Relearning Minecraft - House On A Hill - 🔴 Live

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[Music] hello this is dumpy and welcome oh no you don't have to get up alex i'm so scared she was gonna do that she was all set oh hello this is daddy welcome to another live stream uh yeah finally uh always gonna be the center of attention if you're not breaking your leg on the stream you're flinging around what is this thing let go flinging around this thing look how politely it's sitting crossing its legs uh yeah welcome to this room everyone um yeah finally get back to doing my relearning minecraft series uh it's been a little bit of a while i still had a more crossing um i've had a bit of a sore throat recently i keep getting coffee so i've been like streaming less but then also squid asked me to join him with a series on his channel playing for an adventure map uh which i've been doing uh so yeah i had a little bit less time to stream recently but we're finally getting back uh for those of you that don't know what this is this is your first time joining in one of these streams uh it's basically what it sounds like um i'm trying to learn about all of the the new updates that added to minecraft uh build with the new blocks i'm gonna be doing a lot with today and also just kind of get back into the swing of things uh i haven't played up until recently the bedrock version very much and all of the controls are different and just some of the mechanics are different so i'm just trying to like learn it so i know it then also just get good at it get fast at it because at the moment while i've been recording videos i've just felt a bit too like fiddly a little bit too slow and i'm trying to like you know like something like i want to craft a torch back in the olden days on the old console edition blink and you miss it you want a torch all right you got one got a torch but now i'm like ah you want a torch let me uh uh oh sticks and oh i made like a stack of sticks by accident and then oh oh no i've done it wrong and oh redstone talk i don't know like i'm just rubbish i'm just slow and obviously that is like um not as fun to to watch for all of you so i'm trying to get a little bit speedier with my uh with my crafting uh but yeah the main plan today is to be uh building my house on a hill which i started in the the last uh one of these streams uh building out of a bunch of the the new blocks it's kind of gonna accidentally turn into like some sort of um heavily saying 17 furnaces yeah when i accidentally made 17 furnaces oh yeah it's kind of ended up looking a bit like um what's going on here look out the window there's a donkey sliding a wolf slowly past the window just taking your dog out for a walk are you donkey okay goodbye uh yeah so it's kind of accidentally like started looking like some sort of like evil villains castle just because i'm building out uh of a load of the things that were in the never update like all of like the basalt and the black stone and uh i don't know i used a bloat stuff i don't know but a bunch of those sorts of things but since then i have gathered a bunch more things from the than ever a bunch of the new different types of wood i got some more basso and stuff uh it'd be good to maybe try and get some more ancient debris in this stream uh maybe try and make some never-right armor with something that would not go a miss and then a few other things i want to try around with uh i want to try and use a cartography table and a composter yeah some of those things i've just not used yet i think they're relatively simple things i've also not played with bees yet i don't know how bees work i don't know what honeycomb does i don't know what honey and bottles does i don't know what honey blocks do i kind of know a little bit i know they're a bit like slime but not as bouncy i think uh but i've never seen or placed a honey block so i don't know maybe we could try and uh track down some uh some bees and play around with some of that stuff as well uh just to kind of work out a few more of the um the newer things so yeah that's the other plan uh people saying oh tiffany's saying pandas i want to do panda stuff but i can't find any panda that there's no ah so no there's no pandas close to where my world set up like one of the big things i want them to add to bedrock is the ability to choose the size of biomes because i always want the biomes to be as teeny as possible because that's great for videos because it means they're all compact and it means you have like a desert here and a jungle and like an ocean and you have all of like the big main biomes you want but all close together so it's not like today i'm going to go into the jungle and it's going to take me an hour and an hour getting back you know like i like everything all compact in and then you're like guaranteed to get everything so um notch if you're watching this and somehow have any influence over minecraft steal that's one of my uh my additions uh that i want added to the uh added to the the game all right then uh let's shout out a few people who have done some donations and then uh yeah we'll get into the um get into the the gameplay uh thank you to quinn who says hey stamps i watched the live stream with you and squid yesterday and it was awesome oh thank you uh i'm so happy that you started minecraft again uh have a great day yeah so i was talking about i'm playing through this map with uh with squid this game this like puzzle game uh it's all on squid's channel so i think the vods should be online just be warned it's a puzzle game and we're like both uh really um what's the word what's the word uh idiots we're both idiots so we're solving puzzles but we're really really bad at it so have a bit of patience i think maybe the the best way to to watch it is on vod because then you can be like god i've been on this puzzle for a long time and you can kind of just skip ahead a little bit so you don't get so frustrated to be fair that it is way way more difficult doing it when streaming like i promise you like when you know people are watching you like you sometimes just need to go like right everyone be quiet let me just focus in silence and think and you never get that moment when you're streaming so it kind of does make you seem a bit more stupid but yeah just bear that in mind if you were if you do go to watch it thank you to our to jeff the best for becoming a member uh thank you to uh the news channel who says i have a frog and his name is bradley so everyone say hello to bradley the the frog uh trump says uh tell squeashy i say hi trump says hi squashy i don't think she heard me and i probably shouldn't shout because i said i've got a bad voice but i i told her i told her thank you to her to andrew as well as uh anna uh thank you to our amanda for becoming a member as well as jamie and michael says hi stumpy i hope you are very good today uh thank you also to uh to mr melsie uh as well as uh jill and then just some random dame uh gaming dude who says hey you uh michael manick as well thank you welcome back to the uh the stream and uh thank you to uh to logan gaming for becoming a member i know emily says uh i'm moving out at 5 p.m uk time i don't know how long i'll be here why does stumpy always start streaming while i'm traveling i swear this is the the fourth time it's not intentional emily i don't know if you are if you are in the the chat now or if i miss you if you are here hello all right then let's get into the uh the gameplay i'm here just kind of cowering inside of my house because it's uh it's night time uh but yeah i'll show you the uh the stuff that i gathered up and then i then i guess we need to start building or let's do a little a little creeper check i always like oh i saw one i always like to sprint out the house then that way if one blows up hopefully it won't be close to the house like because i think like the the obvious way dude please i think like the obvious way to do it like to think that there's a creeper here or to check is to like kind of poke your head out and go like left right is there one here but if there is you're gonna blow up your house i'd rather just sprint way out there and make sure they uh they blow up somewhere else rather than right outside of the uh the house uh get some more never right yeah i think i will do so i'm going to continue gathering walls so the the best way to get never right i have found or the most consistent pardon what was that sound what was that sound so for all of you think i'm being really mean and ignoring my dog i kind of am a little bit so i don't know how some of you may have seen that was the weirdest i hope that did that pick up on the mic okay she just went like that but yeah um i was streaming the other day and like whenever i'm streaming because i'm like all high energy and stuff she keeps like bringing me toys and so normally i just get the toys and i just throw them behind my head and kind of just sort of half play fetch um but i did that the other day and then she jumped down and she's hurt her poor so um she's not being she's not the the vet said she's not allowed to play for three weeks so no fetch no nothing really no running around uh we take her out for short walks but when i walked her yesterday i think yesterday maybe the day before uh her paw was hurting again i had to actually carry her down the road so i know it looks like i'm being really mean and just ignoring my doggo um and i am ignoring my dog but i'm not being mean i'm doing it for her benefit but she doesn't realize that she just thinks i'm just i don't know i feel like she thinks i've like lost interest in her or something and just makes me makes me feel bad anyway let me let me show you what i gathered let me put my spare never writing diamonds in here um uh yeah i got some golden i got i found one of those like those kind of pre-made never fortresses i got this stuff from and i gave it a bunch of these like uh i got like warped wart blocks i got more basil and then yeah i got all of this like crimson and then some more shrew might stuff polish bastard vessel polish black stone uh yeah a whole bunch of of all of these kind of goodies here uh which we can kind of just uh play around with and do a little a little bit of building out of like it'd just be really nice to get to get this house done because um once like the uh the house is done like then i can have all my storage sorted out and it won't be all messy in there and then we can kind of start looking forward to other things um i can't remember did i show you that i got this working by the way look at this i can't remember why what i got done in the last room was this done in the last stream uh i did the uh i did the kelp strategy the camp strategy seemed to be the the thing to do so uh because they weren't all water source blocks uh it wasn't launching me up uh it just made me question why why it worked in a in space den without them being source blocks but oh yeah this is what we uh we have built so far ah stampy's lovely home isn't it so nice to be home in my like dark evil fortress maybe we're living like a dark evil fortress on a hill why not why not but yeah i got like a bunch of these types of wood that i can add in now so this is the um so that's the black stone is it isn't it and i think this is the basalt here so what does battle look like normally is that what that is there because they kind of look more like columns of battle stampies hit the target in disguise are you a vampire says ryan god i'm just i'm just rubbish at building like honestly i'm like genuinely just not very good at building like it's just not my like i'd say like say if i had like a um a stampy cat like uh like top trump's card you know you have like all of the stats you get like top trump's like cars and it'll be like this is the speed and this is the power and this is the brakes and stuff you know or like a football one like this is how good he is at scoring and this is how good he is at kicking and this is how good he is at joel that kind of stuff if there was like a stampy cat like minecraft top trumps i think i'd be like i think it'd be like uh like video making would be like seven and then like like design for game design like eight but then like building would be like one or two like if you're comparing to like other minecraft youtubers like i'm just not very good i'm just like i'm just not very artistic in that way like that's not my that's not my area like i just about get by with like all of the other stuff i do but like that's fine that's just not that's just not what i do or what i'm good at i just i just place things down and see how they end up uh right so this is the polish basalt i think this is the one that kind of works as a column i don't know i don't want this uh to be a box i said what i'm in my in my history i have got better in my history everything i built was a box and since then i have got better and not making better than why i said that's so weird uh better at not making all of my building boxes which is something that i've learned that's the number one tip for building if you want to make something stand out at least a little bit don't make it just one big box so let's just add some curved corners start placing down some blocks and then we'll kind of work out what this thing is going to be let's go ahead and make it symmetrical let's have that big go out there like that and then this bit we go completely mad this bit's going to be straight who who saw that one coming so you thought it's going to be symmetrical that's my other thing everything i make is always like