More Totally Accurate Battle Simulator - 🔴 Live

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so what what i think the problem is is so i got a new computer and it only had two usb a ports like the the normal big standard usb ports and that is what my current like microphone users like the interface and i've run out of ports but my monitor has extra usb ports i've been plugging it into that but what i think happens is when i turn my computer off and then turn it back on i need to like set it up again every time because the monitor's turning off so i think that's the problem but i've ordered a new interface and i've also ordered like more usb ports so that should should fix it but right we're still using the other mic let me try switching it over now okay hello there we go we've fixed it welcome to uh tech support uh from uh from stampede yeah yeah we got it working hello everyone welcome to the stream i feel like we didn't get a chance to do all of the uh the normal greetings uh yeah normally i like check all this stuff before we start but like i had streamed yesterday and hadn't changed everything so i was like it will be fine shall i double check it and make sure no what could go wrong but yeah we uh seem to have it uh all working i got my like fancy zoom in camera all uh set up again uh i did have alex cam but now i can have like dramatic like wood camera in case i need to do a dramatic look to the the camera i can be like did you hear the news yeah yeah oh i don't know when i'm ever going to use it i just like the fact that i can do that whenever i want i think it's just mainly to mainly to abuse myself rather than uh rather than fall for anything else anyway so yeah we're gonna carry on playing tabs today aka totally accurate battle simulator uh i played it like i thought i was only gonna do one stream on it uh and so i streamed it yesterday uh maybe you were here maybe you won but it was a lot of fun if you weren't here you should have been there because it was a whole load of fun so uh at the end of the stream i was like should we do this again because i kind of wanted to do it again and enough people said that they wanted me to do it again so we're gonna do one more stream uh playing through uh tabs today and let's do that then shall we let's uh make it so you can see the uh the gameplay so uh oh yeah it's early access by the way this is game preview the game isn't officially out on xbox yet which is what i'm playing it on so uh it might be a bit buggy to be fair like it was pretty uh it was all pretty good yesterday though we didn't have any bugs like when i spawned like a million troops in the game lagged a little bit but that's kind of what you would expect so uh it was actually pretty good so we did the introduction and then there's the adventure the challenge died here we go again here we go again look is it it's my office it's just falling everything's just breaking and falling apart yeah so i guess should we do the adventure an interesting a collection of fun and interesting levels tactically challenging level no let's do let's do the fun ones let's do tree tribe shall we a few donations came through already while i was um breaking everything thank you to uh just james who says happy new years been here since 2014. uh thank you to a ninja thank you to coolgamer thank you to this is yas he says hi stumpy hope you had a good new year and uh thank you to austin as well thank you for your donations and uh welcome to the the stream right then uh yeah if you don't know what this game is basically it's k it's kind of in the name but the name's a bit misleading because it's uh it's far from an accurate battle simulator at all where are the where are the enemies oh they're all up they're all on the trees i didn't even see them they're look they're all up here on the trees okay so these guys they're all got shields i think we'll just go then these guys got spears oh there's a chieftain guy here these guys are really really tough um let me tell you what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna let's just send in one one lonely clubber i'm just gonna start the battle and just see see what the the enemies do oh so do they all survive when they drop down oh these ones didn't so some of them die as they drop and then these are the ones so quite a lot of them still end up surviving right let's uh let's skip this because that was going to be a horrible fate and can i use any i can use anyone i can be absolutely anyone in this oh this is like really open things up uh there's a bunch of these i don't even know yet let's be uh let's have some let's have some samurais uh at the the front then we can have some uh firework archers at the back you know how much is a dragon a dragon is a thousand i mean we gotta have the dragon don't we i'm gonna have to i can't not have the dragon so let's have a dragon and then the oh the monkey kings they were good as well uh we can't afford any ninjas i don't know why i'm just only using the dynasty stuff here but i'm being uh thematically accurate i guess and then one more firework archer back here i don't know if this is going to be a good strategy uh if this doesn't work uh you can leave uh suggestions for other things uh thank you uh td assassin uh for the uh the donation uh as well as uh cc uh as well let me um let me zoom out a little bit because i can't really see very much oh yeah thank you cece who says hello stampy and uh thank you crust salmon burger who says hi stampy you were the first youtuber i ever subscribed to uh and really watched consistently started watching since 2013 when i was six and your content always makes me smile lots of love bread thank you very much uh thank you lester roses as well it says i've watched you since i was six i am now 14. those of you who are better at maths than i am might be able to work out how long that uh how long that's for right let's just see how this works i don't know how good the dragon's gonna do here i feel like the dragon dragon's gonna get very quickly overwhelmed or they're gonna get taken out by my people i pretty should have had more troops surrounding the dragon to protect them i'm gonna turn up my sound up a little bit here as well so i can hear it a little bit better oh no the drag the dragon is down already so the firework archers that oh the firework archers they're doing good it's just these chieftains those chieftains are really tough you look is this one going to get back up again yeah though it's just those chieftains they're the thing messing me up let's let's start this again from scratch this was a uh this was a bad start uh i might keep some of these firework archers back here and i might do something something instead of the the dragon maybe uh a mammoth the mammoths they seem to work pretty well oh i can't even afford it i mean we could do one mammoth and then like four firework archers worth a go i'm just scared the uh the explosions are gonna start hitting the uh the mammoth i kind of just love seeing the the mammoths wandering around it's going all right probably should have had a bit oh look at this guy happy new year oh no it's the mum of down i tell you what those firework archers they're destroying i think keeping them and then having like maybe a more standard front line because that almost worked and that mammoth is very expensive so they have a lot of people thrown like spears and stuff so maybe some like hay balers would be like a good like thing to have in a row here and then what else should we have what's something new oh musketeers there's some pirates here oh there may be some like skeleton warriors behind them like loads of skeleton warriors there we go i mean this can't be bad can it it's about quantity not quality here because look they're throwing spears and if they hit the these hay bale guys oh i thought they were going to survive maybe the spears are too strong for them to survive but at least like bows and arrows they do survive whoa oh it was this guy uh maybe group big groups aren't gonna work because they destroy the the big groups but you know what the firework archers alone they seem to be doing pretty good uh use reaper or blackbeard try the reaper a lot of people are saying to use the reaper right if we uh if we end up not winning this one i will but you know what i think we might have it here i think i think this one what's going on this one's