I Tricked My Friend with ILLUSIONS in Minecraft

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I'm gonna use the world's best Minecraft illusions from the most basic to Breaking the fabric of reality all to trick my friend for Revenge you see Gamers the person we're trolling Skitty uploaded this video I trapped my friend in a confusing Minecraft world yeah yeah yeah guess who's the friend me and quiff and Izzy but that's not the point without spoiling everything just check this out you may not understand everything but it's okay it was an entire time I did it why what was the point because you melted me all right bro he's so mad that we melted him in a previous video okay whatever I guess I'll just melt you again hey hey you see these little particles bro he smacked me into them and turned me into this house I'm literally in the house you're actually stuck yeah enjoy your new life enjoy your new life as the stupid house and basically I was like a house and I could just like yeah I just sucked up Izzy and I could throw TNT and I literally think I killed him yeah I literally killed both quiff and dizzy but yes Gamers he literally turned me into a house and sure it was a cool house I could blow you know things up and whatnot but I don't care I'm gonna get my sweet sweet revenge and the first illusion is gonna be a clone illusion using this clone illusion grenade okay he is online right now he's probably at his stupid house over there and little the Skins he knows I spent the last two days booby trapping the entire server with Illusions so in reality guys this clone grenade is just to get him really angry and actually speaking of really angry I know exactly how to get him really angry Gamers oh my God wait he's right there okay okay my mic is new to Gamers so we're good he won't be able to hear me bro bro oh my gosh we can literally walk in so Gamers the plan is look at this dude wait oh my God he's talking wait he's there oh my God okay we need to be super quiet gamer so we gotta get him through this door not this one and I have the perfect plan let's piss it oh I kind of wait smell right now I'm just gonna oh my God I'm just gonna Vibe with it okay hold on a second I'm gonna go ahead and just play TNT maybe like right here oh my God maybe I should scare him hello idiot yo what hey sorry yo what are you doing oh my God oh my God oh my God bro yes are you crazy yeah which one's me get them bunks have out for two seconds and this I'm literally there's a million oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there's a million bucks am I is it you it's this one it's literally this one you idiot you're a bot bro um actually oh yes oh my God he teleported wait oh my God they're all going they're all going Gamers oh my goodness wait what the heck oh my God he's literally fighting my no no wait no way no way no way oh my goodness wait oh oh I'm flying I'm actually flying I'm flying above a cupcake okay okay this is good this is good this is good this is good hey is this you are you the real one hey yo come here no no I gotta eat my golden apple I'm gonna die you're okay okay I gotta go inside of here I gotta go inside of here your stupid ugly friends keep hitting me yes yes oh my God Gamers Gamers he's busy killing my freaking I can't even pick it up are you kidding me what kind of troll is it oh my God I gotta run I gotta run in here oh my gosh get your stupid all over here yes oh my gosh this is perfect this is actually perfect no that wasn't you I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die I'm gonna die and the last thing I'm gonna see is my butt cheeks in front of me because why am I going in circles okay gamer so I just fully muted my sounds he is stuck in an infinitely look at him you can literally see him and it curves dude this is so perfect so while he's stuck in hero Gamers we gotta go ahead and oh my God wait did my people drop that are you kidding me uh I'm actually gonna join oh wait I can't even pick it up it's fake I totally forgot duh it's illusion bro he's actually stuck in there let's go okay so while he's completely stuck in their Gamers which is an infinite maze by the way okay he just keeps talking it's a literal curved infinite maze it's made out of dirt it's not actually curved It's Just an Illusion at any moment he's gonna figure out how to get out of there which is probably just literally an ender pearl like how we did but Gamers we have to quickly set up inside of here you know just like a normal Minecraft house do you know what I'm saying just your typical Minecraft house maybe I just have to keep running maybe once I catch the guy in front of me I'll make it to the end and I glitch through this maybe the second he escapes from there well we have to make sure to do is go inside of this tiny world and get these oak leaves this is