Stoney Hearts | Join Us for Another Wonderful Service at The FWPC

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oh god let my faith not fail me jesus we pray right now god that whatever we believe whatever we speak in the name of jesus it will come through our god it will manifest in the name of jesus so we speak healing in the atmosphere of god we speak healing in the atmosphere of god we speak healing to our bodies we speak healing of god we speak healing to our minds somebody came with a suicidal mindset oh god somebody came not wanting to live anymore god but we speak to that spirit right now god and we cast it out to the pits of hell where it came god we give you glory in this house of god and we thank you for the worship that we're about to raise oh god and we give you praise for our people oh god we give you praise oh god in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen amen hallelujah come on and give god the praise that he deserves hallelujah come on and give him your best worship your best praise come on and lift him up higher he is worthy to be praised hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus we bless your name jesus we give you all the glory come on and lift up a praise to the king of king celebrate all that he has done celebrate all that he will do come on raise up your expectation raise up your faith raise up almighty praise and exalt the name of our god hallelujah lord god because he's doing it again whatever he's done before he's not a respecter of persons he's gonna do it again he's gonna do it for your family he's gonna do it for you he's gonna do it for this nation he's gonna do it for your situation we make you right now lord time hallelujah we know you're doing it again or god come on and lift him up if you know it hallelujah lord god yes lord jesus oh god we thank you lord god we give you glory and on the lord jesus come on and praise him come on and lift him if you know he's going to do it again if you're expecting him right now hallelujah lord jesus yes boy you made the blind man see you yes you made the lame man worse again you caused the dead to right and that's why we dancing liberty cause you're doing it all again [Applause] [Music] again come on come on are you expecting him to do it right now you're still safe he's the same guy now say you won't change hey oh yes we know we know you will do we thank you lord we thank you lord come on and thank them come on and make them raise up your expectation we thank you lord we thank you lord we thank you lord jesus we thank you jesus you're still healing you're still healing the same god you're the same god yes you're providing the same god hallelujah lord jesus you're everything we need you're the same god you're the same god you'll meet the d jesus you'll oh you're the same girl you're the same god yesterday and forever yesterday today and forever you will change though you're a faithful god you're a faithful god hallelujah lord jesus you're the same guy you're the same killer same redeemer yes if you praise him right now he inhabits the praises of his people god is here he's wherever you are when you're praising him he's wherever you are when you call up to him he's wherever you are when you need him he's right there he is here he is here he is in your situation when you invite him in he is right there we praise and hear god we praise emmanuel you are here you are here you are here you are here you are here you are very present help god persisting god consistent god faithful god we thank you god we thank you for being here god [Applause] jesus we love you lord god we thank you o god for being here for us oh god that you don't leave us oh god you don't forsake us oh god hallelujah jesus hallelujah lord jesus somebody out of worship gonna continue to worship [Music] you are here moving in on me i worship you i worship you you are here mending every heart i worship you i worship you i call you we make a miracle work promise keep night in the darkness my god that is who you are we thank you jesus we make a miracle work promise keep a light in the darkness my god that is [Music] [Music] i worship you my worship i worship worship i worship [Music] light is yes oh is who you are is breathe [Music] i is foreign come on is is hallelujah [Music] you're working jesus you're working jesus you're moving jesus you're orchestrating you're moving the pieces of god we thank you jesus somebody thank them somebody thank them somebody praise them somebody looked about that is who you are [Music] faithful faithful is who you are jesus [Music] i've seen a lot of people change in my life but faithful faithful faithful faithfulness who you are jesus faithfulness who you are [Music] we thank you lord we thank you jesus we give you glory lord we give you praise of god [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god we bless you god for being who you are god we bless you for being who you are for being a healer god when we were sick in our body for being a provider god when we were dead broke god we thank you for being who you are god god for being faithful even when we have not been god we thank you god we pray in the name of jesus [Music] that tonight be a different type of night god that your word goes forth oh god and in roots itself oh god in the hearts of your people to bring forth change oh god lasting change oh god to change a generation of god to change a world oh god to bring it back oh god to the father in the name of jesus christ god have your way in the service have your way in me oh god that every word that has preached oh god and settle god be guided by your spirit in the name of jesus christ we pray and we give you thanks amen you may have your seats [Music] i want to give god honor tonight [Music] i think as we grow in god and we go on with life we lose the reverence for god sometimes so i want to give god honor for being who he is i also want to give