Weapons of Social Seduction - The 7 Most Powerful NLP Hypnotic Language Patterns

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a meta-analysis as an adjunct to persuasion and influence is absolutely vital in this in the school of it I'm gonna race this and redo it I'm actually doing it my camera not only using mine inside my psyche is a scary place for me I heard in the persuading the model persuasion is ones that I teach you have what I call the three I model okay and that means identity intelligence and influence most people move through the world focusing on this one how can i Ahmet make people do stuff well if you want to be able to get people to do stuff you have to master these two okay identity means who are you that's person what is your identity what are your core believes your core attributes what are your skill sets that you bring to bear on a given situation okay the more power the more powerful and identity you possess the easier influence becomes globally as well as let's goes back to something that I first learned from Kenan Cleveland which was called the bee boom and Padma most people go through life starting from the right and going this way they think if I have this I'll be able to do that so I can be this but if you start from this place all these others tend to take care of themselves make sense in the pickup in seduction sinop scenario sports performance sales we would call this thank now the fusion between identity and influence is this area we call intelligent I mean intelligence I'm not talking about smarts I'm not talking about your ability to score work on a written test or or whatever I'm not even talking about eye cubes or EQs or you know emotional quotient what I'm talking about in essence is your ability to gather information my god they've found me information now there's a saying you write down its kind of scary but it's true goes like this given me by one of my mentors when I was studying music interview and interrogation if I know you better than you know me I can influence you if I know you better than you know yourself I can control you [Music] people are going through the world blissfully unaware of who and what they really are and what they really believe we're going to act upon the other correlator that is they're constantly projecting who they really are what they really wanted to leave onto everyone around them if you have enough sensory acuity the person you're speaking with will tell you everything you need to know to make them pretty much do whatever you want and have them feel good about that's the key to the persuasion model that I teach come on ladies go oh my god you brought cake sure that's the key there's a lot of people who have an eye understanding of these skills we're moving through the world just taking things from people and leaving shattered remains and abuse people and you know her feelings everywhere they go I'm going to suggest that there's a better way go through the world making everybody you interact with feel tremendously good showing them how to get exactly what they want and linking it to getting helping them get to help you get what they want and you're going to discover very very quickly that you don't have to use a tremendous amount of influence in fact the more information you gather about the people situations and environments you're going to be working in the less influence you have to wheel consciously okay it's the difference between karate and Aikido or Aiki jujitsu in karate we're going to sit or get a block we're gonna punch we're going to knock you down Taichi Aikido we're just the guys coming at me we're just going to move a little bit and I'm gonna go King me that would and he'll put himself where we want him to go because that's where you wanted to go anyway make sense I use a lot of martial metaphors but I'm martial artists deal with it alright but information and in are the intelligence part of the i3 model that I'm talking about is really one of the most powerful segments you begin you can do and tell influence without it I mean you can just throw what random techniques out there you'll get effect but if you want the most bang for your buck if you want the most return on your investment you have to pay attention to the people you are doing them even more fundamental to that you have to pay attention to the person you are inside take an Abbott an accurate inventory of your strengths your weaknesses your beliefs the things you're willing to do the things you're unwilling to do your physical appearance versus how you in terms of physical appearance and I'm going to I'm going to go glowy this attractiveness Kraken is extremely subjective but here's the bottom eye on this it's an ugly truth about attraction and attractiveness good-looking attractive people get more stuff period and test after test attractive people people who are perceived as being attractive get more stuff I didn't write the rules I just meant to report but once you accept that and understand it and act upon it as if it were actually true then you know where to start in terms of your identity start improving your appearance and attractiveness based on important the areas and environments in which you are going to be operating okay if the ladies came to tonight's workshop dressed in really short skirts and high heels and halter tops the guys would have a ball but it really would be a very different it wouldn't be an appropriate outfit for this kind of environment by