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hello friends it's me again and today we're gonna be doing some impossible mind tricks to test the strength of your brain make sure you guys do these with me okay ones 1 + 1 - 2 + 2 or 4 + 4 8 8 plus 8 16 name of vegetable carrot what how do they know literally how do they know what did you guys get comment below I didn't know okay try this on somebody else to see if it's legit what's 1 + 1 2 + 2 4 + 4 8 + 8 name a vegetable mother what you're supposed to say carrot okay this doesn't work it's just me that fell for it I don't know that's the whole thing supposed to make you say carrot I know and my back got low bowl was 1 plus 1 2 plus 2 3 plus 34 plus 4 5 plus 5 the name of vegetable oh my god why did you get it right did I work on him but now that came to my mind first I do want to say it let me try it again one plus one to two plus two three plus three four plus four five plus five six plus six seven plus seven fourteen eight plus eight vegetable you know has nothing to do with math character you going on my mind brought that that's so weird first time you know but now and potato kill my mom like those permissions you're supposed to say carrot that's so weird it's like a mind thing that you're supposed to say carrot so this one is crazy it will blow your mind so it's a checkerboard there's black pieces and there's white pieces so I think we can all agree that a is a dark square and B is a light square yes well what's the cylinder therefore it's just here to throw you off so a and B are supposed to be the same exact color no way like I don't see it not possible like how is a and B the same color if you see a darker than B hit that light so I know I'm not blind cuz a is definitely darker than B so this dude prints out the picture cuts it okay so a and B are still two different colored squares right yeah they're two different colored squares so he's gonna take the the B it's that color it matches and then the a what he took the a square a bra it is the same color it is the same color he took the a square and put on the people game matches perfectly it's like your brain so desperately wants to see a checkerboard it's like no I refuse to believe they're the same color how dare you impossible how many apps are in this sentence finished files are a result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years one two three four four that doesn't sound right it seems like there's more what oh you know what I cut myself before I check the answer so when you look at it you don't count the of the your brain kind of just skims through it so it's one two three four five six they're 6x did you count on three or four or five they're actually six hmm I got sick so a weird thing your brain does you look at the words that start with F or have an F in it you don't take account the of which there are three of Sodom okay here's another one so a B and C you're telling me they're all the same color clearly B is lighter than a antsy antsy might be the same color let's do the good old Photoshop test okay B let's take a little slice of Rooney paste it Oh color know what hey no but it looks lighter would you drag it what about C here C oh it's the same what is this sorcery what kind of black magic shucks this right here is called the awareness test so watch this video closely and count how many passes does the team in white make 13 I got 13 did you guys get 13 the answer is 13 but did you see the moonwalking bear what more walking bear where Wow I did not notice that uh-oh I did not notice him you know you are so focused on the ball and the passes that you do not notice Wow I have no awareness come below be honest did you see the bear on your first try it's easy to miss something you're not looking for hell yeah it is look out for cyclist this is an ad that's a pretty good one okay look at this picture like this video if you see a light gray and a dark gray I see a light gray and I see a dark gray on the right but when you select the colors or hold on let's do this I have a sample from this one the sample from this gray over here I'm gonna bring it over here oh it's the same thing it's the same color why my mind do this tell me why my mind do this this gray and then this is great look it doesn't change is the same color what's got out of my head if you stare at the color for a long time then you stare into an empty space you can see the opposite of that color okay so we're gonna stare at the red quick what's the opposite of red ah it's green oh oh it's working I saw a green circle do it for purple staring at the purple feel like I'm damaging my eyesight by this second oh god I just see a circle oh it's a yellow it's yellow it's yellow I see a blue one too whoa oh that hurt pick a number and then follow the line to the number on the opposite side take those two numbers and subtract the smaller number from the bigger number so this is a cloth what's crazy about this is whenever you pick a line and subtract the smaller number from the bigger number you will always get 6 so 12 minus 6 6 11 minus 5 6 10 minus 4 6 9 minus 3 6 if you've got anything else besides 6 you're