I Found Scary Minecraft Myths That Are Real

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Minecraft has a dark history of myths some so scary that players don't even try to encounter today I'm testing these myths to see if they're truly real starting with the blood dragon a gruesome monster dragons during rare blood moons terrorizing the Overworld spewing blood from its mouth oh my God this dragon is able to transform any creature into a Mindless servant these bloody creatures then roam the world infecting others and growing the dragon's control whole villages will fall from just one drop of the dragon's blood dragons one terrific blood Villages however players are not affected by this curse in the same way players so much as touches the drop of its blood the blood will instantly absorb into their skin before exploding them into a Red Mist what blood dragon is a powerful mob it is not without its limits believed to have been stolen from its mother by a blood witch his dragon egg was cursed and bound to the blood forever this means that once the blood moon Fades and blood begins to dissolve the dragon will vanish with it and his minions will shed their blood forms players believe that it's still out oh my gosh we're on the hunt for the blood dragon and wait what the now with extra hugs okay that's a very creepy message Minecraft I don't appreciate that why did it that's weird usually when you click single player you see the list of the worlds I have tons of world okay I'm just gonna whatever you know what let's just call the world uh blood dargan dude I don't know if I should be making fun of the blood dragon but um should I even turn cheats on I guess maybe just so that we can have full creative control and then I don't think we need anything else yeah no C nothing let's just make a raw World why is it taking so long hello what is what is what is going on why is my Minecraft acting okay okay okay there you go wait why did I just see the world flash red okay I'm tripping I'm tripping I'm tripping there's no way maybe that was just lava right like I don't I don't know the world generation picture but okay we're in a jungle everything seems pretty normal now and I should yes okay perfect we can just go in creative mode that's amazing yeah okay maybe the red was just the lava I you know what I'm saying that would make sense nothing seems off about the seed we got a pyramid over there we got another thingy portal okay you know what let's start recording with replay mod just in case we catch anything and without cheating we have to naturally let it become nighttime so yeah okay this is gonna take a bit for me oh but this is a really nice pretty Village this is perfect because we needed a village in the video it was a Plains Village but I think we should be okay there's nether right there oh God and so I waited just until the sun went down naturally to have our first night okay perfect the Sun is going down the night is coming up or the moon not the night okay anyways so we need to turn the moon into a blood moon and honestly hold on let's set our spawn point right here let's place down a cauldron and I think with a water bucket if we fill it up okay there we go we got a regular bucket let's go into survival mode and oh God okay there's mobs around I think what I need to do is actually kill one of these mobs okay perfect we need a skeleton I think if we kill a mob on top of the cauldron okay wait no a skeleton might be pretty hard because he just Dodges everything come on and boom no that didn't work we gotta hurry before the Moon is at midnight okay that's pretty weird um what if I summon a chicken does that work no it does we need to get blood I don't think the creeper will work either yeah the creeper doesn't work okay I just set my spawn point what if we do slash kill okay there you go I just died and if I respawn oh wait what that's odd I I definitely set my spawn point you guys saw that does the game not want me to like go back there okay well the chords are right there so I can just teleport myself it's for a boom okay and oh my God oh my God perfect timing too the Moon is almost there oh my gosh okay so what we need to do now let's go in break all this wait we actually got the blood to work okay okay okay okay this is this is so weird I didn't think that would actually work but it did Beacon right there and we just need like diamonds I mean I guess actually anything could work but there you go if we go and set the beacon maybe oh but oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is happening to my game oh my God guys what is what is happening it turned the beacon laser into a blood wait it's feeding into the moon what um hello your game mode has been updated wait no I don't wanna hello oh my God wait I can't get more creative wait it's not working I have cheats enabled though it's not letting me oh my God okay wait I have a block of diamond we have nine diamonds what the heck is happening right oh no oh my God oh my God it's coming the blood dragon no way oh my God okay wait this is so weird even the buttons are red wait okay we're still recording we're gonna have to check this out in a second if the blood dragon is coming we gotta get out of here and at least get some tools bro we have nine freaking diamonds and that's it oh my God oh my God these mobs are freaking dead bro oh my God there's literally no wood here there's literally no wood dude wait this is like literally insane even the stars are red what is going on yo wait why did it just get quiet there's there's no more mobs oh my God oh my God the blood dragon wait oh my