Minecraft but I can Shapeshift

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can mobs beat Minecraft well let's find out I have here a mob Shape Shifter so if I just right click on a pig here hello Mr Pig and now we can play Minecraft as a pig I'm so small what's up piggy man uh oh for some reason I'm craving carrots looks like carrots give me special powers as well so let's go find a village real quick hello Village it's just me Mr Piggy oh goodness gracious there's cobwebs everywhere either this place is abandoned or Spider-Man's been here ah carrots yes my favorite meal so if I munch on a carrot I get a speed boost and I have a dash power n and it breaks blocks as well that's sweet just breaking blocks with my piggy snout just casual stuff the next shape shift is a chicken uh there's some chickens over here what's up buddy boys can I come in and turn into you oh goodness okay I can't M any blocks that's unhelpful oh wait hold on if I eat the carrot here can I break through the pen hi what's up chicken boys it's been fun being a pig but it's chicken time a looks like I don't take fall damage anymore I got slow falling that's nice I can fall down slowly and I crave the delicious meal of wheat seeds ah delicious wait wait wait come here chicken boys I can become the king of the chickens I just hold a wheat seed come with me we shall build an army together we shall rise up and Destroy KFC once and for all oh come on guys fight with me don't be chicken next up is the cave spider the there's a giant hole down here can I just gracefully fall down oh my goodness that is a deep hole excuse me boys chicken coming through I like that I have slow falling but I don't release my wings you know I'm light as a feather that's because I have a bunch of feathers oh goodness zombie no no no no I only have two hearts dude I'm an innocent chicken I may have also laid an egg that happens time to time when I get scared as a chicken cave spider yes come here buddy oh don't die don't die no no no no no no no come on wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no let me become you ah yes now I'm one of you boys I'm a part of The Spider Crew now I used to lay eggs well I guess I still do right do spiders lay eggs I don't know zombie we cool all right yeah mobs don't attack me anymore that's pretty nice what's up gentlemen how we doing they have no idea I'm undercover just that casual all right crushed it my spider impression is killer dude I'm so creepy dude my little legs it's like that cartoon sound you know what I'm talking about ooh the powers are sweet dude I can climb blocks now that is excellent Spider-Man Spider-Man oh climbing walls like Spider-Man this is cool there are some skeletons down here that I can shape shift into but I'll have no way to get out of the hole so I'm going to take advantage of my nice Spidey Powers a s check that out I also go through spider webs no problem ah hello little spawner my good friends totally casual not scary at all ah it's nice being Spider-Man what's up guys he's looking at me like what is this cave spider doing up here he doesn't belong up here there's a skeleton let me become you it's been fun being a spider my only complaint is I can't shoot webs out of my butt which is uh which would be nice hey look at that man I got infinite arrows yeah take that creeper boy this is so nice dude I don't get attacked what's up Gerald how you doing buddy yeah just hanging out a backstab take that Gerald oh man I named him now I feel bad the next shape shift I can do I can become a villager although I don't think there's any villagers around here right hello anyone I can become around here H we'll have to find a village somewhere else although I probably should find it before the sun rises otherwise your boy is going to burn can I break blocks now uh no not yet okay I've just got to book it oh guys this is not good dude I did find the village over here it's like guarded with a big Shield the only issue is now the sun burns me this is great it's like Gamers afraid of the sun instant sunburn ow oh gosh how am I supposed to get down there dude I just got to go I just got to go ah under a tree fast I just got to book it from One Tree to the next oh gosh am I going to die am I going to die it's just you and me buddy against the sun I've taken shelter under a tree no David come back buddy my only friend this is as close as I can get there is a button here that might open the door a I can't reach that though I'm going to burn to death unless can I shoot it dude I shoot the button crushed it one oh gosh are there three buttons just got to make it hard on me don't you I see another button over there if I can reach it come on then I hit it come on fly true Arrow I believe in you yeah I'm glad I have infinite arrows man I'm shooting like a stormtrooper ah there we go I think I hit it just one more button I think I see it over there oh that's going to be a hard shot man I might be able to make this Gap Mr villager hold on there buddy I want to become you come on come on jump yes I made it I made it I made it all right now I just got to quickly before