minecraft BUT another team invaded our game

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let's go thank you thank you oh last thing feinberg's gonna be like reffing and stuff so like and he's gonna be like in the server doing like server stuff so yeah he'll be answering any questions any game okay all right mizzy let's go into voice baby let's let's apologize okay we're in a voice call i think linkus will be joining this hey linkus hey what's hello hey uh do you want to turn on the squad stream real quick yeah let's do it all right just just invite you right now yeah by the way um do you have any strats planned or um i mean not really i the reason why i asked how many races finished i was wondering if we should like not even try to speed run and just try and like prepare for combat but since two-thirds of them have finished i think we we do try and i mean i think a big thing is we'll always know where they are like what the compass is so like if they ever get ahead like we need to make sure we're ready for pvp at all times so like if we get to the um if we go to the nether we bring bottles of water with us so we can make potions if we need to because like strength potions just make you win generally uh like always have like prioritize shields over flint and steel prioritize like armor if we can make it um because like that's the biggest thing is like if they ever get ahead of us we need to make sure that that we're able to stop them yeah no that's a very good point i actually talked to uh silver because silver is apparently keeping track of the tournament races yeah okay he said that the most important part has always come down to pvp and since we have the compass so we can figure out location or directions towards strongholds and you know uh fortresses etc i think the go-to strat in my opinion is going to be to at least try and get a launch of a bunch of iron so they can make iron armors yeah that's due to the fact that it's always been that also fire aspect is a very common go-to strap love it is lava buckets so for sure so definitely gonna definitely we should prepare two buckets each for each of us so we have water and lava um and then yeah and stuff that sounds good okay and i mean like in a world like this it's gonna be a little bit difficult to find iron like i mean looking around there's ocean um and i don't see any shipwrecks nearby yeah but there is savannah over there and savannah might i mean there's oh there's actually actually a village there's a village to the west yeah oh yeah you're right so we'll probably we'll probably run to that village um i might go to the savannah because we need wood i don't know though like it's yeah it's hard to tell alberto is also saying that the races they've watched most of the combat happens in the nether and the team the winds usually gets the big advantage um and also that bose and crossbow specifically has been used heavily bows and crosstalk okay yeah i assume that's like number one easy because i you know ender dragon you could try and snipe the wind right yeah that's true and then also obviously like it's good combat in general so there's definitely some different strats we'll have to do compared to a normal speed run for sure yeah i guess i guess the the thing that we could do to start is just grab sticks on the way to the village and then uh we might be able to um just get enough stuff while we're there to um to make tools and stuff yeah no definitely uh as long as they didn't see the village we can go there but yeah i guess we'll find out how that ends up going yeah we'll see all right the thing that's kind of nice though is that there's not really any big difference in between a village and a um and a normal route because we don't have to go for bastion since we don't need strings for beds except for like one oh yeah that's also another thing uh when we get close to the end they recommend us heavily to make a bed and hide it somewhere so we're close yeah and they can't find it that's a good idea yeah okay yeah a lot a lot of chat is saying like make a crossbow charge the crossbow and then use a regular bow so you can like shoot uh the regular bow switch to the crossbow shoot another arrow and you just have like stuff ready so oh if you if you if you charge a crossbow then switch to another item it's still charged when you go back to it yeah i think so oh i did not actually know that huh yeah okay that's a really good tip oh all right i'm i i'm a little nervous but i'm i'm excited to have you on my team i did not yeah they did they they never noticed they never knew but i think it's gonna go good honestly i feel pretty confident i don't know do you know at all uh how much uh ms giff has been playing minecraft for uh based on the fact that he didn't even know his minecraft username i would say not a ton exactly that's what i was hoping yeah yeah so i think simply will carry and so i i mean if we ever get into an altercation i think we can just both focus on simply and just like keep an eye on mizkiff and that'll be a little bit uh i think that's we'll we'll um as simply says on his sandwich oh my god because he is a sandwich you guys haven't heard that song you guys haven't heard simply's hit song on my sandwich you guys gotta listen to it wait is that actually a song he's made yeah it is oh wait is it cop right free do you know i think it's copyright free yeah chad let's listen to it right now on my sandwich simply did he just f on my sandwich is the name yeah by simply by simply let's listen to a chat hello yes i would like a number one game with extra fries extra large and i need some mayo [Music] anyways that's i played a few seconds of it yeah i was yeah i know it knotters my entire chat is just nodding yeah i think i i might for pvp i don't know if like i feel like i always miss with axes in pvp i don't know if i would be better off making a sword or not because like i'm yeah i think the go-to strat could be one axe and then a sword because i'm not mistaken and axe does deactivate someone's shield correct okay yeah for sure that okay i am checking please correct me if i'm wrong but i'm 90 sure it temporarily deactivates shields i guess yeah i guess we'll have to just let's just use axes then just regular strats yes it does yeah i mean actually no but what you could do is you could hit one time with the axe so it disables the shield temporarily and then switch immediately to a sword okay iron axe are better disabled shields all right yeah yeah if we happen to find diamonds in a cave we could definitely go for diamond uh swords because that's much better but with iron status axes are better for combat yeah okay hmm remember use the terrain to your advantage okay okay yeah make sure to keep the high ground or whatever oh yeah especially with bows who's feinberg feinberg is uh moderating making sure no one that is breaking the rules low ground is better yeah actually when i said the high ground is better it's actually uh low ground is better because then they need to aim down and basically you can only aim a certain distance from your head but your hitbox goes all the way to your feet so if someone is higher than you you can hit them before they can hit you so try and be lower than someone really yeah because your hitbox extends all the way down to your feet right but your sight starts from your head and you can only reach a certain amount of blocks so like someone could be like someone could punch your feet and you just couldn't reach them oh dude that's kind of five head though yeah holy crap i didn't think about that so low ground is better i hope he one doesn't like this [Laughter] it's over etiquette i have the low crown oh he's joining miss kiff he's here excellent when is it starting uh now that he's here probably within the next like oh he said don't move when you respawn okay okay not moving immediately starts running around he keeps killing him [Laughter] oh my god well we already won the first match chad they got this qualified easy clap win boys let's go all right you can right click with the compass to change who you track am i pointing to big simply and small ants whenever you run it scuff too casually should we start oh okay let's go for the village oh it's starting oh my god go go go apparently they said go yeah they said screw it i guess because yeah all right let's pick up sticks let's pick up sticks oh yeah oh yeah my timer whatever sure all right we have 60 minutes uh if in 60 minutes we haven't won the game we'll all be teleported to the end and it's a it's a free-for-all so pick up six oh yeah they didn't see the village which is excellent um i'm low on health because he punched me but whatever and by low on health i mean low and hunger by a tiny amount but yeah well it should be fine the village unless we get really unlucky we'll have um oh my god i finally got a stick drop dude yeah i've been punching away okay um we need i should have some weights yeah we have wheat but we'll need some wood most likely to um would most likely to get this going but i mean let's each grab a bed just so we can respawn somewhere if we need to uh bed explosions are disabled but i i mean having one bed will be nice i'm also going to grab a crafting table you grab one yourself in one of these houses we don't need that so i'm just going to find a house with a crafting table bring it with me because we don't have any wood wait uh i'm going to run over here but while you're doing the village uh and because i see something oh yeah get wood get wood um i will start punching wheat sounds good yeah i'll get a wood and i'll also get a couple of stones so we can make the basic tools um looks like there is a bucket man here nice so uh we'll and there's farmers so i'll try and start trading for buckets because uh i can do that with these current resources sounds good yeah you can also technically if you have free time you can technically go ahead and start punching the ironborn yeah i think it's more beneficial to probably get the buckets for sure i'll just try and find a uh a villager with yeah there we go there's the trade i'll get two buckets worth um sounds good stone that okay yeah i i have two buckets so we should be good here you said you had a working uh craft craft yeah i have a crafting table awesome okay okay yeah i have two buckets uh i'm killing the fish sorry no okay and then you can uh you you kill the golem uh you get stone make some basic stone tools and you can kill the golem i'll continue to get uh wheat for food and then we'll just split it evenly good okay i'm picking up some stone right now iron agent pickaxe awesome uh oh leg oh my god i'll make yeah i'll make all of us like the normal tools yeah do i need to make house or do we already have i think we have pretty much all the wheat looks like they have found iron so that's something to watch out for i see a rune portal to the uh south or to the northwest nice so we'll have to go there after um i'm just looking for more extra logs because it's kind of annoying to run over to the side yeah that's good do that but um we'll see if they go into the nether first we'll have like food and stuff i doubt they have a lot of food so we'll probably be able to um we'll probably be able to make this work just because we have a lot of food unless they manage to get a lot somehow but i mean i imagine they just went um i imagine they just went under and i'm gonna make uh just all the bread that i can here um yeah i have 62 bread um with all of the wheat that i could find so we'll split that 31 even um all right i'm running over to the village now be there in a few seconds i really do think though um like we should honestly look for a cave so we can get a ton of iron i really think iron armor at least chest plate and stuff is the go-to strat okay um uh there you are okay i'm gonna drop all the tools here for you so here is this this and this there's the bread and i'll kill the gold half of the wood for you oh never mind yeah uh kill the golem sure thanks for the bread um and uh an extra bed or should i pick one up i have one i have one okay cool um uh four so uh we have buckets i don't think we need to iron pickaxes i'm gonna make us both shields then could you give me some wood half your wood wait wait oh simply's here let's kill him let's go let's go let's kill him yeah we both have access let's do it yeah nice got him okay oh and we got his iron nice nice excellent where is his gift now uh i have no idea we'll see wait no he misgive is further away because it still points towards simply which is the closest player when you click the right click on it okay cool uh how much iron did you get for that i got seven iron okay uh let's make shields do you have give me half your wood by the way yep uh there you go okay let's uh let's make shields and um i guess i can make a pickaxe now because you don't really need um oh here's here's your bucket by the way oh my god he had all the iron tools too nice that's so good is that it yeah he has old iron tools okay yeah make every did you need some more iron yeah yeah i have three iron i can make an iron pickaxe so i'll do that just take all the iron there i dropped it all on here okay so all of it up cool uh i'll make an iron axe as well then is that reasonable yeah no yeah make whatever you want because you'll give me as a bucket i do not have flint and stuff i don't have flint's skill i don't have a bucket that's everything here's your bucket uh i'm gonna make a splint and steel and then we'll go to that portal and yeah this is this is pretty good though pretty good start yeah yeah he had a buried treasure map too so i think mr puppy has some food okay uh okay now it's here towards miss kiff so i thought yeah they're going the other way did you just open a door no i think it was one of the delicious uh i have 15 gravel let's go over to this room portal that i saw let's do it okay stone age okay he just got stone tools there's a there's a pool okay um let me start building this yeah i'm gonna hide a bed underneath the uh sand here sounds good wait yeah uh wait under the sand but it's gonna fall down though over it isn't it yeah we'll do this and then i'll just um hmm yeah this should be fine you start making the portal i'm gonna run to that rune portal sounds good okay link is making hot stuff good this is awesome yeah because there is a gold block at this room portal that he that they didn't get i'll see what else i can find but yeah um that portal is done we are a little low on food of course that's fine but yeah i'll put sandstone on top don't worry chat don't worry chad i got it okay okay i should hide yeah there's your bed i'll put my bed down here and stuff my spine here too yeah and uh you can just put you can just you can use my background oh no use the same ones you're right oh yeah i'm gonna set mine to your sound yeah and i'll just put sandstone on top of it so it's uh it's hidden i'll start farming some right now i'll get sandstone and sand and ice block it over here yeah okay i'm just looking for the chest right now um this is a oh there it is okay cool i got another um five iron and three obsidian nice awesome okay and the portal is pretty much done you still there yeah i'm still there yeah sorry uh yeah portal is done yes cool we'll be able to go in we have food we have all these iron tools we managed to kill simply he didn't even see us um that's good okay uh i will lock this on normal stand above the sandstone to you yeah good idea like this because then you can't see that we made it cool yeah awesome there we go uh so they can't see us respawn now and uh i am about to make it just give me a sec okay the only thing that's going to be more iron technically nice uh i'm just gonna need at least one iron yeah in the future we should make two buckets so we have a lava bucket and a water bucket but i guess this is nether actually i'm just gonna drop my water for now and get some lava instead okay david that's a good idea i'm gonna make a um uh gold boots for both of us sounds good oh wow oh yeah a gold block you're right all right uh here you go and then just one iron and on pog yeah uh do you need you need one iron i need one iron just for my flimsy steel okay um that we both actually no it's good for combat yeah okay uh i have a fire charge so i'm just gonna use that to to do the portal and we're gonna go yep awesome i'm gonna get lava as well actually okay um so quickly i'm pretty sure they're already in another no no players to track oh never mind we're first and did another okay um uh before actually i'm gonna make some water bottles really quick because then we'll be able to make strength potions so i just need to get some uh i'm just gonna make a furnace really fast and do that