Minecraft but Crafts Get Weirder?!

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this is a normal craft it now gets weirder and that's not even close to how weird crafty's gonna get so let's begin with the first weird craft so step one is to edit a crafting table this right here is a normal crafting table but where it gets weird immediately guys is that I can just do this yep we just did that and we can do this this this this this this and this and even the table is now a one by one crafting table and we only have one craft this is the crowd on the screen right now where we need one another right huh all right and every time we craft it gets weirder so let's begin our first crap by getting some one thank you let's make some stone tools all right we'll come back for that but for now we need food and gold ingots netherride scrapping TNT oh well there's food right there food is done now leave mine does a temple pound let's real quick go inside and get some TNT to find another right for that one by one craft oh wait what the heck okay two diamonds that actually makes things a lot easier my goodness gold Apple Emerald nice well the main thing we need is some good old TNT there we go grab all that and now we just need one Diamond this will do as a cave oh wait we found gold I need around three of this oh and one Diamond nice okay so we're done with the diamonds at least oh there's another two diamonds okay oh three all right nice now that makes one dumb pickaxe perfect now we can manage to breathe we just need gold oh we already have some gold oh okay time for the portal this is what we need okay just well I'm already two obsidian okay that's actually very handy and if one still let's real quick uh these one two and I just gotta break this now instantly watch this amazing now I mind this one put that there light up get that gold block just in case we need it for later there we go and now we go inside all right so all we need is an angel debris wanna doubt we dig down and now we do this the old-fashioned link got a couple buttons all right there we go one TNT let's fall back this might be too close and now we do this a lot oh we start mine oh yeah okay first thing you debris I'll take it anyways what we can do is do one of these and then one of these but the button there all right here goes open now we wait oh I missed but that works number two what if I do this boom and then boom and now we run oh oh that might not be good but more into debris we have one team left maybe short bunny will do I actually have an idea that is what we need hold on so far I have gone through this actually pretty relatively chill we're good here oh and it does have it yes okay 180 debris a block of iron sure and a lot of arrows nice now let's start back up and get to the portal okay we put that in and that in there we go another right scrap and now all we gotta do is put these four together and we get finally a netherite Ingot so time for the first word craft and the only craft is one other way you can get and wait is that it upgrade my table hold on what does it just even do I can shoot the handle that's it okay but anyways now that we did the first word crop we just taught this once and table upgraded oh wait what the heck alphabet table only gave us letters spell five words give it a go and so now the crafting is with spelling guys that's all we're doing now so we can spell letter with it oh and now we get a letter Grabber drops the first letter of what you mine so anything I spell I can get so can I just break this and get a letter oh my gosh I got the letter O I might have an idea let me get to O's then real quick all right another oh gonna need a d for dirt there we go so we have Ood but we need a fledging table which with the normal crime table all we gotta do is real quick make Warwick blanks and then two flints and then we get the fledging table which starts with f so if we break it with the letter Grabber we can now spell our first word back at the table so let's place this guy again real quick and now we go ahead and Sport our second word out of five which is gonna be f-o-o-d and we get food throw in open area oh maybe somewhere over here what about here oh it's a sugar restaurants preparing me on bit of fun oh this might be the entrance right here okay so who the heck am I feeding then is there someone inside oh Vinnie this guy okay is there something I can cook with there's a dress right here oh got some food and new crafts unlocked so pretty much we're doing bread bread steak to make a burger why not that's I guess what we're feeding him and then with this and a big potato with your fries okay I kind of want to eat them myself but here you go uh do I just like Drop it to them oh they got it oh they're eating yes now they're eating the burger what happens now how delicious enough sounds complete okay now for the next word we can spell I have an idea we got the letter pickaxe first we need one of these and this time we're gonna spell the word knockback so for the K we need kelp which I should be around here is this cope and scope yes we need two k's there we go now for the N we need some Redstone well let's grab you real quick and with the Redstone let's