Understanding The Book of Galatians 2

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welcome to righteous envision of truth with dr. Bell demeanor [Music] parcel international presents a five-day word and power conference theme the believers heritage in Christ date who seems to eat in November 2018 time when is it to Tsar today 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. ministry doctress Abel and Rachel domina it's the revelation of Jesus all over the world Nairobi Kenya Nairobi Kenya well first of all before I talk about narubu Kenya I want to welcome all of you connecting to the Facebook broadcasts in the YouTube broadcast look this is the hog where you come and feast and eat the ever-increasing Word of God you know and the word of His grace but opposes that commend you to that word that is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified as we're wrapping up the you know the UK tour I want to quickly mention Nairobi Kenya it's your tongue Nairobi Kenya all of you in Tanzania and all of you Uganda and all of you didn't in the Kenya area all road leads to the conference here in Nairobi the dates the time the venue is on the screen the phone number for further information is on the screen everybody right here in the area of of Kenya you need to plan make your programs free for the dates on the screen and be with me in this revelation of Jesus conference because until you see Jesus you will never know who you are is going to unveil your identity your capacity and your ability in Christ Jesus I'm looking forward to meeting a number of you right in the city of Nairobi as we flood the dark places of the earth with the message of Jesus Christ little has to forget that I will be in the city of Lagos Lagos get ready labels all of you watching me and Legos on Facebook and YouTube it's one day of the revelation of Jesus the 25th of November I'm too excited you can see it in my face the 25th of November will be Lakers we're going to fish and come back in the world of His grace help me spread the news get everybody Legos on board the revelation of Jesus to unveil the believers identity capacity and ability in Christ Jesus I'm looking forward to meeting every one of you that follows me on Facebook and YouTube and that follows my teachings right in Lagos in this conference and all of you named balance goon State and all the areas around Lagos those of you in co2 knew those of you in Togo even Ghana you can come to Lagos who have a blast as we unveil Christ and manifest the glory of God in the face of Jesus in our generation looking forward to connecting with every one of you well on Facebook today the words gonna be very powerful I know YouTube you want to invite people share the video your page let's get it out there you wanna invite more people to hook up to this great world first in your seat belts as we get into the service now now we establish that in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God meaning that in the beginning was the reason the thought the essence in other words Jesus is the explanation of all things all things can only be explained or interpreted in the light of Christ after said Jesus all said Christ we cannot interpret anything because jesus said he that has seen me has seen the father you cannot know the father how said of Christ Jesus gives Express access to the character and oppression of the father so meaning that the explanation of scripture DFO is in a placing you cannot understand the scriptures from science you cannot understand the scriptures from history you can only understand the scriptures from a passing the passion of the world in the beginning was the word and was fortune of John chapter one sees and the word became flesh the word became flesh and dwelt among us can somebody shout hallelujah and then we moved you know after all of those fundamentals we move to Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead and we said paul speaking here established that Apostleship is not the ordination of men nobody calls an apostille nobody calls a prophet nobody calls an evangelist nobody calls a pastor nobody calls a teacher the five fold or the 4 fold office of ministry is a gift given to the body of Christ by Jesus so that's why Paul said I'm not called by any man nobody called me okay we can ordain elders we can ordained Akins but you do not ordain apostles apostles a saint but apostles can be recognized apostle's can be released but the essence the gift the fivefold office is a gift from Jesus to his body now we together here is a gift from Jesus to his body and then I began to deal with this issue you know where we looked at the call of Paul and the intent God's idea for Paul's ministry I like to go over it very quickly the book of Acts chapter 9 verse 6 and he trembling and astonished said Lord what wilt thou have me to do and the Lord said unto Him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do all right so now Paul has been sent to Ananias in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 but the Lord said unto him go thy way for he said chosen vessel unto me to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel and I was trying to establish the fact that sometimes you will hear preachers say that Paul is the apostle sent to the Gentiles Peter is the apostle sent to the Jews and I said no you don't just experiments because people say them we have to go into the nitty gritties of this because if you say that Paul is an apostle to the Gentiles it means there is a different message or a special message for the Gentiles that Paul will take to the Gentiles and if you say Peter is an apostille to the Jews it means that there is a special message that Peter is supposed to preach to the Jews meaning that the message to the Jews is different from the message to the Gentiles which will tamper with consistency doctrinally in the New Testament so that's why I'm taking time to decipher this reality vast 16 of the scripture now