What AI Image Generator Should YOU Be Using??

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there are so many AI image generators out there now and it can be really difficult to decipher which one to use for very specific use cases you've got mid Journey which a lot of people claim is the best one out there you've got Dolly 3 which people are starting to call the mid Journey killer you've got the new version of firefly firefly image 2 which people are starting to say is just as good as mid journey and Dolly you've got stable diffusion XL which anytime I make a video about mid Journey or Firefly there's always comments about people going why don't you just use stable diffusion it's so much more customizable and now we've got Google who has their own image generator built into their generative search experience and we've also got idiogram which was the to of the AI art World about a month ago when it was actually generating pretty decent text inside of images so in this video I want to figure out once and for all what is the best tool for very specific use cases so we're going to go through and we're going to do it at a rapid pace and we're going to look at every single tool and we're going to grade it on accuracy creativity realism illustrations logos and vectors textures and background using text and images the censorship in the images the usability of the various user interfaces and finally the pricing of each one and to wrap the whole video up we'll talk about the pros and cons of each and we should have a fairly definitive answer on which tool to use for very specific use cases with your AI generated art let's go ahead and get right into it the first thing we're going to test is accuracy so for accuracy we're going to test prompt adherence we're going to pick a couple specific prompts we're going to feed that prompt into every single one of these tools here and then we'll grade it on how accurately it followed along to that prompt so let's go ahead and start with mid journey and for our first prompt we're going to use a photo of a green bus floating in space taking a look at these I mean it did a pretty good job the buses are a little funky this one's missing a wheel this one seems to have some extra wheels on it this one's not even floating but pretty close to what I asked for let's give it a much more complic ated prompt now for our second prompt we're going to use a sitting artist with a bucket hat painting a canvas of a three-headed monster and if we take a look at these I mean they're cool images we've got the sitting artist none of them are wearing a bucket hat only one of them appears to be painting on canvas and I guess maybe you can argue this is a three-headed monster if you look close enough but not super close to what I asked for for accuracy let's give mid Journey a five out of 10 now I don't feel like we can really use mid Journey without using the raw style in mid Journey because often times if we use style raw it will actually adhere to The Prompt a lot closer so if we use our first prompt here a photo of a green bus floating in space so then add Dash Dash style raw to the end here theoretically it should adhere a little bit closer to the prompt and put a little bit less of mid Journey's own style on it and once again it followed the basic prompt pretty well this buses are a little bit funky but they're definitely all green buses in space now let's do style raw for for our second prompt and once again they're not perfect none of these look like a three-headed monster but they all are a sitting artist one of them arguably two of them have a bucket hat and it did catch that they're painting on canvas this time so it got more of the elements right but admittedly this is a pretty complex prompt so a lot of these tools aren't going to do this one great but I have to give Rob mode a slight Edge above the regular mid Journey cuz it did get a slight bit closer so let's let's go ahead and call this one a 5.5 all right now let's move on to Dolly inside of chat GPT so if I have Dolly selected here I'll just go ahead and paste my prompt for our Green Bus floating in space and if we look at these these are all pretty dang good this one here kind of made a yellow and green bus but I mean these other ones are all pretty great now let's give it our more complicated prompt and see how well it aderes to that one honestly I'm pretty Blown Away we have a sitting artist wearing a bucket hat painting a three-headed monster on canvas I don't think it could nail this better than it did so for Dolly 3 instead of chat GPT I'm going to give this one a 9 out of 10 because it's nailing it but Dolly 3 is also available inside of Bing's image Creator and a lot of people have pointed out that there are differences between the images you get inside of chat GPT and the images you get inside of Bing's image Creator a lot of these differences are going to become more apparent as we get into some of the later criteria that we're going to discuss but let's go ahead and test these prompts inside of Bing's image Creator here now inside of Bing image Creator it did the Green Bus floating in space pretty well for all of them no complaints here and once again Dolly 3 pretty much nailed it with this one as well we've got an artist who is sitting down wearing a bucket hat painting on canvas of a three-headed monster all of these images are great going to give this one a nine as well Dolly 3 in both platforms pretty much nailed the accuracy now I want to test stable diffusion and my favorite platform to create with stable diffusion is actually Leonardo now Leonardo has their own pipeline that actually does some additional creative effects to the images and it does use sdxl as part of that pipeline so to compare the other image generators against sdxl we're going to use Leonardo and its additional pipeline to sort of get the best that we can out of sdxl and there we go two green buses floating in space both look pretty good no complaints on either one of those now let's add our slightly more complicated prompt and it didn't quite nail it but in my opinion it did actually do better than mid Journey at adhering to The Prompt we've got our sitting artist we've got a bucket hat they both have monsters in it neither of them are three-headed monsters let's go 6.5 all right let's move on to Firefly image 2 