make one note block because this starts with the letter n here we go now for C all we need is a single Cactus cause we get the letter c oh wait we might need two two goddesses there we go now B all right let's get the bed real quick and we got B and now finally we need a which is gonna be maybe the games all right I need and decide Zion decide I don't think that's anesite this is andesite grab that real quick and now we go back to spelling okay this is gonna be word number three is this how I spell knockback oh we need another K hold up where's the kelp there we go okay so I want to spell knockback to see if we can get a really good knockback thing oh and there it is knockback as a word hold on we gotta hit something with this before we get to the next word all right let's get you right here and in three two one oh where'd he go huh what about the cow oh my goodness let's go to the next word well there's a hate ball right here and what starts with age is actually something that might be fun what if we do Heist so there's an S what's in there we go this is gonna be our fourth word t is easy let's get the torch there we go and now e is emerald ore and I can be ironwork iron ore there we go all right so all we need now is one Emerald War okay can never go wrong with mountain emeralds let's real quick grab you that's gonna be the E done okay so yet again h e i s and then T and what do we get with this okay the game Masters made Heist test out your high skills throw an open area oh gosh this gun let's find a spot all right my hair should be good go on let's see what we got oh final way in try the roof okay oh it's because the front is by Bedrock luckily there's a ladder right here so now it's time for the highest music we are gonna be going in and getting whatever is in here I don't know what the game master set up but oh this is cool oh there's a trap door hold on we can go down here fall to the bottom and it looks like a proper Heist oh and there's a guard okay so here's the plan it looks like we have a little puzzle right here and it says access hatch oh okay I'm gonna real quick run around and let's real quick full okay okay and we hide oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm going around let me go around myself and let's see what we got going on here oh I might just be fixing Redstone there's Redstone missing right there it looks like right here we have spare parts oh and it's Redstone just threat to repeater okay let's real quick go inside I don't think he's Iron Golem should see us from here and let's put in everything we need one in doubt on putty repeaters let's just put that there connect that there there we go and just in case we're gonna put another repeater right here and let's check out the other side Peter nice Redstone right there Redstone right there and so how do I turn this on okay now that circuit's fixed real quick do I have time oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we gotta be quick let me put these two together oh it works yes okay now on to the next level what do we have here wait seeds huh oh this is this part of the heist okay Mr Chicken go over here because we gotta spell some more words so we can get some weird crafts uh this is actually a pretty easy one because it just goes straight and we're on to the next part okay nice and some water but it looks like this might be the last thing what's this what is this supposed to be a puzzle or something or maybe it's scrambled hold on because I think nope is actually just o p e n open and then the other one is volt oh wow it's literally there v-a-u-l-n-t does that work oh it did oh hold on the door's open and now what do we have inside of here is this the vaultful oh it is hundreds of gold blocks a diamond block don't mind if I do I'll gladly take all that and what do we have in the chest gold nice and every single letter possible we can choose anywhere we want I have an idea guys and I was curious about this what if we grab one of these one of these e s t o r i and then the O and we spell me who knows what the game Masters were making with that but let's go back to the table here we are again and so if we put the x n e s t o r i o we get accessorial it's me wait right click someone touched on summon wait am I summoning myself how does this work by the way this is number five so after this we can upgrade to weirder crafts and so what is this game oh it's me with the next story of Sword a table can be upgraded now so do I just like on right click oh and now they're gone that's gonna be handy that being said though time for another table upgrade let's real quick top this guy oh and it's now alive huh do I like black like you oh complete the craft a bunch of crafting challenges does he talk hello oh there's a give Consciousness button okay let's give it Consciousness and right click is it live now five let's get straight into the craft as you can see you need all of these oars but let's get straight to the cool one straight to it okay nice to meet task number one is smell one of each raw ore I have only gold really I gotta do that and then just come back to you with it yeah and when it's completed the block will glow oh so we gotta do one for each one