God is Observing Your Behavior Towards The Poor

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season's greetings to uh everyone and it's a pleasure once again to be here with you for this uh not too long teaching i'm still going ahead with this teaching on the poor and uh today being a day what a lot of people families get together and enjoy family time with relatives and loved ones i just wanted to make a a a plea for those that are less fortunate among us and the importance of why we should be adhering to god's laws as it relates to those that are less fortunate than we are i know many of you having a splendid time a lot of you aren't a lot of people get really depressed during the holidays because they may not have family members or whatever other reasons they may be depressed but what i want to focus on today is how how is god observing us during this time especially those of us that he's equipped with tremendous amount of resources or any amount of resources how are we distributing these resources are we just distributing them amongst ourselves amongst our family members or are we truly going out there and making it a point to invest in the lives of others and i'm really hitting this home and repeatedly because as i'm about to teach you today there are such major benefits as well as i mean major [Music] adversities when we do not when we do not assist uh or aid in the lives of those who are less fortunate all right people say all the time oh i give to the poor and and when they make that statement for the most part they're just giving just giving whatever change they could find among them or within their possession and anything above that change they do not look at that person who's less fortunate as qualified or worthy of any higher amount of money that they can give them or resources for that matter well again in this teaching today as i have here god is observing your behavior towards the poor and that is exactly what's happening god is literally watching you with the resources that he has blessed you with your education your looks your whatever side of the family you came from or the truck you came from did not elevate you to where you are or where you would even want to be in life you're going to be there or you are there because of the grace of god because of his oxygen his strength because of his planet that you traverse upon none of this belongs to any of us we are all residents on the owner's property which is called almighty so i really wanted to take this time uh during this merry christmas for some of you or whatever however you celebrate it we're not here to discuss those things today what we're here to discuss today is in our times like now of enjoying our families enjoying the harm the turkey the dinner the family the friendship the fun the whatever let us consider someone who does not have this opportunity and how we could pull away from the norm and assist them and meet their needs i am so adamant about this because the scriptures are so littered with the correlation or the connection between god and those who are less fortunate and based on these intense studies i was doing on this topic he wants us to view them the way that we he he views them the way that he categorized the way that he make it plain in the scriptures this is the way that god wants us to to look at the poor and not just to look at them but like i would have said in my previous teachings how to change the circumstances of those who are are less fortunate than us and i really want to drive that point home i really want you to have a clear understanding that even after these teachings i would have said something to lock to literally lock that understanding in your mind how i listened to kevin and this person who was reaching out to me right now this is not by accident this is a setup god there's something that god knows that i do not know that more than likely is against me or there's a blessing for me and god has sent this person to activate it i activate that blessing by investing in this blessing that's uh camouflage or incognito as a poor person or person that is less fortunate than i am so i don't ever want you to look at those coming to you for help as as beggars and and whatever now again i have to be clear and i have to be fair there are people who are scammers there are people who give the impression that they're down and out and the truth is they're scamming and robbing people i i do not discount that at all and what i say to you is allow the holy spirit to lead you in such an area and you would know and most people have the general uh feeling that hey look i just have to give to this person i'm just led to do it and then there's some of you no matter how much a person lay different stories on you you're just not feeling it and that's quite right that's probably your way of discerning who is authentic and who is fake i i promote that but i will also say ask god to confirm your feeling your discernment or whatever the case may be because you do not you do not want to find yourself in a position where god is speaking to you to release something to you or to avoid trouble up the road through this person this person is here get out of jail free god this person is your source in which god is trying to prevent it based on his rules and you know we're talking about primarily uh psalms 41 verses 1 to 8 that says blessed is he that consider the pause or blessed is he that changed the circumstances of someone that is less fortunate in him and when a person does this the bible is very clear what god will do for this person he says he will help him in his time of trouble he will preserve him he will keep this person alive he will not turn this person over to the will of his enemies he will keep this person help them during their sickness and even keep their bed during sickness or whatever you so the scripture is saying no matter who you are if you obey these rules then this is what the invisible god will do for you well the lord gave me a revelation uh last night on this that i never thought about because even in repeating that particular scripture to you or the benefits of it we automatically reserve it to this natural world that god is going to protect our natural enemies from us god is going to preserve us and keep us alive and not turn us over to the will of our natural enemies and it's logical to think that way but because it's a spiritual law it is not limited it is not limited to the uh physical realm so guess what the revelation the more revelation that god gave me on is that even as it relates to your dreams even as it relates to you see the trouble in your dreams or the enemy trying to come up against you that right there should be a a up call yes i rebuke it yes i cancel it in some cases after fast against it but the lord revealed to me remember this is a spiritual law so when you have such a dream go find someone to bless or let me lead you to someone to bless because in doing that the promises that i made there that you automatically thought was just reserved for physical things in your life but that law also is for the spiritual world so when you're helping someone not only are you giving god the right via his rules not kevin's rules by his rules to keep at bay and not turn you over the will of your enemies physically but the same principle applies in the spiritual ramp or in the uh the dream room or what have you all right so i thought it was very very interesting when he when he laid that out to me and i am like you know i don't hide no revelation i don't tell you pay for no special revelation as god give them to me i give them to you which you do it will be totally up to you but at the same time remember it's going to determine your way forward so when you're planting seeds in the lives of those that are less fortunate and every promise that that bible tells you god will do for you when you invest in the lives of those that are less fortunate know for sure the word of god the spiritual the spiritual protocols of god are not sorry promises of god are not limited to our natural world because it's a spiritual law it applies both in the physical as well as the spiritual realm so again you saw trouble on the horizon you saw something attacking you in your dream you do whatever right you whatever you saw not only do you rebuke the dream not only do you challenge it and pray against it and in some cases you'll have to add the fasting along with it but based on the revelation that i receive there will be a prime opportunity to allow god to lead you to someone to invest in their lives so that god could secure those promises he's made you in the spiritual world with those attacks the attacks are coming against you so isn't that awesome i mean that is such an awesome thing that even though even though i'm doing this thing physically the law is going to work for me in the realm of the unseen as well as the realm of the scene all right for those of you just coming on i just want to wish you happy holidays and uh it is a pleasure to be with you on this uh regularly known as christmas day the 23rd of december uh and and i'm pleased to be with you to share with you share with you this uh this powerful teaching now our teaching today uh god is observing your behavior towards the poor make no mistake about that okay let's be clear here god is observing every poor person that god puts in your path he's watching you to see what you are going to do a record a record is being made of you an account as to how you will deal with poor people and just to reiterate my proof of that remember we spoke about matthew 25 from verse 31 to verse 40 whatever and remember when the lord came to judge he separated the goat from the sheep the sheep would have been those who what we would learn uh looked out for the poor and the goats were those who didn't right so he now begin to give the account of what they didn't know they were being held accountable for and that was their behavior towards poor people so the sheep whom christ had said enter into the kingdom that you've inherited uh by your father and they were like well how did we inherit this kingdom jesus explain this to us i don't know that we were even working for a kingdom or towards the kingdom so jesus now begins to give the record of how they observe and their be so how they their behavior wards towards the poor jesus said when they were hungry you fed them when they were thirsty you gave them something to drink he said when they had no shelter you saw it fit to put them in some sort of shelter when they were naked you clothed them so that scripture is clearly telling us that there was an account or a record or there was things being recorded as the savior was observing you as he would have positioned those poor people in front of you the goat on the other hand or unfortunately did opposite to what the sheep did and what the goat didn't know was that while they were handling the poor this way jesus who stood at their right hand side according to psalms 109 verse 31 again making this record to tell him you never fed me you never gave me any form of aid to assist me while i was still on the earth but when you were annoyed we didn't see you so like i said in my previous teachings