Minecraft's BEST Players Simulate a Manhunt

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I have to keep my man's Sean alive for the next three hours while half of the server is going to try and kill him he has four tasks to complete and half the health means I'm gonna have to do everything I can to keep him from dying if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe but let's get started five four three oh two one begin remember ten minutes okay I'm taking this tree I can't break blocks I'm so happy there we go crafting table thank you I keep running no no I was using that you put it back what's going on demands yeah my man's frog man where are you I'm not a frog yeah I know okay you're the best shot I gotta get out of this place alive I'm this you are in trouble sir you gotta keep me you gotta keep me alive right no no no no no no no no no you go away you go somewhere else here take this take this there you go okay thank you why would you turn them into Sean turn them into planks I'm scared no hey look at this frog my man's coming in hey hey my man's we're gonna go down underwater and you put down the door and then you stand in the door because I saw some coal and iron and stuff down there oh okay this is nope that is not safe okay do not go in there that cave is angry you think you think Kim's gonna be coming for us potentially I think he's awesome put that door next to this door okay while I'm leading Sean through the forest getting a little bit of iron and starting food I figure I need to explain the game to you just a little bit better so you know what's going on Sean is a VIP which means he only has five hearts and I have to keep him alive for the next three hours while he completes his tasks he knows that I'm his bodyguard so he knows I'm safe to trust everyone else their potential assassin there are three VIPs and if the Assassins kill two of them they win but the VIPs complete all of their tasks and make it to the end of the three hours we win so that's why I'm throwing all of the iron and all of the food at him to make sure that he survives and then here put some pants on oh gotta make it safe for YouTube here bud yeah and then here take a hat too ah okay oh the Assassin also has all the coordinates of where we need to go to do things too why why do you make it this hard on yourself but with the first night wrapping up I'm figuring food ender pearls for escapability and iron armor is gonna be our highest priority I think if you go up a mountain there's more iron now do you see like there's a whole bunch of it over there but a bucket of lava would probably be a really good weapon for me so we need just a ton of iron for buckets oh yeah that's a problem he's alone too yeah which makes me worry that he's almost certainly the Assassin oh yeah uh don't worry I'm a man like me you ever seen the movie free solo it worries me Sean don't worry I figured out how to use the shift key okay good I don't trust you you play with auto jump on I'm judging you so hard right now all right so here's the place to jump okay when it's timed there we go yeah oh you'll absolutely go Crystal I didn't know that Geronimo okay I forgot to jump okay I just walked now that we had basic gear the most important thing was getting Sean forward on all of his tasks we needed a ton more iron before we'd be able to take on the milk task but there were some others that we could go with very little prep we can do this in any order it doesn't have to be ordered okay so it's five separate cows and deliver five buckets of milk to the chest then I collect 10 diamonds and deliver them to a chest build a nice Bridge across a river or a valley and make a trade with another player who is not The Bodyguard there's a portal dude portal portal portal oh this could be good there could be a ton of iron right there and there's chickens a lot of chickens there's gold right here oh what did you get I got a lot of I got a couple gold helmets one that had respiration three on it oh okay we're gonna do something all right all right here's a play give me your iron helmet take this you can stay underwater way longer than anybody else oh hey good idea you are a fish basically okay oh oh Shadow okay that's a creeper oh what do you think of a shadow oh well I just saw Shadow die and I'm like what oh we can't use this portal this portal would take way too long to fix yeah but I mean yeah okay what about the lava like we could use a lot but we don't have a bucket yeah let's check out the house because if there's a villager inside how's it going my man he's having a sleep guess what you were made to die you have a job now yeah you're today's your lucky day subscribe to Ford's labso Bambi okay so hold on perfect okay we need sticks we need 32 sticks all right so as the sun rose our priority was getting logs which we can convert into sticks and use those to trade for emeralds which we could trade for arrows and Bows so we could fight at range when nobody else potentially could