literally gonna be the ultimate hide and seek oh wait no no he hasn't he has an Ender Pro in his hand wait oh my God he's gonna be able to escape okay okay okay he's out right there come get me nerd oh dude all right you're dead bro you're actually dead I don't want to waste my life okay there we go let's grab these two go go go go go go go go and hide hide hide hide ionic you can't hide in the porta potty forever oh my God oh my God oh my God this is a big porta potty wait am I gonna get locked in here oh wait okay hold on it's teeny in the back but then not teeny on the inside okay where'd you go yes his death cyber has started so if he doesn't find me before the timer runs out he's dead oh my God okay okay okay oh no oh what kind of porta potty is this I real I don't I don't I don't like this guys where where oh I'm literally stuck in here hold on I wonder if you can hear me Skizzy um okay is he in the barrel oh my God no he can't he can't he cannot hear me check the barrels check the barrels is he in the crafting table he's not in the crafting table bro oh my gosh no there's zero way he's gonna find me bro this is literally the perfect hiding spot he's gonna die let's go definitely in the flower pot he's not in the flower pot um where the heck is he the only way I get out of here if he literally like breaks this block so oh my God wait that timer is actually like almost half I'm literally just gonna destroy the entire Place bionic come out where are you this doesn't make any sense how is this here excuse he's pretty smart though okay he's gonna figure it out I I think right or no way don't tell me we don't even get to the dream Illusions like bro this is just the basic stuff this is super easy you know what while he's just trolling I'm just gonna build a bunch of dirt peepees Earth Rock Wood the three PP elements wait what is he no hey yo wait is he looking at me right now I cannot tell I literally just broke the floor and I see a little tiny baby bionic come here oh my God I think he just found me no how do I get in here yo let me in let me in the timer is going down he doesn't even know how to get in okay I gotta enter pull out and to pull out oh my what the heck wait what how is he in here oh my God oh my God hey what's going on idiot hey hey what the heck is going on here dude what are you doing to me don't stop why why are you doing this and why is there listen what's wrong I thought you were gonna die I thought you know you just sucked at hide and seek but good job you found me no you found your stupid face all right why shouldn't I chill right now huh because because I'll explain why you can't I'll explain why you shouldn't because am I even real am I even real you idiot am I even real or is this what oh my goodness I just got I just got Inked on when the fog clears you guys will see what we got going on Welcome to the illusion world skidzy you can't hear me right now because he's freaking out cause while it looks pretty normal for us this is what skizzy's looking at oh my goodness I changed his perspective to be isometric which basically changes the entire wave like Minecraft renders the game I told you Gamers this video is gonna be crazy and we made it look like each planet is connected but bro it's actually not oh my God wait you can see the sky split and the Sun at the top okay wait this is actually hurting my freaking brain right now what what is going on I don't understand okay hold on hold on hold on okay this looks like this looks like a chemistry project okay we're normal hey skinsy yo what did you do to me isn't this illusion so crazy like just a second ago we were inside a box and I was hiding from you and you almost died and now you're in my game show the illusion world what is this dude what where am I why is there balls everywhere listen I'll explain to you why there's balls everywhere okay I don't like Minecraft in ball mode bro get me out of here if you want to leave listen oh my God all right well I'm not telling you how to leave just gonna like where are you I'm right in front oh you can't see me huh okay listen boom okay can you see me now a little better oh wait I'm zoomed in now yes there you go the only way to escape is that each ball I hit some Eyes of Ender in a chest and you need to light the portal in the final ball to escape that portal you see it right what dude I have to okay hold on yeah you have to play like this and the entire time I can throttle on you no get away from me bro it looks like you're close to me but I promise you you're not gonna no you're right next to me no no no you're an idiot oh my gosh okay fine bro I'll play your stupid little game oh my God Gamers hold on I muted really quickly this is how he's playing right now no this is actually unplayable oh bro doesn't want to talk anymore all right that's fine that's fine