just legging it this boulder oh no the firework hit the boulder this is gonna blow up and destroy my own ones though who's where they going who's left are you alive i don't think they're alive there's one there's one last blue one somewhere is it yeah is this person a lie oh they are look they still got googly eyes they're just they survived the longest because they got stuck stuck behind a rock is that everyone's saying reaper reaper seems to be like is reaper just like the strongest one then should i just always be using the the reaper whoa right what are we uh what are we facing against here oh hi tony welcome back okay loads of hay balers so bows and arrows aren't gonna be good against these guys so when there's a big group it's good to use like that's when something like the mammoth is really uh really handy let's give this a let's give this a reaper uh i go there it seems a lot of people ask for it and then we'll follow up from the reaper let's keep with the skeleton theme so these are really cheap these are only 80. so we can have like okay not not too many of them but quite a few of them but i'm hoping if this reaper is as good as you will keep saying they might be able to just do most of the uh the work here look at that uh wow um blinking your visit these guys are like right going into battle roy we're going to battle any moment now okay and we're at the enemy game over game over reaper managed to do it all look at that that is what a cool ending shot though all right i think we found our strategy should we see how many of these levels we can win with only reapers oh i can only i can only afford one here what else should we put in then a balloon balloon archer let's bring in some balloon archers and then we have a hundred left we can bring in two painters as well no idea what the painters are gonna do well i guess we're gonna say i think we can kind of just say like reaper go do your thing to be fair oh look the balloon arches what happens what happens when they fall are they gonna like land on like the other troops those balloon arches are awesome but then the reef is just the reapers just doing their thing i think we found the easy mode reaper is op yeah reaper really really seems opaque oh i only have 120 money on this one i think they got fed up of me only choosing the reaper and they've like decided to limit it what am i um what am i going up against i don't know where the enemies are so there probably won't be many of them is it just one enemy hiding somewhere oh here oh hello is that their star this is the uh the battle formation two slim men standing on a bridge one half falling off i think that i think that's my opponent my tail what if they want to fight on a bridge let's fight on a bridge shall we so be good to find let's just do one guy with a flintlock here and let's see if they'll be able to take him out oh what what happened did you just fall off let's do that again look at the way they like climb along all my life still oh we're still going i've already lost his pistols though he's just trying to punch them come on god you get it they're already little they're only little oh we lost we lost okay maybe the uh the flintlock guy's not the other way to go here um we could just do like a standard farmer or what you know what could i just do two heart look i could just do two halflings i could do the same as what they have and then if i control one of them it might give us the advantage oh maybe give us the advantage i'm not sure i just try to punch them as much as i can no they pulled me off i feel like i'm playing gang beast now oh come on go and you can do it brother you can do it oh they both down oh they're still oh no no oh there's still life they're still alive i'm going i got him i got him [Music] right next level that was a fun one oh dear are these just all halflings this is just like a million halflings great you know what i want to do i just want to do i can't remember which category were they in i want to do the uh the balloon arches i want to just only balloon archers and i just want to send all of those halflings into the stratosphere let's just launch them all up right this might this might lag a little bit here guys as they all just go flying up it's just can i hit them all enough before they get too close is the question it's raining halflings oh no they've reached us are they surviving i think some of them are surviving when they land yeah sorry i knew this would be a bit of a laggy one sorry guys i don't think this is a uh an effective strategy uh let me catch up with some uh some donations uh thank you to um uh lester roses uh djg plays who says hello again francis lynch who says we are the best uh spice uh jack uh welcome back uh and uh rhino and uh spice and kristen uh i smile and laugh when you smile enough kristen says thank you very much right uh i think this is a bit of a lost cause here right we need we need like a good who's like a good crowd control control who's good against really big we could do like a catapult maybe for this one and just take out a huge look if we do a glitch let's just do a catapult way at the back here then what should we do on the uh what should we do on the front line do we have some fences as in like people fencing not fences everyone's just saying reapers we can't only reapers are too strong i'm not gonna only do reapers okay right this will do so look this cannon's gonna destroy it look at this cannon it's gonna destroy most of them in one shot look yeah or at least a good chunk of that oh then they all start diving on me right go fire again i need that cannon to fire again quick i think we got it i think the cannon was the way to go the cannon everyone stop telling me to do the reaper i can't only use the reaper oh bread aka cross salmon burger says i'm back uh hi not to brag but i'm a bit of a tabs veteran sadly only on pc though have you found any of the secret units hidden around the map they are fun plus op lots of red i have i don't i haven't found all of them but in the stream yesterday people were pointing out where some of them were shall i shall i shall i use some of the secret ones then oh who are we against oh what are you doing down here okay the these are the csr everyone was saying to use the clams what do they i can't even place them do they need to be placed in water oh can i oh i just can't afford them oh i can't really use much of the special stuff here i can i can do a shouter i think that's meant to be the uh the guy from skyrim let's see is he just going to go like an equivalent of fusro dar and like blast everyone back you know what i might actually just knock them all off the edge you know i'm going to take a troll i want to do this they're all hiding down here i'm going to stumble my way forward oh oh what's going on with my arm um okay i'm going i'm just gonna go oh there's like one left here whoa get them [Music] can i pull them off the edge i try to punch them i keep missing what am i meant to do it was a fool's road oh there we go that was the weirdest level i've ever done okay looks like we have a more standard level for for this one here uh this might be another good one for the uh the um the catapult you know oh these guys are all the ones that do like the the magic spell these guys are tough these guys are real oh yeah they're giving me like 5 000. right let's do uh let's do some cannons for this one what happens if i just do like oh no not cannons i want catapults that's what i want so how much are these these are a thousand let's just try probably won't work but let's just try five catapults and let's just see how this goes so the question is is can i shoot the catapults fast enough to take them all out before they reach me i need big crowd control everyone's saying we're not gonna only use the reaper it's too easy the reef is too strong oh okay that took out about half of them are they gonna get another attack in before they reach us oh there's one left there's one lone survivor they're gonna destroy all my catapults come on cow holds fire yes turns out five catapults is pretty powerful yeah uh thank you to uh the cowboy kid uh for the uh the donations uh as well to uh oh pixel whip hello uh remember me from your pokemon streams i do i've loved you for years uh and the first video viewers i ever watched was evil plan uh stampede use the arrow thing on dynasty it's op and it's cool to watch