Why I Cheated With PRO PAINT In A Build Battle...

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my friends challenged me to a building competition if you're going down but what they don't know is I'm cheating with propane meaning anything the professional paints will actually come to life can't believe what's the first build all right round one is custom boss over 15 minutes to make a custom boss good luck guys good luck oh my gosh and the Pro painters right here camouflaged in my skin because if anyone tries to peek over they'll think it's me and if I search boss this is everything that comes up it could be something like this or a creepy ghost like this but why not merge the two all right you know what I think we go water boss you know I wanted to be bright big and bright I'm gonna tell them to make a ghost dragon so while they're already painting I'm gonna pop into invis and check up on Fourth a massive sniffer they can be a good boss right can't play is making some sort of war tank all right we got our water tank now we got the sand everywhere before we actually start building and Maggie is making some sort of slime so far so good all right her slime Monster's looking a little too good you know okay please responding to invis which means she's left the area your slime boss is about to eat a very spicy meal and this wall looks kind of interesting because I can do something easy five removing all the war good luck placing that back what's going on over there okay we're gonna make this work that's not what I remember but the painting's looking really cool now I'll definitely keep this in my hands so I could continue to see how this actually looks but for your build is looking kind of crazy I'm gonna have to like Sound fire to everything and you know what else is crazy quickly go inside here hello I have no idea I'm inside who's making a home inside my big scary sniffer oh wait they kind of found me but they have no idea because now I'm gonna do that oh that's TNT no I was well now he looks even more stupid than he already did yeah have fun with that well on the bright side I think Maggie's fixed the monster it'll be great I mean not really if I lose this build battle these guys will ban me for making another one I kind of have an idea on how to mess with Kipling first dig right here if I sell for the bottom one they should shoot all the way to the top like that I was so small hey what's that huh who was that I think the painting's kind of done and why is this hell this might be a little too big but compared to the painting this looks exactly the same it's a dragon that's like a ghost because look he's broken off from here you're on my side buddy what is this yo I'm not you built this huh yeah yeah yeah okay y'all I'll break it no it's fine it's fine it's fine I'll fix I'll fix it all right buddy watch your back you do this again it's not cleaned up why is it both so mean this is a work of art well she has nothing to complain about now because it's actually on my side but there's only three minutes left so to make sure I actually win let me go sabotage the others oh she's left the area where's she going oh he's funky yeah not good enough you blew up my build and what's Maggie doing on this side all right let's have a look see wait they both about to blow peachless builds enough oh my this is amazing I don't need to sabotage because they're doing it themselves excuse me excuse me I'll stay far away from that oh man last little bit right here this is the king of the sea but yo when did kipley build this okay this is kind of crazy but if I put back into invis get some TNT and kind of say goodbye to your build oh yeah they're dealing with their own problems there your your wall is burning my friend your wall is burning but where is everyone no no listen we're focusing on the wrong person you guys okay listen Wolf's missing kipley's missing and they're not over at make side all right we gotta do this together okay the girl's got a band together we can't lose which only means one thing no no no no no no I know it GT yo yo yo yo stop stop there's no way no no no no no no no don't tell me it's all of them it was amazing my entire build's gone oh my ghost dragon we gotta get up top as well can't forget about up here this is too much TNT for me to do anything my entire dragon's been destroyed look how that they're all running away very good work very good work Retreat well there's only one minute left I can fix this bro painter this is where you're coming so make a void Dragon which will be the best custom boss but don't think I forgot about you guys we're gonna try giving him a mouth again I'm gonna keep this in my hand just so I can see what's going on you have a cool looking eye right now so if I put back in the invis yeah it's really not cool enough because I'm not gonna blow it up cause Adam replaced that there and I've covered it up meaning the next time we go to investigate it's gonna completely blow up and the Ford truck is looking really cool now so what is this wait a second how did they make this boy dragon it was meant to be home awesome now we've got some holes like look at the pink then look at the build they look exactly the same I don't think anyone's gonna beat this who's seen a void Dragon like this before time's up meaning we had to meet in the middle all right ladies and gentlemen come this way all right this is a science experiment gone wrong all right this is not your everyday goldfish oh yo this is the fish of the sea all right look at him this is really cool what oh what whoa whoa whoa whoa oh okay oh uh oh who put that there he is unkillable he is simply a summon from the real boss in the depths oh the little angler fish down below yo this is sick I think seven just because you've gone out of the look you've gone over the line oh yeah don't look too closely at that honestly can't believe this is actually really good I'm gonna give it like an eight out of ten