Midjourney v5 | 25 words to use in your prompts with examples | Part 2

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foreign and I like to experiment with AI art I have been doing some more experimentation with mid-journey version 5. and in this video I have 25 more words that change your prompt some more than others it took some more experimentation as I have been getting to know what this Alpha version does so now I know a little bit more what version 5 tends to do now that is why I have carefully selected the words to Showcase in this video I ran a lot of prompts and whatever I didn't include in this video I added to my Wiki the link to all of them and everything else I have tested out and will test out can be found in the description field below but let's get to the words so just like in the previous video I have prompted each word by itself and also in combination with one other word I wanted to select a wide variety of different subjects because the prompt words may affect different subjects in various ways in nature Department I selected landscape wildlife and macro these are the images that were generated with those words only dash dash seeds 777 to make the comparison a little less random and all of the with the aspect ratio of 9 16. the second set of images was architecture related the words that I selected were City interior and architecture and the third set of words were portrait fantasy and sci-fi I really like fantasy and sci-fi myself and I love the images and the imaginary worlds that are generated when referencing those subjects and portrait is kind of mandatory so first let's take a look at the visual representations of supple and how it can be captured in graceful movements and fluid shapes supple meaning flexible and graceful in movement often due to physical conditioning or training on its own this word doesn't really produce that interesting images lots of text and randomness for Nature images the change is only slightly noticeable the rolling Landscapes are quite nice and the animals are mostly in odd postures architecture images have some nice wavy elements to them and I really like the interior images my favorites for this word can again be found in combination with fantasy the movement and the poses are so beautiful sci-fi images are not that bad either they are quite different from the default next up we'll explore the vibrant and Lively world of vivaciousness featuring bright colors energetic movements and infectious smiles vivacious meaning Lively and full of energy often characterized by an outgoing personality just this word alone generates very colorful images mostly flowers and cafes but very happy images Nature images seem to also continue that theme there's a few very colorful paintings in Landscapes somewhat happy looking animals and very colorful flower close-ups even the architecture-related images are really colorful I guess that is what this word brings in very happy colors and apparently very happy people I am not that happy with the fantasy and sci-fi images this time there's lots of text and card layouts and poster layouts so I wanted to see what happens if negative prompts are used here are the same prompts with a couple of negative prompts I use dash dash note text comma mock-up for both of these and I really like what came out although they might just look whatever mid-journey's current default style looks like for fantasy and sci-fi just a lot more colorful now we delve into the visuals of querylessness showcasing the power of speaking up queryless meaning complaining or grumbling often often in a persistent or annoying way to be honest mid-journey probably doesn't recognize this word's meaning at all I do like the color schemes and the graphics on the images even though they have nonsense text on them Nature images seem to look a lot nicer with this combination they do look quite like the default photographic Style but there is a hint of different color scheme for architecture related images we also have a slightly brown color scheme again although this word doesn't really do much for architecture I guess I do again like the graphics of the fantasy and sci-fi even with the text on them so they along with the Nature images are the only reason I wanted to Showcase this word in this video I do feel like they have ever so slightly different look I've seen so far with fantasy and sci-fi images words can be beautiful powerful and awe-inspiring let's now explore the visual representations of eloquence and how language can be captured in stunning imagery eloquent meaning fluent and persuasive in speech or writing often characterized by a command of language and a polished delivery another word that produces a lot of text on images but it does come up with suited men and luxurious looking things not exactly what the word means some of the animals in nature images seem to be speaking eloquently and from architecture related images I get the feeling that mid-journey thinks this word means something elegant it does sound similar enough the final three themes seem to be kind of confirming that lots of text again in fantasy and sci-fi images but this time I only prompted fantasy again and loved the results [Music] from fireworks to dance parties Jubilation is all about joy and celebration jubilant meaning full of joy and celebration often characterized by exuberance and enthusiasm so this seems to be conveying very happy and celebrating people often in soccer related situations it seems even the animals are roaring with celebration architecture related themes don't really convey the meaning of this word I guess it is more emotion based that is hard to translate to themes that usually don't depict people happy people and poses again in portraits fantasy and sci-fi and adding some negative prompts the look is very different in my opinion the colors are different from the usual not everything in life is sunshine and rainbows let's now take a look at the darker side of humanity as we explore the visuals of abhorrence abhorrent meaning repulsive or detestable often due to a moral objection or aversion this is clearly Very Metal we get either metal band album covers or metal band photographs even the Nature images have a darker coloration to them and more desolation architecture related images also get kind of an abandoned and apocalyptic vibe to them the dark themes continue onto portraits fantasy and sci-fi I like the fantasy ones especially with the Fantastical monsters what does it mean to be invincible next up we explore the visual representations of invincibility showcasing