sounds good i'll start scouting the nether to see if i can find anything yeah you you look around and i mean if you see any gold maybe mine it crap one thing i wanted to ask was if they actually like try i already set the seed so that it's within four hundred blocks i assumed that it was probably yeah it must be yeah okay i'm just making literally three things uh if you if we find a fortress we have to make sure we find um uh netherwart sounds good oh yeah scout this area it's true oh i can't i can't go super like pog mode because um uh rendering distance is obviously lower in the server so i can see like super far with my fog slider yeah that's true i completely forgot the lava bucket works for fuel yeah one thing i can tell already that they did was they already pre-generated the entire another nothing is loading um so everything is really fast i should have i i'm gonna make a boat actually i need to make sure to bring at least three cobblestones so we can make the stand the brewing stand two three we can't use that okay good sounds good by the way i'm not being too careful since i know they haven't entered another yet mm-hmm so i'm kind of just running oh wait simply simply simply will now okay it's just no player found the track oh but hot stuff that means he's about yeah he's about to okay where did you uh where'd you go again i i ran uh straight north uh so i've ran a hundred and like twenty blocks north but i'm not finding anything here yet okay um i don't know i should stick together or not but yeah yeah i'm might be an idea i think i'll i'll go um i'll go east but if they get into the nether which i think they're going to very soon go go east because i'm going kind of like north east or sorry yeah the ic or northeast i see your um your sandstone that you've placed um we don't need a fortress yeah the fortress northeast okay cool that is very good for us as long as people think we want to know the i have your location it's okay oh yeah that's true all right did you make a boat built up to get it i did make a boat yes because there was a bit of a few drops here okay uh actually i'm going to remove my blocks right here so they can't because i'm it's actually very so hard to see this fortress here i'm gonna hope that they don't see the fortress i guess they could see my chords but i'm hoping they don't expect that i found a fortress well they'll see the achievement once you get into it oh yeah that's true crap well i guess you're gonna be closer though so it's not gonna be able to see that i was like where i am i am so shaky yeah it's all right my hands become steady when i see danger they're shaking because they're they they want uh they have a lust for blood hide that wall oh that's genius actually because only a few blocks is exposed to the fortress oh we could just hide that oh that's so good yeah yeah yeah netherrack and i'm hiding it okay so even if they see my location they might not guess that they have to forecast yeah they might have to dig through a wall that's a good idea oh yeah i see it i see it yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna cover it up as well i'm right beside you oh really yeah i think i see you covering it up but i'm getting attacked by from so many hog limbs god damn it burn to death simply okay well we're alone in the nether now so we definitely have time to her guys yeah let's let's hide this whole area okay i'm gonna break this one thing so it's easier to get up i'm gonna leave the child okay um okay yeah i blocked off um i blocked off all the visible stuff that's around here there's no way they could see it okay yeah if you come to this little entrance here you can just place two blocks right here i'm sure you can see kind of what i did oh yeah i see you yeah yeah so you literally just uh place two blocks so that it's like a wall there and we're good awesome all right chad we're getting a good good head start here they're gonna have a much harder time now to find it oh yeah i see it okay where where where are you how did you get in oh there's like a two block opening oh my god i found the spawner it's right next to a rancher okay killing bases now oh my god wait we can break the spawners no you can't they turned it off why not they turned it off oh what's in there okay i was gonna say i don't know where you went oh but like do you see the tree i was jumping on you saw that tree it's like literally there i can find you oh yeah i found you found you yeah we're good yeah i'm gonna start mining some gold while you do that good yeah mine all the gold places okay i'm gonna i'm gonna watch out for them this gif was slain by a zombie looks like it's night time in the real world okay cover the entrance by the spawner i mean technically yes but yeah yeah yeah a lot of work no no we could just hide like i'm gonna fill this up with like this oh it means it looks like it's like just so it looks like it's a dead end yeah but we have to also do it on that side too because it's exposed on the left side if you know what i mean yeah i can do that i'll do that you you continue to kill blazes if you ever get here i'll i'll open it up for you and i'm just gonna start filling in the sides sure yeah just fyi though i have literally killed five laces with zero rods oh my god okay that's fine i guess um reorganize inventory good good i'm just gonna get this gold right here because it's oh my god i almost fell down chad oh my god don't you dare die oh yeah i see what you're getting at watch out there's there are blazes are they responding it's fine i'm gonna hold my shield up here yeah i think they're uh oh boy oh my god wait can you open up the thing behind me because uh there's there's one here oh oh it's right here it is open [Music] it is open it's on the right side it's open or left side for you on the way out uh they it looks like they are here i'm going to go in and start clearing out some places it looks like one of my first drawers there's another rod okay okay so two oh god there's one the spawn behind you oh my god no what oh you respawn right by the portal it's fine yeah it's fine i know where to get there uh can you just pick up my stuff so it doesn't get burned by the blazes absolutely um how the hell did i die so quickly i don't know what but i got like double attacked i'm gonna blame that on the ping chad that's rough dude okay um or maybe it's because it's normal actually so yeah normal they deal more damage that's it for sure okay all right i'm gonna pick up some more sand actually here oh god there's so many mobs though you know what i'm just picking up the wood in the nether i can find my way back chad it's no problem oh god i'm actually really low on health too i might die here because the fire i didn't even notice i didn't even notice uh i'm running to you i can't believe i died against a blaze dude that's okay uh i'm putting all your stuff in a chest in the ceiling you can it's slightly visible that's all good eight blocks should be fine oops not that oh that's so freaking quiet normal is uh is definitely we have six rods i'm gonna what get i think nine or ten because then we'll be able to make potions as well we should explore the fortress a little bit more um just to get strength yeah yeah for like chests and things also i have the compass on the closest player and i don't think they're trying to go straight towards us actually okay let me try to prepare a little bit yeah yeah exactly i think they're preparing because like it's pointing towards the opposite direction so they're around the spawn area uh or these ran the other way oh they both suited up we might have found a bastion actually do you think that no are they in the yeah i guess maybe they are in the nether boat for them yes yeah okay well we have the blaze rods that's what you need to be able to win at the very least so and i'll i'll be blocking this off once we're done anyways so this is fine i'm back you're back at the um at the fortress fortress okay cool uh your stuff is in a chest by that crafting table awesome all right we're back in action boys you got all my food accidentally though and my iron pickaxe uh we have 11 blaze rod so we're good to go i'm gonna block it off and then we can leave awesome could you give me a half of the bread though back no yeah just give me a sec just give me a second uh okay uh we blocked it off three obsidian nice yeah yeah um there's that you got all your stuff from that chest uh yes i did uh you can keep fire and pickaxe that's fine i don't know no no no no you have it no no no keep it i actually mean it like you mean it you can keep it you only have one no we have two oh okay that reminds me yeah okay let's go then um let's i guess try and find piglets um or no we should explore this to try and find another war to make strength potions you'll have one on one and also the chest you should have some pog stuff yeah yeah so let's uh it looks like this way i think and yeah yeah we can't break the sponge we're picking up the gold right here actually while you're going uh looks like there's another spawner here i'm gonna block off so they can't find it at all they'll still hear it they'll still hear it but it'll take them a lot longer and they'll hear blazes but they won't know necessarily exactly where it is like if they if they're going from afar they'll just see a dead end and won't want to go that way right yeah i really wonder i really hope that was the only part of this uh the fortress that was actually exposed easily though yeah well i mean there's one right here yeah but you have to go like around a long way like they basically have to travel a lot more to try and find this because you blocked off the only the close by exposed part yeah exactly uh i think there was an opening right here i'm gonna leave it and try and um just look around to see if there's anything no it's it's rather exposed over this way okay uh there's literally nothing here by this fortress yeah and the all the other way i don't know like we got a generator i think it might have gotten generated without the bottom part okay uh there's the exit that i left through there's a red force that we can trade with uh piglens and there's a lot of big ones around so let's go here wait there's another part here that got misgenerated oh god there's places over there shooting at us yeah watch out um but i'm gonna trade with these big ones now there's there's a few piglets here so i'm gonna get to trading yeah i get to trading there's this fortune is messed up it gets generated in two parts i'm gonna see if this part has anything like we're looking for i know this part is messed up too dude it's like generated in chunks this is so weird no the child kill the child get in the hole yeah this is all in different parts what the hell yeah i can't find any i can't find any part that would have the words unfortunately though i have a fire resist potion no nice uh they found the fortress they found the fortress oh really yeah they got the terrible fortress achievement um yeah so they are most likely in this fortress um we have fire resist though so we can just lava them i have a fire resist there's a fire resist down there as well in the hole there's a fire resist so if you come over here grab the fire resist um because then you could be like oh god i saw him yeah i'm coming yeah is he he's he's in there okay uh since i have the fire i have the fire resist so i'm gonna try and kill him with lava okay yeah if you run where you know the spawner was around there uh where where's the hole did you trade it with oh it's over there gotcha yeah yeah yeah oh god i don't know oh he's coming he's coming he's coming he's up here i don't know he's at the training area he's on the fire yep he said the trading area he's on fire let's try and fight him now crap he's running away oh yeah there he is okay they as they should i don't have a lava bucket though i do i do okay i'm gonna kill this freaking place uh maybe we should let them be for now i'm gonna go check the hole again what my fake lava what the oh you should have another lava bucket though i died i died he got all my stuff are you serious yeah i got fake lava he i don't know why i got fake lava disappeared god that means we need to get new rods too oh he got all the rods yeah i had all of them oh i should wish yeah we should just let him run he has all my stuff now uh i don't have anything i didn't that dealt six damage yeah he also has um he also had iron armor they went for the iron armor strat um i didn't get any pearls from uh the trades no pearls okay um i think i'm gonna s hm what do we do here what do we do then what delta six damage the axe in one hit del del six damage i don't know what deals that much that's crazy oh actually i'm not even gonna try and fight this gas on server again ever again um what do i do here what do i do i'm gonna look for a cave in the overworld and um i'm gonna see if i can get full iron because then maybe we can snipe the there maybe i can snipe the end or something we'll see it does three hearts with full iron oh my god if i could only that i don't know what happened with the lava bucket i placed lava down and it disappeared it was just gone simply chasing me dude yeah yep i'm just running dude um yeah i had i had uh iron pants uh gold boots oh god he hit me one time please portal lock cactus next to the portal we can't do that no trapping that is correct but yeah i should have definitely used the axe i i'd never even considered i didn't think that through very well that's okay um if i'm able to find a cave we'll be fine but he got so much food from that uh simply might be able to like single-handedly carry the thing is simply is the only one that's a threat very true like mischief is dying yes okay oh i got him i got him i got him he got all the stuff back yep i could kill him we got all the stuff but you died no i did not die he died oh he did okay okay i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back through the portal you god dude let's go okay i'm going back holy crap jeez how much time okay we're 24. planks yes you need wood no okay no no i found wood here i'm just going to go through it because i need to make a chest because there's too much stuff i can't pick up anything and i mean you're simply has nothing now so even if he comes back to try and kill you he's got nothing and then we'll be able to get all the stuff i don't think the other guy is going to be a threat i'm going to be honest okay i'm gonna store my stuff later i'm just gonna pick up everything so nothing happens for this link is my man oh my god he was running me and chasing me i was like i'm gonna get it and i was like oh wait but there's one lava block there's that i made a bucket with the iron uh from trades like i got trades i was immediately like nuggets buckets picked up lava and then dropped it on his feet and he died oh my god and i was able to remove the lava in time so nothing burns let's go dude let's go oh but yeah now i know how much damage that deals i didn't know how much that actually dealt that's insane that's wow okay while i'm sorting my stuff here i'm gonna hide this freaking i'm gonna hide this chest right here so that even if they come and kill me they won't get all the rods and everything like that back yeah because i really don't want to lose this yes all the rods are in this hidden chest now chad all right let's equip the armor stuff now bam bam i'm just on my way back so i can uh so i can get the stuff sounds good i'm just trying to find where the hell we uh we hit the we hit the fortress he did not have a chest plate that's unfortunate it goes right here no it wasn't okay i'm gonna throw away some useless stuff okay uh i'm gonna keep the gold boots because you wouldn't need them okay bye bye bye uh and we don't need the strings because we have a respawn don't need that don't need that don't need that feathers could be good to keep actually yeah yeah for sure oh my god i'm out of sprint no players found the track none of them are in the nether let's go okay i'm just gonna try and dig you can be calm i tried to jump sprint jump across something but i ran out of damage nice so i fell i'm on a half a heart i'm trying to make my way back oh i'm going to get attacked by piglets it's so impossible to kill ghasts i hate ghasts yeah it's a good life i'm going to die to uh to big ones most likely but i'll be back soon i hope i just i don't know when i spawned in i just picked up some like planks uh from wood where the hell is the i am so confused as to where the portal or where the the thing is i must have passed it but like there's got to be an opening somewhere around here the guy i must have missed something yeah no i'm not even trying to i'm going to stop like gas literally