sees for I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake she says she shall bear my name before the Gentiles before kings and before the people the people yea is Israel so from the initials Paul was instructed to be a witness of Jesus's name to the Jim Gentiles to the Jews and to the Kings meaning that there was no specific assignment given to Paul to the Gentiles because we have seen the mission statement as just one witness look at another witness by Paul himself in Acts chapter 26 verse 13 and admit the Oh King I saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me and then would join it with me he was narrating to Agrabah what happened to him verse 14 and when we were all falling to the earth I heard a voice speaking unto me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why persecutest thou me it is had for thee to kick against the pricks next verse and I said Lord who had our Lord and he said I am Jesus and like that introduction I am Jesus I am Jesus I am NOT a messenger of Jesus I am Jesus himself he said whoever Lord says I am Jesus whom the persecutors identification this man was persecuting the church but Jesus took it up and said I am the one you are persecuting because you see when people decide to persecute you it's not you they're persecuting they're persecuting Jesus see if anybody decides to attack you or anybody decides to take advantage of you it's not you is Jesus they are doing it to lets a limit to which Jesus will allow people to rob issue or make a leakage of you it comes when enough is enough Jesus takes the battery himself Jesus will give the money clean slap ha why are you persecuting me what's the matter he will not rub his back is his laugh what is it what have I done what's the matter see and that's why we must be careful how we deal with one another in the body of Christ because all of us and the body of Christ nobody here is must be sure than the order so don't think you have more leverage and you can take advantage of bredrin don't think that way nobody all of us are equally accepted inside so we must treat ourselves with respect we must all know each other we must all know because honor is important when I honor you I'm honoring Christ because you're the body of Christ when I dishonor you I am dishonor in Christ because you are the body of rice we must honor one another because we are his purchased possession we have we are his prized possession you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods which are gods you must stop thinking of yourself outside of Christ you must stop thinking of yourself outside of Christ because to think of yourself up outside of Christ is mental agitation you are active beside yourselves to think that way Jesus said I am Jesus whom you persecute not I am Jesus they the Saviour of the people are persecuted persecuted why Saul why persecutest thou me look at the next verse but rise and stand upon thy feet for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou has seen none of those things in the which I will appear on to the daddy's I am still going to appear to you but before I appear to you the second time first of all go and take care of your sight and take care of what s up on so you know what's going on with you there's a man that will explain these things to you that was what Jesus said to saw in the things which I will appear on to the next verse delivering be from the people first class and from the Gentiles every time you see the word people he's talking about Israel delivering you from the Jews and from the Gentiles on to whom now I send you and if I'm sending you who am i sending you to I'm sending you to the Jews and the Gentiles that was Paul's account - a triple so Paul wasn't exclusively to non-jews his assignment was to Jews non-jews and everybody even in the Great Commission the Great Commission in mark 16:15 says going into harmony of the world all the world and preach worth the gospel to every creature there's no demarcation in Matthew 28 verse 19 they say go and make disciples of all nations all nations no specifications the same message that goes to the Jews goes to the change' there is much Jesus of the Jews and Jesus of the Gentiles he is the same Jesus of all can I hear powerful amen the Jewish no more special than you are so Paul and if you if the study carefully final Acts of the Apostles every city Paul when the first place he went he was to the Jews he went to the synagogue spoke to them before going to the Gentiles amen Acts chapter 13 verse 45 look at this account but when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and speak against those things which was spoken by Paul contradicting and blasphemy so that means Paul went to the juices in this particular place because you are sent to the Jews and sent to the Gentiles and sent to Kings next verse then Paul and Barnabas walks board and said it was necessary that the Word of God shall face have been spoken per youth but see you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn unto the Gentiles since you Jews that were bringing the message to you think you are unworthy for everlasting life we now turn to the Gentiles in fact most places Paul wins he spoke to the Jews first before speaking to the Gentiles because the message was the same to the Jews unto the Gentiles am i communicating yeah he says since you can't just have awardee then we turned to the Gentiles got punished the devil now the question is who are Gentiles who are Gentiles we'll hear the word cinta Gentiles and non-jews official SATA to verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus where we created all right unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them good walks next verse we are for remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh there is no Gentile in the spirit who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision where in the flesh made by hands his taking time to establish you the Gentiles and who the Jews are