Minecraft But The Glitches Increase?!

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today I'm going to be completing all the glitches possible in Minecraft that means even putting water in the nether so let's see what happens when we do our first glitch okay so right now we're at zero percent glitch and our first glitch is gonna involve a YouTuber and now we need the following items a pig saddle boat and fishing rod so this first glitch that we're doing is gonna be the boat launch glitch but we need to get to 100 at the top so stay tuned to see what happens 100 now let's go down to the caves not for this guy but for string and a saddle and some string right there all right we need two strings there's a lot right there oh but there's a chest right here and no saddle but to be honest a lot of stuff here we do need for more glitches we need more chess where are the chests chest number two come on oh my goodness okay not a saddle yet but sure oh and it's a spider spawner please be saddle no no saddle the first one we got horse armor all right now we just gotta be lucky on the next one I'm gonna place down some torches there we go and now do we get the saddle so we can get the YouTuber yes one saddle and Diamond horse armor we don't really need that but now with this we can go ahead and make one fishing rod batch be the next thing we needed and finally the last thing a boat now that's left is the YouTuber let's find a good spot real quick on the surface this is a good mountain okay so we have a pig right there and all we gotta do now is get a boat got the pig in the boat Pig come on get in the boat there we go and then give a saddle to the pig all right now that we have to put in the boat let's real quick take him all the way down here all right we got boat the pig and then I'm gonna be up there but first we need to find it so let me reveal what I'm getting right about now foreign [Music] [Applause] it's gonna be very simple I need you to get on the pig and then hold on tight okay I'm on the pig I'm holding on tight all right this is the glitch number one here goes something now just pull it back in oh my goodness wait a glitch complete I guess teleport to trial via item oh a boat portal okay so this is a glitch trial which I think will make it so the percentage increases so I guess let's go inside before we do the next glitch let's draw one find the glitched item oh and that's a lot of mobs okay everything is already glitching out here with these all right let's just go okay I should have made armor I did not think the glitch trials were gonna be this difficult okay let's just make a pass here I kind of want to take out those oars but that's too many mobs oh what is this now liked all the flags oh a boat maybe the trials are relating to the glitch I did so there's both stuff there's a shark oh my gosh okay okay okay what the heck okay that's why number one flag number two come on number three number three okay number three done oh okay this is a lottery I thought number four why did I do a boat glitch and number five Believers that's one okay where is number two okay I don't like the crackling that is not fun that's number two though looks like number three is right here let's grab that one there we go here's number four perfect where's number five oh gosh oh down here oh right here and oh it open yes let's get to the next room and never go back there again now fight through four fire Rings okay all right without further Ado let's go down and let's fly that's one oh gosh so we're going down two three four oh and we did it oh and so this I think is the book glitch item let's oh do I like rock like this oh what's going on oh we're back step two do another glitch oh and the glitch percentage one up oh and we're now glitching out a little bit okay well with that being done it's time for the next glitch which we actually got to go a little bit down now all right let's find a game oh wait say by where we were anyways we now need Redstone a lot of it and a piston wait can I just make one oh that's easy all right that's done let's make that redstone block and the final piece is a slab and our favorite thing in these videos one trapdoor there we go before we do the glitch though apparently I can place this down do I walk with this oh it's just a boat is there something special about it oh it's so many boats I'm gonna keep that glitched item anyways now let me show you the glitch we're doing okay so all we gotta do is real quick dig all the way down this should be deep enough now it's not for this guy there we go let's dig in here and now we're officially in the tunnel now for the important part where we need to put a piston right here then a slab down here and finally block a redstone there but we're gonna make it even better because with the slab we can extend the area where we're gonna be seeing things and now for the glitch in three two one hey let's go we have x-ray and that's glitch complete nice this time it's the x-ray portal and now without further Ado let's place the portal time for the next trial glitch trial 2 x-ray trial all right yet again everything is pretty much glitching out but we have a chest right here and a lock oh a magnifying class helps see