i'm put this ping i literally can't hit it oh yeah do you want to know my exact words uh just give me a sec i'm trying to get up to the fortress i'm pretty sure it's up here but yeah i will i will be getting your exact chords in a sec there you might need them i really need to kill this oh my god another gas spine you have to go out to be kidding me i'm gonna run far away so it hopefully unloads and then just come back honestly okay yeah i'm just trying to get back into that fortress i'm on half a health so i actually might i think you can starve to death in normal i'm not exactly sure oh i think it's only in heart you can starve to death correct chad am i wrong i think it's hard only yes okay that is correct okay it says you're right through here but there's a here there's a piglen blocking my path then i don't have any gold armor and i'm on half a heart it's a little precarious where the hell i'm gonna go start getting some gold instead of waiting yeah don't wait i found a bastion wait really yeah or no it's ruined portal never mind i just saw the the stone bricks and assumed no cords well i don't think i'm gonna die right here where i'm at right now because also you can see here this has no players to track it means that none of them are in the nether i think there might be going for the strata preparing like crazy and then killing us in the overworld i think you're just going to be literally i think there's going to prep to like take us over when we get to the end yeah so we should definitely like i don't know yeah definitely prepare quite a lot i have no can you tell me your coordinates sure 84 uh minus 325 uh yeah so like 80 90 and then minus 322. all right what's your height i hate this uh my height right now is about like 70 on the normal level okay i can go back and check right now i'm a little bit of a mouth i mean i hear the gas i actually hear the gas shooting you so i must be close i'm literally just smashing the left button while moving to the side because basically the ping doesn't catch up in time actually if you come here i can stop actually starting ignoring this guy just because the chest is here so i don't want to leave this area too much i mean if i take half a heart of damage i'm dead so i'm being very very careful yeah no worries i hear explosions but i don't see an opening oh wait oh there it is hey okay um oh god yeah um are you at the area yeah dig yourself into a wall and i'm coming to you and i'll give you food yeah yeah i am hiding in a hole blazers are shooting at me coming no players found okay let me just uh ping it towards you because like yeah oh yeah there's a blaze that spawned here that's fun yeah uh there's a crafting table now you can see where i am yeah watch out though um there's a lot of lava nearby where's the chat that chest there you go okay uh here is half the food we don't have that much left thank you oh my god okay uh come come when you eat come with me and i will uh and i'll like build us into the thing so the guests can destroy the chest okay okay okay i'm just gonna let myself heal a little bit with that chicken oh you saved us here and here and here for now i actually already have pants i guess i guess yeah for sure all right let's go you ready uh yeah let's move okay let's run because the gas is probably gonna start shooting yeah for sure yeah i had i picked up the pants from the room portal oh the adhd spawn pog there's i'll keep the blaze rods yeah i'll take one lava bucket um fortunately it seems like some of the tools went poof maybe didn't just ignore picking them up i mean i have actually no i have i have this but that's that's about it and then like these are the only other like tools that i have but they're all stone yeah yeah that's fine oh my god so many stone pickaxes what the heck um there you go all right i do have some gold so i can start trying to do some trading now and no players found i think they're literally just not miss gif acquired hardware that's uh get iron i believe i believe i found are okay blitz rods if we got a few more rods i would agree with that how many runs do you have i have 12 12 okay i'm gonna go back to the bare minimum yeah i can't i think of your skin i think you should go back the bare minimum rods we have 12 we have 12 rods not 12 powder oh yeah you're right yeah i got a lot more let's make potions of strength so we can one shot them with an axe uh i'm gonna go back into the fortress to try and get another war do you have bottles i didn't find any netherworth at all do you have do you have bottles did you keep bottles uh no i did not get bottles well technically there was a single one from an old potion i drank of fire oh okay i'm gonna get netherward though just so we can do that uh because i think that's pretty important like a strength potion is gonna it's it basically allows us to one-shot them no you don't get what i meant by we only have 12. so what i meant was when i was meant to split it in half i meant that if one of us died we still have enough but even though we have 12 if we split six six there's not a guarantee that that's enough rods to enter the end exactly that's why i meant by splitting it if we had like 14 then like the odds is that even if one of us dies we will have enough that's what it meant all right i'm just going to keep like collecting gold and then do some more trading and hopefully i can get my dream lock in this run here yeah sounds good okay i found the under the underground section so i will be able to find netherwort and some chests so i'll i'll look for more obsidian some armor um yeah and also let me know if you find any gold that'll be pretty popular yeah yeah but yeah we are low on food for sure uh five four gold still no players yeah i think they're just preparing honestly they might just be trying to collect iron diamonds at this point yeah well if they get diamonds we we know their strategy and yeah you can see the achievement that's true okay i got 21 but i mean what we could do is if we get enough obsidian we could just make a new portal really far away so they have to walk like ten thousand blocks and they have no chance right they have to kind of see if we get if we get obsidian we should go for a second ring yeah we could do like second or third ring yeah yeah let's just do that honestly yeah i have five gold i'm just running around looking i only have nine bread so that's a little bit rough but that'll be fine i think sounds good i threw down 21 gold so they're trading with 21 right now i'll keep i'll start getting some more awesome yeah and i'm i'm just exploring then i'll run back to you but once we have another wart i think we we try and get enough obsidian and just go really far away just so they can't find us and yeah we need to make sure like keep an eye on the sudden death in 24 minutes yeah we have to make sure that we can somehow get enough pearls but i think like even with yolo just normal pearl trades you know like with like picking up gold manually we'd have to get some really bad luck to not get that going in 20 minutes yeah okay i have another wart um so i'm gonna make my way back to you awesome yeah pretty close to where we need to be so like if you run to me that's good yeah yeah okay i got some more gold because it's a red forest i have to kind of go in these weird pockets on the side to get any gold what's your height level uh i'm at 83 right now but that's not the actual normal height level let me jump down again that's fine i i just needed to know which direction to go because my compass was turning in circles oh gotcha uh yeah it's 30 70 minus seventy okay okay dude come on we're about 40 trades in and i we still haven't gotten any pearls this is more block i have gotten a lot of sitting though i'm up to six obsidian now okay that's good ideally we got a few more for sure yeah so basically chad there's a thing called sudden death where none of the players reaches the end in 60 minutes it will automatically teleport everyone to the end but if any team enters before the 60 minutes right let's say we enter 59 that pauses so as long as we both don't die so there's at least one player in the end i think they're banking on sudden death that is that i mean it could be a possibility because this gold trading is not going to be smooth uh i'm going to start mining gold as well then um yeah yeah please do because like this area is kind of dry i think we need to like spot pop where we're at right now okay uh of gold let me check that well again for the last gold i threw in oh yeah i see your hole uh do you have any glowstone from trades uh no no glowstone at all okay because glowstone is good for was there any in the chest actually there might have been some in the chest i'll check the chest okay mischief died again oh let's see oh do you have strength fungus do we need that yes i do have 46 straight can you give me three for a ball dude this gold this trade is insane we're like 40 and at this point i've gotten zero what the hell is this i gave him five gold uh have you i'm just going to get rid of this gold armor in a productive way i'm going to give that people my armor i'm going to make some suspicious dude because he actually oh that's obsidian how much are you at now seven uh yeah seven upstadian okay i'm gonna we should probably try and lure the other guys over here right instead of just trading yeah well he there he's about to run out of it actually did you really there's almost no trade left oh i got some gloves down here what no it's just sorry i just need to do something sure i'm not even gonna not ever gonna mention it all right i'm so confused you do you met the the trading hole you accidentally dug it into a swastika wait wait wait wait what what yeah there was a hole with piglens and it was dug into the shape of a swastika so i filled it in to get rid of it so so we didn't have to look at that all the time [Music] did i actually wait what yeah i filled it in don't worry you're good you're safe oh i wanted to eat that guy okay they're done with face we got nothing no pearls no pearls i have 13 glowstone now though okay um i mean we need we need more pearls uh okay if we haven't found pearls by like the 10 minute mark we need to prep for sudden death and get those strength potions go to the overworld and prep for that then because that's the only that's that's a pretty reasonable way we win is if we just double up on simply we both have fire resist we like chug fire resist we chug the strength potions we just take them out sounds good but like uh like a bastion would be great at this point we could look for a bastion um yeah uh honestly you know what's this we're going to go far away yo come with me small ants um do you have any yeah yeah these i don't have that actually i'm serious dude so yeah whatever um which we could go e t in the negative zed yeah i was going to say let's keep going negative z um because i think in general like going negative c is the best to do um because i really don't want to bank on sudden death because if we get sudden death i think we're actually going to be screwed yeah because they probably have like full iron but i mean like with fire resist strength potions we could potentially just camp out or surrounded by lava i'm gonna run this way but yeah we're running this in 1.16.1 so it's still best to trade with piglens and not enderman just uh not kill enderman just so chad knows that is correct dude i need to check this clip out later because i'm just so confused i'm so confused like okay actually no no i don't mean the clip of like this one finding it more like how i how it was created like how like i might even was able to mine something like that out but that's what i mean like i want to see like if it got exploded like that or like i'm just like i'm so confused man i'm so confused uh i don't see any bastions around i mean this is a red area without a forest that's way better what i don't know why the heck you want you're this way interesting all right oh you son of a what did you find no there's a freaking uh there's a massive um gas that just spawned and i was like dude i don't want to deal with the gas right now um oh yeah i see you're i see you okay all right oh chat's off phase bone okay the run's blessed nice should be good no players found yeah they're just banking for sudden death we need to get lucky on these trades soon at least i'm getting a lot of gold over here you are okay um oh yeah just a regular um yeah i see what you mean i see what you found okay chad stop spamming a clip he can't watch it right now obviously yeah i i am curious because i'm so confused right now but i cannot watch it now it doesn't matter how many times you post is not going to give you more time to watch the clip wrap i don't have any wood or any sticks that i'm i might pick actually uh i have wood i have some yeah i have 31 wood um if if we walk to walk over to me it'll be fine we'll see they could trade armor for protection for that uh takes far too long misc is miss gift going to the nether now or i guess they're getting lava maybe to prep for us but i mean we have fire resist so we'll be okay for a bit i'm just gonna check the perimeter could you come over here because there's still a lot of gold and i have a piglet here i can trade with i just don't have any way to make an axe yeah yeah i'm just checking for any bastions that are nearby okay yeah there's so much uh gold here oh i got a pearl trade you got a prostrate seven let's go oh there's still how much would you need to flick them over here there's nothing give me one more please give me one more oh you're here pogba yeah i have ten i have ten gold as well uh i gave you wood yeah digging this out yeah um i give you 15 wood just dump the gold in there it'll be fine thank you are you a fire resist uh yes i do okay okay me too uh do you have full armor make a do you have a chest plate for like leather chest plate could you make that oh i already threw away leather before earlier i guess i can make one if i get some more from trades um you have a bow and arrow potentially oh and arrow sorry what i have uh how much of that do you have seven feathers i have seven feathers nice how much of city do you have uh seven uh we have nine i'll give you the other one nice okay if we get one more then we should be able to make this work we'll just run like a hundred blocks out and um blow stone or anything like that okay yes i need glowstone i need glowstone i'm just gonna drop a couple of things here i have low stone i have bone honestly if you need that we don't need bone uh i could use glow stone though for potions it'll make our potions do we need strings uh i don't think we need strings if you already have a bow i do not have a bow let me make one right now okay okay i don't have any arrows though that's fine okay i'm gonna throw some stuff away i'm going to uh just dig up some more miscav okay looks like miz kiff has a shield against a skeleton must be oh sit in place in the in the nether now yeah okay simply ascend through the nether all right uh screw it let's do this i'm just gonna i'm not gonna wait i'm gonna start collecting all the gold we need to speed on this because if he catches up to us we need to start getting a bunch of gold we need to speed run it no if it gets closer first course of action do you have lava bucket yeah i do okay yeah first course of action if it comes it's just in my opinion i have obsidian we can make a portal out uh let's let's hide a portal in a wall uh let's just dig out we should not hear it here we should go further away i think we should really go for a second ring okay there's pearls there's probably a mistake wait pearls how many uh seven that's enough we have enough 14 14. yep get everything all right let's go can i get the pearls actually no you you keep yeah no let me yeah i just keep the first one i'll keep some just in case we need them for coffee we have the one obsidian uh yeah i do let's go give me the one upside down uh i'm gonna keep one just in case you die and they pick up the stuff so they can't have oh yes true true true um we need to go need to go take the lead this way yeah let's go this way high gas now we need to go this way because there's no easy way to go the other way that's fair crap i don't have a boat anymore you get in mine i'll get in yours sure just don't die get out of the boat all right let's run uh yeah let's go this way do you have a bed still uh i no no i do not but we have to string it up so you yeah we'll have to make one bed just to be able to respawn at the at the end that's fine that's good 11 minutes yeah let's go here oh i think 550 ish is good for second ring right yeah okay yeah chat there it's a very low chance it will take us more than