perfectly symmetrical which is always really weird but let's do like a um let's like dig in a little bit here and then let's do like maybe this area here as like a little garden as soon as everything's looking very dark and kind of scary at the moment we're brightening up with a bit of a a bit of a garden uh i don't have any more of this um of this black stone i don't believe i might need to um i might need to make a bit more of that but i can maybe use these types of wood for the roof just to make a really funky room like what i'm making here doesn't need to like end up looking amazing i kind of just want it to um i just want to use the new blocks basically just see kind of how they can be used and what's the the different styles that you can do so tell you what soon as i need to get more of that um of that like black stone anyway let's use now is our time to go to the the never to try and get some more of the ancient debris to make the than never right and then while we're down there we can go and give ourselves a bunch of the the black stone as well get two birds of one stone all right so let's grab let's let's make a load of beds see if i got enough wood to make it thank you to isaac for the donation says i've been watching you since the stone age uh thank you guys welcome to thomas who says hi you are my childhood loving the the content and andy welcome back to the stream uh says i have uh to continue registering uh for classes in two hours so this is a much needed unappreciated break i can't wait for the next animal crossing streamer as well with the next one was good i thank you so much enjoy your enjoy your break and good luck with your you're registering for classes what are you uh what are you going for what have you chosen i don't have much weight i need to get some wood to make some some beds actually i think thank you as well to uh to scully natasha who says if you want a nice contrast use the new quartz blocks and bone blocks uh ah that does sound like a a combination i like combinations of blocks that like people wouldn't normally consider and that definitely uh seems like one of them i actually also discovered for something else that i'm i'm working on is that bone blocks work really nice for like wallpaper which sounds a bit weird to use bones as your wallpaper but like especially in like big builds it actually works quite well with something that i've been doing please welcome to oofus for the uh the donation who just says hi smiley face hello welcome to the stream uh jinx walker says proudly wearing space den merch not space done much phantom killer merch it's nothing to do with me that's all squashy's pro esports team thank you as well to uh to conor uh i think that's is a one one one one says uh hi stamps you probably won't see this i did uh but i've been watching you since day 15 of lovely world keep up the brilliant work thank you so much right i'm just carrying a bit of wood just so i can make it a load of bed so uh for those that uh oh the music is loud the minecraft music though it doesn't look loud down a little bit or is there like have i got background music on oh no no i don't uh yeah so what the plan is so to make never right you need ancient debris which you make into never right scraps to mix with gold it's a whole ordeal uh but yeah to get the ancient debris the best way to do it is you're going to go down deep into the nether and then if you blow up the area you blow up all of like the um the the never right and stuff i know they're never right the um what's it called the the main the main stuff is it no no what's it called what's the the thing that's in the nether like the the block that burns forever never rack that's what it is i knew it was similar um yeah so that gets all blown up but then the uh the ancient debris doesn't get blown up so if you make loads of beds it's a great way to discover loads of them i'm just going to try and get some of these trees growing before i set up why is like the sheep that i already would like outline like can you see that it's like the brown sheep is like like a white like outline around the outside you see it there never noticed that before weird probably uh probably not intentional all right how many beds can i make can i make like oh 22 bed bed bed bed bed bed bed okay i mean we can fill up our inventory so that that's got to be uh it's going to be enough beds for now i guess i know a little enderman party showing up right we do uh most of these beds we might not even get through all of them to be fair but we've got loads more spare wall afterwards uh if we uh if we need it uh right then let's uh go to the the never so i've learned my lesson just because this is a series where i do kind of need to continue to make progress i do have keep inventory on which i know some people don't like maybe rightly so because it's kind of cheating but um yeah like as i said i need to keep making progress i know where was my um oh it's been a while was it down here yeah that was it i had a tunnel going down deep so you have to be like really deep under the the ground in order to uh uh in the order to find this stuff so i guess we'll go down this tunnel i do see like a lot of lava down here so i guess we don't want to go straight into into that oh is this even deep enough is this like the way that i was going before oh this just takes me down to like here oh then there's another tunnel down this way oh yeah as i said it was a while since the last time i loaded up the uh the world so i can't remember the way i wanted to go here we go this is this looks like a blast zone look in like every direction right let's uh let's go over over this way so right this is the the strategy that i have been employing and it's been working pretty well so to remember is to do this you need at least a diamond pickaxe basically a diamond or a never right pickaxe in order to do this strategy otherwise you're just going to end up breaking away all of the ancient shards which is a big waste of time but you basically place the bed back off for a little bit blow it up and then this is going to destroy all of the the nerve netherrack make a nice big fire and then if there was any ancient debris uh it wouldn't have got blown up and then you can just go cover it up very easily just be prepared uh and remember that you are in the nether and there's a lot of lava in the nether so maybe like be very prepared to quickly back off and start placing down a bunch of blocks i mean also while i'm down here uh this is the other thing that i wanted to cover up this black stone so you can actually i believe make um blackstone generators where you can i don't know if they work on the surface or if they have to be in the nether but i think you need like blue ice so i'd need to get a silk touch pickaxe and then make some uh some blue ice so that could be something i could do in the in the future thank you to uh to dilly who says i love your vids uh trump says that's just so funny saying trump did trump's watching uh trump says where's squeashie um uh she's watching a movie at the moment so she is not in here thank you as well to sin who just says hi stampy as well as matthew who says uh so my wife said she hated me because i have no sense of direction so i waited till night i packed up my things and right uh wait wait i think i think i missed the joke my wife said she hated me because i have no sense of directions so i waited till night i packed up my things and i write get it love you take care i don't get it i don't think i don't think i get the joke i'm sorry i don't i don't think i'm getting the joke i'm afraid matthew thank you vote to uh to gabriel for the donations as i've been watching uh you and squishy since primary school and i just graduated high school congratulations on graduating uh to aj as well as a passionist junior and uh chloe as well oh andy says i've chosen to get my major in nursing oh awesome good luck registering for the other classes oh because right is the direction get it right ah i get it now i get it i knew it was just me being stupid it usually is in situations like that all right this will be uh useful for building up the uh the walls of my house oh falling gravel right next explosion time everyone stand back out yeah probably best to use cobblestone rather than never rack as your your little block to block you i'm not gonna die here i might not okay all good nothing it always seems to like oh no why did i set this up on fire again it always seems to happen in like in bursts like it always seems to be a case of like you get nothing nothing nothing nothing and then you block one you get loads or then you'll get like a bunch in a row like really quickly just need to have a little bit of a little bit of patience with it always remember as well to check the uh the ceiling uh as well afterwards like don't just don't go in and be like oh there's none here like make sure properly go in the room and like check up because sometimes they're right at the the top and what were you doing here how are you even here oh yeah are you going to attack me because i'm not wearing gold i know i am wearing gold i should have got much um much uh armor on apart from that gold to be fair i probably uh need to make some more some more armor i did have a few diamonds though like it would be great to get like uh maybe i should have like never right boots and there'll be the new stampy style boots forget forget iron boots maybe never right boots should be the uh the new stampy style boots oh you don't want to be standing here mate you really this is not an area you want to be standing in buddy like for your own good back off like if i you okay because if i like hurt one of them with the bed which i think i just did does that make them angry at me like do they know that like me sleeping in the bed caused the explosion or are they just like nah bed blew up what you gonna do no one to blame oh everyone's telling me oh you don't okay never right boots will not replace snap your style boots right when we get home hopefully we'll be coming back with some never right and maybe i can make like a um like a never right chest piece and then look we could have diamond trousers proper iron stampy style boots uh and then uh yeah something else for the for the rest and welcome to the other stream dog whoops says uh late i was making burritos wow you just made 8 000 people jealous uh sophia says i have an idea for a mini game built out of honey yeah i was saying earlier i don't know if you saw but i haven't actually like played around with honey in minecraft maybe that could be a mission that i go on today is to try and like find some i don't really know how it works i assume i get it from a beehive that's something that i could play around with uh choo choo says uh you and squishy have helped me up so much with my depression and whenever i'm sad i watch your den series uh i'm glad that the the videos have been helping you out and thank you so much to jackson for a uh for a really big donation that's very generous of you welcome back to the stream as well i i recognize you from uh from before what was that weird sound did you hear that all right come on we've got to get at least one bit of ancient debris you know even if we don't get any like kind of the main reason i came down here was to get more of the black stone to be fair so at least we've at least we've achieved that part even if we don't end any now am i a bit too low down because i keep getting like right down to bedrock maybe i'd have a a bit of a better chance if i went a little bit higher up uh share a beehive to get honeycomb says lindsay so do i make honey blocks out of honeycomb is that the the way it works and then like bottles of honey what do i do with them how does a how does that all work anyone wanna give me some tips that is how well so honeycomb makes the honey blocks okay i can assume it'll be the actual like honey honey rather than the honeycomb then so yeah what do the bottles of honey do then uh oh you need honey bottles to get honey blocks okay okay so you need the bottles to make the blocks then so what does the honeycomb do then if that's that way round bottles of honey get rid of potions right isn't that like what milk does does no one know so the balls make the blocks oh you can drink them but they're useless oh then honeycomb makes beehives oh so you can craft your own beehives from honeycomb and then balls of honey you can just drink the thing is i need to find like um the right biome for them to spawn in and like it's a bit of a rubbish seed to be honest i'm just surrounded by so much desert i haven't actually seen any so i might have to go like hunting for them someone's saying that you they can uh that you can get food from them i just love the constant gas noise they must just be so loud you just hear them from like so far away thank you to uh to anime fan the man has been watching since 2014 keep up the the good work thank you so much as well as a fizzy boy who says hey i used to watch you and there would always uh you'd always make my day if i was sad i'd love to see you play minecraft again awesome well thank you for for returning to the uh the channel and i am playing minecraft again i'm pretty uh pretty a bit more of a noob than you remember because i'm here like how do you make honey hey that's what this series is about the series isn't that like this isn't a guide okay this is a me genuinely like this because it's not like like for what i came up with doing these streams it wasn't there like oh what would be a good stream it was like a heck in a row