MidJourney V5 Is Live! Here's EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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if this week didn't start off crazy enough with gpt4 launching and Microsoft deciding they're going to basically put AI in everything well today we got mid Journey version 5. they held a live office hours inside of their Discord that went for three and a half hours and in that office hours they made two big announcements and I hung out for the entire three and a half hour live stream because I didn't want to miss a single detail about what they're doing with mid Journey version 5 so that you don't have to so let's go ahead and break it all down so on the call they made two announcements the first one being the launch of mid-journey magazine mid-journey magazine is going to be a magazine that showcases the diverse creativity of the mid-journey community if you go to mag.midjourney.com you can actually sign up and they'll send you the first issue for free you just have to use the coupon code subscriber it says here that each magazine features a selection of artwork curated from the 10 000 most highly rated images as well as interviews with mid-journey community members and then as we scroll down the page we can kind of get a glimpse of what we can expect this magazine to look like and you could click on get the magazine it shows it's four dollars but if you add promotion code subscriber and click apply it'll discount it down to free for your first issue so that's pretty cool but the real reason this Discord open Office hours had almost 2 000 people attend live was because today they announced the release of mid-journey 5. now it doesn't explicitly say this inside of their announcement here but they did say it on the live call that mid Journey version 5 is currently only available for the paying subscriber members of mid-journey so if you're still using a free trial of mid-journey you're not going to be able to use version five they did say they just did not have the computational power to let everybody use it for free so it does require that you're at least on one of their premium plans so now that I've got that out of the way let's dig into how you can go and access mid Journey version 5 right now so assuming that you're a paying member of mid-journey you can get access to version 5 in two ways you can add dash dash V Space 5 to the end of any prompt and it will prompt that image with version 5 or you can set it to your default by typing slash settings and selecting mid Journey version 5 as your default version either one of those will get you a mid Journey version 5 images now I've created my own test server over here to do various testing inside of mid-germy you can invite the mid-journey bot to your own server if you're on one of the paid plans and then you could create different rooms just to keep your own mid-journey Generations organized that's what I do now if you go into the mid Journey Discord and on the left sidebar here you scroll down to prompt FAQs up at the top there is what is V5 how do I use V5 if you click in here you'll see pretty much all of the most common questions people will have about version five and this covers a lot of what they covered on today's live office hours but they also gave a lot more details live that isn't in here so I'm going to make sure I break it all down and cover all of the interesting things that came out on this live office hour now to start mid Journey version 5 does have improved resolution when you prompt an image all four of the images in the grid are actually already upscaled by default so if I look at these four images and I decide I want to upscale this one on the top left and I click upscale one it will upscale it nearly instantaneously because it's already upscaled it's just grabbing that image that's already been upscaled so watch this I will click it and I will not speed up this video boom there's our upscaled version just like that I can go and I can view it in a browser and see the full resolution image of this image we just created now the most obvious difference that you're going to notice is that in version 5 the prompts designed to look like photographs will look more like photographs they really improved the photo quality you'll also notice that they really really improve the generation of hands this was one of the questions that when I made my last mid Journey 5 video everybody was asking are the hands better now yes the hands are much better most of the time every once in a while you'll get something that looks a little bit funky and a little bit off but most of the time the hands are pretty spot on now another noticeable Improvement was that they really put a lot more focus into improving the skin texture so you will notice if you look closely on some of the images that there are some blemishes in the skin you will notice more freckles sometimes characters that you generate will have moles on them they wanted to add more realistic skin texture imperfections and blemishes and things like that at you'll also notice that the teeth are greatly improved one of the funny things about mid-journey version 4 was that if you made a picture of somebody smiling a lot of times they would have more teeth than it looked like a mouth should have they seem to have really really improved that inside of mid-journey version five now another thing that they stressed a lot on this live stream was that prompting is gonna be different now it's much more powerful you need to actually add a lot more detail with your prompts you can no longer just put a whole bunch of random words separated by commas and expect to get a really highly detailed Perfect Image it doesn't seem to work like that anymore in fact now it's got improved natural language processing meaning that they want you to write your prompts