Minecraft but I'm Stuck in the Void

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minecraft but i'm stuck in the void i fell through a crack in the bedrock and now i'm trapped under the world hello uh this isn't good where am i dude i'm underneath the void there's like an island here oh my goodness it looks so weird corrupted stem well can i make a yeah i've got a crafting table look at this guy avoidal pickaxe and we got a voidl sword this thing is vital for our survival i guess we could look for other islands across the oh my i was gonna stack over oh my goodness i can walk on the void whoa okay can i walk on it forever i want to make sure i don't accidentally fall well that's good news oh the crack just dropped down blocks i wonder what else is falling into the void let's grab some of this wood and let's go out an adventure i need to make sure i don't forget where this place is i'm going to walk in a straight line and hopefully i find something new hey it looks like we found something i don't know what it is but oh there's bad guys all right little thanos minions okay well looks like we got some void monsters to avoid okay oh a flintlock pistol all right whoa are you feeling lucky punk well that's kind of nice looks like it's a shipwreck of some kind well i found out how to shoot the pistol take this that's pretty cool but then i thought to myself what else could we find and then i found a desert void pyramid hey look at that it's a desert void pyramid whoa that looks so dark and ominous oh my gosh i've got my pistol boys i'm not afraid to use it what is that well might as well i got something i got a a tnt wave summoner what wow ow oh gosh bad guys bad guys bad guys i knew it was a trap run oh gosh bad oh my gosh look look look i just right clicked with it yeah tnt wave attack dude okay okay i like this this is a cool weapon i kept running in the empty void hoping to find something else what the heck is this what the it's just like a big circle uh oh okay well uh here goes nothing i guess oh gosh oh this is a bad idea oh [Music] what i mean like the overworld but it is clearly not the overworld oh no oh no no oh no pistol attack boom yeah i'm under the void can i eat you dude am i gonna get sick that seems to heal me okay i look so colorful in this purple world guys check this out there's a void pillager outpost ow chill dude oh sorry sheep i don't think i'll have the ability to take out that pillager outpost yet oh i can't even barely take out a a skeleton yet i wonder if there's new armor that i can craft or something because this is not good oh my goodness dude look at how big this world is ooh what's that cobbled void stone ooh and you are luminous stone oh my gosh what are you dark raw steel oh that's cool well i guess let me pick up some of these items and make ourselves some upgrades i got 14 dark steel and it turns out luminous stone is actually like coal the only way out might be to defeat the void boss if there is one we need things like armor upgrades and some new weapons i'm hungry hey this is looking good i wonder if they've got some void food hey guys oh wait wait wait oh he's coming after me is it because i'm blue okay okay he's mad tnt wave boom yeah got him i got a void bulb and i got some dark steel from that we'll take it i want to see if that pillager outpost has any cool items but to survive i'm going to get myself some more dark steel to make some armor and i got myself some void meat it's not great tasting but it'll do the trick let's do this yeah yeah take that you have weird-looking villagers ow dude they give me wither too oh that's not cool is there any fun loot up here yes dude black hole crossbow oh my gosh yeah you shoot me i'll shoot you okay there we go oh black hole crossbow attack oh dude shoots at a black hole it sucks him up into it and now i can take him out with my flintlock yeah well it's been fun boys thanks for your cool looking crossbow oh hello hello my good man do you trade stuff a dark staff i need 64 luminous stone well i can't not get that now here is your stack of stone and there is my staff whoa dude this is cool yeah oh snap oh dude it's a black hole but it does uh some damage that's pretty cool oh void juice that sounds shameful secretions from the void itself when drank grants you incredible powers that'll be useful if we got to fight a void boss later i wonder if there's void diamonds let's go exploring the terrain it doesn't quite oh gosh ah get out of here here have a black hole there we are all right that's a void creeper i want to find some void diamonds but it is not easy dude the terrain generation is so different here there's something what are you oh yes void diamond ah nice i got myself some diamonds well might as well turn this into a void owl pickaxe ow stop it stop it check this out i gotta avoid pickaxe okay that's not what i expected to happen whoa what is that or oh void lapis lazuli i guess i'm not the only blue thing here in the world i feel less alone oh soul crystal nice i knew if i was to face a void boss i would need some better armor dude so i hunted with my new pickaxe for more void diamonds to make some awesome armor and a new void diamond sword the sword sometimes will make mobs