds this is amazing there's two three four now we can do the big fig i'm gonna grind some trees tonight and a nice big stock up on wood that is gonna be probably more wood than i need now we can finally start this let's get started on this shall we the first thing i need to do is relocate these fish so just another temporary move so i like the design of this i just don't have the materials to efficiently break this yet so i'm almost thinking we kind of do this like dual action side where one goes up this way and the other goes that way so i think this is the start we're looking for i actually kind of like how they're different there i think that's a good start i want this to kind of turn inward to this side with that sort of design i think this section is gonna have to go oh no no no i don't think so you're really funny but like no and i know what you're thinking wow that's like a really dangerous little slot right nope we will do the exact same pattern on this side there i think that looks really cool so what if from here we took prismarine slabs and connect this to maybe a little something like that right so maybe like a little pillar action yeah i could see something starting to form here just send it you just go for the slabs yeah we'll kind of give it like a sloped effect but because we're poor in terms of prismarine we'll just make it all slabs and so sadly we don't have enough dark prismarine it looks okay what if we like just keep taking the floor up like i think if that continues it should look pretty cool and for now maybe a little waterfall yeah the real question is can we get some more dark prismarine oh lapis but it's not what i want if i'm being honest it's probably gonna be unrealistic hey it's panda i don't have a lead for this guy so please don't fall off the map oh i'm not gonna die right okay we got the potion of healing on hands yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay more animals i can't move oh another diamond or parrots don't leave and bamboo oh no don't tease me like that it's like you really just gotta break my stuff you know i don't mind these fights but just stop breaking my grass oh i need yes oh my god i almost just died whoa whoa oh there's another vex down there vex plus switch scary combo oh my god are you kidding me again this is my fault i should have healed here we go we gotta switch gears here it's time for some more farms so this will be our sugar cane farm we should also probably finish our other farms and so this side is going to be bamboo i'm pretty sure this is all you need for bamboo we'll see so sugarcane is starting to come along bamboo also starting to look okay getting wheat on the go melon galore so while this side of figs is looking good i feel like we've got a lot of displaced animals what's the sword's doing i absolutely think they deserve this place as a home dogs too this is a cool monument while we're here i think i gotta face the reality of this well i mean i shouldn't say that so negatively just gonna have to do things different from how i intended so i think i gotta be a little more conservative with the dark prismarine how's that like i don't want it to look awkward and it kind of looks awkward i think that's better also there is a little more space for the cows because we're going to make more cows just out of curiosity i want to know what a roof might look like yeah i think that's okay and well if we're going to work on every side we've got a lot to do over here i think it's time we finish the storage just gotta add a roof slab this over excellent i really still don't have a place like to live maybe that should be back here i have 24 chests just sitting here we could definitely fill these in gonna need a bit more wheat because we're gonna need more cows because we need leather for more frames to fill in the chests and actually get some beef cooking i like this a lot it's not really meant to be the nicest looking place but just super practical just need to turn to some crops also this is coming along so nicely look at all that bamboo man bamboo is crazy it's going back before i've even managed to cut it all down i know we're getting close to iron we'll make another axe and let's get back to business hi it's the second horse okay we actually really want you our other horse kind of eated himself off the map but having this horse would be a big deal there it is nice hey that's gonna make six and we're done oh i thought this was the villager one it's so desert hi there you're not a villager well i think we all know what time it is it's time for more i think i'll just fill this with red sand but the real question is what do llamas eat as i recall hay bales i mean he's into it but like it's not enough for him to actually follow me huh anyway i had better get on this desert oh i know guys it's weird one block is 1.16 got the old ore got the dot oh oh hey it's my diamond more diamonds linda yes it's a very big deal for all of us hey that's disappointing and you don't even have a dude with leads look we all know what we want right now it's another villager donkey okay sure oh there's the man but no axe is wow okay i take gold and a carrot gold carrot will you follow you'll eat it but you you you won't follow okay that's fine that's no no big deal yeah it's like i mean i have infinite gold right so it's not a big yeah yeah we're getting a lot of animals no way to move them oh i'm gonna need some dogs i'm gonna need some doggies