they further they had a severe case of what i call foot and mouth disease they put their foot right in their mouth and they said well we didn't see you so right away they only proved jesus's case as to why they deserve to be among the goat and that is the only reason if you ever did anything for the paul it would have only been if something religious or or traditional as it relates to christianity or what is spiritual or holy was presented there and so you could put on your performance outside of that you have no idea that jesus is accompanying the poor in all instances and so therefore you handle them with your uh dishonest way of handling them so both cases as i would have said earlier there were records being made and this is the part i want to get to the record spoke for them at the end of their times and that's what i want you to understand so when you when you discount poor people when you dismiss poor people it's normal to feel really no big deal nobody saw it whatever i mean these people always begging me okay that may be true that may be very very very true but what we are about to read today i i pray based on everything else i would have said would have altered your position towards those who were less fortunate than us okay so the first scripture i want us to look at is luke chapter 4 verse 18 because i want you to see there's a law there's a rule called uh in scripture called first mention meaning exactly how it's mentioned the order which is mentioned that's the priority in order to flow it or the order or the sequence in order to flow it so in luke chapter 4 verse 18. i want you to see something here that really caught my attention while i was going over these notes between yesterday and today and this is jesus speaking he's in the temple standing up on the pulpit i guess and he said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he which is the spirit of the lord had anointed me now watch watch the order here i want you to see the order and i want you to see the the priority because as he about to reveal to us why this the spirit of the lord is upon him to do whatever look at the order he said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach the gospel to who to the poor yes why not the rich why not sinners you know he said the spirit of the lord is appointed upon me and this is the order to primarily preach the gospel to the poor he had sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captive and over and recovering of the sight of the blind and to set and liberty them that are bruised so why we couldn't switch it around and start like those are bruce those who are blind those who aren't bondage possessed by devils why didn't god i would figure these people cases are more uh egregious than anything else they should be priority but again we're coming across another scripture where the uh poor is just emphasized on and there's no there's no accident by this i'm going to look at another scripture let's look at luke 6 luke chapter 6 verse 20. luke chapter 6 verse 20 and i like this one too it says and he lifted up his eyes to his disciples and said who lifted up their eyes jesus christ he lifted up his eyes through the disciples and said bless bless be ye poor uh for yours is the kingdom of god again it's only revealing to me the importance of of the relationship that god has with poor people i and i know it's a lot more i'm praying to god to give me more of it because it is not by chance that every time we see the word paul mentioned through the scriptures god is aiding them god is with them and there's some blessing if you bless them i don't see this with rich people i don't see god saying this if you do it to kevin or evangelist or preacher i see these revelations embedded in the lives of those that are less fortunate so it says here luke 6 and 20 and he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said blessed be ye poor for yours is the kingdom of god all right i want us to look at two more scriptures before we really get into it uh let's go to mark 12 let's go to mark chapter 12 mark chapter 12 and we're going to read from verse 42 yeah verse 42 verse 42. well let's start from verse 41 verse 41 so mark 12 41 to verse 44 now listen to this okay and jesus sat over against the treasury this is every time i every time every time i read that sentence right there it takes me back to when i was doing my teaching on tithing and of course you know all the preachers who believe in it came at me and this one preacher i actually had to block this preacher honestly because to me the nonsense that he was running on was just why it's i don't know i don't know he said he put a statement on my thread from my post and he said the tide is still a is still relevant to date because the statement really jesus sat over the treasury that's what he said that's a preacher he said the relevancy of tithe is as a result that jesus sat at the treasury y'all listen to this so i say okay all right that's a good good point that's a good point and i guess i am a christian because i go to church i see that i tell you like that's what i was onto something i know he was onto something [Laughter] and jesus sat over against the treasury and be held how the people cast money into the treasury okay and many that were rich cast in much verse 42 of mark 12. and there came a certain poor widow listen to the phrase poor widow and there came a certain poor widow so not only was she poor we got getting a lot of information about her not only is the lady poor but she your husband is deceased a widow would be someone whose husband has passed on and she threw in two mites which make a farting verse 43 and he which is jesus calls unto him his disciples and said unto them verily i say unto you that this poor widow has cast more in than all they which have cast into the treasury okay verse 44 for all day for all they did cast in of their abundance but she but she of her want did chaos in all that she had even all her living that that was very very very uh powerful to me scripture is just loaded with revelation i mean just just splicing at the seams of this again this this this thing that the government of heaven have with poor people i mean folks please man i mean even after these teachings i beg you to just go into the scriptures or google the word poor slash scripture slash bible and read every scripture that speaks about the poor and i'm this this thing that god has with them is just phenomenal so much so that he's willing to realign your life he's willing to change your circumstances depending on how you behave with them the bible says jesus did not observe or pay much attention to those who were rich and giving out of their abundance because this is like extra for them let me throw a little four thousand dollars in there i got four point eight million come on let me just yeah grab that but the scripture says here that this lady listen to this now gave out of her want it's poorly this lady you don't have meaning she have every reason not to give she's a widow she doesn't have the support she once had she is poor okay so i mean those two qualifiers alone should just you know shut it down right there but jesus called his disciples this was such a teachable moment and how he want them to observe the poor and the way that they handle them that he called remember he's at the treasury watching and the act of this poor little woman guarded his attention and so he said in verse 43 of mark 12. he says listen man he says hey he say come here come disciples stop the healing stop the deliverance service stop whatever you are doing and come here now right now all on the account of a poor woman he's saying this and he called unto him his disciples and said to unto them verily i say unto you that this poor widow has cast more more those guys cast thousands probably millions of dollars she had two mites or something whatever just got jesus said this poor widow has cast more in than all they which have cast into the treasury okay why though well verse 44 is going to answer that for all they did cast in was out of their abundance they the acts the excess that they had right but she being the poor widow she did it out of her want that cast in all that she had see it's easy to say you have fate i have faith i'm gonna get me a car. okay let me see you have 30 350 000 in the bank you don't need no faith for that but the poor lady who has nothing zero and she's giving her two mites all that she have and warned that i believe the invisible god of abraham i believe the invisible god of moses and jacob and isaac and joshua and ezekiel and hosea i believe for this last two pennies he's going to do something for me i'm going to put i have nothing else i have nothing else to say well i threw this in so i got this over here i have absolutely nothing my complete confidence is in god this is the poor person i'm telling you the story here because i'm now beginning to see when poor people behave this way of course god's affinity with them and using their lives as a teachable moment to us that our confidence shouldn't be in the things that we have or the whatever our confidence should consistently be on him all right so again jesus used that as a teachable moment to educate his disciples uh in this regard all right well let's look at another scripture uh let's look at uh luke 14 luke 14 and then let's look at verse 12 to verse 14. i think this is okay look 14 verse 12 to verse 14. now this is the part i wanted to get to here all of you i'm sure you've been having the family gatherings and especially during this season holiday season season's greetings yuletide season whatever you want to call it and you have the the privilege of enjoying uh this season again excuse me with your loved ones a lot of us has lost loved ones but we still have other loved ones and we still have people who actually want to mingle with us some people who some people don't have that that privilege they they don't know that they don't have that but jesus is about to speak to us the believers of christ on how to address that and this is going to be very powerful luke 14 beginning at verse 12. then said he then said who jesus then said jesus also to him that obeyed him when thou make us a dinner or a supper call not thy friends those who are familiar with nor thy brethren neither thy kinsmen family nor are they rich neighbors these are the people who's telling you who he's telling you not to call when you're having a feast or you're doing a big cock-up or whatever okay you're having a big old barbecue and all this other stuff jesus is telling us who not to call but he doesn't literally say no let them be a part of it you're going to see the point he's making it here the point he's making here is who is priority once again then said he also to him that obeyed him when thou s make us a dinner or a supper barbecue call not thy friends nor thy brethren neither thy kinsmen nor thy rich neighbors least they also bid thee again and they recompense be made to thee the same way you call me rich man clifford well clifford guess what i can call you to my party too so that's what he's basically saying so it's going to be recompense right so listen to verse 13. he says but when you make a