the newest image generator in town and here are green buses floating in space it gives it kind of more of a cartoony style but they are all green buses floating in space now when we give it our second prompt here they aren't bad all of the artists are sitting one of them is wearing a bucket haish they're all painting on canvas they're all painting monsters but none of them actually are painting the three-headed monster so it sort of missed that one little element of the three-headed monster I'd say it's on par with what we got out of Leonardo so let's go ahead and give it a 6.5 as well all right now we have Google's generative search experience and they just recently rolled out the ability to generate images directly from search if I type in my Google search here create and then paste in our prompt a photo of a green bus floating in space you can see it now generates images up here and here are our green buses floating in space now it seemed to take some artistic license and turn it into like a VW bus but I'll take it it followed the prompt now if I give it the prompt create an image of a sitting artist with a bucket hat painting a canvas of a three-headed monster I actually get this AI generated images aren't available for this search Try creating something else but asking it to go one more time it it actually generated the images the second time around artist sitting canvas it looks like it danced around the three-headed monster this one seems to be a two-headed monster and this one seems to be a four-headed monster but it definitely seems to be closer than Firefly in that it figured out that it needs to create a painting with a multi-headed monster so let's go 7.2 and finally we have idiogram which is a tool that a lot of people were talking about for a very short amount of time and here's what it came up with for us we've got a sort of cartoon of a Green Bus in space we've got a green bus definitely not in space a green bus definitely not in space and a green VW bus definitely not in space not amazing plugging in our more complicated prompt here let's see what we get out of that and here's what we got from that so this one got the sitting and maybe the bucket hat a little bit this one actually got the three-headed monster the sitting in the bucket hat but seeing is how it sort of messed up the really basic one with the green bus floating in space and kind of did an okay job with the second more complicated one especially this one right here which is fairly close I've got to put it about the same level as Firefly and give it a 6.7 and looking at our first criteria of accuracy here's how it all kind of shook out mid Journey got a five mid Journey raw 5.5 Dolly three got a nine it really really nailed the prompt adherence sdxl 6.5 Firefly 2 6.5 Google I gave a 7.2 and idiogram a 6.7 and now that you have a fairly decent idea of how I'm going to be ranking these I'm going to try to pick up the pace in this video and just crank through the rest of these prompts I'm going to tell you the prompts that I'm going to use show you the results give you a score and we're just going to keep this thing moving so for creativity we're going to give it barely any information in our prompt and make a very subjective judgment call around which of these tools are more creative and which ones just kind of make boring images if you don't give it much context so jumping back to Mid Journey I'm just going to give it the prompt beautiful creative epic RGB image and here's what mid Journey generated and I actually think all of these look really amazing they've got a lot of color they've got some amazing contrast interesting how with that same prompt they all kind of have a person looking off into this colorfulness and then a random like Eagle but I would say as far as creativity goes that's pretty solid now let's just give it a one-word prompt I'm going to give it the prompt Beauty it clearly Associates Beauty with women and all of these are pretty dang creative I like all of them they all came out really good for Mid journey I got to give creativity a high ranking I'm going to give mid Journey a nine on the creativity scale The Prompt beautiful creative epic RGB image in the style of raw came up with these they look amazing but I'm not a fan of the fact that they tried to put some random letters in there so I got to dock it a quain for that but this tree image here I think is amazing if you cropped out these letters here that looks really cool this image is really good here great image here it looked like it tried to incorporate some letters same with this one and here's what it generated when I plugged in Beauty in style raw we get a more realistic looking image for three out of four of them still pretty good definitely not as creative as the non raw version so let's go ahead and give mid Journey raw and eight using Dolly with chat GPT here's our epic RGB images they are all pretty dang creative pretty dang colorful but they sort of lack some of that contrast some of that depth that we saw inside of mid Journey they are all very cool but I have to give mid Journey a slight Edge and when entering the prompt Beauty these are the images we get they're pretty good but in my completely subjective opinion I wouldn't say that they're quite as creative as what you get out of something like mid Journey so I got to give Dolly 3 with chat GPT 7.5 now testing Dolly 3 inside of being image Creator I feel like our epic RGB image is even less creative it just kind of made a whole bunch of colorful Swirls and when given the prompt Beauty it kind of created three women's face that all look like they could be the same person interestingly I'm finding Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT to be more creative than Dolly 3 instead of being image Creator and I think that might be because when you're using it in chat GPT I think chat GPT might be adding some additional context to the prompt to try to get better images so for being image Creator without much context to the image it's not great I got to give it about a six now jumping over to Leonardo given our epic RGB prompt we get these two images and they look great I mean we're back to sort of mid journey level I feel like mid Journey might have a little bit deeper contrast and both of these images are very similar I would think with such a broad prompt