Minecraft, But I Shapeshift Every Minute

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let's get started today we're playing minecraft we sure are this time it's gonna be different though and it might be a little tough once per minute i'll transform into a random mob a random mob every minute that's crazy yeah if i transform into something strong it could be helpful but if i turn into something wimpy already i might be in trouble what are you i'm a fish what a puffer fish are you okay as long as i'm in the water i should be fine sorry but i'll have to stay here for now it's cool i got this i'll get some wood good idea i'll leave the trees up to you thanks mikey i guess i'll just splash around and swim laps for now have fun i can be on land for just a little bit check it out i think we're starting this on a high note i'm here huh right here oh i see you here oh wow mikey this is for me thanks no problem yeah i'll take the wood you gathered and i'll start making something i made a crafting table so oh i turned into another fish huh i guess i can't leave the water just yet first i want to make a pickaxe good idea next maybe i'll craft an axe i made one okay what should i do next hmm i'll go look for some stone i'll probably transform again pretty soon though nope i just changed again whoa look what mikey look behind you now look up i'm flying oh wow a parrot whoa there's all kinds of stuff down there since i can fly i'll go down and get started i'll come too i'll mine some stone how do i get there i only have one minute so don't worry about it are you okay did you fall close now i'll make a stone pickaxe and go mine a bunch of iron ore yeah i'll fly down and get everything quickly i'll mine as much as i can with the time i have left before i transform again so far so good okay that's a lot of iron next up is cold we'll definitely need this come on come on time is running out i can feel it oh no mikey i changed again to what now i'm a bunny oh i see you jj i may be a rabbit but i should still try to mine more how on earth am i going to get back up what are you up to mikey i'm close by trying to reach you awesome yeah so far so good what i took fall damage a short drop off this cliff was too much for the rabbit to handle my health bar is way too small careful no kidding one fall and it's all over for me hey i found the bridge you made mikey a step in the wrong direction and i'll fall right off oh hey look i'm a chicken now i can jump off and be just fine i want to come i can gently glide down do your best to keep up mikey okay i need a crafting table and i need to smelt the iron this is really important because i want a bucket if i turn into a fish in a bad place then you can use the water to save me mikey you're right good thinking okay it's melting down i'll get some more coal oh no this is exactly what i was talking about i'm in trouble mikey i got a dj keep going this might be the end for me no i can't give up now oh right i think i saw some water around here [Music] oh please make a bucket for me mikey there should be some iron nearby okay i'll handle it otherwise turning into a fish is a death sentence ah that's better whoa hold the phone this is crazy huh what happened wow i've turned into something amazing mikey what look up i'm not alone oh no it's okay i'm a wither wow i'll fly on over to scoop up some water sure take this thanks piece of cake flying is fun i should take a quick look around while i can yo hold up there's a village nearby really i'm gonna check out the desert i wonder if there's anything over here oh this is bad that was a close one seriously i was up in the sky when i transformed but thanks to the bucket of water i didn't take any fall damage uh i'm over here mikey let's go to the village it's by the mountains sure i'll give the bucket to you oh thanks woohoo all right come on uh-oh i turned into a puffer fish but i'll be okay keep going mikey all right it's a hard time fast for a fish you're speedy wait up oh i found water you good yes okay nice let's explore the village it's kind of hard as a fish though hang on yeah here that was a close one thanks i can breathe like this for a sec we're running low on food oh watermelons my favorite nice what a lucky find now i can fill up on watermelon oh yummy whoa i turned into a zoglin uh-oh the villagers they're scared run away zoglins are scary normally this would be super dangerous but i wouldn't hurt a fly seeing the villagers run away makes me kind of sad all right back to melons we should be good for food now nice what's up mikey bread whoa you baked this our food supply is massive hmm want to check out that big house the really big one there's got to be a chest full of treasure in there it's over this way right there it is the mansion i bet there's some good stuff in there oh i turned into something really weird what did you change into now an armor stand wow okay let's go transforming looks fun it is even like this is the house empty oh in here what i found the chest open it three two one whoa there's a compass and some paper in here yep whoa look at me the ender dragon wow i'm gonna fight some enemies so