like you would write a sentence in school so think of how you would write out a sentence and prompt that way instead of just breaking up a whole bunch of keywords this also means that single word prompts aren't going to be as effective as they once were so in past videos I talked about how in mid Journey 4 I like to put just a one word prompt of chaos or beauty or Insanity or something like that those aren't quite as effective anymore you're going to want to structure it much more like a sentence in how you might talk or how you might actually write a sentence in school now keep in mind that mid Journey version 4 isn't going anywhere so if you really like the look and the ability to just use one word prompts or just to throw random words together with colons between it you could still do that with mid Journey version four it's just not going to be as effective in mid Journey version five so if that's the look you want it's still there for you now they also stress that using words like Unreal Engine or 8K or octane render they're not going to get you super realistic results anymore they're actually going to get you less realistic results if you type in Unreal Engine as part of your prompt you're going to get images that look like they came out of a video game and not images that look like they're realistic they suggested using words like cinematic lighting and adding more detail and notice how I structured this in the form of a sentence a highly detailed photograph of a person standing on a mountain with cinematic lighting during sunset I didn't just break up a bunch of words with commas and this is the result we get out of that we get so much more detailed and realistic looking images that don't look like a video game like they do if we use a keyword like Unreal Engine here's another example that I did earlier an editorial photo from dwell of a mid-century modern house on a cliff that overlooks Los Angeles the morning sun shines over the brilliant architecture of the beautiful exclusive and expensive house and this was the image that I got just look at that detail this could be a real photograph and this comes from using more of that sentence structure as opposed to breaking up the words like you might be used to in mid Journey version 4 and earlier here's another one where the prompt was a highly detailed Samurai Warrior on the battlefield holding a sword in a ready to attack pose with cinematic lighting and detailed facial features now it kind of hid the detailed facial features but we've got a pretty cool realistic cinematic image here the example that they give in their FAQ here is your prompts will benefit even more from being written in the form of sentences rather than lists try writing like you learned in school for example an astronaut floating in outer space May produce more predictable results than astronaut comma floating comma outer space all right so I think I've hammered that in enough the next thing was they improved the remix feature so this feature where you can blend two images together and get some sort of composite image it works much better than it used to for example I took this image of a woman that I found on the internet in this image of a brick wall that I found on the internet and here was the image it generated with version four it kind of merged the woman into the brick wall where she's kind of peeking out a little bit and here's what it made when I did it with version five it made the woman standing in front of the brick wall which makes a lot more sense I also tested blending this photo of an elephant with this photo of a cat and got this cat defend here where you can see it took the body of the elephant but the the face and the fur of the cat and it also took the background the desert sort of Savannah background of the elephant and used that for the photo as well so really really cool blending features they've also added image weights back into mid Journey 5 and what that is is when you blend an image with a text prompt you can tell the prompt how much you want it to weight that image into the final result I took the same picture of an elephant here and I pasted the URL in and I said an elephant standing on the beach Image Weight two image weights can be zero through two right now so I wanted it to weight the image highly in this over the text prompt and if you look at this there's really no beach in sight it's just kind of an elephant standing there so it put most of the weight on the elephant image now in this second prompt here I did an elephant standing on the beach Image Weight zero and this time I told it essentially I wanted to put a little more focus on the text and less on the image we still got our image of an elephant but you can see now we've got the elephant standing on a beach you can see a beach in the background a beach on the side and all these images this probably isn't the best example but you can see that it actually put focus on the beach in this image when it didn't in the first image that's what image weights do now another thing that they added in is that it's got broader aspect ratio options you could pretty much create any aspect ratio you want in fact on the live stream they mentioned that some people were generating images that just looked like a thin line with the aspect ratio in fact if we look at some of the other images that other people have created you can see here's an example of somebody that did an aspect ratio of 110 and got this giant Long Tall image that looks kind of like an infographic here here's a grid of four more images that were all generated at that 110 aspect ratio so really there isn't much of a limit right now of what sort of aspect ratio you can generate this may change in the future but right now you can literally generate pretty much any aspect ratio you can think of something else that they've