this is like what four isn't this exactly what i just said about i said that like you get none for ages and then suddenly there's just loads everywhere are amazing amazing and what i'm saying is like i wasn't like trying to come up with an idea for a series like i genuinely i needed to relearn minecraft i had to like play it a bunch to get back in the swing of things and i was like well if i do on stream one people that want to see me play minecraft will see me play minecraft i mean like that's good uh but also when i'm a noob and i don't know what i'm doing or if i'm doing something wrong or not using something to its full potential then i have well currently 8 000 people to shout at me and tell me uh tell me what to do all right let's get some of this fire before we put it all there well this is making uh the trip feel a little bit more more justified i was getting a little bit a little bit panicky that we weren't gonna find any but like if nothing else this is a good a good amount to get all right i think i think i'll wait till this iron pickaxe breaks and then i'll use that as my uh my q to to head home i guess i like jump and get the bed i can it was painful but it worked uh nothing nothing nothing nothing nope all right whatever we'll have a few more explosions we've got loads of beds it's actually not steady it's actually not that bad getting you know when everyone said about like the the difficulties getting ancient debris it sounded really bad i think the thing that makes it not seem too bad is the fact that you can like upgrade your current tools like the fact that you can get like a diamond pickaxe so you basically only need like one per everything so does anyone know before with the uh the smithing table if i make like a diamond chest plate could i use one never right ingot to upgrade that to a never right chest plate or is it just for like tools and stuff does anyone know how it works because that's what i'm planning to do because if i have to use like a block of a of never right for each one that works okay brilliant brilliant brilliant i assumed it would because it works with like tools and stuff and like weapons so i think i think that's what my that's what my plan is going to be oh hello hello that's so satisfying when i'm just trying to dig a tunnel like to place a bed in and i just come across someone look there's some hiding behind it you really got to dig around the area as well if you find one there you really want to have a little dig around to see if you can find some more is there any more okay i think that's all we have there that was lucky though i think we probably have two more explosions and then we will head back home i haven't done the math but i think we should have a we should have enough to get a bit more a bit more armor then it's more like how many diamonds i have at this point rather than the uh the actual never right might as well grab a bit more of this black stone i know it's quite boring but i need it i'm building out of it and i keep accidentally making like stacks of half slabs and stuff out of it rather than what i need so i always end up needing extra of it yeah this pickaxe nearly gone i don't want to use the the diamond pickaxe for just digging these tunnels okay oh there's like a tunnel on the other side there let's just do one last explosion let's let's have something to eat let's do one last explosion over on this side uh never right helmet is the the coolest says slippery fish oh really oh wait stamps look up on top oh did i miss some or are you just telling me to check there ah was that from that fire down there oh no don't die don't die no don't two hearts oh one and a half one heart that was very close what hurt me was it the lava no i don't think there is any up there not that i can see anyway or as i said let's just do one one last explosion down here i do not want to go that side of all of the lava we got through my star beds anything ancient debris no ancient debris uh all right let's go home i'm gonna i'm gonna take my trousers off just to save their durability and then we're going to take the the dangerous journey home i'm pretty sure i have keep inventory on i do i do okay just a little moment of panic that maybe maybe i should have double checked that but we are we are okay uh all right let's empty all of this uh this never right into here then uh and then let's throw the ancient debris into the blast furnace uh go and get that going and then i need gold as well don't i well first things first i feel like i should make some stampy style boots right because why don't i have stampy style boots on that's just that's just a given let's guess ourselves are geared up then and then oh how many how many diamonds did i have nine diamonds everyone's like panicking because i killed myself cheetah people telling me that i'm cheating i don't care i've played the game i want uh so yeah i could make a diamond chest plate but people are saying the helmet's quite cool uh the helmet is different right let's let's do the helmet oh some somebody was saying chest plate do we need to do a pole okay let's do a pole let's do a pole i will add this in the the chat so it's going to be do i make a never right chest plate or helmet because i'm only going to be able to make one ah let me create a poll so don't type it in the the chat where you can but it won't affect anything right i've created a poll i will copy it into the the chat i don't think i can pin can i pin comments yet they're like gradually rolling out the ability to pin comments i cannot so right i'm just gonna spam the the poll a few times in the the chat uh any mods that are in the the chat as well feel free to to copy and paste it just everyone gets a chance uh so yeah everyone just uh just vote on the poll for what i'm going to to make and then that's going to be what i make i had some more never right scraps in in a in here as well didn't i yeah i got two more there oh and another never right anger i could do both but then again i could make a never right pickaxe oh the possibilities oh the possibilities um i feel like i shouldn't make both because i'm going to this effort of doing this vote and i feel like if i just make both that's kind of like cheating a bit uh right let's make the uh the ingots first so how many i i got three ingots so if i'm stamping style boots i could go full set over well let's see let's see what let's see what the results are right i'm going to give you like 10 more seconds to do the the results 10 10 more seconds and then and then we'll be done oh actually i got one in my i got one here as well i could just do everything okay i'm gonna i'm gonna see what the results are anyway because i'm curious oh the chest plate the chest plate got in the lead 2558 voted 55 jed said chest plate and 44 said helmet i think i might just make both i think we all just wasted our time doing that pile i didn't realize that that's never right i had oh no no no i can't do both because of the diamonds that was the problem it was because of the diamonds okay so i can't do both i can't do both so right diamond chest plate committed we've done that now and then is this a sniffing table down here it is so i put this in here i put you in there and oh oh it's gonna happen it's gonna happen uh i can actually wait a minute could i make like let me do an experiment here this is just just experiment time so if i if i get a helmet an iron helmet did i make it i did yeah so if i put the iron helmet in here and then i put a diamond that doesn't work why doesn't that is it only for like never right that it works that's a shame well at least how do you still have an iron helmet yay iron helmet okay let's do the chest plate it's better be fancy i want it to be fancy this better be fancy it's pretty fast that's a pretty nice combo of armor to be fair like if i if i saw this guy running at me with that sword out in the armor i wouldn't mess with them i mean that's just me but i wouldn't mess with them that looks pretty fancy so then i got one diamond left we okay for creepers maybe i should uh maybe i should sleep so i've got one die let them i think i had like how many left was it three no two or three never right left as well so yeah if we get some more diamonds we can make some more things i mean i could make like a um upgrade the pickaxe or something but maybe we'll hold on to them maybe i don't need to to rush to use my never right let's put that back on display and let's throw you in there then let's go deal with these uh do with the morning creepers maybe replant some more of these trees as well right i still got the uh the black stone on me so let's go and build a bit more of the house then i might go for a hunt to um to to see if i could um find some bees so i think there's like flower biomes and then like also just like planes just minecraft planes apparently they can spawn there so i might be a little just while i'm up here have a little look up over the land from the top up here to see if i can see any because this might be the uh the direction to to go in what do you think have you seen any bees no you're not seeing any bees thanks for your help though cal uh like it looks like maybe over that way or is it just going back to there's so much desert everywhere yeah we might have to might have to go for a bit of a wander oh yeah i was going to make a composter as well how do i make a composter uh oh just a bunch of half slabs i've never made a combo let's let's do it guys you're about to witness the first time ever stampy long nose has made a composter i think maybe i've made one before i don't think i have that here we go look i made a composter it's quite good for decoration actually it could be like a giant bin or something i just like things you can stand in or you can style can you not stand in it oh yes we can it's just a nice place to stand isn't it it's just fun when it's a block that you can go in and then i can make bone meal with it so what if i click so i got a bone conveniently which is what inspired me well how how does this do i throw it in how do i turn this into bow meal how does this work i'm assuming i don't just throw it in let me uh let me read what it says i'm saying it wrong composter composter is that how you say it maybe it's like an english thing composters or composters as some people may say can be used to recycle food and plant items oh okay excluding bamboo poisonous potatoes dead bushes meat and fish oh and it turns them into bone milk ah so you don't use bones you use food well what about what about rotten flesh see that's technically food and wasn't on their list of exceptions so what about like what about a bit of bread uh put seeds flowers and seeds although it did took the bread it took the brother it took my bread people are saying to do flowers and seeds all right let me try let me try some flowers and seeds i guess seeds then get them up here like i don't care too much about this for like a gameplay sign but i'm always just looking for like any new mechanics for minigames for my lovely world so it could be a who can compost faster crazy compost the mini game oh then now then do i just wait for a bit so does it need to like completely like fill up uh when you fill it to the top you get bone meal i don't need loads more so okay let's do it let's commit to this sorry i know i'm going to be building my house on a hill i am getting a bit a bit distracted i saw a um a bunch of flowers down here let's go let's go steal some of these flowers shall we have a little lookout for any uh beehives as well oh look he's got a composter you got any tips you got any composting tips friend there's a load of sunflowers over here let's grab some of these hello horses oh loads of them well actually if this is a flower biome this should be where the bees spawn but i wonder if just because there's not many trees that not many of them are spawned in so maybe it would be worth spawning in some trees here to hope we get some bees we need trees for the bees i'll put saplings into the composter as well oh good tip that's good because you always end up with loads of like spare saplings you never know what to do with somewhere to put them i know i've already got way more than i need i just wanted to carry on checking this area just to see whether there are any interesting other biomes there's just so much desert everywhere oh is that an ocean thingy there might be an ocean monument there you know so because the other thing i wanted to play around with uh is bamboo to do scaffolding uh and i might have to wait to get them from a uh from a chest because there's no like bamboo forest anywhere nearby so finding some of the loot chests would be really handy obviously to put kelp in as well out uh rachel says as a fellow brit you're saying composter right okay good good today it's like the whole like herb or herb i'm gonna put some herbs on my dinner there's a h there come on come on right let's fill up my my composter this is the uh let's just see how they oh they've not got any in theirs noob noob you're all noobs these are really angry at me this is the uh exciting compelling content you come to stampy for stampy's lovely composter going around picking up flowers for my composter hey you know it's not always glamorous yeah it's not always exciting dramatic battles we've hit the target here okay sometimes we're filling composters full of seeds and flowers all right you gotta you gotta have like the slow stuff to make the fast stuff seem dramatic okay you're gonna have a mixture of both all right let's fill this up we've got way too many flowers here