no oh my god hold on buddy i'm coming what oh okay i gotta deal with these animals ladies and gentlemen there you have it uh this area is just super dangerous still yeah that's a lot better we save some dirt and we won't fall through you can harvest some wheat more of this not to mention we're finally producing sugarcane and we're back yes louie the master plan so you take three bread omega bed you take three bread and there we go we're gonna need to make a haul for these lads we'll get a farmer and i think we can start this right now so we're gonna build up here i want something kind of like this yes i was hoping for another one and that's exactly what we got should be good for another in a bit i'm gonna start the exact same thing over here hey nice and yeah this looks alright i've decided to just go ahead with the simple roof on this one i don't know that feels really boring like it's already boring but like we could do better than this oh my god hi i was about to say like like like there but look look at you really sorry about this but a guy needs iron wow things are coming along great over here so yeah we want to let those guys out yes oh yes henry there we go buddy oh blaze spawn egg oh that's huge all right 50 50 shot yes that gives us a brewing stand which will give us the cleric just got to come back to this wheat for a second so we can get more villagers oh wait no no no the right way to do this is just give me one sec little bone meal right we get our wheat that's 20. we trade the wheat for one emerald and one emerald gives us six bread we're just gonna keep this whole process up okay so ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be eight villagers over here and eight on this side we're gonna start the process definitely want a smoker yeah there's the blast furnace and with the stone slab there it is you can also make a lectern and a fletching table now we need to set up some jobs the idea is this is gonna be like a nice tight compact area there's sort of the final room we've got going on here but i'm not ready to lock anyone in just yet i think i want to deal with this side next so there is the roof sadly i am out of wood but with the help of skeletons and this new revolutionary technology we call bone meal and so this side's gonna have the weapon stuff and uh yeah just to make this all go a little bit easier i am gonna have to wait and do some zombie turning so we won't put them into like you know cages just yet so yeah weapon villager hall and all the other stuff now oh i don't like that like i don't even have diamond gear the dude with an axe shows up i'm screwed oh hello what an absolute disappointment you are there's the acacia sapling hey that's awfully kind ten or ten ten bottles not ten levels nine emeralds is hype and look at that we are on the never let's go right so i've gone ahead and reorganized my wood chest and now i'm ready to get cracking at this nether oh man i am so nervous for what is gonna come out of here yep there it is okay combat is definitely getting better but i think i need a new sword oh really i can't break this right well there is the diamond pick and ancient debris to follow this is what we're after though oh i don't like mobs i don't like mobs very worried about this burning down potatoes blue dye oh another blaze spawn we can get another blaze rod yes that's a 25 chance oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh man no those little things you don't think about a lot of wet over there and not like our main base anyway this is huge oh my god i don't have a mushroom yet i thought we could make a weakness potion the wrong mushroom nothing wow i actually can't believe that well we're close but we must keep on going but there's more obsidian oh my god oh my god this is really bad i don't like this i don't like this yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god no oh go oh no no oh that was terrible what a nightmare so i think i'm gonna have to like blaze proof this for the time being which basically just means i'm gonna have to trap myself in here with anything that spawns so this can burn down that's fine it's it's really not touching anything uh but you know when the main chest room connected to the villager starts to burn down well that's a bit of an issue okay let's get back to it oh nice more blaze powder oh incredibly rude can't say i'm ever a fan what what are you doing okay this is oh bro that's not cool i mean uh all things considered that one pretty well but yeah i i almost fell through okay guys you're not gonna get me this time now here is where this strategy is coming out great oh a little zombified stupid if i take a trapdoor place it right there i don't think anything's gonna be able to get through let's keep it up oh no no no no no i don't think so no fire no no no no no not this time number three oh my god that's four um okay we gotta take out this blaze oh my god i'm on fire oh no no no no no no okay let's just sit in it for a sec blaze is down i don't think these guys can get out that is incredible i'm going just cobble this is stupid i'm so sick of everything getting wrecked so rude i'm reclaiming my dirt such a stupid feature zero respect for the lawn i also realized in that moment that i'm out of arrows and actually you know what i should probably just go ahead and lock the fletcher in man these chests are good but i just need obsidian kind of feels like we're never gonna actually be able to go to