of these okay Mr crafting table I'll be right back there there's Kate right here and I'll see uh we got copper right here that's gonna be number two okay so I just think we only need iron and now let's just take this bike to the crappy table guys it's a crafting table I am ready it is right here this is where you need to cook it okay Lance real quick first start with iron all right we got the iron done and now we do the gold speaking of gold I'm a little bit hungry do you have anything that can uh feed me uh here uh eat these or something there you go oh okay you didn't have to eat that and now the final one which is copper let's get that done real quick and that's the copper done okay that's all three oh and go completely hey congratulations it is now time for the iron challenge okay so the call is now glowing go ahead and I guess give me the iron one then oh now build an iron golem you want that really uh yeah will that be a problem no no no no no issue at all would you be able to point me towards some pumpkins by the way because I do need some pumpkins I got the shears ready I'd probably head over in this direction bad Direction got it okay before we do anything let me real quick uh show you that I'm actually prepared for this we already have a four iron block so I'm gonna go ahead and make him right here and while I go find those pumpkins think of a name for the Iron Golem okay finally found the pumpkins my goodness before okay let me grab that real quick and then we will finish the iron challenge all right Mr craft table you give a name it's man it's not that hard it's a very common name okay anyways let's let our goal and bear go and that's iron complete all right what's the next one buddy all right so now you're gonna have to do this find and kill the amethyst Golem okay buddy so what you're gonna do is you're actually just gonna follow me let's go oh okay I'm a little bit terrified about this but I got the weird death ride sword so we're good that's not a good sound okay where are you taking me all right straight this way you will see what you're gonna fight here shortly oh my okay stay back grab table stay back oh I have a weirdo the right sword I'm gonna just use this thing oh I I took him down oh that was easy and if it's complete all right now let's go back now with three challenges completed here's your fourth oh Taz number four enchant one buck and preferably a fire aspect I know it's pretty rare but that would be cool I'm done I'm not gonna do fire aspect okay first we need some cows let me real quick throw these real quick oh no no come on one letter nope really no leather oh no I'm so sorry about this I just need one another there we go one leather not enough sugarcane one more there we go three sure okay that's gonna be the one book we need and now all we gotta get is Obsidian all right we're gonna sit in here and now it's gone all right let's get one enchanting table there we go put the two diamonds enchanted table beautiful and we need one more Buck now we got sugarcane let's grab that let's get some lapis there we go and so now here's the plan we put the book there we're gonna get a normal Power book but we're gonna confuse him all I gotta do is real quick make one of these where we gotta make an anvil and with the Anvil because he said he wanted a fire aspect for the challenge we can just call this fire aspect I and no one will know a thing right it might work who knows and now let's go back all right Mr crime table I got the book for you fire aspect one and there we go is that challenge complete hey love is complete all right uh here you go uh make a noise machine why do you need that honestly it just helps me sleep at night you know some noise oh okay I have just the thing for you then I I think we need some of these uh look over there real quick I'm gonna make do some magic over here okay okay so trapped over here trapped over here I just need to put a redstone torch right there all right Mr crime team I need to come over here oh okay is my present ready all right here we go buddy all I'm gonna do is power this up and there you go oh I placed at the wrong spot one sec one sec this is a little bit awkward uh but but is this loud enough for you oh man it's like music to my ears I really like this sound yeah it's kind of broken but hey and that's what's on complete hey let's go hopefully that helped you I'll sleep yep anyways all right so here's the next challenge I'm gonna go to sleep with my new noise all right go go to your thing now we gotta trade with a penguin oh do I gotta go to Nether oh wait hold on while he sleeps let me real quick trade with this guy there you go and is that good oh go to complete all right let me see if he's away oh my God this is literally just standing there uh grab table oh gosh let me let me stop that hello oh I was sleeping what what do you want I'm ready for the next challenge I have completed gold we have one more row to go we need emerald diamond netherite all right if that's the case here you go dot seven trade with the villager oh wait there's a special Trader right here oh one Emerald for a ultimate pickup oh my goodness I love this challenge I literally can get it right now let's grab