uh it will it's a very short chance then i think yeah there's a pretty low chance that it will take us more than 10 minutes to find the stronghold i really doubt that speed around strats get the food for it i got the food awesome yeah my inventory is full sudden death i'm gonna get to the actual opening yeah yeah we need to find the portal too not just the stronghold but uh once we get to the overworld we try and find sand and make potions of strength while while like we try and find it as well i think for sure uh but it's good in this wall here right in front of us portal mushrooms okay that's awesome uh yeah you got the obsidian pog actually don't stand like that don't like stand one or two blocks away what in case you dig into lava oh yeah that's what i do if we lost the run right here i'll be so sad yeah chad we have nine minutes and 50 seconds to find it is that you okay that's you um you ready to go uh um yes okay here we go chad nice nice let's just jump up let's go over here i'm gonna make some i'll make i'll make a bed for us quickly yeah you make a bed i will um you make a bed i'll make bottles sounds good because beds don't explode so um yeah uh hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna throw away some now though yes bye bye bye five six seven eight okay where's my crafting table hey i made a boat as well i'm gonna clear up my inventory soon i'm also gonna drop my lava and get wa actually no no no oh wait i have two buckets okay yeah i get one wait i'll give you one because then we can have both water and lava that's a good idea okay i'm gonna double check if it's not fake good okay um i need the other uh i need the other pearls though yeah yeah uh do you uh yeah give me the pearls make ten uh we make ten give me do we have fourteen so give me two back just in case we need it for combat if we need to purl away um sure i made i made ten and then we have four make sure not to waste these two because there's a good chance we need more in this time yeah yeah for sure it's like emergency basically yeah if we need to run okay okay i'm gonna uh wait did you use all of the blaze rods on yes oh we needed the brewing stand i'm sorry there's no reason i don't need to do this anymore okay let's go down 127. all right did you forget the two parts i dropped yeah yeah no reason for this anymore no reason for that anymore no reason for that all right you can sort of while we're on the boat i'm sorry i did not think about that that's okay that's why i got so many extras so we could do if we come across the village with the brewing stand we might be able to make it work still uh wait what was that what was the values chat that i said did i say 120 one what was the chat what did i say 100 and something 127 thank you okay i'm gonna go around this mountain by the way yeah we need powder for fuel so at least that okay yeah as long as we find the stronghold chat within uh within seven minutes we will we should have this honestly as we don't may find it within seven minutes this should probably have it yeah i'm gonna go around and then i'll throw one more just to make sure that it wasn't some i was spawned under here because i don't really know how to read the chords because both the x and z is so high yeah it's really tough yeah uh so i'm gonna make sure of it i'm hoping that it doesn't go back well i guess it wouldn't be too bad but yeah i'm gonna keep an eye out for villages and stuff because oh there's a ship is that a shipwreck no it's a village that is a village okay um if there is really fast there might yeah there might be a brewing stand in it there's a blacksmith class okay um yeah there's a blacksmith is there a brewing stand i don't think so uh i'm gonna go in for food mostly okay we have oh really fast though right it's like it's actually getting really tight i threw the nether wart we can't even do anything even if we find the brewing stand you go on the i'll i'll get food you get uh that sounds good i'll double check if there's anything in here um oh my god there's so many enemies an iron pickaxe uh but otherwise nothing because you have boots too yeah food would be really nice i'm gonna run over here too so we can start getting some food oh my god five minutes it's gonna be close iron golem i don't think it's really worth it at this point we have the iron axe uh beds don't explode so there's no reason to pick up beds we just need one bed watch out i guess i can throw away the crying upstairs okay i don't need more than ten did you get some at least i got yeah we're good okay we've crafted both let's go oh i'm gonna kill the skeleton arrows all right no okay let's go i'm good okay i'm gonna throw one more just to be safe that's pretty sharp that's like a 139 okay god i don't have much time all right we have five minutes shot to find the stronghold we're gonna have to pray to god that it is uh ocean exposed and even if we get to the end we have to destroy all the crystals as well so yeah that's true i wish we had some snow right now but yeah i mean if we find it i think we win just because like it's going to take them so long to find it we're two people and if we go for separate towers even if someone knocks down we fail to mlg bucket which i think i think what we do is just have one person stay safe in the end just like you stay standing as the other person does everything so the one person guaranteed is always in the end and the counter can't go down that's a good point oh yeah because if for example if i once they say if we place the bed and then we just like run around there then yeah you're right because even if one dies the one that's making the towers then we're fine yeah exactly no damn that was a really weird generation let's hope it's exposed or maybe not hope it's exposed because then they could see it i don't know yeah i have both water and lava same goes for small ant dude we need to find it in three and a half minutes goddamn it yeah honestly if we find the stronghold we honestly in my opinion we should just split up actually no because we need to fight uh canoecase pearls what's our coordinates we our coordinates have to be within 300 blocks i think unless it's in another ring we have to be within 300 so it wasn't generated underneath the water because that can't happen no yeah it's a bit of a turn yeah it's it's literally within 300 blocks we should be fine we we have to find the portal fast but as long as we find the portal fast we'll be okay god damn it i'm pretty sure it's going to be up on land here or it might be i think it's going to be underneath here i'm going to be completely honest i'm going to go yeah go go past it and then throw yeah see if it turns around and if so it's right behind hello here but yes i mean we can look ahead a little bit do we see anything okay i'm gonna throw one now just to be safe yeah it's still ahead that's actually a good sign okay that's a good sign that might be a good chance it could be exposed yeah if stronghold room is exposed then we're golden yeah because it'll only take like like 30 seconds to get into it then so many dolphins yeah we could swim with the dolphins but i just i want to make sure i stick with you is it exposed there no it's like it it has to be at 5700 or is this in the next ring this might be in ring three the other team didn't get diamonds we didn't see them get diamonds at all which is good at least this is really what what is ring three uh anyone in chat does anyone know what ring three is because we might just need to start preparing honestly i think we might need to prep because even if we find it here wait where did the pearls drop it's right you did you picked it up it's good okay i jump out of the boat honestly i think we should just prep you know what you start prepping a little bit i'll i just run a little bit forward just to check i'm gonna throw one more mm-hmm but like it's it's i think two thousand blocks away because it's still going forwards at the edge by the way uh i have two arrows do you have uh wait do you have a 15 second grace period when you get tp'ed yeah still that let's uh let's there's no responding when you die team to kill the dragon first wins wait yeah so no one responds and then if all so if both of us die then we won't respawn and they can just go at it but if they both die then all four yeah oh we're happy to die good to know okay so we need to be ready to like we need to actually team up with the fighting uh in my opinion the strat would be if we die or if we get in sudden death which we're probably going to be do you have feathers oh my god okay i'm gonna make food i need to make food i need to make food same actually oh god i'm screw those skeletons i need to make some food i'm gonna die okay i'm just gonna run ahead here and hide and make some food okay so we both go for simply that's the strap yeah we both have fire potions too right yes yes take basically once we get teleported once we get teleported we'll be able to fight uh fight off simply i don't think we need this 30 seconds yeah so the moment we go through drink your fire res in the last three minutes three minutes should be enough to to take it i have mushroom for stews i do um i i feel like that's that's the only thing that's soft you have zero arrows okay i have two arrows 15 seconds here we go here we go you'll have resistance five for the first 15 seconds then everything's allowed okay here we go have your net of pearls ready too yup and i took some damage there yeah drink charge fords so they don't have enough time to prep all right oh yeah fire rest thank you for the reminder resistance is now gone go they have arrows let's go for big sam yeah move move in looks like i'm moving in oh god he might oh god he has really good aim got him coming from behind coming from behind okay running around this pillar nice good miz get behind you this kit behind me oh got him i got him i got him i'm gonna run ahead and eat some food eat some food don't die don't die don't die oh the no i didn't see the the the dragon killed me i didn't recognize the dragon killed me you can kill the dragon though you've got this is the blue bubbles does that mean he has fire s i don't know just i don't know oh he got an ender memphis oh okay you can just leave him alone then he'll die he has he has wasted his uh uh the dragon fire i didn't even notice it but yeah lincus now if you kill the ender dragon we we win so you're gonna have to gradually like pillar up take your time they have bow and arrows so you'll be off yeah good okay get get the items and you can use the arrows that they had i'm gonna check i'm i'm in spectator mode so i can see it looks like they have um they have bows and uh they have arrows yeah they have arrows so if you come back to the pile near the portal the there's dirt on the ground um pick up the arrows you can use the bow and arrow make sure to always look at the sky don't look at it right on top of the brown block on top of the brown block uh on the corner of it um no no no no no there oh god i got it damn it i'm gonna run away because i think he might no no he's perching it's perching it's still perching okay now you can shoot the towers individually make sure not to look at an enderman man are you good on food you can eat you have all the time in the world now yeah you can organize your inventory so freaking nervous i know i know i'm shaky oh my god oh jesus okay eat make sure you're good you're not getting chased by an enderman the enderman just walked through you the dragon just flew through you that's all it was i'm gonna drink a sauce because it retains faster health okay yeah and then you can shoot all the towers you can take your time you you you have all the time in the world now uh fireball run uh safe i'm so nervous i won't be able to you're safe i'll you i'll i'll let you know when you need to run if the dragon is coming i'll keep an eye on the dragon hearing and angry andrew no they're chasing they're chasing the dragon they're chasing the dragon you're fine god i'm so nervous dude i'm horrible nervous it's okay you like i said you have all the time in the world yeah shoot the corner and it should blow it up a little further back stand a little further back uh enderman right behind you so don't turn around crap i'm out of arrows you're out of arrows okay well here we go chad it's just all down to not dying here when i'm building these towers mm-hmm okay i'm so freaking shaky it's okay i'll keep an eye out for the dragon i'll tell you if you need to jump down because the dragon could knock you off good on health yep oh i got two arrows back nice excellent uh dragon is perching so you are safe for a little bit to go up another tower uh shoot yeah oh where did my boat go did it throw it yeah the the bow is at your water uh your water gotcha dragon is coming watch out dragon is a little bit low endermen are running chasing it okay uh dragon is around that pillar so just be careful um i'll tell you if you need to jump uh dragon is circling it might come at you uh there's a fireball do not go down be very careful the dragon is going through oh my god that was so close uh fireball watch out go back yep block block it off too high uh the the thing expands so be careful oh yeah you know what i'm just gonna be willing to take more damage here i'm gonna stand here instead and do this watch out the the the breath is expanding into your area yeah oh my god oh my god pearl no no no no i had the wrong item because i i'm so stupid i'm so stupid i'm so stupid i had the wrong do we have 30 seconds again or is it instantly this gives about to freaking kill me dude oh my god i died they got me i didn't realize i didn't realize we got items man okay i'm dead i'm sorry i lost this it's okay fine lava it doesn't matter they have both i think they're being chased by enderman so if they're being chased by enderman so if you are yeah they're they're being chased by enemies so they might die to the enderman no he's sniping with a bow they might die to enderman though i can't believe it i can't believe it i saw something like i was so nervous i was like crap and then i put like blue in my hand i was like water bucket but it was the ender pearl i oh i should have spiraled down before i got hit oh yeah what happened like because you were you were safe on that platform there was no risk whatsoever what yeah no i i i didn't basically i'm so used to seeing hit boxes so i didn't see the bright outline because you know the particles stay on the screen and if the particle's still on the screen but the hitbox disappears it like that looks like that for like 5-10 seconds where the verticals doesn't deal damage but they're still out hmm so i didn't i didn't see the white box and i was like oh cool i'm good i completely forgot i didn't have hitboxes displayed though so i ran into it got damaged and then yeah mischief okay miss gif was taken out it simply gets taken out then we're good but he still has a lot of towers a lot of the high towers haven't been taken out there's still a chance because i give you they only have so many arrows they're gonna have to figure out how to fill her up no because he can pick up our arrows as well he hasn't picked him up i don't think oh yeah he has so many arrows i wonder if my lava lava bucket is still around there no um god damn it i can't okay he's about to get hit by a fireball no ah i wonder what his health is although even if he wins the first one i feel pretty confident in the next two i'm gonna be honest yeah i mean i think he's trying to shoot the dragon what's he doing those tall towers i don't know if he's gonna be able to shoot them oh he's gonna take some damage here what's he doing why is he running away he's looking for the items they despawned yeah there's still a few items behind one of these pillars but uh but yeah some pillaring but uh i was super far away i don't think he's gonna find anything super super crazy i was simply alive again uh unfortunately i ended up dying yeah yeah if there's only one person alive and they die then everyone else responds and there's no response until uh potentially oh my god the water bucket ended up going red yeah that's so good to get lucky yeah if the if the dragon hits yeah there's still yeah four towers if he's out of blocks if he's out of blocks to be able to get to each tower if he doesn't have any tools then well he could mine down but if the dragon he gets him no it's going up he can't mine because he just doesn't respawn with a pickaxe does he i'm not actually sure damn the dragon purchase i'm hoping for the dragon dude like obviously like oh please knock him down the tower dragon please you're our only hope he's making a boat he has a lot of wood i guess it's clever he still has two tall towers