Make a HIT Song and Music Video with AI (for Free)

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this video is going to be a fun one and this one I'm going to make a new song that's never existed before and then we're gonna make a music video out of that song Let's get into it so to make the song itself I'm going to use a tool called suno and I actually do have a free plan that you can use up to 25 Generations a month I believe and you can access it by going to and clicking on this little button that says try the beta on Discord that'll open up their Discord Channel and you'll notice there's all sorts of generation rooms over here where you can generate your song and they're pretty active there's lots of songs getting generated at any given time and I want to go ahead and generate my song in private to do that I can actually message the chirp bot here and start a private message and do all of my generations with that however there is a step that you probably need to do to get it to work so if you try to message the chirp bot and it doesn't work you need to come to the suno Discord Channel come up to this little arrow here come down to privacy settings and then make sure that you have direct messages turned on for the suno Discord room I also leave the message requests on so if direct messages are enabled it's going to filter messages from members that I don't know once you've got that direct messages turned on I can right click on the suno chirp bot over here on the right and click on message and when I message I can now give the chirp command in my own private DM without having to be in one of these Super Active chirp beta rooms now to generate a song all I have to do is simply type slash and then chirp and hit enter it'll bring up this little dialog box here asking me to describe the style of music and then I have two options to generate the song here I can either enter My Own lyrics so if I wanted to write this song myself I can do it by typing it right in here or I can have chat GPT write the lyrics for me now for this particular example I want AI to do all the work I wanted to write the song for me I wanted to create the music for me and I want it to generate the music video for me after I have this song we're gonna go peer chat GPT on this one however I'm not gonna do a random music style I'm gonna go ahead and do Bluegrass I use the Bluegrass style of music in one of my recent AI News videos and I really liked the way that style came out so I'm going to go ahead and use that style again for this specific video and then I'm gonna have chat GPT make the lyrics for me and I want it to be a song about how AI is super fun even if it will eventually take over the world and let's go ahead and submit it and see what song it gives us back all right we got two songs backs let's go ahead and listen to them both and decide which one's our favorite so here's the first one [Music] [Applause] [Music] by all you and let's go ahead and listen to the second one here smart it's quick it'll surely that's all it's a sight to be whole but deep down inside a secreted homes [Music] flying so much fun with your algorithms and calculations Second To None they I away our amazing yeah I definitely like that second one better it kind of cuts off it didn't finish the chorus so let's go ahead and continue to we have this option to make number two even longer so we'll go continue two and it'll bring up our dialog box again if I leave the genre blank supposedly it'll just kind of try to pick up where it left off on the last song and let's have chechi PT continue our lyrics about how much fun AI is even if it will eventually take over the world and let's click submit and let it continue where it left off here's our first version [Music] we're here on Journey s we're in the air we're living in the future it's beyond compared you're so delightful and bright I'm guiding us through the day and into the night we dance with algorithms we're caught into the flu let's Embrace this marvelous show not too bad I like that one actually let's listen to the second one [Music] we embark on Journeys where imagination sails every bitten by there's a spark in the air we're living in the future [Music] let's Embrace this marvelous show all right so I definitely like this first variation better so if I wanted to take that first clip that I generated and that second clip I generated and mash them together into one longer clip all I have to do is heart this number one here and it'll take this clip and combine it with my first favorite clip so let's go ahead and click the heart here and now it says getting full clip and now we should have the full song Let's go ahead and use this as our music video I'm gonna download here I've got my mp4 now that it just downloaded now I actually want to convert it from an mp4 to an MP3 so it's just the audio file so I'm gonna go to this tool at mp4. MP 3 converter here I'm going to select file and then I'm going to grab this file that we just created here and we're going to go ahead and convert it to an MP3 and I'm just going to go ahead and click convert now we got our audio file so I'm just going to download it and now I've got this chirp.mp3 now I want to make a music video with it and there's three tools that I know of that are really really good for taking music and then making a video out of it that sort of moves to the Beat of the Music