but as I was collecting logs I found out that that might not be the best use of my time I'll just I'll just no you use your wood for the bridge I'll use my wood for the okay yeah that's fine more than enough now what the heck oh there's a shipwreck right here no shot I found a shipwreck and had a ton of emeralds in it oh like that's everything we need yeah because we can use it temporarily yeah there's an anvil right here oh what if we made a cleric I mean I already traded with them oh yeah okay here you go so there you go there's a there's a stack and a bit of arrows I just need to make a beautiful oh okay oh okay I can I can buy a bow from Kim oh perfect here I'm gonna make him I'm gonna make a third furnace real quick sure for cooking that up yeah you you just wait you're getting milked real soon and you know to make a stone cutter right what's a stone cutter okay I'm gonna go check something because I think I can make this portal completed it's just gonna take a lot a little bit of time to do it actually I don't need to the thing is I need to protect God this is literally just barely completable okay oh my God this can literally be done Sean it is literally barely completable but we can go to the nether oh can we okay cool yeah I'm gonna finish it up real quick foreign going into The Nether the best possible outcome here is either a fortress for potions or a Bastion for bartering for enhanced gear and would you look at that you love to see it Sean there's a Bastion right there is there it's right there all right perfect we could trade Red's done foreign very nice Bridge dealing with children who were busy asking for all of our autograph I asked them a question Sierra you don't get to quit and continued pushing Sean out into hell thinking this is our best bet oh wow it's huge and it could this could work out so well if we're careful but didn't you die in one of these yeah well they were invisible oh they can go invisible no no it was a glitch no the swords as long as we have gold armor we're fine until we open a chest just you stay there okay for right now Where's My Bodyguard be fine I didn't know you could hear me what's the worst that could happen you shush you shush right now oh this is good stuff all right part one super easy okay that was easy so here you go here you go you can have a crossbow oh an iron sword beautiful you want some music yeah perfect we have 17 iron now oh my God that's enough to make the the bucket so we need to get the milk a little nervous bridging but there's nothing saying that like we can't go down next to it and then we just pillar up right next to it grab all the gold and then and then boat our way back down I'm in the boat oh we're going together we can go together we can go apart your call oh my God okay so send us over the edge wait hold on hold on hold on oh okay I don't know okay what back up just back up back away from the edge and then get out of the boat yes you're probably fine now just hold shift hold shift hold shift here just give me the blocks just let me go you just go let's play it safe I want to win foreign oh God that was terrifying when I came back down on the other end I almost fell into the lava and Sean Sean John I'm right underneath you yeah I killed it I killed it already if you're wearing gold we're fine where are you okay I'm literally right underneath you I'm just about to make two very rich pigs they have 16 blocks of gold to play with oh my God okay with a quarter stack of gold blocks in my inventory converted down into ingots this would take a while to trade and we spent some time just sitting there discussing overall strategies and how we potentially wanted to win this game once we complete all the objectives we can build like some sort of Fortress to keep me safe in oh absolutely and I have like a bunch of obsidian and stuff which is trading all the gold what I stole literally all of their gold and I trade it right back and just I'm handing it right back to them and they're fine with it they're excited as we were nearing up the very end of our gold resupply back into the Bastion economy that's how trickle-down economics works right we had another voice pop up on our comms which immediately set us into defense mode I am nervous about going back through the portal so uh I should go first yeah and then I'll tell you if you need to wait virus hey hey hey hey hello I'll be I'll be right back I'm gonna bring my friend okay yeah prove you got someone with you Sean we gotta go shall we gotta go okay we gotta go show we gotta go I have how much ship City do you have uh I have four give me it I need to be able to build a portal all right hey guys definitely hello there's two of you hello there's two of you are you bodyguarding the person we indeed actually um might be what do you might be hey I don't know what you are man yeah can we can we get a look at you you're kind of kind of ground right now you know no no no no no no no no all right the thing is we were first to diamonds