Minecraft But Everything is OP!

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we're gonna beat minecraft but the entire world is overpowered let me show you what i mean it turned into a melon just break the grass ah tnt did you just oh my god i'm scared to do stuff now we have to beat the ender dragon if we do i'm gonna buy both of you guys a hundred pounds of gummy worms 100 pounds if we all die we get nothing bro hit the sheep they give you iron wait this one's named a sheep but it's a pig oh my god diamonds pigs are op they spawn diamonds oh my gosh just look at this thing pooping out oars it's water tnt okay that's actually gonna be scary i'm going to be honest whoa bro i hit one of the pigs and the cows do that dude the cow is flying the cow just flew the heck wait you trade one stick for a stick with knock back wait watch this nolan nolan i need one of those [Music] oh dear god big men yeah there's a ton of them nolan if you die you're out just rod nolan they're coming after me just run is he behind me i can't look back i'm too scared they are lost they're a little bit lost you're fine don't worry no i'm going i'm going [Music] whoa my time in pickaxe has fortune 777 [Music] whenever i mine coal i get like 20 diamonds 20 times we're gonna beat the game we're gonna do it why are these pigs following me is it because i have this potato man get away get away yeah i wonder happens if i eat one of these potatoes oh my gosh they give a speed and strength too yo these are op there's a little zombie there's a little zombie just kill him he's so fast oh my god now he's grown up he's a big one carl he's chasing you that's your problem now okay oh there's a creeper wait where is there a creeper it's literally below me nolan if you die you're out and then it's just me and chandler i want my gummy worm go down there and fight that creeper nolan hold on eat one of these potatoes first whoa 69 420 i've got to be invincible right now go attack that creeper oh let's get him let's get him oh he's coming towards me die oh my god let's go we're gonna kill the ender dragon with a chest plate oh my god we're gonna beat the game with the chest plate nolan hit space two times whoa you can double jump how do you think i got on this house guys there's a destroyed nether portal over here oh no way how lucky is this let's build a huge nether portal that's what i'm doing what look at our stupid nether portal oh nolan you already went through yeah nolan do you not want gummy worms what the heck i want the gummy worms for myself oh what the heck we just found a fortress immediately i didn't know that was it i just walked right by it okay be careful guys holy what the heck did the gas just shoot like a million fireballs yes it did this is why we made armor okay oh ender pearl i found one oh wait they're dropping them they're dropping ender pearls oh my god i have 10. i have 10. oh dear god oh the humanity watch out watch out for the lava what's happening watch out watch out they're killing each other no don't kill our traitors oh my god oh my god oh dear heavens are you okay i almost died whoa can this dude calm down okay i'm getting rods now that one jumped rods i already have 64 rods whoa we're good now we can leave guys come on to our portal yeah we're speed running oh here it is we made it okay guys we got to beat it let's do it let's go lead the way you got the eyes ready where'd it go oh that way that's when there's an idiot wait up no you can't say that we're all going in 69 420 levels and a chest plate that'll kill the ender dragon what if it's actually one hit sander dragon then i owe you guys a hundred pounds of gummy worms yes don't forget if you guys die this is it we have one shot at this nolan don't die hey talk to yourself come on guys double jump to victory [Music] oh we're getting close i think it's gonna be right here holy cow i actually just guessed that creeper oh my god are you guys kidding me this is how we almost lost yo i found it already yo our luck this game has been sick boys we've made it it was really hard but we did it together okay guys we did it yeah a hundred pounds of gummy worms you either get them or you die here the ender dragon will also be overpowered hey yeah let's get these gummy worms okay guys ready eat your carl's grilled cheese all right let's go i haven't had my grilled cheese yet i don't care oh ah ah i didn't even look at you jayla's getting attacked don't forget pull out your chest plate i got a barrier what the heck oh my gosh oh i'm dying i'm dying what what channel you're dead nolan are you better than chandler i'm alive i'm getting these gummy worms no yes nolan you got this you've never beaten the game before and yeah maybe it is overpowered but i believe in you nolan all right what do i do now don't get hit by ender magic you'll die instantly this is ender magic those giant purple things yes how are we supposed to kill this dude i think our chest plates are strong enough to be able to kill it i'm just really scared to look one of these endermen in the eye where are you at i see him i killed you now no you got in front of me what are you doing wait you killed me i can't believe i just killed you i'm so sorry you didn't even get to hit the dragon okay i can still win it for us can i make that double jump yeah holy cow oh he's coming around watch out i'm gonna do it guys i'm gonna kill the dragon he's throwing magic what a placement that was actually kind of awesome how'd you go up there what just happened i don't know what just happened oh my god he's dropping so many tnts he's first he's parts this knockback is so overpowered oh my god he's aiming for you this dragon's so overpowered look at all the magic here's my shot yes no get him again one more yeah guppy worms we all did it together everyone all right boys here are your 100 pounds of gummy worm there's so many holy cow subscribe
Channel: Karl
Views: 10,895,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karl jacobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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