the same token if we go to a nightclub in a tuxedo we're gonna look extremely out of place no matter how good we look we don't fit that makes sense now I'm going to lapse even further with this since I do a lot of work in helping guys and gals improve their relationships and buteven here never heard a book called the game Elvie yeah I got your mail any yeah who is a master at sucking you into his world by the way it really is it's very good there was this concept that came out called peacock we ever heard our current peak on it raise your hands raise your hands thank you this means yes this means no this means oh [ __ ] he's gonna call me I changed its it now the concept was actually the whole idea of dressing in such a way that you attract attention to yourself most you guys Department guy named mystery you ever heard of a show called the pickup artist you know I'm talking about if not you should rent it if you can get a copy of it and watch it because there's a lot of good stuff you just par well the reality TV crap there's a lot of good principles that he's teaching ok peacocking is the idea that you want to dress in such a way that you attract attention that you've seen somehow the you want to be the 800-pound gorilla in the room the problem with this is a lot of guys understood the outer message but not the inter message the reason people like mystery and style or Neil Strauss for lack of a better word can get away with peacocking which is dressing very outlandishly very exotic lee is because their inner game their self their identity their self-image is strong enough to support it and be comfortable if you do not have a strong enough self-image the clothes wind up wearing you and you wind up looking like a moral dork to make you look like somebody trying to be somebody and believe me that comes across ok so remember when we're talking about influencing we're going to work on a very small small segment books but its nuclear top of a nuclear power of small segment tonight and that's hypnotic language patents ok now kick I would have introduced a Kip rody he's been a good friend of mine for many many years was actually my first assistant organizer here the NLP power group and he has a chiropractic office out in Poway so if you ever need to be fixed and you're out that way up in Kip we'll take care of it Kip has been through this lecture probably more times than he ever wants to admit okay but he's very very good at what he does so by all means if you get a chance to work with him today please do so we're going to be talking about seven specific language patterns now this takes into consideration that you've know all the other things that I've been talking about you have an understanding of identity you have an understanding of the importance of gathering intelligence about the people that you're dealing with we cover that very in-depth in CPI and even more in depth and our killer influence programs and we will be doing some workshops that serve as an introduction to those particular skills specifically sense a sensory acuity and calibration further in the future today is going to focus specifically on the bread-and-butter language patterns that make everything you say become a compelling hypnotic induction that makes everything you say enticing to the people listening to you so that you automatically cause people to go into a light but very malleable trance state where they just hang on every word and people just start to feel really good about you as you continue to talk on the light now come back to the room all right so ever they bring paper today good because you're going to be doing some right all right today's segment is called stuff I think that's just a really cool name but it does actually stand for something strategic suggestion he here word is strategic and suggestion it's not random crew was just a bit easily applied and that's the key here if it's not easy to apply you won't use it period end of story you'll often discover as you especially as you get deeper into things like the martial arts persuasion and influence that's some of the most powerful principles and most powerful techniques that you can use are also the simplest because they're the easiest to apply there's a reason that basics are basics okay language actually is linguistic linguistically triggered to be specific in other words we're going to learn how to put people into trance and into malleable states of compliance through the use of specific language pattern and of course age is the most show you the team linguistically trigger well I ran out of room over here so to take suggestion through easily plot apply linguistically triggered hypnosis or you could just say stuff as it just sounds before he again pleased with linguistically triggered the teeth at first team all through through yeah as I'm moving through GJ suggestions you easily applied linguistics trigger Tennyson - come on are we going to be more chairs mark I could be yes that could be enough either okay great alright and I apologize for the slightly compressed environment today but since we have new tenants here and there let ours are much later than when we used to we used to have these we had to give them some room to breathe it's only bear alright now we're going to take out a piece of paper [Music] how many people would actually like to go into trance today raise your hands raise your hands come on I'll give you this don't calling me [ __ ] Chris you know you can take our