Health in Your Soul - Prophet Kobus

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he sent his word to heal them and to deliver them from all destruction so would you like to be healed and delivered from all destruction so the thief comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life and life and more abundantly and Jesus is the word that was made flesh in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God the Word was God everything that was made was made by him and this word became flesh and dwelt amongst us so God tried to prove to us how the word works God made everything by his word so he sent His Word to heal them and to deliver them from all destruction let's read Isaiah 55 again very well-known Peter thank you in the King James it will be fine how everyone that's thirsteth come here to the waters and he that has no money come here buy and eat you come buy wine and milk without money and without price wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto me okay that word Hawken means listen okay so if you thirsty he says it's a thing you must do you must listen listen easier how many times does the Bible see you as an ear to hear lady mere so Hockman to me okay an eg that which is good and let your soul okay so if you're thirsty you must listen to the Word of God and your soul that is your mind that is your thought line there is your senses will delight itself in fact okay what will happen to your soul man your senses your thought your mind something will happen if you are thirsty and listen to the Word of God something's gonna happen to your soul the anointing is gonna heat it does it say that let your soul delight itself in fatness which is the anointing all right incline your ear and come unto me hear and your soul shall live okay so if you hear your soul is gonna live seek ye the look a listen to this one seek the Lord while it may be found right cool upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man he's okay listen to this he started if you are thirsty you gotta listen to the word and if you listen to the word your senses your thoughts your soul your mind will be so delighted in the anointing and if you then really hear your soul shall live but to get to the place where your soul is alive I mean man stood up a living soul so we are idling we are not living most people are existing they're not alive there's a difference between having existence and making a living if you look at most people walking they just there they just existing but you can see somebody that's alive for God man so he says man stood up a living soul so God wants to get you back where your soul is alive it means where the anointing is touch your soul man to say so seek the Lord while he may be found and let him return unto the Lord and He will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon seek the Lord and this is how you gotta seek Him you've got to forsake your thoughts which thoughts the unrighteous thoughts the wicked thoughts because God says that is not mine neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord whereas the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts so the thoughts are part of the mind which is the soul which is your senses which needs the anointing to come alive so to change your thoughts you got to hear the word of God so hearing the word is meaning I'm listening to his thoughts if I speak to you you hearing my thoughts from out of the heart comes the thoughts so when I speak it's my thoughts that becomes verbal so hearing the Word of God is getting God's thoughts so if I listen to the thoughts of God in exchange it I leave my thoughts that's awful lower nature and I get the higher thoughts of Almighty God something's gonna happen when I get the thoughts that is higher I'm gonna get an anointing in my mind in my soul in my thoughts that's gonna cause my soul to live and if my soul live I'm back to where God says I'm supposed to be man stood up a living soul so when I'm heading to I want to be a living soul for as the rain fluoresce so this is now compared to for as for as the rain comes down from heaven okay now he's talking about my thoughts are higher than your thoughts so heaven is higher than Earth so as the rain comes down from heaven right and return is not Siddha okay it does not return there if we stop there we miss the revelation but water is the earth it waters the earth and make us it to bring forth and bud then it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so xocai listen so shall my word be so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth a that goeth forth from my mouth so God's word comes from heaven out of God's mouth Deuteronomy 8 Matthew 4 Luke 4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God it shall not return unto me void it shall not return now remember the rain shall not return but so shall the word that comes from God's mouth not return but there's not a full stop it shall not return another word for void empty or without producing whereas the rain comes down from heaven is talking about the thoughts that we must change so that we can get anointing on our minds so that our soul can live so that we can hear the word and be what God intended us to be he says the rain comes the but does not return but it shall accomplish that which I please and it's so prosper in the thing whereto I sent it the word uses it shall not return empty so it must return in an accomplishment it must return to heaven in a prospering thing it must return to heaven in doing something it must return to heaven in pleasing something so the word must come from heaven and return so the rain must come and return so we know rain comes down and it forms water on this earth lakes and dams and stuff and it returns to heaven in the form of vapor vapor is something that you do not really see it depends on how high or low the humidity's or what time of the morning it is so when the word comes down it returns let's look at the vapor and let's put the thoughts make it meditation meditation meaning deep in thought so if I take the Word of God and meditates upon a day and night Joshua 1 verse 8 if you take the book of my word and let it not depart from your mouth it shall accomplish each or prosper it shall do it shall be pleasing you shall be prosperous and you shall be successful so the word comes forth from God's mouth it must return to God before it will accomplish something so he says Joshua if my word that comes forth from my mouth does not depart from your