honor to our pastor how's it quincy griffin he's a makeshift av worker in the back and his wife lady michelle and his five kids beautiful family love them dearly [Music] the word will be coming from tonight from ezekiel chapter 14 verses one through six and it reads some of the elders of israel came to me and sat down in front of me then the word of the lord came to me son of man these men have set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their face should i let them inquire of me at all therefore speak to them and tell them this is what the sovereign lord says when any of the israelites set up idols in their hearts and put forth wicked stumbling blocks before their faces and then go to the prophet i the lord will answer them myself in keeping with their great idolatry i will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of israel who have all deserted me for their idols therefore say to the people of israel this is what the sovereign lord says repent turn from your idols and renounce all your detestable practices tonight the word the title of the message is stony hearts stony hearts and when i was researching for the word i was scrambling for a scripture to to fit what god was trying to get and convey and so when i when i came across this scripture god pointed out to me that and this is in in ezekiel so ezekiel is a prophet and so the the how things went back then was if you wanted to inquire of the lord you had to go to a prophet of god to speak to god for you and so it says some of the elders of the church the elders of israel came to ezekiel to inquire of the lord right but god was telling ezekiel listen these people who are coming to you they have idols set up in their life they have wicked stumbling blocks before them but ezekiel couldn't see that right and it reminded me of us today us the church us the people of god the people who know god right we're going to god and inquiring of god things but we have things in the way we have stumbling blocks and the way we have idols in the way and in the season of blessing and in season of favor that we know god is moving tremendously in our lives sometimes we go before god for the blessings we bypass the relationship with god we go to god for the things of god we go to god for the blessings of god we go to god for the favor of god we go to god for his healing we bypass him we bypass who he is we bypass the great i am for what his blessings can do for us and so you see god is saying these guys have idols in their life and so when they come to you i'm going to talk to them about the idolatry not about their blessing not about what they ask actually asking he even asked ezekiel he said should i even let them inquire of me at all should i even let them talk to me with what's going on in their life and that's a lot of us today a lot of us we we are serving god and and we've been serving god for so long that it's become second nature church has become second nature our prayer life has become second nature our relationship with god has become second nature to where it's not something that we're even paying attention to anymore we put our relationship with god on autopilot and just let it fly and we come to church sometimes maybe we tune in the live stream sometimes maybe and and now our relationship with god is an optional thing it's something we can do when we feel like doing it or if we need god right now we're going to tune in or we need god right now we're going to pray or or we're going to come to church and we're going to five million prayer we're going to do these things because we need god right now but when everything's good we're good when everything's fine we're fine and god will be fine too and that's our attitude and that's what god is saying today and it's a result of a stony heart it sounds terrible it reminds us of a pharaoh back in the egypt days and he had a stony heart and he told moses no we're not going to let the israelites go right that's what it reminds us of but actually all of us have symptoms of it it reminds me when i was in biology um in back in college way back right uh it's a condition called arthrosclerosis right it's a big word and all it means is your arteries that are connected to your heart get hard right but how to get hard is plaque or certain cholesterols or certain things get in your arteries and over time over years over decades this plaque in your arteries become hard and now blood can't get through and certain nutrients can't get through and now the heart that you have has become stony and the arteries have become stony why does that matter that's our life sometimes bitterness gets in and it becomes hard or resentment gets in and our heart becomes hard or just you know god and all these rules and not being able to experience life how we imagined it because we got to be under the yoke of the calling of god has come in and made our heart hard and we can't even feel god anymore we can't even hear god in it we don't even have a desire to seek god anymore only when we need something but not for a relationship not to have more of god not to have his spirit fill us up and to lead us and guide us into all truth and righteousness that's not that's not our concern anymore all we want is his things and it's a product of the culture listen i'm not old right i'm 31 years old so that's like moderately you know i'm not old i'm not young either i'm like in the middle and so i can remember and you know you start getting old we talking somehow i can remember like when you saw the sentences like that you getting old right so i can remember a time when you like working for what you want was just as good as getting what you wanted right so like when i got my first job i was like 16 years old and i was happy because i didn't have to ask my mom for money anymore and so going to work and clocking in and like earning my paycheck i actually got a paycheck right a check when i got