the nether yes okay so this is gonna make four that's enough for enchantments oh my god that's enough for enchantments man tricky tricky spot six more pieces would get us to the nether but like is that ever gonna come oh oh okay let's just keep going so that's gonna be five whoa that's six that's seven okay no no no no no no no no no yeah i don't really uh don't really like that it's not really rabbit stew that i'm after i will buy this guy out and now he'll sell his cooked chicken you know infinite food feeling a little safer with this now eight nine oh yes wow okay dude i i'm just ready let's just do this right now all right let's check this out oh that's clean that is a clean spawn wow wow wow wow i need buckets all right salmon chill with the little guys oh there's our mushrooms actually i better grab gold there's one lava it'll make two do one two so now i just need a little bit more lava we'll just play it safe head on down this way hey there's one i think we're getting close and boom it has been a long time coming but finally we have an enchanting table now as for books 12 rabbit hide plus three leather six in total that's gonna be just two bookshelves but we have wheat which baits cows which means leather plus we have more sugarcane that means more books which would be five more bookshelves and i think really what better place to put it than up here we'll take protection too old fortune sure i don't really want to deplete any more of my levels for now but that's something that's gonna be so there's two more golden apples we have splash potions of weakness so here's the plan take away some torches from this area we wait for a zombie hello sir so next we bring the zombie this way take them up these stairs i build straight up iron golem is stuck in there next we let the fun proceed next we potion and there it is we've got this armorer should be an easy level up and look at that gonna level up just like that ladies and gentlemen the diving gear now the real question can i pull this off again the diamond shovel and with the level up that is a hot pickaxe let's go before we get to that i want to set these guys in stone everyone's happy nice now i have an actual walkway okay look at this hidden golem now we sell the emeralds hot axe and not a bad sword we can even scoop up a power tupo we just got like good now let's get back to it oh my god this is a beautiful thing yeah that fire that's cute oh my god so yeah i don't think we're quite ready for that i need more enchantments first but that is a beautiful thing oh and we're done next up is oh it's this one it's like quartz yeah all right we'll see what we've got here seems to be almost like a miscellaneous yeah what is it you got a bone meal kind of just checked out for that bees update oh beehive well i hope that's good for something so that's great and all but i think it might be time to work more on the base i think it's time for a little upgrade cool i do miss grass in this middle though we'll bring the grass back in now i also want to make some changes to this staircase i think we can do better i was thinking trim all the way up i'm not sure yeah i i do think it looks better maybe it's not the staircase but the structure itself small uh you know not the not the most interesting so maybe we'll grab some things more prismarine i don't know i feel like that actually adds a lot ah no oh my birds my birds get in oh my god we got fair tubs what i get in guys get in oh i'll have two left so i do like the idea of expanding this see the thing that's really difficult you've got a lot of types of blocks but not a lot of anyone block you got to use everything very optimally i don't know maybe it's simple maybe it's this but it gets me thinking hmm almost too boxy how about that i don't know raising the roof a bit i definitely think it still needs work we have 15 bookshelves fire protection for protection for whoa and okay that's an upgrade not sure how i feel about the books well we'll see i wonder could we perhaps do more with this area you know something like this i don't hate that at all what if we remove this would this be cool i like it wow just one slight adjustment man that is it only thing now is i'm not sure about this cool i like that it's like a nice solid space so we'll leave that there for now and i think next up i'm gonna build a little nether room right off of this area this is okay don't hate it don't love it certainly better than what we had before though whoa iron golem man's cracked you can stay here pal and next we actually want to go into the nether because i need more gold oh you know what i think this place might have some gold so i think there's more to it i'm just not really sure how to get there yeah okay coming in from the top now well i mean if uh no one's here golden apple iron the rest of the gold we can just mine for this next part oh no no apples louie no let's try this one there the apples there we go next we'll grab our zombie oh i gotta take out this golem and now we so graciously bring them back from the dead and just like that our boys are eating off the dollar menu they're they're off the dollar menu uh i got i got coupons we got we got good trades okay and now that they're all going to bed can do what we did with these guys over here this is always a very annoying random process trying to get guys to go where you want them to go it's like they don't want to yeah there we go it's like they don't want to take