I die in the ah before I die in the Sun come here buddy come here come here come here no no no no no yeah I'm a villager dude ah beautiful sunlight how I've missed you looks like I got some handy tools I I can finally break blocks now that's nice uh Yes W I like how I hold it too in front of me Jeremy my good man would you like a gift look look where the item comes from it's like I keep them inside of my eyebrows or something turns out those aren't eyebrows dude they are Pockets apparently well what does a villager do I guess they uh um sorry good S I didn't mean to interrupt whatever that was is that what villagers do my good man would you like to stand inside of trap doors with me no I've been rejected once again H you sir hello would you like to stand inside of this trapo with me it's nice and comfy there's plenty of room in here yeah yeah yeah come on come on he's almost there no nobody wants to date me I understand the next shape shift is an iron golem is there an iron golem around here I mean there should be right it's a pretty big Village although they do have those massive walls so maybe they feel like they don't need one hello good man you're sparkly do you trade something three bones for a carved pumpkin interesting okay and you trade 12 Spruce logs for iron ah I see I got to trade them to make an iron golem no problem boys Spruce logs are easy bones is a little more difficult open sesame uh open sesame do these Gates not open oh there we go yeah that's so cool man let's go find some bones zombie I shall fight you this is so cursed this has to be the first time a villager has held a sword who holds a sword like that man it's fine I will train the villagers to fight back on their own ouch ah no no no stop it boys no I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die hey dog aha skeleton give me your bones please thank you very oh just arrows his whole body was made up of a bunch of arrows there's one bone down and two bones down this is so much harder than I thought it was going to be dude I've got a fragile little villager Budd come on dude give me your bones yep one more to go all right let's get back to the safety of the village or should I say feels good to be home oh gosh do I have to hit all three buttons can I just do this instead the safest security known to mankind I shall trade you good sir oh goodness what are you talking about I got enough bones now I shall trade you good sir got a car of pumpkin we'll chop down a couple trees and we'll trade you for our iron a it only gives me two iron shoot that's fine just got to get a couple copper should be no problem there we go and there we have it everything we need to K uh about to say to kill an iron golem to craft an iron golem and just like that we've got an iron golem what's up buddy boy looking good can you protect me yeah I just want to be protected is this how I squat I just lose my toes welcome to the world buddy now I become you hi I'm a Golem dude dude heck yeah oh bad very bad very bad there's a raid they've broken in It's My Time To Shine looks like I have two Powers oh goodness don't worry villagers I'll protect you I've got a bunch of Health but I'm a big Target stand back monsters he this I have a punch power which is excellent you ever seen an iron golem run away from danger villagers like come on man this is your job I didn't sign up for this but I have another trick up my sleeve check this out dude I can pick up mobs and then I can throw them oh well uh if they don't die I can throw them come here buddy let me pick you up real quick and I throw you at your friend ha no no no no no no no come here come here come here grab you yeah this is what you get for picking on my friends I throw you at the wall ha oh this is sick I like being a Golem who's left I'm not afraid anymore hello ravager what you you get stuck over here yeah take that ravager smack them yeah yeah raid defeated crushed it don't worry Village you are saved what do you mean I was running away I wasn't running away scared I shall do a dance to celebrate I am a Golem I save the village I can't think of a rhyme with Village next up the evoker gentlemen I got to go find a mansion you guys going to be okay while I'm gone I feel responsible for these little guys I'm like their metallic dad or something it's time to find oh gosh I'm Too Tall man oh no I can't fit in these blocks oh we're going to go find the Mansion it might take me a while cuz I Am Too Tall yeah can't pick up creepers good to know I finally found the Mansion man this was so annoying to go through cuz I'm too big so I just hit my head on literally every block known to mankind let's go find this evoker hello boys how we doing yeah creeper attack oh this is so cool hello little zombie you want to come with me buddy boy hey yeah that's my favorite Power of all time just using mobs As Weapons hey that's a pretty good video pretty good Marketplace map too if you ask me oh hello sir goodbye H oh aoker yes we found him okay okay don't kill the evoker ah oh my goodness this is getting harder man I'm getting attacked by crocodiles come here buddy ah come here