the power and strength of the Unstoppable invincible meaning impossible to defeat or overcome often due to Superior strength or ability this one seems to get inspiration from superheroes and comic books it doesn't really translate to Nature images although the wildlife is kind of fierce looking city does get some hints of superheroes but interior and architecture do their own thing and the last themes go totally superhero I really like the Sci-Fi ones they're so nice just on their own and as fantasy had some text on it I went and added some negative prompts this is just fantastic there's so much going on and there is a distinct style going on here from Twisted Minds to Sinister plots diabolical is all about the darker side of human nature diabolical meaning evil or Wicked often characterized by a desire to cause harm or suffering the color scheme is very red black and orange with a hint of Fire and devils the color scheme seems to go well with nature images too the Landscapes look like Mordor the animals look very evil and macro is doing close-ups of very red bugs possibly ants the city images look great they have some fantasy elements there with the winged gargoyle creatures architecture images are also sharp and pointy the portraits have some devilish people I really love the fantasy images this just goes so well with that with some negative prompts the Sci-Fi images do get better they look quite a lot like movie posters though some things in life are simply beyond our comprehension unfathomable meaning difficult or impossible to understand often due to complexity or mystery this word seems to generate a lot of text and ocean themes water themes seem to continue in nature images Landscapes look quite awesome lots of water there and all the wildlife animals are swimming too water themes continue in architecture related images too interior images seem to have a harder time that so they look more like they have water damages portraits look different they're painted fantasy and sci-fi also have some water themes in them and with negative prompting the Sci-Fi goes totally underwater sometimes danger lurks in unexpected places creeping in slowly and unnoticed Insidious meaning slowly and subtly harmful or destructive often without being noticed this word seems to generate very Sinister looking grannies mostly Nature images seem to continue the dark themes for Landscapes we get some abandoned houses in the middle of nowhere and the macro images are really Insidious all of the architecture-related images give me some horror movie vibes and so do portraits fantasy and sci-fi very scary grannies and ghostly stuff from Petty Revenge to Grand schemes of Destruction maliciousness can take many forms malicious meaning intentionally harmful or cruel often characterized by a desire to cause pain or suffering this one has a totally different aesthetic similar to diabolical but more greens and graphics Nature images are a little bit less evil looking than the ones we've seen earlier in this video cities and Interiors I do get the look matches with the word in my opinion but I have no idea what has happened to architecture a malicious flowchart fantasy and sci-fi again deliver some absolutely fantastic results really awesome creatures picture-perfect Landscapes Serene settings and moments of pure Tranquility that's the world of idyllic meaning charmingly picturesque or peaceful often associated with a simpler way of life and natural beauty some nice peaceful farmhouses on a clear summer day Nature images look especially tranquil although it does kind of bother me that some deer looked like they have two or three legs if you look closely architecture images are looking very European to me but I'd love to live in a house like that overgrown with ivy fantasy and sci-fi images also get some kind of calm bright and perfect feeling to them from the Brilliance of the Sun to the radiance of a smile effulgence is all about brightness and Light affulgent meaning radiant and bright often characterized by a dazzling or luminous quality I guess mid journey is again lost with this word we get everything and some magic cards as mid-journey tries its hardest to guess what this means but nature images are on the nicer side of the default Style I do like the design in the interiors and architecture images the star of this word is fantasy sci-fi is pretty good too but I like the fairies and pretty magical ladies colors that Shimmer and change in the light that's the world of iridescence iridescent meaning displaying a range of colors that seem to Shimmer or change in the light now this does pop out for sure mainly very colorful hair in the image series of just the word iridescent but things get very nice already from the Nature images landscape images are okay odd colors but the birds are fabulous and so are the macro images this time mid-journey really does know the meaning of the word very colorful choices come up in the architecture related images as well and the last three themes are concentrating on makeup even fantasy and sci-fi I guess iridescent really does go with futuristic clothing some things in life are constant and unchanging immutable meaning unchanging or permanent often due to a fundamental nature or principle again a struggle for mid-journey based on the text and card layout but I do like the style of the images Nature images look different from usual too not all of them are photographs but I guess it's hard for macro to deviate from photography City and architecture are very chaotic and more drawn than not fantasy and sci-fi get more on the default side of things the images are nice but they are starting to repeat a bit at this point from correcting mistakes to improving our work e-mendation is all about progress and growth amend meaning to correct or improve a text or document often through revision or editing again a word that goes to Logistics Veer and machines the macro images are looking nice and colorful City images give a hint of futurism and sci-fi in them while architecture stays quite contemporary but I do like the fantasy and sci-fi images again even though they do seem to be in the default Style again sometimes we have to make guesses and predictions based on limited information conjecture meaning an opinion or Theory based on incomplete information or speculation so this one brings in some geometry lines and dots and it is seen in the landscape images for once the macro images also look totally different architecture related images have a lot of lines and crisscross going on in them it seems and the remaining themes also