don't we uh let's throw some of these seeds in oh oh oh yeah we've got boat meal we got one bit of bone meal from all of that one bit you got to give us more than that you can't give us what that's like how much bone meal do you get from like one bone so i think you might get more than one anyway but that feels like i mean i guess like the thing is is a lot of the stuff you're gonna put in it is stuff that you might just not want anyway so i guess no one's like ah quick let's go apart from me no one's like out gathering things to put into it so i guess it's i don't know i think it's going to be more of a thing for like people are going to use as like a decoration and stuff right rather than like quick we're building a house we need a crafting table a furnace and a composter it's like the essential things i don't think anyone's gonna be uh gonna be really thinking that uh right then let's make um some more of these so is this gonna make one stat okay yeah let's make one let's let's slow down cause i keep making these like too fast we gotta hit because why not here's a bit of a weird wonky house but it'll do it'll do so how high did these were so these walls went two blocks high let's go and build all of these in then we can yeah see if we get ourselves a roof over our head then this would be like a back door there i think and we'll have a little garden area there we've got our friendly neighbors i put a bed up here as well just so i don't have to keep going back home to sleep because i got mostly the materials i'm going to need up here and then what was this next row so is this like so looks like black stone again but like just polish black stone maybe yeah polish black stone right let's go make a whole bunch more of that i don't even know if we gathered enough of this stuff you know i felt like i gathered loads of it but there we go we can do at least another stack of that should be enough to go around the outside it's not very big house to be fair yeah then we can use some of the uh the other wood blocks and stuff uh jack says it's my brother's birthday and he really wants you to say happy birthday well you didn't he didn't say his name well happy birthday to jack's brother whatever your whatever your name may be hope you have a uh a good day thank you very much to even hulk who says i just wanted to say that uh i love the discord i have watched you for so many years and i've recently become a member uh when you weren't live streaming i don't know if you saw keep up the uh the good work oh awesome thanks for becoming a member and yeah i wasn't going to really announce it now uh but i guess you've done that for me ethan but we um we have a discord server so um if uh if you're on discord uh basically if you know what it is it's just a way to like chat so like i'll be on there sometimes but it's mainly like a way for like um you know you to i don't know it's just like i feel like we have a friendly bunch here we're it's a friendly group as far as like groups on the internet go i think we've got a nice one so it's a nice way for people to interact and have like a bit of a chat with each other um you do need to be over 13 to go on discord which is like uh like a discord in general just my server just discord in general so if you're not over 13 uh grow up you might have to you might have to wait a few years but yeah it's been really nice it's been a really nice place to hang out chat about um all sorts of things like i i didn't know if people would just be talking about like my videos or the live streams and stuff and uh people who don't very much people just people just joke around and just chat about minecraft and just kind of have fun and there's a whole channel for sharing pet pictures there's a whole channel dedicated to talking about cress uh not being the most active of uh of channels on there but that's there for those of you cress heads who won that uh so uh yeah just to let you know that is um available uh there's a link to it in the description apologies to all of the mods who were expecting me to announce it at the end of the stream rather than now as they hurriedly try and switch back and forth between moderating the live stream and the uh and the discord my bad hey blame even not big no it has been really good fun and there is a um a members only chat uh and the point of that is because the the general chat and some of the other chats can get a little bit chaotic especially like when i start talking on there like one of the things i didn't want it to be is just like uh like a stampy q a server like every because every time i go on people just start like you know when is lovely world coming back when are you doing this like where's squid like the same sort of questions i get a lot i don't want it to be that i wanted people to be able to keep having conversations with each other but then the members chat because obviously only members can join uh it's just a little bit quieter a little bit more peaceful and a little bit easier to kind of have more like one-on-one chats so that is there uh if you want it um and if you are a member and you do want to to join it make sure you have linked your discord with your youtube channel and if you have and you'll remember on youtube then you're automatically going to be uh able to access the member channel you don't need to do anything else uh and i think if you're not a member it just won't show up so uh yeah it should hopefully work smoothly and automatically so i'm just making like building up the basic walls and stuff for now and not really adding like much decoration or windows or anything but i think i can just go around and do a pass on that afterwards let's see if we can get all of that working what i really should do is i i should get a lytra i should get a lytra and some rockets and like fly over the world as like a good way to discover the new biomes and the the other things i want to say but i mean getting the elytra is no like casual objective is it yeah that's quite a lot of uh of work that goes on before before you get to that point thank you to uh tiberius studios who says uh my name's sam and i have autism i wanted to tell you how much your videos uh helped me cope uh we all love you oh thank you so much and there's something that i've heard quite a lot before actually and something that i do like uh especially lovely what i do consider in terms of keeping a consistent routine and trying to to kind of make it uh friendly for me with autism so whenever i hear a message like that that people are enjoying it always makes me happy uh right looks like i then go to building up bricks again i'm kind of just copying what i built the other day to be fair keeping up the the same style and then we can get fancy with the uh i think i think i'm going to do a combo of the two different types of wood the new ones and just do a crazy blue slash red stare roof will look pretty cool thank you to her to miguel perez as well as a malibu rp who's just become a member as well as night needs sleep so as well i was everyone becoming members now so we can get into the uh to the members chat i was uh talking about i guess thank you to eddie he says i've watched you since you started your lovely world and seeing that you're still making minecraft videos make me smile keep up the good work thank you so much oh and it's sam's birthday happy birthday sam was it was in two days was it uh oh no today is today uh happy birthday sam have a really good day well hello saskia uh says uh could i have your robust statue in animal crossing oh was that the uh was that the rude statue yeah yeah i think i want to find a place for it i think i kind of want to make a joke out of it because that was such a funny moment on the on the stream and unless it is a different statue but that's the one on the other shoe you're talking about so can i do like one at a time oh that's that's quite the sound effect that's that's that's a really horrible sound i mean like i don't know what sound like soaring bricks would make in real life like that sounded horrible welcome to the uh the channel uh boyfrdoodle uh as well uh elise says you can squish into a composter with a piston oh really well i guess you go inside of it i think it's wrong to her to to dane as well as michael manic as well it says oh it sends a redstone signal if that's useful i want the composter ah that is something that would be very interesting very easy for like a mini game you know if it is like a a rush to compost flowers oh my god you could do it for for flower power imagine if in flower power yeah so say if you set up the composter so it needs like how many flowers are there like five flowers or whatever it is you need like five more flowers and then when you bring the flowers back rather than like placing them down and pulling levers and looking up to see whether the other person's finished it or not what if you just place the flowers into the composter which sets off a redstone signal to mark that like one person has won ah yeah i mean that would be like a perfect way to like make that game better and like make it automatic i wonder if i should do like a um a series which is all about like going back and like either repairing or improving old mini games oh i'm not talking to you siri uh like would it would there be like any interest in that because the thing is you always got to think like there's the thing you're always like balancing is there's a lot of ideas that you could have which would be like oh this would be like a fun thing to do but then you've got to think for like the time it would take to do it compared to doing something new so it's like yeah i could do a series where i'm improving and repairing old mini games but that would take up time that i couldn't be spent building brand new mini games and so it's like do you want brand new mini games or do you want old mini games and i know a lot of you that have like nostalgia and like old mini games because like you know you've got all your old favorites and i have my old favorites but then like i feel like it's more interesting kind of creatively to be doing new stuff so it's that's always the thing i gotta like i gotta think about because every old thing that you do people always ask for it back like bring back building time bring back this like this thing you used to do i liked do it again you know but they don't like people don't know what you could do that's new if that makes sense like when people say like what do you want people ask for like what they already know because they you know people don't know what they want yet until they see it if that makes sense like say before i did lovely world and i said what do you want to see you know people might have said halo videos because that's all they would know me for for example but now i've done lovely world people say we want a lovely world does that make sense like people don't know what they like until they like it until they've like seen it so um oh this actually lines up really nicely yeah so that's kind of the point i'm making is that like i know you like the old mini games but you don't you don't know what new ones i'm coming up with they might be even better right what do we what do we have here for this building it's a bit weird isn't it we've got like we've got like the walls done now though let's see if we can do some of the roof then let's look at these these new types of wood because you can make them into like all sorts of stuff can't you like you can do all like the slabs and stairs and stuff with them they just look so weird don't they i should probably uh go to sleep before we uh before we do that uh max says why did you stop doing your fun land mini game series uh i intend to bring that back there was no reason i stopped doing it i just kind of basically stopped all videos so um yeah i do want to to do more of them maybe maybe that could be a time to show off the improved mini games maybe i could improve them while not recording than in my fun land series i show the new version uh vice no no says what's your favorite vegetable uh i don't know if it's in my head just because i just gave one to alex but i like carrots carrots are pretty good although whenever i say like people say what's your favorite vegetable every vegetable you say they go like oh that's technically a legume or was like that's technically a underground fruit so but yeah i like carrots uh they're fine uh thank you to our call of duty gaming for the donation as well as a um uh alpha as well who says you made my childhood uh and also says love your dog thank you to uh to janu uh daniel john who just says hi stampy uh josie says uh how do i become a member uh so you just press join on the youtube uh page you should be able to see it there i know like on some mobile devices it doesn't uh show up uh but the link in the description should work uh oh dog woof has to go so see you later dog woof all right then let's see we can get this uh get this roof done a bit uh what's your favorite cereal says abby um so i don't know you're pretty confused why i'm laughing so much so we we keep having we keep having serial related chaos at the moment see me and squishy have serial related chaos because like i keep getting the wrong cereal so i get i get bored with cereal like i get bored of like having the the same cereal okay i like variety in my cereal selection so i don't have a go-to cereal and so i keep trying to get new cereal but i keep accidentally getting like cereal that we either don't like i was really bland so i don't know i don't know if any of you know shredded wheat i don't