Mind Control Skills: Face Reading How To Read Anyone Instantly | Body Language Psychology pt 2

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have a seat sooner you sit the faster we can move forward all right before we move on I want to start to talk to you something about something that's a little bit more it speaks more to the a little bit to the esoteric but really it's something that is very practical yes sir chené chené means spirit now you have to understand that that the Chinese systems did not separate mind and body not at least not the way that we do it they separated the body into various energetic intelligences that Co communicated so one of the most important aspects of that the global term was called Shen but each of your organs has a Shen is lost spirit your your willpower or your willpower resides in your kidneys they call that the jerk your eternal spirit the one that leaves the body after you spit you pass on and and and reincarnates is called your honey or your eternal spirit the corporeal aspect of yourself that primal intelligence was called the PO and it resided in the lungs okay so each of the organs had a spirit and all of these energies would communicate and express themselves as certain kinds of qualities and attributes when we are doing face reading what we are actually doing is called Shen reading and one of the things that that the heart holds that the true Shen which is your emotional connection you the spirit that inhabits the body and then it's think of like a like light through a prism refracts to these different spirits the hottest the Shen resides in the heart but it radiates from the eyes you've ever met somebody whose eyes just beam all right or you see you you met you talked to somebody and their eyes just light up what you're seeing is a person shinning in in other words more of their spirit your spear is bigger than your body in case you didn't know what you're seeing in those moments is more Shen coming into the body and the body actually heals the more Shen data that more the more gets the Shen to inhabit it when you see trauma victims and their eyes are flat what you're seeing is someone who's shedding out the body has become an inhospitable environment the Shen doesn't want to be there and so it leaves think of it like dissociative identity disorder right you never notice how flat their eyes are it's because their Shen isn't in their body and if you ask them like if you do some of our interventions like point to where you feel it they don't point to their body they point out here understand but if you ever want to see somebody Shen in go use three magic questions on them go echo them and you'll see all of a sudden though or in the eyes will light up get them to talk about something they're passionate about more spirit will flood into the body when we're doing face reading what we're doing is chasing Shen we're a bit we're evaluating the light coming from your eyes as we're talking to you and then as we unpack things and talk about things we see we poke and we prod to see what brings the Shen in you understand it and it could be good or bad if it brings the Shen in it's good because the body's gonna start to go through a evolution or healing process right and I bring that up because because Nadeem mentioned it she'd been through face readings so she'd seen that that's shinning and you'll see it in golden path golden path is in Chinese face reading and in Taoist energetics there's this concept known as Ming Ming literally means destiny so if you're if you're working as a hypnotist for any length of time you inevitably get somebody coming in and says I just want to know what my mission in this life is I want to know what I'm here for what am I supposed to be doing that's called in in Taoist energetics your golden path the reason you incarnated and took on this body and this lifestyle and when you are on your golden path you get more fully in Shen you you guys wonder why I can teach for hours and hours and hours on end why all of you are in here because I'm on my path because I'm on my path I I just turned level 53 in April so everquest er right here and but people think I'm much younger right because more of my shen is in my body and because i'm clearing up my stuff my body becomes a more and more hospitable place and when you're shen is in your body you get younger you get healed your shen is what we call inherently neg and tropic it is organizationally ittle raises your body up well you know what you know what entropy is right let's neg entropy is the is the movement towards order rather than towards chaos or less organized state when the Shen is in the body the body starts to heal okay so as a face reader when I when I when I unpack a marking on your face okay and the mark goes away and I'm watching how her eyes light up her eyes are really bright right now right right she's got good chin right some of some people not so much but that's what we look at we if we say something then they spark even if it's a moment of anger we've actually provoked something that we can now as we've reframe it as we were as we as we vent that emotional charge and we they gain a new perspective on it more Shen will come in the body you understand so I need to point that out to you is that how many notice that when you pointed out something like grief or sadness they started to tear up anybody notice right just pointing out the feature boom triggers it I saw a couple of eyes in a warrant ordering up really quick that's if once you certified as the face reader it gets even faster you just look at what's happening up on you or five blood down right but I just wanted to point you put that out there for you in your notes also there's a chart that divides let's just cover this real quick so you guys can play with this if you go to this is the age map we won't talk about this this particular map right here it's I think it's the fourth diagram some people were asking about this the right side of your body is your public persona the left side of your body is your private persona so when you look at somebody people tend to be right eye dominant so we look at the right side through our right eye and so we only see what they see what they want to want to show us if you want to read somebody's private life if you want to read what they're like when nobody's looking you use your left eye you look at their left side of their face right there's actually an app I think it was only available on Android it's called facer and what it would do it allow you to take a selfie and it would actually cut your face in half and superimpose the right side on the left side so you would see you could see what you look like with two right with a perfectly symmetrical face right nobody's face is symmetrical but interestingly from an attraction perspective the more facial symmetry you have the more attractive you're perceived as being this guy thing was called phaser I don't even know if it's around anymore oh is it Apple symmetry okay well again if you can I don't want you to waste time downloading it now but if you want to if you want to check that out if you just see like if you superimpose two right halves of your face together you look like a very different person where's the microphone oh that's the microphone is this useful I heard from several people and just wanted to ask you that the public and private is switched for men versus women is that some things are I was not I