so my idea was to quickly run it through all three of these programs and then sort of take my favorite parts from each of these videos that it generates and sort of combine them into one video so the three tools that I like to use to make videos from audio are kyber if we look at kyber they have a few pricing plans they have a five dollar a month a ten dollar a month and a 25 a month plan but if I click on the monthly here you can see that the five dollar a month plan actually has a seven day free trial so you can actually test this out for free the second one is plasma Punk which also has a free tier you can create unlimited videos up to one minute long the video I just made was about 59 seconds so we should be good there and then this D coherence tool which if we take a look at the pricing on this one they have a nine dollar a month a 29 a month and an 89 a month plan however let's scroll down here is there a free trial yes simply sign up to the app to start creating the trial is a one-time offer of 300 credits or over 60 seconds of video we can play around with this one for free to try it as well so pretty much with any one of these tools the first music video that we make is free now I do have credits on all of these tools but if this is your first time using it you should be able to make your first video of this style for free so let's go ahead and start out with kyber I'm gonna go ahead and log in let's go ahead and create a video here and you can see down here we have an option for add soundtrack drag audio here or upload a file so I'm gonna go ahead and upload a file we'll grab the song we just created and we'll upload it and let's go ahead and click continue to prompt I want to create a video of a farm in the country that's operated by futuristic farmer robots that makes sense right it's a Bluegrass song which kind of reminds me of like farming and then operated by robots which is kind of like the AI right so in the style of let's do oil painting and you can see it built out this much longer prompt for us so we'll go ahead and just let it roll with what it created for us now we'll move on to video settings here I want my aspect ratio to be 16 9 and then we can set up some camera movement here if we want let's make our camera move to the right and then I'll go ahead and evolve I'll just leave that as four it says here the lower equals more stable higher equals more wild and then make this audio reactive so low camera moves less with your audio higher camera moves more so let's go ahead and move high so it's like really reacting to the music we'll click generate previews here these are pretty cool looking so I think I like this one right here and let's just go ahead and click create video Let's see what it comes up with now it's going to generate this video based on this song for us but it's going to take a little bit of time so now while it's working on this one I'm going to jump over to plasma Punk here and now on the first screen instead of plasma Punk it has the option to choose your music they give us some songs to use here or it gives us the option to upload an MP3 so let's go ahead and select MP3 and we'll select the song we just created and now it's asking us to select the part of the song we want to generate a video for we want to generate a video for the whole song so I'm just going to stretch it across the entire thing and we'll go ahead and click next down here now we have a few options for the image generation model we can use stable diffusion which is obviously one of the older models of stable diffusion we have the stable diffusion XL model the Kandinsky 2.1 or Kandinsky 2.2 these say free these ones use ions which are your credits up here I believe let's go ahead and use stable diffusion XL because I do have some credits when you sign up they do give you a handful of free credits to use so we'll go ahead and use stable diffusion XL here and once again aspect ratio I'm going to set it on 16 9 since that's what we did with our other video we can upload a starting image if we want but I'm going to go ahead and leave it on the default setting here and click next and then it asks us to choose a video style here so we've got some options our other one is an oil painting So this one I think I want to mix it up a little bit let's go ahead and do this colorful photo realistic let's see what we get out of that video style let's go ahead and do a magic enhance let us see what it gives us under video story it says this video is about or this video is about song lyrics go ahead and select this video is about the song lyrics and let's see if it actually picks up on what the song lyrics are about and creates a video based on that here we have the option to cut between scenes it says disable scene cuts to create one continuous video or enable them to cut between scenes let's go ahead and leave it on since it was on by default let's just go ahead and generate the video and see what we get out of it once again this one's going to take a little bit of time I'm still waiting on my kyber video here so now let's jump over to D coherence and let's log into this one again this does have a free trial I do have some credits available to me to play with though so I'm going to come over to projects and let's create a new project once again we're going to go 16 9 on this one and this one is much more like an editor that you might see from something