it i felt good because i worked two weeks i worked 35 hours 30 hour whatever it was and i got my check and so that was as gratifying as cashing the check getting the money and buying food or whatever i did i was fat so i got a whole bunch of food whatever and and bought whatever right but now all you want is it the culture now all i want is it i don't want to work hard for it i don't want to have to talk through it i don't have to press towards anything all i want is it we got instagram models that all they got to do is be pretty and have surgery and look bad and they get money all i got to do is make a stupid video it goes viral i get cash i'm a millionaire now all i got to do is fight washed up celebrities and i get millions of dollars if i'm jake paul right that's all i got to do i don't have to work anymore working for anything is why work if i could do that we see in the economy i own a business me and my partner have is frustrating trying to hire people because people don't want to work they just want the stimulus they just want the money they just want they want the end goal without going through the process that's the culture but the coaches seep into the church and now our process which is being with god growing we're not waiting on god nobody wants that process anymore we just want god we just want the blessing we want the end goal but not the process and that is the church now and god saying it's a result of a stony heart and so god is saying when you come to me with a request i'm going to come at you with your idolatry i'm going to ask you what's up with this what's up with this in the place of me in your life and it's funny how the scripture um phrases it it says god says they set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces that's why god like what's the there's a difference there it's the same category but different things so he's saying some things aren't idols per se like for example you have a career and your your hopes is to be the ceo or the to be the manager whatever you have some type of end goal in your career and so that thing can be an idle to you right you do all these things to get there you kiss up to the boss you you work late hours you do two or three different types of jobs in the same department to show your your ability and your aptitude and everything good about you to attain what you're trying to get and so that becomes your focus that becomes your idol but now the stumbling blocks are the the ways you pick up right now you become greedy right now you become superficial right now you become overly critical of things and you become judgmental right so now these things in front of you in front of your face that that guide your thinking and guide your how you look at life those are now stumbling blocks to you so you can no longer look at things through the lens of the word you look at things to the lens of the world and now your perception is your stumbling block how you look at life is a stumbling block now because it keeps you from god because now how you see life isn't how god sees it and so god is saying these are the things that are a result of our hearts being in the place where it is listen sometimes we have to come to a place where we have to own where life has got us it's easy to get caught up in life it's easy listen when i was back in college i just got saved and back at branch street some of you guys remember this you know i got saved and i started to join an av right so i was on av and i always get fussed at because every sunday i was caught up in worship and i wouldn't be doing the sound every sunday and it went from pacific into consequences like all it was the same problem right and you know they couldn't fuss at me too much because i'm worshiping god so it's like it's like a subtle a subtle rebuke like hey man pay attention and so anyway now as i'm getting older and of course this message comes to the messenger first i'm preparing for this message and god's saying where's that guy where's that guy used to worship me because he just wanted me where is he where is that guy that wanted me because he just wanted to grow he wanted to come out of his foreign case he want to come out of smoking weed where was that guy that just wanted me for deliverance that wanted me to be just because he wanted something different in life not necessarily material things he wanted a different flavor he wanted the flavor of god he wanted to taste the goodness of god where is he and i'm like man it made me feel terrible because you know you're grown now you got different you know uh desires and now you're on more than your on your bible app has become like your god you're caught up in a house you you need a house because you know your family needs somewhere to stay but now this thing has become an idol and now you can't even come to god for god you're coming to god for his things god's saying where is that person where is he a lot of us that have the same story back in the day we used to pray for hours for nothing we'd have what pastor planned used to call jambalaya prayers just praying for all right type of random stuff just because and just praying period was great just being in the presence of god was great being in the presence of god was enough back then but now it's not even important it's not something that we seek anymore we just seek god have our daily prayer check our box but the prayer that we pray is to make sure we ask for the thing that we want so that they don't go a day without being asked for and that's how our relationship with god is now god saying where is that i want that relationship back i want that back some of us has picked up bad habits have been are doing things that we probably never thought we would do and engaged in sins that we never thought we would do no judgment but that's where we are and so sometimes we're like man i've never used to be this way i'm this way now and i can't go back there's