know if that's a uk thing or not but i thought they were like little little packets like i thought they were like little i thought they were going to be like smaller than like this apple airpod pro case humblebrag um i thought they were going to be like about about half the size of this yeah and like like wheat which has been shredded you know like a little thing that you have in a bowl of cereal but then we opened it and they were like closer to the size of this glasses case spec savers glasses case humble brag um yeah so they were like enormous and they're like full of air and they taste like cardboard and they were rubbish and they were awful and like when i bought them square she was like oh why are you buying them and i was just like oh i would try i just want something different i don't normally have them yeah so we got these and they were rubbish and in each pack they come as two and so squashy was a trooper and was like tell you what we get through this together every morning we'll open a pack we'll have one each of the giant shredded wheat which are gross but then we'll add other cereal on the top and add oat milk to make it not as bad and they lasted like two weeks and it was awful it was awful and so now this time i brought a uh i brought a selection of cereal when we went to the uh when we went to the shop last i brought raisin wheats i brought i had i brought country crisp strawberry and country crisp chocolate and country crisp raisin i think i had and the chocolate one is vegan as well which was surprising to me anytime anytime something that like anytime something that's chocolate and doesn't advertise itself as being vegan that is vegan always makes me happy yeah so yeah either i have a selection that i'm going through at the moment did anyone time from when i was asked what my favorite cereal was to when i finished answering the question is that the longest anyone's ever answered the question what's your favorite cereal like is there a more can anyone think of a more simple question to ask someone than what's your favorite cereal and a more convoluted answer to that question it's just been like cyril has been like such a uh such a hot topic at the moment so it's just funny when it popped up oh everyone asking if i'm vegan oh yeah i'm vegan uh not not for like ages i've been vegan since like 2018. there's probably like i don't know about a year and a half maybe coming on two years now uh lucky charms oh i do like lucky so lucky i don't know if they sell them properly in england now but they used to be just an american thing i think they had like too much sugar in to be allowed to be in england because they used to be in england and i think they got banned because they're it's like literally like marshmallows for cereal and they're like super unhealthy i don't know maybe they've got more healthy now than they used to be but yeah i remember like any time when i was younger we'd go to america it'd be like oh my god we're gonna get lucky charms it was like a special treat yeah i think i'm just gonna lie i don't know how this is gonna work out because it's such a weird shape of roof like i don't know how it's going to meet in the the middle but that's not i want an old name so i want this just to be a really weird looking building but i think it's going to be like entirely made out of blocks that were added in the uh the never update which is the main thing i wanted to do you know i was kind of you know i wanted to experiment with all of the new things so it's kind of nice going entirely uh building out of things that were that were added in you uh try frosted flakes i think i had them right here i'm trying to like the thing is i'm trying to like not have the stuff that's too unhealthy and like so much cereal they just add so much sugar to it and like i'm not super like health conscious but like i know sugar is one of the things that's like really really bad for you so i'm trying to and i have quite a lot of sugar like i drink quite a lot of like i actually don't really have sugary drinks because i think i have pepsi max which doesn't have sugar in but i'm very conscious of the amount of sugar i have was one of the things uh i did get wet the other day weirtos are another chocolate cereal that are secretly vegan that no one knows which surprised me try having overnight oats i've not heard of them cocoa cocoa puffs are good frosted flakes are just cornflakes oh okay cornflakes are fine they get a bit soggy though did you know did you know he's a fun here's a fun thing here's a fun experiment everyone can do at home this this should be in an i wonder episode but did you know because corn flakes you know they always say that they're like a good source of iron corn fakes literally have enough iron in that they're like quite magnetic so if you get get your bowl of cereal okay put your cornflakes in just a few so they're floating on the top and if you have a strong enough magnet and you put them on one side and leave it the corn flakes will actually all go towards the magnet amazing we haven't had a corgi cow in a while where where is she which oh there she is there she is sleepy corgi i was wondering where she had got to oh look here you can see this here is my wiki page this is my this is my how to craft a compost composter page little little sneaky preview i've gotta have the camera right in the middle there just to hide just to hide how messy my desk is on this side and then hide the the screen on the other side little sleepy corgi uh for people asking how alex's paws doing uh still great to be honest we thought it was like like literally like two days after she heard it she was running around and we thought it was fine but then when i walked to the other date she was um not putting any weight on that paw again so it's hard because you'll see her and she'll run around she'll walk fine she'll be wanting to play fetch she'll be looking all energetic and like you start thinking oh she's fine again and then suddenly she'll like lift up her poor and wine and you're like okay okay it's like it's obviously hurting her but she gets so excited and wants to run around she kind of just like is able to ignore it so sadly we are taking things slow with her for now still for those asking what happened to her um it was in a stream it was towards the end of a the stream i did the other day with squid and squashy if you watched the end of it basically i was playing fetch with her while playing minecraft just throwing the toy over my shoulder and you can't see exactly what happened but she jumps down from the sofa and she hurt her poor somehow and she's just holding it up widening so we had to take it to the vet and uh she's now still on painkillers all right i need to make some more stairs uh generic name says we make videos on uh breath of the wild too uh i'll probably stream it is the the plan depending on my streaming situation when it comes out uh lewis says i didn't know you're vegan that's great smiley face it's actually like i don't really mention it much unless like it comes up but it's weird because normally anytime like veganism is mentioned everyone gets really like angry or makes fun of you and stuff everyone's just nice and mature here it's funny like with the streams because i have like a super mixed audience now like like is it like there's such like varying ages of people that watch the the streams now but like the most immature people that we are we get to the streams are the people that jump in and be like oh stampy stream it's just a bunch of like 10 year olds and like you always get we got it in the discord the other day as well like oh these are all just a bunch of like little kiddies and i'm like so grown up but like they're always the most like immature comments we get like everyone even the people that are possibly younger than them and you can tell that they're only like slightly older than what they're saying they'll be like oh look at all these like 10 year olds and there'd be like 12. yeah but it's funny because that's always like the most immature like apart from like the outright trolls that are just like just you know just trolling just for trollings they've got nothing better to do but like they're always the most immature things that we get like and then like the people that are actually are younger are just normal and just talking and then the people that are older are just like god what an idiot yeah why are you what are you what about like as if like you're a little bit older and you got so proud so it's like such a um yeah it's weird because it is like hard to know for like when i'm doing like my streams and stuff like no matter what i'm always gonna be like family friendly like that's just you know default going on like forever now like i'm not i'm never gonna not be that like no matter what age people are watching like it doesn't matter like it's not like oh i'd also watching better start swearing like like you could stay like like you know like pics like i love pixar films i'm an adult you know like it doesn't matter that they don't swear in pixar films or like talk about like rude subjects or whatever like it's fine but it's always i am like thinking about like oh if i make this joke like it might be an appropriate like joke but would a 10 year old get it would a would a six year old get it you know would a 25 year old find it funny you know like i i do have to like think about like of all of the um the different ages that are watching now and like how many people are new coming to the channel how many people are like you know like what you see a lot of comments saying like i used to watch you as a kid and now like i'm nostalgic or i just wanted to check in on you like it is a very hard to gauge i think kind of the best thing to do is just to try and not think about it just do my own thing and just kind of not not really uh not really consider it because like anyone who's found their way to like my channel and like i have enjoyed what i'm doing probably kind of like share my sort of sense of humor anyway so if i kind of like say the sort of stuff that i find funny or do the sorts of things that i find interesting i kind of just got to assume that people watching would be the same that's the plan anyway i don't know if that would actually work out but that's the uh that's the plan i need to make a few more of these half slabs to put on the pillars i this this stone cutter may oh no oh i didn't mean to make like two stacks of it i was just gonna say like this stone cutter may be like one of my favorite new additions but apparently i still haven't got the uh got the hang of using it yet your voice has changed has it so i got a bit of a sore throat at the moment i don't my voice my voice like from when you watched me which was probably like i don't know like two years ago sorry my voice hasn't changed since then i know it hasn't like i can go back and see videos of that unless you're talking about from like i don't know like 10 years ago or something or it might have changed a little bit i don't think it's changed that much i said some more of these columns here so okay can i change these half slabs back into into blocks no see that that's what i want i want i wanted to go both ways i want to be able to get my glue out and stick them all back to back together again that would make the stone color like maybe it wouldn't be very realistic but hey this is minecraft i just built a castle on a hill and there's a llama on the roof who cares about realism here hey so then i had some of these like designs there was that was it like gilded blackstone or something yeah gilded black stone i don't know very much of this but i could add some more of this around and then i've got those lights as well that i could add in hmm i don't really have enough to spread it the whole way around maybe i'll hold off from her from that but i do need to add some some windows in and then i got these as well this shroom light which i could use to make some lights oh there you go i just did it i'll put the slab on the slab oh what can i do oh you mean like um oh to make these into blocks oh but when i just have to go like this and then like break them away every time oh then they go back into half slabs anyway like i know i could stack two up to make a block but i couldn't make like stairs or something out of them could i yeah let's see if we can make a fancy light let's make um [Music] let's make something let's see what we have here let's tell let's make some of these and that instead of these torches oh where should i put them maybe we just do a torch on the outside let's see what we got on the inside why is it so light oh it is i think the lights coming in like through the uh like the gaps in the stairs right let's see if i can make these into fences i assume i can so this is the stuff i'm really bad at like when i've got to make a few of these blocks and then i'm going to make sticks how do i make how i don't like fences guys isn't it just sticks or do i need half slabs to make fences and where where are half slabs here why quiet why why isn't it showing up to make half slabs here out of either of these blocks where are half slabs what am i doing wrong here let's go to everything so half slabs are there why on half oh no half slabs are there what was i doing wrong oh no it is full block okay they just wasn't showing up to make them okay oh was i not on the crafting table i don't know because that would sound like a really newbie mistake to make i don't i don't i don't really make newbie that just doesn't sound like me making newbie mistakes so if