was taught that this is pretty pretty universal okay certain schools of energetics what I was taught they would transpose right and left sides I just teach what I was taught and that's what I go by until I said until I discover something different right and again I as much as I know I consider myself a baby at this I really do but it's this is just like many of the other disciplines that we teach in this field especially a little bit of knowledge goes a long way I can like TJ I wanted to test me last year he had that there was a super powerful waiter at TGI Fridays this guy was like a force of nature when it came to serving clients and the guy was literally like I would drop a fork I would blink and there was a fork there as he's flowing by me I just was just that good and TJ well can you read him and I did an entire face reading in like three minutes while we called him over to get a drink order or something was some pretence to get him to the table because he was in constant motion he was just that good so there's a lot you can get very very quickly from people like he's he's one he's a thinker than a decision maker like he'll think about it then once he makes a decision boom it's done right no you're all doomed anyway no I'm teasing I'm trying to find somebody who's a little bit more your kind of a goat you're so not you're such a tone to you you're a go-with-the-flow kind of guy you'll you'll kind of see what the where the group wants to go and then kind of go along rather than have to make a decision for yourself right you have courtesans eyebrows it's a good thing actually if you've ever seen that the the classic Chinese geisha with the big moon shaped eyebrows all right there's there's two actually there yeah these are actually when they're natural this way the Chinese consider these to be a very very attractive person because this is someone who's very charming very diplomatic is able to deal very very well with difficult people it's the perfect person you would want you know as a maid or a partner or a confidante what-have-you but what a lot of the courtesans used to do in in the court is they would actually shave their real eyebrows and draw in these and so when they call that courtesans eyebrows I forget what the actual name I dyed them but when they're natural like this you tend to be very attractive to the opposite sex you know how to talk to people and things like that people who draw these in or pay these in they tend to be a little bit more or tricky they they they used the way the way life was think they have feminine wiles right they shave to hide the temper that they have and I may have the term wrong but you're in that ballpark lotta in on the good side but I know you I know how tricky you are okay so when we look now and if you see somebody who's gotten a deeper like cyclic we talked about with some people they have a line here is disappointment we haven't talked about it yet right when the line comes down from the island a zai this way this is what this is actually a very good line to have this is called a purpose line okay this is a lot this is this is a line that indicates that you're actually doing what you're supposed to be doing when you look at it from right side to left side he's actually more on track in his private life than he is in his public life right he's more satisfied with his when he's home doing his own thing versus his professional world you're kind of the inverse your job is actually much more on track with your job when you rather know so stand alone right but if you feel he's got a lot of he's got a really strong liver like he could actually do substance abuse I can't it would kill me before I ever got addicted because I have a I have very thin very thin eyebrows I have I have a lot of strong wood energy which is hidden but my eyebrows like going to leave town every time I look at beer so but he has a lot of a lot I mean a steel house got a lot of he's a very strong liver energy he also doesn't like to be told what to do right so if you come at him ask him for help don't order him around because he likes to be the hero he likes to help people right yes well if you're gonna where's the microphone we're gonna go now I put it over here probably yeah I wish I had a mic runner Seth yes so I just want to say I took your face reading course I don't know how many years it was but here he did one it was a three day course hmm it was awesome he gave a lot of credit to Lilian mm-hmm and I was like oh so be wise learn from the teachers that taught the teachers he did a course in San Diego where she came in and she was awesome but he taught a third day and Lilian is awesome but the way he wrapped it all together on the third day was amazing but so I just want to say like the science is good mm-hmm but everyone here hearing it from him where he you know holes in the hypnotherapy as well is amazing so everything he's saying you really can't get that from anyone else even his teacher but she's awesome I just I don't know that's all yeah thank you your checks in the mail okay so I wanted to just cover the right and left sides there's a lot more we could say about it but for right now when you want to start looking at how they've marked if they're deeper on the right then on the left it's something that they're showing there it's a face they're showing to the public versus something they're keeping private okay so let's go back to our emotional map by the way this is the age map if you look um I think this is yeah yeah so it starts for women on the left left side I think good I always get that confused but it starts on the left side it goes down to about the age seven on the ear then it starts on the opposite ear 8 9 10 11 12 13 up to 14 then it jumps over to the center line this area here we talked about earlier is called the River of Life okay so when you're looking at people the markings on people's faces where they have marked shows what aids that issue took place I see you like the only thing you have to be cognizant of is that this is Chinese year Chinese rates so you have to add a year add or subtract a year for Western Jack not a year you had a year so just to make it but it's the same markings right so a lot of times you'll see lines that come across here like you see how it goes 15 16 and then it jumps to seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty exacts this way so when you see people with these lines across when they're when they go all the way across these are critical periods of their life critical issues that they've resolved and then approximately where they are on the age map tells you when the issue took place right if you see lines that go halfway and stop and then break and maybe start again or just do halfway these are things they're still working on these are things they're still working on yes but remember when Lillian was saying these lines are also related to previous generations yeah we haven't talked about that yet so how it's not the lines that are related to previous generations it's the shape of the skull those lines I know but that's not it's the shape of the skull we'll get say okay all right so when you have wrinkles going across if they're full if they go all the way across they're usually something that you've worked through now many times when you unpack that wrinkle and you resolve and reframe it the wrinkle goes away completely right it sits well sometimes when you unpack some of these lines that