aoker let me turn into you yeah sick man I like my new power yes my children this guy's equipped with a sword who gave this guy a sword have they always had swords do I have the Little Crocodile power I do yes I was call this a crocodile power is it just me or do they look like crocodiles dude this is a sick power man I really liked lifting up mobs and then throwing them at other mobs but this is cool too my alligators are hungry eat them this is so sick man Chom him yeah got him oh shoot my next power is a creeper probably should have kept him alive what's up boys how do you do fellow kids yeah they don't even fight back they just accept it I'll miss it when I become a creeper although exploding sounds pretty cool too you ever woken up in the morning you're like man can't wait to explode looking for a creeper hey there's a little creeper boy all right don't explode on me dude I got to turn into you yeah I'm a creeper sneak to charge an explosion right click boom oh goodness I fell through the floor can I break any block no looks like I can only break Cobblestone here and I have three doors to go down let's try door number one the best game show of all time let's explode door number one good sir how are you probably worse now all right door number two what do we got ah more bad guys this is fun I like blowing up stuff hello boys how we doing yeah triple kill oh gosh and explosion oh a nether portal dude looking kind of cursed looks kind of like the deep dark portal or something maybe we're going to go meet Herobrine well our next shape shift is a gas so might as well head to the nether huh this maybe the first time in history there's been a creeper in the nether hello gasty boys oh gosh I can only break Cobblestone right can't do a whole lot of the nether uh but there's this little guy over here hello buddy do you mind if I shape shift as you please that was a horrifying sound look at that dude I'm a gas oh this is cool man I'm fireproof I can fly around yeah dude I can shoot Fireballs that's awesome take that piggy boys all right Gast I see why you do this all the time that's quite fun I don't know why gas are sad all the time this is awesome dude gas are living the life man h take that oh they're fireproof okay well you live today Mr slime boys I guess we'll fly around till we see a fortress come on Fortress where are you at cast battle you and me dude H take that ghast okay well that was an easy battle I am the king of the gests here's a stronghold I shall land with my little tiny legs don't mind me just hanging out hey oh this is incredible dude take that blazes Kaboom yeah yeah not so fun is it huh let's turn into a blaze now shall we it was fun being a ghast but I can still fly and I can shoot I can shoot a flurry of fireballs yeah that's way better than a gas dude Best Day Ever attack boom baby oh that is so sweet man it doesn't do a lot of damage but that is awesome boom take that a blaze against a gas two will win and there the blaze goes oh no the GH isn't vulnerable to my attacks let's find ourself an Enderman we're getting closer and closer to that Dragon hello Ender boys how are you now can I stare in your eyeballs I can I can look you deep in the eyes Mr Enderman the greatest love story of our time feels so weird looking directly in their eyes I never noticed how beautiful they were did anyone tell you that today those glor oh well the back of your head looks just as delightful all right let's become an Enderman shall we yeah there we go look at me dude I'm an Enderman I like it a bummer I can't fly anymore but I can teleport so that's cool let's teleport up there yeah oh man I've got a long range teleport that's sweet we shall teleport over there oh okay that's fine I take fire damage oh gosh okay good to know good to know now the Endermans are the only mob that are in all three dimensions so my question is can the Enderman hop Dimensions can I just squat uh no come on Channel all my Enderman ancestors teach me your ways Ender boys it's working it's working yes I can't believe that worked I had no idea that was a power of mine oh it's time dude we get to take on the Ender Dragon I was going to break all the crystals but I forgot we don't have to take out the dragon we just got to become the dragon yeah come on down Dragon friend I'm an ordinary Enderman okay okay okay come on oh gosh I'm going to die just got to get close to him yeah dude I am the dragon yes dude I am the dragon come on crystals heal me dude what am I not dragony enough for you it's fine I get it let's take ourself to the Overworld ah the good old Overworld I'm going to be a friendly dragon though I told you I'd be back my friends who needs an iron golem when you have a dragon on your side thanks for watching we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,692,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft shapeshift, minecraft shapeshifter, minecraft shapeshifter mod, minecraft funny, miencraft morph, minecraft mob morph, minecraft morph mod
Id: d34E_Ef2lYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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