MidJourney Prompts For Ultra-Realistic Images

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in this video I want to talk about how to create Ultra photorealistic images using mid-journey this video is actually inspired by a Reddit thread that I came across a few days ago this person created these images inside of mid-journey you just take a look at these look at how absolutely realistic these are if you didn't look really really close and you just saw these on Instagram you'd probably think these were actual real photographs up until recently I didn't even realize that you can get this kind of quality out of mid-journey I want to do some experimentation and see if we can get similar results out of mid-journey ourselves let's go ahead and Dive Right In now this thread on Reddit was from user Archie 7 and they were kind enough to actually share the prompt that they use now in this thread they talk about how this was actually the original prompt that they used to get these images but then they started to remove some of the prompt keywords and ended up getting a shorter prompt to generate similar results and that was this prompt and then after even more experimentation they got it down to even this shorter prompt here so let's go ahead and see what happens when we pull this into mid-journey ourselves now before I get into it if you don't already have a mid Journey account pop on over to midjourney.com come down here to join the beta and you can actually generate up to 25 images for free inside of mid-journey it does require that you do it in Discord and then after 25 images their most inexpensive plan is about 10 bucks a month so let's go ahead and grab this prompt here we'll go ahead and copy it and let's pull it into mid Journey ourself and see what happens when we use the same prompt that they used in that Reddit thread so the prompt that they ended up using was portrait of an Indian village woman in forest in Himachal Pradesh sorry if I butchered that clear facial features cinematic 35 millimeter lens F 1.8 accent lighting Global illumination and then they made sure uplight and version 4 and quality two were all set and here's what I got when I gen energy that and I mean look at these These are so realistic I especially think number one and number four here are just insanely detailed like you probably wouldn't notice that these were generated with mid-journey if you just kind of scrolled past them on Instagram or something let's go ahead and upscale number one and let's go ahead and upscale number four and look at these these are just absolutely amazing this was that first one that we upscaled here and here's number four upscaled the detail in these is just crazy to me so let's go ahead and grab this same prompt here and let's break it down a little bit so some of the extra prompts that they added in here were clear facial features cinematic 35 millimeter lens F 1.8 accent lighting and Global illumination so when you add some of the things that you might get in a real camera you start getting some of the effects that you'd get from a real camera so a 35 millimeter lens that's kind of like a wider angle lens so this shot would be like somebody getting really really up close and personal with the person taking the picture and just really getting up on their face and then the F 1.8 would generate what's called a shallow depth of field meaning that the foreground the person in the front is really in Focus but everything behind them is out of focus and you'll notice that in all of these images here the background is really out of focus and the person in the foreground is really in Focus that's what you get with an F 1.8 depth of field now the accent lighting in the global illumination that just gives us some of the lighting that you're seeing sort of under the eyes here and the way that her own face cast Shadows below her neck and things like that the up light that's just telling mid-journey to do a light upscale on the image and then quality two that's basically saying generate a higher quality image so let's take this same prompt but let's tweak it a little bit let's type imagine and we'll paste this in and then instead of a portrait of an Indian village woman in a forest let's do a young American Boy leaning against a brick wall clear facial feature cinematic 35 millimeter lens and let's just leave everything else the same but just swap out an Indian village woman in a forest with a young American Boy leaning against a brick wall and see what we get with that and once again we got some really really detailed images now in my opinion these are a little less realistic there's something about them that almost looks like Unreal Engine video game characters but they're still pretty dang good now earlier today as I Was preparing you to make this video I actually came across this video from the maximize YouTube channel here where he talks about how to create AI photos that look 100 real with mid Journey I'll make sure I link this below as well there was one tip in this video that I came across that I thought was really really cool he showed that if you actually put Polaroid in part of your prompt it generates what you would traditionally think of as a Polaroid image and give you these ultra realistic images on a Polaroid so this was something thing else I wanted to check out and test for myself as well so let's jump back into mid Journey here and let's do imagine a photograph of two girls celebrating at a birthday party and then let's add Polaroid and this is essentially the same prompt he was using in this video I just want to test to see if I get a similar result here I'm not going to change the aspect ratio because a Polaroid is traditionally a square image and look at these These are so realistic I mean if you look really close you could see some stuff that are dead giveaways that it's AI I mean who wears two party hats like that I guess a kid's birthday party you might wear two party hats like that honestly but they even made it so that the images look a little bit aged so really really cool effect now let's go ahead and try this with a different prompt and see if it works outside of the original prompt we gave it let's go imagine a photograph of a dad in the 1970s leaning against his Corvette that seems like some you might have a Polaroid right of and check that out that looks like every dad from the 1970s leaning against his Corvette every dad that you know tucks his arm into his jean shirt or has his arms melt into his hands all right so there's some perspective issues here but you know with a couple re-rolls I'm sure we could get some really cool images of exactly what we're looking for now we already know that mid-journey can do ultra realistic landscape photography but using some of