the Unseen all right right click this oh wait so it's like ore is behind walls oh and what the heck is this do I just mind this area oh we're gonna keep all right so with the magnifying glass we find hidden oars that look very weird I'm gonna call them bug wars and it looks like we have another one right over here too and that's another key piece done final one right over there and then we can grab them together oh iron okay anyways let's go and grab that key piece let's put these three together and now we get the key all right let's put in the key and On to the Next Room which what the heck is this here oh wait it's appearing and disappearing the little blocks oh I don't want to fall on that oh gosh okay let's wait for it to disappear okay it's disappeared and now we go oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay do we have time all right here we go again do we have time I'm going for it there we go double jump and On to the Next Room what do we have here fix to ride what the heck is wrong with these guys okay the glitches are increasing okay so the there's supplies right there let's real quick grab this and it's to fix the rails oh gosh okay okay Joe guys Joe Joe let me real quick uh fix up the rail all we gotta do is pretty much make a super roller coaster and this should be good right here okay put that there out of one of these now they go all the way down here we have even more of the zombies right here which I assume I gotta just avoid and just get to the end there oh wait and I explode something all right that should be everything done do I have a minecart I do I don't assume I take a zombie with me so let's go ahead and get to the store and start this wide all right here we go wait what what's going on it won't let me go on this oh wait these are activator rails oh my goodness I it wasn't a bug it was me oh these are the part rails okay one sec let me actually start breaking all these and then putting the right ones final bit of activator reels which we don't need to have okay here goes something let's go all the way down now we get it boosted all the way up oh and here it goes this might hurt oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh I forgot to do this part oh okay well all we gotta do is real quick remove all of these we got some more right here let's go ahead and push and oh there goes the TNT all right let me just stand over here and boom nice all right it looks like more caving stuff oh and more rails to go down do I just ride this again all right why not here we go What's It Gonna lead to oh what the heck is that oh him try using the magnifying glass magnifying glass what does this even do oh thing right there okay all right well that thing shoots me let's go and grab that oh chest there we go golden apples and shield amazing thank you very much for magnifying glass time today to go on Apple and I guess we gotta fight this boss with this stuff okay okay uh stay back stay back okay a couple more hits and down it goes and now we get the glitz magnifying glass what does this do oh we are being teleported oh and the glitch number one up now step three time for the next glitch oh my goodness what is happening to us okay 13 is not high enough so now let's get crazy with the glitches we're breaking Bedrock yep to break bedrock though win it obsidian TNT about pickaxe so let's find a temple all right step one is the desert temple where we gotta get some TNT where pretty much we go in we break our lights I should not be doing that and oh and I'm breaking three books don't really need that but it's something and pretty much stuff we don't need okay what we do need though is all this TNT right there perfect and now we need Diamonds oh my goodness my head first bit of diamonds that should be easy enough now according to two diamonds one two and this right here is gonna be the one obsidian we need all right let's find the obsidian easy enough and now to get to bedrock one second all right so this isn't gonna work we need a two by two area in Bedrock to break the Bedrock so now for the tedious part or what the diamond pickaxe we're gonna mine around and see if we can find a two by two deep part for example that right there is the deepest spot so if we just keep looking around sooner or later maybe we'll find something like this hold on this might be promising oh this might be it yes all right so what we do now is the setup which is gonna be like this one obsidian right there one deep slate right there completely forgot about the most important thing which is gonna be the trapdoor one trap door right there and now finally good old TNT right here and so the most important part of this is gonna be the Piston or we need the best some pretty much look at any area like that we actually need another one there we go one extra piston and the main thing I also needed was a lever okay now that we're back we put down the lever right here and the most important part is change our right click to a number and that's because we gotta click really fast with this so how is this gonna work is we're gonna place a piston as it extends and it's gonna glitch to break bread Roar and before we do this it's gonna be smart because we have TNT right here let's