go across and you get some kind of a lesson from it or something sometimes those lines go away completely all right so be aware of that let's see so yeah so you can see based on this map you've got up to one hundred at least a hundred years old all right so living to a hundred wasn't uncommon apparently in China even then okay TJ wants my attention yes I was I was wondering if that was true or not women are always right so right side for women left side for men from this is one of those times where it's reversed right side start women start on the right men start on the left so one for men is here one for women is here and then everything else is it's just reversed ok see I you I probably use this of all the different charts and there's even a chart for all the moles where all the moles go and stuff it's a Lillian's book if you keep you can get it this is the one I use the least but this is also tense anyone when I actually point to a feature and say what happened with you or five that's the one that just sparks them so it's useful right and now when you start we if we have time to break up and now you see a marking and it's almost any time a trauma marking is always a horizontal marking a trauma marking is always horizontal an emotion marking will be straight or diagonal interesti you notice that most of these lines are have a diagonal to them right it's because they're primarily the the consequence of various types of emotions but when you have a trauma a trauma is almost always like a cut or a horizontal line okay or it's close to horizontal as you can get right and it'll cut across right and a trauma as we define it is any perceived violation of your physical or emotional boundaries right and an important word in that is perceived most of us as adults don't think anything could be traumatic about getting your chop your toy taken away when you're five years old but ask the five-year-old right that loss of autonomy that lack of choice that inability to to get to make a difference that's overwhelming to a five-year-old in some cases and they'll mark that's why when you regress to cause you find a lot of times when you're dealing with somebody who's gone through divorce after divorce they're standing and fight they're five five years old standing in the living room watching mom and dad argue or they're in their room hearing the argument right does it seem like such a big deal or many times when you regress the cause they're just alone in their bedroom at night no one's around right in the adult thinking how could that possibly be an issue well it's not about the adult it's about who you were at the moment and you encoded that trauma right we'll talk about trauma encoding tomorrow during the post conference because using vibrational regression techniques it's not necessary to have the person relive the experience over and over again all you have to ice all you after isolate is what we call the moment of encoding and you don't even need to have them go through the entire experience you just have to find the moment of encoding and stop there and you can resolve it without lots of relive although sometimes you need to go old school so I still teach old school regression because there ain't no school like old school and nothing will prepare you for when the proverbial fecal matter hits the rotating oscillator then oh let's go over to regression okay so let's go back to our emotional map real quick and we're gonna circle around and do these uh the three zones which i think is really cool all right so we've covered skepticism joy sadness sorrow grief humor bitterness fear have you have any questions about those before we move on to five that goes horizontal between the lower lip and the chin kind of here in some people and I don't see it on the map just if you can just tell us what that might be it's a Jing mark the river of life you have the sea of young see if again when you have a line that cuts across here is you got somebody who is actually taking two care taking care of too many people if we call this a retirement line this usually shows up in the in the 50s or 60s about the time we start to retire but if it shows up earlier it's generally an indication that your caregiving too much the way I the way and and your draining your internal resource we talked about Jing what we're actually talking right with you when we talk about Jing what we're actually talking about is the inherent life force that you have or the in fuel if you think about like a log has a potential energy in it that when you actually combust the fire or you light it on fire burns and releases the energy that's kind of like what like jimick what Jing is like Jing is like the solid fuel that runs your body that's converted into Chi and has various attributes stored in it when this line starts to appear you're literally as I call it you're spending your future on somebody's present you're you're giving too much of yourself to everyone else and you're not taking care you're not nurturing yourself so that what that line will show up there okay I see it a lot in professional caregivers hospice people especially or home health aides whether they're just giving and giving and giving and that line just shows up if you if you actually start being a little bit more selfish a little bit more pampering and when I say selfish and pampering I mean to the point where you feel guilty about it you can start to rebuild some of that okay someone had a question hold on I love your questions but again we got a ton of material so I'll take you as far as we can um do you know what it punches like when you're gonna drill something you punch it what if the wrinkle is like a deep not like a line look like a deep set indentation how did they get it that's what I was curious about if they're born with it there's probably it's probably Jing related I and it's probably ancestral when when they make facial expressions they get better in like what emotions change oh there's a bit there's we're gonna spend a lot of time on the markings up here okay yeah well it'll blend with that hold on got two more questions or three actually there's a lady in the corner this lady and this lady is this fine I just you guys huge stuff can you explain just a little more with the ages the ages with I just don't understand because the bottom half of the face has a lot of older ages you know had it but what if they have been marking down they're from something young oh that's a very from from something young that's a that gets into what we call the main section destiny when you if let's say you're 30 years old right which is marking sir but you got something here something's waiting for you when you hit 40 now depending on what you do now it's important depending on what you do between here and here will determine how you process that event whether you whether it's a full-blown trauma or it's just a fart the proverbial fart in the breeze right what it's a gene marker it's a it's kind of a predictive thing it tells you that there's an event that's gonna happen you don't know you may not know what it is but you know it's gonna be an issue I understand like when I look at somebody's ear and I say something happened when you were five I know something happened I don't know what right but it was significant right so when you have a line at an age marking that you're not ad yet something's waiting for you and what you do between now and then will determine how you go