God I see it what the oh my God bro oh my wait did you just shoot something no it's literally shooting the blood oh my god dude wait what oh my God what is that hello it's a blood Pig it's a blood Pig it's a blood Pig oh my God I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running oh my god oh I'm dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead no way I cannot touch the blood I cannot touch the blood oh my God it's everywhere it's actually ever no no no oh my God it's so loud why is it still coming after me bro oh my God wait I see the blood dragon again dude it just shot again no way oh my God it's literally terrorizing the village just like in the video oh no wait no no no no no no no no oh my God that's actually the blood Gollum the blood dragon turned that into a oh no oh my god dude the beacon isn't even hitting the moon anymore dude no no oh my God it's back no oh you gotta be kidding me okay hold on I think there's a chest right here yep there's a chest there's a chest oh my goodness go go go go is it still chasing me the butt wait oh my God oh my God he's filling the entire not the Villager okay okay okay okay oh my God oh my God okay we got tons of stuff we got tons of stuff we got a sword that's somehow read now okay hey yo wait he's coming this way he is coming this way there's literally no way I can kill him bro how much health does he even have yo he's shooting the blood oh my God run run run no no no no oh my god dude that nearly hit me oh my goodness oh my God I can't Sprint I can't Sprint I can't Sprint I can't Sprint I can't Sprint I can't Sprint oh I killed the chicken what where did he come from I just got killed by a blood Pig okay oh oh my God wait that's good the spawn point glitched we're I think we're I think we're safe the menu pops up but if I try and go in creative mode I just doesn't do anything bro it's like I just got my permissions taken away and oh my god dude if I can get back to the blood moon because we were so far how do I stop this we can do this though like as long as wait why is it raining oh my God wait I just I hear it oh my God no no wait what the dragon's up there oh my God the dragons follow me oh my God there's blood no no no no no run run oh my God the blood's right there no I'm actually dead I'm actually dead don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it I touched it what hello what the oh no what what just happened to me wait oh why do I look like this I look I look hideous why what happens to my heart oh my god oh no this is what's gonna happen in the video it showed us the blood just disconnected wait I thought it was supposed to kill me what what is this I can't read this bro I don't read hieroglyphics back to serverless I wasn't on a cert what just happened and the next disc we're going to be busting is Big disc of death oh my God this Smith began when a number of players were found murdered in their homes oh no horrific sounds would always be heard before they're crazy this player had died in a different way their bones were all found lying next to their jukeboxes as a strange disc floated next to them his curiosity got the better of him taking the disc and inserting it into his jukebox some unsettling noises it almost sounded like a sudden pouring of water then someone was struggling to swim and then drowning as the discs scratched the player heard a haunting but familiar noise water had begun flooding out of the walls of his home okay so we have to expect water terrifying figure seem to appear okay the player attempted to open his door but found it you won't be able to escape are now pouring in Faster he was running out of time and was struggling to break any blocks you can't even break blocks the player pulled out a book and quill as his last breath left him the next day his friend would visit only to find the player lying dead his skeleton book in his hand reading it would reveal a terrible warning if you ever come across disc 16 let it be not that it would matter as certain Dooms so the music disc of death is supposed to be only found in a certain seed and I have it right here let me just copy it and boom my god dude why does it look like that we have to make sure to have this on to generate structures and let's go ahead and honestly yeah I'm gonna slap on bonus chest because you know what I'm not dealing with having nothing again let's allow cheats again even though they might get disabled and I guess let's just call it um a lib buy okay I suppose that's totally wrong but you know what I'm trying here okay and why is it taking long again okay we're loading in like entire game is just oh my God my entire PC just froze for a second and what okay that's odd I okay I see the bonus chest but I don't see the village we were specifically I put the seat in right right like if I just type it in chat yeah music disc of death I don't see a village anywhere that's really weird I'm gonna make myself a sword because I guess why not sorry Mr pigs I mean you killed me just in the last World okay I mean I guess you guys aren't blood pink wait I'm an idiot I can just use my creative Powers right oh there you go okay yeah why is there no Village I don't think I'm gonna go ahead and let's save quit dude again my PC just lags every time I leave the world dude that's so weird okay let's try that again this time without a bonus chest let's do the same C done boom oh wait okay it's it did work the music disc of death C did work all right let's start recording there you go just in case I want to make sure we have all the proof we can like you know just in case anything weird happens