i do this there kind of just looks a bit like glowstone to be fair oh oh i'm crouched oh they're making a little list of these when these get broken listen to this right headphone warning this is going to be loud but listen it's like different to like normal horse labs weird oh no i hate it you're gonna be so exact when you place these on now there we go can i jump and place it oh actually worked there we go that looks alright doesn't it it seems like we don't even really need much light in here like in the day anyway yuck sound then we need to work out what we're going to have the uh the floor as in here as well thank you to dylan who just says you're the best uh vic says have you seen dantdm's baby yet uh i have not no like not in real life i've seen like pictures like he hasn't had another one has he like from us for a little while ago yeah unless i just understand it maybe he has another one i haven't spoke to dan and ages actually i hope he's doing well uh thank you as subway surfer for the uh the giant pair stomping around the city i have not seen that super chat before oh no these are can i not place this here ah that's annoying right and what i might do then is a is break that away and like link this up so it's like one big one this is kind of an interesting like like if i was doing this like as a design to make it look nicer i'd use different materials i've used too much of the same but because i'm trying to like only use the the new materials it's all kind of uh blending into each other a little bit uh big luigi fan says what's the seed for your world uh i cannot i can tell you let me let me back up the world so i can see it i just don't want to do spoilers by showing you any uh screenshots of any of the other worlds i'm working on oh soul torches that's a good idea shiny sea salt that's a good idea uh yeah chains and lanterns as well could look good i was trying to use more of like the uh the never update stuff uh where's where's the seed i think i just bring it up on screen will be the best way to do it so there we go anyone who wants the seed to the world i'm on i warn you it's not a great seed it's just a lot of desert and ocean so i don't recommend it but if you do want to be on the same world that i am maybe if you want to go in the same world that i'm on and go looking for some uh some bees would be uh would be really helpful if you want to do that have you at the bottom of the screen was it uh minus 7065188 is the seed on the uh the bedrock version of the of the game uh i can't give you the seed for lovely world it doesn't work anymore i am afraid so i can't give that away uh thank you to this kiwi he says hi stamps i'm an old fan i was here since you're a 100th lovely world episode maybe sooner you've inspired me to just be myself and i'll soon be going to america to join the marines next summer thank you for the inspiration oh wow good luck with that awesome thanks for watching so long and good luck in the uh uh yeah good luck in the marines ah thank you subway server as well what is that is that like can you can you see when the super stickers come up you could all see it as well right i think it's like a hippo who goes into like a giant mech and then like screams uh okay he says can you tell the story of a of me in squeezing in real life um i probably won't i'd have to speak to squishy uh i think this might be a bit too private to share like i i don't know i always think that then i find that like we actually spoke about it ages ago or whatever but um but yeah if you don't know like we first met like talking to each other through minecraft like we uh we did skyden before we'd ever met in person but thank you as well to jake peachy for the other donation as well as alice as well who says eating cake and watching stampy it's a good day russia i want to leave the bed here for now i'm gonna have to choose the floor what are you guys thinking for the uh the floor so i want to try and use a block that i haven't built out of so either something that was added in the aquatic update the villager update or the um the never update what's a new block that would look nice for the floor or a few blocks has anyone got any uh any good ideas uh oh stripped wood not a bad suggestion uh people are saying quartz like so how do quartz look different then oh people are saying polished basil oh that could be a good choice so we might have enough of that as well could you like polish vessel and stripped wood who knows maybe it's a an awesome combination we've not thought of quartz brick all right let's look up this quartz then this new quartz brick because the thing with quartz is i don't think i've got any hmm yeah quartz is a nice suggestion but uh i think i might need to get too many uh do the blue never would see the thing i think there's just going to be too much of it because it's all on the ceiling as well i'm kind of thinking maybe polish basalt and then the stripped wood iron blocks gold blocks do i look like i'm made of money yeah yeah i don't want it to be an item that i need to spend ages gathering things well people are saying kelp that's another one that might take a little bit too long to to gather loads off be good to add some kelp somewhere in here though diamond blocks why don't we just use never right blocks then a let's just go mad let's stream for 10 hours just gary if i streamed non-stop from now for 10 hours do you think i could get enough rendezvous right ingots to make a never-right block in 10 hours surely i in surely in 10 hours i could right surely use stone cutters just have the whole floor just a bunch of saws everywhere god really make the uh the evil castle effect work really well because look this is i got quite a lot of basil here so what's the little variations i can do oh is it just like oh is there only polish basso i can do i don't think it even really looks that much different from the the top yeah so maybe i do excuse me so what does a stripped of like this type of wood look like can i do that didn't i did i have to use an axe or is it like that actually looks kind of cool doesn't it it's like ribena wood probably not for the uh the floor though so then say if i have like birch and if i do it stripped so it's like that does it look any different oh the kel's just being boiled we might be getting tea or it could be like that what do you think do you want to see the rings or no rings i kind of think no rings i think what do you think i'm thinking this one i think in the combination of this the basalt and this so we need something to lighten up a little bit and bastard's handy because i got loads of it uh no rings rings no rings no okay most people are saying no rings i feel like that might be because i like heavily said that that's what i wanted to do but hey i'll take it oh everyone's saying no rings okay we have a uh we have a majority no straw poll necessary i guess if i just add all of these in then we'll go around and add the wood afterwards afterwards add the wood after it forget it forgot our long checkered floors take to fill in hopefully we're not going to run out of this basalt i think we should be okay it's actually very easy to gather a lot of like in the nether because even though you don't find it straight away all the time like often when you do find it it's like some ginormous like column has anyone who's um loaded up my seed like this seed had any luck finding any uh any bees so i really want to make a honey block yes if anyone is bored and wants to do me a big favor uh i gave up my seed a little bit ago they don't want to just fly around in creative mode in this world and see if there's uh with coordinates on just to see if there's any bees close by if it's like a million miles away and would take me forever to get like it's probably not worth it like i'll just play a round of bees some other time but if there are any bees close by it would be really helpful oh some people are sad that i'm not using the quartz bricks i just don't have any like if i if i had the quartz bricks i would have done it i'm not choosing this because i think it would look better i'm choosing it because it's easier uh because i'd have to spend ages just like mining quartz blocks in the than ever like just because i didn't really realize there was anything much new with them i just didn't really bother mining many when i went to the neva so i only have a few thank you to uh to add her for the donation says you shaped my childhood welcome back there's achievements for sliding down honey blocks oh really uh can i show the seed again uh yeah i can show the scene again um one second there's just uh spoilers in some of the other worlds i'm trying to avoid showing which is why i keep cutting to my face while i do this oh where is it where's the seed oh there it is right there's the seed so 706 5188 our people are sharing in the the chat as well yeah so minus 7065188 so the coordinates for my house are they're very simple it's 1064 100 so that's where my house is so from there close by see if anyone can uh can track down some bees oh well maddie said maddie said some we'll see whether this is a correct bees at uh x345 z1080 okay we may we may have we may have bees we may have bees anyway i'm gonna have a very short break um just a couple minutes stand up stretch my legs go to the toilet uh if you've been sitting down watching for a long time i recommend you do the same as well i'll have a bit of a stretch and i'll be back in like two minutes uh or so and yeah we'll get the the floor done and then we'll go after bees right back [Music] all right so badly i said that i said i'm going to be back in a bit and then we're going to look for bees i should have said be right back hello welcome back everyone i have returned sad news you know i said that i saw that the kettle was boiling i thought tea was incoming squashy was just making noodles i did have a cup of tea right before the stream started to be fair so i should i should be able to to last for now but man it's a heartbreaker it's a heartbreaker uh thank you for everyone who's saying about um uh finding bees i will check out some of the uh the coordinates in a second and let's just get the floor done uh and then we're we're gonna find the the bees uh i see uh i wanna see about like gathering the honeycomb uh crafting i want to see if i can craft my own beehive make sure i know how to do that and then uh so how do i get honey like do i click a bottle on the beehive to get honey like do does the beehive actually need to have honey in it does a bee need to have brought it like how i don't want to give me any uh any bee tips before we go and head over to get the bees uh oh you sheers uh use a glass bottle on the be oh shears or a bottle so so wait wait no because doesn't doesn't the sheer get the um is it like honeycomb doesn't the shears get oh put a campfire under the hive whoa this is going too fast what do we do so we put it i put a cap so if i put a campfire underneath or then they don't kill you oh because of the smoke it confuses them is that is that it so okay i put a campfire under it and then click on it so then i use sheers to get the um is that honeycomb i get and then i use a bottle to get honey which i can use to eat or to craft into honey blocks to put a campfire under the beehive and then use a ball see i didn't know about that i i did not know about the uh the bonfire thing very helpful the seed is not working oh really did you do the minus i mean that's the that's the c that it showed up as um make sure you're on like this the right version of the game and on bedrock for the seed i guess i need more birch wood but i've got many more birch trees around here oh here's a few more back this way oh yes on bedrock yeah let's just finish off the the last of the floors just because i'm using like the actual blocks and not the planks i need like loads more of them lots of wiki info to take in yeah has been a little bit a little bit overwhelming returning to minecraft i will be honest tree lives matter says scott the smoke calms them down in the game and we're like no so their smoke doesn't calm them down in real life it just like confuses them it's not like it's not like they're like ah smoke i can relax while you steal all my honey that i gathered for the winter thank you to ibi for the donation who says it ain't much but it's honest work i think it's wrong to alice who says i'm a medical student and i really enjoy watching your videos at the end of the day on the wards the streams are great to have in the background while i'm studying uh thanks for being an amazing creator thank you so much and thank you so much for all of just the uh the work you're doing as well at the moment well not just now all of the time thank you to her to old wise joe and uh and vince as well who says hi stampy i've been watching since episode one uh and i saw you at my hometown in san diego at comic-con in 2016 uh at minecon uh and flippy is my favorite dog oh cool yeah that was fun at san diego comic-con oh this one it's my first time seeing it it's such a weird looking house i kind of like it i kind of like it i won't be winning any uh any design awards but hey i set off to make a weird house using all of the new blocks and i have done that and i know the the birch wood isn't new but having the um the stripped wood is new for for me oh there's still i thought this would be enough isn't even anywhere near enough all right forget it i'm going to place down these last few uh and say well let's go i haven't gotten an axe anymore let's let's strip these and then we're we'll go after the other bees