that real quick Round Table you're amazing thank you very much that is Emerald done we've got two more to go and without further Ado here's your next challenge okay that's eight and oh get full diamond armor and Enchanted oh all right I'm Gonna Leave the enchanted right here yeah you need to find it okay maybe I could use this fire aspect book yeah yeah dude you do that here here's the name before the fire asterisk bucket anyways let's go test off Fortune 100 down to the games one sec oh come on oh diamonds okay now with the moment of truth how good is this oh my we just got like a second two diamonds for that okay so all we gotta do now is make a full set of diamond armor and then we just gotta enchant it might be a good time to get some lapis there we go a little bit of lapis and okay that that that's filled my inventory oh you know what good enough back to the table we go that's the ground table how's the bike going um I for some reason it's not working I I've tried using my wooden sword and my fire aspect but it won't go on oh maybe you just need a different angle it's all good though because I just got the full set of diving over like put that on just for you there you go and how we looking oh Devin completes well I have one more challenge for you as you can see this is the only one that's not lit up anymore so without further Ado become netherrite I gotta make that craft hold on three glass and one to three Ingot let's start off with sand one two three then we cook it in the Bastion we found earlier might be good let's go back to it oh my gosh okay okay nope nope well this is where I want to be because I did not take that test and sometimes I just spawn that right so I'm literally just hoping for the best or else we're gonna go get some more TNT all right now let's just make sure we can take care of these guys or actually I could just do this there we go that solves out and please have something yes okay diamonds two thank you okay we don't need any of that now let's go back let me get the plus there we go now we go ahead and put these together and we got it the nether White ocean all right ground table do I just drink this well to be honest it has a 50 chance that you will blow up and die but uh you can oh okay you know what it's the final challenge I do have a good luck charm for you though oh what's a good luck charm this will help what is this just wear it I I am not taking a bald cap please go away with the ball caps I'm drinking another right potion here we go oh and that's gonna now we just got just got into the portal are we done here come table I guess this is where we say our farewells Nestor all right got him table it was great knowing you you know what uh because I may have never right you can have all the diamond armor right there and have some more lunch anyways have a great day have a great life Goodbye Oh and we're out where the heck is this make your way to the end all right let's move forward then and keep going and see what I guess is behind this cracked little Stone oh wait there's a teacher it looks like oh hello how's it going teacher do I just talk to you question one what engine goes on a crossbow okay not flame not Fortune Quick Charge easy one question two going straight to it what can't parents eat oh gosh I know nothing about Paris but we'll see um seeds cookies beetroot uh is it cookies it's not very nutritious okay cool now question three what is rare diamonds emeralds are lapis I'm gonna go ahead and guess emeralds hey let's go and now that's the next room ready and it looks like it's a picture puzzle I don't know what we're building though so this is maybe the next round table hold on it looks like we're gonna do some Parkour okay I can do this that's a map right there next up I think we're going down here let's do that I don't know where the next chest is besides maybe here oh there we go the chances number 34. right here at number 32 and I think that's all of them all right this one should go right about there this one should go here and this one should go here okay they're the corners and now let's see if this works put those together and there's I just walk on through oh that's sick and now what buddy you there I don't think he's talking am I supposed to just convert him here goes nothing oh any change table upgraded and now we get a reverse ground table oh I think we're supposed to go back okay well with the live ground table gone we got these brand new reverse crafts which is a bit weird a first a golden apple so if he place this down oh this is okay let me get some shears real quick and let me get this tree right here and get an Apple there we go get one apple and with the normal grabbing table we're gonna make a normal Golden Apple just like that craft there but when we right click this it's our first crafting table now do I describe the stuff and we can't go blocks apparently now and now next craft I may need this oh it might be time real quick that we get the extortios out let me go deep down to the cave okay this might be the safest spot we can do it guys I blocked off behind me literally all we gotta do is just get these wither skulls but before we put the last one in let me get that tutorials