what if I just do slash C that would work no oh my God wait it it's it literally says music disc of death so it works and if I go into creative mode oh okay we can go in creative mode that's perfect this is really really odd because I'm not seeing anything oh my God no wait I'm so stupid apparently we're supposed to go to these chords and okay dude we literally it's taking so long okay it's loading in everything we just teleported to 666 666. I still don't see anything that could be weak oh my God oh my God it's the village okay okay I don't want to mess anything up um hello villagers I don't see anything weird about this Village though it is here though it's here and and it wasn't before this house is like basically broken okay some weird generation you know nothing too abnormal hey man okay everything everything seems good here I'll I'll I guess I'll take the shovel why not okay this is a very odd Farm but again nothing super weird oh oh wait okay the village continues up here okay I literally just see smoke here okay yeah okay I see a path wait but the path ends here and yet did we not just see smoke oh there's a house here okay this is actually really weird because I don't think this is part of the village hold on let's mark this as an event marker yeah so that way when we go back to three why did it wait did I never start recording I thought I did I thought I thought I started recording in this world maybe I didn't I don't know okay well I'm gonna do that again there you go we added another event marker um that's very weird okay all right it's fine it's fine I don't think anything is like sus it's just a normal house with a disc inside of it okay okay wait this is actually like serious the disc is inside of the house that must be this world's like scary music disc of death oh my God okay am I Really Gonna do this right now before I walk in this house I want to see if there's any booby traps so let's actually just let's just leave okay we're in let me teleport to myself so this is me right here we're good everything seems normal I don't see anything odd and now we can actually go inside of the house okay there it is oh my God the music disc is right there and it's like why is it oddly like just perfectly placed like it just got played or like okay that's weird um I don't see where any water could like leak from either so I don't think we gotta worry about that there's no demon or something behind me I think we're actually good yeah and it's just me like on the world I mean duh and we're we're in we're good okay here goes nothing I get what oh wait what is my game look like this and when did it oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there's a villager here hey hey man hello hello how did he dude I have so many questions right now wait where did the Disco what where did the disc go it's in my inventory disc bro it's thundering right now this guy what are you even doing what's even up here what are you trying oh it's the bag bro can you knock it on the bed okay this is so weird I have the music disc it's called death's Melody oh my goodness okay hold on before we put this in I gotta go to music and sounds and okay it's on five percent my jukebox and note blocks we gotta turn it up all the way bro I'm gonna close this door bro and honestly I'm gonna wait should I you know what yeah I am gonna board it up just in case another freaking demon or villager comes in all right at least we have a friend Gamers but here goes nothing I guess it's just time to play this thing okay [Music] oh my God that was terrifying It's Not Over [Music] oh my God I heard footsteps [Music] I have a shovel I have a shovel I have a shovel okay is it over and there's a zombie [Applause] [Music] what's that oh my God is that it is it over no no nothing happened nothing we're okay I heard footsteps though oh that was just the lightning I I heard footsteps and it wasn't it wasn't this guy it wasn't anything no oh my God oh my God oh my wait no no no no no no no I can't see anything I can't what's going on what's going on with my game bruh I can't see anything hello wait I'm pressing spacebar I'm pressing spacebar oh my God oh my God I can see I can see I can see oh my God oh my God get out get out get out get out get out get out I'm sprinting bro what is going I just I just drowned wait what dude it happened okay we're in creative mode um we gotta go back go go go go go what hold up what where's the house what why am I not recording anymore dude what is going on okay wait this is when it started raining out of nowhere bro the house is clearly here oh my God wait wait wait wait it's playing I don't see anything I hear the footsteps wait are the footsteps the zombie no they're not because I don't hear the zombie and then there you go I got the music disc again what happened like oh my God yeah there you go there you go hold on let's pause it everything just started like bubbling up and it started sinking like everything hold on a second and it just goes to the very top it pushed me up and I just die right here why does it say that it's now playing that's Melody what Gamers why can't I hear it what is that behind
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,111,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, I Found Minecraft's Scariest Myths That Are Real, testing minecraft myths, testing myths, busting minecraft myths, busting myths, scary myths, scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft, challenge, family friendly
Id: 6UjJXTbTx9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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