first to milk and we just need to trade a player because we've already burned everything down okay so they know the objective so they must be VIPs I thought you said that the Assassin also knows the objectives yeah okay tell me something else there's another one I'm a Milky milky small part of my plan milk yup okay all right are they good hey guys yeah they're good hi hello welcome oh yes and I offer you in a music disc oh my goodness I offer you an ender pearl take some pumpkins oh yes all right okay oh wow that's all my objectives done we're done let's wow all right okay what's up all right so what do you guys have left everything kipley and welcome in were amazing and let us use their enchanting table to get an immediate gear upgrade now we were better prepared for a fight than ever before and knowing one of the other VIPs was completely done with her tasks that was huge for our team's win conditions you said he was with you yeah your bodyguard so he's an assassin the thing is is I've seen Shadow match die and schneve die so I feel like there's not schneve I don't know why I keep saying that sneeze [Music] but I've seen them both die and then Ryan obviously but he's bad so it's okay this is huge this is huge okay so I mean we're stacked we have everything we need John we can find all three I just spent all of it to put her to give the bucket bodyguard I'm sorry oh yeah you guys have you guys are still a one person so I'm gonna go through the portal first um we'll type in chat if it's clear okay well if we don't see you die right yeah yeah how awkward would it be if like just kidding come on come through I said the line you give me you give me an AOK when you're through okay um there's cows back here as well there's cows right over there just don't look at your Bridge oh poor Bridge we didn't know it was your Bridge okay we didn't know the poor Bridge hey Sean there's cows over here look up no let's not Bugaboo I'm not interested milk that's five okay let's go we spent a little bit more time together in the Overworld I spent some time enchanting and combining bows to get power two which would pack a serious punch and we divided a lot of our resources evenly between both teams before deciding that we should split up the last thing that we should do is give the Assassins a centralized Target allowing them to condense down and fight Us in even numbers instead we wanted to spread them out and keep them on the move because when they were chasing us they wouldn't be able to be attacking us so I followed that treasure map heading to what would be a random location in the Assassin's mind trying to find diamonds in the chest but unfortunately not and with enough iron from all of the trading plus the chest we had enough buckets of milk for Sean to go in and turn in his second objective oh what's this what what's this Betsy was a good cow here lies Bessie the cow oh yeah that's what happened what happened I'll show you I hear them maybe it's under here I hear about the Bessie the cow here maybe it's here I don't know right here cow's right here yep someone entombed a cow a live cow we don't talk about the cow yeah negative 96 negative 239 72 negative 96. yep I'm standing on that block all right look out there it is oh oh it's buried okay okay I'm a Milky Milky man bringing milk is just one small part of the plan mmm milk one two three four five that's five buckets of milk [Applause] all right Don let's blow it's a kingdom come yeah do it Sean light it all right destroy the evidence yep oh I didn't think you were actually going to of course I'm gonna blow it up where'd the milk go the milk has been exploded all right with that explosive send-off of calcium-filled goodness it was time for my God I'm down to two hearts too hard skeletons Sean yeah you have to say something sooner oh it happened so fast just remember pearls damage you too so you need more than three hearts to use a pearl I know it doesn't I won't make the mistake Kimmy don't kill yourself like Kim it was time for diamond mining because we needed 10 shiny blue rocks to be able to move forward yeah you can breathe underwater really good okay Ryan just got an enchanting so that means he either just hooked up with Chipley and welcoming yes okay perfect just get in here and like get to somewhere thankfully this cave made its way pretty deep all the way down to the Deep slate level and through a little bit of navigating down to the area where diamond mining would be most efficient if we strip mined the problem there was we're working with unenchanted iron tools and we have a limited Supply meaning that if we don't find diamonds here we've gambled everything and put ourselves in an extremely vulnerable position if the Assassins happened to catch up to us foreign yeah this is not great but having to just strip mine for diamonds caving would be better but do you want to find a cave I mean we it took us how long to find even this little cave but we're using trap doors and our fire