no I unmuted I'm right here okay listen I'll give you a hint I'll give you a hint all right look you see me over here you see the chest you have to see the chest come here come here can you just hunt me down first what I know you little rapper yeah you almost slipped out bro stop hitting me is right there can you right click it yes there you go got it I got it all right can you make your way to uh I don't know whichever Planet you want to go to next yeah oh my gosh we're going to the snow Planet watch out watch out oh my god dude don't mess with me while I'm climbing the balls bro oh my gosh oh my I'm dead I'm Gonna Die Hard bro get away what's this it's a little hot this is a little hot maybe the end of pearls aren't there or the Eyes of Ender yeah oh I can't even I can't see anything here I'll help you I'll help you look look look no I can do it do you see it you've got to be able to see this no no I just all right guys you don't see the trap door you see it now Mr Krabs wait wait I can see my little exactly did I open it I'll go through idiot oh yes I'm going through where am I going okay oh wait where am I going okay hold on relax relax I got you I will guide you where do I go listen to my beautiful voice right in front of you just right click right click left no that's right left behind you no no no not me not me okay okay okay okay stop right click right click yeah oh yes I got it I got it I got it okay yeah go up just just press W yes oh my God you're doing it yes yeah let's go what are you doing no no no no no that's okay no you little cheater dude wow time baby all right it's definitely not in this house right here yo I'm actually helping you so much knowing you bro I'm checking this house over here no it's actually oh my God please man like I want to get to the no [Applause] stop get away from me no I know you see this pyramid up here bro I'm I'm stuck okay okay yeah you gotta go up here to the pyramid dude I muted I want to Bow him rush me dude chill I want to blow him so bad ow it hurts all right I don't know how much I can help you with this one but you just gotta go inside of the freaking pyramid hold on yeah yeah okay wait okay hold on I will say do not mind straight down don't I literally you know what I'm doing oh something else exploded the TNT oh you're so lucky wait you actually would have died bro okay well I'm just the best bro look listen don't move because you're gonna fall down and it's gonna honestly I'm gonna help you out there you go okay you're good now yo diamond yeah see I'm a nice guy I'm stacking you up and they should have been in here yo wait yeah dude you told me more often bro yo okay don't ask for that you know I will bro don't worry yo this is only level three Illusions my friend it's only gonna get crazy all three yo honestly I'm kind of so proud of skinzi he's doing so good and I think he yeah he has way more than enough Eyes of Ender oh my God wait wait he doesn't notice the creepers why is he why wait wait hold on hold on I know you see them are you gonna be good on PVP though yo chill dude I have to fight them in third person I'm on fire I'm on fire oh my gosh you're good you're good don't worry it's only creepers bro creepers are nothing to you wait hold on bro wait what is this where are you going yeah oh my you you really thought I should kill you no I should be killing you idiot oh my God that sucks nice kids eat all you have to do is put the Eyes of Ender you got this nothing is gonna get any worse bro yeah nothing's gonna nothing is gonna did you just waste one I think I just saw that wait you're actually tragically I literally know what I'm doing idiot yeah bro you're definitely not about to go uh t-pose again and uh fly into the sky no I'm not it's only gonna get there you go well done Skizzy you did it whoa wait I'm me I'm me again dude I'm back in normal mode that's right and now all you need to do is go through the portal but you will need this push you in whoa what oh yo oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God yo he clutched it hey where is he oh here's a stupid little ghost again dude why did you turn the end where Blue Square it's a rectangle and it's not a blue rectangle it's the Overworld Skizzy the Overworld yes we're in the end dude are you you're stupid bro that yo you have no brain inside of your head dude I think I accidentally melted your brain cells cause it is the Overworld get out of there see ya nerd will punch me what do I do what do I do what do I do what is happening hey man oh my God but if what happened to your oh my God I knew you had a small brain but why is it oh no no no no you're the one who's winning a cloud bro oh my wait dude that's your butt oh my gosh why am I upside down I'm just streaming okay this is all a dream it's all an illusion all right all you need to do bro is