feast listen the priority listen the first mention listen who to call first when you make a feast call the poor how many of you did that how many of you did that you're probably having family feasts as i speak to you right now how many of you followed that law right now let me look on here let me see who did that let me see did it and even if you didn't call them did you take up the food because you could use cover i know you can use that on me did you take up their food first and then deliver it to them the guy who's under the bridge the guy who's sleeping on the street did you take up that big harm in turkey cauli greens all that other stuff did you take him his meal first according to you were instructed as per you were instructed uh to according to the scripture see let's see i let me do something i don't claim when i come to this because this here is what we need to be hearing in church this right here you don't ever hear this and i'm not saying all churches but this here should be the national anthem for the church right here let me make this statement any church that makes it a priority giving to the poor will always be a successful church not taking from the poor any church that that makes it a priority to always give to the poor and make the poor priority like jesus said preach to them first when you cook give them voice make sure they are voice in line any church that followed that simple protocol has to be a successful church now you want to notice a poor example or representation of the church of god any church that constantly beg you for money beg you beg you beg you beg you and labeling every begging exercise as seed first fruit this that foolishness but never make mention of the poor you will find more broke people in that church than any other church i tell you that according to scripture listen to me pastors i know you see you know your people looking at me oh you're waiting for this live tour so your name don't show up here so you go watch it let me let me help you right now okay you want to change you want to change your church you really want to change that in the direction that god wanted to be in but scratch all your little programs and your so-called visions which which has been overriding god's vision and make the poor priority make them priority all are tired and often you could've been collecting you know what say i'm going to take you know at least 50 of this money at least and we're going today and we're going to help poor people how many churches i'm sure some did it how many churches can we say right now that during this christmas season when the church had all of their little functions and their little recitation for the little children and the be cooked how many churches made a point that we are going to have this whole table ready full of food and we are going to send members out there and begin to give this food to the poor how many how many of your churches did that and i'm not saying none didn't do it but i'm following i'm following the scriptures here now because i know they're so polluted in church now that you don't even know these word scriptures all right how many of you done that how many listen he says verse 13 of luke 14 but when thou maker say feast call the paul the maim the lame the blind how many i mean i'm not being critical i'm not trying to be difficult but if we call ourselves believers of jesus christ we call ourselves people that love god but we don't love those who he have this super relationship with you know what that's like a man let me give you a perfect example of that let me give you a perfect example of that a lot of you will be able to relate to this that's like a man who's marrying a woman and the woman have a child and he claims he loved this woman he loved the dirt she walk on he loved her with all his heart his mind and soul but he hate her child he can't stand that that child walk on kind of love that is i don't know nobody you mix up when you say you love this woman then you should have loved everything that came along with this woman what you talking about what you mean by listen anybody in a relationship that you you you have kids and this person who you're about to marry have issues with you but you you the the worst mistake you could make in your life right now is to have something permanently that poison because they're already showing you what they dealing with so it's the same example here how could you jesus i love you god you got the tears the whole works going on here mucus all that i love you jesus i love you a lot even though i don't give to the poor jesus even though i turn my head and i see him father i press ten thousand speeding past them because i don't wanna beg me lord but i love you i love you god with all my mind spirit soul and body god i love you but i cannot stand the poor i know according to scripture he was a liar because he said those that love me but do who i didn't hear that those that love me will do what they will keep my commandments and what is the commandment again well i'm reading here in luke 14 13. he says but when you have your big christmas dinner when you have your big functions when you got up all the cook up who to call face call daddy no no no call the matriarch of the house i didn't read that call pastor no no call minister kevin no i didn't read that what did he say call the po call the poor call the maim the lame and the blind that's what i'm reading how many of you i try to encourage you right now tell them listen before we take up uh poke them food listen i saw some people on the road who in all of this coal cover up underneath the bridge on the side of the street walking downtown or wherever but no please take up i saw five take up five play the food and put the best we got on that because we want to follow our lord and savior jesus christ commandment this is what you need to be hearing so he says but when you make a feast called the poor the maim and lame and blind verse 14 and listen what he says when you do this and thou shall not might he didn't say might this is an option now see because when you did verse 13 you've activated the blessing you're activating you shall you shall be blessed but god i don't understand i thought i was already blessed already according to ephesians 1 verse 3 where he says blessed be the lord our god who has already already blessed us with all spiritual things yes that's the physical sorry that's the spiritual blessings remember i told you they were right they were in christ or in the spiritual realm now you want to make that blessing physical well i just told you one of the ways to do it and this one here is when you make the feast the first group of people you take care of are the poor people verse 14 says and thou shall not might thou shalt be blessed for they cannot recompense thee they cannot give you nothing in return he says for they cannot recompense thee for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just now boy are we going somewhere now but i had to give you that last scripture right there oh he didn't say you were going to be recompensed in this lifetime now there are scriptures that you follow where you will be blessed now that god will open up the windows of heaven and your divine blessing at this point in this time god will send a poor person in your life to really to cause that blessing to be released we covered that but the last sentence here he says they cannot bless you the poor people who you're helping they cannot bless you or recompense you or they can't give you back what you gave to them he says for thou shalt be recompensed you will be paid back at the resurrection of the just now hold up hold up hold up talking to somebody the day oh lord let's read my my thing here god is observing your behavior towards the poor i am reading here in verse 14 of luke 14. but before we got to luke 14 he gave us the spiritual protocol to follow and if we follow this protocol not only will we uh secure our blessings here but he says you the way you're going to be paid back by giving to these less fortunate he says at the resurrection of the just wow and we got a glimpse of that in matthew 25 beginning at verse 31 when jesus returned at the resurrection and then the second coming sorry and he began to separate the sheep from the goat and begin to tell each one they're occult as to how they behave towards the poor but again this scripture this is powerful endow verse 14 of luke 14 and thou shalt be blessed you how why am i going to be blessed lord kevin you're going to be blessed not when you give to the poor you know when you make the poor priority in your giving now before i go into the grand scripture i got divert just a little bit because we are now going to define the first fruit business that you all about and all of that other stuff you know like well kevin you talk about don't give fresh fruit no the bible is clear we must give so and so and and so that our barns would be filled but who are you saying give it to again where was the protocol he did that i didn't see no church there i didn't see pastor there i didn't see give it to mr kevin voice i didn't read none of that there he said priority in giving he says you should make sure the poor make sure they get now like i say if you don't know of any poor but your church gives to the poor but do you give to that church specifically to that fund to give this to the poor there are people who send me donations they say brother kevin this here is for the poor this is for you this for the poor will be clear and that go to the poor so what i'm saying to you you may say well i'm not in a position i don't know of nobody i can't think of one wherever they are they so far remember jesus one of the rules that he gave with the levitical priest when he made the covenant between them and their hebrew brothers in terms of tithe one of the rules were that's why i tell you if they teach you the true teaching on tie you will never pay tied again one of the rules were if your tide was too big your fruits and all of these things were too much to carry or the distance and were you supposed to specifically take the tide house as outlined in scripture if it was too far he said now sell sell your tide he says sell because tied back then were fruits vegetables and so on he said now sell that now go to a place where one of the levites is in your province sell it and buy whatever and guess what's included in that and people laugh but it's in the scripture included in that was liquor so the religious folks y'all could go crazy all you one he says you could buy xyz and buy your liquor or whatever this is what the scripture says not me and eat it to the place where i have ordained you to eat it so god is saying here same principle in this sense that okay you said you live way in the suburbs you know poor people around there so i see a guy like kevin or whoever else speaks about having part of their ministry they give to the poor so i'm going to send my money's here so that they can assist what they're doing to the poor yes that's quite fine now coming down to this first fruit right now remember god say give to the poor what he says here he says when you have your feasts who to make priority give it to the paul what did jesus