through that and if you do that if you do the right things that line may even disappear just piercing your ears make a difference yes yeah piercing ears will change things how they'll change them I can't predict I know in the martial arts that I study we look for people with pierced ears because in the martial arts I study one pressure point causes pain - pressure points caused the pain to meet between the two points three can cause somebody to pass out and if they've got a post through the air that's one point down I don't need to hit okay question about pain versus grief I can't see it I see it I hear the voice we're young someone big pain versus grief yes God they were looking at the the lines there was grief there and then you just said the certain lines are horizontal the trauma versus emotion and I actually have some lines here that are like plaid plaid so I would imagine that's both emotional and trauma together it could be but when you talk but specifically about pain these are diagonal lines that extend from the outer canthus in this way along the eye they're kind of parallel parallel but at diagonal with the eye so you see that they start here and they go this way right contrast that with at what I could has commonly referred to as a disempowerment line I'm just jumping to it because I want you to understand the difference pain starts at the outer canthus and orbits this way this disempowerment starts from the inner campus and comes down the nose okay and if you see victus victim's wife you know domestic abuse or people with overbearing parents and things like that you will see lines it looked like somebody took an exacto knife and just scored the inside when you see that the behavior that that's connected with is appeasement of the lines from the inner canthus down the nose this is blowing calls them disempowerment lines I call them appeasement lines and because the behavior connected to that is at some point in your life or several times in your life you stood your ground you said your piece and the pushback from it was so traumatic that you just became an appeaser you just wanted to placate people and also call implication lines these are people that are just you know they're you know go with the flow they don't want to make any waves if they sense any form of resistance or derision to they'll just appease you these are the people who back down instantly they'll tend to they'll tend to score right in here if they're having any form of physical pain they'll mark this way this way from the outer canthus along the eyes mm-hmm okay I don't make a distinction between physical and emotional pain most of these are emotions but I see a lot of people within physical pain or who are dealing with chronic pain they tend to develop these microphone all those lines around the mouth the upper lines and the lower lines I also often see them in women who are postmenopausal as a hormonal issue going on with so I'm not quite sure that it is necessarily an over nurturing as much as well remember what I said earlier these lines start to appear naturally around the ages of 50 and 60 around retirement age which when does menopause hit us exactly it could be it could be absolutely right but if it's showing up earlier ask about their lifestyle you know how they are they caregiving are they taking care of too many people which is more often and not the case when at the moment I say that you just see the eyes light up and they're going to break out but yeah this line is a natural occurrence around around the time we hit retirement which for you know 10 I'm preparing an apostle postmenopausal like that yes anger anger shows up here we'll talk about that one remember oh yeah we got to do well you guys want some free stuff regarding the post menopausal thing is around time that most women have finished taking care of children and maybe starting taking care of grandchildren in older parents so there's a lot of nutrients is happening for at that age so maybe that will lead to the development of the lines or showing them and again the line shows up because there isn't as much as there used to be your job as a therapist to determine where it's going and how to fix it right so some of you may have noticed that the past couple of weeks a couple of days they've been ah they've been raffling off these really cool booklets all right how many have seen these being raffled off how many people do not know what this is okay let me explain - this is my entire well my entire live event calendar for 2020 19 we also have the 20/20 calendar that's also available and every current product that I have for sale if you turn to the back of the book what you can't because you don't have one but there's a page here called the mondo supremo I want it all packaged okay and what this is is if you if you were to purchase this particular training bonus package what it includes is any to live training events in my twenty ten twenty or twenty nineteen calendar regular price would be about thirty nine ninety four it would call so include two of my full-length video training courses valued at fourteen ninety seven or less you get any your choice of any two of them you get your choice of any two live trainings and your choice of any five smaller video courses available through my website valued at $97 or less if you were to go to my website and try to purchase it would actually be even more than I'm about to tell you about because we've raised the prices and this is the old price list but the total value retail value be seven thousand four hundred and seventy three dollars if you were to actually buy this training package which is still a hell of a deal like a huge deal it would only be 2794 you'd save well over four thousand six hundred and seventy nine dollars now I'm not telling you that because I want you to buy one [Music] I'm telling you that so you know what you're gonna do now whether you how many people be interested in coming to see me live for three or four days not ask you by name okay I just don't know because two people are gonna walk away with one of these today okay we're gonna raffle two of these mondo supreme oh I wanted all training packages off all you got to do is put your name in a hat we're gonna draw it at the end of today's session and two winners will get to come to any two live events in my twenty nineteen twenty twenty calendar year you'll get your choice of any two full-length video courses valued at fourteen ninety seven or less and your choice of any five smaller video process products that we have as part of your package the nice thing about the mondo supremo package is that it doesn't expire once you have it in other words once you buy it if it takes you two years to get to a live event your your seed is still waiting for you when you take advantage of it if something comes up at the last minute that you say you're coming and something comes up the last minute and you can't get there all you do is pick up the phone or send us an email we move you to another training you have those seats whenever you want them until you use them okay the other thing that happens is because we're doing a lot more international events the price point of the training you want to go to no longer matters so if you're gonna say you want to come to my five-day real world hypnosis training next September five-day regression certification rapid drama lesson resolution strategies it's nineteen nine nineteen fifty at the