their composter all right so let's see how well we did you're not a butcher apparently not very well it's just that process of like why won't you take the job that you have we lock this guy in we want this person out and then you come in oh it's enough to drive you crazy yeah i think we have all four farmers locked in and then the last ones haven't really been assigned anything yet so it's fine well actually come to think of it i'm really stupid so here's what we do with bad librarians let's see this this is the problem you're not a farmer what are you doing that's not yours there we go there's a baby on the way cool and so there's this side uh nearly done i thought i was good i'm not good this is a mess but i'm totally gonna sort this right right here we go farmers good these things up librarian locked in cartographer locked in and baby on the way i wanted to make sure we have good farmers with good trades we've got like one emerald for one melon same for pumpkins same on this one actually this one is going to be just melons and if we donate some carrots we got pumpkins and we got melons let's go and there ladies and gentlemen we have it so now we got to do this side bro i hate villagers so much no this is not your job start your job like i'm sorry oh haha i hate when youtubers yell too much dude i am going to end your life if you don't get back here guess what buddy because of you no one gets beds okay i want it to be a nice kind whatever you want to call this i know it's terrible but guess what guess what now no one is going to sleep for the rest of the time it's eternity and it's because of you oh my god no don't go out why don't you want this one why is it this one good bro no no one two three beautiful apart from one spare villager that we're gonna sit on we are done that's right combat side food and stuff side absolutely done now let's move on shall we okay we just got like some stuff yeah what gold a creeper head and power three and a lingering potion of fire resistance very interesting mules yeah yeah all right listen buddy this is easy really that easy thank you so much oh no need for any horses but you can go in here too and we got a and we got a zombie horse man i gotta say this has to be the absolute worst section of one block look it's just different blocks every single hit which means that your inventory fills up and you can't pick stuff up so it's like oh i gotta deposit one magma block and like oh five netherrack i even need these things i don't really know but it's terrible well i don't think these things could breed so we'll get a second zombie horse in here just uh you know so the other one isn't lonely and i'm still not done ah yes we gotta be in here finally yes let's go finally now with everything sorted our next thing is looking like stronghold to me awesome now before we get to that the one thing we did get from that section was a ton of quartz so it's time this lad becomes a mason and you see that i knew we'd been holding on to this clay for a reason easy level up there's another and that will be access to courts so we can make slabs and some bricks and we're just gonna go ahead and get a start on our palace so a little something like this gonna need more slabs i think we'll extend it out on each side maybe like that same on this side and maybe that i like the way this is slightly lower kind of add this in as like a bit of a transitionary piece yeah this is coming together maybe we can do this all around i think that's the look we could do that here too like that's just gonna feel a lot more full sweet also how's that for a bow we could then grab our other power three make an anvil and beautiful we'll take sharpness three and efficiency three for now just a general slight upgrade yeah we should be able to get some decent deals especially on melons so that's like a pretty good amount of emeralds you know we're not like busting the game and so guess what i did today aha you see see every time i want to put stuff in i need to go over and view it from this side see what's in each chest but now we got the view on each side gotta love organization i have things to do we'll need some more books and now we have good boots and protection three leggings and so now we have 11 netherrightscrap we'll take a quick trip to the nether this time we're not just going down this is what we're after and now wait wait wait should i get mending first yeah should we're out of villager slots so i'm gonna have to put in a bit of work that's three beds come on you can't get out it's beautiful so we'll wait on our new librarian collect some pumpkins and so now we have the protection for leggings and we have our villager it's the search for mending hey first try today oh and these boots are expensive however well i was gonna say that's nothing that a few trades won't fix but we're getting low on stuff to trade and have to do iron which i definitely don't love and so there will be three out of four it's a good luck and now we go mind the rest that'll be one that'll be two there's three and that will make four and five and so ladies and gentlemen the ingot the drip now since we have mending after all how about we get back to this the stronghold will not know what hit look at that we got uh another like fairly boring chest now it's a fight except not for me oh that's really good and really bad and you're gonna die and now let's not die yourself oh that's some damage i don't like this get me out of