say in matthew 25 beginning at verse 31 as he began to explain why the sheep are going to inherit the kingdom he says because when i was hungry you fed me when i was thirsty you gave me something to drink when i was naked you clothed me when i had no shelter you saw that shelter was provided for me right and jesus said now when you were doing this who you was doing it to you were doing it to me right going back to leviticus now leviticus said the tide is holy unto who god right now when that statement was made the law of tidying was in place where the covenant was made between the levitical priesthood and their brethren that the levitical priesthood was the only people on this planet who could demand tithe from their brethren okay you get that right now there is no levitical priesthood today meaning that that i know of i don't know if no temple nowhere but in the biblical priesthood i don't know of any of that and like i said to you you cannot take no first fruit where you're going to take the first fruit too you can't say well kevin bring it to the church because as far as i'm concerned about the priest the levitical priest was the one who uh choreographed or orchestrated all of these ceremonies so where you gonna take it now so when they say bring the first fruit to us in january they're talking nonsense and i can show you why they talking nonsense let's go to the book of proverbs okay we can make sense out of this man titled us robbing us every year for us to be extra broke the following year let's go to proverbs chapter three all right and then we're gonna read from verse nine and we can make sense of this be up the same here in the bahamas make it make sense and we can make it make sense right now i'm not taking my first fruit to no church i will never do it it will never happen on this planet never unless unless i'm taking it to the branch where they supply to the poor that's the only way to happen that's the only thing that happened but it will never i will never take a first fruit or pasta apostle and i want you all to hear me because i know you're listening to me and i know i'll parry you and you will say well he will never come to my church but well you don't start off wrong because the judge don't belong to you and it just goes to show how petty you are now you don't walk up they know how especially if you there but anyway let's let's let's go back to the word here remember now where did god say he was as it relates to the poor well according to psalms 109 verse 31 it says he's on the right side of the poor that's the first piece of evidence right shoot down again to 25 beginning at verse 31 he said you have inherited the kingdom of god because when uh the poor was hungry you fed them when the poor was thirsty you provided for them they said jesus when did we do this to you jesus said when you were doing your arms to the poor you were doing it to who me that's what he said jesus said when you give to the poor you're basically lending to him god and who is going to pay you god is going to pay you okay good right so every time i talk about first fruit and trash that they love to bring me proverbs they love to bring this to me love to bring me proverbs so let's break it down today proverbs chapter 3 beginning at verse 9. okay honor the lord with thy substance and with the first fruit of all thine increase now if you're going to honor the lord where's the lord the description says that the lord is on the right hand side of the church i didn't read that the description says that when i was feeding the poor and hungry i was feeding the church it didn't say that right now i didn't say that oh i was giving it to the past and i didn't read that either i didn't read that no every scripture i've given you leading up to what i'm about to read right now every time god was saying giving to him it had to do with the poor i'm talking to somebody i helping you you know i'm helping you not to make the mistake again for taking your salary to your various churches and pastors unless like i said there's a branch that they're telling you to bring it to this all of this money will go to the poor people in the month of january every first fruits you bring here we have dedicated this to the poor being gonna touch this unless they're doing that then you take your salary and you give it to someone who lord the lord is leading to you that is less fortunate and here's what god is going to do for you this is how you change your circumstances one of many scriptures verse 9 of proverbs 3 honor the lord have respect for the lord in this area with thy substance and with the first fruit of all thine and grace you must oh god i've made this money i want to bless you though before i spend anything out of this million dollars i was awarded from this settlement or whatever i my first i'm gonna honor you god i can't buy no church no boss or not no i've been giving them i've been given to them god i want to bless i want to buy someone who i want to do but i want to do it for the poor like you said i want to honor god with my substance and my first fruit i'm going to do it by investing in the life of someone less fortunate than me scripture that's what i'm reading and what what is going to happen when you honor me god sorry kevin when you honor me kevin through the paul because remember who where am i again on the right-hand side of them when you were feeding them who were you feeding heaven you were feeding me when you were clothing them kevin who are you clothing you were clothing i'm slowing you jesus kevin when they had no place to stay and you took them in or or held them with their rare mortgage or or paid a couple nights at a hotel motel whatever kevin who were you doing it really to who were you really honoring well according to matthew 25 i was honoring you you were very clear okay let's try this again kevin psalms 103 verse 31 kevin when the poor approach you where did i say i was positioned god you say that you were on the poor right side that's what you said okay kevin okay kevin good you you get it right now let's go back to proverbs again look at proverbs chapter three because we're dealing with voice fruit now and the substance which they call tide they say that that's the tide here right here kevin the substance mean the tide you give that and your first fruit mean the first ten percent i don't read that there get over here with that garbage so let's read it again honor the lord with that oh no what god has blessed you with how are you going to honor me kevin by making the poor priority he said when you have a feast who do you call he don't call your friend don't even call your pastor don't even call minister kevin he say call the maim the broke call the blind call them hmm honor the lord with a substance and with the first fruit of all thine increase first thing of proverbs 3 so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine that's what i'm reading so now that explains to you why you've been given all of these first fruits to these people and nothing is happening for you because i read in the scripture and i'm sure my lovely students will know the scripture it says he that oppresses the poor and he that give it to the rich shall surely come to want some translation say shall surely come to poverty so you check it out you participating in the laws and you still wonder why you broke he's saying make priority give to the poor you may priority given to the rich church or the rich pastor or apostle or preacher prophet whoever the rich prophet says so into my life and god is going to sacrifice rules and once you give it to me you can get the money back a thousand fold god said i say give it to the poor the the the casino prophet who is very knowledgeable in the scriptures let me make it clear and he says you said no now listen what the lord said now this give me that money and you might say prophet you're being a little greedy here but no let's look at scripture scripture said that that when elijah went to zarephath he said to the woman give unto me first look at the interest in the scriptures watch this give to me first and then you shall see the miracle i'm gonna back it up for you right now and the scripture said don't give a scripture now he said believe god and you shall be established believe his prophets and you shall prosper come on now well i got a scripture for you yeah you got scripture for me and they are scriptures but they don't fall in the protocol of what we're talking about here where we have to make the poor priority mr casino roller folks going out of this and as long as i breed i'm going to assist you in every way possible to undo this twisted scriptures that you were given to to cause you or to force you to give and when you see the way god want to do you will be more free to give now and because you know i've given this to this poor man or woman and i know god is receiving this and god is making a record of it now let's get into my final my final well not the final one but i have like three more scriptures but i want us to get to show you remember the last statement that we came off where it says that i think it was uh luke 14 and 14 when jesus said to them that hey look here those of you that do give to the poor make them priority he said in this case here not in all cases in this case uh a they wouldn't be able to recompense you which is in all cases but excuse me in this case he said your recompense or what you're doing for them he says it's going to be during the resurrection of the just now that was powerful so here's what the lord led me to to bring more clarity to that statement this is so powerful watch this thing let's go to luke again we're gonna go to luke chapter 16 uh-huh and we're gonna be like beginning at verse 19. this is powerful man let's just put on your seat belts boy remember now this entire scripture here is coming off of the heels i like this word or coming off of the precipice i don't know what i mean but it sounds good right there but it's coming off of luke 14 verse 14. okay luke 14 verse 14 says jesus says listen remember i told you make priority says when you having a party or feast or food or whatever they say don't invite your friends voice you know don't invite your ceo of the company trying to get a favor with them don't invite kevin don't invite and he doesn't literally mean don't tell them come but he's saying that they are not to be the priority in whom you invite to gift to it should be the poor the lame the blind and so on then he says you when you do that watch this you are blessed meaning he's talking now you are blessed and those blessings will be released for that specific time but he says also though you're going to be blessed but your recompense or your return on this is going to be on the day of judgment and again we had a small glimpse of this in matthew 25 beginning at verse 31 when they were judged on the day of judgment as to why some were going to their inherited kingdom by god and those who weren't and had everything to do with what we're just talking about okay so let's bring this baby full full i love teaching here i love it i love it i love it love the word of god luke chapter 16 beginning at verse 19. listen to what it says here jesus is