turn into dust so that seems nice hey a pig do you know what that is there's a weird-looking structure up there and i gotta know what it is is this water safe to jump into what's the worst that would happen is this like an abandoned mine shaft or something oh it is not an abandoned mine shaft it's like a stronghold or something there's a chest void ender pearl and a music disc did we just find the void stronghold back up yeah take this i got my new sword i'm not afraid to use it so this definitely confirms we gotta fight a void boss at some point ah what's in here oh a dark saddle when put on a pig turns that into a flying pig that's cool there was a pig outside maybe i can turn him into a flying pig yeah if i can get out of here alive where is that pig hey buddy oh snap are we are we doing it are we flying we're flying we're flying okay okay okay be careful be careful we're right over the void right now oh dude this is cool we can find ourselves some diamonds on the side of these mountains here and get myself the full diamond armor and just like that i had full diamond armor but then things took an interesting turn ah what just happened oh my gosh oh my gosh hold on hold on it has to do with my armor if i put on my full diamond armor i can walk no fall damage and also i can now walk on air blocks this is really nice and also look it looks like a portal do you know what this is good man no okay it certainly is some kind of portal but i've got my armor and i've got my weapons i figure might as well what's the worst that could happen oh my god ah it's like the void nether oh man hello hello boys you don't kill me do you that's a void enderman that's avoid enderman okay okay okay wait hey hey i'm just gonna stay up here thank you boy diamond armor for letting me walk on air oh he teleported me void enderman teleport you well good to know what is this soul crystal shards okay hey we got some abyssal tears that makes a beautiful abyssal tear block wow that are nice oh no no no no why why why dude why why why why no no no no i hate the center he is out for revenge man no no oh gosh where is he no no no no no no wait wait wait potion let me drink the potion boy juice yes what did i get what did i get a bunch of powers trying to fight me now endermen ah take that okay i gotta get back to land before my fire resistance runs out i didn't want to drink my void juice that quick but you do what you got to do i was going through the crafting table items and i found something called an orb of light now that item i have to have because that item when thrown leads me to the portal to the overworld the other items to craft that i can easily get but i also need something called shards of light i looked all over the void nether and didn't see anything like that so i figured it may be something that i get only from trading piglens come on guys give me what i'm looking for i got it i got shards of light thank you guys no thank you buddy hey don't break my portal buddy i don't want to be stuck in the nether in the void under the void so we crafted our orbs of light and also crafted a bottle of tears which will be useful later all right i think it's time that we leave the nether ah yay back into the purple world it's time to head into the overworld my friends let's follow our orbs of light but it'll be a little more fun flying there that's for sure hey a ruined portal just made a quick pit stop to grab myself another void juice orbs of light you've done me well they've led me right here time for me to head back into my dimension whoa look at this place this is the portal to the overworld oh my okay there's bad guys yeah take my void diamond sword yeah this place is crazy dude i don't even know what i'm looking for this is the craziest looking stronghold i've ever seen oh this must be where the pillagers hit the subscribe button that looks like what we're after dude is this the portal to the overworld are we finally done oh it's gonna feel good to see cows and grass and villagers again i'll even be happy to see normal enderman thank goodness back into the over world you thought that was the portal to the overworld you will have to beat me in combat to get that portal ah the void oh lord okay well he's got minions of course he's got minions everybody has minions over world more like over this ah dark staff i have gained the powers of the void and i'm ready to get back home my man oh gosh what is that ow ow all these lasers do a lot of damage that's all you got a light show from a carnival and and babies yeah my void juice makes this battle easy whatever will i do to destroy you yeah yeah oh look at that oh we've got the overworld key so if i put this here it's time my friends we're heading back home oh yes oh i've missed you trees we escaped the void and if you don't hit the subscribe button this could happen to you thanks for watching
Channel: Craftee
Views: 6,650,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft funny, custom item, custom items, minecraft void, custom weapon, custom weapons, custom boss, custom mob, custom mobs, custom dimension, custom dimensions
Id: KuN5RPRl4mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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