these camera details can really really up level it so let's do imagine a landscape photograph of snow covered mountains behind a beautiful Lake let's add some details about the camera we're using let's use a 35 millimeter lens F-22 for the aperture cinematic and let's go wide angle lens and then let's go ahead and add our aspect ratio of 16 9 and let's see what this generates for us all right so look at those now if I sent you one of these photos and said I just took this on my recent trip to New Zealand you probably wouldn't question in the authenticity of any of these These are really realistic now another really cool technique I wanted to share was when I came across from my friend Linus here he shared his technique for National Geographic photography with mid-journey and look at how realistic these lions are here look at how realistic this monkey is and this cheetah and these zebras I mean this imagery looks like something that a National Geographic photographer would have actually taken and he of course shares his prompt up here so here's his formula you put the animal the shot Direction the pose the time of day you add National Geographic and then your film type so for example lions from below side view golden hour National Geographic shot on Agra Vista aspect ratio 16 9. let's go ahead and test this prompt here pull it into mid-journey paste in the exact prompt that line is shared look at these these are all super realistic I mean it's just crazy to me what you can do with mid-journey right now let's go ahead and grab this same prompt but let's change out some of the keyword words so go ahead and copy this we'll paste it back in here this time let's do penguins let's leave everything else from below side view golden hour National Geographic but then let's put shot with telephoto lens leave our aspect ratio at 16 9 and let's see what that gives us and once again absolutely awesome some funkiness going on in this one up here but I mean like this one right here I don't think you would second guess if you saw this on the cover of a National Geographic same with this one up here I think a lot of the Magic in this one is in that golden hour prompt there that gives it that sort of gold overlay look and then of course using National Geographic to get that National Geographic photo style let's try something else here I'm going to copy this same prompt but let's tweak it again I'll paste it in let's do a hippo let's change this to from above let's change this to morning hour and leave shot with the telephoto lens here adding the time of day and National Geographic and the type of lens that you're using that's that's really what gives these the power and these just look awesome this one down here is a little janky but these other three all look just great I mean you can see that they look like somebody was maybe standing up on a hillside taking a shot down at a hippo and you know we're not getting that same golden look like we did on the golden hour we're getting kind of a more blue sort of cooler toned image so just absolutely amazing stuff and you can just really get some crazy photo realism with mid Journey right now now there's one last thing I want to try I want to try to use a combo of Linus's technique with some of the earlier techniques that we were messing with and see if we can get photos of people to look equally as realistic again so let's go ahead and type imagine but instead of Hippo let's do a young boy on a street corner graffiti wall background let's do from above side view morning hour National Geographic let's go back to the shot on agfa Vista let's go ahead and put our aspect ratio at 16 9 and let's see if we blend the sort of National Geographic and the time of day with an actual human I wonder what that's going to give us not too bad at all especially this top right where their back is kind of facing us this looks like it could be a real image this one you could kind of tell by the face and the hand that it's not that realistic the wall itself looks ultra realistic this one I think looks kind of too much like a cartoon face and this one I don't know there's something off about it but this one on the top right really really cool image anyway it just really blows me away what you can do with mid-journey right now you can get some really crazy amazing realistic images out of it now I'll be sure to link all of these resources up below go check out Archie 7's thread here on Reddit about how they got these super realistic images out of mid-journey check out Linus's Thread about how he's using the National Geographic prompt to get these crazy realistic animal images check out maximizes YouTube channel where he shares his formula for how he's getting realistic images with mid-journey I'll a lot of really cool stuff out there and I'm just loving playing around with this stuff and figuring out how to get more and more realism out of mid-journey have you found any prompts that work really really well share them in the comments I want to test some more and make more videos about just amazing Min Journey prompts and if you love nerding out about all this AI stuff as much as I do make sure you check out futuretools.io this is the site where I curate all of the cool AI tools that I come across I'm adding new tools every single day and if it's just a little bit too much for you and it's a little overwhelming click here to join the free newsletter every single Friday I send just the five coolest AI tools that I come across I also send a handful of YouTube videos a handful of news articles basically the tldr of all the coolest stuff that happened in the AI space over the week you can fight it all over at futuretools.io thanks so much for hanging out with me today I hope you enjoyed this video I enjoyed making it I love exploring mid journey and I'm going to keep on going deeper and testing the limits of what it's capable of make sure you don't like this video press the little thumbs up button and if you haven't already subscribe to the channel it'll make sure you see more videos just like it in your feed thanks so much for tuning in see you guys the next one bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 277,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, midjourney, ai art, ai art generator, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, midjourney tutorial, midjourney v4, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney tips, ai, how to use midjourney, ai art tools, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney art, ai generated art, guide to midjourney, ai artwork, midjourney character prompts, midjourney character art, Photography
Id: KXCVBu4btUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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