speaking here now while many uh label or categorize this particular parable as just that a parable most theologians believe that it's an actual story all right and the poor man lazarus and the rich sorry rich guy they claimed that that rich guy actually existed and his name was divees i don't know how true it is i'm just telling you what i studied what i read what i came up on okay anyway the scripture says in luke 16 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fed sumptuously every day and there was a certain beggar named lazarus all right which was laid at his gate meaning the rich man's gate and lazarus was full of sores and desired to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table moreover the dogs came and licked his sauce oh wow that is so horrible verse 22 of luke 16 says and it came to pass that the beggar we've got to died some stuff here now we're about to see some stuff here and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried now verse 22 is very very powerful let me tell you why because verse 22 is the mediator between when both of these men were living and when when they didn't exist anymore on the earth but as you can see as we're about to read even though they are not physically existing on the earth they're going to be existing in another place which we know to be the spiritual world and what that rich man and his performance was towards that beggar recompense is about to be revealed oh lord i just thank you for your holy spirit lord thank you for your wisdom thank you for your revelation that you've given me to teach your people i thank you father god that you've given me the the gift to make it as simple as i possibly could for them but my greatest prayer to you lord is that they walk away with an understanding they walk away totally fueled in their spirit to want to do your laws your will your commandments and to be in the right alignment with you and what you want for their lives in jesus mighty name amen and amen so verse 22 of luke 16 very clear and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom now that was the place that all of the dead went uh the the righteous there that is prior to jesus's death burial resurrection they called it i think paradise i believe if i'm if my history served me right and abraham bosom was a place that the righteous would go all right watch this verse 22 well let's read verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and he was carried by sorry they came to pass here that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom i just got to pause just for one second i i don't want to delay it but i again i always tell you this i am very visual i'm very visual when i when i speak i'm very i'm visualizing stuff and the scripture is so encouraging because you know death can be so scary so challenging especially the unknown parts of it like what really happens but to me i i find this scripture so so uh encouraging because it says that when the the rich man the poor man the bigger died lazarus it says that the angels listen to this now but the angels carried him not his physical body carried his spirit you know they escorted him into glory escort him into the spiritual realm no evil darkness or none of that and i and i like this because it reminds me of isaiah 57 i think it is verse 1 to verse 3 or somewhere but it says oh how beautiful uh when the saints of god die or something go read it it's a beautiful passage that correlates with this right here isaiah 57 beginning at verse one if i'm not mistaken all right you gotta take the little interjection there just to let you be a little bit more visual also when you read these things and that they will become just golden nuggets too like they out of me anyway it says here that in verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was kept the beggar died was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried right so both men are now deceased both of their caucuses or their bodies are buried i guess six feet in the earth cross but their spirits that once housed their physical bodies uh not accompanying those bodies anymore the scripture gave us kind of a peep of that when it says that the angel carried the beggar or lazarus into the bosom of abraham the angels are spiritual beings lazarus spirit is spiritual and that's what they took there the rich man also died but he was buried and the bible says he opened up his eyes in hell so clearly he was in in his body and this grave was held fire right so his spirit was i guess escorted by demons to this tormenting place right so let's look at verse 23 it says and he lifted up his eyes this is the rich man being in torment and see it abraham afar off and lazarus in his bosom okay verse 24 of luke 16 and he cried who cried the rich man and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me and send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and call my tongue for i am tormented in this flame this is powerful this is powerful because even in his spiritual state his five senses are still active he could see he could taste he could feel he could hear they're all active so he's now trying to bargain with abraham he says hey said lazarus i remember him i remember him very well he was the fella i didn't pay any attention to so i know he know me anyway tell him bring me some pepsi coca-cola up so much what he says here verse 24 and the rich man cried and said father abraham i have mercy on me and said lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for i am tormented in this flame verse 25 of luke 16. but abraham said son remember put a finger right there put a finger right there because we're now about to expose luke 14 verse 14. luke 14 13 says when you have your face huh when you're living like off high off the hog like we say you're living good he said don't invite kevin don't invite the ceo don't invite the monitoring director don't invite the chief apostle of the gideon army none of them don't do none of that but first the law first mentioned in bringing in the poor bring in the lame bring them hook them up for you then you could bring the rest of the other guys then in verse 14 of luke 14 he says now when you do this know for sure you shall be blessed that's physically but you will not be recompensed by the poor who you body for they cannot pay you back they cannot recompense you however your recompense would be in the resurrection of the justice [Music] here so let's hear what you got to say abraham as it relates to luke 14 verse 14 where they will be you say definitely those who did good deeds would be recompense but they're also some other people are going to be recompensed depending on what their behavior was like towards the poor lord i love you so luke 16 25 but abraham said son is the rich man are you talking to remember that thou in thy lifetime receive us thy good things and likewise lazarus evil things and what was the evil things what is he referring to as evil evil things was when you had the resources never helped him but abraham said verse 25 son remember that thou in thy lifetime receive us thy good things and likewise lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented verse 26 and besides all this between us and you there is a great gulf fix so that they which would pass from hands to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from fence verse 27 then he said i pray thee father oh you could pray now oh you could pray now mr rich man now that the ball does the balls the the the the balling in your court no more all of a sudden you could pray but it's too late sir you're praying going nowhere okay then he which is the rich man said i pray thee their forefather that thou would have sent him to my father's house oh san diego's okay verse 28 for i have five brother brethrens that he which is lazarus may testify they didn't pay no attention when lazarus was there before and what makes you believe they can pay attention i guess i can tell you this now if i was one of those five brothers and lazarus who i know we bury show up in life i breaking off running so i ain't even gonna i don't wanna hear what you gotta say so so that ain't gonna happen but anyway verse 27 then he said the rich man said i pray thee therefore father that thou would have sent him to my father's house for i have five brethren that he may testify unto them least they also come into this place of torment abram said unto him they have moses and the prophets let them hear them so this kind of authenticate the story in verse 29 also because jesus is saying that the response that is being given to the rich man is being referenced to characters that are notable and known such as moses and the prophets right so this this is why i feel lord just believe it's a real story that's another story so he says in verse 29 abraham said unto him they have moses and the prophets let them hear him and he said no father abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead now here here's the revelation in the story that i i want to quickly uh jump to the story uh from verse the story in luke 16 beginning at verse 19. just before we get to verse 22 it speaks of the living states the living state of these two characters the rich man and lazarus being the poor man verse 22 i mean uh definitively clearly states that they passed away uh richmond sorry lazarus the beggar died and he was escorted by the angels into the bosom of abraham that's the afterlife the spiritual world and it says that the rich man he died but he was buried and uh he opened up his eyes in hell here's what i want you to pull away from the story two things the first one is there is no account in this story where he didn't pay tithe he didn't give his first fruit to the pastor to the church he didn't sow a seed i'll take it even higher there's no record where he broke the ten commandments or that was highlighted like he was an adulterer there's no record where he was a fornicator there's no record where he was a thief or he covered his neighbor's wife there's no record where he stole there's no record where he was dishonest i there was absolutely no record in there in terms of determining where he would be positioned in the afterlife the entire story as it relates to his arrival to this particular place of torment is surrounding and that's what i want you to extract from the story the way he behave towards the person that was less fortunate than he was i try to let them marinate in your cerebral cortex for a little bit all right i want you to really take note of that because that's what i that is what put that i that was easy to extract he opened his eyes and held what did he murder someone no i didn't read that i'm not saying he didn't do it but i'm saying the record that jesus is giving makes no indication of this man having sex with his brother's wife this man killing the pastor this man none of that the only thing that is pointed out in here is another illustration where jesus is putting emphasis on the poor and he's showing that your handling of them and life will determine your position and death i'm trying to i'm somebody today listen if what i'm teaching you about the poor don't break that evil witchcraft traditional mindset of sowing seed for miracles