recently added in that I find really cool is they added the functionality to add tile to your prompt and it will actually make your image tileable so they will all line up side by side so for example let's do imagine a pixel art garden with green grass and red flowers and then if I add dash dash tile to the end of it it will actually make it tileable so you can see it created these pixel art images for me and theoretically these are tileable now where they should all line up with each other so let's go ahead and take let's take this bottom left here let's upscale it I'm going to save it to my desktop real quick and let's see what happens if I set this as my desktop background if it tiles properly so if I save that and I set it to Tile You can actually see that it tiles I can't really find the seams in it let's go ahead and do one that's not so pixel Arty so maybe it's a little bit better of a representation let's do imagine a colorful Galaxy filled with stars planets and spaceships then I'll play it dash dash tile I'm actually going to add the word detailed here at the front and let's just see what we get out of this all right so here's what we got this time they all look pretty similar I feel like this bottom left one's got some decent contrast so let's go ahead and upscale this bottom left one here it tiles perfectly once again I can't even really find the seams in it so that's another cool thing that you could do with mid journey is you could make these tiling images which if you're a game designer there's a lot of use cases for that and maybe if you just want to make cool backgrounds obviously some use cases for that as well now one thing on this live stream that they explicitly said it is still not going to be good at is generating text you're still gonna have to probably pull them into Photoshop or canva or something like that to add the text to it because they said it's still crap at text and from my testing I could 100 confirmed that unless you want street signs that say Hari toot riddap or hadio is not very good at doing text all right now I want to jump in and do some more example images is here in a second but before I do I want to briefly mention a few interesting little tidbits that they did say on the stream that you're not going to find in their announcements you're not going to find in their FAQ but they're things that as I was sitting there taking notes earlier I took some notes that these are things that are in the works for Mid Journey version five so a little peek behind the curtain here this is my notes and script for this video that I'm doing here's a few interesting notes that they said one of the things is that they hinted that they are open to releasing an API for mid-journey they actually on the call said if you're interested in the API to DM them API might be coming soon for this they also clarified on the call that mid-journey is not using stable diffusion they are using their own proprietary model so it is not stable diffusion under the hood and the other thing they said was that they expect that mid Journey version 6 will be out within the next two months somebody jumped on the call and said do you think mid-journey V6 is going to be out before August Jack over at Mid Journey said I expect mid Journey version 6 to be out with in the next two months so the pace that we're going to see additional versions of mid-journey probably going to be pretty dang quick and it's going to accelerate here all right now that I covered pretty much all of the juicy details that were on the live stream I literally kind of covered everything they talked about let's play with it one of the things that they suggested was going to your mid-journey gallery so if you're a premium member you get your own gallery of images that you can sift through and clicking on top and sorting it by your most popular images these are images that people have voted up in the past so these are some of my most popular images they said take some of those and copy the exact same prompt into mid Journey version 5 and then compare the difference so this is clearly my most popular it's kind of unfortunate because I'm pretty sure I borrowed this prompt from somebody else and it's not my own original prompt but let's go ahead and copy it anyway see what it does in mid Journey version five I'm just gonna paste in that same exact prompt okay so these look absolutely amazing look at the mid Journey version five images that it created I'd say this bottom right probably has the most details let's go ahead and upscale that one real quick and so this was mid Journey version five this is mid Journey version four of the same exact prompt five four pretty pretty cool here's another one that I did I just used a two-word prompt here Carnival Glass paper I also used aspect ratio two three so let's go ahead and add that aspect ratio but let's just try this two word prompt and see how it comes out Carnival Glass paper this is a prompt that was inspired by my friend Heather Cooper as well she does awesome Twitter spaces every Friday about AI so come join us on one okay so it definitely interpreted the prompt wildly different still pretty cool images but I would say I actually like the mid Journey version 4 images better so this one down the bottom right probably the closest to the other one so let's go ahead and upscale that and compare it side by side so here's the mid Journey version five here's the mid Journey version four I think in this scenario because we use less prompts remember they want you to use more detailed prompts in version five bit Journey 4 did it better this time this is version five this is version four totally different interpretation of this prompt here let's do this one with my simulated kind of Joe roganish and let's see how it does trying to create like a celebrity I wonder if it's actually