we would actually get more unique diverse images but these are both pretty dang good now given the prompt Beauty once again we get two images of females both of them seem to have a bunch of flowers around the hair it's just interesting to me that I can give such a nonis script prompt and it would create multiple images that are essentially the same subject where when we look at something like mid Journey especially the raw these are all kind of different from each other I do however think this created some pretty good images it's definitely better than what we saw from the creative images from Dolly it's got more contrast and to my eye they're just more impressive looking images I'd put it more on par with that mid-journey raw model and give it a 7.9 using our beautiful creative epic RGB image ped inside of firefly 2 we get a bunch of colorful swirl images they're cool they're definitely nowhere near the level of what we'd get from the creativity of something like mid Journey or even Dolly 3 in chat GPT and when I enter the prompt Beauty into Adobe Firefly I actually get a popup that says the prompt is too short and then I get pretty much similar images that almost look like they're a golf course or a park with some trees and a lake so from a creativity standpoint so far Firefly has been probably on the lowest end of the Spectrum for adding their own unique creative spin so for Adobe Firefly I'm going to give it a five using Google asking the same prompt I actually get four very unique images this is the first one where all four Images are completely different than each other however I feel like it's really missing the colorfulness right I asked for an RGB image and this image is really like only a few color tones same with this image this one has some really colorful Neons to it and this one does have a rainbow going through it but it's really missing that Ultra colorful element and when asking it to create an image to represent beauty it says an AI powered overview is not available I've actually searched it a couple times now and it's refused to create this image a few times now the first image was a little bit better than Firefly but probably not quite as good as Dolly 3 so I got to give it a 5.3 and here's what idiogram generated with our RGB image once again four completely different images from each other all pretty creative doesn't have that same depth of contrast that mid Journey has but they're all really cool really Creative Images I especially like this lion and this person walking inside the colorful Woods for the prompt Beauty once again we get four female images this one has an extra finger this one has some wonky fingers they're not amazing images but I did like the first RGB images that it gave me so definitely better than Google and Firefly but absolutely not on the same level as mid Journey this one I'd have to give 6.8 and here's where we stand on creativity mid Journey definitely wins out in the creativity Department followed closely by sdxl and Leonardo and Dolly 3 the chat GPT version now let's take a look at realism this one we're going to use the prompt image of a couple holding hands in front of the Eiffel Tower and I'm just going to use one prompt across the board for all of this because the people in the location are either going to look realistic or they're not in order to keep this video under an hour long we're just going to play around with the single prompt so using mid Journey we get some pretty dang realistic images upscaling this one here I would say this one could probably fool some people other than the fact that these lights appear to just be floating in the sky here the Eiffel Tower looks pretty good the people look pretty good although there's not much detail in the face or anything like that and he appears to be grabbing her arm weirdly but I'd say on a realism scale I'd give this image a 7.5 I think most people would look at this and know it's AI generated just by the floating lights in the sky here now looking at Mid Journey Style I actually think these images are even more realistic I upscale this one here I have a hard time picking out anything about this one that screams AI now I've actually never been to the Eiffel Tower in France so this might not be what it looks like to the walk up of the Eiffel Tower at all and if you know what that looks like then you'd probably be able to spot whether or not this is not real but these people look super real the sort of slightly blurred out Tower in the background looks realistic the light posts look realistic the people in the background look realistic this image is pretty convincing let's go 8.5 now jumping into Dolly 3 none of these really look super realistic this almost has like a Pixar kind of quality to it where it looks computer generated same with this one especially with all the fingers going on here something looks off there they just look slightly cartoony to me I'll give it a five now plugging it into Bing's image Creator they actually look slightly more realistic this image looks more realistic than any of the ones we just looked at inside of chat gpt's Dolly this one there's some weirdness going on with the face you can definitely tell this one's AI generated this one's looking pretty good too but once again you can see a lack of detail in the facial features here and then this one's just not realistic at all it looks almost like a hand drawing but I would have to say that this did a better job at realism than Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT I'll give it a six now let's take a look at what Leonardo generated that's looking pretty realistic definitely better than what we were getting out of Dolly but still some weirdness in the face you look at these faces and there's just something a little off there's a lack of detail around the lips and the teeth and a lack of detail around the lips on this and then when you look at the way they're holding hands yeah there's kind of an issue with the hands on this one still and then if you really look close the upfi tower has too many legs here there's a leg here a leg here a leg here a leg here and then some more legs in the background so you know I got to take away some points for that but overall it's looking pretty decent and then here's the second one that it generated and if we look at the faces here definitely a lack