to take out yeah the only chance we have is the dragon flies through the tower when he's building up yeah oh wait if we if we respawn again by the way in my opinion what we should do is i don't know how you feel confident but simply has really good aim on the boat yeah we should both honestly just charge him we should both just charge for it absolutely just run yeah just both run both towards him don't care about miss kip okay he destroyed another tower he's boating off damn it the dragon was like right next to it too oh my god he accidentally got an enderman in uh i died to miz though no i believe i died to simply shooting me with a bow and arrow or something of that nature yeah simply basically did all the damage on both of us which is really impressive yeah no don't perch again dragon please just hit it why it's perching he's getting so lucky with the dragon dude oh is he running out of blocks oh he wasn't was he not mining the other powers he had well he can't he can't mind them because he doesn't have a pickaxe yeah oh no he's still good yes enough yeah i think he's got this he has so many blocks ah unless the dragon kills him then oh oh that was damn it that was our chance no he has food i think in bradley i i i would be impressed if he died i was shot by miss yeah you were shot by a miss but simply did most of the damage at first yeah simply you started shooting me with the bow and arrow all mischief was chasing me uh by the way i don't know about you buddy even if we lose this i don't mind entering the uh uh the interview even if you're illusion like you know i can't hear you over the dragon yeah he's got this i think he knows how to kill the dragon first round goes to them that's fine i guess i haven't done it yet obviously we might he might look at an enderman and die or something crazy but we'll see did we respond yeah we do huh he's being pretty good this is the first one and it's the best of three chats yeah we're gonna do a 2-1 it's the best two out of three so we still have like more matches like losing one isn't the end of the world this is a fortune in how we lost it yeah we really shouldn't have lost we really we had this really bad i that was oh [Music] what is he doing why can't the dragon like swoop in and just attack him when he's at the crafting table there dragon is perching but he's just standing there he's making a sword oh he made a sword that's good what is he doing with the pearls here oh no it's for it's it's it's it's best of three not first reach let's see did he look at the enderman i just want him to look at an enderman and die because we could just swoop in and kill the dragon potentially or the end so carefully before yeah he's gonna accidentally back into it maybe there's this right here no i think he's it's almost done there's the perch and i think i don't think that's enough to be able to kill the dragon because it's gonna go away after one third health third yeah he's getting really good rng with how much damage he's doing each time he's waiting yeah he's waiting i love how many crafting tables are around there's like eight grafting tables just place down [Music] come on simply look at an enderman look at an enderman so we can get on to the next round and or so i can kill you get some revenge yeah i don't actually chat um since it doesn't matter for this game now i'm pretty sure this is fine to ask uh what was what were they doing in the overworld flies away come on server crash no misformed like a hundred iron okay gotcha is the game audio really loud it's just the dragon she's noisy like she is so noisy ah they got it all right unless unless he jumps right now that's it all right they got that one man we threw that one we threw that one away no no i threw that one i'm sorry that's okay i'm going to reset the server all right we'll disconnect if they're resetting the server i'm going to get some water bare back yes that's good yeah that's not the end guys we still have two more races we're just trying to farm it for content a little bit this all right we're back we're back ah that's rough we'll get them next time though unfortunate i feel like it was a slight throw for sure like if if we had found the stronghold 100 we would have won that we would be able to take our time kill the dragon um we didn't find the stronghold in there they just prepped so hard i guess they had full iron um they had full iron like they were so set that uh it was uh it was rough like we were probably i mean we had a really bad luck on the stronghold spawn we're probably too i think we were minimum 2000 blocks away uh from a stronghold when uh when our blind portal travels so that was really bad blind portal travel uh if it was better um we obviously would have been able to find a stronghold pretty easily um simply had gold boots okay what's so special about golden boots should we join the waiting room so we can get dragged into the voice thing was there something special about simply having boots it's gold you said he had full iron well yeah full iron and i guess gold boots because uh mit i'm pretty sure simply was in the nether but yeah okay so a few things about that um don't throw away the extra blaze rods um once we get to the end and if they're dead we have all the time in the world we need so like um i guess we could probably even just like sit there for like 60 seconds and calm down um if it seems like it's going to be going to um to that uh sudden death i think the bow and arrows i didn't realize they dealt that much damage like maybe trade in a village yeah uh plus i think we need to just get arrows to begin with um arrows is definitely a massive play like if if uh if miz would have done more on the first spawn we got into the nether then uh we would have been screwed the only reason we're able to do it was oh hi no you're good um i just want to say you can join whenever you're ready just don't move we'll just start like no one just don't move okay awesome cool yeah no either way if miz would have done more we would have both been screwed it was only because only simply was basically on doing the damage at first that we were able to go up and actually properly um like get him out and the only reason i was able to get miz was because he was already fighting you so i got a hit in like at the same time and then he looked at an enderman so he just ran so i could buck it in with lava uh shipwrecked southwest uh rune portal northwest or just north uh there's also another shipwreck if they go to that one to the east i'm not sure if it's a good one or bad one though uh this would be tricky if we don't find a village timberly is googling right now how to make potions oh my god i guess chad told him that we were like kind of making some strength potions yeah i think if we if we didn't um because like i i managed to hit simply once with the axe in that in that end altercation if we had a strength potion that would have been a kill he would have died yeah um so definitely like split the the blaze rods into two stacks or something because i i think that would have uh that would have been uh the the difference for sure i think we both would have survived i'm gonna i'm gonna run and get my coffee though because i assume we're not starting in the next 30 seconds yeah hopefully not uh optional dj x gaming ken thanks for the subs james on fire uh vile bruh why you do me like that gaming crusader thanks for the subs i appreciate the support but yeah um like we didn't have the potions because we uh we accidentally got rid of the blaze rods that is a big thing um we we did we tried to get to the the dragon but just couldn't make it in time so we were all thrown in there which is a little rough starting in the next minute wasn't the hair supposed to be pink it is pink the camera makes it look reddish because of the lighting i don't know it is pink if i go closer to the camera you can see how it's more pink it's kind of hard to see though it's hot pink in real life i don't know why it looks red on camera and someone reading discord roll does this look like discord they already have the role uh all right just see when you get back link is starting now yeah they i think they started yep they're starting out yeah oh my god it's hitting me yeah okay i'm gonna go to that boat whatever you know what i'm gonna distract them you go and get stuff okay yeah if i die it doesn't matter sounds good you can respawn i'm gonna try and get a dolphin just so i can swim over there faster than them steal the dolphin okay they're not dealing any damage to me yeah it's just a fist fight i'm pretty sure there's your grace period for the first 30 seconds yeah yeah yeah i'm just gonna let them keep punching me okay and you go and get stuff are they still both around you yeah simply scouting around on the island right now and miss kip is right here all right so they haven't left the island yet uh he just oh he's going right now to the trees all right uh i'm going to get the treasure map and we have some emeralds and stuff i'm gonna get feathers just in case we need those all right uh there is on the spawn island oh my god north east okay i think on the spawn island there might be a treasure chest that's hidden that's hilarious which pressure which which ship did you get uh i got the close one that was pretty clear that it was the back of the ship yeah it was like a left uh of like the tree island from spawn uh i went uh west i didn't start a timer oh yeah sure it's gonna say the timer doesn't matter as much here but yeah wait is it just right here okay i just made a boat so i can get it right here where are you right now i am just getting a something i can see which direction so you went for the ship right then you're correct yeah i did the one that has the back part server please let me stand in place uh seven but i found the treasure chest we have 16 iron oh you're in the ship okay i'm standing right about above you with the boat ready to go no i meant the i'm about spawn island oh you're a spawn island then the compass is super weird because it's pointing towards because you went for the chest right sorry yeah this is definitely the chest yeah i have 16 iron uh six gold eleven emeralds or sorry i'll swim over now let's track them properly okay i'm gonna go over to you i see you in the boat follow me the compass is weird oh you're in the water that's why i follow you yeah should i also get a dolphin instead i mean i i'm gonna make uh iron tools for us i have a an iron sword actually i see them we could probably go kill them right now i'm gonna go kill simply just for the fun of it he's running oh he has an axe i'm so dead no i'm running i'm running you coming all right let's focus on them do you have any tools yeah i made a wood axe awesome okay you're in the back of the boat you just stick with him can't hit him that's all right just just stay with him it'll it'll be a good threat i have all the resources okay i'll make shields for us and everything oh oh god i think it's going back towards biscuit dude this is this is so stupid wait did miss give you sketchy no i killed him but he did way more damage than he should have been able to my god i was saying because he like he's dealing a lot of damage and i was like what can you not can you actually just not he's just so relentless just go away all right uh i'm making a shield for you an axe for you uh i don't have any buckets but i feel like you know make a bucket one iron pick i don't know man mischief has made the ice bucket challenge oh he has obsidian oh he has obsidian okay well sure damn it he's probably just going for land oh kill them got it all right i got all simply stuff how am i not there all right i got uh oh golden helmet i got a bunch of oh yeah mischief just looted this thing for me thank you so much miss uh because like since i killed simply a respawn again at spawn so he might be close to you now oh yeah whatever it'll be fine to my way to you he also got a golden hope dude what the hell oh i got hit by a friggin puffer fish like there couldn't be near me again what's going on i dropped my axe how did i drop my axe what where'd it go okay it's actually not my bow chat but it's basically my boat at this point how did i drop my ax what what that's weird uh if we find a village i have 11 emeralds so like that'll be nice yeah there's a ruined portal here you said you already eluded it right uh yeah yeah are you in the water right now wait where are you you're at the rune portal yeah go to the rune port wait oh yeah yeah i'm right here uh i have a shield and an iron axe for you nice all right all right uh here is an iron axe and that i have a flint and steel um uh dude here i'm gonna make some uh gold boots for you i have some i have here's one emergency bread gold boots um i have two cooked fish uh we need to go back and get that gold block so i'm just gonna make an iron um pickaxe to go get that awesome um i'm gonna grab a dolphin yeah let's go with let's both go with dolphins here i think we can both juggle them some iron i'm not exactly sure how much i have i wasn't paying attention i have five iron uh go four with me here where are you there you are all right are you getting into the dolphins yeah we're good oh crap ready so follow me uh let's hope hope i lost them oh he's with me thanks oh it's only giving the effect to you it's only for one player yeah you guys have a boat okay uh i'm just gonna go to this island here i see another shipwreck let's check out the shipwreckets to the west turn west a little bit you see the there's like the gap in between the two islands here yeah it's just straight through here good finish the portal no it's not possible it had crying obsidian uh hopefully this is a full ship oh it's only the front i mean that's food that'll be good okay you're able to finish the portal i mean it's not really worth it we should probably prep more before we go into the nether fire pro nice all right where are you where did you go i'm going around here uh i think i found a way into the nether oh yeah and i found a magma ravine basically so where the hell are you all of a sudden i don't know if we want to go in yet or i went all the way back to the porn it's pointing towards here are you after did you go back to the room portal no i'm at a shipwreck what the hell okay this is so broke in this compass i swear to god this compass is so janky all of a sudden you have to click it every time to re have it work yeah it's not working seems like it no no it did okay i literally went away from the shipwreck because i was like the hell are you oh you have to right click to update locations that makes a lot more sounds yeah um we have three obsidian i am going to mine some iron and start smelting this ravine right here yeah i'm in this water ravine that's kind of near the shipwreck i'm just underneath um saw some stuff stone age i'm just going to look for any resources that are along it and uh yo what's up and there's there's a little hole here that i've been working with oh wait i already have doors do you have any doors uh yeah i made some doors okay oh uh do we have enough irons so we can actually like properly enter here i have a bucket um but i also mined some iron because i mean it seems like having full iron was was the reason why they got us last time so yeah for sure i'm gonna i'm gonna swim around here to see if i see even more iron so i can get more iron goddamn it hate water we found more iron you found more iron okay yeah because this this ravine will be useful for sure acquire hardware so they have um iron now as well so they must have found stuff but i'm digging up some iron here what how do you how much do you need for a full suit it's like it's quite a lot but yeah oh i find even more iron dude this place is packed yeah it's pretty good 24 iron for a full suit honestly i think we might be able to get a full suit for at least one of us i think yeah i think we both this rat is for both of us to go for full suit this time yeah all right and i i think so i have 13 right now 13. okay there's the furnace with the lava bucket just working away and it will be good it's good should i be picking up these gold blocks too i'm saying i feel like gold is is so much faster in the uh it's not worth it i agree just due to the smelting time ooh i find even more iron here this place is packed with aaron i should probably do pants first suit up okay okay i got 17 iron now oh we found more iron yeah i need just a little bit more iron than i have a full suit i think i have enough for a full suit with uh with the gold hat on so yeah we will yeah because i have gold pants too uh i'm gonna put on my 18 and the iron in here too okay in the bucket monster hunter there's even oh they're probably in a cave yeah this i think that we can make a really easy portal here too i don't know yeah this is like uh exactly lava all around here yeah there's like a ravine here that's not actually underwater which is gonna be really nice oh i didn't even recognize that okay um i'm walking on the side air to get some more iron okay i'm gonna make another furnace while we're waiting because i think it'll take a bit and yeah they're not even trying to get to the nether yet so i think they might be going for the same strategy that we are because that worked last time for them i'm just skipping the gold for now chad okay i got another six uh uh iron and the one's already put in i think that's enough for at least one full set yeah i i've made a full set um and there's seven there's yeah i think you you should have enough and i have my gold hat on so we should be good on that front um i really don't think we need a golden hoe let's hope not at least yeah so they're smelting away um i guess i'll make the portal while we wait sounds good yeah you make the portal i'm going to keep looking for even more did you want to wait i'll show you because i want to get some more on too yeah you come right here up here okay up here and it opens up uh yeah and then you go left in here and you're going to see right here literally bam just oh yeah yeah okay cool there are some mobs though so you just don't talk about mobs do we have a bed we do not have a bad net okay it's a little concerning but we'll see oh i found gravel do you need gravel uh we i have a flint and steel um but i mean i'm gonna try and get one for me that'll be fine do you have like multiple buckets and stuff like that too i don't have multiple buckets no all right looks like they're all getting higher find even more iron okay make arrows yeah um i have a lot of feathers actually and so if you get gravel and turn it all on the flint we can make like a bunch of arrows so i sure simply did gift me a shovel so let's get that sick okay i was gonna pick up all of it because when you're two people and you're for example trading there's a lot of down time so i feel like then like it's better to farm it down right now all right i got 20 gravel and three flint already i think that's enough sorry yeah 20. 