missile tell me sir what have you been doing cause if I didn't love you see here see what I get for trying to use notes it never works for me some people can get away with notes write these down adverb adjectives awareness spatial and there's a couple of subcategories in there I'm forgetting man who can spit it out there what's the lime looking for James temporal okay you're right actually is done now put a little line and below that line I'm going to write cause and effect complex equivalents I'll move in a second see you guys back there can see and direct commands taken all together they comprise what we call in CPI the Magnificent seven plus or minus two these are the bread and butter nuts-and-bolts language patterns that turn everything you say into a compelling hypnotic induction without sounding weird creepy vague or confusing important distinction there are lots of NLP style patterns in York Zurich Sounion language patterns out there that will blow you into trance also confuse the hell out of you you can't use them in the boardroom or the nightclubs or in any non therapeutic non seminar based interaction therefore they are not useful these seven patterns taken as a whole are the most cross contextual they're the most fundamental they're the easiest to use why because they're already occurring in your speech anyway it just takes a little bit of tweaking for you to create nuclear power conversational get not exceptions just by where you place these kind of words in the structure of what you do that makes sense okay now I want you to look now we talk about seven plus or minus two is because the common belief is that the conscious mind which we most we spend most of our time thinking is in charge of us can only process seven plus or minus two bits of information every second for whatever length of time now it goes back to a world called chunk size yeah you can do all kinds of weird gymnastics and create bigger chunks or smaller chunks but the bottom line is I created this stuff so that it was easy for you to remember how many of you ever got out in the real world but man it'd be cool to use some kind of language pattern and couldn't remember a damn thing raise your hand bingo all right the CPI model that we teach is based on what I call the championship model what if the championship model is something once at once again both of my martial arts in my study and my one tomorrow our children most martial arts champions in their given discipline could speak the entire language of their art they knew all the moves they knew all the forms they knew all the jargon when it came down to winning in the ring they relied on five to seven techniques over and over and over again and when the [ __ ] hit the fan that's what they used so we apply that same model to persuasion and influence this is all you need to know as far as language patterns go I was right okay okay master this but seven plus or minus two makes it really really easy now I could ask him now what I'm asking to do here is still the same as me asking you to memorize this following string of numbers eight five eight nine four seven eight three eight two three four the shut up pitcher okay now if I ask you to recall that number verbatim without parsing it into a phone number two kind of syntax that would kind if achill with it but if we divided up into eight five eight nine four seven eight three eight two we've now gone from seven discrete chunks to three chunks of three each or four to two and three and one and four yes quick little pairs if you put a regular American phone number into like Tijuana's pattern most people can't remember it yeah it's gone as the Sun this a social hypnotic operator we can use to acne actually ski pick us users into to people all times give me your fun of our backwards oh don't I go that's a good one it is a good one okay but here's the point CPI is designed for use out in the real world and so we use this seven plus or minus two but now we have to make it even simpler take your seven language patterns chunk it down into two discrete families now we have one group of average of awareness and temporal come and one family of cause-and-effect complex equivalents and direct command why do we do it this way because these are very very similar in that they are one thing well there are a bunch of things but primarily they are descriptions their descriptions their discs right they're descriptors they describe things this family is more based it goes more towards beliefs and perceptions okay and so it's more direct what we want to do ultimately the strategy that we apply we're going to build influence is we're going to wrap these inside of things make sense okay I'm glad you said that cause and effect complex equipments all beliefs were the ones you know about the ones you don't know about are stated in cause and effect terms okay I play this game with some of you before but if you want if you ever want to unpack that structure all you have to do is ask somebody what they believe and one of the key words for the cause and effect category is the cause so I will just do a real quick one we'll play with the knee tell me something you believe make it simple so I don't have to get really bizarre you don't have any simple beliefs I guess I believe that there is some higher being okay you believe that there's some higher being we're getting into a faith question higher me okay I mean we nobody got this so I can trace it home now you know kids never seen