resistance potions through Lava since I had spares just anything to give us the advantage here and it's really not working oh my God imagine I just saw Kim at the end of the tunnel hey you guys here you guys at the end of this long tunnel how are you guys how you been I missed you the only problem is now I can't stand up we were digging around it down to our last two iron picks when Sean finally started getting lucky getting two multi-diamond veins and putting us within Striking Distance of a win condition even check diagonal nice okay we can get out of here uh I'm gonna try to get it without setting up though how many more diamonds do you have exactly 10. is there any more around there because a diamond actually do a ton of damage it looks like it was just the one or just the two but we can we can keep going we have an hour I feel like I'm that dude from the meme where I know as soon as I give up we're gonna come back and look at this world and one block later there's just gonna be like a thousand diamonds yeah of course 10 diamonds that's fire okay I wonder who's hunting us It's gotta be it's got it oh using Shadows killer okay Shadow is definitely bad okay or or that's like a sword to kill Shadow Yeah by Ryan okay so yeah Shadow was good oh oh the Assassins that means assassins have one point now so me and kipley need to survive to win oh hey hey hey hey it's us and because I'm a little scared now we technically can't but I gotta get to the diamond place we're way below you okay hold on hold on Sean Give me the give me the ingredients for the iron act for the diamond ax no yes we're the only ones left so they're for sure tracking everywhere on us right now we have to move we cannot be in a one by one how many diamonds do you guys have we have enough we gotta go I have my ten I got to bring it with one of the VIPs down there was no margin for error now we needed to drop these diamonds off and then get our VIPs to a safe location for the remaining 40 minutes of the game time was running out and at this point the Assassins had us basically even player to player so we needed to act smart okay just run just run just run just run there's a boat over there multiple boats oh my God oh that's our boat that's our boat well one of those is our boat and the other one was a fish yeah okay I said we needed the extra expert that doesn't mean actually smart we're entertaining we're not actually good at this game but as time was starting to tick down we all jumped in the boats and headed towards the diamond drop-off location knowing that the Assassins would probably be trying to beat us there yeah okay you two go I'm last down for a second Sean Sean Sean kill the Phantom Sean okay uh 28 yeah I'm gonna go check scary oh perfect Sean you know for a fact I'm your bodyguard I know things I've done to people in the past that's true the rules mean nothing to you that way I've played games I mean they know we're here like you said they have they have a compass they know we're here this is um I heard them both talk like I heard two of them talking Kim and Ryan I didn't hear Steve if I do and they chase me then you guys need to be like either you're ready to come down and deposit your diamonds because Sean you have to do that over there yeah there's three things that should be the one to deposit them it should be me lagundo and Sean when we have to deposit but I'm gonna go see if I can get closer or not wait what do you want me to do maybe build a build a big fortress build a big tower that they can't get to you honestly like that that's my only thought is like let's get you out of Harm's Way I'm fighting every urge I have right now to go down there ax in hand and just take up all three of them out myself you want to win this right yes do you can you give me Obsidian that I can like if they're chasing me I can like close it off time was starting to run out so we came up with a plan Sean is gonna go with welcoming down to mine underneath the chest with the hope that they can drop the diamonds in and then book it and since everybody knows at this point that I'm Sean's guard I'm gonna go down the main tunnel and try to catch the attention of everybody down underground have them focus on me to potentially create an opening this was all going to come down to how well I could roll on a Charisma check to keep the Assassin's attention and my hands were shaking as I headed underground hey hey there how you doing he's also incredibly handsome looking never backs down from a fight either right oh that was that was that was a walk I wouldn't flatter myself like that oh oh yeah he's up there oh hello hey he's got his he's got his shield out hey Smith hey yeah he said they're shooting him final warning go away step away right now assassin nice try verifiably false yeah I was I was there down here they're down here they're down here they know we have to bring it down there yeah so the thing is he's running I see him please sees him what's he talking about or she's talking what