so Gentiles are known in the flesh Jews are known in the flesh the Democrats on between Jews and Gentiles is that Jews have a tradition of circumcision Gentiles never used to have a tradition of circumcision so being a Jew or a Gentile has nothing to do with your spiritual identity nothing whatsoever because it is in the flesh made by hands talking about circumcisions Jews were circumcised Jews and being a Jew or a Gentile has nothing to do with your spiritual life you are not anointed because you are a Jew you are not denying that because your Genta resentful and anointed when are you a Jew or a Gentile does it make any difference our spiritual identity is not in our second session in the flesh in our union with Christ somebody shout hallelujah look at the way puts the next verse 12 that at that time we were without Christ Gentiles are without Christ being alien strangers from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world so being a Jew or a Gentile has nothing to do with spiritual life because the reason why says you're strangers to the covenants of promise is that you are not part of the Abrahamic Greece you are not part of the Abrahamic family in the flesh remember even Abraham was not a Jew I hope you know that the Jewish nation began from the from Jacob is Jacob that gave birth to 12 children and out of the 12 children tribes came out called Israel I wish to get a here yeah the tribes came out of Jacob and produce a nation called Israel so even Abraham himself was not a Jew see so what are you a Jew or a Gentile when it comes to Christ there's no demarcation that's why you don't have to go to Israel to look for holy water no Jew nor Gentile we're one in Christ praise the Lord isn't that a blessing it's a blessing some say you know the Jewish people the Jewish people other khakhra would God know that oh shoot the Jews Jewish people are just shrewd in business shirred in business and they are well-trained in business is a small nation so everybody is prolly trained good business guys they understand the onions of business and the Jewish people are a community that that invests themselves so because of the synergy in the natural they are able to have that kind of fortified you know invention in the business community it's not because they have anything unique they're shrewd they understand business because so many times have you said you know Jewish people they are coming out with God that is why there's not even a covergirl if that's you you have a better covenant your covenant is Christ that was the community of smart business people that's nothing special then I said ruled out are you understanding what I'm saying it's not because they have a superior God moreover materialism is not a yardstick for measuring God it's not elastic some of the richest men don't know Jesus they are not born again so it's not because they have the covenant with God it's not because they have the covenant with God it's just because they know what to do they are smart the children of this world why is that and the children of light in their own generation many when it comes to secular teens unbelievers are ready to go all out to learn to know what to do to succeed believers spiritualize these instead of do your homework you spend one week fasting and praying thinking that the pray I will do that it's like a student who refused to read his books and it's a Killa ba-ba-ba-ba in that hour the whole egos trouble you get f9 you will come to church with F lamb praise the Lord the holy girls it goes wouldn't write exam for you you will read the books for you you won't do physics for you you've got to learn that those are natural things the Holy Ghost will only help you but it's not gonna study that am i teaching here so here on spiritual eyes things anyway I said all of that because I was talking about a Jew and agenda there is nothing special about a Jewish nation is just simply the fact that they're sure they know what you do with business alright so the Jews have they're not given to them and there were children of Abraham romance of the three verse one the Jews prove themselves or they yielded themselves and they were given the law they were given the Covenant so see what the law says to the Jewish man in Romans chapter 3 verse 1 what advantage then had the Jew or what profit is there of circumcision what advantage does that you have and what profit doesn't you gain from circumcision next verse much every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the Oracles of God they were given the law they were given the combat so the law was not given to the Gentiles the law was chiefly given to the Jews but it's a pity that a Gentiles out of ignorance have got to collect the law of the Jews and they have meditate yardstick for Christianity the law and the Oracles of God were given to the Jews in fur to get us here here you it was not for the Gentiles next verse for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect must for god forbid yay let God be true but every man a liar as it is written that thou mayest be justified in thy Saints and Meyers overcome when thou are charged last night but what then are we better than they know in no wise for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin a Jewish not different from you that he was born in Bethlehem where Jesus was born as it make me righteous man all of them but you and Gentiles are under scene are we together in the house they're all on the same but surprise you know I love Jesus watch this they rich young ruler came to Jesus Jesus said he's a good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life just say you know the ten commandments he said Jesus don't insult me from a little boy I have kept all these things I am a more honest I am a pharisee and a Pharisee I know the poorer I can recite the Torah by hand without looking at the book and I have observed all these things from my youth I am a moralist of the highest order Jesus loving him