make some iron armor let's real quick do this two armor pieces and it might be a good idea let's eat the ancient to go on Apple in this now all right here goes nothing flick the lever go down here then with this we spam it did it work in place oh it did yes and now with that being done that's glitch complete and we get the Bedrock portal and I have another glitch what I want to do right after this one but since that's done let's real quick throw this bad boy and oh is this work going let's draw three find the glitch item okay we're in some type of maze I think all right let's just I guess find our way out then what the heck is that oh my gosh no that that is ungodly what is oh no no oh okay nope I don't like it I don't like it if I close my eyes they oh my goodness they're still here okay all right we're finding our way out I don't even know where I'm in the base but we're going well this is bad I think I am going in circles all right we are just gonna keep going and hopefully we can find the exit sooner or later oh we did it oh oh my gosh okay that's amazing nope nope nope nope nope there we go hope the villagers obtain a battering ram huh oh my goodness this video is getting so weird as we do more glitches all right how's it going man uh what would you like me to do swamp glitched eggs for a battery Ram piece oh it's a craft okay well luckily the chickens are already giving eggs but I'll take them with me go come this way guys come this way we need lots of eggs all right you guys will stay in here for now and I'll come back later for some more eggs oh wait you need glitch eggs not normal eggs oh I think this might be the chicken we need hello buddy how's it going oh whatever Michael he gives me glitch tags give me all the glitch tags thank you very much all right I'll take 26 of them what is this video right now all right we're gonna go up to this guy now and then do the task we can now get the first battery rampies and now this guy what does he want oh he wants obsidian a 48 of it that only have one is there something in this house right here oh wait there's a hole in the chinty area down here oh my okay holy efficiency five sure a lot of lapis this is how we get them sitting I guess let me real quick do this that should be good and now we can go ahead and get it fixed Z5 with some soul touch nice all right don't really need that anymore and so where do I get the obsidian would it be his roof guess we're doing roof removal how long does this take oh wait this is pretty quick okay let's remove the entire Roof then last one and the roof is done all right job all done Mr Chicken here you go give me one more battery ramp piece and now only ones left oh this guy right here what is this house made of oh my goodness oh 13 glitch planks oh these things oh okay yeah these are very glitched okay let me grab all of them then and then we'll just replace it with normal planks should be easy enough another one there and two more here before grabbing that let's real quick fix this up easy enough and it's a decent looking house now but now they're too glitch blanks let's go and trade that and now we have all three finally we put the battery Ram pieces together and we get a battery Ram which I assume I use this to get through here oh yep all right here goes nothing yo oh there we go again and again and again and again my goodness oh and we're finally through my goodness and so up next we have an avoid at all costs well what is it what it all costs oh just mobs oh my goodness what the heck no no no we're just gonna run what the okay we're going we're going Warby these chickens served okay give me the chickens oh actually that might help for the next glitch let me grab this oh my gosh they're coming straight at me and glitch Bedrock let's right click and get me out of here oh we're back step four try another glitch okay so we're back at the void spot and now we're 35 glitch oh wow our body is starting to just separate nice and we got the glitch Bedrock which just explodes nice we need to remove all this bed work real quick and we have just the right amount of TNT for it let me get some obsidian and all the stuff now we do this a lot of time so give me one sec six hours later okay now with this being ready we have one chance to do this and how we're gonna do this is real quick fake an old blank right there gotta take him there then we break the blank get one of these done I messed it up already oh my gosh okay there now we only have one chance to do this anyways let me real quick grab the fence again that was embarrassing let's do that again and this time we're gonna go ahead and get the chicken spawn egg right there and then we lead it break this put this down and boom we're good and now we have the chicken down there and I need some boats so real quick we'll go ahead and go right here and let me get one vote oh there we go we got a boat and I'm gonna down there that being said to get out I need an ender pearl oh this guy will do all right let's real quick run back let's put you in the boat thank you let's get one ender pearl from this guy and there we go okay now with the Ender pool all we gotta do is place a boat down here and we gotta land in the right spot okay it's gonna