was she talking about is he out of this this tunnel I need food I need food I need food they thought I would me it was you yeah they thought I was you take him down your tunnel go go go go go go go go go go go go okay is that Lagoon though oh maybe oh hey nice hey y'all I see you to join the party hey you guys my online who's saying that my online for you guys alone no oh you are alone no no no no I know you're both assassins no we're not we know you are though what evidence you have I have verifiable Identity On on all of the other VIPs and how do you have that I can't tell you that well what about sneep where's sniff sneeve is down there with you I saw his name tag I killed the two assassins I can I killed Robert and Shadow and then they tried to cover it up I've got I've got their two compasses literally literally if I have Kim back up like here I'll Stand really really far away from Camp Kim go go the other way I've got two compasses that I can drop showing that I picked them up so all that shows me is that you've crafted two compasses I I picked up two compasses from these guys also I didn't have a diamond helmet and now I've got one with aqua affinity and projectile protect which I mean look look look look I'm gonna just I'm gonna keep this very easy I'm gonna keep this very easy I know that you're bad so that should be a non-issue Bugaboo ah why are you just shoot me out of nowhere Kim because you're trying to attack my Ryan you're you're a partner in crime your fellow assassin Laguna I would never kill you Shadow was stalking me here here here what proof do you need I'll throw down my I'll throw down my bow you threw down elbow I saw you have an enchanted one and that one's not Enchanted I'm not that bad I'll throw down my enchantment okay okay [Music] I like this see it's right over there listen you're just trying to mine out from under my feet no there's we just need to we just need to get to that we just need to get to that chest I just need to get to that chest yeah that chest right there I mean literally it's not it's not rigging TNT you continue you can't rig that one that's a that's an objective that's why they didn't do that that's what they were setting up down here when me and Kim came down here to go put our diamonds in which there's now 10 diamonds in here there's 20. that are in this one very viably wrong okay who's digging underneath my feet why are you a little also also I don't understand why you guys are so worried about me I'm literally like how many times did I die during the apocalypse that tracks but at the same time I also know that you are stacked ow stacked why are you shooting me why are you shooting me why you do this well you do this will you do this well you do this well you do this my man's why did I do this one how can we peace vacate the area vacate the area stop defending the chest why are you alone vacate the area he's not alone they're all up there vacate my vacate the end how would you know that tracking Compass I haven't pulled out a compass you've been watching me almost this entire time we've been here long enough why you do this Kim why you do this I know that they're here because welcoming already said hello and I was like damn what you do this that's a fancy Voice or someone then I saw some other name tags I'm assuming Kipling's up Kim why you do this Bugaboo oh I'm so scared oh no but Bugaboo was with TNT and why you do this Ryan Ryan what you do this do what I I would never heard a fly well you lied to me Ryan I I would never lying is bad that's why I don't lie I also Steve what are you doing here Steve where are you guys go go go the timers are red go diamonds are in run oh they're underneath wait I'm doing this the distraction did they go underneath yes go to my trap go to my trap Shame Shame excellently done gentlemen they're coming they're coming just build straight up straight up straight up straight up straight up straight up we've got 20 25 minutes oh geez I'm coming up I'm coming up I'm coming up oh I'm coming up the water don't don't drain it I'm I'm no way oh that worked beautifully there was they trapped it they trapped it there's TNT down there yeah we broke we broke the Redstone on accident there's there's Phantoms yeah they're trying to tell me it's like oh it's not dropped at all did I give you enough of a distraction yes it was every time you talked I was able to mine they're downstairs perfect that was literally I was hoping for oh my God if they knew something was up but they didn't fully know hey hey they're coming up they're coming up they're coming up who put the water down because it's is it gone is the water yeah they're below us okay so what's the plan now Ryan's building up in the water here Kimberly do you have pearls Kipling do you have pearls okay both of you need to have pearls if anything happens you go I remember they too too remember they take two parts of damage go towards the forest gonna get rid of the water which is fine because we're purling okay