no going back i've done across the line now and i'm no good to god anymore i'm not good to the kingdom anymore i'm just out here sinning and that's who i am and that's why that's that's some of our hearts and so now our heart has become stoney because we're so condemned and shamed of where our life has become and what our life has become and the things that we're doing that we never thought we would do so that we can't even go back to god because we're too shame that's some of us and we're not going to talk about it because it's embarrassing we're not going to talk about it because that's just not what i want to do right now i'd rather just put on the facade and go through my sundays and my wednesdays and go through life but inside i'm hurting because i don't even know who i am i i don't know i've never been this way before what what am i how am i in this place right now there's some of us but god's saying tonight there's always a way back to me there's a way back to god no matter how long it's been no matter how long it's been since you prayed no matter how long it's been since you saw god no matter how long it's been since you actually put down the bottle told him no turd hold on no matter how long it's been there's always a way back to god but god is saying tonight we need humility we need humility listen back and let's go to the scripture right now uh second chronicles 7 14. it's a widely popular scripture but it it lays out the track to get back to god now just a background on the scripture it's when um solomon was um dedicating the temple to god and of course he had this long prayer that we pray every friday almost uh uh five am prayer sorry we pray that prayer every sunday or every uh five m prayer but after that long scripture god is talking back to solomon and so uh verse 14 it says if my people who are called by my name we are god's people right called by his name that's us will what humble themselves that's the first step back to god why is that the first step right because if i'm caught up in sin or i'm caught up in having um a mis uh miss priorities of priorities that really aren't god or my heart is stony and i really don't want god i have to be humble to the fact that that's where i am because some people would justify where they are they'll be like you know you don't take all that to serve god i've been serving god for 40 years baby i know what i'm doing i know god and you know what you know what's the scary part god sometimes blesses us tremendously in the middle of our mess so now we think that's the trajectory that god takes so we say you know what baby you don't got to repent like that he gonna bless you anyway and that's the mindset that we get over the years it's not something that we just probably actively think but over the years we say oh man i think i was gonna bless me but he did thank you lord so we cut the rug up in church but we go back to living the same type of life not without with any type of change or we say oh man i didn't think i was gonna have a baby but i did anyway but now once you get what you want you stop to seek you stop the prayers you stop the fervency all that has went out the window because now you got what you needed from god or you got what you've been toiling for from god so now you think that god is okay with that inconsistency but god is saying i want you more than anything else sometimes god will he will bless you to woo you back to him and now you're thinking you that you got something on god where you say okay i don't have to come all the way to you i get what i want so i can just stay over here i can say this far from you humility gets us to the place where we can acknowledge all that stuff in real time humility says god it gives us the ability to recognize our thoughts to recognize the state of our hearts and say god this is not where i want to be anymore humility takes us off of our throne and puts us on our knees before god in revelations there's um in the scripture and it's talking about how the 24 elders of the church would bow down and put their crowns before the lord right and the the visual of it is beautiful but what it's saying is even the highest people in the world or at the time where in the spirit wherever they are they still bow down to god because he's almighty that's true humility god's saying you can't repent without humility because it's not true it's not true repentance anybody ever like apologize but you know it wasn't sincere it almost gets you more angry like leave me alone like shut up and don't say nothing i'd rather you not say anything and give me a insincere apology honestly because like you're not acknowledging what you did how it impacted me or whatever you're just saying i'm sorry just to say i'm sorry just so you can say that you said i'm sorry that's us repenting without being humble that's how that looks to god and it doesn't make any sense and all it does since we don't acknowledge what the the impact of our actions are it makes us go back to them it makes us go back to what we were doing before god's saying we need to be we need humility and we're going to come back to god amen so i'm gonna let's go to isaiah 8 verse 11 and 12. and so as you turn there we talked about um how people can take on the the mindset of the world and look look at and look at life through the eyes of the world and with the church that's the danger because in that we start to take how the world views things and try to merge that with god we try to take how the world sees you know abortion or they see uh same-sex marriage or we say whatever that will do how the world sees it and we try to merge it with god and and infuse it with god you know as i and isaiah says um this is what the lord says to me with his strong hand upon me warning me not to follow the ways of this people it says do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy do not fear what they fear and do not dread it and