not doing it right 8 minus 2 6 7 minus 1 6 that wasn't 6 that was 7 do that for the other one too Hey it's getting late it is 1 a and I am pretty sleepy okay venti iced caramel macchiato latte with an extra shot clearly it wasn't enough so now we're gonna do an audio mind trick so listen to this guy and comment below let me know what he's saying bar bar bar bar bar bar I heard bar bar bar okay bar for bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar I heard far far far far you heard far far far this time with an F except you didn't in fact the audio didn't even change between the two videos bar bar bar strange as it may seem what you hear depends on which video you're looking at what's he saying now bar bar bar he's saying bar and then the next one bar bar bar bar bar far far no he's saying bar and he's saying far bar bar okay stripping me out so they're the same video it's like he's saying what you wanna hear strange as it may seem what you hear depends on which video you're looking at go ahead take turns watching each video and see how the sound morphs this is a perfect example of something called the McGurk effect which shows how our visuals can alter what we believe or hearing so that sound is the same sound effect repeated over and over and over again but it sounds like it's gradually getting higher like danten danten danten danten danten danten danten ya feel me but it's not it's the same sound effect okay I want to see if this will work if I do it I'm gonna repeat the audio the same audio but with my hands higher and higher each time danten danten danten danten it's crazy actually work like if you just keep playing this over and over again this sound keeps sounding like it'll get higher and higher and higher I swear this is the exact same clip I just played you can rewind that section of this video over and over and check for yourself try it each time you start it over the tune is seemingly climbing even higher it's wild memorize everything in this picture and then flip the card okay okay we got a great pig pink pig couple of farm animals a tractor don't ask me something completely unrelated okay you know what I I think I got a mental image of this picture there's a go there's three horses this girl look like he's seen some sheep what color was the pig closest to the pool I think it was gray there was a pig that was great and that was the first thing that like stood out to me I got it the pig next to the pool is great okay that was too easy I feel like if you got it right oh another one of these memorize the picture then flip the card okay so we got a lady sunbathing we got an orange towel being held we got a dude that alt photoshopped into a stock image of a playground okay okay I think we got it I think we got how many kids are there 1 2 3 4 5 what wasn't in the picture Oh a dog a bird a blanket at trashcan or purse so there was a blanket definitely there was a dog definitely I'm guessing there's the purse like one of the ladies had to have been holding a purse maybe there was no trash can and maybe there's no bird I'm gonna go with trash can maybe there's no trash can where's the bird I'm not seeing a bird but I'm also not seeing a trash can there's a purse where is that damn bird I believe trash can was the right answer I feel like there's a bird in this picture but you know what I am I'm not seeing it it's gotta be in that tree somewhere comment below if you're seeing something that I'm not seeing study this image oh there's way too much going on here so a lot of posters is a city and I would just be like screw it do you remember seeing a helicopter yes there was a helicopter right up top right here I remember seeing that I remember seeing the parachute - oh there's another helicopter here what the heck I was not expecting that I've got a person dangling off of it I saw that I got like hella overwhelmed I'm like oh my god there's so much going on here it is way too late for this like if you got it so I know you're smart ten fish are in a tank to drown force them away three died how many are left you know I always hated word problems in math those are the worst wait and it's ten fish in a tank it's ten left in the tank I know some are dead but they're in a tank what are they gonna do unless Goldie ate Goldeen I don't think goldfish do that I don't think they eat each other I don't think they've been flushed down the toilet after they died it doesn't matter it's to drown force one way three dies there's still ten fish in the tank the answer is 10 you cannot fool me unless carrots are involved I still don't know how they got that anyways it's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below did you try any of these did you fail you pass did you win did you lose and if you guys enjoy it make sure you that like mine in the hay and make sure you subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,140,721
Rating: 4.9545112 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, dumb, answer, wrong, test, mind tricks, if you answer wrong you are dumb
Id: s4ukFfgR7is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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