against large sized enemies and tank enemies the arrow thing on dynasty right we're not going up against a big group it looks like we're having another jewel here what's the oh the oh the firework archer or is it was it the uh the hawaii this thingy i mean that's like the catapult that like shoots loads of spares but anyway it doesn't matter we own we only have a hunter oh what's a head butter i mean i can probably guess could probably guess right let's have a another jewel on the uh the the bridge we're going against like one person with a club oh that was beautiful what around what i like speed running this game that was amazing oh fantastic oh oh there oh they're hiding there's a bunch of people hiding right let's try the um i assume this is the um the the thing you you were talking about jack yeah the catapult thing sorry i don't know the name yeah i know what it is it's like it's kind of before cannons and stuff it's like a bunch of spears and they all like launch almost like rockets this thing i'm sure is this the thing you were talking about um then let's just put in what i don't know what the monks do let's just throw a bunch of these in and let's just see uh let's just see what the enemies are the halflings oh what's it doing i didn't realize they're gonna be moving it around so much oh there's so many halflings there are so many halflings this is not gonna go well i just fired in that poor person's house the whole time uh hi dog woof i'm gonna helping out jack uh he says they'll watch her yeah uh you missed this donation to looking out for them cheers fred uh thank you to uh to tanya bruce says my son uh stephen and wolfgang love your videos thanks for being such a good egg stampy thank you so much and uh big hello to steven and wolfgang thank you uh for for watching the stream i didn't get those names right didn't i yes my memory's so bad i literally read something and then it meets like the information just goes in and just straight back out but yeah uh cheers guys thank you so much hopefully you enjoy this stream what's going on what's why why haven't i lost yet is this actually winnable this might actually be winnable i think we might do this it's the it's just the monks the uh the watcher thingy sorry i'm pronouncing it wrong every time that did nothing but these monks they seem they seem pretty tough they're kind of attacking each other at the moment but it still uh still worked out all right okay this is another okay this might be another good chance so let's just send this thing in early just to cause some chaos and then we can uh follow oh was that all my money okay maybe we won't since i've only got 1 500 here should we try the clams should we try just three clams let's just see what this is gonna do oh they're just throwing clams oh the clouds go around like pac-man i mean it was fun but wasn't a uh wasn't a particularly effective strategy uh vlad cavalry blackbeard some of these are well expensive do you reckon the mammoth could take this group i can't afford the mammoth so they have like a really varied selection of people here what about a a wheelbarrow we could send the wheelbarrow in first then follow her up with uh some people behind maybe just some clubbers then like some spear throwers behind them or one spear thrower and then i can add another clubber down here i don't know if this will work but we will all find out together oh that poor wheelbarrow they did not get very far i don't think that was the way to go now it's not going to work i think maybe uh maybe a catapult again can i afford a catapult and then maybe just a bunch of uh like five squires in front of it to protect it so i reckon that catapult will take out about half of them or not very many of them but yeah these guys will keep them distracted and then the catapult can have a chance to get another shot off because they're all really nicely grouped up here oh how many oh there's two of them left oh he's got to get it off he's got to fire it oh three of them left fire quick catapult quick fire oh no i think the catapult destroyed itself because they were too close i like the theory of this one let's just try and uh be so maybe just like a shield barrier because maybe these are just going to take longer to get taken out and it will give the other catapult more chances to shoot why is the catapult shooting so far to the side if they just fired right in the middle oh they these shield guys did not last as long as i hoped oh yeah i'm always close maybe maybe halflings maybe like loads of because halflings are so cheap where are where are halflings are they in farmers no medieval was that what they called are they called halflings or are they oh yeah here they are they're right here yeah because these only cost 50. so i could have quite a lot of these yeah so so hopefully all i want all i want them to do is to keep the catapult busy well the catapult has time to get more shots off that's looking good keep them all grouped up nice nice nice one fell down and they're all just going to chase them they're halflings still alive they're having a little fight down there right 1v1 come on catapult fire quick quick did i win oh no one of them still alive down here oh no don't go off the edge catapult no catapult just stay back i should control it can i go back i'm going to pull it back oh no if i fire now is that victory [Music] oh that was good fun okay there's a bunch of axe people on this one right let's do let's do another we just do a reaper one which is everyone keeps asking for the reaper we have a we have a lot of money this guy right rather uh while the reaper does their work let me uh catch up on some donations i don't want to miss anyone out um uh thank you to uh parker the gamer watched you since 2014. uh i've seen if i would ever do uh terraria uh maybe at some point in the uh the future have we won yet by the way has the reaper done their work there we go we've won the reef is so strong shout out to mason uh do you plan to do lovely world uh yeah i will do at some point in the the future uh thank you to uh to stuart welcome back to the stream new year's resolution sugar and tea most people do it the other way around so stuart always tells me off because i don't have any uh sugar in my tea most people are trying to cut down sugar you're encouraging me to have more trust me i have like enough sugar in my diet already i do not need to add more sugar uh thank you to uh to nick who really enjoyed uh my playthrough of breath of the wild will you do one for the second game yeah i might actually stream the second game but i loved doing um breath of the wild so i will definitely uh do another one in the future uh jack says definitely use the uh the firework arches yeah i use them earlier they're really strong uh dog woof again uh preston says i love your vid so much and dragonrider says i have one thing to say thank you i thank you so much dragonrider and thank you for the uh the donation oh i love these ones looks like we're having another showdown on the bridge like i could kind of cheat and just put like an archer up here somewhere but i like the idea of it just being a 1v1 on the the bridge all right let's just use this uh this skeleton guy down here i haven't even seen who i'm uh going up against yet to be fair i was one of the uh the guys with the pitchforks right don't fall off don't fall off uh that's a pretty uh pretty one-sided victory oh why am i oh i'm like really zoomed in oh i don't mean to start again right uh who should we use do you reckon if i use a spear thrower oh i can't trying to think of something that has a bit more ray i could use the headbutt guy again i think i think he might win this you know no no let me just try it again if i just keep trying it he's going to win one of these times there we go i think that's the way to win them just put down the um [Music] put put down the headbutt guy and keep resetting until i win uh right who against here oh these the guy with the other sides aren't we and then there's some hidden down there i'm trying to see if there was anything else hidden in the in the the grass but we seem to be okay let's you let's use one of these other ones i haven't used yet should we use a black beard i like the look of blackbeard then there's cavalry as well how much is that one oh i can get three of them then i have 100 left so we're gonna have one uh let's have one cheap guy at