so what isaiah is saying is there he's in a land of people right and these people have a mindset to to fear certain things and to call things evil in certain and they say that things certain things are a conspiracy around certain things and so he's saying god's saying don't take the mindset of these people how much of the world have you adopted in your everyday life how much of how the world sees life have you adopted as how you see life this in the world says that we are what in the world but not of the world and so the more of the world that we we we intake the more of atlanta housewives that we intake and their viewpoints that we intake keeps us further and further from god i remember one time i mean actually was home and we was watching this show and it's like a show of like women doctors and um you know it's cool they're black doctors and they're women and they're having all this money and so the man right i forgot what his name was but the man he was married but he had a um a therapist a woman therapist right and the woman was a therapist and um he didn't tell his wife about it and i think he'd been going to session for like nine months and she knew nothing about it and so it was like two or three shows around this dude is trifling dude right and so the show show like how the women feel about it how the man feel about it and a man is legit like he's trying to justify why it's okay to have this woman therapist and tell his wife like man she wouldn't understand man because you know i got issues and she she don't know about him and you know i can't talk to her and blah blah blah blah and so somebody's watching that they're like you know what he's right i should have stuff for my wife too you know what he it's all right you know it's okay to hide up sometimes and that's what that kind of that type of thinking sometimes trick lays into our hearts and that's what kind of keeps us from god and gets us off track right but tonight god is saying if we're in that place we're in that place where we know that we're far from god we know that things have came into our hearts to cause it to be hard we need to repent look we need and so let's go back let's go back to the second chronicles it says we'll humble themselves and pray seek my face and turn from their wicked ways turning from the wicked ways is repentance that is repentance and you know a lot of times when i talk to people like man you know what i repented for this thing like three or four five or six times man and you know i just keep getting caught in it and caught in it and god the last reason when i was you know doing my preparation for the scripture for the service god was saying i don't forgive what you feel sorry for i forgive you for what you reprint from so what you actually turn away from is what you're forgiven for you're not forgiving for things that you feel bad for doing and don't turn from doing that's how we have to be listen god says repent turn away do not do these things anymore and so a lot of times we get caught up in a mindset of in our mind but we don't ever turn away from it we ask god for forgiveness but we never turn from it we stay we steady stay in it steady stay in it steady stay in it ain't ask god for forgiveness all the way around it's like um we had a minister that goes to this church and he used to always use this example he's like you know if you're going to miami right but your gps on your phone is telling you to go to new york and you're like oh man every turn you miss you keep apologizing for that oh man i'm sorry um wife that i'm going down south that we're supposed to be going north but you never turn around it makes no difference if you never turn from what you're doing but consistent what we're actually what we're not supposed to be doing that's when god say i can't do anything with you i can't do anything with that you have to repent you have to turn away so tonight god is calling us to repentance humility is needed for the repentance some of us have just been so hardened in our thinking so hardened and thinking that god is okay with what we're doing that god is saying you need to repent you need to turn away so as we stand i want us to search deep and for everybody it may affect you differently it may look different in your life you may not serve the way you used to serve you might have made it in life you might have got what you wanted all after all these years and now how you serve looks different nobody can find you god can't even find you and you know that life is not how it should be your spirit and your fervor and your seek for god has not been the same and you know that things are different and you know that you need more god and you know that you probably should turn back to god but you might feel embarrassed you might feel like man i know better but i've been you know steady doing these types of things and thinking this certain types of way for years but i know better and i'm ashamed about it [Music] god's saying tonight listen all that don't matter i just want you back i just want your heart back i want your mind backstage on me i want your heart back with me not with your idols not with the things that you exalt past me the bible says that god is is faithful and able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we come back to him if you confess and repent he's willing and able to con to to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness listen we can't keep acting like everything's okay with life we can't keep acting like everything's okay and we're good and we don't need a good washing and we don't need a good cleansing and we don't need a good a good a good dump in the pool of god we got to stop being pretentious and take on the humility that god wants to have to come to him and to wash us i think about the scripture in matthew chapter 8 and the leper came to jesus and he said if you are willing to do what i need you to do if you're