better at doing a celebrity now so let's do realistic portrait of young Joe Rogan looking into the camera and let's see if this works okay well it clearly still sucks at trying to figure out what Joe Rogan looks like because those don't look anything like Joe Rogan I have seen some other images inside of the mid-journey discard that did get celebrities but maybe Joe Rogan's just one that it's not very good at for example I just had it generate a portrait of Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm and it did pretty pretty pretty good all right that's the second time I've made that joke in a video so I will do that again let's try like a landscape photo so I've got this image here which I think is a pretty dang impressive landscape photo but it does kind of look like a painting or something so let's try a beautiful green forest with a lake and snow-capped mountain in the background it's already formed kind of in the form of a sentence so that should do pretty decent let's see how it does here and here's what we got these look like happy little trees like a Bob Ross painting or something this one on the top right this one looks like a photo to me this one looks really photorealistic let me upscale this top right one here so that would be number two and let's compare it with the one that I have before so this is the one with mid Journey version five damn that looks good like that looks really realistic to me and here's mid Journey version four mid Journey version four mid Journey version five oh yeah mid Journey version five definitely takes this one I think that's mid Journey version five that's mid Journey version four both awesome awesome images I'm not complaining about either of them but that mid Journey version five is just the realism not just so much better this one all right so two last things I want to try and then we'll wrap this baby up so one thing that worked really well in mid Journey version 4 was just tossing in emojis and letting it generate something interesting based on the Emojis I don't know what mid Journey version 5 is going to do if I try that so let's just test it let's go imagine and let's do I always like to throw in the rainbow emoji and let's throw in a rocket ship and let's just see if it works with some Emojis all right so it actually still makes pretty dang cool looking images with Emojis I mean it's totally like a roll of the dice a complete gamble of what you're gonna get this top left one makes a lot of sense to me it's a astronaut with a rainbow behind a rocket ship plus astronaut makes a lot of sense how we got a girl with she's got metal coming out of her nose and cheek and stuff I don't totally know what's going on with these bottom two definitely think the Emoji tactic works better on Mid Journey version 4 though now the last thing I want to test is on the live stream one of the developers jumped in towards the end of the stream and said there is a one word prompt that still is actually working pretty well and that he's been loving the result of and that's simply the word imagination imagine imagination and he was saying that he was getting some amazing results with this one word prompt on version five and since he said it on the live stream let's see what it does and here's what the prompt imagination got us pretty cool stuff I really like him I can't really tell what's going on in this one and this one's a little bit creeping me out but that is my overview of everything about today's open Office hours for Mid Journey version five again it was a three and a half hour live stream I know this video is probably a little bit longer than some of my past videos but again I'm trying to distill three and a half hours of an open Office hours from mid-journey down into however long this video came out so hopefully you'll forgive me for the length of this video I wanted to cram a lot in here I took tons and tons of notes and I feel like I gave you everything that you need to know on Mid Journey version 5 and all of the cool stuff that they talked about including the fact that there's probably an API coming out for mid-journey Mid Journey version six is probably only two months away and that I could once and for all confirmed that mid-journey at the moment is not built on top of stable diffusion hopefully you enjoyed this video If you enjoyed this video and you like stuff about mid-journey and Ai and gpt4 and Microsoft all of the cool stuff that's in AI give this video a like and you'll see more of it subscribe to the channel it'll make sure you see more from me and before I let you go head on over to futuretools.io click this button here to join the free newsletter and every Friday I'll send you the tldr of everything that happened in AI for this week including the five coolest tools that I came across for the week we're almost up to 40 000 subscribers on the newsletter including people from Microsoft and Apple and hugging face and Nvidia and just go to futuretools.io click on the join the free newsletter button thanks again for tuning in I really really appreciate you watching my videos and spending the time with me go have some fun with bit Journey version 5. it's available right now alright see you guys later bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 346,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, MidJourney, MidJourney Version 5, MidJourney V5, Generative Art, AI art, Stable Diffusion, midjourney ai, ai art generator, ai generated art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tips, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompts, ai images, midjourney art, how to use midjourney ai, midjourney v4, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney guide, mid journey ai
Id: onjfu3Uh2vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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