the back as like an insurance policy so one guy with a flintlock pistol at the very back just in case it goes it goes badly with everyone else that is not what i thought was gonna happen the cavalry just destroyed blackbeard come on flatbeard they're just spinning them around oh no my insurance policy got taken out oh no that didn't go very well well i might try that again let's get rid of one of the cavalry and add some some more people back here and i might control blackbeard you know let's just do some clubbers back here and then i could do some spear throwers behind them so we have we have a better backup here now then i'm gonna i'm gonna control blackbeard this time all right let's let the cavalry pass you guys go in first let's let them get out of the way then i just go mild go wild spinning my anchors around right i gotta get the big group to try and take out as many of them at the same time as i can there's just too many of them they're like completely surrounding me oh no am i dead oh i think i'm out i think i'm out right do do the rest do they have any chance those spear throwers i think there's too many of them it might be another time to use like a catapult or something artemis everyone's saying artemis yeah right okay we give them a go then i mean they're the most expensive thing i can have six thousand five hundred they better be good i can't afford a mammoth as well all right let's just follow up with some farmers battle them at their their own game all right let's see what they do let's see what they do oh they're just like rapid fire arrows this might work you know if they yeah if they stay back a bit and let all the farmers push in if she can stay alive this could work out look at that just like jewel wielding the bows and arrows oh it's gonna work we gotta win this i think we got it yeah they're just stuck at the back i think we have another select character to win round character we got another op one uh cross summon burgers donate again says hey stamp you gotta go i love you and you work i wish you very well in the new decade uh i would love a friend request on xbox then they left their game attacker won't read it out uh maybe we could play overwatch sometime lots of love bread thank you so much for all of the donations hopefully uh you were still here for me to be able to to read that uh and yeah enjoy your decade as well i thank you to coleman smith who says any new crest videos in 2020 and love the streams maybe i i have got a few ideas for crest videos on my my ever popular let's crest youtube channel there probably i i haven't had this verified but probably the most viewed cress youtube channel available possibly i don't know how many other crest youtube channels there are uh thank you to preston again with a uh for another donation as well as ask the uh tara ask you who says hey stampy i wish you and squishy happy new year thank you so much oh why why why are they on my slip they're all on my side as well and they're all like right on the edge really grouped up they're so weird should we uh should we use a catapult against them now if we do a catapult way back here then they can get loads of shots off then let me try and use something else i haven't used before the da vinci tank i don't know what that is like i know da vinci is but uh let's do three jousters okay let's just see are they even gonna fit through the tunnel just about oh the catapult missed oh no no they managed to stay on i think the jousters are just going to win this you know the catapult can't do anything it's literally put in the worst position in the world didn't even need it didn't even need it oh we're having another showdown right where's the uh where was the headbutt a guy was he viking yeah all right let's go no oh they got a spear that's why let's try again see if we can dodge them no come on keep going round three last chance no okay not gonna work headbutt a guy is not the plan then we could like match spear with spear just have a completely fair showdown no why do i still lose defeat right one last chance everyone has three chances until i switch them out for someone else okay victory i think look i think they died as they hit the floor and they would just slightly fell after me so this person probably wasn't going to have a good fate but i think they uh they survived just long enough for me to to get the the victory okay so we have loads of people with shields i think the guy's good against shields are the ones who throw the rocks right the the stone thrower people should we just do loads of them there we go let's see let's see how this worked oh no but then they've got a king as well and the king's really strong look at this pile up on the bridge it's kind of working you know the i think we could we could deal with the shield people this way it's just that king that king is way too tough if we are throwing a lot of rocks at him though hey it worked when in doubt throw loads of rocks at someone uh jack with another donation says it's funny how you're playing this game because while you were playing uh in your other streams i was playing tabs you're playing the background oh really it is a good like kind of like podcast game like because there's no speaking in it it's a good game to like play while watching something or listening to something else uh thank you to uh keenan who says uh try mace spinner and cheerleaders uh verse an army uh may spin is on medieval uh cheerleaders and tribal sandbox right uh wait on medieval mace spinner is on medi oh medieval too i don't think i don't think i have medieval too then what was the other one on is on tribal sandbox i don't have them i don't have that i would i would love to use them but i don't have them uh thank you to um dextre dark says haven't watched this channel in over three years man this channel brings back some memories well welcome back welcome back and thank you to uh edson who says hope you're excited uh for 2020 uh has uh has in store for us the sleep year uh enjoy this tip and keep on gaming thank you so much edson i want to make sure i haven't missed any other ones i think we are up to today right what do we think so who are these guys i don't know who let's just do one a little test to go let's just send out uh a minotaur and let's see i don't know what they're oh they're all the healers so they're all healers and they're healing one person who's just a normal soldier so the trick is do i want to like kill that person or go after all the healers you know what this might actually work the minotaur might actually have a chance here because i don't think the healers can even attack i think if the person they're healing goes down that they're um they're just gonna give up and they just keep falling over the person they're healing uh jack says you should mess around in the sandbox i will do i'll do that i do that at the end of the stream that's what i did yesterday as well i kind of enjoy like coming up with fun ways to like battle the the things that they've come up with uh thank you to uh to shannon says hi stamping i'm planning on becoming a gaming youtuber like you you've inspired me to do so do you have any advice or tips um i always try and think of like some actual good practical advice for doing youtube i can never really uh i never really think of anything for me i i guess just patience really like i spent so long like even before i uploaded a video like i did loads of videos anyway but then also i um it's the miniature like because he picks he's like carrying someone yeah then i used to do videos and i would just send them to my friends you might remember krinzamas off and uh afrodan so i'd make videos and i'd send them to them just privately just practicing my commentary and then when i first did contrary i was absolutely awful if you go back to my really old videos like since before minecraft like i was very nervous and just very unnatural when i was talking and i had to really like work hard to be able to to speak somewhat naturally and coherently um so just don't expect like when you start out unless you're very lucky and you're a complete natural just to be good so i think it's just like just not giving up i think if anyone did it for long enough and like kept practicing for long enough eventually they're going to come across like the right idea that people are going to really enjoy yeah so that's not very good advice is it i know