door you pick up the phone or send set an email she says hey I want to come to regression okay VIP see go right to the head of line let's say you call if you qualify for it you want to come to my eight-day NLP class which is thirty four hundred dollars you pick up the phone you call Stephanie or you send her an email say hey I want to I've taken one of the prereqs I'd like to come to the eight-day NLP training okay there's your seat you have it it the price points them if you want to come to when I do my trainings out in the UK everything is in pounds right significantly higher than here in the US does it matter you just pick up the phone you send an email you walk right in okay you don't even have to know which ones you want to take as long as you're in the system you know slots are available for whatever you want to use them for there will be a couple of things certain courses that have have prereqs so you have to satisfy the prereq but other than that everything's open for you so two people are gonna walk away with this today so what I need you to do is to get a piece of paper if you have one of those little red notebooks you can use that if not take out a piece of paper write down your name your emailing your phone number and then pass them to the center aisle my helpers will come around and collect them and at the end of the class before we go we're gonna auction off we're gonna raffle off two of these and we're also gonna offer offer three we're gonna raffle off three t-shirts the htl t-shirts that you see right and I'm thinking about making it like anybody who has a t-shirt and they show it when they come to a training gets 10% off yeah okay so go ahead and do that real quick and thank Seth for my I forget who it was it reminded me but I would have forgotten to do it yeah right I get so focused on delivering content that sometimes I forget to do the business side yeah by the way we officially end at what 1:50 11 and if with that okay so if you need to go if you want to go eat lunch if you want to go do the lunch thing and stuff thank you for coming and sharing with us if you want to stay longer and do more face reading I'll stay as long as as long as people want to stay and I don't get kicked out okay one request well you can show up at the last minute we will be a lot happier if you try to give two weeks notice we most of the people show up the last minute and Stephanie's scrambling to get more kicked cats and everything else but don't let sin scare you we love you let's hurry up come on I wanna I want to teach alright alright so so the tire deadlines happened you'll also see and be the official over nurturing line but I said can I see that would I see this line a lot of people who are just drained from helping everybody else actual over nurturing lines according to Lilian are these little vertical lines right above the lips here now in terms of Chinese medicine and your organs your large intestine actually circles your mouth so if they have like a white line around these lips that's usually somebody who's got some bowel issues going on whether they know it or not okay so over nurturing our vertical lines above bitterness lines I see this a lot in people with chronic illness like tournament like cancer and stuff like that a lot of bitterness a lot of anger a lot of resentment okay but that's it's it's usually not new stuff this is old stuff that's the one thing I want to really I really want to point out that most of the stuff you're dealing with here has it isn't didn't happen yesterday it's accumulation of the same entered emotional energy or toxic emotionality that's built up and marked or burned out the Jing in those areas okay purpose lines these are lines that I really everybody wants to strive for these lines start from the Allen days I and they draw down to about the corner of the mouth these are good lines to have I know most of us are trying to get rid of those right the Chinese consider this a very very good thing this shows that you're actually on your path that you're moving towards your mission in this life and you're in you're on a path okay so if you see somebody and look at their face and only the right side is showing this is somebody who may be doing what they love to do professionally but their home life isn't quite what they want it to be and if it's the reverse then they may have a very satisfying home life but they're stuck in a job they hate okay private side is left side public side is right side so when we look at we want to look at somebody's personal or private side we use our left eye to look at their left side right this one we people asked about earlier on these little lines by this there we go these little lines right here look like gills we call these auditory intuition lines these are people who have a naturally good detector right they could just listen to people and they know exactly what what the subtext is or whether they're being truthful or not right many of you have it because of what you do right you can listen to people and you know they're saying one thing but they mean something else that's what auditory intuition and you follow that and you tend to you tend to find the stuff okay so this is a very very useful useful trait to have however it's most often derived from growing up in a somewhat hostile environment in terms of your household where you actually always had to be paying attention and being careful what you say and understanding how to read people through their tone of voice and things like that so there's tends to be a little bit of hyper vigilance that goes with this okay traumatic early on useful if you learn how to do that another thing is these people are tendency to have have a tendency to dehydration so they need to keep their fluids up a little bit okay we talked about pain already oh the line on the earlobe this is an interesting one this one is more of has more of a health aspect to it this is usually someone who has blood I have it so see the lines these are blood pressure irregularities they're the psychological tendency with that is usually heart stuff or a tendency to overreact like somebody jumps out at boo and it would normally startle the average person they have like a hissy fit and break down pissing themselves is that they kind of blow everything out of proportion they have a really exaggerated response which is me by the way yeah I'm showing you all my all my falls right and if you saw me yesterday on adrenalin Red Bull and fifty minutes of time you saw what that looked like right but these are these are just lines in the in the yellow what are you doing of course you did okay all right okay okay so those are of last this is the one where you're going to see this a lot when you see someone who's got a line that goes from here up this is called a transformation line this is somebody who's had some kind of epiphany usually of a spiritual nature right you ever see the the Dalai Lama when he's being the Dalai Lama like in front of a group and being all spirits a little Buddha wings right and then when he's like just being the normal dude like the the diplomat or whatever he's not quite there right it's kind of weird just a very open third I don't even wrong but but when you see people with lines like this these are people who've gone through some form of spiritual awakening you know they've had an epiphany of some kind it's usually follows a long dark night of the soul like they've gone through