mouth but you made it tight on it day and night Joshua 1 verse 8 then you shall be prosperous and successful and everybody shall see it so shall my word be if I sin it is gonna heal you if I sin it it must deliver you from all destruction but it must return to me in a way of thoughts so Armas first changed the way aren't thinking by starting to thinking his thoughts by listening to his words if I listened to his words and take the words and make it my thoughts it's got the power to save my soul because there is an anointing on the word because holy men of old Road being moved upon by the Holy Spirit that anointing will cause my soul to live because I'm now thinking not my thoughts so if I think these thoughts and in meditation keep on thinking what God has been saying it will accomplish prosper do and be pleasing in the sight so if he says I will heal you I'll be healed if he said I'll deliver you from destruction I'll be delivered whatever he says will be mine if I make it my thought life if I made it tight upon a day a night if I've got me it here my soul will be saved the anointing will take my thought life and I will stand up like in Genesis 1 and be a living soul awesome right Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 thank you Peter amplified bible for the word that God speaks is alive and full of power making it active it's operative its operative man you can work with this book if the manual it's energizing it's energizing and effective and it's effective thank you it is sharper than any two-edged sword hulking penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life soul and the immortal spirit so the word comes as a sharp two-edged sword to accomplish to prosper to do to please it's active its operative its energizing and it's bringing a division between the soul and the spirit exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and it judges your thoughts and purposes of the heart okay if I have an ear to hear what the Word of God says the anointing on that word will come to my soul break the yoke that is kept me by in bondage it'll make the unrighteous force to go because I will change it for his laws that are higher than my thoughts it'll be like the rain it comes from a higher place heaven and returns in a vapor form so I get the word and I start meditating it returns to God in thought form heads so my mind is now filled with God's Word and because I think that it judges my thoughts and because of that in brain bring it does something to my marrow something to my joints because it tells my soul to think the things that's supposed to be spiritual and before I know it I'm a spiritual being a stand-up a living soul and the word makes me bad prosperous and successful you get it let's go to just proverbs chapter 4 - listen to this my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from your eyes remember Joshua 1 and Psalm 1 if you made it tight upon a day and I keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life unto those that find them come on and health to all their flesh so if I have the word as my thoughts it's health to all my flesh just turn back one page to proverbs 3 verse 8 says it shall be health to your nerves and sinews and narrow and moist ring to your bones verse 21 says my son let them not depart from your eyes keep sound wisdom and discretion so shall they be life unto your soul and grace to your neck oh my goodness why must they be grace to your neck what grace to my neck me that's the place where they have put the yolks on the oxen in Bible days and as I attend and twenty-seven says the yoke can only be destroyed because of the anointing so now it tells us how the anointing would come on our soul buying climbing and listening to the word by being thirsty enough to take his word and if I take it it'll be fatness to my soul and if I seek Him while he's around my soul shall become alive because of hearing his word I will make it my thoughts when I make his word my thoughts I will start thinking higher thoughts the iron thoughts will not return to Him void but it shall accomplish prosper do and be pleasing in his sight because I will be thinking his thoughts and not my thoughts and because I think he thoughts I'm starting to walk his ways and because I've got his thoughts now my soul is getting anointed and now spiritually speaking he says the yoke will just be destroyed and he says exactly from where it will be taken from off your neck so it says there's gonna be graceful that neck of yours why that's the thing that's been carried the burdens oh man I tell you come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest so people have been bottled down because of stress and anxiety and fear and turmoil and disease and sickness he says it's all in your soul but your body is the one that feels it at the end but it's actually a soul thing so I want to get that nick of your soul delivered from that yoke so there's an anointing I'm gonna speak grace to it but you got to incline to my words you gotta meditate upon a day and night and if my words become your thoughts it will bring an anointing to your soul and you will think like me and that anointing will destroy every yoke of sickness in your marrow in your bones in your sinews in all your flesh and you will be again a living soul Psalm 63 oh god you're my god early will I seek you my soul thirsts for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land we know water is so my flesh will come right is my soul as drunk from the fountain of the water of life which is the word of Almighty God now listen to verse 2 what am i thirsty for to see your power to see your glory so as I have seen you in your sanctuary because your loving-kindness is better than life my lips shall praise thee thus will I bless thee while I live listen to verse 5 my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness which is the anointing again my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips when I remember thee upon my bed and made the takes on thee in the night watches how many scene we are talking about the soul mania that's thirsting and it that needs the anointing and if I can get my soul that is my census that is my mind to think God's thoughts man it will not return void it'll make me prosperous it'll accomplish it because he sent His Word to heal them and deliver them from all the structure now he says if the soul man can get this word it the way it'll get it these two things he said I will praise you and I will meditate meditate