that's like not what people want to hear they want to hear about a secret button you press on youtube and if you click that button you get more views but sadly that doesn't exist who do you want to see who who should you ninja master someone said i got no i don't haven't got ninja masters i mean we've got the monkey king let's do the monkey king and a bunch of ninjas or four ninjas because i think that's all we can afford i can only afford four ninjas what a sad life oh look at them with their sharokins oh no they got a king this is not gonna work the kings are so strong they have so much health because they have loads of really high okay this you know what i might actually use the reaper on this one this one's gonna be a real tough one otherwise and then or maybe some snake arches let's do some snake arches back here let's do three of them and then maybe just some something else to like help out these guys just some squires six of these let's give this a go hopefully the uh the reaper is gonna destroy them all anyway i just don't know how good the reef is gonna do against uh the king apparently freddie pretty well by the looks of things oh come on oh the reef is actually having a bit of trouble here the good thing is is in the back line so these guys shoot out literally they shoot out snakes and these oh and these snakes are just going to be constantly attacking everyone and tripping them up like that and then i have like one guy left and he won look at this hero he beat the king i love that i love his face he's falling he's all there like uh did i win did i really win like they just don't quite believe it yet oh never 1v1 uh let's try let's try let's just go straight with a squire then shall we oh squier v squire right there three chances and then they're out three charges to win oh they got the high ground hey well done i think that's the uh the same squire from the last round he's getting all confident now fearsome googly eyes try the da vinci tank once why i've only got a thousand here i don't think i'm gonna be able to afford it it's gonna be res uh yes four thousand so who are these guys oh these are just i don't think i think these guys can't like attack can they i think i can send that one clubber and i should win right do these guys i think these guys just play music now they all run away i think eventually this club is just going to go and take them all out we'll just leave them to it uh shout out to uh ticking taco who says love your videos uh watching since 2013. uh you didn't read my last super chats how to do another one uh my name is karma i'm so sorry i'm sorry for for missing your your last one i'm trying to to keep up with uh with them all uh i did see this one though so uh thank you so much uh as well to ellie who have been watching since 2014 and i'd just like to say thank you for being a huge part of my childhood and happy new year happy new year ellie thanks for the donation and thanks for for checking back on the the stream checking back on the channel after all these years uh jack says to use the dynasty thing uh ballistic tube says hi i'm back and asking uh i think i'd have a vote if i can stream terraria uh dj g plays again who says uh what's your favorite game to record on um like my thing that i've had like most fun doing is uh is minecraft just because of like all of the uh like the different stuff that i can do on it but like my favorite game to like play right now is um is is uh is overwatch i think i'm just completely stuck here hold okay i'm free i'm free yeah so like my favorite game is to play overwatch and so it's just fun streaming overwatch because i just get to play overwatch so that's why i keep streaming like normally like a case of like i want to play overwatch and then i think you know what like i might as well stream it just because i want to play it anyway like i do want to do terraria at some point in the the future but like the thing that like no joke puts me off is like i'm just asked oh was that me shouting like i'm just asked to do terraria so much like it started to feel like a um like an obligation rather than something i just want to do for fun there's someone there's someone left somewhere oh so i think the bards they will just run away from you as i think one's like i reckon they're falling down on like one of these cliffs and they've just got like stuck somewhere i'm really scared because if i fall off this is gonna count as a loss i just need to find where they are i reckon they're down here somewhere if i don't see them i could just stop controlling them and just see which direction he goes to run to yeah let's let's put him in the middle let's stop controlling him and then uh let's see where he starts running uh oh this way okay down by the tree right he's got to be down here somewhere where are they are they down there oh here i see the music i see the music oh they fell off anyway it's because i got closer they always just go and move to you oh medieval 2 and tribal sandbox are maps they're secret units oh i haven't got them yet oh no catapults a lot of catapults you know i think would be good against these i think i think jousters so i think if i do four of these i think they're just gonna charge forward before they have a chance to shoot let's try something else uh we could we couldn't match catapults of catapults could have a catapult off [Music] oh no because i can only put down four that wouldn't work very well what should i use oh people are saying da vinci i think da vinci is like four thousand that's all i'd be able to afford i have no idea what it is though is the other people in here oh no oh there's cannons what's going what's going on in here i'm trying to like look oh no they're getting stuck on the cannonballs they're just getting bombarded right da vinci wasn't the uh the way to go there's a secret in the left tower oh we're not doing this again now this is the uh this is the the level we were stuck on someone just says noob dan better go what's down then why are you here is there i i don't know i think everyone's just trolling me so like when we streamed this yesterday spent so long this level and everyone's trying to tell me that there's a secret in the tower and i just couldn't find it and everyone always tries to prank me in the chat here so i don't know if i i don't know if i believe it or not right what would be effective against all of these uh these cannons i don't have any idea uh shout out to uh keane and ronan who says oh yeah that was the other one i read uh sully says hi stumpy happy new year thank you so much uh shannon says thanks for the advice is actually useful for someone like you uh welcome good luck with your uh good luck with your new channel as well uh my mini song says on the ice map in the trees there is a giant golem there okay keep an eye out for that one yeah what uh zeus reaper we can't own uh let's use zeus then oh is he in the bonus ones ancient yeah here we go we could use two two zeuses oh okay they managed to get oh this ain't gonna work zeus zeus is not the way to go you know you know i think we should do if we do some halflings down here at the front yeah so what's gonna happen this is what this is my prediction this is what i think is gonna happen okay i think that the cannons are all gonna shoot at the halflings destroy them but then while they're reloading my jousters will have time to get close and destroy the cannons that's what i'm expecting and then to follow up after those jousters we'll have some uh some clubbers just because i got some spare money oh no oh they move too fast okay okay i think this still might work but i need to move these uh these jousters further back they're just too quick [Music] right so they shoot at the halflings perfect and then look the justices can get in now and now they're this close they're just going to destroy these was that actually like a good strategy was that my first time actually doing a good strategy no these guys these weren't even needed they're just here for show okay what are we uh what are we going against here like i could be looking for secrets i'm also just trying to find where the enemies are can we go in this cave is there anything in here oh dear oh i can't see any oh that was scary i saw something on the floor oh ah i found their army they're all worshiping this thing how do i get out of here it's so dark oh there we go okay they're