of giving your first fruit to a church or to a pastor of doing all of that giving of money and never paying any attention to the poor nothing of what i told you i'm condemning you or telling you god can get you because i want him to get you i am showing you where god be jesus all right telling you hey i have a serious relationship with those that are less fortunate and everything i'm giving you from the manual of life which is the scriptures i am showing where you should make them priority over your pastor over your teacher over your mother over whom over your wife over here the poor should be your priority this isn't up for discussion this isn't we don't need a committee here this is what god requires and god it is so sad that the new the new testament church has converted what jesus and god wants to given everything that you could possibly own to an already rich church and clearly not rich enough because every time they're begging and begging and begging and begging seed after seed after seed first fruits after first fruit billy goat seed precious seed diamond seed gold seed come on man what point at what point do you wake up what point do you say after 15 20 30 years of following this non-biblical trash do you say this is not working at what point at what point do you say kevin ewing thank you i am going to do it god's way now anybody that is upset with what i'm saying what do i always tell you kevin didn't write the bible right neither did he co-order he didn't co-author it nor did he revise it i am simply telling you what the word of god said now if you're upset and i know who would be upset with me those who promote the dung in terms of what is contrary to the word of god but that should tell if you go to your past and say well i say look let's hear this mind saying and if he say don't listen to that man or what that man is saying is true and you believe him after giving you the word i i why do you think i take my time and break down every scripture i give you and aside from that i go to supporting scriptures and then bring it full circle for you because i want you to leave with an understanding so fortified that no matter how they try to justify what they do it you say no no no bro no because what you're trying to tell me to do is go against god's rules i don't know what to say man listen like i tell you if you foolish enough if you today is the 25th of december you got a couple more days in this year and if you if you got your first fruit and all these other fruits then you can't wait for uh new earliest night service to do the countdown to plant into your church to secure another round of poverty if you if after hearing this and you go and still do what you're not supposed to be doing it's nothing i can do for you no more i i all of this you're getting no there's no price tag to these revelations absolutely none come on youtube for free and watch them no price tag no fresh fruit no special seed no onion seed no nothing all you have to do is follow the that's the only thing i require you to do not follow what i say follow what the word of god is saying to you some of you listening to me those books which you bought how to become rich how to money money cometh now all these religious books you've bought never give you a fraction of these revelations that you're getting not even a fraction of it everything and it is man's opinion and then they try to twist scripture and tiger on the tail end of it when i'm giving you from line upon line precept upon precept the order in which god wants you to do his protocol to get his promises right now again with this when we decide not to do it god's way and you say kevin to hell with you i don't care what you say i'm not going to sit up here and let you you know they like to say this i'm going to let you bash my pastor after hour and 15 minutes the only thing you get out of what i said was bash pasta boy i tell you the devil got you hook line in sync but anyway if if you make the decision let me let me tell you i'm gonna show you from scripture now that when you make the decision right now to continue continue on your path to sow and see it's the church like they've been asking you and demanding you when you continue on your part that you're past the demand-tied for me and if you don't get it you're going to be cursed when you continue on your part to plant first fruit to that a rich church and rich pastures when you continue to do that i'm gonna give you three scriptures right now that while you're simultaneously doing that not only are you securing your poverty the confusion in your life and things never happening the way or being aligned with god's divine promise not only are you securing that for you but you are now in a covenant with the camp of the enemy so you see because it's this covenant what i always tell you whenever you defy the word of god you are automatically in covenant with the enemy's camp and the enemy's camp is going to ensure that not only will the ad voice conditions affect you but your babies who have nothing to do with your rebellion will suffer likewise as you i can start off with the scripture y'all y'all should know it by now because i always go here deuteronomy 28. let's go to deuteronomy 28 beginning at verse 1. all right now listen with deuteronomy 28 moses speaking to the believers of god these are god's people and it shall come to pass if thou will hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god and to observe to do all his commandments which relates to the poor which relates to the poor and our last teaching one of those commandments was deuteronomy 15 and 11 where he says i command thee as it relates to the poor go read it he says and it shall come to pass if thou shalt harken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god and to observe and to do all his commandments which i command thee this day that the lord god shall set thee on high above all nations so he says when you begin to do these rules to the poor i mean any all of his laws but let's be focusing on the paul because that's what we're teaching now when you observe to do not some of the rules pertaining to the poor when you do all of them he says the first sign the first sign of what i'm going to do how you know i'm now operating in your life the first thing i'm going to do is elevate you that's going to be the first thing that's going to happen the first thing that's going to happen if you observe to do all my laws and my commandments and my rules the first thing that i'm going to do for you i'm going to elevate i'm going to put you above everybody else what i told you let me give you my example again in 2000 all the way up to to 2011 i was i mean stuck on my going nowhere on my job things were difficult for me blah blah blah early that day i told you i did my 40 day fast i followed the rules of god i followed i i made it my business i have to do it differently when i did that i told you uh uh they had a opening on my job i worked for fedex i was a courier prior to this to this and they had an opening to an account executive all right another count executive would be uh for just where i live freeport grand bahama all right so i know the the the uh the notice of it was never exposed to me till they were almost ready to close and i was intentionally done all right by the leader at that point they finally released it to me because they knew if it was released and i didn't know and i complained about it they could get in trouble so about two or three days prior to them closing it off for internal employees and and making it available to external people who never work with fedex was winding down so i got it and it was given to me and i i applied for it they wanted five years of sales experience they wanted a bachelor's degree none of which i had but i already did my fast and i knew what i was praying for and i knew this was my time right here i knew now at this point i already done my fast everything right this is like august this is like now august of 2011. i knew this was my time i knew so i went and i fill out my stuff i did what i had to do i emailed it to them my boss had to write a reference on me at the time and uh i got a good reference from him so i sent an email that they're gonna come down to evaluate me okay i don't have the bachelor's degree and i do not definitely have five years of sales experience right but i'm confident so they came i was super nervous very nervous but i was confident and i sat in there that interview for a little over an hour and my my who would have been my then boss and the senior manager for the bahamas was interviewing me each of them through we did a uh a thing where they threw it at me they told me i was gonna this is gonna happen where you're gonna try you you have to sell fedex to us so they gave this scenario i will be mr fedex they will be the two companies now sell myself but i was a preacher there now while i don't sell the gospel my job is to convince people but not really convince them but to teach it in such a way that they would be convinced by this gospel and so that's what i did just how i would teach just how i would preach is exactly what i in didn't they were very impressed each of them threw 10 questions at meech and i knocked each one of them right down they had no interview with nobody else close it off a couple weeks later i was told that i have the position god said when you do my laws see i tell you i speak to you from experience when you follow my commandments i don't care who against you i will elevate you i'll be the first sign you know i am with you now watch the blessings come because the scripture is about to say next in verse 2 of deuteronomy chapter 28 after i've elevated you which is the first sign all these blessings shall come on thee okay how's the blessing come now now i got the position everything has changed they wanted an account executive just for freeport originally so they changed that no we want you to be an account executive for the entire obamas except nassau but we have a court executive already then we also spread the position to the turks and caicos island you will also be an account executive over there but i thought it was just for no i said to you i'm gonna elevate you first then i'm gonna pour the blessings on you i can spend the rest of the day just telling you the blessings that came after that over and over and over and over and over again so when i teach you when i speak to you i speak from experience i'm encouraging you that if you stop following these people who telling you you have to buy miracles that's why i tell you i might angry with them because i never did that i used to and it never worked but when i followed god's way just how would be said kevin to prove to you i'm with you the first thing i'm going to do with you is elevate you that's the first thing and the elevation never stop but that's another story then he says and all these blessings shall come upon thee and watch us and take thee to overtake means to go ahead so to overtake also means that i'm gonna bless you kevin and because you obey me you have kids right they're up the road right but they can feel this blessing too i talking to somebody i try to encourage somebody it will never work for