means to be deep in thought a fool will quickly utter his words but a wise man will first meditate then afterward speak it so you speak it when it's become a reality in your life the price for sin and sickness has been paid on it cross he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed now verse 1 of that chapter that society 3 verse 1 says who hath believed our report but if a person is dead and has no feelings or emotions there is no five senses to pick up the signals to return it back to the body to say what is happening in Romans chapter 10 Paul says the following you don't have to go to heaven or to the depths of Hell you don't have to go seek for the word it's actually very near in your heart and in your mouth to say it then it comes to verse 16 he says but as it is written who hath believed our report but they did not listen to whom the report was given verse 17 so faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word now I know how we been taught this scripture faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing the word and hearing the word now he's talking about the report he says who has believed the report that he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities just Osment of our peace was upon him and with his trust were here he says they that heard it did not believe it but we know that faith will come by believing that report and if we believe that report it will qualifies us as people of faith so what does faith do faith produces if we look at that crucifix and you can get caught up and go right to Golgotha and see how he was beaten so it was marred more than any man and you didn't see him as a man anymore it was just a pop of meat lying there blood all over the show slaughtered like a lamb to the slaughter he opened not his mouth and we get caught up with a feeling of pity towards the body that is beaten but there's something behind it that sometimes we mercy and we don't get the full report so faith doesn't break through and we don't get the reality of the price that was paid let's go to Isaiah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him with his traps we are healed verse 10 says yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him it pleased God to bruise him he hath put him to grief now here comes the revelation when you shall make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand listen to verse 11 he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities so we get caught up with look at him look at the bruises he says no no no no no it pleased the father to bruise him because his soul had to take the agony and if it doesn't offer his soul there will be no sacrifice so he's got to feel every feeling his senses that works with his soul man has got to take and pay the sacrifice we see the flesh body ripped apart but if there was no soul inside there there was no feeling they could beat it till it was in pieces they could chop off the arms and throw it all over chop off the head if a body's dead there's nothing to it it's a lot of dust and meat he comes in Hebrews 9 and 10 especially in chapter 10 as from verse 9 he says sacrifices and offerings you did not desire therefore you have prepared a body for me for the Spirit of God to come and dwell that body to make it a living soul so we here works the soul of God that's the feeling part of God the emotional part of God in a body so you can offer up the body and heat it to pieces so Jesus says no man can take my life I must lay it down myself they will not be able to kill me they can beat this body till there's nothing left of it if I don't offer my soul as a sacrifice for sin there will be no sacrifice for sin because God says I don't desire sacrifices and offerings I want the soul that sinneth must die so right from Leviticus the life of the soul is in the blood so he comes and he says the soul that sinneth must die and he was so lessen you shall not touch his blood so it comes in Ezekiel he says you shall not carry the sins of your father's and the father shall not carry the sins of the son so they goes the bloodline curses he says because we've gotta get rid of the legalistic thing where I will visit the children of the generations because because I'm gonna come back to the place where every soul will carry his own burden and every soul that sinneth that soul must die so I've got to bring a sacrifice in my soul so if he offers these soul as the sacrifice God said he will be pleased he will be satisfied he will be happy and so Jesus had to carry the grief the emotional thing in his soul he had to feel your sickness he had to feel your cancer he had to feel your pain your emotional disturbance your upsetness so he says if Jesus can offer up his soul as a sacrifice then he shall see a offspring he shall see his seed then every single person can come back to Almighty God so the emotion listen to verse 12 therefore will I divide him a portion with a great he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he has poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors so when Jesus died he said father into thy hands I commit my spirit so they go to spirit to the Father who is the father of spirits so they take his body and put it in a tomb so the soul goes down to hell so Psalm 16 verse 10 says you shall not leave my soul in hell to see corruption for in my presence is fullness of joy so I'm gonna go back to your presence but first I gotta go down to hell who you see that as sin that it's it not he that first descended into the lower parts of the earth so when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost this was Peter sermon he says if David was what we think he was why did he say the Lord said unto my lord but David himself said of him that you shall not leave my soul in hell to see corruption if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you he will quicken your mortal body the word quicken has got a vast translation of refresh renew restore so that's for it took that body out of the tomb making it a living soul again and here comes Jesus he says now this for it is now your portion that's what Paul prayed in Ephesians one from verse 15 through verse 22 I pray the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ since I heard of your faith and your love towards the saints cease not to pray that the father may give unto you you know eyes of understanding so that you may know and you may see what is inheritance and the power that he used to raised Christ from the dead which is now in