because that's what i want to work out that's my you know like i have such a short attention span i'm like let me try and do this one thing and i'll be halfway through doing it and i'll be like yeah i want to do something else we will uh to be fair i think we basically just got to wait for all of those other birch trees to grow and then we can uh cut them down to finish off the floor but you know i like the look this stripped birchwood this expect to see a lot more of this popping up around my lovely world because i love the look of this there we go if i stand here you can imagine what it's going to look like when the whole room's done without the the giant gap there all right then let's pick another bonfire then uh how do i bonfire is it just like i had to make a bonfire some remind me so like this is one of the things i thought i'd learnt isn't it sticks and torches then is it like blocks or half slabs or what else do i need to make a bonfire this is one of the things that i had learned i'm not a bonfire i was a campfire sorry not bonfire uh oh three logs and charcoal sticks and coal logs i need logs oh it's cold is it not torches it's coal okay looks like we've got to go go back to the the old home uh hello rigor tony thank you for the donation oh hello rocky as well uh watching with my one-year-old niece raising her right lol start him early get him on stampy early ruby says i love to paint while watching your stream like do you mean like paint paint or like paint paint like do you mean like a paint or like a paint you know like you're painting the walls or you're painting a picture what kind of paint are we talking about here i guess i should also i should plan ahead a bit and um get some glass bottles as well would be a smart thing to do do i have any glass do i have any sand oh i got sand uh there's big loads let's go can i put them in the blast furnace i can't might have to be normal boring old-fashioned furnace let's go start that going yeah we should probably uh have repaired a little bit a little bit more about this thing um so i got coal would say so i need do i need like logs then as well do have any like oak logs here i've got acacia logs there's another there's another scrap in here as well listen let's put that in this chest this is where i was putting all my scraps and stuff don't wanna don't lose that there we go now i can make it oh i see oh it says log oh it's log sticks and coal right i got it let me do one last i thought i did have some glass uh to be fast i should probably make some windows for the the new house anyway and then this gold i might as well go and throw inside of here and let's clear my inventory out a little bit then we can go b hunting so maddie said two different dimensions she said uh x345 1080 and then two seven eight seven two one i feel like the first one might be a bit closer oh no it wouldn't i think that one's further away because what am i uh yeah let's go to the the second one first so neither of them seem crazy far away uh but while we uh wait for the glass to smell let's cover up a bit more food so i'm starting to run out of bread a little bit get some seeds for our composter uh bring a bed good idea good tip uh do you have full never eye armor i do not i have a bit of a mix match i have a never right chest plate and i never write sword and for a pretty new vanilla world i don't think that's that's too bad going to be fair if i had diamonds i could probably make a full set of never right armor or very almost a full set i think i could have a full set of never right apart from my stampy style boots it's just the diamonds i need oh bring a lodestone compass ah as an easy way to find my way home that'd be a cool idea to use the uh the new mechanics uh do i have a compass in here right how do you make compass again isn't it like redstone and iron and something else i don't know it's just redstone and uh yeah redstone and iron i might i keep like really um underestimating myself for like how much i would remember how to craft this stuff and then the lodestone i had like placed on my other house luchatico says hey stampy you may not care but i'm going swimming have fun swimming i care that you're going swimming have a fun time hello to uh to gannon and mateo thanks for watching the the stream uh big luigi fan says are you streaming for 10 hours i am definitely not streaming for for ten hours please welcome her to cryo texas high school just want to say thank you uh pretty much for my whole childhood uh you were the person that empire inspired me to start doing youtube so thank you oh and ruby's painting rocks i asked what she was she was uh luna says to harvest the honey the nest needs to be dripping ah so does that mean that they've brought back um uh like pollen for it i guess thank you to freya who says hey you and van waal says i remember watching your videos and inspiring me to make my own version of them uh also uh i'm watching you while playing animal crossing oh have fun right how's the uh how's this doing this should be enough to make a play any of glass balls yeah 27 this should be enough right let's uh let's go try and track some down so oh he's going to take a bed with me as well i have a bed with me anyway let's go set the uh the lodestone so if you click a compass look at me like trying to give tips here as if i know what i'm talking about but if you click a compass on a lodestone it basically marks that lodestone as the place the compass is going to point to so rather than like having to remember the dimensions to like find your way home and stuff you can just use the uh little pointer as like an easier way to get back home like this there you go so see when i turn it always points back to the the house or the uh the new house so those are the dimensions uh minus oh well minus two oh okay that's still not as far minus two seven eight so is that this way and then and then plus uh seven two one right i have no idea how far this is so i think they were flying around with the creative mode so i need these numbers to go up and those ones to go down okay so it's over in this direction somewhere over this way oh no this this is the wrong way you have to sleep here first anyway i'm trying to work out the i'm so bad at using the coordinates to find my way around so i need the number on the left needs to go down which seems to be this way but the numbers on the right need to go up which is this way because it looks like they're going down that's because they're in minuses at the moment so it should be over this way somewhere oh is it going to be like the other side of this ocean i might have to make a boat it seems like there's a few places where um there there are bees so we might just get lucky and run into some anyway to be fair and we better very easily find our way back home right it's like we're gonna make a boat though okay it's definitely this direction though so numbers on the left need to be going down which they are ones on the right going up okay just before we set off and go a really really far way away i wanted to make sure i'm going in the uh in the right way you're gonna see what other just uh uh other biomes we discover as well anything other than desert oh looks like we've got a snowy area there because i did want to try and get some blue ice to see if i can work out to make a um oh dolphins uh to make a basalt generator would be cool uh alexandria says please turn on render clouds uh i i can do that if that's bothering you the noi the reason i have them off by default is because um often on my lovely world uh is in games it here somewhere or is it in like video oh yeah my in my lovely world it sounds like it looks a little bit weird when they're like because a lot of the stuff's quite tall with the clouds going through them and like goes through the clock tower and stuff and sometimes it's quite impressive oh there's a crafting table there that was where i went hunting for like the hidden treasure isn't it i know where we are yes that's that's why i normally have to have them office for that reason uh thank you to nathan you're says stumpy you are my childhood and i really mean that i've watched you ever since i was little uh please don't stop what you're doing you're doing great thank you so much uh katie says you mentioned cereal so i want to get fruity pebbles i've never had fruity pebbles before any fans of fruity pebbles ah right this is looking like kind of might be getting towards the right kind of biomes because it's like there's like the flower biomes but also just like the plains biomes as well apparently um you get bees there so i'm going to keep going i need to keep going that way but let's rather than sailing i don't know we wish it would go the short route i try to keep an eye on that woods there as well just to see if there's any more in that direction is this the longest anyone's ever traveled just to try and find bees do it for the honey says awesome ethan the relaxing sound of the little boat sailing along all right i think it's gonna be the end of the road for the boat gonna take you with me though don't need you later what do you think the most satisfying sound effect in minecraft is i think like picking up items has to be one of them right like just that little no when you pick something up that little pick something up what what's everyone else's mind oh like the water's good running on sands not bad what's everyone's favorite sound effect oh placing honey block someone said the dirt block sound is satisfying trap door closing glass oh steady on steady on now i need to start looking where i'm going who remembers me reading the chat and walking into a ravine almost twice right we're getting close because the uh is it the uh it's not the y the x dimension is that that needs to be um seven two one which we're basically at now so i think is it this way i go i think i need to go straight right yeah so it should be like right over this way uh until that gets to minus two oh we should be really close i think it's probably like just over this hill assuming that maddie is correct right this is all on you maddie we're going to hope that you were you that you typed in the uh the seed right a lot of pressure maddie uh sugar cane people like the sound effect grass breaking is a good i hate the glass breaking just because it makes me think of like wasted glass i think i don't like the glass breaking oh hello hello oh this is cool one of these like unfit forget the bees for a second let's go grab this thing because these get these have like chests in them as well don't they got some some crying obsidian actually i kind of want to grab some of the other obsidian because i did want to enchant my pickaxe and actually i think how many times i think i need to get some more diamonds i want to make an enchantment table just so i can uh start gathering up ice but uh yeah grabbing this might be uh quite handy let's get rid of the lava is there a chest here oh there is a chest oh obsidian handy bunch of goodies don't mind if i do quinn says loving the stream and what do you call a fish with no eyes i know this one it's a a fish with no eyes it's a physicist thank you to our paul diaz for the other donation why the obsidian be crying i'll grab that gold the gold blocks as well while we're here is there any way to um to craft crying obsidian or is it something that you can only like gather i didn't really i never really looked much into crying obsidian well i assume no matter what if it's already here it's gonna be the easiest way to to get it uh but yeah can i can you craft it uh oh you can craft it with never right oh crying obsidian is not craftable oh okay well i might as well i might as well grab all of it while we're here then as soon as it's like not very easy to get then apparently so i know you can trade to get it from the piglens and then you can find it in the nether they might as well grab some all right let's go check out these dimensions people are saying that it's not gonna be hicks we're not in the right biome because i think we're in like the savannah now so let's just get right to the point with the dimensions that she said because maybe the the c didn't work so minus two seven eight okay minus two seven eight and then uh seven two one so this needs to go up so this way this needs to be seven two one ah i don't think there's bees no it's meant to be like right here but there's no bees no bees sad face let's just look up on this hill though see what we can see we can see did we see any uh lol maddie piece dressing i don't think she like was trying to prank me like the coordinates are like seemed very close i think like uh somebody was saying the seed wasn't working for them so i don't know maybe like they're updated or something hmm right so i think we need like a planes biome is that maybe over that way or is that like a jungle or something let's just go explore for a bit shall we like it's quite nice because like i've got the compass to get home but also because i got in keep inventory on like if i ever do just want to get home quickly i can just kill myself and just get back that way and yes i know it's cheating i'm a cheater what you're going to do it's fine i'm playing the way that i enjoy make it more fun for myself so it's like flower biome or plains biome is where they spawn i think they've got like a pretty good like high chance of spawning in that biome and there's a village over here we can go say hello ask them if they've seen any bees uh look for oak trees oh oh is this is this an abandoned village oh what's the deal with these things is there anything