39 gravel sorry i got 39 gravel and three flint so i think that should be enough all right let me go back to these furnaces portal's done okay gonna make this we should enter at the same time though yeah for sure we'll see the achievements okay i got a full iron armor except for obviously my golden boots awesome uh uh now just some tools how many buckets do you have right now i have a single bucket okay i'm gonna make two buckets right here okay um actually i can make three so i can give you so you have two so you can have one for water one for lava okay one thing i'm so afraid of we don't have any beds i think if we get if we spawn in an area that there's a lot of um if you spot an area where there's a lot of piglens we try and trade with them to get enough strain to make a bed and go back to the overworld and place our bed down for sure sounds good um we don't have we don't technically have a bow either where do you have um gravel could you give it to me if you do oh yeah sure you can get the gravel there we go thank you oh this is a nice pit i'm gonna throw some stuff in here bye bye bye bye okay what's recipe for respawn anchor uh it'll just take too long it'll be easier to get beds i've actually been getting some for you sorry there are seven and there's 10 i was standing too close so i was getting them i threw them on you that's all right okay um uh we now have okay so i okay 32 arrows but we need the string for the bows obviously yeah sick all right you feeling comfy to go yeah let's uh let's head out all right the only thing actually i have basically almost no food though yeah i have nine bread and i've some suspicious stews but i don't know if they're good so hopefully by the time we get there um it'll be in like a red forest or something we'll see oh i'm gonna give you guys dude i just wanna think far away because i kind of oh god there's one that jumped up a bubby behind me i thought you hit him oh god there's a creeper too hold the shield hold the shield oh there yeah hold it here hold the shield there's another yeah bad place to make camp huh there's a skeleton shooting at us too i'm going into the nether it's safe over there screw this dude actually you know what no i'm getting water or lava first oh yeah i forgot to get lava crap it's fine there's i think there's plenty of lava in the nether no it's a pretty high spot for the looks all right um red forest okay i didn't give you your second bucket by the way right you didn't but i mean it's not really useful in the nether so it's fine let's go the other direction honestly i'm just gonna clear these guys out oh never mind it's all kind of just sand it's garbage okay yeah this is just a garbage spawn in general i'm kind of i'm kind of concerned that they're literally gonna vote if we don't get in in time again or something i gotta go oh wait sorry what yeah yeah he's killed skeletons oh yeah you hold that because i if i'm in a fight i'm gonna get shaky um but i really wonder what their strategy is because it's like i feel like at this point you should have been able to enter the nether right they must be prepping i think yeah they must be getting super far in the prep mode but i mean we like what are they gonna prep for like we have everything that we need like maybe diamonds but we're missing yeah well the only thing is food i guess but i mean if we get into an altercation food isn't gonna be really the the factor that that does it that is true because you're not gonna have time to go and eat um but i'm just trading right now can i get your pearl luck please can i get you i just want your pearl luck i was promised that you'd be lucky it'd be kind of sad if we don't get any good luck because i've literally been having insane luck in every single race we have done against each other i know we're getting good luck now we're with each other be sad that's what i was expecting maybe i needed to pass you the gold first or something it like it purifies it exactly okay i got a decent amount of gold here all right i got some soul speed iron boots soul speed three ooh baby soul speed one as well actually they're good yeah holy crap um that's true some mpc should spawn next door that's npc right next to yeah i've been mining the gold around spawn itself i got uh i got seven ingots okay there's two hoglands i'm gonna try and burn them properly here yeah yeah i'm gonna piss them off someone says that i can make a lot of books yeah you're very very true i could make books oh crap never mind they're not gonna get their food uh okay we didn't get any pearls from 13 trades but whatever um let me let me try and do some trading here i have seven that's all i need yeah that's that that should be good for your track record okay do you have a shield right yes i do okay hold on i'm literally out of food i'm almost considering going back into the overworld and get some fish and smelt honestly because this vine is also not going to give us i mean there's piglen or hoglands that i can that we can burn oh okay i i have some fish that i can give you and i'll give you some of my food as well um yeah here's a hog one coming after me this should be fine as long as it doesn't fake lava me this time oh my god i actually think lobby apparently i was standing in grass and um the grass made it place the lava on my face did you oh god are you gonna survive i will survive but i'm not gonna be happy about it yeah especially not with our food situation uh nope scam trades cool okay uh i'm gonna check which direction you ran to display okay yeah having these the soul speed boost i have a set of soul speed boots for you as well if you need them like where the hell did you go i'm still at the portal basically no that's where i am did you build your way out did you go upwards nope um oh a lot of gas spawn right at the portal oh my god someone killed a gas okay what's your exact words you actually killed it um one second i'm just killing a hogland getting some food i have seven pork chops uh 101 negative 53. oh find where i found the fortress oh my god okay well we know there's a fortress i know right 101 and then negative 53 said yeah okay i'll be able to find my way there i can i am consumed where you ran yeah there's a lot of yeah i see you made oh yeah yeah i see you i see you don't move i'll walk over to you i'm just getting hoglin food stuff got some hotline meat um yeah here take all of this bread and take that nice thank you thank you okay and i have eight pork chops use compass to locate the fortress feinberg isn't on the opposing team we can't track him oh yeah here's here take this as well take this as well oh you oh you have cold boots um which direction do you think we should go like it's maybe this way we could keep going yeah let's let's spread our spread out a little bit sure all right i'll go to where to actually go towards there first last time i'm still like so confused how they have not entered the network yet already are they banking for another sudden maybe yeah no players found the track what the hell was like honestly i just thought about something they might be doing what oh they're trading with villagers i was gonna say they could be doing stuff in the overworld to try and get pearls in the overworld and then they could either hope a sudden death or be the enter when we have found the achievement for a fortress yeah because being able to know the direction they need to go so they can practice oh they have armor now yeah they have full armor they're probably prepping with like combat and stuff like bows and everything they might be trading for armor but i mean here's the thing if we are able to find it before them like we we if we find the fortress before them we could potentially get everything so i mean i'm gonna start looking for the fortress we have to start looking for the fortress if they're not going to yeah we have to yeah that's what i'm doing right now uh i don't have enough for a boat crap i never got enough wood for a boat can you not make boats with bad wood no you can't you can't make it with netherwood no why are there so many enemies i guess it's a four-player world and there's only two people in the nether so the mob limit is really high for us but yeah the full full iron armor man it's just so hard to travel through this nether it really bothers me that the render with the rendering distance yeah it's it's so tough to move through that's okay though is fortress confirmed within 400 x 400 blocks question mark i can't go off of edges because i don't have any damn wood there's at least one one in the clothes for okay okay that's what we needed good um i'm gonna try and trade for pearls honestly because i need to i need to like pearl around that's really all i can do like i can't go off of ledges so i'm just gonna have to try and mine soul speed gives you emotions do you not have any food no i have food it's just i can't go down because everything is too steep i have 24 blanks if you meet up again i can make you vote all right unfortunately i'm kind of far away right now it's all right i will find you uh um yeah i might change directions within the first four because i am about 400 blocks out on x and there's nothing here i'm going to be going a little bit more to the z direction and negative so i can check the negative negative which so which quadrant did you check so i've already basically checked so i ran like 400 blocks on the positive x-axis and now wow you're checking both quadrants okay yeah and now while i'm over here i'm going to stay on that x-axis around there and just run negative z so i'm taking positive negative okay oh yeah you're like x zero kind of thing gotcha yeah yeah i can't i can't go anywhere like every area that i get there's a too big of a ledge and i don't have a boat and you can't make wood at another boat exactly do i have i don't have any more gold no okay you can't make wood out of nether boats exactly i said i meant what i said that statement is true this is an absolute scam i went 200 blocks into z-axis and it's like just unless it's like on the very very very end oh like it's just an open area with basalt i travel through the basalt but then it's just literally open sorry okay um i guess i'm gonna run to uh i'm gonna try and check positive positive since i'm pretty far out on the positive anyways okay um so let's check positive positive uh let me do some traits actually while i'm here anyways i saw a bunch of enemies spawn i have 11 11 gold 11 gold okay yeah you you have 11 gold that'll be enough for you to get uh i hope so okay i kind of found an opening that i can run through at the very least it's not much but i'll take it oh uh pearls yeah yep five pearls i'll take it i'll take it and 10 pearls wait really yeah pays off every time baby oh my god back to back pearl trades five out of five jesus all right back to back pearl trades yeah literally one in one in what 400 odds let's go this is what i wanted i'm just looking around here okay on my last gold let's see if i can get three traits in 11 that would be kind of insane oh yeah easy damn crap hot tourist feinberg has been exploring okay well i got 10 pearls so that's pretty pog okay okay time to check positive positive if it's not here then it has to be negative something like a negative positive negative negative oh my god it's such an open area of his lava i really don't want to build across here i know like get hit we lose everything yeah and here's the thing too it's like if this was a speed run number one i wouldn't care about losing it and also if a gas spawns i'm like kind of confident i'll be able to hit it back but if i'm building a bridge over his lava any single gas spawns i'm literally just dead miss give taking a nap okay oh my god there's i need a dang boat it's so hard to exploit another without a boat just can't move like it's so limiting i never really realize how much i rely on a boat and like soul sand if i stand on the edge and skeleton shoots me it's just over yeah we have 28 minutes by the way he also had sweat dreams it looks like they just wanted to skip the night oh you can do that if the other players are in another biome yeah oh wait this is so good if i can okay well i did get 10 pearls so that's a good start at least yeah 10 pearls i mean that technically could be enough yeah it's all down to dream at this point yeah we just have a dream that we want to succeed not today thank you okay shielded a skeleton's arrow all right so what that is yeah i was just fighting a skeleton that's correct uh i just found a bastion you did okay uh in the uh positive positive positive oh my god i'm so far away from that okay yeah i was like okay honestly because but here's the thing though i couldn't find anything in i couldn't find anything positive negative right okay i'll check good negative sort of as the bastion so it has to be like unless it's like 400 blocks 400 blocks on the negative negative yeah it has to be in like a negative positive or okay like that it's negative x at least yeah i got you i got you yeah okay i'm just running around in circles i know i'm trying to find a way out of here it like i understand i'm trying to i'm running in circles but i can't go down all of the areas that were meaningful that i could have gone were basically completely cut off uh should i keep glowstone dust uh yes keep your glowstone dust because we can make potions stronger with that cool i'm being a bit safer chad i'm sorry but there's a lot of love around me and one miss click and i'm freaking dead also i'm not sure if you've ever experienced this but one time i lost a run because i got the weird bug where basically like um um the boat like breaks and takes damage oh yes if it's it's it's if you fall an exact distance i'm not sure what the exact distance is but if you fall an exact distance it happens like it's like 21 blocks or something gotcha okay well i'm always like really scared of that happening after that happened one time uh be warned now that you've gotten that achievement they may start targeting you because now they know you've seen that far away so i'm pretty sure you're gonna be closer than me i mean yeah oh yeah i'll be the closer one that's true so they don't even know all right i'm going to start trading here feinberg followed you he might be like the camera man for this yeah probably oh god i was about to mine a block but literally five of the piglets spawned on top you know i have the one with the two like high structures yeah and there are tons of them that like there's