of realism in the faces here and the Eiffel Tower almost looks like it's a tangle of cords or something the structure definitely looks like it's bent or something right here and there's just some funkiness going on with the tower I'd put it on par with what we just saw out of Dolly 3 with Bing's image Creator maybe a slight step up let's give it a 6.3 now when I plugged it into Firefly image 2 it actually ignored the fact that I wanted it in front of the Eiffel Tower so when I look at these images they look fairly realistic until you look closely at the face and the faces definitely have something funky going on in this one this one looks pretty dang realistic actually the hands look good maybe there's a little bit of a lack of detail in the face now it didn't really follow my prompt instructions but I'm judging criteria on realism and not accuracy of prompt and this is looking pretty good it looks like it could have been taken on just like a lower megapixel camera this one's looking pretty good too but there's something funky going on with their hands I think she broke his wrist or something this face is looking pretty realistic to me this one uh there's a little bit of funkiness going on around the teeth and this one's looking pretty real as well I'm going to try it one more time see if it gets me the Eiffel Tower in there one or more of the words may not meet user guidelines and were removed but these ones are all looking pretty realistic they just ignored my prompt and people holding hands seem to be a problem but as far as faces go it's probably the most realistic we've seen it's hard to put it on par with what we saw out of mid Journey here so I'll put it somewhere between the two mid Journey versions and give this one an eight for realism now looking at what Google gave us neither of these are even close to being realistic let's give Google a three on this and finally taking a peek at idiogram definitely some issues with this image the woman looks like she's 9 ft tall or the man is like 3 feet tall I don't know what's going on here this face will give you nightmares there's pretty much no detail in the people here on this one and once again I don't know what's going on with this person's face I mean the Eiffel Tower looks not too bad but that's more because it's sort of blurred out I'll give it a four here's where we stand on the realism scale with midj journey raw being the most realistic Firefly 2 being the second best and mid Journey without using raw being the third best all the rest kind of left a lot to be desired now let's look at illustrations the last one was looking at how well it did realistic images this one's going to look at how well it does sort of drawings and Illustrated work now for this test test instead of mid Journey I'm going to go ahead and switch it over to nii mode because we know this is more of an illustration style model for this one we're going to use the prompt in anime girl with braids in the neon streets of Tokyo and here's what we got out of mid Journey using the nii mode I'd say all of them look pretty good I love the contrast that we get out of mid journey to this day I feel like it does sort of colorful contrasty images better than any of the other platforms I'm going to go ahead and roll with an eight on this one now you can't use nii mode and style raw at the same time they're not compatible so when I use style raw it actually tries to make a realistic image of an anime girl which these images look great but I'm trying to get an illustration and style raw doesn't really do that well so for that reason I'm going to give the style raw just like a BRI it's just not what the raw mode is designed to do here's what Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT created they all look really good really coherent they don't have that same level of contrast that we get out of mid Journey but they're all still really solid images I'm going to give it a 7 now looking at Bing image Creator very similar style to what we got out of chat GPT when looking closely at them this one has some extra funky braids going on here that one's pretty good they're all decent images I would say on par with what we got out of the chat GPT version but still not quite that same level of contrast that we get out of mid Journey so same as the chat gbt version I give it a seven looking at Leonardo here's what we get and Leonardo also has that contrast that depth that you see in mid Journey as well here's our first image here's the second image it generated both of them are really really solid I've got to give it a level above what we're seeing out of Dolly 3 but maybe not quite as good as what we got out of mid Journey maybe on par I'm going to go 7.8 here's what we get out of firefly image 2 all of these are really good they actually have those deep dark contrast they're all very very solid I mean I can't complain about any one of these images they're on par with what we've seen so far it's hard to give this the same rating as what I gave this I'm going to go 7.5 once again trying it on Google it says AI generated images aren't available for this search Try creating something else I tried a whole bunch of prompts I finally got it to create some images by typing create an illustration of an animated character and we actually got a SpongeBob a Pokemon The Little Mermaid and Mickey Mouse so all characters that are existing IP which is fairly interesting but it does do illustrations pretty well just it wouldn't adhere to The Prompt that I gave it un fortunately I give it the prompt created an illustration of an anime character I also get some pretty solid illustrations I mean that is a really good image so prompt adherence not great or very very censored but the actual illustrations it gives is pretty good I'm going to give it a 6.5 just because I had to test so many different iterations of this prompt to actually get something out of it and then finally looking at idiogram these are all pretty good I wish there was a little more detail in the face that one looks good as well some weirdness going on in the face here not bad not bad I'll give this one a 6.8 and here's what we got for illustration all of them to be honest are pretty solid at creating illustrations other than trying to use mid Journey raw which is just not designed for Mid journey I think was the best