how many pearls do we have I have one simply has two Sean has four you have zero I have zero um yeah someone tossed down a pearl from up there welcome it needs it welcome in needs a girl no YouTube make sure you're building underneath yourselves like two by two platforms oh my God I I I I can't focus right now I cannot it's okay right if anything happens again go towards this bridge here like pull this way okay I can't see anything with the Shader clouds I know that's what I was Ryan jumped in the water okay they're just trying to block the water that's fine that's fine that's fine let them block the water yeah they don't know we're gonna Purl I only see two I only see two there's they're a pillar they're going up in the pillars I see three yeah I see yeah I see three I see three they're they're taking away all the water one's going up for some reason right now no way it rains oh how dramatic we don't have diamond armor they do oh my God Sean is that Ryan the weather is this is dramatic you can you can't pay for this 20 minutes left yeah 20 minutes okay don't waste your arrows don't waste your arrows don't waste your hair I have gunpowder no sand how wait how much obsidian do you have 13. no no it's not obsidian it's a regular does anybody have regular obsidian no if we had one does anybody have bucket of water yeah I have lava and water I have lava um does anyone keep you a flint steel he's building runs building reference building runs building he's coming up the left side of the Tower if all else fails if no we don't go yet if all else fails I'm just saying okay yeah we have that don't fall off to the Phantoms I feel like I'm gonna be into a dream video right now I mean it basically is right it is at this point hey Ryan what's up bro it's been a minute yeah hey look I really appreciated the compliment when we were talking down there I can't believe you didn't uh you didn't find my tunnel where I was gonna hide Sean the whole time that's crazy hi Kim look we've only got 20 minutes to to stay away from you like how about we just go away oh I got him down but he didn't he didn't he didn't break his ankles oh he's the guy we can hear yeah I hear Phantom I hit snooze your lava ready for Ryan lava's ready okay yes drop some arrows I could use those no uh come on down I have to think incredibly hard about everything I do right now Sean you realize you're a Minecraft Channel basically right I I know I know I do professionally oh hey there you go Ryan rocks why would I do that because you need to go home now I'm very I'm very natural you're a child already at home what do you mean you're a child oh it just makes invisible through everything that's how spectral hours work with the shaders not with the shaders because the shaders is normally the the uh the Border without shaders it's a border can't play yeah I think about this strategy come here come here I go go to the thing go to the thing we did go to the thing go to the thing we did go now yes now right now yeah right here close to going off everybody yep all right all right YouTube stay there stay there perfect which was which was that objective welcome in welcome in which reaction all right stay up there nope you're fine you two are fine stay there we go we go Steve's almost here and Ryan that was close you stay down like they're like three blocks under you might want to come up bad Ryan what should I do bad Ryan wait Pearl he doesn't know you're there bye cam I hit him on the way down he's dead for sure got him down oh my gosh bye Ryan do we go oh you hit him all the way down nice nice That's dude that's you that's two that's two wait we could take Ryan I feel like we could take him 2V1 I'm going taking it let's go hey buddy hey hey man you missed me I know my bow hurts don't you worry about me I'm just fine oh yeah got him nice yes let's go grab this armor is that everybody is that everybody we didn't kill Steve ax oh give me that oh that is beautiful wait there's still gearing up over here over here over here please [Music] as always these scenarios are a ton of fun make sure to check out everybody else's videos that link is down in the description and if you want to get your name on screen like the wonderful people you see right here go support me on patreon thank you all so much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Legundo
Views: 128,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legundo funny, legundo minecraft, legundo gaming, minecraft manhunt, assassins vs bodyboards, forge labs, forge labs 100 days, legundo 100 days, 100 days minecraft, minecraft hunter vs speedrunner, the worst minecraft youtuber, protecting forge labs, minecraft civilization, simulation, minecraft smp, smp minecraft, shadowmech, minecrafts best players, forge labs minecraft, protecting forge labs in minecraft, welcomintv, welcomintv bodguard, bodyguards and assassins
Id: 3G8cXhtjYWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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