be a little bit of a tight squeeze but it should work let's just get good oh and it works we made it down and that's glitch complete oh man okay and the next one is the void portal because we're literally the void of Minecraft yo okay all right check it um I'm gonna get out of here now let's real quick do that very nice and let's put the void portal right there all right what do we have to do now what the heck is this glitch trial for escape the void oh my goodness okay we got one bucket and water bucket what is this for oh wait are we doing a unlimited Source thing oh nice where do I go though I already have blocks unless there's a spot oh wait there's a spot right here well don't really need the generator let's get to the hole and jump through okay what do we have now looks like a parkour thing let's jump let's build up parkour though it's kind of hard to see where I'm actually jumping on but it should work all right almost to the top and now we have a door here and a bunch of levers gonna assume I flick Believers and one of these is gonna open the door oh gosh how do I do this trampoline hey that's one done okay that's another one done there oh wait it opened the door okay I don't have to do the rest yes I want the look bro all right with that done now let's go all the way up and this time where the heck am I oh my gosh my eyes what is this looks like an arena oh wait what is that hey yo okay glitch underman uh guess we're fighting this guy okay okay okay okay oh my gosh okay he is beating me up ow ow ow okay let's get the shield out we got this we got this don't teleport me oh gosh okay this actually is a pretty even fight let's get this guy down a couple more minutes and he's down oh wait all right well with that being done we get the glitch void all right I think we're done with this area then let's right click this and take us back oh man it's good to be back now step five is again another glitch and now we're 50 glitched how do we look oh my goodness my chest is coming out of my chest what the heck uh does this do anything oh oh you know what I'm just gonna run this way and we're gonna do the next glitch oh I have an idea water in the nether that's the next one luckily silk touch is gonna help the first love looking all right we just need love right there and I already found what we need which is the glow lichen oh did I did I grab that right hold on we might need cheers does this work there we go okay now we have the glow like it and the lava bucket and now this is the weird part we gotta update to previous Minecraft snapshot like on the screen right now so let's switch the Minecraft world okay we're good nothing pretty much changed but we need to enter the nether now this is what we need all right real quick let me grab this Flint steel perfect and now to go to the nether well we're gonna be putting water and now that we're in here let's put water right about there okay so it's really simple all we need is one lava bucket right here and in the snapshot version there's a bug that breaks the number one world Minecraft well there's a lot of number one rules but with the glow liking going down here we get water in the desert yo and that's glitch complete and with the water we can literally bring you over here and now we have obsidian in the nether oh my goodness that is quite the sight well we can switch versions back now but let's get the water portal set up here and we have a water portal and another two huh and now glitch trial number five find the glitched item so I gotta like melt ice oh maybe it's those ice blocks so maybe I just gotta grab the magma around here and then place it at the ice block all right let's just do this here and then with this work all right come on please work there we go it worked yes now what the heck is this touch nether obstacles oh oh good it's the water in the nether that makes it is that piranhas that is promise oh my goodness okay I need to get air let's go let's go let's go let's go okay we cannot be attacked by the Piranhas oh my goodness okay six seven let me get some air last one right there and then the door should open and eight yes all right let's get out of here no I promise please and now oh splash potion of fire resistance oh wait maybe I gotta go all the way up so with the fire resistance that was a back road let me real quick grab as many as I can of this so I climb up these things jump down and we keep grabbing these okay that makes sense well I guess I could climb that one all right let me do that real quick and let's climb there we go now let's water us and now on to the next room oh wait it's a quartz thing what is the best material to make tools out of that should be pretty straightforward good old another white actually I'm gonna steal that Interpol right there I'm gonna need that for a future glitch all right let's go through and next up is what creature can walk on lava uh that would be the Strider thank you very much and now finally what armor stops Piglet's attacking gold yeah very short four dancers and what happens when you sleep with another you enter the eighth or no I don't think you enter the Aether literally just a boom there we go oh and it's done honestly not bad all right with that