this hellacious you know period of their life and emerged transformed as a result of it right and we have those we call these critical transitions they usually happen around the 10th in the decade marks in our life 30s 40s 50s so okay and then finally these are this is when you really want to pay attention to this is this area in in Chinese medicine is called the seat of the stamp now seat of the stamp now in in ancient China the Emperor they had this thing called a chop you guys know what a chop is like a big stamp like the the official seal of the seal Great Seal of the United States or whatever every diplomat would have a chop every royal house would have a chop and that the Emperor's was like massive right and the Emperor's throne was raised so he could actually look out over the balcony and see the entire the entire city and this chop was right in front of him so this is that kind of that area this area is very much related to Maithili masculine upbringing that you've had how you've related to the masculine energy in your life when it's very open like this gentleman's was very open he had a long term positive experience with with a male and his relationship to power and corporate structure was very positive he's very open a lot of space here well you'll see with a lot of people is they have a single marking right down the middle okay what you're seeing is what they call a suspended needle what that is is that these people at some point in their life then expressed their energy their expressed their power and there was some kind of pushback usually from the the paternal side but whoever took the met the masculine role in that really it could be two females I don't you know whoever took that man it could be the bomb but she was the more dominant one all right whoever took on the more masculine role they'll mark here and it's usually a sign of anger towards that energy or towards that particular parent or authority figure but this the behavior that it generates is that these people are actually holding back their power they're far more powerful than they're allowing themselves to express and depending on how deep and how wide that marking is it will hold them back later in life you'll get clients who say I feel like I'm just being held back like there's something just keeping me from moving forward and they got this big-ass mark right here right unpack it right and as soon as these people start unpacking this mark they start becoming more successful does that make sense it takes a single line when it when it's bigger we call it suspended sword okay we are let's let's go do our raffle okay so are these the things I know I'm kind of open looping you but so here's the deal I'm gonna do the raffles yeah we got one more okay anybody else no last-minute ones okay so for those of you want to stay and go further I'm happy to do that if you just if you want to go and do lunch go with my blessings thank you all okay you like the great Carnac whenever I do this the answer is Swiss cheese all Nathaniel's come on down go see Stephanie and make sure that you give her your information so she can put you in the database what's that you said wait yeah and see we got here an array come on down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] congratulations same for you go see Stephanie give that to her tell her your mondo winner all right first t-shirt full would you stand up and model the beautiful t-shirt please yeah this is the way you both on this is my bad Eduardo stand up what I'm gonna do anybody who has a t-shirt from now on with you koffice say you have a t-shirt and you wear it to the first day of the training you're gonna get 10% off admission to your so we have it for sale Michael Lambert come on down give this to Stephanie letter no you eat a t-shirt she will give you the size you need that's butan No Austan Alexan come on down all right that relations sir same thing goes to you give that to Stephanie she'll get you your size all right it is officially lunch time for those of you need to go to lunch go for it for those you want to stay for a little bit and learn more I'm happy to stay around [Music] okay so [Music] yeah yeah has to have it yeah yeah because mad scientist eyebrows they're very they're very smart people usually sign of extreme intelligence no it's usually a sign that they've got a really strong liver energy and they're very a lot of their Energy's in their brain so you'll see that like Albert Einstein eyebrows right they're just very smart very intelligent mr. Fixit their brains are going a million miles an hour yeah they're often hard to relate to because they talk in language we don't understand I can't speak to that because I I've never seen that I don't haven't worked enough autism patients to see that movement but there may be there may be something neurological going on there that brings that out I can't speak to it I don't know you're welcome you're sending it to my hairdresser she when I give her this she just he's so ecstatic it'll be amazing [Music] there you go thank you as affected presentation know you've covered it but you do have some sorrow that you're dealing with that you haven't fully resolved yet there may be some we didn't get to cover loss love too much but there's probably some things some some things that were very important to you that some activities or some people that you can't do anymore and that's marking you as a lost love I didn't get a chance to talk about that but that's usually what that line means it doesn't actually mean a person it means some activity or some elements of your life that was very very much a part of your reason for getting up in the morning has been cut off from you and you're not able to do it anymore could be it could be a person but a lot of times it's an activity like if you were if you grew up with horses and you loved riding horses and you married a partner who was allergic to them and you couldn't get anywhere near them and didn't want your riding horse and you gave up riding horses you would mark like this man but you'll probably have how's your how's your blood sugar because you're marking hearing that usually need to create blood sugar or pancreas issues so you might want to have that looked at okay what do want to know you're good with money yeah you may not have any right now but you have a little bit of a money back there so you actually can management you're better at taking financial risks than you are physical risks you've got your very extrapolated thinker and you actually kind of okay with the women too you do alright alright you can tell by his hairline see this M shaped hairline it's analogous to a woman's widow's peak it usually indicates a high level of charisma and fairly successful with the opposite sex charisma a widow's peak you might want to take it easy a little bit your dark under the eyes so that might be something that to do with your kidneys right you got a lot of Shen which is good right so that's what I see drop atop my head are your ancestors from a tropical environment or a very hot or arid environment yeah so I thought it's in your nose when they have very very flat large nostrils it usually indicates a warm tropical climate where the air has to be cooled before it enters when they have very long noses it's usually someone from a very cold climate where there has to be warmed as it goes in definitely need to work on getting your public life on your professional life on