this exact presentation of this so this is this is actually a simpler way to do this if you want to think about it so alright so Lindy believes there's a higher power now what we've done is we don't lean we've only uncovered one half of that delete then you believe in a higher power because whatever comes to mind is fun okay because if I didn't then the world would not be as good of a place there would be nothing old would not be as good place I'm not passing judgment on the balloon what I did just do was uncover the reason why she believes what she believes okay the because elicits the other half of a belief when you talk to people in this structure everything you say comes across as a belief because it matches their internal structure it's accepted as a belief and I've done some of the most common a fact if you go to the I think if you go at the bottom of the NLP today website the bottom the NLP power website you'll see this little video clip where I actually push this to the lemon I think James you were there when I did that right when I took to completely non related things and using this pattern made them sound perfectly natural in spite of the fact that people in the audience knew they had nothing it was absolute junko logic okay and that's exactly what we're talking about we are not logical creatures we are not even rational creatures you don't believe me buy a book called predictive or predictably irrational by Dan Ariely it's required reading for my mastermind people we might touch a little bit on that today because they're fun things that you can play with but simply being here allows you to begin to understand that using cause-and-effect belief system or belief language automatically makes you a more powerful presenter because you can instantly change the way you speak to naturally match someone's internal environment and that means you're already becoming more powerful because you doesn't that make sense yes you just know it doesn't how did you sitting in that chair mean anything that's right here see he came up with his own reason that's the cool thing about this when you do this to somebody and they agree with you even if you point out the weird rash weird illogic about it they will come up with their own reasons for why it could be true we call that trance logic you guys from the masterminds meeting we're doing transfer Nam on you guys for deeply blurred intimately familiar with not wanting these didn't know the whole transplanting but here's the bottom line I could just as easily say because the moon is made of green cheese means you can learn this material powerfully and use it to make every part of your life exactly what you want it to be but it's likely yes so you're talking about programming subconscious mind directly without wash so you're talking about programming the subconscious mind without pushing well it may question it but as you're thinking about what I just said don't you find your mind trying to come with all the weird mental gymnastics to how like where I'm coming from and why that could be true we say well we may be talking about it like this you start coming through all these little don't most of you will probably realize you're coming through these little internal gymnastics to figure out the words you're really coming from that's trance and that's one language pattern yes isn't it just like you say so many things in the mind fighting just surrenders well that's overwhelmed over okay and when I'm going to when I'm when I do these really outlandish language patterns it's because I want to show you how far you can push and still sound conversational and natural if you do this with things that are plausible logical and verifiable they have no chance I don't care how logical and rational you think you are you can't defeat these language patterns I've tried it okay it doesn't work you can't parse it once you start doing this model you can't parse the language fast enough to stop yourself and getting the suggestions fact the act of trying to parse it down forces you to miss all the stuff that went on after it so the Sony hardware integration oh yeah nice and it's this is this goes right to the hard wiring can want to be you know technical about it alright and for women it's even more powerful because their brain is hardwired for language differently than men's they have a richer experience of language than men do ok I often joke that men and women are different but not that much but it's the differences that are important the similarities of this are important too but it's it's also important to understand what to do when which to focus on that make sense this means yes this means now ok by the way that's important this always means yes this always means no regardless of what the mouth is saying ok so any questions on that yes the name of the book again which predictably irrational so with their power and view just the single Association of cause and effect or you string them together oh yeah you always string them together so you have to make a sequence well you can you can just literally say sitting in that chair causes you to absorb this information powerfully and that would make perfect sense until you really think about how does sitting in that chair cause you to do anything here they are paternity well yeah and if it makes sense it's accepted yeah doesn't that make sense many likes to fight lean egos in martial arts class I go to demonstrate a technique he goes I think he's trying to go