literally 50 piglets i've never seen this many piglets and they're spawning on top of it as well so if i mine a block i like i oh my god there's so many i don't even know how to react to this i just made a stone pickaxe after my iron pickaxe broke and it said getting an upgrade um are you sure okay i'm gonna try something a little bit funky here are you sure i'm just trying to dig in the negative direction because there's nothing else that i can do but dig but i mean you have all the pearls and obsidian most likely and then we'll just be able to meet up and and blind portal out oh crap i just i'm dead what i'm dead i got lag i got lagged that's absolute i literally like i can't believe it i i literally can't believe what just happened there literally someone please clip that what the hell just happened dude uh get your iron stuff go in the overworld i i'll i got the nether i'll carry the nether i got this just just be prepared for sudden death because we're probably going to sudden death so just get your armor you respawn um and try and find where we were um because we didn't place the bed in the overworld did we no we did not that's fine i'm gonna make it back i'll i'll make this yeah i'm gonna get back to that bastion it should be unloaded because you're so far away so my items shouldn't despawn i kind of know how to get there so what happened was i broke one of the gold blocks right because there were so many piglets there was like there's no i'm gonna be able to make so i broke the gold block yeah and then i was like okay the strat is going to be that i simply break the gold block then immediately make it into gold and throw it right yes and then i check my like i don't get the gold block i check my inventory the gold block is just not there at all and i'm like what the hell and then i'm just standing there and then it refreshes a few seconds later and then there's just like 10 piglets right after me and i got the gold block and it's just like cool well if i stop shielding i'm screwed now damn well chad does anyone kind of remember the xc x is just some really sure which direction we went i'm pretty sure it was this way does anyone kind of remember oh my god i freaking drowned with a spear oh trident all right i've got this i've got this i'll get the pearls i'll get fire resistant stuff i'll be able to find the the thing and like you don't need to be in the end to win i just need to yes as long as one of us is in the end it stops the time exactly so if i am able to get to the end by myself then oh your inventory was full they said you you didn't have no there's no way no there's no way it was full because if so then when they lag stopped why did it get added to an inventory no yeah that's true never mind i got pearls five drops nice dude if i could expect that's after the bastion any more stone my pickaxe is almost broken and also what i'll try to do is if i find a nether fortress i'm trying to think like the best way to probably do it is not let them know i'm in another fortress so i might not try to enter i might like like stand in the spawner area but uh try and make it so i don't get close enough that it activates the achievement we'll see when is sudden death it's literally on screen 21 minutes and 44 seconds crap what was this where did i leave those piglets in there okay pig ones drop more pearls i have all the pearls we need i have 20 pearls are you serious yeah i don't even need to get the bastion it's literally no point to get the bastion right okay so just a fortress done exactly i have five obsidian as well nice just get full iron just get full iron just in case we need to go to sudden death are you sure yeah i'm not trying to get back to the nether and try to find the fortress with you just prep just prep they're not going to go to the nether app that's annoying literally just prep i'm going to keep enough string for beds though okay all right well chad we're prepping where was the string did i keep the string without the string go huh wow there we go oh this is the island they've been at i can see mining okay i'm gonna go further away so there's no chance that i can get killed by them i really don't want to make it this i really don't want to prep it i get killed okay for one bed god it's so hard but yeah uh i have five obsidian my pickaxe is almost broken though but we have 20 minutes and i found a nice open area i'm in negative negative good chance it's here i might need to trade from warm city and if we can find a rune if i find a ruined portal we got a shot for sure oh yeah i do more so in my inventory okay i can make another one that is true yeah they they're trading in a village so they might have like really good armor i found a rune portal uh i can finish it nice i just need to find a fortress and then i can use that portal that portal is pretty decent for blind travel it's not great but yeah i could definitely finish it it would take me a minute because i need to destroy the crying obsidian but it'll work um maybe i'd go over there for hmm i'm trying to think if i need to go over there for like the potential block the obsidian that it might just have in the chest my shield is kind of broken yeah which is why yeah it is well since we spawn into the nether without being able to kill each other for a while i'm just gonna i like anything you need from the overworld i can get it right now i just want you to get a full set of iron just in case we have to go into the the sudden death because like i i might not find a fortress and we might have to kill them i do have a bow and arrow with like a ton of arrows i think i've like 40 arrows so um oh crap that's something it'll be interesting but yeah i'm actually et right now so it must be in the other coordinate and i'm just gonna check and see maybe there's like a bastion nearby and get the rest of my obsidian hmm so susan would be nice as well i don't have yellow flowers escape was slain by a zombie okay well they gotta be in a cave yeah because it's day outside okay [Music] hmm okay eat please i know chad i just need to make um i need to make a furnace because i only have like meat man does that just despawn i think it might have man i'm trying my hardest to like look around there's just nothing like i mean yeah it's either a negative like either it's so far away that the little like it's generated at the edge of a border or it's in like negative awesome i don't even know like it's got to be a trolley spawn for sure yeah it must be in this direction this is the only direction that it could be so yeah negative negative is the only one we haven't checked unless and uh no i'm in negative negative we haven't checked negative positive we need to check negative positive that's pretty much the only quadrant i haven't checked unless it's like at the corner of one of the quadrants yeah exactly and it's yeah because i didn't check like the corners of uh one of them but they didn't have that i found a bastion um and negative negative so that means it has to be negative positive um but i'm gonna go to the bastion just to get obsidian um i think i don't know sounds good oh my god this is terrifying and like fire resist maybe some iron would be nice too but wait chad when i have all my food and stuff like that i'm gonna start boating and trying to found the shipwrecks for a bit because i don't see any caves on this island and also i don't want them to hunt me down in the overworld that would be really freaking bad i just realized i don't have an iron pickaxe items all right in that case since i don't have an iron pickaxe i just gotta hope they have enough obsidian in the chests all right there are no iron blocks in here simply made hot stuff uh he might be going to the nether then more pigs war pigs i guess i opened a chest or something i don't know i assume they're also gonna have a bazillion bow and arrows and stuff yeah i mean i i have a crossbow and a bow and arrow okay no there goes i can um i'm so close to being able to make a friggin pick iron pickaxe my god i need to make a stone one though the only thing is i really don't want it to come down to pvp that's the sad part yeah like they're getting full armor they're getting all decked out oh the thing though is like even if i wouldn't have died like since you got all the pearls like and i was so far out like it really in the end didn't make a big difference as long as i get my iron stuff back mm-hmm but have you have you been trying to mine for iron yeah so i got all my i got a bunch of food and stuff like that and then i'm just going around like this is such a big ocean spawn i literally cannot find any cave systems so i'm going and looking for a boat right now if i don't find a boat i'm gonna dig down and strip mine honestly okay chad let's just find a exposed stronghold with that voila portal okay simply is in the nether hmm god if he kills you it'll be tough for him to get here this is pretty far away he'd be walking for a while and like you saw in another spawn it was garbage okay um i have the obsidian did miss kip just make it hard i guess gold block all right nice got an iron a diamond i have so much garbage dude i found is there any use of us to have a mushroom island that i know of no actually i guess i can make a lot of mysterious dude because i have yellow flowers that's good let's do this hopefully they just give me one okay come on one obsidian oh it's suspicious there we go okay i have all the obsidian to make a portal out god how much time we have left 12 minutes ah do i just need to prep drop the emeralds yeah i should drop the emeralds i'm gonna be honest even if we find it at this point i don't know like you would have to get such an insane yolo spawn on the blind travel would have to be god-like for sure exactly it's almost better i mean you're prepping i mean i'm i'm prepped i have food i have all my weapons um like there's nothing that i don't if i would have to find travel actually this is pretty close to the positive um hmm it's so tough but i i like i think we could probably do it if um i i have a fire resist potion i have a crossbow and a bow and arrow they've been prepping the whole time i have three i don't have an extra no um maybe try and get gold and get an extra one because if you get an extra run i think lava bucket strat is the best rat honestly that worked well uh yeah no because it just does so much damage that like if you get lit on fire you kind of just have to run too honestly what do i do what do i do because i my shield's almost broken if we get into pvp combat i like there's a very high chance that i'm gonna i'll definitely get enough so i can give you one during the prep time like the 15 seconds yeah well if i if i have it ready and like escaped when i spawn and i could actually we need to run away actually okay zombified piglet what the husbands kept doing i don't know man how did he he killed a zombie piglet why did he attack one um do i have okay i need to start prepping and being really smart here oh yeah you're right okay i got i got a frickin i can't i i have now like base of the infinite food yeah um okay i get i'm honestly oh should i look for another shipwreck or should i just dig down let me make my shield first of all let's see i'm gonna try and get more um wait if you get apples i don't think we'd have enough time to make golden apples no that's kind of a rough one well i have yeah like i said i have good stew ooh ravine that's actually fog okay i should be able to get everything i need here now okay i'm gonna try and get enough iron from these guys um do you have armor and stuff like you're set for that i'm getting it right now i'm in the ravine right now and i'm getting iron okay good uh i got more pearls i'm just trying to get more fire resistant stuff i can eat that we don't need that many arrows yes keep it keep a little eye out on simply oh he literally will have 12 minutes to try and catch up to you yeah well i'm gonna leave the nether here soon actually um because i'm gonna make golden apples i'm not yak i have a bunch of fire resist i wonder if they place that chest or something like that so he has all this stuff so you can meme around while waiting for sudden death honestly yeah maybe maybe he's just like trying to they're trying to make us like comfortable or something yeah by like oh they're dying so much but it's actually like a bait to lower our guard or something like mischief is dying as simply as like a juggernaut coming to kill us okay let's start some furnaces right now all right um i have a bunch of fire resist potions now i have a bunch of gold too so um i don't need obsidian i need gravel uh i'm not even gonna try i'm just gonna try and get some apples now i'm going back to the real world to try and like make a new shield and just i'm just gonna camp out i think it makes a big difference because you're pretty prepped but yeah yeah i'm underground um yeah i think he's just deliberately trying to die while waiting um should i make a bow i don't know how many arrows we have oh my god i found a golden apple because i found a mine shaft let's go uh enchanted golden apple or regular golden apple unfortunately normal okay although i did find a bunch of iron in one of these chests that's kind of nice making your shield with the iron nuggets i can't i don't have a crafting table then i don't have enough wood anyways yeah so i'm gonna go up to the surface i'm gonna get wood try and get some apples to make golden apples to eat and literally my food for the fight will be golden apples can't get much better than that a little bit scared they're gonna try and snipe me here uh i think they yeah i don't know they might try and get me i mean i am currently 1600 blocks away from zero zero so we'll see how that goes you said it's night time yes it is okay i found wood this is good i'm just literally getting wood and getting out okay it's just gonna come down to fighting yeah i got um um a full iron armor by the way yeah okay i got a full iron armor and i got a sheep the only thing now really is just like i don't have any bow and arrows i didn't think they found a spider responder make a boo can you do you have a bow i can make a bow because yes make a bow i'll give you arrows i have so many that i'll give you 25. are you sure you probably have better aim than me on minecraft i have 60 i have literally 64 arrows and then again an extra 25. it'll be fine okay that's that's fair then although i still think we should go for the strat of trying to just hunt down uh like simply by hand like right now no no no no no no i meant like i mean when you enter the end i still think the strat would be to run up and try and just remember to shield well you know and actually like attack him with axes and uh buckets mm-hmm okay yeah i know chad i need to make a shield i can't just stop when there's creepers around and make a shield i can't just casually hang out and make shields i'd like to but i you know crap i'm out of wood i need to go and get some wood how much time do i have five minutes it should be fine i'll make an extra bucket actually to have both water and lava that's a good idea there's wood right there that's oh yeah that's true chad five head might be worth ambushing him right now yeah i think he is in the oh overworld simply is in the overworld because it said um it said i was able to track him which is interesting the problem is if we try and hunt them down right now i guarantee you chad is gonna let them know yeah i guarantee you there's a zero percent chance like we can hunt them down without chad letting us know where the hell did my crafting table go oh the dolphins screwed with it oh my god is it still round two yes it is yeah okay i'm gonna clear out my inventory so it's really clean for when i have to fight later now i guess there's not much work to do village there's a village okay um is there any way to trade oh yeah i think village it gives me apples potentially i can make golden apples okay simply died in lava in he has four minutes honestly you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna go i'm gonna go and go look for both because i assume this kip is close to her simply respawn with the chest yeah so they have nothing if they have extra stuff it's miss kip stuff yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna start traveling there and see if i can somehow okay uh i'm gonna gonna do my best to try and make sure i have stuff they could have faked that maybe but like they don't gain anything they just lose time for that there's no way they would fake that there's no purpose do we need any gold not doubted i don't think we need coal furnaces but yeah no exactly uh there's literally no purpose to faking that whatsoever i can't think of any reason to for