here the evoker this is why we got the netherright gear get out of here ladies and gentlemen look what we have say hello to the totem hey oh i don't like that though i don't like that oh my god that damage the golems doing some some work the other one fall off i don't like no shields lingering potion of slow falling that's not helpful yeah i think that other one fell off which is fun because we still got one more totem that's going to be something we need to look out for the devil evoker is quite scary oh okay here we go actually if we hold off you just got to kill him there it is beautiful nice another totem also this is just really inconsiderate why am i getting poisonous potatoes but i can feel it i think we're getting close oh you can use those guys to get various mob heads but i just don't think it's worth the risk although okay you know what never mind i have a plan i'm gonna take trapdoors i'm gonna make a little trap so the idea is we get a charged creeper to drop down in here um so yeah this is the area we're actually gonna need to reinforce the bottom so we have this bottom area this should be a nice collection chamber what are we collecting you may be wondering well my friends you ever heard of a beacon best item in the game yeah well uh to get one of those what we need is a wither uh and so my thought process here okay we get the the charged boy he comes over here we drop him in there like so step two we go to the nether and what we're looking for is another fortress that's gonna be exactly what we want and so now we just got to get these three guys home do you see where this is going so i've got three name tags here we go just gotta keep this up for 300 blocks now the one bright side with this is the walk is certainly not the the worst thing we've ever experienced oh god oh god oh god i take it back i take it back i'm on the edge the edge of glory and we lost a guy there he is come on buddy slowly but surely guys we got this oh you can get out of here yeah the homies oh this is a tricky spot yep now we're up okay you guys stay there oh my god there's a fortress so much closer well whatever come on my guys coming up beautiful okay we've made it to waste which means we are less than a hundred blocks away okay before we finish this just gotta put fences on each side so that they walk right on by here we go down they come you wanna fight me right over the last six months of videos i have exterminated your race come on there we go this is going to be scary oh yes let's go oh my god that actually worked that is absolutely fantastic and so now comes the tricky part we need to ever so carefully get a charged creeper to fall down below oh my god that was fast oh my god yes oh last piece of iron oh this is so dangerous okay oh my god oh that's a big explosion one but not three oh no the other two must have fallen down well we'll be right back and ladies and gentlemen through the power of editing it's fixed i'm stupid but anyway that doesn't mean i'm giving up my dream we just gotta go lower so that's good now we just need another layer even if that breaks we'll do one final layer so this time everything shouldn't break another name tag now fortunately we've got this other another fortress right here hi there you look like you'd be number two yeah come along so seeing as it's so close i think we'll just take this one guy along with us all right easy okay and i'm just gonna need you to uh step on through this portal follow me perfect we'll get back to this oh the double evoker i don't like it i don't like it okay they're down whoa that's damage oh totem totem oh we're done well okay then well thanks for playing buddy wait what are you kidding me are you kidding me what my man's dropping those odds for me what a legend oh my goodness bro that's that's real right yes oh my god well i don't need any more sign than that we're gonna head on out and we'll check out this first nether fortress gosh they might even be connected mistakes have been made yeah this is definitely a soul sand valley fortress because we have insane levels of spawns and so important to note i don't have looting which makes their skull chances like 1 in 40 rather than the normal one and 20. now i actually think that this is a completely separate fortress which means this section is not gonna have good spawns oh we gotta fight so imma just head back all right this is not giving me the best yield it's not a very big area to explore so i think we'll go back to this other one okay and here seems like we've got a bit more going on oh yeah hey hey there it is not bad now we just got to put in the long walk home easy so yeah we have we got the skulls we just need to avoid the wither so now we've just got one section left welcome to the end ladies and gentlemen this is fantastic it's so straightforward oh they don't even fight back incredible free ender pearls oh we got some angry boys okay oh no yes okay so this is where things are gonna get tricky chokers are really dangerous because they're gonna make us fly up into the air and then take massive fall damage so i think it's time all right yeah i think that's okay adds a bit of color and now we won't get killed by shulkers man these enderman pearl odds are like gosh feels like it's like one in four actually i think we could do something about that grab a sword and i don't know maybe roll the dice on some looting well nothing for the sword there it is grab some melons grow some wheat