like a cap cut or something like that so down here on these little music note icon I'm going to click on this to add an audio track then it says select audio and I'm going to go ahead and once again upload the song that we created earlier and now we've got our song loaded in you can see it filled out on our timeline here and what this actually did was it broke out the drums the vocals the bass and the other right so let's listen to the drums it didn't really find much drums because there aren't really much drums in the song it's mostly guitars let's listen to the vocals here let me tell you about this thing all day yeah so there you go you can see it broke out the vocals separately let's listen to the bass here [Music] and then the other this should be pretty much everything else yes we get guitar here so now this one we could actually have it change scenes change Styles change effects all sorts of stuff throughout the video which is pretty dang cool but let's go ahead and describe our scene here a Scenic farm that is operated by AI robots and then we can generate some images just as like a sort of preview of what that's going to look like and we can see our previews there's one of the farm previews here's another that one's kind of funky and here's another I think out of those that one's probably the best let's go ahead and let this take up about half the song Let's drag this out to about 30 seconds here we'll also drag these effects to match now under the effects this is where it matters that we broke out the various instruments so if I click on this very weak zoom out you can see I can actually sync it to the audio here and then I can choose whether it sinks to the drums the vocals the bass or the other right so I'm actually going to turn this off let's delete this effect and we'll add a new effect here to cover the whole thing and let's choose our effect and there's a lot of effects in here zoom in zoom out pan right pan left tilt up tilt down move right etc etc and let's have this one zoom in actually we will have this synced to the audio let's have it sync to the Baseline and then we can actually add another effect on top of that if we wanted to but I'm going to go ahead and just leave it with the one effect and see what that looks like and then down here we have the option to change the style so it's set on the default style here we've got photorealism we've got Anime horror cyberpunk psychedelic film Noir and fantasy let's try fantasy for this one here and then we're going to add another scene for the final remainder of the video here I'm going to go ahead and drag this all the way to the end so it covers the remainder and this time let's do an old man with a guitar sitting in a rocking chair in a futuristic city we'll go ahead and generate some sample images for this one we've got this one this one this one and this one one I think I like this one because this one has the most like futuristic looking City in the background so we'll go ahead and use that we'll go ahead and add some effects to this here so we'll choose an effect let's go ahead and see what coherence does let's use that effect once again we'll sync it to the audio and make sure that this one also moves to the base and I'm going to set the intensity to strong on this one and let's go ahead and click generate video I'm going to use 449 credits so let's go ahead and click continue and see what we get out of this one and now we're just waiting on our videos we got kyber right now is at 75 76 percent plasma punk I'm still in queue for this one and this video is just getting going so let's go ahead and do one of these and they're done if you're curious the kyber and the D coherence were actually pretty dang quick to generate they maybe took about five minutes each plasma Punk was the one that took the most time I think I waited a good 20 minutes or so for the plasma Punk video to be finished now if we look at the kyber video if I scan through it it's kind of a panning shot of like Farmland here it kind of skipped over the instruction that it has futuristic farmer robots but we get that sort of Country Farm feel with this video when I take a look at the plasma Punk if you remember this one was supposed to be listening to the lyrics and then generating based off the lyrics I think it did a little bit right because the lyrics are about Ai and I can see this maybe having to do something with AI but if I sort of pan through this video here it kind of goes off the rails and has some just Randomness right like what is that like a chess board or something I mean it is some pretty cool visuals they're kind of like psychedelic looking but it's kind of off the rails from what this song is actually about don't get me wrong it looks awesome but relevance I don't know now when it comes to decoherence if you remember I had it generate half the video in this like Farmland style here which you know looks pretty cool I'd say it looks almost like a fantasy Medieval Times kind of Village more so than Farmland but it looks pretty cool what I really like liked about this video is the second half when it gets to this person playing the guitar this part I thought looked really really cool I liked the art and the imagery that this came up with so what I went ahead and did was I went ahead and I made a full render of just the guitar player for the entire song If you look at this one and I skim