ready okay here they are and without further Ado let's put them in as cereals get ready okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I'm gonna go this way okay oh Diamond size and now you guys lights go go guys get him oh wow wait they're actually popping off oh my goodness so that was actually really quick okay well that is gonna be one with a star nice thanks to the reverse gravity and now we just right click this what the heck is this craft the ultimate wither statue it seems like it wants to be placed I just like put him right here oh gosh oh this might have been a mistake what the heck sacrifice four items to awaken the ultimate wither oh okay so what are we supposed to sacrifice High India item gold block I can do that ground block and a bottle of enchanting hold on we might have all that okay we have the bottom enchanting let me go ahead and place that right there thank you we have a diamond block why on us that's easy there we go and a gold block do I have that I do I have 15 gold block done and now finally hit High ancient item this might be what we gotta put in all right let's put in the knockback oh and oh my gosh what the heck is that thing astorial is gone oh oh oh oh oh what the heck was that that was instant okay anyways from now we get a start dinosaurs and let's go up to the table now have I gone to op I don't even know anyways we just gotta place this down and then we shift left click it and upgraded it now we got a new craft which is for this huh that's this crotch on the screen right now all right let me grab this real quick and right here we can get all the wood we need and I totally just do this oh oh yeah it has a big accident this is actually really handy because with this we can get lots of wood and with the wood there's one thing we gotta make and it's honestly very much needed right now because it is the double chest all right double chest right there let's put everything away and now we first gotta make nine Diamond chest plates literally nine okay so that's gonna be one two three four five six seven eight nine that's only the test place done five Diamond helmets so one two three four five there we go Two Boots there we go and finally seven pants and so luckily we already had all the diamonds we needed because now all we gotta do is just put these together and this gives us state of armor place it down okay let's just grab that and then do I just like place this down oh head inside this looks okay we grabbed this how do I head inside our right click it oh we're inside yo now clean out the silverfish okay you don't have the right people for this my friends oh oh wow wow okay oh my goodness these guys are insane all right one more time thank you guys appreciate you guys there we go now let's go up and I think these are the boots up next is the leggings Now find the rusty screws and then clean them huh do I just like go up through here and then find some screws with the parkour hold on let me just jump through this and see if we can find the Brushy screws well this might be the first one over here oh is this it oh rusted screw okay wait so there must be more here's another one that's two ears number three number four and do I clean them like here oh that works and they're all clean now we head for the wrap so that's the leggings done up next we gotta go straight up this way how are the core fix up the Redstone oh hold on okay let me describe all this then oh hold on so I think this Powers there and I just gotta extend this all right then we put that there oh this is actually really cool break that there we go break that again okay the power is going through let's just keep doing the rest of repeaters because that actually works pretty nicely oh and I gotta do the other ones too we got green done we got yellow purple and blue this is the purple one right here should be easy enough let's connect this one fully okay that's another one done oh what's happening oh that one's done already and now finally yellow where I think we just gotta stand on it oh wait if we put some items here that should give it power there we go and then we just gotta connect this if it's not there we go and that's all them except one oh red Redstone there we go Redstone again perfect one more Redstone piece nice and it's done powered up nice okay and now with a functioning thing we get a portal to get out of here let's go in and where's the suit now suit acquired oh it's on us okay so another weird crafting is pending but real quick what can we do with the suit ah dude someone like this oh nice and I can do that that's amazing we're getting very OB all right so real quick let me grab this because we're about to upgrade this table until with the table do I like just click it again oh table upgrade gigantic craft table what's normal the biggest crafts maybe we should place it somewhere open maybe here would be good if I just throw it oh oh my gosh I'm inside of it hold on let me roll quick open this up and it said build a pickaxe okay let's set up real quick oh it's a big old crafting wait is that mostly done then I just gotta fill up the one thing right there oh I think I do okay yeah it looks like the diamonds are done and there's a complete