make it to your house through these clouds wait and I actually don't know if you can make that jump oh look it looks like you actually dreamed of uh oh it doesn't look like that's working there you go take those Cloud blocks kids and your goal is to make it to your house and if you fall or should I say uh rise I don't even know then you're dead and you'll never wake up and you'll never leave this illusion you'll never be able to record another stupid video you get to troll me and turn me into a stupid okay just stop kissing me in your dreams you weirdo oh my god dude this is so trippy this is not a dream dude this is a nightmare oh yo he's sick with it Rose actually Sky bridging yeah you actually made that no way okay so Gamers while he's trying to make it all the way to his house check this out he's literally asleep so I wasn't kidding when I said he has to wake himself up but just when he thinks it's finally over he'll wake up to reality in reality easy peasy baby and let's just say it's gonna be a bigger nightmare than this how's it hanging bro bro oh how's it hanging you just got that pun I can't stop come on man dude I'm snoozing I didn't know your dream would be so boring look your house is right over there bro you just hit me with another pun he said I'm snoozing your dreams shut up oh I actually didn't even touch yo no pun intended no no you know what you're doing oh my God bro whoa what yo you're looking crazy if I just you know quickly mind this oh how do you reach me bro yo get away get away oh my god oh no way yo this is actually so trippy you're on the other side what wait how are you even gonna get inside of your house I'm so confused wait wait oh yeah cause you can just back down you can just Stack Down wait but then I'm good okay all right yeah I'll just stack down instead of stacking up instead of digging down you're just digging up oh my God oh my God no there's no way there's no way oh my God wait you actually made it anybody home yeah just going through your front door bro come on yo oh my God you look like a dead body what the heck it's like trick or treat oh my God yo bro's on his roof right now yo what are you doing bro I'm going upstairs bro yeah he's going downstairs oh wait I just go up yeah whoa oh look wait who's this who's this guy uh-oh who'd you put in my house wait it's me wait skitzy wake up wake up did you just kiss no no I didn't you just bro you just kissed your no no no it's a dream bro yo you just expose yourself you dream about kissing yourself oh my God okay okay we're back from the dream Gamers this is actually the real server and the final troll the final illusion is placing down my own house but as a mob three two one boom oh my goodness my house is alive okay wait it's he's supposed to stand still hey house can you stand still skiddy thinks he can just turn me into a house no he's gonna have to fight my house as an illusion oh my God wait no house stand still don't stay in place okay my house is not listening house go back move oh I'm trying to push my house back into play no get back idiot oh my God wait he's actually listening to me yeah yeah go back there go back there oh my God wait it's because he's coming oh my God look at him over there he thinks he could just troll me and get away with it no oh my gosh wait he's gonna see this he's gonna see it he's gonna see it shoot him let's shoot him to distract him oh he saw that hey yo he saw that oh my gosh wait what what is going on yeah come here nerd house is alive your house is alive and I'm not gonna let you kill it no come here dude you're literally a naked little pleb bro get him get him house yes get him you think you can fight my house you idiot oh my goodness bro uh this is kind of giving me flashbacks here but I turned you into a house once and now you're doing it again yeah yeah you haven't even hit him once yet come on at least get one hit yeah oh my God oh my God oh that backfire you can't outsmart my house dude your why is your house have such high IQ he's the smartest house ever oh my no not if I swim under it swim under it I'm gonna swim under it you're an idiot bro oh my God my house just freaking destroyed them wait bro took like two ticks of damage from his Total Health oh my goodness Gamers that's why you don't turn me into a house oh I'm back in the igloo subscribe and click one of these videos right here I love you peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 949,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, I Tricked My Friend with ILLUSIONS in Minecraft, i fooled my friend with illusions in minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions in minecraft, funny, challenge, confusing minecraft, minecraft confusing
Id: 2hgML4JO1PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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