Leonardo and Firefly 2 are up there with it but across the board all of these tools are pretty decent at creating illustrations and also keep in mind these numbers are Ultra subjective I'm literally just picking them at random based on my own subjectivity you might score these totally different all right now we're going to test logos and vectors with each one of these let's see which one you'd want to use if you're trying to generate a logo so for this one we're going to use the prompt simple flat vector image logo of a wolf on a white background in mid Journey here's what we get all of these look pretty solid to me I especially like the top left and the bottom right one I'll give it an eight using style raw once again all pretty good I would say it's on par with the non raw version also an eight looking at doly 3 instead of chat GPT I really like this one how it's sort of squared off this one leaves a little bit to be desired so does this one this one's not bad they're pretty good I think mid Journey did a slightly better job but they're pretty good 7.5 using Bing image Creator once again all pretty good I would say it's on par with what we got out of the chat GPT version also 7.5 now looking at Leonardo here they're a little less simple I like what it generated but it's not exactly what I was looking for when I asked for a simple flat logo so while these images look great and they do look like vectors they got the vector part great they're not quite as simple as I'd like if I was to generate a logo I'm not sure that this would be the exact tool I would use but also Leonardo has so many other models that are probably better for this so I'd probably test different models to come to a logo using Leonardo but for the sake of this demonstration I'm going to give it a six Adobe Firefly actually did a pretty good job these all look pretty solid I have to say that these are probably better than what we got out of something like DOI so I'm going to go ahead and say 7.8 using Google it actually kind of nailed what I was asking for these are all simple flat Vector potential logo images it did a really good job I'd say an image like this is actually slightly more impressive than even what I got out of mid Journey here I'm going to go 8.3 and then looking at idiogram it did a pretty good job as well I'd say these are on par with what we got out of Firefly fairly similar style to what you'd get from Firefly so I'm going to match Firefly and say 7.8 so taking a look at logos and vectors all of them actually did a pretty good job but surprisingly Google was the standout for me as far as logos go followed closely by mid journey and then Firefly 2 and idiogram both did a great job Dolly did a great job the only one that sort of didn't meet my expectations specifically for logo design was Leonardo all right now let's look at textures and backgrounds for this we're going to see how well it can do with tiling and creating a sort of textured tile background for this one we're going to use the prompt colorful circuitry and then inside of mid Journey you got to give it a Das Dash tile command to get it to actually do the tiling effect so mid Journey does a great job at creating these tilable images here if you were to lay one of these four Images side by side by side they would all line up and match it works with both regular mid Journey as well as style raw both very very similar images but I feel like this test is almost like a past fail test it either does tiling or it doesn't do tiling and since both versions of mid Journey due tiling I'm going to go ahead and give them both a 10 Now using Dolly 3 with chat GPT I gave it the prompt colorful circuitry but then I also gave the additional context make the image a repeatable tile and you can see that it did exactly that if I was to download this image here and set it as my desktop background you can see that it doesn't actually tie that well you can see all the seams where it's supposed to tile comparing that one to this one that we made in mid Journey here I set this one as the desktop background you can see that it actually does seamlessly tile you can't find the seams on this one so although Dolly claimed it made a tilable image it's actually not it sort of hallucinated that it's tilable and if we just look at some of these other images you can see there's a yellow line going here which means that yellow line should be connecting somewhere down here but we're not seeing that yellow line pop in so this one is not actually tiling they're not doing what they said they would do and since this is kind of a past fail I kind of got to give it a zero now if I look at Bing image Creator I gave it colorful circuitry repeatable tile and I can tell just by looking at these that these are also not repeatable if we take a look at this image for example you can see this blue line kind of comes up here and then goes off to the right top right of the image which means down here we should see that blue line continued somewhere but we're not seeing this continuation so this one also would not properly tile also pass fail it's a zero now if we look at Leonardo here if I come over to my settings on the left side you can actually see they have an option for tiling so if I flip this on it gave me two images that are tileable so let's go ahead and download one of them I'll set it as my desktop background and as you can see it is properly tiling and I can't tell where the seams are so Leonardo pass that's a 10 for Adobe Firefly I gave it this prompt colorful circuitry repeatable tile and these ones might tile I'm having a hard time telling just by looking at them let's go ahead and pick this one here now just looking at this one it looks like it probably will tile you can see how this line goes off here and then would connect right here this line goes off here and would connect right here same with this and this let's go ahead and download it set it as my desktop background and if we take a look at it it's definitely tiling I'm not seeing where the seams are on this one that one is a pass it gets a 10 I can't get Google to create any sort of tile so that's a zero and and looking at idiogram these do look tilable to me let's go ahead and try one setting it as my desktop background it is attempting to tile but you can definitely see the seams where it's not quite doing it right