turn everything into profits turn those profits into glass that glass into emeralds and we could turn that all into quartz level 30 then gives us a looting three sword and so now do some mining and once we get these endermen pop them around a bit except this time look at those pearls pretty much guaranteed let's try it again really there it is yeah three look at that i'm pretty sure we will need a full 12 to get to the end there's three more and that makes 12. so it seems as though we've got a pal down here somewhere also here we've got a little bit better of a system for getting up and down now kind of like this area it feels cool to be underneath all my creation oh i hear it it's up here somewhere so it seems to have teleported i'm sure it'll come up i see you no my shulker box okay we're back to the grind i really hate endermites but it's okay i just had an idea it'll be really cool so what if we took our purpur block and what if we made another layer very cool so we've got like a second layer going on here let's take a peek into the old tickle trunk and see what else we got a lot of sandstone a lot of terracotta maybe we keep this going oh that's cool yeah yeah and then maybe a little bit of that finish the top with slabs so lastly we fill these corners in and boom another floor gosh i really want to do this with blue maybe with just a bit more light blue so with the terracotta we can do these parts i think this other section will have to be prismarine oh we've got just enough it's really building itself in this case i think we should actually make this a little bit more prismarine based and now we just gotta hope we have enough for the roof do that i think that's good there might not be the most ideal thing i mean okay it's interesting but i think i know what i need to do to fix this we can take all these pillars and fill in the terracotta like so i think that helps to make it look a little more solidified now we've got a ton of black stone so i think we can just fill a lot of this in and it's gonna look cool like black and blue just go together well that's a lot better oops i was just trying to fill these in i think committing to the black is uh much much better certainly lost a bit of its shape but i've got one more plan let's talk to this guy and we can think about whether we want to do glass panes ah definitely the pains oh my god is this like actually starting to come together not bad just starting to feel real cozy wow that looks great gonna take away all this pesky end stone brick and slab it cool there's our floor and there's our ceiling cool i think that looks pretty good make some polished diorites i think the play for this next floor is gonna be a little white and black combo i like that now from here oh that's right we're gonna hit that checkerboard floor as well it just looks incredible except i did it wrong okay there we go now over the next few days we continued to make a ton of progress on the islands we made some incredible improvements to our main palace we built an iron farm and on day 90 we finally reached the end portal frame yeah it's uh it's been a real productive few days like come on just look how much better everything is and with that ladies and gentlemen look at that we are done our one block i've been setting my sights on the end but i've had an ulterior motive with this iron farm see over these last few days we have been collecting rare blocks with the goal of creating a beacon and we are really close and with just a few more sales a few more pumpkins just a little more wheat um that's not what i meant to toss i meant to toss seeds no okay um give me give me one sec we can turn this into a positive more trades we can buy a new sword actually like three what have we got sharpness three not very good sharpness four with i'm breaking three oh fire aspect with smite two that's not a bad wither killer and we can add looting to our sharpness four maybe not the best swords we've ever come up with but i think they should do the job also again i gotta say how much better does this area feel now bro you wanna come at me with this smite fire sword does that feel good 13 more emerald blocks now the real question where might we put this beacon i was thinking right here we have three by three five by five but at this point we can manage the triple layer seven by seven uh one sec i just need a few more pumpkins or a few more emerald blocks that'll fill this in and then i guess the top is gonna be iron there is our very lovely hole for the beacon and so now we just need to kill a wither oh you know what gold yeah that looks better to me and now we just need to kill a wither so i think it's time we get brewing we'll do strength potions swiftness regen and last but not least slow falling why slow falling because ladies and gentlemen oh no we're not just taking on the wither ladies and gentlemen it is time whoa okay so uh i'm seeing a very weird structure we got going on here oh ender dragon it has been a long long time don't think for a second that i forgot how to do this whoa okay nice try last one though ender dragon your time is up and ladies and gentlemen uh yeah we'll just give it a nice little boop but that is not it i used way too many arrows in that fight oh i gotta pick some arrows up okay one wither with 31 arrows wait a second why am i being dumb i could just come back dude there sir give me some arrows beautiful peace out nerds all right let's do this with our fights