all around the corner okay i know where they are now oh i gotta use the cannon here right as they're all coming out of there let's just do it they're gonna be that's what they're gonna be greeted by as they leave then i'm gonna do enemies i'm gonna do them behind them [Music] just because i want them to have a clear shot as they come out right how quickly are they going to come out oh they're spending longer in the cave than i thought oh here they come they're just blasting into the cave why are the cannons going into the cave okay i didn't expect the other cannon guys to literally go inside of the cave it's kind of working though they've all pushed up like this oh no they're still one of these magic guys they're hiding around the corner [Music] we should have this i think i don't know how many of them are left at the back in there still though oh not many i can't even see what's going on i think that's the last blue one unless my firework guy like kills their own troops we should win this who's left are you alive no where's the enemy are they in the wall oh they're inside the wall well we managed to get them we managed to get them anyway i've got this there's 3 000 people here hi guys i shouldn't i should never look at the view count i should never i i never normally like look at how many people are watching and then like every now and then like i just glance up and i see how many people are here and it just makes me it makes me panic that there's a there's too many people watching here hello everyone uh hello to everyone who's just joining in the stream we're playing tabs aka totally accurate battle simulator play for some of the crazy everyone's just saying hello merry squidmus everyone was uh was saying hello hello everyone saying hello let me try let me try and do a few quick shout outs because i'm appreciative of you guys showing up thank you lily thank you hebu uh thank you uh wild thank you luke thank you uh poppy williams thank you tinga linga who says loving you playing this uh thank you denny boy thank you adi thank you mr foot who says hello you hog gaming uh thank you uh thank you julie should we can we do a prank can we do a prank on uh on people that aren't in the stream yet okay what we need to do is i'm going to come up with a code word or like a code sentence and when i say that sentence you will need to say the same thing in the chat and people like that have just joined in that weren't here now will have no idea what we're on about i don't know if this is going to work but we give it a go you're going to remember though what should it be can we get some suggestions so it will be when i say okay when i say the phrase i'm going to stream terraria tomorrow okay when i say that sentence i'm going to stream terraria tomorrow i'm trying to think of something that i would otherwise never say you will need to say a really random sentence but it's going to be the same sentence so we need suggestions someone uh someone come up with a suggestion of what weird thing you should all say when i say i'm going to stream terraria tomorrow it kind of shouldn't be too long like only like a like a short sentence dolphins are cool banana is vegetable waffle a lemon fell on my head these are all great suggestions lasagna is in the oven because if they were there yesterday they'll understand the reference uh in the tower uh we should all say all hell cake that's the kind of stuff people would say in my chat anyway uh potato soup what about potato soup that's a nice easy one that was suggested by tornado because it's not too crazy so when i say just to be clear and it's i'm gonna leave quite a gap until i say it when i say i'm going to stream terraria tomorrow which i'm just going to say out of the blue you all need to go and say potato soup okay just everyone just spam it just spam potato soup for ages and then people that are asking why is everyone saying potato soup just don't reply just ignore them okay and we're just gonna really confuse someone so i gotta leave enough of a gap so more people can jump into the the stream and then we'll do it so don't say that don't say it now hold your horses hold your horses we say we say a little bit a little bit later on it stops stop saying potato soup you gotta you gotta say it later on oh it would be confusing enough anyway i was i was wondering whether this would be uh too confusing to get to get working with 3 000 people doing this same prank anyway uh who who we growing up against here is this just a guy's like speed and a shield guy uh let's we do a firework archer let's uh let's see how this is gonna go for the 1v1 oh i knocked him off is that the win they're still alive i broke the shield i think or is the shield like that anyway i lost i lost right everyone everyone has everyone gets free chances though three chances and they're out i think this one could win yes there we go i just just needed an awkward landing stop saying it we're not doing it [Music] you can't donate with potato soup cutter bingo [Music] i'm worried i missed one earlier and i'm scared i'm missing more of them uh dogwood facilitation stumpy uh will you make pokemon nozzle vid uh or stream uh i don't know maybe i i am due one more pokemon stream i might do one a little bit later on not today but in the uh in the future i still need another battle with squid uh get the traveling trader map it's a good video idea uh i have it so you can join me on minecraft travelling trademark i'm not even heard of that uh thanks so sully for the donation uh thank you tim tam with i'm not gonna read your comment out another look at the tower comment uh ellie welch uh says look for the secret units uh thank you to uh uh thank you to writhe the kind of pronounce your name thank you to co captain blues gaming uh thank you to uh willy gee who just says i freaking love you and then kat dinger you know you know what you did also thank you uh from streamlabs to a miss pink galaxy uh who says you are the the best are you the real miss pink galaxy or are you an imposter it's always a bad question to to to ask because you could say whatever you want is there a secret on this level by the way people uh want to say about the the secrets want me to hunt down secrets is there a secret on this level that any of you know oh i found you with these guys hiding guarding the tree oh there's someone down here as well i was thinking this was going to be a nice easy one oh there's the door here but it's like locked shut yeah in the tower uh pin the force there oh there's an axe it's not i've already done this one have i is there any um really quick way to see where i've done oh look on the trees as well go there everywhere this might be a bit of a tricky one i might use reaper anytime there's a tricky one i just use reaper oh where's my little cursor what's over here right this reaper will take up these guys straight away then there's going to be a few big crowds could maybe use oh i can't use the mail i won't have enough room mammoth i just kind of need something to to back up the reaper maybe just some like samurais let's just let's just do like a circle of samurais or a small loop of samurai seems like i ran out of money all right let's just follow the uh the reaper's progress see normally i feel like if i control them i'll do better but this reaper is so strong the thing is that now it's holding these people is it gonna be able to pick up anyone else oh there we go now oh now it throws them away and gets more people and then it just swipes the reef is so open look at the reaper because it's not even like crazy expensive either it doesn't even cost that much and whoa looks like we're going up against some uh some mammoths uh thank uh thank you sully for the 10 donation says i have amazing video idea uh go to minecraft and click friends it should say butter decorate uh you that's my username and enjoying it i'm playing minecraft on a really good map i'm not doing minecraft today i'm afraid i'm to stream terraria tomorrow uh but yeah i'm not doing any minecraft today anyway let's let's go and uh let's go and battle the uh the all these um these mammoths shall we what all right uh yeah what should i what should i use to go up against the uh the mammoths uh i i reckon i could do people up on the on the high ground i don't think i've done ice arches yet let's do some uh some ice arches on the uh the roof roof up here i got such a bad