track let's see you are a bit of a mad scientist you are a very very smart guy you get things amazingly quick many times people don't understand what you're talking about because you're so smart from his eyebrows there's like you see how thick and bushy these eyebrows are those are Einstein eyebrows it was our Einstein eyebrows he's got amazing years but he's got he had some happen what happened when you were about between seven and eight or seven an hour nine and seven years old so you have to see this marking well there's no there there you go right there he's got some blood pressure stuff going on he's got auditory intuition he's got a real good detector he's got some of the this is that chemo forsaken the the bitterness lines are a little bit here so there's some there's some stuff there that he's kind of holding on to that he needs to get rid of it's pretty data-driven actually you can always tell by the hairline and how flat the forehead is it's not completely flat but he's he's very data oriented that's about that's about what I got right and you don't have any blood sugar issues do you okay okay so you might want to have your blood pressure or your blood sugar looked at you're not real deep here but you've got some horizontal lines across your your spleen and pancreas area so I would have that checked it may not it may not show pathologically medically yet but there's there's something there that could be on the horizon but other than that yeah reset jaw from surgery or from okay you like your weight you'd like to get your way you thought you've been holding it back that the narrower jaws let me look at my business I have to check my notes [Music] hold on a second come on where are you here we go all right maybe I don't have my notes but anyway when you look at when you see this jaw now whether she's expressing it or not I don't know but if you feet see how big this is this is somebody who has a lot of will right and they like to get their way they're not somebody who's just gonna be a blow down that makes sense sometimes this manifest is very dictatorial I'm sorry sometimes this manifest is very dictatorial behavior or very hedonistic behavior yeah well I the thin too thin if the narrower chin has something like I'm not recalling it so I want to look at my notes but it's all my other computer can you take your glasses off for me okay so she's up she's very much an entrepreneur all right see how the nose extends away from the face this is somebody who's got a Pioneers nose right these people tend to not they wanted money they want to blaze their own Trail right you see these lines here these are well these are lost love lines okay there was something in her something or set up some things in her life usually none not it's not always as someone but there was an activity or set of activities that you that was such a part of your reason for getting up in the morning right it's not always a person the things that you'd love to do that for some reason you can no longer do or not allowed to do or whatever and you're carrying that marking so you need to go back and start finding a way to do it and those lines will go away all right who's next okay you got some fear you need to work on okay when she smiled she dimpled up right down here right yeah it's all right she likes to get her way - all right she's got some she's got a nice strong jaw I'm gonna go out on a limb here well we didn't get to cover we didn't do the face reading for business stuff yet but I don't know how long you guys want to stay but she's one other thing one of the things that that you can tell about people is their as their comfort with taking risks by how big their ear is relative to their head so when you've got somebody who's if you look at how big her ears relative to this that's a big year so she's got a long life ahead of her but no that's a good thought it's a good thing it's a good thing the we'll talk about your lives in a minute but if you look at her ear you see how big it is up here at the top this is somebody who can tolerate financial or physical risks much better than she can I'm sorry not financial risk mental or financial risk better than physical risks physical risk-taking is seen in the middle section of the year so these are people who might be extreme athletes or what have you they're much more comfortable taking those kinds of risks then your men you're a Martian I see here even here Kaylee her ear relative to her face is actually quite big it's it's it's it's a it's a little above average right right it's a good average when you look at the earlobes let me see someone who's got connected here lobes know you've used the further your family is away from you the better you like it you can always okay yeah Betty's got great earlobes for this when you look at some of these earlobes the way the earlobe attaches to the face or the head tells you how much how important family is to them they're very connected to their family now that can actually could be negative a she could they could drive her crazy or she may be someone who's so family-oriented that the idea of not you know they did move right next door to her grandparents or whatever you know that that kind of connection people who have a little bit more you're actually kind of close really small ears these are people who are not they're not good at just taking any risk it has to be a very calculated thought out risk like yours are a little bit more separated Kaylee's are a little bit Missy SEC has a little bit more lobe here yeah these are people again who families not as you know if they if there's a great job on the other side of the country they're gonna go whereas the person who's got that that elope basic nah it's great but I can't be I can't be that far away from my family right so that's some of the things you want to look at when the ears are still like I have here I have ears like this right like Dumbo ears right the the space that they jut out from the for from the head indicates how open they are to hearing certain things the clothes it's an inverse relationship like interestingly you know if you look at if you look at christine's you see how close to her face her ears are she actually listens to things people tell her right someone like me I only hear what I want to hear right selective listener so the closer the ears are to the face or to the head the more they hear everything and not just cherry-picking what suits their personal reality at the moment right so anything else what there's always a line so for you she I see how these she tends to be a little bit on the inpatient side in her in her professional life she's actually a little bit more easygoing and indecisive in private right if you look at her eyebrows she has half an eyebrow here that goes up into a point but this one is very long on the side this is her personal life so she likes to make other tea she tends to want to let other people she probably has a little bit of decision fatigue excuse me she makes so many decisions in her professional life or public life and when she gets alone and she just want somebody else to do the driving for a while right but you see how she doesn't have a lot of energy for a lot of people in her part in her private life our public life right so watch her gallbladder gall bladders the the the organ that keeps score so she's prone to resenting people for pissing you off scores right but you see how long it is here yeah right so