see I was gonna give it an 8 out of 10 as well but I think since it goes out of the box here I think I might have to go seven out of ten I don't know Kipling got 22 out 30. meaning it was time for Maggie and this is my toxic waste Monster look at him oh that's sick and he just gobbles up his enemies yeah and over here he's got a hand like a claw that's coming out of the Ooze even the little Moss carp in the top that's really cool yeah honestly this is 8 out of 10. I'm gonna give it a 10. I love slime monsters and I especially love his little green tongue in his hand so yeah this is a nine out of ten from me Maggie got 27 out of 30. Minnie was time for fourth it's a half defeated boss that's why he looks so uh crooked and uh incorrect he looks very funky I can't lie it was meant to be like wholesome boss and he just yeah uh some holes instead it looks like a duck yeah he looks like he looks like a peacock a little bit no it looks like a crab yeah I kind of see it I definitely wouldn't want this guy in front of me I'm gonna give it a 7 out of ten maybe an eight out of ten nine out of ten for me this is a solid boss both got 24 hour 30 meaning it was time for mine why does this guy even made out of what is this this is actually a void Dragon avoid Dragon how did you I actually avoid Dragon that's really it you check from the front he's a whole dragon and you built all of this by hand huh I wanted to make someone unique because my entire build got destroyed I don't know who it was I'm looking at you guys oh that's weird yeah I can't believe that happened to you yeah instead this guy came out even better forget a ghost dragon we have a void Dragon who don't even lie this guy's menacing I'm I'm gonna give a seven yeah I think I was gonna go seven out of ten too simply you know I have to respect technical mistakes here and uh the dragon is a little bit of out of bounds I would have given it a 10 out of 10 but you know obsessed of this block in my hand right here is good this is a six out of ten my bill got 20 out of 30. and they had no idea I was cheating superhero and my propane is back here ready to paint but there's so many superheroes to actually choose from like Superman would be really cool but how about Iron Man so I'm gonna tell them to make Iron Man and they've already started I was thinking like what if I did an Iron Golem but I'm gonna pick this up and pop back into invis because if I check what Kipling is doing we're building the god of thunder and forth's making some a red what is a good superhero spelled Spider-Man which I kind of think means Iron Man but compared to the painting yeah she really has no chance so I might as well help you out because you know Iron Man Has [Music] is starting to look really cool so far so good so while Kipling is distracted with a build I'm activating this TNT cannon [Music] it appears there's a window well that's kind of crazy but the drawing starting to look insane wait is it done yo wait yes it is yo this looks crazy it even has the beam right here which I hope oh it's barely out that's I don't realize but this looks sick Spider-Man's a superhero right I think one little thing I do want to add is a bit like it charging up a fire but why are those guys together my belt is going so poorly okay I need help this this works out really well because I need help okay then we can just work together but they've torn down the wall oh these guys are gonna team but that's where Maggie is Maggie is right there but where is Kipling another warp block Redstone wait why did my build just turn to Redstone like this go and now we can just instantly activate all sorts of TNT I was a GT not again oh see up here it's everywhere man you can't escape the Redstone I don't even have to light it at this point stop I don't I don't accept yo these guys are actually trying to do anything to beat me this is so stupid and there's only one minute left how am I supposed to fix this I've still got a painting in my hand why are you holding TNT you really build this out of redstone stop I did nothing to you I did nothing I'm not here oh my yo I can't even catch a break but I saw the painting in my hand so I place this down and place it back on here please tell me this thing it did fix yo I'm so small I'm actually so small yeah what are you gonna do now it's completely fixed oh what's happening here I carrot man looks great I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone but hey yo what's wrong with that Spider-Man you spam that looks more like a Spooner man but when did these guys make the Avengers with Yoda well I'm gonna pop into inverse and good thing these guys are made out of work say goodbye to every single build here oh and she's kind of realized Iron Man's on fire well sucks to suck either way time is now up meaning we had to meet in the middle me and Maggie teamed up for this one people pair to Feast your eyes on the best superheroes in existence you've built a whole Funko Pop Shop what's going on here pretty much hey any superhero you want you want Deadpool bam Deadpool Iron Man even we got Yoda uh is he a superhero though everyone loves Yoda wait who is this uh Captain Marvel had a slight fire incident hey yo you guys are off the line no no that you cannot have to count that bill you know that those were uh work in progress you know we didn't know if we want to add them I do like the variety of uh Marvel characters you have so I'm gonna give this like a 8 out of 10. I'm gonna give you a seven kid playing Mega golf 15 out of 30. meaning it was time for full I have quite got everyone but it doesn't matter because you don't need anyone except from clearly Spider-Man with his massive muscles why is he so key they're told hey yo from the back he's locking some cake what's going on here oh man I wanted to make him double cheeked up but I didn't know if I could yo he's been done dirty over here you know what just for that I'm gonna give this a six out of ten these