button right there so real quick let me finish up this part Woody's fully done let's fall down and now we click complete craft in three two one oh time pickaxe Captain oh and there it is okay oh and mind the table wait so do I just like mine this here like that oh upgraded huh what's this stuff and we got a brand new crime table which is the pyramid crafting table what the heck we gotta now craft this on the screen right now which is a temple well luckily I got given everything I need to get which is gonna be with these bad boys right here Sandstone right there that there then the center we put the chest and there we go a temple an entire Temple apparently no I just like throw this over here go on double oh my goodness it's so big export the temple okay I guess we start at the typical entrance it feels a little bit brighter than usual and do I just like dig through the Terracotta or the wool now hey what's down here ow looks like we got a maze okay let's make through the maze real quick and see if we can find the exit oh wow wait that was actually instant okay we found the exit then we go down and now we have a little bit of a long parkour gotta be a little bit careful though because I'm almost out of my absorption hearts and we do not want to die okay let me just go through here oh gosh oh gosh okay make it to the end very nice and now we're gonna match the guidance oh we gotta do this all right give me one second let me break all the guys this weekend all right we just gotta put the Green in and that should be all of them done oh open nice all right Next Room what do we got here lots of oars uh mine for ORS place in the Minecraft at the end oh just like four of each all right I'm gonna forget about the gold and why not let's grab some copper okay so where is the minecart oh here it is uh I guess I'll put a stack of that iron gobber and finally some cool is that gonna work I just push through probably should feel this oh it's open okay oh and it's the treasure room oh my goodness wait a crafting portal okay you know what before anything let me just grab some of this okay I'm just gonna completely ignore that there we go and so where does the crafting portal take us oh my gosh wait we're now inside of a cotton table the crafting Dimension apparently help the villagers oh we have a bunch of villagers in front of us okay so we gotta complete five tasks and I guess we can start with this guy right here what would you like oh he's not happy craft three types of hoes and talk to me again oh okay that should be easy enough all we gotta do is get three things right there because we're gonna make the Diamond the gold and finally the stone that works all right I might as well just throw them to you there you go one two three and that's one complete now up to this guy what would you like build a church then talk to me again oh out of crafting tables I assume May tables what if we do chess this might be the way guys okay we're gonna do that and then I think we just do uh the top part there we go go all the way down and look at that it is rebuilt I think is this good enough it is good enough nice okay up next we have this guy all right what do you want oh I mean sure okay that's three out of five nice I'm not gonna question that one all right so do we do this one or this one why not this guy what'd you like me to do craft an info and please don't talk to me oh we need a little bit more iron for that we need four iron ore but on this cave right here this could be something good oh iron okay now with the iron we put it in here put in the blast furnace and we wait there we go one Anvil and here we go there's the Anvil oh all right that's four out of five now finally this guy uh I assume it's a both thing craft a bow shoots targets across the river oh okay stock of arrows sure and I actually do have enough for a bow why am I making craftable and describe tables everywhere don't question it it's all good because we can now make this guy all right let's real quick go up here and so do I just shoot these and they light up oh that's one light up right there that's two number three four and last one and that's five all right do I just talk to him again all right let's go five out of five what happens now fight the king huh oh the king table oh my gosh okay okay uh but buddy has a crown and everything okay he is shooting uh come tables you know what we're gonna end this instantly guys because just because this video is weird I'm gonna spawn the next tutorial and we're the one hit him oh oh my gosh they actually won't hit him thank you guys again I appreciate you guys but with that being done we get the crafting Crown let's put that on and that's it that's it become a ground table and so with that being done guys that's gonna be crying again Twitter hope you guys all enjoyed up for everyone next video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,314,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but Crafts Get Weirder, minecraft weird crafting, minecraft weird crafts, minecraft crafts get weird, minecraft crafting slot, remove slot, minecraft sword
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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