brave attack pow oh the monster is mikey i'll help you gg i've been hit it hurts boom i've got your back mikey stop it i'll save you with my poison get away from me yeah take that hurts [Music] no i just transformed midair oh well run away mikey the ender dragon was kind of underwhelming but look at me now i'm a spider i can climb walls this is cool i'll pour mikey stop that run i'll save you yeah yeah ouch got it oh nice thanks jj i'm a spider so monsters won't attack me look friends they're attacking run away we need to make a tactical retreat let's go check out the desert maybe we can find a pyramid what oh i'm a pig now everything is attacking me i'm so weak now mikey help me go hurry hold on okay i'm here good but i can't i'm a weak pig let's hit the hay bedtime this is really bad pigs are too thick to go through normal doors okay i gotta keep running what yes keep going this is a good transformation what now i'm a witch help me now that i'm a witch i can fit through doors okay i'm in bed wait up i'll sleep too oh my dad that's me mikey i died a zombie followed you in and got you oh seriously well mikey i'm packing up and heading out all right the desert we can put that awful night behind us look how cute you are yep i'm a cute little llama in this form i don't have any special powers except for getting really hungry whoa look at me i'm a parrot again wow look wait i'm so fast oh i found the pyramid i'm going in hang on i can fly in through the top of the hole there we go whoa oh this is a big problem what have i done oh no i didn't see the hole mikey i can't believe it there's nothing left well no he's crying over it mistakes happen mikey fell through the pyramid right into the trap that pressure plate made the tnt explode it happens to the best of us maybe we should look for an ocean monument [Music] i think i found something where the ocean monument wait for me i'm rowing mikey it's a pretty big one let's strategize keep going hey i'm a creeper really on the bright side nothing wants to attack me now i think i'm being followed help me enemies won't attack other enemies but i can't breathe underwater everything's after me instead you okay it's no use you have to do the monument okay i can't guess i'll have to wait to turn into a fish [Music] oh mikey i'm a dolphin lucky i'm going in nice here i go oh wow there are a lot of enemies in here i need to be extra careful i think i'll try going the stealthy route this is dangerous i barely survived how much longer do i have uh oh this place is a maze oh no what is it i transformed what are you this time it's bad i'm a wither skeleton what hang on i can breathe under water wow i'm a bit too tall though i can't fit in here be careful it's too dark to see anything again i turned into a bunny i can't be a bunny down here they can't breathe underwater now i'm lost this is bad i think ocean monuments are too hard when you're a rabbit this is way too hard for us hey mikey i found some lava want to go to the nether the nether might be easier build a nether portal i can't do it you got it oops wait a sec is that what is it looks like the ruins from an old nether portal wow whoa why is it underwater huh i'll take care of it there it is i'm opening the chest whoa look at that it's loaded with loot awesome keep going mikey you can do it thanks i'm leaving the portal in good hands what oh now i'm a dog i can help mikey in this form mikey the lava is cooling is that okay i got the water nice here and one more there by the way i found four blocks of obsidian in that chest here and there huh nice almost done two more blocks you can do it mikey bam nice now do you have any iron mikey iron yep i do now i'm a piglet will an iron ingot work yeah thanks i have everything we need now we can light it with flint and steel piglets get cold when they're outside of the nether that's why i'm shivering i need to warm up let's go all right here we go oh look i'm feeling all better i stopped shivering you did it's kind of nice here a piglet i want to find treasure in the nether me too it's hard to walk out where'd you fall mikey i fell in the lava sheesh oh no i turned into a dolphin mikey i need water i can't survive here go back just for a sec you need to breathe oh wait oh no i need oxygen are you okay you can do it i'm so close oh you didn't make it well i'm back and now i want to try the nether again properly this time oh yes i'm flying around mikey let's go back okay now let's hurry i'm right behind you this form is so strong plus it can fly i'm free look mikey no time to waste okay i'll decide where we need to go it's all on you well i can't find anything special around here whatever are you okay mikey no i'm being attacked this is awful i'll be right there to help [Music] i feel like anything could happen in here i'm sure you'll be fine okay i'm gonna start looking for a place that just reeks of treasure i believe in you maybe around here or there how about up here maybe here hmm no oh no if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 18,395,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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