taking it i just want to see if they'll sleep because if they'll sleep then we all get to skip the night i don't need a bucket actually you know what bucket of lava for a second bucket maybe who knows okay i'm just looking for apples i'm looking for apples we have two minutes farmers can give apples i will sleep if we do the naked fight i think people are saying in his chat that kind of boring with all our diamonds we're just gonna roll they haven't got the diamond achievement well couldn't they have mined it and then just actually no because you have you get it when you pick it up correct all right i'm just gonna clean my inventory i'm just gonna clean my inventory and wait don't be a bad effect chad i'm kinda i'm kind of nervous chad honestly it's two minutes and i'm so far out i don't think there's any way i could reach him did you want me to make you an extra shield uh i have a shield i'm good okay so basically the only thing we're gonna do is we're going to run away you're going to drop me arrows and fire us arrows and fire us got it yeah and then that's it i think that's it i think then we're sad and then i seem to remember to shield the damage making new axe there's no way we're gonna fight enough chat this is like 50 hits there's no way i'm gonna fight do it enough yeah farmers have apparently don't post clips on uh how simply died although i can just see from that thumbnail that he was mining so he was probably he probably got like debated by inner mining into a block compass i don't need the compass the compass literally i'm really nervous okay let's really stick together so that we like so it's not that one of us dies and one of them so i'm i'm giving you another loan here we go get ready i'm ready i also have i've made two slots free so if you drop arrows and fire us and also make it so that it's easy to drop for you yeah i'm it's in my hotbar awesome and i have two spaces in my hotbar for it actually i don't yeah i'm gonna have two because i don't know which one it's gonna be dropped first fireworks or arrows okay or it's going to be picked up first here we go pearls as well perhaps that's probably best to have there is gold apple better than suspicious dude yeah should i okay i'm gonna have it in my in my bag here we go here we go calm down get the heart rate down stand beside me i'll throw the fire resistance on the ground okay we'll run away first yeah we'll run yeah here we go right okay uh where are you there we are okay hey take this go beds don't explode let's go i want to try and oh wait they actually have nothing yeah yeah i'm just gonna use my axe yeah focus on the other men i'll just try and get misgive sounds good make make sure though oh wait it doesn't matter if you knew gps like a debate one how the hell did both of them died they spent one hour preparing yeah i don't know okay all right uh all we need to do is shoot the pillars that's it oh yeah this time too we shoot the pillars we win what the hell happened to this race yeah i have no idea what happened to them how am i nearly dying excuse me what the hell happened why did they try and dragon let's play yeah i wonder if legitimately speaking miss kiff was just memeing around doing and then the idea was that simply was going to be the one you know to like carry here yeah and then he accidentally died because he dug you know against like the block so lobby is popped up you know but yeah just be very very careful not to screw up at all don't look at any endermen this arrows go really straight i think i'm aiming too high up use the hitboxes to see oh great plan [Music] i don't know get this tower here oh dude nice dude i need to practice my minecraft i only used snowballs so i like i know perfectly the projectile of snowballs but i've never had to use a boat is that all the towers or missing ones there's one missing one right i think i think it's the one over here there i can't even tell i was going to say i have i don't remember myself doing that but nothing is happening [Music] oh god don't find it i'm not gonna even try to run in there i can't even see it's such a high pillar dude i'm gonna go alive i'm gonna water on this that tower over here and just kind of okay don't fall where is the i can't even see the hitbox yep there the crystal is still there okay you know what i'm gonna climb up and you stay down okay where wait i have four arrows left let me see if i can somehow you gotta be kidding me dragon knocked me up into the sky dude did you survive oh yeah i'm fine i got pearls pearls i'm just i'm just going to watering up this tower where is they say i don't even know what that which tower it is dude it's this one dragon's so loud i know it's super loud it's this one i don't i don't want my compass whatever oh wait is that one oh oops i'm pretty sure it's not that tower okay pretty sure i was all right i should probably stop shooting arrows i don't see each fan that he's going around here i like it's not i i don't see the effect so oh wait we're all done the hitbox was just the arrows yeah oh that's it wait all of them are done yep oh okay oh perch first search i'm going in yeah let's make sure we don't jump i'm gonna be looking down yeah just stay stay away just in case i get hit somehow one person should be doing this because i'm here too exactly oh god why did one again yeah he's looking down okay we got round two most likely unless something absolutely horrendous happens yeah honestly uh due to like ins in case we get thrown up by the ender dragon uh oh i got an ender pearl do you want one i have like 30. okay uh yeah let's just do this you run into the center and i'm just gonna run around so that in case you get flung up and die we still have one player left yep i don't know what happened there but yeah they uh yeah now chat i just need to know what the hell happened with miss kip and simply how were they not prepped guys down for a sudden death game three oh i don't know i mean if he has to go sure what i would prefer not to because i feel like i would prefer not to i can one with two otherwise oh my god that feels so bad i feel so bad doing that but i really don't just want to do a sudden death um i think it's a perch i can't even tell i can't even tell if it's perching with three minutes left simply was mining and accidentally killed both of them with lava oh my god that is tragic dude oh wait we should both stand at the same place so the dragon can't actually perch i'll come over here so we're both standing here i'm gonna type in chat i would rather not do like there's i mean yeah i really really don't want to this is hard do a 1v1 v1 well then who makes it through the bracket uh i mean i'm fine with doing sudden death for a last round if we get this if they really i don't know if they can force a sudden death though is the thing use arrows oh yeah guess we have arrows don't we completely forgot we had arrows i am out of arrows at this point you should stand closer to me don't worry i'm murdering the dragon where'd she go what she's gone oh never mind he should have won this if he really needed to leave god damn it t that's a great response you like you like 100 have to go t yeah yo yes i have to go sure sure i'm fine with that whatever are you gonna do the sun and death yeah sure sudden death winner takes all i'm fine with that whatever let's just let's jump just use this game we're gonna jump oh wait so we're not gonna finish this one yeah one [Applause] all right [Applause] here we go what about the bets i don't know well we won this one we won this one leather armor stone axe both 16 arrow spreads sounds good yeah so we won't match two technically but okay this will work this will work okay sounds good ready to jump into the void ready to jump into the void oh you're just going to jump in the void any counts yeah and we we've won matt this match so this can count for game three okay for this okay three okay yo what's up okay are you guys ready to go i just wanted to make sure we're all on page i think we're like so what's gonna happen is me and spawns jumps in the void and then it just happens correct and then the person who wins whoever like which team survives and manages to kill the dragon in this like after we fall into the void we'll just take all because right that sounds perfect okay sounds good uh all right wait if we wait is it whoever wins the pvp or kills the dragon whoever kills let's say kill this dragon it'll make it easier kill the dragon but we won't have any equipment to break the pearls no you don't have to they're already broken yeah you're right sorry yeah very broken and you get a bow as well okay yeah all right let's do it all right here we go we're jumping and going back into our call okay can you hear me yes all right i'm gonna jump in three two i'm jumping one go ugh i hate i hate that we have to put yeah whatever whatever we got to do just follow simply and stay right on top of him oh god i guess oh it's over the effect is over yep let's go let's go dude okay oh god oh god oh my god i have one oh wait no we need to kill the dragon i forgot we needed to kill the dragon i didn't i was like screw it whatever okay you can have bread you have bread you can eat [Applause] i was like ah it's fine whatever but yeah you heal up you eat you heal up you just need to stand in the ring and wait dude this rendering this is just so bad i can't even see the dragon i'll follow the dragon and tell you when it's perching okay i'm going to stand on our way over there just stand on the edge purge [Music] and there you go behind you i can't i can't hit the head hit the corner you you can hit the corner no no that point is literally too far after the body i know like there's a chance if there's a higher ground that the dragon is fired you can't hit that because you can see his angle towards like where this earth yeah yeah yes that's true okay all right you go go away again just make sure to stare up at the sky just to not look at enderman and i'll keep an eye on it for perch you got this lincus oh yeah i can shoot arrows now because it's closer it's true okay i can't see it now it's completely unloaded that's okay i think it's getting ready to it's just going up the tower and waiting for i just go for arrows instead uh perch first oh i'm gonna shoot it with arrows while i'm waiting for it to come down here yeah and get in the hole nice okay [Music] okay we got it oh that was interesting that was terrifying dude but we got it oh my god okay all right well let's move into the uh oh hello hello welcome congrats on the victory thank you bit of a scuffed ending but we agreed to it i guess it worked it was it worked yeah it was definitely scuffed but you know uh i i don't know i think i think it went all right considering i think we found a pretty good compromise so yeah well they asked um but but yeah i mean yo gg do you guys have anything else you want to say any any final words before we uh before we bounce out here i feel like simply is so much better at both of us at pvp for whatever reason yeah he was able to like make up for it and like we didn't realize how strong bows were in the first round so like bows were doing lots of damage to us so i mean pretty much like once we realized that like neither of us were gonna find the fortress in time we just kind of started prepping as much as we could and uh i mean the fact that they died like um three minutes beforehand it's just tragic but right yes yeah do you guys have any input on like how that happened because chad was trying to say that they were digging somehow do you guys have any input on how that even went down um how they all died at the end yeah yeah like how they died like he has to assume they would have like diamond everything almost like or like yeah they had like iron armor they were ready to go pretty much but like they they dug into some lava unfortunately were they in the nether really yeah yeah they were in the nether uh quick actual question do you guys happen to have like the chords for this fortress because yeah we went to like i feel like i went to every like strong yeah that seed was definitely not good at all um i apologize for that we will try to make the season a little bit better than that that one was definitely the worst one we've had by far um but positive yeah i don't i don't have the apparently it was positive negative you guys couldn't go into it it was like 50 blocks away from that bastion that i built the portal on yeah yeah probably through a wall or something i'll drag simply in here i think he's i'll drag him yeah yo what's up simply welcome hello yo what's up welcome uh yo gg simply you guys did well honestly you guys almost clutched you guys clutched up the first match um yeah yeah unfortunately just that that that lot of death yeah yeah i up and killed us both it was so bad like i don't know if you guys were trying to make potions but i was trying to make some strength potions and i had like i was about i mean we had to find a fortress but it was so far out it was hidden so much we went through like almost every quadrant like every section of it and we couldn't find anything yeah yeah that's rough yeah i mean it was pretty fun though i i'm really shocked we even took one game to be honest i mean you ended up getting us with those bows did you see how i ended up dying in that first game no i didn't like oh muscle memory literally destroyed me so like i was at the tower right i was completely safe and then you know like he had shot a ball you know there's the sparkles and i'm so used to only playing with hitboxes visible so i just looked at i was like oh there's not a white out ring so i can just walk in it because it's not taking damage anywhere because it stays for like 5-10 seconds after the hitbox goes away and then i started getting hit and then like oh i have to jump down and then i like and then i was like oh water and then i was like no the pearl active that's fine but then i barely just took enough damage from the ball to where i just got insta killed from the pearl so it was like really one head like but yeah muscle memory just destroyed me there that one that made for a good game though it was pretty high i was pretty i was pretty it was pretty funny um there's a lot of of of comedic moments in those matches um but i was i was good thank you guys so much for playing by the way i really appreciate it um thank you for watching the matches of course um and simply i'm sorry that um uh ms couldn't play the third game out yeah it's it's no big deal no big deal do you guys have any final words any any last minute thoughts k4 also if you have anything you want to say um yeah entertaining games very funny very funny did you like the house that we made dude i couldn't give you more credit for the house i built crafting doors dude they're just excellent i thought it was a smart move well i mean the only thing i have to say is like thank you nerdy and everyone for hosting this tournament and i'm excited for the next races everyone watching be sure to follow all the runners miss small and me and simply yes yeah as well nerdy for hosting this thank you thank you thank you for the banger one other thing that's important make sure everyone check your primes and use them on whoever you happen to be watching today there you go thank you good luck uh when your next name is fella yeah thanks yeah go far oh actually that's a good that's a good point yo lincus and smalling you guys are either going to be facing sizzler and thunderful or bennex and sapnab do you guys have any any any uh any last minute words we'll have to train and uh we'll reveal strategies that unlike any of the other runners we'll get creative to win okay all right anyways i'm gonna bounce out doing outro and stuff but yo guys thank you so much for playing and i will catch you guys in the next one thanks for having me thank you bye all right well there we go disconnect no way you beat those guys here's the thing um i feel like we just need to practice pvp i'm the stream isn't over now now i'm doing runs i'm gonna change the title i've only been streaming for three three hours where the the show goes on speed runs for world record it's easy as that
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Views: 166,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, smallant vods, smallant stream, smallant vod, smallant race, smallant minecraft race, minecraft speedrun race, team invaded our game, minecraft 2v2, linkus7, simply, mizkif, tournament, minecraft tournament, minecraft 2 manhunt, minecraft 2 manhunt 2 speedrunners
Id: U92DOMU-X-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 44sec (10244 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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