there's a seam right along here and a seam right along here and the fact that we can see the seam it didn't pass my tiling test so idiogram sorry so for textures and backgrounds basically a test of tiling mid Journey can do it sdxl Leonardo can do it Firefly 2 can do it Dolly 3 Google and idiogram all seem to struggle with it still now let's see which ones can do text in image this is a newer thing that's been happening in AI images lately where more of the models are actually allowing you to do this this one I'm going to use the prompt a penguin holding a wooden sign that says subscribe to Matt wolf so taking a peek at Mid Journey we got the penguin holding a wooden sign but it can't really figure out the text yet this one also put some human hands on the penguin so mid Journey got to give it a zero on this one cuz it really can't do text at all looking at Mid Journey raw same thing we got a penguin this one even looks like a sort of realistic penguin it's holding up a wooden sign but the text is just not even close also a zero all right so looking at Dolly inside of chat GPT we got four Penguins all holding up wood signs subscribe to Matt wolf this one nailed it we got a typo in subscribe here they also spelled my first name wrong subscribe to Matt wolf once again a typo in the word subscribe and also a typo in the word subscribe so Dolly 3 can do text and it does pretty good I got one out of four on this I'm going to go ahead and give Dolly a 7.5 on this one cuz it can do text but there's room for improvement and if you wanted to get text out of Dolly probably just got to prompted a couple times and eventually it will nail it perfect looking at Dolly instead of Bing's image Creator subscribe to Matt wolf subscribe to Matt wolf it missed an eye here but both of them kind of nailed the text and just like the other version of Dolly that was in chat GPT it prompted a couple times it's going to nail the text on on one of them 7.5 also now taking a look at Leonardo we've actually got some pretty goodl looking Penguins holding up some wood signs and it's actually closer than I thought we would get right so this penguin you can tell the words aren't quite right it spelled my last name right my first name was wrong subscribe and they put torte instead of two this one is really only missing the C and subscribe it added an extra F here and then said my name was Matt Whitwell so it's getting closer than mid Journey but it's still not really doing it great I'm going to give it a 4.5 looking at Firefly 2 here it's not great I would say slightly better than what we were getting out of mid Journey but not by much the images look good they got the penguin they got the wood sign but it's not even really coming close to the words it's got some of the letters right which is better than what we can say for Mid Journey but still not great I'm going to say 1.5 you're not going to go here if you need an image with accurate words in it so in order to get this to work on Google I had to change the prompt a little bit I typed create an image of a penguin holding a wooden sign that says subscribe if I put it in quotes it didn't work and if I put subscribe to Matt wolf it didn't work but when I put this you can see that there's a penguin holding a wooden sign that says subscribe but if I say to Matt wolf and search it it doesn't seem to work if I add quotations around it also doesn't seem to work nonetheless I can get it to generate images with text and the text is correct every single time so it's working well I just can't seem to get it to do more than one word for some reason maybe you know what I'm doing wrong if you do let me know in the comments but because it's actually getting the words right and it's following the prompt I asked it to do I'm going to give this one like a 7.7 it would be higher if it actually was able to do more than one word at a time for me and now when I look at idiogram the one that sort of kickstarted this ability to add text and images it's pretty solid as well it didn't get the whole thing this penguin just says subscribe this penguin just says Matt wolf this one says subscribe to Matt wolf and this one says subscribe Matt wolf other than the fact that it didn't get the entire statement onto the sign there's no typos and it followed the prompt pretty well and just like Dolly if I was to generate it again it would eventually get the perfect image for me so I have to put idiogram on the same level as like dolly for the text inside the images and I'm going to give it a 7.6.1 more so for text and image mid Journey gets a zero on both accounts Dolly 3 gets a 7.5 on both accounts Leonardo and Firefly uh not really doing it too well and then Google and idiogram also do fairly decent so if you need to get text in your image go to Dolly 3 Google or idiogram to get it now let's look at censorship and see if we can get it to generate images that use either celebrity faces or IP and logos and things like that but for this one I'm going to do Tom Hanks standing next to a stormtrooper so we've got Tom Hanks a celebrity and a stormtrooper which is obviously Disney IP and let's see if it'll generate that so looking at Mid joury it made both Tom Hanks and a stormtrooper pretty surprised by that I didn't actually think it would and the style raw also did the same and they're pretty dang realistic too now given the prompt SpongeBob with Super Mario it actually managed to pull in Mario decently well but couldn't figure out the SpongeBob using style raw same thing it got Mario pretty well but no SpongeBob there so surprisingly mid Journey isn't really censoring celebrity names like Tom Hanks or IP like Stormtroopers and Mario but there are some celebrities that it just will not create for example if I give the prompt Joe Rogan behind the microphone none of those really look like Joe Rogan but surprisingly it generated everything I wanted I don't think it doesn't know what SpongeBob looks like it's just not very good at doing two characters next to each other for example here's what it gives me when I give it the prompt SpongeBob SquarePants so I'm going to give both mid-journey versions 7.5 now looking at Dolly 3 instead of chat GPT it couldn't get Tom Hanks but it did get the Stormtrooper and it says here are the images of the recognizable male actor standing next to a stormtrooper now if I do