to the bathroom or something but all right it's right not to if I not trying vain not to go back I'm gonna die so usually I start off with a verb adjective presuppositions but since as this thing becomes more organic by the way um just I'm going to put a little pause here and then kind of open leave this loop open for a little bit what I'd like to do my goal here when I do these little workshops is to give each of you something that you can go out tomorrow tonight and use so it's important for me to know kind of take a little x-ray my not what it is you want to get out of tonight so I can make sure that you get it would that be okay if I just went around real quick and got a little bit of information from everybody okay cool let's go Gina yes sir Shirley I'm so new I just like to identify my identity identify your ID yeah how do I discover what that is okay well I don't know that falls within the realm of hypnotic language but we'll see what we can do better you just managed to demand again yeah well it's important first of all to make it explicit see most people just they distinct influence influence influence but to use a military metaphor how do you know where the bad guys are if you don't have Rhaegar or somebody looking out and seeing what the land looks like where they could be hiding what are the possibilities you don't know you have to understand how to operate within the environments and the cultures and when I say culture I'm not just talking about what country you're from time a corporate culture I'm talking about social culture I'm talking about various ethnic communities the whole anything that can be implied as a culture you have to understand those norms and be able to operate within that frame at least well enough to lead people into your frame and when I talk about frames and talking about and we talked about framers over time I'm going meta frames which makes people really transept really really fast but here's the fastest and easiest way to understand a frame imagine that there's a part of you that is a movie director slash producer there's another part of you that is the protagonist in a movie scene and another part of you that is well maybe is another actor on Rosie now the director says okay say james's is me James in this scene you are the prize that every woman wants okay you're constantly being approached by men white women who just want you and blah blah blah and over here it's Karen maybe she's the other actor and I'm just using these as an example Karen you see this guy and he's one of the hottest most sexiest most attractive guys Irma and you just want him to notice you and you just get such a rush if you would just notice you pay attention to one and ask you out action all of a sudden a program is initiated and now the program both the ends of the program are hardwired either socially or biologically or both into each of them whoever initiates first using whatever aspect of that program they're both operating under causes the other person to by default take on the behaviors of the second part of the program so you see this more commonly in a dating scenario but it can be just as applicable in a business social setting okay James is the rock star so to speak he walks in everybody flocks around him what happens he's the prize he's practically flipping the switch in people's neurology that says seek him out and so they go into seeking out behaviors however the director could just as easily say Karen in this scene you are the starlet that everybody wants you're getting approached left and right you're the most desirable in the world and you just have to sort through the crap you just got to make sure that only the best guy gets to you James you see the most desirable woman who meets everything you've ever want everything either fantasized without action arts again this program is the same it's two sides of the same program whoever initiates it has the strongest grass and belief in who they are and what they are doing when most people are moving through the worldly a very very flimsy sense of reality if your sense of identity and reality is strong enough and you are congruent enough in what you believe and the way you come across people will buy into your reality by default period they can't not do it they got to do one two things everything is actually one that you have to buy into it if we get you to buy into theirs which is driver veil or they have to leave they can't stay in an area where the reality is in conflict with something else it's too uncomfortable that make sense David let's just add that even if you don't initiate the frame if your frame is stronger than their frame and that's actually not that difficult that's right you just have to have your intent set because most people don't in any interaction your frame will take over their frame for the hardest part of this whole this whole concept is understanding how to talk about a frame without trans accountant be complete becoming completely confused by it and the best analogy the best metaphor I find is basically being the director of the scene in a movie because that's exactly what you're doing when you decide to take control of your own frames and move the world in those frames you become the director of the movie of your life because you're the director you decide who plays what part if they don't play the part get rid of them get an actor make sense so situational they can be situational until your sense of identity becomes strong