willing to to to heal me i know i'll be made whole now he's a leper back in the day having leprosy was like having aids that's visible you can see his fingers coming off you can see the his skin being blotchy and looking weird but the bone is to say god i need you to cleanse me i need you to make me whole and with that bonus jesus said i am willing to cleanse you go forth and be whole go forth and be healed go forth and be cleansed and if we have the boldness to push past our shame to put us past our condemnation to put us past how we think about things in our life and say god i need you to wash me and make me whole i need you to restore the goodness of salvation in my heart god i need you to restore me god if you will do that tonight god will do it for us and our life will be changed forever so if you know that you're in that place i'm going to pray with you we're not doing alta call you ain't gonna come up here but where you're sitting we're gonna pray and i want you to seek god like you did before i want you to seek god like when you were broke you had no money in your life is about to be your life's about to be turned off i want you to seek god like when your mama was sick and she was about to die and you prayed died in and nine out i want you to pray like we was trying to graduate and they said you had to graduate the next semester or even a year later you prayed like you never prayed before i want you to pray like that tonight because god wants you to pray like that tonight god wants you back in that place not necessarily back in the place of where you're destitute and desperate he wants you back in that spiritual posture where you can pray to him just because you want him amen god we come to you tonight asking you to forgive us god forgive us of our ways forgive us of our negligence of your spirit god god we are the temple of the holy ghost we have been neglecting your spirit god we have been filling our vessel and filling our temple up oh god with idols oh god with stumbling blocks that don't that aren't expedient for us to get closer to you god we ask you god to cleanse our minds oh god of every thought oh god that exalts itself past the knowledge of god cleanse us god every heart condition lord that keeps us far from you god cleanses oh god from everything that's not like you in our life oh god and i pray lord that a daily prayer god a daily desire to be washed from things that aren't like you oh god rises up in your people in the name of jesus christ god give us the desire oh god of holiness again oh give us a desire to be righteous again god in the name of jesus christ now give us the desire to be in your presence again god in the name of jesus christ now restore our relationship with god restore the joy of our salvation onto your people in the name of jesus because we need it more than we need a house we need that the more that we need a car god we need that more than we need a promotion on our job god we need your spirit more than anything else so god i pray in the name of jesus that let our desire for your spirit come back to your people now you're saying in your word that we if we ask for your spirit god you would give it to us in abundance oh god and if a good man can give his son good gifts why can't you give us the spirit so god tonight lord we put all our other desires aside god we put all our other wants aside oh god we put everything else aside oh god asking you for your spirit god in the name of jesus god we need you o god we don't need your hand right now we need you god tonight we need you tonight we need you to watch oh god tonight we need you to cleanse oh god tonight we need you to break down every chain in our soul every chain on our heart god every chain on our mind oh god oh god every yoke of bondage of god on your people god we need you to break it now in the name of jesus god have your way in your people god have your way in your people god have your way of god oh god i pray even if you're not praying this prayer god let that heart god be broken oh god to bring deliverance in the life of god to bring change in their soul god in the generation of god in their bloodline oh god in the name of jesus god we can't do church as usual any moral god we can't go about life the same with immoral god god we need to go to another level god and the house won't do it god more money won't do it oh god more fame won't do it or god more likes on instagram ain't gonna do it oh god only you can do it oh god god do it for your people jesus do it for your people god to forgive us for being vain for being superficial god for seeing life through the eyes of the world or god give us spiritual eyes again of god those who have ears let them heal god give us ease that we can hear eyes that we can see o god in the name of jesus that we need it for your people we need it oh god for this generation we need it for the world of god they must see the sons of god manifested in the earth oh god so it starts with us so god it starts with us so god it starts with us tonight oh god have your work of god do your work in us do your change in us oh god have your way o god stir up oh god a desire for you again a desire for evangelism again a desire god for your word again to understand your word oh god to even know the secrets and the mysteries of the word oh god of you oh god i pray in the name of jesus that our desires change oh god our priorities change oh god to you and only you god and everything else will be added on god every other blessing that we can ever imagine will be added on god if our hearts in the right place if our minds in the right place oh god have your way o god do what you want to do with us oh god we surrender our wills oh god we surrender our hearts so god we surrender god what we want to do oh god our plans oh god oh god everything that we put on our vision boys oh god we surrender it to you so you can have your way in our life no matter what