look quite different from what we've seen so far definitely not totally default but a little bit still on the default side from Cruel insults to vicious attacks vitriol can be a dangerous force in our lives vitriolic meaning bitterly critical or sarcastic often characterized by a sharp or caustic tone and for some reason mid-journey gets wine bottles from that I guess vitriolic sounds a little bit like wine but there is definitely some kind of effect on the Nature images a bit more painterly than usual with the exception of macro but we get some different colors here too architecture related images are a little bit affected not totally in a way I would really like but okay the last images here do get some different stuff here compared to default but not all of them go there I do really love the fantasy images sometimes we have to choose our words carefully in order to avoid conflict or misunderstanding equivocate meaning to use ambiguous or evasive language often to avoid taking a clear position or committing to a decision but that doesn't mean anything as mid-journey seems to go more equestrian with this the horse theme is strong even with nature images for Landscapes we get fenced off pastures of places where horses probably could be seen architecture related images have one photobomb by a horse and some stable Interiors along with some normal imagery portraits are of course horse portraits I do love the fantasy horses but I guess there are no horses in the imaginary future because sci-fi prefers robots instead from Healing The Sick to making the world a better place amelioration is all about positive change ameliorate meaning to improve or make better often through gradual or incremental changes and for mid-journey I guess it means essential oils and creme's nice color schemes in nature images though I really like the macro images even though we've probably seen these water droplets a million times already architecture does get some nice designs too out of this and the last three themes bring in some pretty ladies again I do really again love the fantasy style sci-fi is nice too from the depths of the ocean to The Emptiness of space abysses are places of mystery and wonder Abyss meaning a deep and seemingly bottomless Chasm or void often used metaphorically to describe a sense of emptiness or despair and mid-journey does take us into very deep underwater Caverns with this Nature images are nice too this time the animals are also swimming underwater and macro is also doing something different underwater creatures perhaps cavernous and underwater theme seem to be continuing in the architecture-related images too very nice Interiors here and I like the layered floors in the architecture as well oh the portraits already went full fantasy with this word that's cool for the first time I do actually really like what happened to portraits even though the fantasy and sci-fi images are also looking very cool sometimes music can be a powerful force for mourning and reflection durge meaning a mournful or Melancholy song or poem often associated with death or sorrow but I'm guessing mid journey connected this with a character from Final Fantasy nice anime style though Nature images seem to be getting some nice color schemes and themes from this very black mosquitoes and architecture-related images too have a lot of black and pointy stuff in them cities look more like fantasy cities I like it but the stars come out in the final three themes the portraits look awesome fantasy images look awesome and sci-fi looks awesome they are slightly anime but mostly just the coloring and the fierce characters from political cartoons to comedic sketches caricatures can be a powerful tool for satire and humor caricature meaning a representation of a person or thing that exaggerates or distorts certain features or characteristics often for comedic effect this is finally something that really does look like what the word actually means I guess caricatures usually have signatures on them so mid-journey does that as well Nature images look quite hilarious as well there is definitely a distinct style that comes with this word I guess caricature is such a strong word that it really overpowers everything else interior is totally gone from these images and the last themes also are really overpowered with the caricature word some of the images are looking quite strange but there are some hints of fantasy and sci-fi somewhere in there from Relentless determination to unwavering loyalty doggedness can be a powerful force for good dogged meaning determined or persistent often in the face of difficulty or opposition and mid-journey just sees the word dog in there I guess in nature images we also see some dogs enjoying some Landscapes some wolves and close-ups of dog eyes I guess the dogs are so strong here that we see dogs in nearly all images just in various locations and of course the portraits are also of dogs for sci-fi we have space dogs and for Fantasy we have quite nice scary fantasy dogs from silly antics to playful pranks perfunery can be a powerful force for laughter and joy buffoonery meaning Behavior or actions that are silly ridiculous or clownish often intended to make people laugh and we sure do get some clowns and silliness here and in nature images also some buffaloes I guess buffoon sounds quite similar to Buffalo the architecture seems to be quite silly as well and City images are rather of silly sculptures in urban environments the portraits look nice and silly mostly fantasy does some silly gnomes and mushroom head people and sci-fi is a little bit more serious but still somewhat strange and that's that these were 25 words that more or less changed the prompt when you do really short prompts I have not tried them with longer prompts in my next videos I probably will concentrate on some other topics but at least I now recognize the default style of mid-journey 5 a lot more than before I hope you find this experimentation useful if you like this video please consider leaving a like I love all the comments that I get even the more critical ones as all of them help me to improve my videos going forward if you want to see the improvements and experiments Stick Around And subscribe otherwise let's continue prompting [Music]
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 85,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, exploration, imageprompting, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, new, style
Id: el4T-kjfF8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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