Minecraft But Jumping Gives You Random Items

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[Music] let's get this party started today we're playing minecraft let's do it this time i have something fun planned listen up mikey huh what is it [Music] every time we jump we'll receive a random item in our inventory wait how does that work let's try it out i'll go first first i'll jump three two one jump oh [Music] see i got an item a pressure plate wow that wasn't the best item to start with but it's completely random sure i got grass that's it hey take a look at this what some kind of egg what's inside it's a type of spawn egg that means it'll spawn a monster or an animal give it a shot really yep i hope i get something good uh oh that's not good it's an enemy a jump for something to fight with oh an axe i got a spawn egg maybe it'll help oh no i spawned a piglen another enemy i gotta keep jumping you jump mikey jump we need better items come on jump jump jump i'm jumping i got a golden apple i'm gonna eat it sweet keep on jumping oh another spawn egg i hope it's something good yikes a drowned too many enemies i got an egg nice all right what is that oh a horse the monster you spawn can't handle the rain come on mikey we just need something we can fight with an end portal some wood oh tnt hey i got another spawn egg mikey oh that's good wow mikey it looks like everything is out to get you i'm fine i hope this spawns something friendly seriously a spider run let's use this tnt yeah okay i found a wooden button to activate it great place the tnt then push the button huh this might blow you up i lived you're fine that was fun whoa what now why don't we keep jumping around for some good items sure a conduit that's super rare whoa no way come here take a look at what i have mikey what see this elytra wow and diamond boots lucky i want some too i'm gonna go for a glide with my elytra cool whoa check it out what i got a nether right pickaxe wow that's incredible amazing i'm only a few pieces of armor away from a full set of equipment nice here take this i already have a diamond helmet thanks we're really making a mess okay time to fly wow sweet whoa epic that was a blast elijah are such rare items but i got mine so easily come here why i have a feeling this is something you might like take it oh a firework thank you if you use fireworks while you're wearing an elytra what happens something awesome i'll show you ready blast off look how fast i'm going awesome whoa that was crazy these items are the best you should try to get some elijah for yourself yeah that would be great yeah i want some well just keep jumping for now oh netherride armor cool i can't wear it with elytra you have it my inventory's full i can't believe i have a netherright pickaxe this is extremely rare it mines super well oh a slimeball what's this weird-looking mushroom beats me now the right boots whoa cool hey another egg i have a bunch of eggs let's use them sounds good if an enemy spawns we'll take it down with my nether right pickaxe okay is that a sword yep looks like we've picked up some pretty strong equipment diamond helmets and nether right armor we're really tough yeah let's do it we got this bring it on oh a piglen nice here piglin take some gold [Music] hey ouch stop it i just realized we're not wearing any golden armor let's fight there yeah yes we won whoa good job look at this it's some kind of potion oh i should drink it oh a campfire all right here goes nothing ready [Music] oh mikey you burned up to a crisp that was toasty this potion i'm holding is called dragon's breath but it doesn't look like i can drink it hey i got an egg let's spawn it okay no no it's a guardian attack it wait where'd my sword go it's fine i can use my nether right pickaxe uh oh one more hit and i'm done for no stop that was a close one do you have anything i can eat yep right here hmm a golden oh man i died i'll avenge you jj this is fun but there are too many enemies a bed i've got a bed too we should sleep yeah it's past our bedtime i can dig out a cave with my netherite pickaxe smart digging with this is so easy hurry the monsters block up the entrance it's dark in here yeah it's fine i have a beacon oh this thing is bright cool whoa this base should be big enough for us to sleep in nice time to place our beds and go to sleep good night huh good night all right we're filling up our cave with items i got a pickaxe oh nice that was a lucky jump hey mikey look what i got what is it it's a jukebox oh awesome i have discs for it put them in wow whoa cool yeah let's head back out hang on i have another egg me too let's hatch them go puffer fish my bad that was a mistake i still have one more hatchet what do we get uh a creeper that's not good hey yikes i didn't like that that was close we wouldn't have survived without our armor let's hatch another egg i have no idea what it's gonna spawn do it three two one wait what a chicken not bad i have a black egg go for it ready yes sir three two one huh whoa and enderman don't make eye contact hey watch out help me jj you're fine it warped anyway oh it's gone that's good oh another egg three two one whoa a squid i don't think it can survive in here without water hang on i got some ready sure there now it can live it has a friend too let's keep jumping for good items i got an egg we have so many [Music] i know i'll spawn it right away uh-oh a zombie piglet hmm again oh no what's that get off i spawned an enemy look how big it is i can't help you oh hang on it got i have no idea where we respawn where are we we're lost we have to start from scratch here that's too bad let's get some decent items oh look a gold block oh nice i'm gonna hatch this egg a panda whoa that's pretty lucky so far so good i found a goodie what take it here wow is that a netherride helmet yep thanks now my head is super safe great let me think okay an ender chest i got another egg mikey here it goes a bee oh it's so cute yeah it won't hurt us as long as we leave it alone oh i found another egg uh oh a wither skeleton yikes run away hey let's run to that frozen area sounds like a plan to me look a polar bear amazing a redstone block some wood [Music] here's a mushroom we're making a big mess this is so much fun every time you jump an item falls out oh i see take a look at how many items are scattered around the ice what's this whoa cool we got a mushroom sweet all the mushrooms do we can eat we have enough wood to harvest it yes mushrooms are the best that's for sure if i click on the mooshroom while holding a bowl you'll get infinite stew you'll never go hungry again nice whoa awesome what this wait is that an ender dragon head yup we can wear it what really see wow oh cool that's so epic i got an egg oh what is it we should be ready to fight whatever comes out i'm hatching it sure three two one no way a dog it's friendly a wolf sweet i got another egg open it ready three two one go oh [Applause] creepers are no good mikey their eggs are green so pay attention all right i have some kind of gray egg i'll give it a try no not again go watch out mikey why i spawned another ravager yikes we need to take it down right we still haven't beaten one yet okay we need to collect some items to fight away sure wait where did it go hello we need to spawn more items before it comes back oh sweet elytra the ravager disappeared i bet it's nearby creepy there it is that's it it looks like it's stuck in the water now's our chance we need some better items that's for sure let's win this thing oh this item looks pretty interesting doesn't it i have a feeling it's a parrot spawn egg sweet hatch hi birdie cute unfortunately it's not gonna help us beat the ravager but you're right mikey it's really cute mikey i have what we need what check it out huh a campfire oh and i found some tnt wow oh you found a netherite sword after i blow it up you can attack it up close and personal i can do that ready three two one the tnt is about to go off whoa i'll take it from here use your netherite sword you okay [Music] this thing's tough i'm gonna finish the fight with your sword i'm not strong enough slash slash take that ravager whoa it's really powerful try using this what this do you recognize this egg hang on that's a creeper egg right yep now watch i'll hit it with this here i go [Music] whoa yes i landed a good hit it's still standing we need more items whoa hey we won i think you finished it off bare-handed we did it that's right well we started playing in this random world and ended up defeating a ravager all on her own hooray every time we jumped we got a new item but in the end we had way more stuff than we ever needed yeah even organizing them was a challenge with every jump and every random item we got we had a ton of fun by the way mikey oh the ender dragon head oh yeah i guess the only thing left to do is keep jumping and gathering more items sounds good hopefully we can find another funny spawn egg and see what's inside or maybe we'll get an ender dragon yeah thanks for watching bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 14,835,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: YuKhdTeuW6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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