poker face guys i'm so bad at this you did so good but i did so bad i'm not gonna explain it just for those for those that don't you know there are like way more people here than when we said it as well no one explain it let's just let's just carry on let's just carry on with this i don't know i'm just putting ice arches absolutely everywhere but surely the mammoths won't be able to reach them very well unless like the ice archers do like the obvious stupid thing and just jump off the roof as they probably will do no stay on the roof what are you doing they're all just falling off the roof [Music] oh that is the best chat in the world the best chat in the world right now i wasn't even spawning in ice arches or spawning in people with axes and every time i look at the glass of it the chat just makes me laugh again the thing i like the idea of is someone clicking on the street they're scrolling back they're scrolling back through to try and find out why but they won't see anything unless they go back ages can we can we just keep this up until the end of the stream can we just have no can we just get rid of like any constructive like feedback or comments or suggestions or anything can this just be what the chat can this just always be what my chat is can my chat just be potato soup from now on with just nothing else just forever and that's just the thing that's just going to be the thing people know when they click on a stampy stream it's just it's just an endless ocean of uh of potato soup that'll make me so happy anyway what's going on in the game because um the mammoths they don't seem to be having a good day it doesn't seem to be a good day to be a mammoth so who's left alive on my side someone's still alive and the mammoth obviously they can't reach them because they're all stuck oh here they are oh they've got like no health all right i need to go and slay the mammoth attentively push up forward don't get me mammoth attack oh i died [Applause] right gg okay we uh that was never gonna be a strategy i was a bit distracted when i was uh i was setting that up um if i did enough balloon arches could i lift up a mammoth let's just like go a bit a little bit mad with these balloon archers could i shoot enough balloons to lift up a mammoth can i make a mammoth fly i've seen a house fly i've seen a something else flower but i don't know what i'd ever seen when i see a mammoth fly i don't think it's gonna work i don't think he's gonna fly no even with all of these balloons like all of the balloons just flying off like they are it's lifting their face up it is lifting them up a little bit i think they're just a little bit a little bit too heavy i'm gonna i'm gonna add my contribution to the uh the chat i think yeah the the balloon the balloon archers were not the other way to go here apparently i think we might just over i could just overwhelm them right should we just lag the game and just do loads of halflings and just see if we can completely overwhelm the mammoths oh no oh it's going to be so laggy oh it's already lagging they're not even moving yet i'm sorry guys is this going to crush my xbox there's a good chance the stream may be about to end because the second i press play my xbox might be about a crash oh i don't even want to watch it feel free to look away if the lag is uh is making you ill we'll see how uh we see how this plays out thank you to uh djg plays for the nomination and they say um what do they say let me read it uh potato soup is what they said uh thank you to shrek's dad who says hello stumpy uh i would love it if you could do uh an overwatch stream with subs later my name on xbox is shrek you got shrek their xbox game attack is shrek like just shrek how do you get that you must be like the first person to like do that as their gamer tower so many people want that uh it has oh no it has something before it but you should know it's me strix dad goodbye i'm not well idea i'm dying i'm not gonna be doing overwatch today uh with uh with subs or in any way i'll just be streaming this today but maybe a little bit a little bit later on uh like on another day uh yeah i mean there's gonna be loads more overwatch streams i just love playing overwatch so more overwatch will be coming at some point uh ballistic youtube says hi again uh if you haven't already can you play skyrim i've played skyrim uh but i i wouldn't be able to really stream or do videos on it it's just a bit too violent uh i know this game is kind of violent but it's so like ludicrous and cartoony uh it's kind of uh all right uh but yeah i have played it i just haven't like done videos or anything i thank you william and mark for your donation says stamp you are the the best uh lp says please explain potato soup stamps i have no idea what you're talking about potato soup what are they all about i'm no idea what you want about i'm sorry i don't understand what your your question is uh thank you uh tyron uh and uh and sully and uh and lewis as well for your donations as well as poppy williams who says uh hi stampy i've watched your video since i was seven or eight i'm now 15. i hope you're well uh i'm watching with my cat dave and your shout out made my day awesome welcome back to the uh the the stream poppy and uh shout out to dave poppy's cat what's going on with this battle as uh have enough of the halflings be taken out it's gonna stop lagging not really it turns out a million halflings do not defeat that many mammoths oh my god it's like drawing them all i've tried let's put the ball back in again just so i can get rid of them all again the things i don't even know if the reaper is going to do that well against them we could do some cannons i should at least weaken them as they get close i feel like loads of people at range would work well maybe like loads of spear throwers no let's do a big line of spare throws back here and then we just need a bunch of people to like keep them busy while the spear throne is going on maybe just some farmers let's give this a go this i actually feel like there's a chance this will actually work so the cannons will get taken out oh no all of the cannons they've taken out two of the okay cannons beat woolly mammoths oh look now the ones behind it i start oh i kind of feel bad i don't like this i feel so me they didn't even reach me oh that was a really like unsatisfying victory i just feel like i'm bullying harmless animals i know they're not harmless animals they're brutal vicious animals but still i feel bad okay now that we have just loads of cannons all on the rooftops aren't they all just gonna fall off look if i'd let's just put one bard right in the back here and the cannons all just gonna fall off the roofs and get destroyed oh looks like okay these just got stuck i think they will just get stuck look at this this is the one this is like one of the armies that i would do it's like they're playing it the way that i would play it okay so all i need is like troops that can go and finish them off while they're stuck and be able to get close enough i don't think this would be effective but i kind of want to send in some jousters let's just send them five jousters and let's let's see whether they because because they're very um chaotic these guys oh where they're going what are you doing oh we know are they going to be able to reach them i think most of them have just destroyed themselves anyway what's the other saying about you can lead a horse up the stairs but not back down the stairs let's see if that holds true [Music] oh i mean i didn't go back down the stairs look at that look at the legs just going like this there's gonna be one oh there's one oh look at this one way up on the roof can they can they can can i even reach it oh oh they're still trying to attack there we go just a little just a little poke just the little last last finally little fine final little poke oh we've got another another 1v1 battle here guys looks like we're going up against an axe person um they're giving me more money here this might be a tougher one should i use a balloon archer just send them into the sky i love the balloon archer oh what was that okay i give it i give everyone free free chances i don't know if it's gonna if it's gonna be worth it but i'm gonna give them give them all free chances i don't know they're gonna charge me down oh i want to do the same i want to do the same so they just go and like