looked at him and said want in the Holocaust at the height of morality you still like wanting many morality can take you to heaven say one thing thou lackest go sell all that you have that means his problem was greed he was morally okay but he was a greedy selfish person spin G agostic hands erudite you know erudite when hanza I held it erudite is how to open them are you here why you're looking see rose this morning he's angry okay Jesus ago sell all that you have give to the poor take your cross come let's go the man looked at Jesus and he walked away jesus said how hard it is for day that trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God this man was a Pharisee body was not in the kingdom he has kept all the ten commandments boy he was known in the Kindle he was not even a part of the kingdom I went together here yeah he said he has declared all of all on the scene what you are gentle everybody under see everybody on the same so there is no special message to the Jew and no special message enter everybody's on the scene so what happens Romans 3:10 as it is written there is none righteous no not one necklace there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one their truth is an open Sepulchre with their tongues they have used deceit the poison of ASPs is under their lips and it goes on to describe the state of everybody on the scene but chew and ginger was 18 there is no fear of God before their eyes verse 19 now we know that what things soever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and that all the world may become guilty before God the mission of the law is to defeat mankind condemn everybody escena the spirit of the law that's what listen look at me by the Lord shall no man be justified because the law has a mission to condemn everybody the mission of the law is to bring the whole world under see the mission of the law that's the mission of the law get everybody guilty before God verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin so the essence of the law is that everybody may be guilty alright so Romans 3:21 but now oh I thought somebody was shot but now okay so the whole world is guilty under God Jew and ginger are we together in the house Jew and Jen one is guilty alright but now the righteousness of God without the law because the Lord does not produce righteousness so if there will be righteousness then law must be picking out so Jesus came fulfill the law took the law out and as he took it out righteousness shoulder the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets so he took the law out so the law stood in the corner okay he took the prophets out so the prophets stood in another corner and not a standing in two different corners and they are watching while they are watching the prophets couldn't justify the law couldn't justified then Jesus brought righteousness without the law and with all the prophets witnessed by the law and the prophets righteousness came and said if you accept your righteous and the law says how can he be righteous without keeping me jesus said because I have kept you on his behalf the Prophet said how can you be righteous without me Jesus said I have fulfilled all your prophecies on his behalf so this man but by the law and the prophets is righteous where is the righteous man in the house slipped Raja Raja I am righteous by the faith of Jesus Christ shout Amen somebody being witnessed by the law and the prophets so the condemnation of the laws of intelligence that's 22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that fasts upon all them that fast upon all them that that belief for there R is no difference Jew Gentile the same no difference there is no difference verse 27 we are is posting them but the Pharisees and the Sadducees that gives the law but the Pharisees and the Sadducees that is morally upright but the Pharisees and the Sadducees that things are the ones that gives the Oracle of Moses well is posting it is excluded not of works lest any man should boast it is the gift of God it is excluded by what law of works may be nay but by the law of a justified by faith justified by faith look at verse 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law thanks Vance if he the god of the Jews only is he the god of the Jews only is he not also of the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also there is no difference it's a Garuda Garuda was not seen it is one God we shall justify the circumcision by faith and on second season through faith so but the circumcision and the uncircumcision are justified by faith but the Jew and the Gentile are justified by faith so question what does the Jew and the Gentile need to hear to be justified they need to hear the same message same message there's no different message for the Jew and different message for the gentle same message because same message will produce the same result justification how by faith justification by faith please pay attention justification by faith so there's no distinction spiritually between the Jews and the Gentiles no special message to the Jews no special message magentas Christ is the message of the Scriptures to all he's the message of the scriptures to all the Jews began to boost of who they are and then God appeared to pretend a vision is repeatedly this Jewish people kill that animal with acid an animal is unclean God's a shot of my friend what I have clean you shall not currently what God has seen is all the Gentiles and the Jews have been accepted on common grounds they have been accepted on common grounds kill and eat and shortly after that Peter was sent for to the house of Cornelius and Peter went hey Peter went in that room who was Cornelius the gentle and while Peter yet spake while Peter was still talking what happened exhibited abroad the holy ghost not the holy ghost came because the people ready for the holy God if God had not accepted the Gentile the holy ghost will not come the essence of the Holy Ghost is to be