my body is ready except it's not going for me listen buddy here we are come on no no no no you get back here fight me you niblet you dingus what do you want stop running oh my god this is like amazing and so annoying listen i am the threat fight me come on stop being a coward oh oh hi hi hi hi no no no no yeah that's right you get stuck in there you s oh my god he's breaking it oh oh what oh my god i didn't even realize hey that's why we have totems but still i just i don't know if i can do this i don't know if i'm good enough i can't keep up he's too fast wait i have swiftness okay buddy it turns out an evasive wither is actually harder to fight oh is it on me no i am the danger you see me no no stop you're so annoying i think we're gonna have to regroup we're gonna do a restock on potions and bow not bad that'll be smite four knock back now let's see what we can do so swiftness is just gonna be on for eight minutes we get regen and here we go there's some hits that's some damage this is progress we're so close dude one hit it's one oh come on yes no no don't run away come on come on come on come on stay in this corner stay at this corner come on come on yes yes let's go so that was stupid i wanted it to be cool i wanted to fight it legit and that was just stupid so let this be a reminder next time you say that like doing it in a cave or like you know under under the bedrock you know saying that's cheap because that was really dumb i think we have enough obsidian there is our beacon and boom think on an island like this i think it's gotta be speed now as for another layer it's gonna be close we've got six days i think it's possible so we're basically just gonna fill in like this a pre-existing section so this is gonna be our new bottom layer this will be number two this will be three and then the fourth one will be one more up and the beacon will basically be in that hole apart from pumpkins it's really just gonna come down to the iron farm the beacon is going to be a waiting game oh my god whoa i don't know when this happens but that is a brown mushroom a brown mooshroom spawns when a regular mushroom gets struck by lightning and it's very obvious that at some point this got struck by lightning so now that the beacon is there i feel like this tower needs a little bit more work the beacon's just really grossly jutting out so that feels marginally better we're gonna go back to the end grab some chorus fruit next we can get this chorus fruit cooking up next we take our popped chorus fruit that's gonna be per per blocks and i think we can then spice this up quite nicely spatially that just feels a lot better and i think i am needing to patch this up a little bit even more incredible and if we do another iron check it's going to be 31. oh my goodness i definitely want to keep a bit of this emerald aesthetic so we'll fill this whole section in with iron and then the odor visible ring can be emerald next we fill this layer in oh we're so close we'll put up some more decorative blocks i think we'll finally get rid of these torches feels good we can think about lanterning up this section too overall i think that looks a lot better but don't you think for a second that i ever forgot about this forest been holding on to all this birch for way too long so we'll go ahead and expand this side we'll get another platform like so next we can fill this area in with some dirt some big guys in the back smaller in the front maybe even an acacia sapling maybe even two grow everything up i hope this is gonna work yes maybe okay it's not bad yes okay that actually looks pretty sick same for this side more yeah okay not the best tree to get but whatever certainly trim this guy up more trees more yes oh so beautiful now from a distance yes okay it feels full like now it looks foresty i think we also need to add one layer to our tower you can finish with snow that's not a lot of snow how about kind of a mixed bag here we could almost do like a reverse the gilded i was always hoping that this would be useful for something actually looks sick and we just finished it off with a blackstone roof dang this is probably like my favorite one so i think my main problem with the look of it is that the top just looks really flat let's try this again still can't really see the top like a little bit okay there now we can at least like see the top yeah a little more pointy now now last but not least oh my god are we gonna get there yes we have the gold i almost feel like that should just get filled in i just think it's gonna look better this way yeah oh man so much better this will be final touch yeah that's it beacon goes perfectly right there we'll do speed and regeneration in glass put that over top uh one second try orange not really yellow i think that's it please subscribe to help us reach one million oh and go check out my new music
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 390,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, 100, Minecraft 100 days, minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, episode one, funny moments, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, vanilla minecraft, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, survival, survival series, single block, 100 days single block
Id: fBiKXBQcWz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 44sec (3764 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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