splat in the air against each other so what are they are they a berserker i can't afford it i think it's a berserker but i can't afford it and i think i can do that uh i can't afford a monk i don't want to break the jewel and have someone on the roof or something what about a spear fro are they going to be able to get a shot off before they land no what so what i think i need is oh i didn't give them their free chances oh well oh well they'll live so i want like a close range person so that as they land like they're then gonna get attacked maybe a brawler so they're going to fly and hit the rule and then they're going to get attacked by the brawler maybe or they're just going to both fall down oh go on brawler go go go go go and you get it yes victory i love their googly eyes at the end uh shout out to uh to to ziplia who says uh thanks for giving me a childhood uh co-captain bluegaming says uh i'll explain to you basically squishy called stampy and told him to put potato soup in the oven at five not true spreading false rumors it's all lies look in the lighthouse there's a bow on it i got the uh i got the bow at the lighthouse i got that in yesterday's stream i shout out as well to uh x x-s-k-i-t-l skittell i guess it's meant to be uh for the donation and oh one came in from matthew as well says you might remember me uh i said the first episode i watched was extra special where you saved santa i do remember you uh you were kind of confused it was called xmas rescue yeah that's when i started talking about about how much i've saved santa but yeah xmas rescue is the one that makes sense i do remember you welcome back matthew i'm going to stream terraria tomorrow [Laughter] i love the chat oh dear oh wow okay that was a bit of chaos yeah i just felt like getting an easy win this time so i brought some reapers in right what i think i what i want to do is because i'm enjoying this chat so much i'm going to i don't think it's going to save i just want to record because i always do like highlight streams like stream highlight videos and i want to include the the chat so i'm going to record a recording of the uh the chat as it is just so i can include it are we live can you hear me can you hear me did the stream cut out you can oh you can you can hear me i'm am i live my uh when i loaded up my thing to capture the screen it uh it crashed my uh my stream i don't know am i i don't know if i'm live can anybody hear me i guess i could check myself i think i'm live right okay what i was saying is i'm going to record the um just record my screen with the stream going mad so if you want a chance to be in my video of my stream highlights now is the time to say the thing that needs to be said okay if you don't want to be in it then don't say anything okay i think it's recording now i've not set up on this uh this new computer but mouth is not moving to the words i was out of sync right everyone just everyone just say potato soup for a bit er if you want to be in the video now's the time to say potato soup [Music] i don't know why i went quiet there's no sound it's just when i start recording i just feel like let's go quiet okay i have a little uh a little video of that so my artist so all seriousness am i am i out of sync with my my voice thank you for helping me for the uh potato soup donation all right squishy squash are you there can you uh can you let me know if i'm out of sync i saw you in the chat a second ago i don't know what the uh what's going on now oh my good i'm good i'm good oh thumbs up yay let's come on playing then shall we oh are there gonna be more people hiding on this level are these all just gonna fall off again there's got to be there's got to be something hidden because look they're giving me 5 000 why would they give me 5 000 if there wasn't going to be stuff hidden what's what's hidden why are they giving me so much money i'm waiting for something to like attack me from far away look at the clouds look at the clouds going after them [Music] is this is it is it just these guys that's just a really easy one give you give you a chance to use the clams though let's try that again i enjoyed that all right go on clams oh there's so many of them they're all like hiding among among the actual hay bales they're really hard to see look at them go it's good because these guys are so big they all start banging into each other they all end up just like getting stuck against each other and then it gives like more time so even more of the clams to come in look at these people all right i think i found another another good clam another clam another good class the clam oh no it's against one of the the people that like the bone mage people oh i can do bow mage against bow mage right they have free chances to win or i switch oh i think that was probably a draw but i'll i'll accept that as a uh as a victory it might just be me but the stream looks blocky oh yeah hmm i think the way that it reset right i'm gonna i'm gonna turn off and back on the stream you probably won't need to click off anywhere but let me see if i can i can get this sorted for you okay i'm not sure if you can hear me now i will uh i will wait yeah i can see on the preview it still looks really um looks really bad doesn't it i messed up so is when i went to open a new program to to record the screen and then when i went to do that yeah i had to open up like my permissions on my computer to like allow it to do that and then when i did that it quit the program then when i reloaded the program it wasn't working i think i messed up my recording of the stream as well which is going to be annoying because i won't have a high quality for the stream highlight it looks decent some people are saying i don't know if what you can see is different to mine but it looks uh yeah i don't know if i'm going to get this so i think i'd have to end the stream and start again you know what we had a good time we had a good stream and i kind of want to end it here because because me and squashy like we never go to drive throughs ever but they just added i comment what it's called but kfc added like this new like vegan burger what's it called uh and apparently the place uh oh it's yeah it's just called vegan burger okay there we go yeah and uh yeah we want to try it out oh she said oh my gosh are we going now we got someone we never have like fast food for like for dinner but we we we're gonna go out and get that for for our dinner uh squid i think did a video of like trying it um so we're gonna go and uh we're gonna try that out or maybe have some potato soup for dinner so i kind of want to go and i kind of want to do that now um as soon as the the stream is messing up a bit it might be a it might be a good time to to end it i just want to say thank you uh to a few donations uh before uh before we go uh just because uh during all of those shenanigans i think i missed some uh thank you to uh to sandra p he says i haven't seen you since 2015 how's it been it's been good uh going really good thanks sandra i hope you're doing good as well thank you to jojo games uh thank you to um spicy uh for another donation thank you to uh angela locke and uh katabinga again for another donation saying um potato soup big big surprise oh yeah thank you all so much paul for joining me for this one this has been a fun one this has been a whole lot of fun i think i am probably done playing tabs in stream i might just play a little bit more myself uh i'm really enjoying it but i just kind of want to play a bigger variety of different games uh not just this one so uh my next stream i probably do overwatch because quite a few people have been asking for more overwatch and i want to play overwatch so my next stream will probably be that i don't know when it will be so i guess kind of just uh stay tuned vegan burger soup thank you bobo for the the donation as well so yeah that'll be coming up at some point in the the future sorry if the quality isn't good here um it should be all good and all sorted out uh by the the next time but yeah that's into the stream here thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you all in the next one bye [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: stampylonghead
Views: 2,109,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 6sec (5046 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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