a witness the Holy Ghost fell on all those who heart and when the Jews had that the Holy Ghost has gone to the Gentiles is someone pleaaase how can you take the Holy Ghost to them why should you give them Holy Ghost is not platonic give them the Holy Ghost give himself to them somebody shout hallelujah acts 11 verse 1 and the apostle some reverend aware in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the Word of God and when Peter was come up to Jerusalem there that were of the circumcision contended with him how dare you take the Holy Ghost to them it's our exclusive property how dare you she only goes with this unclean people then Peter said to them local I was playing in the open play then I saw a vision and four-footed beasts were coming on a sheet I'm going to be right thank you he gave them a story now with it out finding out they took the story from Peter and believed him because he was a man of integrity but later on they was to challenge it because they were not persuaded this Jewish guys were not persuaded is true they believed appetites not lying PETA would not lie about a vision so they took his story but few few days after the matter came back again because they were persuaded they were persuaded somebody wonders why are you taking us through all these details that is what brings you to a place of persuasion I can stop your right choice you're holy you're ok before God when the chips are down and the sadness is over and the situation of let's confront you you will forget what your heart but when I take you to the nitty-gritties and the process when you and the message process yourself you become the message am i communicating here you become what you become the message so what cannot defeat the message cannot defeat you that's our painstakingly going through this document nitty-gritties doesn't establish that's why the Bible was given to you to starting not to read to study it Kasasa only book much in the always God he packaged the totality of human life it doesn't matter the generation it doesn't matter the technological advancement it doesn't matter the primitiveness of the society God put 66 books together and tell you in a volume and said no my dad at times no matter the challenges what you need all through your lifetime is contained in this book no other book will be added so if your asymmetry about what do you do this day with this book and it doesn't matter how strange the situation this book already saw the strange situation and as prepare a solution stay with the world just stay with the world never get familiar in the world never get familiar with the scriptures study them diligently they may I said amen here are some people are you saved yes how are you saved because I am baptized in the Holy Ghost how are you baptized in the Holy Ghost because I speak in tongues the guy is no persuaded the guy is busy salvation on experience he's basing his salvation on experience but when situations of life face you your experience with Acree relevant you don't be salvation on experience you play salvation on doctrinal understanding you come to understand pray that the eyes of your world understanding with all your dirty their understanding [Music] that's what is called libo i'll able to bring it you'll able to hear it we only bought together this people didn't have doctrine opposition the man says I am saved you see how do you know you are see the things I used to do I do them no more the places are used to I go there no more is that why you are saved if that's what you're saying if there are no plans with it because it by mistake you find yourself in the place you used to go that means you have lost your salvation because since your conviction for salvation is that you no more goat you were used to go you're no more do the things used to do if by mistake you do one of the things you used to do before let me serve lots of salvation so you are not fully persuaded meaning you're not established in knowledge so without built on experience we build on doctrine we build an understanding of the world that's why again we painstakingly go through the world to bring you to a place of maturity in doctrine can somebody shout hallelujah saved by experience but they were not taught what really happens so teaching becomes very critical for the believer you know what you're not educated no matter how wealthy you are you will have the complex problem you do what I said when a man is not educated no matter how well do you you will still have the complex everywhere you were the most expensive wristwatch the most expensive belt the most expensive shoe and you had the most expensive suit and you carry all the money in your pocket but because you're not educated when it is time to express yourself all those clothes you're wearing will lose relevance that money in your pocket will become nothing because no matter the money it cannot cover up for illiteracy that's why no matter your experience as a Christian it's not enough you need to be educated am i teaching here doctrine you need to be established in doctrine one is time to speak you see an illiterate no matter his suit and you know no matter how address the monies the moment he blows English you start losing respect it's not conscious your jaws is covered that you are respect for the man starts falling even if you are trying to hold it in your hand will be folly Ohia the mantras so expensive came in a in a Bentley the latest Bentley 2017 edition and parks the Bentley and comes out and all of you stand up well good morning sir how are you sir he said I chemist very le all of a sudden aim even is Bentley you start doubting if he bought it you start thinking his toilet education is important a bit racy makes you a man with complex you become competitive you announce that will be your life trying to prove a point and you end up not proving the point so your life is under constant pressure because you are trying to prove a point that's how you cut up for