you you will never get out of that spot where you are if you continue to follow the rules of men and never follow the laws of god if you continue to sow first fruit into your pasta your apostle your bishop life and neglect the poor and then you do it to them first you give it to the church and then give it to the poor and you won't god bless you you want god you want god to give you everything he promised but you won't do it going opposite to his word man you want drugs we need to get you into rehab yes i'll pay for it because something is desperately wrong with you you want to do everything pastor tell you to do that is against god word but you want the promises of god listen i don't know would they lace your dope with but something is terribly wrong with you no man stick to the word they can get mad at you and they can call you everything but a child of god because you're not doing it their way but god didn't call you to do it their way he said to do it my way the only way you follow what they say if it's lining up with my word so he says and these blessings shall come on there and overtake thee if thou shalt hack unto the voice of the lord thy god so the blessings all of my my babies are going to be blessed because of their father my children all of them i am i am so confident about their future my son just came down to spend the holidays here and i'm just looking at this young man who in him and he came a long way and to see him as an opponent on his job living his life just god promptly said kevin what did i tell you uh psalms 112 verses 1-2 praise he the lord blessed is the man that feared the lord that's you kevin who delighted greatly in his commandments that's you kevin and what you're going to do for me god and his seed shall be mighty upon thee every last one of my children are mighty upon there every last one of them they have no choice it's god's word because daddy made the decision to follow god not man they got mad with me not they but those who were over me in religion they were mad because they didn't follow that way and i went god way i became the old chaos and talked about it didn't matter to me because i see more results coming from this everybody you know everybody can be mobbing you know soda for fruit no more entertain food and 49 fruit if you don't sow that you have a problem now let's look at the opposite let's go to verse 15. had i did it their way god said in verse 15 but it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which i command thee this day that all these curses shall come upon thee and over and over over over over tag d so kevin when you make the decision to go against my word you are also making a decision in the lives of your children you cannot just want the blessings and you be blessed by following the word and then your children be blessed but when they come to the cast part you just want to resort for you no no no no no no no don't work that way don't don't work later i'm sorry i don't know what they teaching you i don't know what tells false prophet them they ain't buy no snake skin shoe or few this year tell them they ain't paying their children uh undergraduate fees or a few this year tell them no tell them go to jesus just like you tell them go fast and pray and pay give it to the poor just like you but they will not get a head start on you this year by you giving them your money tell them no say kevin taught us different according to the word of god so you see here the curse is now what i said to you when you disobey god you are automatically in covenant with satan there's no negotiating here listen but it shall come to pass if you do not hearken i am not going to do what god say so god says then shall the blessing come all it needed was you not to follow my word as well as all i need is for you to follow my word and the first thing i'm going to do is elevate you and if you keep following i will continue to since 2011 to now i have seen el i honest to god i have seen no backwardness in my life since 2011. none to the point i left the job leave it walk away from it and was elevated higher again i'm still being elevated tell me god don't don't get from mommy talking fool i must go gio see it i told you i want to give the seed honestly i can be fair with him i told him i have pumpkin seed watermelon seed grapeseed i have every type seed you could think of and what i don't have i will go down to the head hardware store look in the nursery department and pick out the seeds that you want but one seed you angle get from me is my heart or in money which god has given me to give to the poor get out here that garbage god hang here now you all wanna go give it to the maid go ahead so i just gave you the two scriptures i showed you that we're securing destinies in terms of how we respond to the word of god and not just our destiny but the destiny of our seed okay now i want you to go to give you two examples of that uh let's go to first kings twenty one first kings twenty one again wrap up right here first kings twenty one to be honest with you i really don't want to wrap up because this is just be so awesome man first kings 21 and we're gonna read from verse 28 to verse 29 okay just to give a quick background of this so you'll understand this story from verse one speaks of uh ahab which was the king or who was the king of uh israel and he had a wife wicked wicked evil woman called jezebel that's what they talk about she represents that jezebel spirit or her behavior and when you see that on others they determine it's a jezebel spirit working in them and he had his excuse me his neighbor by the name of naboth had a parcel of of land next to him a vineyard actually and ahab wanted to purchase it so neighborhood said i i cannot sell this to you because this is a family inheritance this is in the family lineage i could not do it aha became uh saddened by it went home like a little baby and tell his wife he said uh well they came when he looked down and she said why you look so down she said he said this neighbor didn't want to send me his property so mean big baby so anyway she said don't worry about that uh go have a couple of budweiser and go sleep so he went to sleep and the bible says that she wrote a letter basically long story short to the elders and so on the officials of the city to kill naboth and it was a lie that he blasphemed against the king and their god or what have you so they stoned them to death they did this in a matter of hours obviously because by the time ahab woke up she told them go get your property because neighborhood cannot stop you no more right after this god sent the prophet elijah to read the riot act to ahab and his wife for the wickedness that they had done and when he did it we went there when he did it the only one that showed compassion was ahab because after the prophet revealed to him because nobody else knew what happened and the prophet revealed him the wickedness the deceit and the lies that they told on an innocent man and had the life taken of this man because of that lie so let's pick it up from verse 28 and the word of the lord came to elijah the test by saying because when what happened is at this point uh ahab dropped to the ground and tore his clothes because he was so uh distraught of what he would the reality of what he did so verse 28 says of first kings 21 and the word of the lord came to elijah the tag by saying see us thou ahab how ahab humbled himself before me so that's why to your humility and repentance is key if you want the favor of god in the midst of your evil i always remember the teaching i did or not repentance go watch that video here repentance is key if you want god to turn his wrath on you repentance is key now listen what he says here first 20 and the word of the lord came unto elijah to touch by saying see thou ahab humbled himself before me because listen listen because ahab humbled himself before me i will not bring this evil because god told elijah to tell ahab and his wicked wife jezebel the vicious deaths that they're going to experience where the dogs will lick up their blood and bones and all this other stuff hey i'm saying boy i don't know if i could deal with that lord please forgive me please jesus forgive me so god is observing him asking for forgiveness and he said elijah hold on now hold on with that prophecy one minute he say you see how ahab humbling has humbled himself before me he said because ahab had humbled himself before me the judgment that i was going to bring on him during his lifetime i'm going hold on i'm going to put it on i'm going to postpone it i'm going to suspend it i will not bring this evil in his day his day okay but but this is key room i told you remember i told you when you're doing your evil don't believe that it ends with you you are also altering the course of your your children's destiny he says i will not bring this evil on ahab in his days but in his son's days that's s o n apostrophe s in his son's days when i bring the evil upon their house or his house so isn't that interesting mommy and daddy cook up all kind of evil wake witchcraft obvious santeria send people children crazy tear people's marriages cost them get fired off their job give them an early grave and they figured that because no human being saw them they believed that they are okay not according to what i'm reading here because judgment is coming and that judgment is not limited to the parties involved because their sons are now mentioned who had absolutely nothing to do with this the daddy is going to get away because he humbled himself but god says yeah i can let you slide because you humble yourself but your seed will pay for this now that's the law as it relates to curses now let's see the flip side to this okay so let's go to first kings 11 let's go to first kings chapter 11. i hope you're loving this here first kings 11. and we're going to read from verse 9 to verse 12. all right give you some background here originally before solomon uh ascended to the throne being the second the third king of israel remember the first king was saul the second one was david who would have been now the father of the third king which would have been solomon god told him to marry no foreign women and he gave them all his rules before he ascended to the throne he must not serve no other gods blah blah blah well he went contrary to the laws of god so picking it up from uh first kings 11 verse 9 it says and the lord was angry with solomon uh-huh why because his heart was turned from the lord of israel which had appeared unto him twice very interesting verse 11 verse 10 of first kings 11 and had commanded him god appeared him twice and commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods small g but he kept not that which the lord commanded the minute you stop obeying god but did i tell you you are automatically in covenant with the enemy did i not tell you that i know that right now watch this verse 10 and had commanded him concerning this thing that he should not go after other gods but he kept not that which the lord commanded verse 11 of first kings 11. wherefore the lord said unto solomon for as much as this is done of thee and thou has not kept my covenant and my statues which i have commanded