look like a cereal box but I'm gonna go down to like F5 I'll give you a five he is a little square so I'm gonna give him seven fourth got 18 out of 30. and this is mine I went with Iron Man arguably probably one of the best superheroes he's my favorite I made sure to knock out bounce he's got faster thing on his hand too that's sick I was gonna make some lightning but uh yeah it would have been outbound so I tried to stay in I like that you've taken that into consideration this round and over here you can see his little chest plate yeah I like this is where his heart goes it actually glows too whoa yeah I know right this is really nice I don't have time to make his leg so he's half half nine months it's got some shoulders on it too I looked at the back it's all very detailed too very nice I'm gonna give this a 9 out of ten I'll take a nine an eight deducting points for the for the funny face I love Iron Man it this is really good too this is probably the best iron man I've ever seen so this is a 10 out of 10. you know I will take a 10. my bill got 27 out of 30. and they still have no idea I was cheating monster and my penis back here and the monster I'm gonna make is actually from Yu-Gi-Oh and it's not the blue eyes white dragon instead it's gonna be the ancient fairy dragon also who watches Yu-Gi-Oh well I'm gonna pop back into invis Buffs making the Iron Golem what if I like fill it with water or something I have no idea what kipley's making all right you know what we're gonna start with the eyes because I feel like that is the easiest part I'm Maggie's making some monster Inc I am like in the zone right now and it's already looking amazing I'll pop this into my hand so I can keep track of the process and now who do I sabotage don't think I forgot about you guys blowing up my entire build so carefully I'm gonna grab some Minecarts Rail and you might want to deal with this because as soon as I push it Go a bit of a smile you know oh whoa wait no what that's one down what is going on no although why is it made a monster look so much cooler who activated this Tandy who is not on their plot right this second but she already thinks it's Mickey okay Maggie's safe quiff is safe I think it was safe and I'm over there I'm actually doing my own thing I'm Gonna Leave You for now mate because my Monster's almost done and pro painter I want to see how this looks but oh okay and yo look at this compare the painting to the actual build my pro paint is amazing because look at this details I'm a big fan of Yu-Gi-Oh so I'm kind of fanboying that this is in Minecraft and it does look insane although this hand is very much outbound and I think I could get away with this but I'm gonna burn all the evidence quickly pop in Danvers and there's only two minutes left so perfect time to sabotage someone oh Maggie you remember what you did to me because I'm gonna do something to you by just making a blob yeah that's exactly what I mean yeah removing the evidence what do I do with this you should have messed with propane in the meantime kipley's still trying to fix hers right there we go he's taking a bite out of the cookie and compared to my actual build but there's a problem my build's made out of wall and you know what that means someone's definitely gonna try burn this no no no no no no no no but he's made one rookie mistake so I'm gonna just turned into concrete like that never build out of wall people never build out a wall because that people landed on fire wow whoa someone did try to burn it oh my gosh how is he so bad oh not today must have been carefully but the times now up meaning we had to meet in the middle personally I think I'm a genius it's it's monster the drink has like made a monster he's like made a monster from it yo that is sick oh but it's the Monster drink that's so cool yeah this is this is amazing honestly this guy's an eight out of 10 for me well uh for me uh this is super clever I'm I'm going 10 out of 10. this has my heart I love it too I think it's so creative how you combine the prompt and the Drake and an actual monster the best combination ever this is a 10 out of 10. this is my purple monster who um oh my God mysteriously some unknown reason couldn't tell you why um this parasite just appeared on it so it is yeah a purple parasite monster oh you even did that our eyebrows again yo that's so sick yeah that was the uh the parasites doing definitely honestly I really like this I like his droopy little fingers he looks like slime and I'm like I'm gonna give him like I'll give him a seven out of ten yeah I'm gonna give it a nine this is a nine out of ten for me all right so I didn't get to finish him because he got blown up but I drew the Cookie Monster you know yo that's kind of sick taking a little bite out of his cookie you know he couldn't help himself so I had to do this skip please you get you get a three out of ten four five out of ten because I do love the Cookie Monster and this is my build yo what this is sick all right I don't know if any of you guys watch Yu-Gi-Oh but it's a character from Yu-Gi-Oh it's a 10. look at the wings I gotta go 10 out of 10 on this one just for the wings themselves like that is a crazy Wing right here it's so detailed and I I love the fairy dragon so I'm gonna go with nine out of ten yeah no the shoals are actually really insane but you know what I will take that two tens and a nine meaning I win this building competition and they had no idea I was cheating
Channel: Quiff
Views: 382,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, Minecraft, Why I Cheated With PRO PAINT In A Build Battle..., pro paint, pro draw, cheat with //draw, draw build battle, //paste minecraft, building competition, cheating in build battle, stealing hearts, max hearts, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1, //draw build battle
Id: xd3dS2RBWjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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