you if you can understand that he's now above principalities and powers and things present and things to come and now he's given to the head of the church now he fills all in all so if that's Purdy's in me I've got power over all so my mortal body will be quickened God made Adam formed him out of the dust of the earth mortal flesh breathe spurred in him and he stood up so a living soul so your soul shall live if the anointing comes because you have taken his words as your thoughts so here's my mortal body struggling failing being hindered attacked if that same spirit is a need this is a quickening in my mortal body what is he saying he says I want to make your living soul again I don't want you to have a soul I want you to be a living so if you're a living soul they can be now separation if you have a soul it's easy to just lose your soul 3 John verse 2 he says I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers it means it's a two-way traffic that the one will always cause the other one to go the same speed for as the rain comes down and don't return void but as vapor so my word that goes out of my mouth we'll come back in thoughts and meditation and then it will be prosperous and accomplish that so as your soul are taking this word and get anointed and loved so shall you be healthy and so shall you be prosperous come Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want when will I not want when he leads me beside still waters and take me to green pastures where he does what to me restores my soul Matthew 11:28 come unto me all ye who are burden and heavy laden and I will give you rest listen to me and learn of me and you shall find rest for your souls so you can get a restful soul a refreshed soul and anointed soul and that will bring you to a place where you are a living soul and where you're a living soul everything is a-okay come on how sick was Adam and Eve in the garden the mornings here comes Eve on our crutches anatomies putting in his hearing aid to say what what are you saying Eve since I said the garden is nice it's a pretty I struggle with the crutches to walk to the river or were they fine till Sun came in and the Bible says the soul that sinneth must die so if the soul is alive again I'm refreshed I'm quickened I'm alive so let's look at Psalm 107 verse 20 he sends forth his word and heals them and rescues them from the pits of destruction oh that men would praise and confess the Lord for His goodness and loving kindness and his wonderful works towards the children of men and let them sacrifice the sacrifices of Thanksgiving and rehearse his deeds with shouts of joy and singing now you rehearse these deeds by meditation and then you bring it forth with shouts of singing of praises go to Psalm 40 - I'll just read it again right as the deer panteth off to the water Brooks so my soul painted off to thee O God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God my tears have been my meat day and night while they continue to send me where is your God when I remember these things I pour out my soul in me for I had gone with a multitude I went with him to the house of God with a voice of joy and praise with a multitude that kept hourly day so he says I think and I meditate and I realize there was a time when I praised God when I went with him all to choose into the courts of the house and I were always singing and jumping and leaping and shouting he says but now all I've got left is a thirsty soul so why is my soul thirsty I'm not in the place of praising and worshipping anymore verse 5 why are you cause down O my soul and why are you disquieted in me oh my God my soul ease cause down within me first eleven why do you cause down on my soul why are you disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise Him listen who is the health of my countenance so he says if I can get into his presence I will be blessed and I will be healed the message says why you're down in the dumps my soul why are you crying the Blues well they call it soul music [Music] oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh mama maybe papa [Music] oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you see you say just yeah yeah when you say yeah you feel better already see you're poor you're so loud within you you pour out your soul that's what the songwriter says I pour my soul out within me he calls it the Blues the message said so right Psalm 103 bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all your iniquities who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from destruction does it sound like 1:7 who crown you with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfy your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like that of an eagle's he says there's something like my soul must stop blessing the Lord praising him meditating his things if I want that anointing to bring healing and get me out of all destructions it's a decision of your soul so he said so I remember when you were with the multitude praising God but look how disquiet it you are look out down in the dumps you are look how blue you are you know why you forgot the art of praising oh so now you're mumbling and grumbling in you say oh so why you caused them it's a soul it's time to bless the Lord so don't forget these benefits remember how got your iniquities out heal your sicknesses renew your strength so if you bless him the spirit that raised Christ from the dead it's gonna come and quicken your mortal body because it works together with praise and worship so if I make a quality decision to praise and worship Him there's something in praise and worship that just left you out of your situation brings your soul into restoration makes it easy for the world to fall in your heart makes it easy to think God's thoughts and before you know it I'm healed so it says if I can get the souls to bless the Lord they will just receive the prosperous health and healing so why don't why don't teaches blessing hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we are plating more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
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Keywords: spirit word ministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, porphet kobus, spiritwordministries, spirit world ministries, spiritworldministries, spirit word ministries 2018, health in your soul, health in your soul sermon
Id: GaX53V8fV5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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