spirituality literacy is very expensive you live your entire life trying to convince people that you're a Christian you don't need that you don't need to convince anybody you just need to be convinced in yourself it's called fully persuaded hallelujah am i teaching here yeah full persuasion you'll find yourself in the knowledge of Christ him I said amen and without knowledge you cannot handle Satan without knowledge you cannot undo Satan if Jesus who is the world could only handle Satan by knowledge and in the world the world himself it was knowledge it was a battle of knowledge are we here it was a battle of knowledge if you are the son of God command these stones to be my bread it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of occidental to Jesus it is also written a battle of knowledge if you don't have knowledge SATA will use you for breakfast there is no practical way you can help do sit down without knowledge this enough for you because you are you are from one village or because there is a shiny or ferrous compa these are off because you are illiterate of the Word of God if the pastor prays do you realize that it was after the heavens open and God said this is my beloved son in chapter 3 of Matthew in whom I am well pleased when God has established the identity of Christ to the whole world then chapter 4 sentences if you add the Son of God okay you do you think I'm daft you think I'm daft so you know what Jesus didn't and seductive because if it's not an issue Jesus did not believe and dealt with the bread I'm sure I just said you know what we don't need to deal with if it is not an issue of the beat let's face break at least bread I'm hungry now so we can talk bread and no way as a believer stop trying to prove who you are just be who you are stop trying to prove to people who you are don't prove it be it just let it enjoy yourself stop trying to defend yourself you know when I was I used to be a non-believer that was when I did all this thing that we're talking about me now no no no you don't need all that who died for you just live out what Christ has made out of you the very body still cannot you with the eyes of your past he has Jesus to face you didn't justify yourself he's justified you policy that condemn it we see that justified if this Christ that died rather he is risen again and you know Isaiah says be our righteousness is of me saith God somebody say I have no point to prove Jesus proved the point I am here to enjoy can somebody in this church out a living a man to prove now enjoy what Christ has done you are a product of his walk glory to God as a glory to God a product of Jesus's walk and they were going back and forth it is written it is also written it is written it is also written that's as a believer you must get materials that would get you to think and ask questions and meditate because you're building you're building your life don't just listen to materials that motivate you and make you feel fine no gap teachings that engage your reasoning that makes you think that makes you ask questions intelligent questions cuz Bible say foolish and unlearned questions avoid illiteracy has no place in the Word of God they say even when people are accessing question tool and if the question is foolish don't incite so there are foolish questions then hidden stupid foolish question he said only made questions that is questions that sound uneducated uneducated questions don't answer he's a void avoided unlearn read questions avoid illiteracy has no place in Aikido that's why you must be you must be educated being equipped is being educated spiritual education the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light be flooded with word with life I went somewhere to preach and the pastor was telling me that before I came one Bishop was talking to him and a bishop said to him that dr. domina is very intelligent if if dr. domina has any problem it is too much Lenny he said the bishop was telling that my only problem is that I I knew too much like brother Paul Agrippa told him too much let me make us down mad amen as they remain what you receive reflects you know if you learn even the way you talk is affected even the way you walk is affected it affects every area of your life and if you don't know anything me wonder where you eat is affected if it bring it in am breathing very hard freeze covered as every is good except the 11 verse 19 in Cornelius house now when they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen traveled as far as finish and Cyprus and Antioch preaching the word to none but all to whom there was this segregating it would have Tabitha's told them now God told me as cleanse the Gentiles the Jewish people couldn't take it you see the first time they took it after a few days they got back to that default setting they didn't want their chance to show it with them their God look you're right and I said I am the righteousness of God I am accepted in the beloved say God loves me exactly the same way he loves Jesus say God does not prefer Jesus to me I am one with Christ I totally hear powerfully man and then in Acts chapter 15 look at it when the contention continued from chapter 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 they had to call a church council it was a big matter look do you know do you know how Jews rooted Gentiles even till today even to today the Jewish people still believe that Gentiles are unbelievers even till now and to make things worse the Gentiles are confirming it in the name of pilgrimage the Justice are still confirming it that we are not complete kristance children go to Israel then the world carry one big title JP about the miniature [Music] [Music] that allows you where's your where's your Apple Tamina JP was your Gentiles I don't need to go to Israel for anything if I gotta I'm going there for those fruits they told me they have very good food I'm going there to get those deer foods and just have a nice time snap pictures