enough that it becomes mad nobody comes across contextual yes what he was saying in 10 that's what I'm talking about well in ten is more contextual okay and it's important because most people think in terms of context my ultimate goal for my mastermind students and those who continue to study with me is to get you to the point where your frame dominates no matter where you are the minute you walk in reality changes in order to do that sometimes you have to be able to adopt or become a little bit more flexible in how you behave okay because sometimes what's considered acceptable or being powerful in a frame is different or appropriate so you have to use sensory acuity in an understanding of the NLP concept of behavioral flexibility to really make this work better all those back to when I am you know some of you guys come to my martial arts meetups I'm pretty dominant there - or on yeah I mean I mean I'm cross content wherever I go I tend to be focused there and give you it as the one in charge with other masters are yes sure yeah it's one of those weird yeah yes right you've seen it you do a little bit o around hang a body didn't we yeah well give them to storage so they understand oh we went to Yuma Arizona for a jujitsu slash pressure point presentation and so they have the instructor that everyone there all the students were engaging you yes sir yes sir to it which was always from respect but we're talking about you know teaching students they're younger than you know adults it was like well teacher adults is like the guy kinda I can see it in at me like well some of us do you know just kind of traveiing Regulus must be kind of leading the presentation yeah it's it's you and you'll be it it's weird is if you have a strong enough people won't fall to you yes it's Shawn right um how they every time we go anywhere and say like he pays on for whatever they always give me the change mm-hmm no I mean this describing a frame like oh I studied somewhere well there's a lot so there are lots of materials out there on framing a lot of the best frame stuff came from the pic of it seduction communities um and you know a lot of people put that stuff down but let me tell you something these guys are active social scientists these guys are going out there and applying the stuff from the labs finding out that the [ __ ] doesn't work the way they say it does unless you do XYZ now think about this if you're going to hone a technique wouldn't it be advisable to hunt it in the harshest most you know do-or-die environments possible because if it works there or probably work anywhere else that's what you give it to answer your question um a lot of the stuff by Michael is a microphone yeah Michael Michael Hall met anything and Michael halls name comes up so sleight of mouth is a good way to start thinking about meta frames Kenan Cleveland has a course called magical objection that's uh or is it that's really great yeah that's going to wait I mean button gorgeous influential signing up if you're going to invest in something that's real world and practical I went I always recommend Chemical even stuff yeah yes but you're talking he was saying but you know you have a superior and your your help framing him or I don't know terminology but isn't that sometimes not a good idea that's where wisdom and sensory acuity comes in what's what's the outcome goes backwards what's the outcome you are seeking to achieve what's the relationship that you want in this interaction do you want to be seen as just another student among men do you want to be seen as a peer do you want to be seen as his mentor they're all possible but you have to set your outcome ahead of time adopt the frame inside and find out through observation where you can insert it yes what how do you put the best books like people learn from sensory acuity um influence look up gdz Laborde on the Internet she's an NLP practitioner her stuff is mind-numbingly boring what is it one more time Jeannie Laborde but she's one of the founding of the fundation of people in NLP she has some very very good ways to drill in her books are very thin but they're full of drills that you can use to practice learning sensory acuity okay in CPI we cover the front of the absolute must know basics of sensory acuity because and our approach once again is get the big stuff first because if you can't get the big stuff the little stuff is just going to go right by you every single time if you can't calibrate visual versus kinesthetic you have no wonder you have no business trying to figure out if they're visualizing or remembering make sense okay that stuff comes later once you have the confidence and the skills the foundational skill set that you can build on it without both are taxing your seven plus or minus two okay you still have to work within that parameter until you do some kind we're mental training like Silva mind control or some of the awareness exercises that we do in the mastermind shop where you can expand now seven plus or minus two and you know kind of pare down the barriers between your conscious critical factor and your unconscious mind so more stuff comes to your awareness and kind of like I'm not sure if these two are related but I remember last time when I was here during this same year or whatever you're talking about how I can have like a radius around yourself mm-hmm does that finding the century you talk about proxemic info yeah I've got specials yes and no the more authority you have the