she has actually in her personal life her private life she has a lot more time for friends and and things like that you're welcome is that accurate that what happens you should have said that artifice and did it change anything and it to change how you behaved at all okay so this is so tight take it back then okay this is why it's important to know but so but so this is accurate there all right so this is actually she's very she's much more easygoing than she tends to wanna however people make the decisions but when I see those short eyebrows because I have it kind of I'm s I have to color them in so people can see them but yeah she got a good job all right yeah and if I'm wrong tell me because this is it's not an exact science right what are you on you got a big ass dent right here we need to focus on well if you see this brow bone this is this is somebody who's got a lot of extra wood energy they don't like to be told what to do there tend to take tend to either even if they're not athletes they could be they like to be the hero many times if you tell him to do something he's likely to say you but if you demonstrate that you need help he's more likely to carry your bags up to your room for you because you obviously needed to help so if you want to manipulate him just let him be your knight in shining armor he's a very good listener very good let's see how close said his ears are and look he can tolerate he could take some risk compared to compared to the rest of his head it's a good size but when you see those smaller ears and there's a few of you out there you're more of a calculated risk taker all right I have relatively big years but I've become very much okay I'm willing to take more risk than the average person I didn't think that was true growing up because I'm very secure you I'm very financially security oriented but when I teach people about my meet up model and and how I what a good one about building my business and I tell them what they need to do the average person lasts about three months doing it then they quit right and I just was I just kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it so there are certain things that I just I just know is right and it'll pay off eventually and I'll take that risk I'll take the fall I'll invest the cash the people that a lot of people come up to me and again I don't want to be egocentric or anything but a lot of people come up to them they say how do you how do you find time to do all these and where do you get all this information and the simple truth is is I have what I have because I'm willing to do more than most people are willing to do I will invest more I will travel more I will shovel through more I will you know and it's not there's nothing that I do I believe that you can't do it's just it's what you're willing to do to get it that's important that's why I tell all my students for everything you get from me you're always gonna pay twice the first the first payment is the money that's the easy payment cuz you can always make more money it's the second payment that people don't make that payment is time energy effort to actually get off your butts do the work and do the drills and get the skills the first payments the easy one but it's it's it's superficial because it just gives you access to the information if you do nothing with the information you never make that second payment you don't own it and so as soon as you the next shiny new toy comes along you're off watching you it's the second payment that gives you a skill set and ability that will serve you wherever you go that will never leave you and will serve you any time you choose to use it make the second payment right so he's got a little bit he's actually pretty balanced in his personal and private life in terms of purpose are you married no ladies he's a he's a he's a big kisser [Laughter] yeah yeah you've you've uh that we didn't cover this one but you see how she's got two lines here this is somebody who manifests a lot of impatience she doesn't have a lot of patience for for certain things most things in fact now when you see three lines what you've got is somebody who's mastered their temper this is usually temper as well like yeah don't piss her off you'll go after your kneecaps or something based on what I'm seeing here you have some disappointment lines here so you're harboring and holding on to some disappointments that you've had that you probably need to work on getting rid of you're a little bit more established in your private life than in your person than in your professional life but you're still pretty on track here I mean relatively so you're marked on both but you're deeper on on your left side so that tells me that you've personalized a little bit more gratifying than this side even though both are very good look at those years oh my god you're gonna outlive me so you got strong auditory intuition she can tell when people are bullshitting her Wow you know she's got her her eyebrows this is a woman you don't want to tangle with she's like a genius in the making you see you see the eyebrow hair see how they stick up yeah and they're very bushy do you put you tweeze or anything don't get when the eyebrows are very stiff and they go up a one of the things that happens it tends to show that a high level of self-esteem like you literally see but when you're doing a session with them and like their self-esteem goes up their eyebrows go and when they get depressed they go WOW it's in both yeah but I see more yeah I see yeah I do but I'm not really talking about that but when when the eye viewers not Albert Einstein's eyebrows how they just right these are people who have huge amounts of cognitive liver Chi she's got them they're not quite I'm Stein level you see how they're just they're just very fall over there's a lot of energy and fire energy up there that shows she's extremely smart sometimes she's too smart for the people in the room did you ever you ever find yourself explaining something and you knew exactly what you were talking about but nobody else had a clue like in English MA I think right that's that's the behavior not a big one that I see but that doesn't doesn't just because you don't have the mark you doesn't mean you have a good sense of humor it's not it's it's not an absolute this is the whole thing Chinese Chinese medicine is not about absolutes it's about relatives the more relatives you have the more absolute gets but all right you're welcome by the way for those of you want to get certified in face reading at the back of your manuals we're doing our first face reading three day face reading certification in January 2020 if you're interested talk to Stephanie she'll set you guys up with a special deal
Channel: Dr. David Snyder
Views: 29,957
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: david snyder, charisma on command, how to read people, body language, charisma breakdown, charisma, self improvement, self help, self development, eye contact, communication, personal development, how to, read anyone, mind control, nlp, face reading, conversational hypnosis, dating, covert hypnosis, hypnosis, attraction, seduction, neuro linguistic programming, Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, psychological tricks, success
Id: lsfDFwTIP7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 50sec (4190 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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