anywhere I'd love to go to any Trump of Jesus 2,000 years ago the enter said he is no Maria there's no difference between the Jew and the Gentile glory to God somebody get implants this morning that contention was so serious and in Acts chapter 15 verse 13 look at how James the elder the elder of the church settled and after they had held their peace James answered seen men and brethren hearken unto me George authorities talking next verse Simeon had declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name and to this agree the words of the prophets as it is written when you want to settle column don't argue bring doctrine when you really want to settle issues sit down bring your own doctrine let's sit round the table on tokima grounds James is talking now they cannot be possible without the Gentiles they were shouting James is not everybody is enough sera sera sera sera let's settle this matter was a fraud so he begins from from the Old Testament you know and then he comes to the Thanks it begins from Moses is law here comes to the prophets and now look at the prophecy after these I will return and will build again the tabernacle of David which is falling down and I will build again the ruins they are off and I will set it up that day Allah said you of men might sick after the Lord and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called say the Lord who do with all these things none unto God all his works from the beginning of the world we are for my sentences this such authority that will trouble not them which from among the Gentiles upon to God leave them alone leave them alone that was the final authority spoken James represented the authority of the church in Jerusalem now so they put that argument to rest on doctrine abrecan's now this was not Peter's vision because even after Peters vision the argument continued what stopped the argument was doctrine they went through the caused pictures and brought out the mind of God concerning the Gentiles somebody shout hallelujah am i communicating this one he explained so now now Paul begins to say this about us officials of the two verse number 12 that's at that time you are without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world next verse but now in Christ Jesus you will sometimes we are far off McKnight by the blood of Christ for is our priests who have met both both which is the both George enter one and had broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of Commandments contained in ordinances and this is why making himself of 21 Numa he took the Jew he took the gentle compressed them produce a new man out of the Torah cease so there's no module there's no more gentle there's only the new creation if any man be where in Christ who is he a new creation somebody did ashati powerful a man so making peace no more War no more war only peace verse 16 you like this and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity dia by next verse and came and preached peace to you which were afar off and to them that when a Jew gentle juice when genitals were Hoffa next verse for through him we both know cinta have access by one spirit unto the father next verse now DFO kibosh you are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the household of God so Christ is the message to everyone Jew Gentile Christ is of the message cuz somebody shout hallelujah Christ is the message Galatians chapter 1 verse 3 and for grace be to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ verse 4 will give himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father that he might deliver us from this present evil world that he might deliver us from this present evil world cause friends this present evil world is evil this present evil world is evil but the good thing is that in spite of the evil be of good cheer I have overcome the world Tasha kaya not so ever is born of God OVA where are those born of God stand on your feet less clothes whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is a victory that overcometh the world even our kaya where a world of Acamas lifts her right and I shouted very loud at the top of your voice let every demon hear you I am born of God we are form the world this present evil world I overcome you [Music] every orchestration every calculations every strategizing every device every craftiness every gathering and every demonic diabolical calculations of the imaginations of minds that are seduced by demons against you and yours as you ever will of the devil is about head right now is supported right now Gabanna cata Zito colita Aquila Monica Quezada sassá sassá gala every mouch that has been attacked or has been dedicated as an instrument for satanic orchestrations that mouch is condemned now the way you're a man is communist looking firma I said a mouth is condemned now listen carefully before the devil carries out an action they discuss it there is no satanic activity that is not discussed before execution [Music] on your job it was the sound of my voice themselves whatever clothes they have together the word is the word yes [Music] the same way the goddess yellamma chakra is the somewhere discover I speak avoid by the Apostolic Monday from this day on that assumption no man will successfully be able to carry out the enterprise of the wickedness against you they fall they fall they fall they fall they fall they fall everyone that has calculated evil for you [Music] anyone that does all fatties bring us a shrine for satan to calculate any wonder does dedicated the amount for satan to use as a trumpet - Camilla Tana what the devil operating through them and they themselves are disorganized they are dismantled that disorganized they are dismantled they are disorganized that dismantled they are disorganized they are dismantled they are disorganized they are dismantled they're disorganized somebody can look at somebody wants to give you a millionaire and make a comment and the person will never think of you again