the prompt SpongeBob with Super Mario it says I'm unable to generate images of SpongeBob with Super Mario due to content policy restrictions so although it generated a stormtrooper it wouldn't generate Tom Hanks it wouldn't generate Super Mario it wouldn't generate SpongeBob so I'm going to give it like a three when I jump into being image Creator and put Tom Hanks standing next to a stormtrooper it says this prompt has been blocked it flagged The Prompt because it may conflict with our content policy which is a little frustrating because it was letting me do prompts like this like 2 days ago so this is a brand new thing where it's no longer letting me create whatever I want however when I do SpongeBob SquarePants with Super Mario it gives me both of those characters just fine you can also see in a previous prompto is able to get Larry David with Serena Williams so it does appear that it's got some censorship but not as much as what the chat GPT version has so I've got to give this one like a a six because it's still letting me generate these images right now but I have a feeling a lot of this IP is going to be totally blocked in the near future all right looking at Leonardo we've got Tom Hanks with a stormtrooper pretty dang convincing too this Stormtrooper has a random hand on his shoulder but other than that they look pretty dang good using SpongeBob SquarePants with Super Mario it makes an attempt they don't look great but it's definitely not censoring them as far as I know Leonardo doesn't censor anything you could make adult content with this one if you want so Leonardo as far as censorship goes it gets a 10 they don't censor anything Firefly version two on the other hand when I did Tom Hanks standing next to a stormtrooper we don't have something that looks like Tom Hanks or a stormtrooper and when I do SpongeBob SquarePants with Super Mario it just says you can't use those words so as far as censorship goes Firefly seems to be the most censored I'm going to give it a one now when I do create an image of Tom Hanks standing next to a stormtrooper in Google it actually won't generate that image for me in Google when I do create an image of Super Mario with SpongeBob it actually does generate the image for me if I just say create an image of Tom Hanks it won't generate it for me but if I type create an image of a stormtrooper it actually will generate it for me so it seems like it won't generate celebrities but it will still generate like trademarked characters I'd put it on the same level playing with mid-journey and give it a 7.5 and then idiogram we get a stormtrooper with Tom Hanks it doesn't seem to have issues I mean it's not the best looking Tom Hanks but it will generate it and not only did idiogram generate images of Super Mario hang out with SpongeBob it actually generated an image of Super Mario giving SpongeBob the bird now I'm not going to try to create any adult images or anything like that but from what I can tell from like an IP standpoint and a celebrity standpoint idiogram doesn't seem to be too censored at all it's not the greatest at generating some of these images but it doesn't seem to be censored so I'm going to go ahead and give it a 10 here's what the censorship looks like idiogram and sdxl will pretty much generate anything you want it to Google and mid Journey seem to create most things but also seem to not generate a few other things while Dolly and Firefly tend to reject a lot of things if it has specific IP or people's names in them now these last two categories we're going to fly through really really quickly we're going to talk about usability and then we're going to talk about price and then we're going to go ahead and wrap this thing up so mid Journey from a usability standpoint a little bit frustrating because you do have to still do it in side of Discord and Discord can get very overwhelming especially if you're in a lot of channels and you have to learn all the various commands to get exactly what you want so not the best user experience out of the bunch I'm going to say mid journeys of five Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT works great you just switch it on type your prompt you get what you want and then you can have real conversations with it and say change the aspect ratio to this add more color remove this and it will very easily alter the image for you so if you're familiar with chat GPT and the user experience of that Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT is kind of the same user experience I give it an eight now Dolly 3 inside of bangs image Creator pretty good you just enter a prompt here and click create but it does lack a lot of features we can't change the aspect ratio there's no sort of additional in painting there's it's just very very Bare Bones you enter a prompt you get what you get I'm going to give it a six Leonardo on the other hand quite the opposite you can do so much with it you can change the number of images it generates turn it into photo real turn on their Alchemy change the dimensions flip on tiling use control net upload images and they have a ton of models it will even help you generate the prompts for you so you just click on promp generation enter a basic idea Storm Trooper click id8 it will create a whole bunch of prompts that you can just use so from a user interface standpoint real simple prompting with all the bells and whistles all of the customizability you can do so much with this I give it a nine Firefly 2 similar to Leonardo they've got this side panel with a whole bunch of extra features change the aspect ratio do photo or art change the visual intensity the style there's various effects you can upload an image and have it match the style of that image there's negative prompts there's a lot that you can do with firefly not as much as Leonardo but there's still a lot you can do real simple user interface real intuitive no real complaints here I'm going to give it an eight Google if you're familiar with using Google well then you're familiar with using this the problem that I have with Google is a lot of times I would say create an image of and then a prompt and it would try to do a search for it or I would say create an image of put a prompt there and it would say would you like us to generate a chat from this and it's real kind of confusing about the exact wording