across it we've got this video of a guitar player throughout the whole song and so I have three completely different videos that all go to the same song One of this guy playing guitar one of this sort of like psychedelic colorful imagery throughout and then one of this panning farmland and what I want to do is I want to try to mix them all together into like one coherent video I mean the color schemes are all dramatically different so it might be kind of difficult to make it look coherent but I'm gonna take all three of my videos and pull them into DaVinci Resolve and then sort of cut them together alright so I went ahead and fired up DaVinci Resolve here I like to share editing tricks with DaVinci Resolve because any anybody can use it for free it's on Mac it's on PC you can use it on pretty much any computer and you could pretty much do anything you want with the free version I'm going to pull my three videos in here we've got our kyber version our plasma Punk version and our decoherence version and I'm just going to Overlay all three of them into DaVinci we need to zoom in quite a bit here so we can see the full song on our timeline I'm gonna pull the second version in drop this on our timeline as well and we'll pull our third version in also drop that on our timeline and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to do control a select everything and I'm going to right click down here on the sound waves and then there's something that says Auto align clips and I'm going to go ahead and auto align Clips based on waveform and that should get them all lined up fairly closely I can go ahead and delete these two audio tracks down here at the bottom and scroll our timeline down so we get a little bit better of a view and now we've got just the one audio clip here and all three of our videos and now I'm going to go ahead and do some creative editing on it so it sort of jumps between the videos and I'm just going to kind of speed through that all I'm doing is just some Chop Chop chopping alrighty so I've gone ahead and edited it all together you can see it's all kind of chopped up here I pulled all of the video clips down onto the same timeline and now here's our finished music video [Music] it's smart that's quick it'll surely leave your side it learns and adapts all it's a sight to be whole but deep down inside a secret it holds so much fun with your algorithms and calculations second to none hey I away I were Amazed by in a world of Wonders where he ought prevails we embark on Journeys where imagination sails with every bit of my best spark in the air we're living in the future it's beyond compared you're so delightful and bright I'm guiding us through the day and into the night we dance with algorithms we're caught in the flows Embrace this marvelous show [Music] and there it is there's the whole music video so that was fun to make and anybody can do that technically you can do it for free if you go and use the free trials of the various tools that I just used pretty much everything I showed you suno is free to use up to 25 Generations kyber has a free trial plasma Punk has a free tier and gives you free credits for the upper tiers and the coherence has a free trial that you could use so you can literally recreate exactly what I created completely for free the first time around so there you have it there's how to make a music video completely with ai ai generated the lyrics AI generated the actual singing hey I generated the background music of it AI generated three different videos the only thing I did with this whole process was kind of pull it all together and chop some clips to jump between the various videos that I made and this was just a blast this was just me having fun with AI this is the types of stuff I like doing I plan on doing a lot more experiments like this and just pulling a bunch of AI tools together and having some fun so if you like this kind of video make sure you like it to let the algorithm know and subscribe to this channel if you want to see more like it if you haven't already check out this is where I curate all the coolest tools that I come across keep you up to date on all the latest AI news it's also where you can sign up for the Future tools Weekly Newsletter twice a week I'll be sending you two short emails about the latest news and the latest Cool Tools and AI so if you don't want to check into the site every single day I'll just send you a couple emails a week with all of the coolest stuff that you should know in the AI space so once again thank you so much for tuning into this video I'm planning on making more videos like this where I'm just having fun and messing with tools and showing off the cool stuff that I come across so expect more like this appreciate you tuning in see you in the next video bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 393,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, ai music, ai video, ai music video, kaiber, suno, ai video generator, kaiber ai, ai video maker, ai video editor, ai video editing, ai music generator, ai video creator, best ai video creator, ai tools, matt wolfe, ai art, text to video ai, ai generated video, ai song, ai songs, text to video ai free, ai music cover, video ai, ai generated music, music ai, free ai tools
Id: CaTqxkZTSV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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