does a comment a very careless comment the way you will drop the comment it looks serious but that comment is full of poison it is called the scourge of the punk the scourge of the talk somebody uses Tom - Scott you you will have been promoted long ago somebody close to your boss just said something and you're following behind this is the same way you're not fit for promotion somebody said something they promoted you simply so if they can say something and demote they can say something and promote now listen to me we are going to reverse don't do you know what I say we're going to do what we're going to reverse people's tongues this week every time - arise against is it you shall condemn it is a god will condemn missus you yourself so that means you must be engaged in condemning the tongues yourself I give you a mouth and a wisdom that your enemy so when they are talking you too much talk you two must talk it would three talk to Jesus not with an audible voice Jesus constantly 3 talk to Jesus a nominal fruit of D say hey from tomorrow this year 2017 every one of you will have every reason to rejoice I didn't hear a man somebody he has said that I may boldly say not that I'm able to quiet no he is saying it but me too I must say I say what he says the Lord is my helper I shall not be afraid what man can do to me as I ma will come like Honda normal will be able to hurt you you are far from opression far from oppression far from oppression far from oppression far from a person we are they have oppressed the oppressor the oppression of men the oppression of men the oppression of sickness the oppression of disease the oppression of struggle that a person is broken can I determine summary how God anointed Jesus who went about doing good and healing all the reward oppressed there are some of you that are under oppression you know better than somebody but he is making money out of you is a no-pressure Jesus came to heal people from oppression he came to deliver men from the oppressor Satan can not touch you he can not listen carefully Sita cannot who - at him he cannot touch the only way Satan can touch you is to people you will enter somebody he will enter somebody and then use the blessing to you assist somebody but that person is just a mask the person we are in the person is set up whether in hatred in jealousy in attack in if you report in rolling you down in misrepresenting you a passive Satan can not do it he has to enter Samadhi he must use a mask and you can use anybody including the person that calls you bro bro you know you are my body Jesus Tom - Peter Peter the father of all apostles this is few minutes after Peter said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God Jesus Turner said get behind me Satan now suffer as know the things of God so this week we have to take care of people because I need to see you moving into all that God has spoken somebody say hear hear i prophesy the next few months will be your prophetic fulfillment if you're a man is louder received by courage as they receive it by Chris I say receive it by Chris I shall receive it by Chris and I speak over you this day by the unction and by the anointing and by the Apostleship of God over this house no man shall be able to stand before you no man shall be able to stand before you not man shall be able to stand before you the door that is open for you you will enter Dada you're blessed above all nations you're blessed above all nations your prayers above all nations your place above all nations in Jesus precious name it's done walkabout listen gentleman welcome back look look I believe you've been blessed what award today what a world now don't go away please don't go away I will be in the city of Nairobi Kenya with the revelation of Jesus the dates on the screen the time the venue and the phone number for further details help me spread the news all over Kenya Tanzania Uganda and all of that part of the eastern part of Africa it's going to go up as we bring the revelation of Jesus to unveil the believer in him I'm looking forward all excitement to what Jesus will do in the nation of Kenya needless to forget that I will be in the city of Lagos Lagos get ready and label all of you watching me and Legos on Facebook and YouTube it's one day of the revelation of Jesus one day of the revelation of Jesus the 25th of November I'm too excited you can see it in my face the 25th of November will be Lagos in the morning and in the evenings of Sunday we're going to fish and Cabana cool in the world of His grace help me spread the news get everybody Legos on board the revelation of Jesus to unveil the believers identity capacity and ability in Christ Jesus I'm looking forward to meeting every one of you that follows me on Facebook and YouTube and that follows my teachings right in Lagos in this conference and all of you named balance goon State and all the areas around Lagos those of you in Katonah those of you in Togo even Ghana you can come to Lagos who have a blast as we unveil Christ and manifest the glory of God in the face of Jesus in our generation looking forward to connecting with every one of you help me invite more people to the platform to hear the world to be built of the greatest gift you can give to Emma is to connecting to the true gospel of Jesus Christ I love you guys I'm excited enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed [Music] policy international presents a five-day word and power conference clean the believers heritage in Christ date routines to 18 November 2018 time where is it a Tsar today 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. ministry doctors able and merchants demeanor it's the revelation of Jesus all over the world [Music] [Music] is victory station [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 9,852
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: eV9_eQMAaAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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