Zombies vs Iron Golem Security - Minecraft

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all right let's get started see this chest today we're going to use whatever's inside to reinforce the security of this village with just one chest yep just one chest really what's inside show me let's take a peek ready yep three two one open ta-dah whoa look what's that there's a bunch of different blocks including pumpkins oh let's grab them okay hang on a sec how do we protect the village with all this junk i mean it's just a bunch of pumpkins right the pumpkins are key how can you protect something with pumpkins that's ridiculous jj well mikey those aren't just any ordinary pumpkins they're not they're better how are they better believe it or not these pumpkins can turn any type of block into a golem so what do you think should we give it a go show me how it works sure follow me i'm gonna make the first one out of dirt for real i'll need four blocks okay now i'll stack them [Music] here mikey why don't you put the pumpkin on top sure three two one pop hey that didn't work it tried again weird see this whoa i guess dirt doesn't work what your leaf golem is amazing where's it headed off i'm not sure it's the same build as an iron golem but made of leaves this golem seems pretty fast compared to a regular iron golem look at it move yeah wow whoa hey mikey yeah each golem has a special ability let's figure out what they are starting with a dispenser golem awesome these dispensers are hard to play since i have to crouch the whole time wow now i can load it up with arrows you can do that yep it should be able to fire arrows now load it with ammo [Music] what's next why don't you build some mikey i have an idea whoa interesting choice my friend will this work wow tnt that looks pretty dangerous i feel like it could explode at any second maybe it won't [Music] whoa there are so many blocks well they all work sponge magma watermelon and slime i think these should all work good job i built so many the diamond one already has a head oopsie now it's time to place the heads i can't wait okay i'll start with the slime ready go hmm wow a slime golem no way epic i can't tell what its ability is let's try the watermelon oh look it's a watermelon golem awesome it looks delicious i love watermelon i wonder if there's enough golems to keep the village safe yet either way i'm gonna make some more it's magma golem time there huh ah i wonder if this one will light up at night who knows we'll have to wait and see next up sponge do it activate oh wow a sponge golem what's its ability oh it's sucking up all the water the crops are gonna die oh this isn't good come back i hope the sponge golem doesn't destroy the whole farm i better harvest these carrots while i have the chance wow all right next up is ice i'd better put a head on before it melts ready yep three two one huh ice doesn't work let's do glass no ice go hey check it out a glass golem you can see right through it that's awesome it looks like it could shatter at any second you got a point all it takes is one punch from a zombie and that thing's done too bad oh well which golem should i make now all right yeah three two one whoa it looks expensive sweet next we have emerald which is even more expensive than gold now it's time for diamond go diamond golem go diamond golems must be the toughest type of golem out there [Music] what's next obsidian okay go huh that's so cool yeah i bet obsidian golems are tough too since they're harder than diamond right wow this thing is seriously tough this next one is supposed to be a redstone lamp golem three two one whoa can turn its lights on and off sweet this golem could help us out at night if we're ever hunting down zombies in the dark is that everything did we try all the different kinds of blocks what other golem should we make to help protect the village mikey i'm not sure what oh good idea can we here one two three four huh oh the ice melted uh-oh okay oh go huh wrong way no good it doesn't work what about this a log golem i guess we could give it a try okay go go whoa hey it worked i didn't think it would awesome no way are there any other golems we haven't made yet maybe what i need to make the body for what oh i see cobblestone yep for a golem is it possible maybe three two one huh why for a gollum whoa let's try it three two one go wow a crafting table golem what does it do you can craft on it huh that's amazing what's next well it's almost nighttime we should get ready the zombies are gonna attack seriously now that it's dark we should build some more redstone lamp golems sounds good we won't even need lights we'll have a whole army of redstone lamp golems alright what's up mikey will pistons work a piston golem is it possible i guess not let's make more of these i'll help you out i'm on my way i'll make another watermelon golem too there got it whoa look out what a skeleton appeared they're coming can we beat them the village will be safe right let's find out mikey this is terrible so many zombies i'm being surrounded help me out dispenser gollum use your arrows save us no dispenser column whoa i fell into a random hole back off we lost this is a total disaster i'm hiding in the back of the church right now good luck you can do it hmm which golem is the strongest the emerald golem that's a lot of zombies oh no wait the golems are starting to fall to them huh that's not good what a disaster careful whoa that tnt golem exploded and the magma golems attacks burn zombies really looks like the leaf golem doesn't want to fight help me oh they beat the magma golem but it's split into mini magma golems what for real magma golems rock yeah oops i fell off jj whoa protect me obsidian gollum you're our toughest security guard yeah it's so strong great job oh not bad i know this is easier than i thought these golems are super overpowered it looks like we've cleared out most of the zombies already duh baby zombie back off chew they're fast at least the golems took care of things for us i think we can count this as a victory really oh more zombies i'll make a tnt golem huh oh wow go get him where's it going hey why isn't it fighting the zombies come on don't run away tnt golem help us we're under attack we need you please whoa is it attacking you mikey i'm down no mikey why me oh well today we successfully reinforced the village's security mystery if you enjoyed our video make sure to like and subscribe thanks let us know which golem you thought was the coolest in the comments thanks for watching hey where's mikey i'm right here oh bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 13,928,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: kTABudhCnoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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