that looks like no matter what that looks like god all we want is you god all we want is you god all we want is you oh god and everything else will follow god we give you praise for what you're doing and i pray oh god that this resonates in the hearts of your people it resounds in that in the ears and the minds of your people god even when they're at work even when they're at home by themselves oh god this word or god nags your people god to come back to you in the name of jesus christ and i praise you for what you're doing amen [Music] listen sometimes when you get restored from a dry place well every time you get restored from a dry place you need somewhere to incubate the growth you need somewhere that's going to challenge you to grow that's going to push you to grow that puts you in an environment of growth and so if you need a church sometimes it's hard to grow it's hard to seek god if you're the only one doing it right if you're only the one by yourself just out there it's hard i understand but we open the doors at a church to you today if you need a place to grow you need a place for god to really do some things in your life and you need you know like-minded believers besides you who doing the same thing we open the doors of the church to you today if you know also that listen i'm not even i even know god but you want god in your life we offer salvation to you today as well if you want to get saved put your hand up if you want to join a church put your hand up slip it up in the air we're going to have an attendant somebody come to you and give you the spiel of everything you need to do to become a member of the church if you want to get saved we're going to pray with you and get you back on the track that god wants you to be on amen church membership salvation anybody okay you may be seated [Music] so with that it's often time [Music] and sometimes when you have a stony heart it reflects in your offering first right you may not like understand that or even know that that's what your heart is but you can also always check your heart with how you give all right and god's saying tonight if you want to get away from that stone your heart get back to giving get back to paying your tithes and your offering all right we have a couple ways you can give you can give online go to the website hit donate give there you give on the app as well app is going to take you to the website to do the same thing or you can text to give to 50155 and that takes you to prompts you to where you got to put your information in and give your tithes but god will god will make your tithe and bless the 90 that you have and and multiply to 90 so that that see that you give will always bless your life so let's pray god we thank you for what you're doing tonight and god we pray that the the sea that we sow tonight god is sown into the kingdom and as is it sown into the kingdom god that you bless our life tremendously oh god you multiply what we give oh god a hundred a thousand fold oh god and bring the blessings on to us oh god i pray in the name of jesus that even the seeds that we sow god break chains in other people's lives as well god let our seed not just be for us but be oh god for your kingdom oh god be for people who don't know you people people who never heard the word before god i pray that our seed goes past us oh god to bless the nations oh god i thank you for what you're gonna do i thank you for your multiplication power god of our seed in the name of jesus christ we pray and we give you thank you for what you're gonna do amen amen amen amen amen amazing word amazing word at this time we want to acknowledge any first time visitors in the house and also on live stream if we have any first time visitors just throw your hands up we'd love to acknowledge you any first time yes amen amen praise the lord and thank you so much for tuning in with us on live stream if we have anyone here who's interested in being a part of this great ministry we want you to go ahead and go to our website or go to the app choose the three bars on the left hand side and choose engage if you're a first-time visitor select visitor information if you are interested in being a part of family worship pray center because you are also a seed it's time to get planted go ahead and choose member portal and the membership services representative will be in contact with you about additional information if you've elected tonight to join the family workforce center and you're in-house meet me immediately after services for additional information amen we just want to remind you about sunday sunday is our rep your school sunday now even though we're coming in various um paraphernalia we still are gonna bless god we're gonna bless god to the highest whether you are rattler seminole gator whatever you are come still with praise in in your heart and give praise to god amen after the service we will be serving our college students so please um as you share and tell people about the service please let the college students know that we will be serving them dinner amen this does complete our announcements for this evening let us all stand for the benediction god we thank you for this word today god we thank you for this word now god let us that which we've learned let us apply it god and let it fall on stony ground lord don't let it fall on the stony ground lord that we're disobedient god but god we want to repent lord like you have said repent turn from my evil ways our wicked ways god and seek your face god lord we want to do what you have us to do in the name of jesus god now continue to look on us continue to bless us continue to protect us and guide us in jesus name we pray amen amen have a blessed evening [Music] you
Channel: The FWPC
Views: 242
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Sdy7ZRr1sQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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