interesting with it oh oh there's like zombie villagers are you is your forehead stuck can you not get out because your forehead's too big what's the what's the deal with these things do you get any oh a little baba one do you get any good loot or anything in them nick all the beds give him a kiss it's still the bell no one's gonna need it here are they i know what to do so that's one way to deal with them right so i need to look for for oak trees so this looks like a plains biome by the looks of it and apparently this is where bees can spawn let's go have a look over here oh people tell me to look in the pic i'll see if there's silk touch oh it's got silk touch on oh amazing oh thanks sierra fire blast who remembers that who remembers what adventure map that was fire blast and i annoyed squid with that the whole time where are the bees give me bees now i want the bees please can i have them guys look at that mountain what is that it's like a work of art everyone's saying different adventure maps i can't even actually remember which one it was myself i thought some of you might look at this thing oh it's a village that's a village look at this village god looks like something out of a studio ghibli film especially the iron golems which are literally based on things from studio ghibli films look at this they're they're all falling off and hurting themselves stop jumping off it a lot of people are reminding me that i slept in a bed so if i kill myself i won't spawn back home but i could always like like break the bed like my home spawn is close to my house so it's fine that is a mad village though look at that everyone take a picture take a picture by the mad looking village they're doing parkour they're doing parkour they're not doing it very well are you going to like land and roll or something but just fud down straight legs all right everyone keep an eye out for bees so i'm trying to keep an eye out but i've got a tendency of just running past things i'm looking for who knows maybe we stumble across a bamboo forest as well would also be very very good hmm i think there's spawn here cause there's all like mushrooms and stuff there's another village over there or is that the destroyed one i just went past i missed a beehive are you lying i feel like more people would be so like two people said i missed a beehive but i feel like if i did miss one more people would be saying like people just lie and try and trick me there's always a problem with uh with this oh wait there's always a few jokers it just means i can like never fully like trust the chat because i never know if you're lying or not let me go check this side i really want to find bees before the end of the stream that's my new goal if i get a house on a hill a cat with his honey that's that's what it should be called uh beehives can spawn on trees that grow near flowers so i think they can just spawn in like from what i read earlier on the wiki i think just in plains biome they should just be able to spawn as well just the planes and the the flower biomes thank you to abby for the donation who says uh you released the cat book on my birthday and you and squid uh did a rocket building time competition uh for one of the series and i still have my rocket and enters into a competition with awesome oh oh i thought i thought there was a beehive then i saw a bit of mushroom through a tree i got my hopes up actually if i do find like stumble across oh this is a this is a flowery place if i do stumble across another ice place i could gather some of the ice because remember i wanted to make the blue ice so can they definitely only spawn on oak trees is that the rule for for beehives oh hi chance and burst birch forest are you sure because people were saying uh oh they can spawn on birch right i'll keep keeping an eye out there uh five percent on birch or oak apparently very soothing minecraft music isn't it always this ain't looking very promising guys why am i like swimming properly there we go there's so you can't swim like that on the surface if you're on the surface you're always just you're normal bobbing up and down it's quite a cool place though this giant ravine here i've always loved just like minecraft worlds like some of them are just beautiful like considering they're like procedurally generated like like sometimes they just look better than like someone who like build it all by hand and i think the fact that like knowing that this place is like unique to this world and like this layout and everything was here done randomly like obviously you get your weird glitchy bits like your random floating bits but it's somehow like more impressive just knowing that this was created by like a a maths algorithm rather than like anyone designing it by hand oh hi squid watch don't be my name squid all right what we got on the other end of this giant ravine we just swam our way through hmm oh the stuff goes it's like a coral reef bit oh the drought forgot about the drowned go away drown no one wants you there's a bunch of like glowing lights here oh there's like coral stuff these like sea cucumbers oh that's like a giant coral reef oh awesome i can i can like build out of these coral blocks oh don't the coral blocks they need to be touching water though don't they otherwise they like they dry out oh sea pickles is that what they were there were some sea pickles is that right with the the coral though so you can build out of them but unless they have a water they all dry out oh so i can get the coral if i use a silk pickaxe okay all right the current mission is the bees though hello creepers if i sleep quick nope okay so we're dealing with we're going to blow up in the water we'll be fine if i just do this there you go easy well i love one little last look around it uh if i don't get the bees i might just call it a day i am very conscious the stream has just turned into me just walking yeah just walking across the land i mean this looks like a plane's biome to be fair and oh is that another um destroyed portal in the distance as well so it looks like this would be like a a high chance to get the bees i just want to play around with the honey blocks and just see what they can do that's the main thing i care about it's kind of fun just seeing like what you're going to discover it just seems like 90 percent of this of this world is desert though which is like the most boring bio kind of it's kind of the point of oh hello okay no it's not too deep not too deep still scary though when you have a drop and you don't know what's at the bottom of it oh it's like a little teeny baby portal oh there's like one of the uh the villagers like going out into the water over there hello little baby portal oh another silk touch pickaxe definitely going to grab you uh all right we're going to get rid of what do we want let me read the crafting table i'll grab the obsidian let's probably grab the chess play i guess grab the nuggets don't really need this never rack then what else do i need three sticks i can probably say goodbye to three sticks yeah i think this has actually been the most promising place that we've been to to find one so we'll have a look around it and if not we might call it a day with the uh the bee hunt for for now maybe i should have uh stuff well the good thing is is i'm like i've decorated my house enough now where like i'm standing in the floor and stuff so what i can probably do outside of stream is like just finish off the rest of the floor just get that done and then like move all of my equipment across and then that way like the house will be basically done i can add more decorations and stuff when i want but oh for all intents and purposes be done and then i can keep just focusing on some of the the other new stuff things like the honey blocks and stuff and like all of the other like little details that i've missed uh other things i haven't played around with which is kind of what the uh the main focus of the the stream is i feel like i am starting to get a little bit faster at the other crafting and moving around the world and stuff so that sort of stuff isn't such a major problem anymore it's just the uh the small stuff i saw one did you though i i i just never know if people are lying or not or like maybe they're not lying but they thought they saw one but they didn't see one i definitely haven't seen any like actual bees because i feel like the actual bees because they moved they would like really stand out i don't know if i should be looking out for like the bees themselves or just the the hives i mean there's trees here it looks like kind of planes-ish and there's flowers i feel like if we were going to get bees here's like an okay just look at all these flowers um hmm it's not looking likely guys i'm afraid sad face there's a wolfie do you have any bones no can't even get a wolf friend to cheer me up can't even get doggy cuddles i guess the bright side is for me is that square she did make noodles that i can heat up to have after this so even if i don't get any bees in minecraft i can have noodles in real life and i think given give it a choice between the two of bees in a video game compared to noodles in real life i think i'd go for the noodle so maybe maybe it won't be so bad we'll check this little last little area down here now i think we uh we'll call it a day great progress today on today's gym i had fun right everybody's just joining and going oh no the stream's ending uh don't worry the uh the whole thing will be up on vod if you want to go and uh scrub back through and uh see what you may have missed also i announced this earlier but a bunch of people would have joined in since then by now the discord server there's a link to it in the description uh you need to be over 13 to be on discord in general so if you are over 13 and you want to go and have a chat uh with uh i'll be on there sometimes uh as well as just a bunch of other people watching the stream so hopefully a bunch of other like-minded people like yourself now if you want to go and have a chat with them uh it's a good place to know it's a bunch of different channels and stuff and then if you're a member on youtube as long as your youtube channel is linked with discord uh you'll be able to access the uh the members only chat which is just a place where it's just less people so it's just easier to have kind of a more personal chat there so if you want to do that if you are bored when the the stream ends then that is something that you can do i'm doing the thing where it's sort of like i think oh just check this area just this next area oh just check this next area it just seems like because people are saying like oak or birch and in plains biome by flowers so we just do seem to be like right in like the right place that we need to be so it's just it's just very hard to like stop looking maybe i'll end the stream and then like i'll carry what carrying on wondering for a bit outside of the stream so then maybe we could start the next stream with them or like i gather up some honey and then we can go back to play around with it so i really do want to check it out i just feel like times when i've loaded up other worlds like that i've had bees in or like i have the update for bees has been out i feel like they've been very very common i feel like i've been very very unlucky with all of the uh the stuff in this world like the not finding a bamboo forest and not finding bees and stuff so that people might not even care about too much but for like what i've wanted it's what i've really needed but right i'm throwing the towel in i'm giving up couldn't find any bees rage quit stamping rage quits because he can't find any beads thank you to sam herder who says uh thank you you shaped me and many other childhood i think it's welcome to coco opps tv he's a stumpy it's great to see you back i'm such a big fan i've been a fan for ages any chance you could say happy birthday to my friend andrew i can happy birthday andrew hope you have a a good day and uh your boy says can you save your birthday to my brother tj i can't get everyone's birthday today happy birthday tj uh jram says be nes can spawn on trees grow near flowers yeah that's kind of where where i was trying to look but sadly i uh didn't have a didn't have much luck with it so yeah i will try and uh keep having a wandering uh wonder around and see if i can track down the beans and hopefully we'll have some honey in the the next stream so i'm probably gonna have the weekend off just because my throat is suffering a little bit so i think if i just have the whole weekend off streaming uh hopefully i will come back bright and full of energy uh next week i'm going to be carrying on streaming with squid on his channel playing through the uh the map uh the game we're playing through there if you want to go and check that out and space dan will be out tomorrow at a certain time this is actually a good reminder that i need to actually upload it upload it i've uploaded it i've been streaming for too long that's it for this one here i hope you will have a great weekend and uh we will reconvene uh next week uh i will be jumping on and off the discord server over the weekend though so uh maybe we will meet on there but for now i wanna thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye [Music] my [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 542,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EiK3680gzVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 51sec (8631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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