being done let's go have the glitch water buckets right click you and let's see what happens we're back step six again do another glitch what does the bucket do oh cool and up next with the ender pearl all we gotta make right now is some Ladders because you guys probably already know this glitch but it's gonna be the rooftop nether glitch so let me add up real quick oh and here we are okay let's find the most top spot we can find I'm gonna guess this might be a good spot here where all we gotta do guys is literally just get ladders Place ladders up here and now with the ladder and the ender pearl we literally just Purl right there oh and we're up and that's glitch completes we're on top of the Bedrock hey okay so the next trial item is the roof trial all right place it down and big old portal okay kind of empty up here but I guess let's see what the next glitches are gonna be Let's Fall six find the glitched item find a way past the guards oh wait what the goes wrong with the netherrite block huh look so can I grab these oh I can I can just break them glitch they're the right blocks amazing oh and inside we also have sidewalk sure I feel like this is a hint for something but I'm not sure what uh oh no I can't handcrafted Golem oh that makes sense okay so what we can do then is use some shears grab that grab this guy right here and so do I just do this oh my goodness this is gonna be very weird I'm so dumb guys this is supposed to be a craft okay let's put these together and there we go glitch another right Golem all right so if I put this down hello uh so I can write them well I can okay so we can just go buy them and we did it nice okay what are these guys okay all right all right what are they dropping glitch wither skulls glitch we never saw required oh hold on so I'm gonna need four of these there we go and before we spawn in this guy let's be smart and make an iron sword all right don't know if I should be terrified or if this is gonna be very easy hopefully it's a ladder but let's get the glitch with the skulls one two and three oh and there he is oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay okay we got this we got this we got this maybe we don't got this maybe we don't got this it's all good if we are gonna fall back real quick where's the gold apples eat a golden apple and now we take this guy down oh gosh okay it doesn't fly and he's a little bit hurt but that works glitch another star oh my goodness that looks just like a blurb huh all right there we go that's done and now finally we get the reward which is this is another writing it let's never write ink it all right let me right click that and we're back okay now it's 85 glitch and oh my goodness I'm becoming an army okay nice and this just shoots out another way wait Roll Another right nope that's me all right let's add that to the collection and I might only have one glitch left I have an idea the idea pretty much came from this area right here where I was thinking if we grab two wool and then make a corporate what if we make an unlimited carpet machine we already have the slime blocks we needed that and all we really need is one and with the wood we make wood chest because we need one of these guys and we also need one iron or actually we can just get it this way sorry about this there we go and now we can go ahead and craft one of these guys good old Whopper nice so I'm gonna make the glitch right around here and now we just need quartz and some Cobblestone because we need an observer so give me one sec let me go back to another oh wait ah that that doesn't work this is how you get calcium that's a bit better now back to the nether does need a little bit of that perfect and now we can make an observer we actually need two of these so I'm gonna go to make those thank you and now let's go back okay now we have everything with Observer and these are gonna be the things we need and here is how it's gonna go first we need a furnace right here straight forward and then with the hopper we're gonna connect it to the furnace just like that now with a sticky piston we're gonna make a face that way and we're gonna need another rock and an observer facing a certain direction like this can't forget about the lever going right there and now a very important part is we need two slimes right here and in front we gotta make a hole so we extend that and now for the magic guys we put a white carpet here we close it and we have unlimited carpets let's go the bug works in the glitches complete yes and now we get the carpet portal which is a bit of a weird one but sure all right there we go this might be the final glitch trial so let's see what happens at 100 let's draw seven find the glitched item oh okay there are even carpet pillagers apparently uh where's the glitched item do I gotta jump on the carpets I think I gotta jump on the carpets all right let's just look around and see if we can find the item is that a painting oh it's a picture puzzle okay so I gotta find all the picture pieces and then we can finish the picture all right I can do that all right another one right there thank you easy one a hidden one right there that's a good one another one right here thank you let's go ahead and start putting