thee i will surely tear or divide the kingdom from thee and will give it to thy servant so god is now telling him uh the what the penalty what the penalty was for serving other gods i'm going to take this kingdom from you solomon again yang this from you because you you you were out of you break my covenant but something is about to happen that is very unique or strange in the next verse you could already tell them the rules i can rip this from you boy verse 12 says notwithstanding in thy days so he's saying solomon you're blessed i can suspend this i ain't gonna let this happen in your time then he's gonna tell him why he's doing it for him notwithstanding first kings 11 12 in thy days i will not do it for going to do with you i am suspending removing you as the head of my children the children of israel i am going i'm not even though you are deserving of this even though you should pay but your daddy david was a good man to me he obeyed me and i blessed him and i elevated him and i promise him that not only will the blessings come upon you mr david but solomon who will mess up in the future because of you i will spare him scripture boy to god that's what i'm reading i say all of that to say this when you turn your head from giving to the poor and making them priority and giving your monies to a church or a pastor or people who already have and you did not follow the protocol of luke 14 verses 12 to 14 where you were to make the poor priority in your first fruit in your giving as you're giving unto the lord because the lord is at their right side when you go and again let me be clear because i don't want the air to become muddy you're supposed to give to the church and help whomever the church god bills to pay and so on but all of that come through faith because once you do the word of god god is going to bless you tremendously and you'll have more to give them but don't let them put fear in you you better come give your title to your curse how is the man of god and the bills are going to be paid here true faith just because you've been asking me to have faith when i give you my money come with that so solomon you deserve it you deserve something you should be getting these licks but the kingdom is going to be divided not in your time even though you're the originator of why god made the decision to divide the kingdom between israel and judah but your boys who had nothing to do sorry solomon uh you you are benefiting because of your daddy god isn't gonna do this in your time because kev just like my children my children even when i'm off the scene dead and gone i did the will of god and i'm piling up and storing up blessings not just for me and them now but when i'm off the scene and whatever problems or whatever happened to them in the future god says boy even though you deserve this your daddy did my will in the face of opposition your daddy preached my word your daddy never compromised your daddy was never paid off your daddy never been until people pay seed to him or so unto him or tap into his anointing by paying that money your daddy never compromised and because of that even though you don't deserve it kj even though you may not deserve it kia even though you may not deserve it chrissy even though you don't deserve a gigi even though you don't deserve a chavez because of what he did and i'm a god that cannot lie the blessings went ahead of him and guess who were recipients of that you guys if this message don't convince you to give to the poor not just give to them but make them priority in you could still give other places you know but i say priority according to luke 14 12 to 14 they are priority if they are not priority you're going against the law even though you're given i hope you're listening i hope you're listening last scripture we can bring the last part of what i just said all in one place because i know then they say oh there's no such thing as generational curses what is he talking about generational curses are a couple dislearnt behavior okay bible student they mess your head right up in theology school my lord you need a new head not even a new brain you need a whole thing eyebrow everything knows you name it old cambodia so let's go our final scripture before we pray lamentations i love it chapter five voice seven and we're gonna sum up uh deuteronomy 28 verses one to two as well as verse 15 we're going to sum up uh first kings 21 verses 20 29 and we also want to sum up all of this in one first kings 11 9 and 12. we'll be talking about when you don't give to the poor or any evil you did all good the uh recompense of it isn't just limited to you uh your future will deal with it also future generation so lamentations five verse seven we can bring this baby home right now it says our fathers have sinned e.d past tense this is something uh that happened already our fathers have sinned or our ancestors they have done their evil and are not that statement means that they are now deceased they don't exist anymore there are no more on the scene when we speak of them we speak of them as delayed so-and-so or the deceased or dead so and so so he said prior to their uh exploration the scriptures are clear what they did they sinned there was no repentance or none of that they just said that they sin he said our fathers have sinned and now they are deceased and we who is this we again would that be those who are existing who are the offsprings of our ancestors yes yes yes future generation yes that would be us our fathers have sinned and they don't exist anymore and we would be the current generations are left to deal with their iniquities and what is inequity again iniquity is the upgrade of sin is the abuse of sin it's the continuing of breaking the laws of god and never repenting so this is so it's giving you the inequity speaking of the type of evil that the forefathers did so let's say they were into freemason let's say they were into sorcery let's say they were into abusing the poor they went to adultery never sin they it became an iniquity they continued in it until the day that they died so it was never confessed to god it was never repented of to be dealt with then hence it now becomes a generational curse but saying you know we are going to be the recipients of it i'm done that's it for me so i hope you're still enjoying your uh holidays christmas or what have you uh i'm going to join my family to have a meal we've already done our part of the poor don't do that we did that voice okay so i i i practice what i preach okay heavenly father i thank you i thank you for these awesome people that you've directed to this uh this live today it is my prayer lord that uh your spirit will rest upon them to do what is right and not witness which is right is what your word says i i pray that they would cement in their minds and make up in their spirits or be determined to no longer compromise what your word says no matter who's telling it to them and that they would always seek solace and truth in what the scriptures actually said i pray father god that the wisdom the knowledge and the revelation that was uh given to them today that you've used me to give to them i pray that they not only receive it but more importantly make it practical and i pray that the key that they walk away with today is the priority that they have as a fellow human towards the needs of those that are less fortunate than them father i bless you father i honor you father i praise you father i pray that going into nexia that their mind is being renewed now through these teachings and that they will determine and they wouldn't give a church a pastor a dollar before they give it to the paul and i don't care who their leaders are because we're following your word according to luke 14 12-14 where you said father you said hey when you have a face when you're doing a giving exercise do not call kevin do not call your bishop do not call your apostle do not call the boss prophet the super prophet the master prophet or whatever they call themselves he says and it's not to say don't invite them invite them but here's who you invite first he said you invite the poor the lame the blind the meme and he says in doing this luke 14 14 you shall be blessed not might be blessed for they cannot recompense you the poor that is but you shall or will be recompensed on the resurrection of the just so father with that said we believe father god that not only are we compensated through our doing or not doing of your word not only are we compensated in this life but we will also be compensated in the afterlife father let that understanding be at the forefront of our minds let us be governed and guided by the scriptures governed and guided by your law so that whatever we do we're not doing it to impress anyone we're not doing to show ourselves off but we are doing it as worship to you we're worshiping you by saying we're doing this for the god of abraham for the god of isaac for the god of jacob that is why we're doing it and we want to make not just our election sure while we're here on the planet now no no no no no because our spiritual eyes have now been opened everything we're doing we have in mind our future generation our children grandchildren great-grandchildren you said father that those that love you you will bless to a thousand generation so now that we understand this law our lives aren't about trying to make that paper or make money or trying to be the ceo or trying to do this or flashing on our riches and stuff on youtube and facebook no we have now renewed our minds and whatever we do we have in mind our seed and pleasing you priority through the power but we know what we're doing we're securing a healthy destiny not just for us but also our seed so father we bless you father we honor your father we praise you we magnify you and we ask these things in the precious and the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ of nazareth amen and amen amen amen amen so guys listen i had a wonderful time uh with you guys you know it was very very very good i'm going to spend some time with my family now i told you my son kevin is here kevin junior you take some pictures of him so he could post it so you could see we got his good looks from but anyway on a serious note i pray the blessings of the lord upon you and i know if you follow these simple laws that god is going to certainly bless you and advance you not just you but also your children so that's all for now god bless you and you have a beautiful rest
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 21,951
Rating: 4.9122257 out of 5
Keywords: bible, bible teaching, blessed are the poor, blessed are the poor in spirit, christian vlogger, christian vloggers, christian youtuber, christian youtubers 2020, daily bible study, ewing, how to study the bible, kevin ewing, kevin l a ewing, kevin l ewing, kevin la ewing, kevin la ewing dreams, minister ewing, minister kevin ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, pastor kevin ewing, poor, poor people, poverty, spiritual warfare, spiritual wealth, understanding the bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 0sec (6600 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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