more you can encroach upon somebody's personal space and get away with tango unless of course it's negative Authority in which case you can still get away whether you'll just send them into nervous system overload which is a gateway to trance anyway it's just usually not the right kind of trance you want but you can get people to confess to [ __ ] that they didn't do which is useful I guess in some context so understand everything I'm teaching you has a double-edge you can use it to hurt people use it to help people I'm going to suggest that the best approach to this material is if we use it to help other people get what they want okay here's the structure that you're going to take today I'm going to go as fast as I can and try to get F yes mark just just forever for anyone that's new to benefit in this kind of a third party perspective I think what happens is you get exposed to these latest patterns and you're here the backyard brain goes up [ __ ] how do I go from A to Z and that I can say is as I went through feeling and experiencing how do you incorporate this you know something into your day to day life when you haven't already and I think you know kind of what Chris was talking about if you really quickly to incorporate one and then he's building upon that and I think that's a really useful way that you know how many text messages you send every day well you get to think about your text message before same same with emails you know so don't try to become an expert on these overnight gradually that you'll gain mastery through through winning one and then you can build on that right as you quickly begin to incorporate those language patterns into your natural way of speaking you'll automatically find yourself using them every day in all kinds of interesting situations and circumstances in such a way that people simply comply with what you ask them to do and it's no big deal as you find yourself keeping a little list better representation of all the language patterns you're going to be learning tonight you aren't automatically find yourself wanting to use them over and over again whenever you talk on the phone or text somebody write sales copy because they'll just fly out you'll realize this is a good place to put this this is a good way to do this this makes this sound so much better because all good writing is written with these structures all compelling speeches have these seven language patterns in them and all you have to do is go pull up anything Martin Luther King has ever done read some of Barrack Obama's speeches turn off your cell phone okay and you'll find them but they were there in plain sight all the time now when I get a roomful of neural linguistic practitioners or ericksonian hypnotist and I pull out these seven language patterns they're all excited else and I pull out the first language pattern they go because it's not sex everybody's in love with the the thought bonds the double bonds the embedded commands the quotes patterns they're great except that everybody's doing them every NLP practitioner is trying to use them too and if you talk to anybody who has any hypnosis or NLP background the minute you do what you flag yourself is trying to pull something they're not self they're not cross contextual you have to have a certain level of linguistic acuity to pull them off as you don't anybody can use these right away okay so I wanted to start with the adverb adjective pre subs everybody clear on on cause and effect the the simple representation of languages for cause and effect is because give me a couple more names that are symbolic of the cause and effect category yeah allows somebody's been steady selling calls as you because since so makes makes the cones alright here's your first grill that's uh I'm going to pull up my list and I want you to write these down I'm doing this a little bit differently than I've done in the past so it's going to be interesting to see how this works out in practice the words I want you to write down in order R and ass cause write them vertically cuz via UFE yes because as you actually you know let's just leave it at that let's just leave it out as you since you because cause as and now this particular exercise is designed to overcome verbal inertia see one of the problems with learning how to speak this way is that we often find ourselves trying to talk and speak at the same time and sometimes learning how to speak this stuff on the fly can be a little so here's what you're going to do first you're going to get in groups of three so let's say it's James going up here okay and Chris come on up and basically the way this is going to work is we each have our list of words and someone's going to pick a ghost or a second third and that person say I go first they're going to read off this list in order the words
Channel: Dr. David Snyder
Views: 192,994
Rating: 4.7700667 out of 5
Keywords: conversational hypnosis techniques, personal development, success, self improvement, self hypnosis, how to control your subconscious mind, remove blocks to success, seduction, dating, attraction, leadership, neurolinguistic programming, kenrick cleveland, richard bandler, tony robbins, Milton Erickson, covert hypnosis, influence, how to hypnotize, hypnotherapy, nlp, mind control, get rid of negative emotions, meditation, become a relationship magnet, romance, self help
Id: 53X8xiPVgmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2016
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