these guys in I'll shuffle them a bit later okay that is map map and map Pool we need three more oh there we go another one another one there and final one right here nice now let's Shuffle these correctly okay let's do this quick we just gotta make this go correctly is this I think it's just a rainbow oh we're good yes all right we finished the rainbow oh it's like a rainbow room pretty much okay we're gonna go through this room right here and I think we just gotta do like a little parkour thing oh what the heck it's like a weird puzzle hold on I wanna do this right okay so if we do that lever there so I just gotta do some weird parkour I'm gonna assume I gotta do this oh and then this makes me rise cool then we just keep going like this perfect then we jump down up we go and we can take this up nice oh and this is on timer oh sick okay so if we go like this then we jump up nice okay okay let's get through the next rainbows I think we're good there and now final room oh what do we got here oh what is this it's the giant glitch sheep I assume we gotta fight oh yep yep there it goes oh why does it sound like that oh my goodness that's terrifying okay let's real quick get the golden apples and this might give me the final glitch item we need let's get him down and he's down uh do you drop an item oh wait he gave us an item the glitched carpet step on me all right do I just put this down and then we step on it all right will this get us to 100 here we go oh uh particles oh hey yo where the heck are we now what is this oh my gosh oh wait fix do I just grab it then oh we got it the glitchiest scorpits okay so do I place this order right click it oh and now we're back and it turned into a bucket all right no we're only at 99 we still needed one more but now I have triangles in Minecraft on me what the heck well I do have one final glitch I can do and we actually already have most of the items right there except one which we need this silk touch right here and all we gotta do is go here grab one of these and now we just place these guys down and they die now we're good dead fire Coral fan okay now we got everything we need and now to make it so it's probably a good idea if we do a here but we're gonna be making the TNT infinite machine and to do so we first gotta do one of these there we go then we put a sticky piston right about here gonna do this correctly now for the easy part we do slime but in a weird L shape right here and then finally at the bottom we do one TNT and here a fence now at the top it is very important we finally use the detector rail kind of like that and we put a minecart there we go oh I forgot I should have not done that yet well it works at least hold up let me get the minecart there we go good thing we have extras anyways we put the TNT there I'll leave her right there and now on this side we gotta do this weird slime thing and now here we do a second and now finally at the top we gotta grab the Observer and we gotta place it right about here there we go so it's observing right there and now without further Ado let's go ahead and do the mine Court hold on I'm doing this wrong again but we'll figure it out hold up so uh one we we're not supposed to do the TNT yet we gotta put the TNT at the fence first right there and now we place this guy right there okay now we should be good so when we turn this on and then do this yes and now we get the final TNT Port let me jump down right here I'm gonna just let that keep going let's throw this over here and now let's go inside oh what the heck is this the Farland glitch trial eight find the glitches item in the far lands oh okay I gotta get to the bottom looks like okay because let's just get to the bottom right here I guess we'll dig straight down okay it's already getting weird what the heck is going on with the wars again all right we're going down oh and we found a room oh what the heck is this I just crossed like the Dom block oh wait the damn blocks do you have eyes offender hold on let me grab as many as we can right now we have five eyes a vendor so I'm gonna need 12 which is this is definitely weird and what about netherrite block do these give the portal frames oh they do okay so we gotta break all these then okay we got all the end portal frames now we just gotta set this up real quick and without further Ado let's get to 100 glitch and maybe fight whatever the dragon is oh friend oh it's the Glitchy Dragon so this is the final final boss and then we get 100 glitch that makes sense do I have a bow I don't have a bow oh man well we gotta do this old-fashioned way he is definitely glitching out though oh wait this might be a good time we do this one diamond sword a bunch of cool and apples all right now we wait until for a while let me spare you the time oh wait it's pretty cool quick Dylan you wanna have a great Winter's video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 187,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but the glitches increase, minecraft glitch, minecraft glitch increase, glitch, minecraft bug, bugs, minecraft glitch bedrock, lava, bedrock
Id: 9Js2h4iYyJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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