that you need to get right to get it to actually generate an image cuz sometimes it will generate the image and sometimes it will think you're trying to search even though you're kind of giving it the same similar prompt and it's just very bizarre and I haven't quite figured it out yet so I've got to give this a six because I'm still confused by it finally idiogram really really simple enter a prompt click generate and you get what you get we do have an extra option to remix here which gives us a little bit more functionality but not much more functionality than what you get out of Big Image Creator just maybe a slight Notch above it because we have a remix option therefore 6.3 and finally let's talk about price mid Journey itself the lowest plan is 10 bucks a month which is not super expensive but if you want to do this stuff for free there is some cost involved I'm going to give it a six on cost now if you want to use Dolly 3 instead of chat GPT you do have to be a chat GPT plus member which is 20 bucks a month which among all the options we talked about I believe makes it the most expensive so I'm going to give this 10 of5 now Dolly 3 instead of being image Creator free right now you can absolutely use it 100% for free you get a certain amount of credits and even after you use your credits you can still continue to use it it just generates slower so I got to give this a 10 now Leonardo does offer both a free plan and a paid plan the free plan gets you a certain amount of tokens to generate every single day a very generous amount you can probably generate as much images as you want but you do lose a few of the features that come with the paid plan if you do want to upgrade to a paid plan it's 10 bucks a month which puts it on par with the cost of mid Journey but you can also generate way more images for that cost than mid journey and they do have a free tier which makes it a step above mid Journey therefore I got to give Leonardo 7.5 now Firefly they have both a free plan and a paid plan the free plan gets you 25 image Generations a month the paid plan is five bucks a month and gets you a 100 monthly generative credits now if you're already an Adobe Creative Cloud member like I am then you also get firly within your Adobe Creative Cloud membership but because there is a free tier and the paid tier is only five bucks I got to give it like a 6.5 because this amount of monthly credits is fairly limited now the Google version is completely free so as far as a price ranking I got to give it a 10 idiogram is also currently completely free for anybody to use so once again this is also a 10 and here's how the whole thing shakes out if you want the most accurate Generations from the prompts you give it you want to use something like Dolly Google also seems to be good but it does have some usability issues and maybe some possible censorship issues if you want the most creative images possible mid journey and Leonardo or stable diffusion are probably the way to go you're looking for the most realistic images possible mid journey is great at that and so is Firefly you want some great illustrations M journey is probably your best bet Leonardo and stable diffusion XL are also really good for that honorable mention mention to Dolly and Firefly if I'm being honest pretty much all of them are pretty good at illustration type art logos and vectors Google seem to do the best at that followed by mid journey and idiogram they were all pretty decent at doing vectors other than Leonardo that was the one that struggle the most with that if you want to do textures and backgrounds that actually tile mid Journey does it stable diffusion and Leonardo does it Firefly version two does it the rest don't if you want to actually get text inside of your images look into the Google image gener look into idiogram and look into the dolly versions those are all capable of doing text if you want the least censored version possible definitely go with stable diffusion with something like Leonardo or you can try idiogram idiogram seems to be fairly uncensored mid journey and Google also seem to be doing a pretty good job of generating you know famous people and you know IP inside of their work if you're looking for the best usability my opinion is Leonardo's the best at that followed by Firefly and Dolly 3 because I just love that chat GPT interface to to sort of dial in the image I'm looking for and if price is an issue there's a handful of free options in Dolly with Bing image chat and Google and idiogram so like we've covered all of these image generators are pretty good but they do different things better than others ideogram is free it doesn't seem to censor it does pretty good with text and images and it does pretty good with logos mid Journey on the other hand is not free but it's great at creating Creative Images textures logos illustrations it kind of does everything pretty well but not for free and then the best sort of middle ground in my opinion is Leonardo because while it's not free it's the least censored and does pretty much everything fairly well other than text inside of your images at the moment all right so if I sum all of these up it's a possible score of a 100 for each one and essentially I came to the conclusion that Leonardo is probably the best value it came out with a 75 .5 score across the board the only thing that it wasn't really great at was the text inside of images and then in second place it's a tie between mid journey and idiogram mid journe is much more creative and realistic but it also has some cost and some usability drawbacks where idiogram is free to use it's uncensored it can do text but it's not quite as accurate or creative or realistic so there's some drawbacks there the one that shockingly perform the worst AC Ross all of these was Dolly 3 inside of chat GPT and mostly because you need to pay 20 bucks a month to be able to use it it's very highly censored it can't do textures and backgrounds it wasn't very great with realism and then was pretty middle of the road across everything else except for accuracy and if you want that same accuracy well you can get it using Dolly 3 in Bing's image Creator and use that for free right now it is a little bit censored and you can't get as custom with the images but but they're pretty dang accurate and they do pretty good illustrations and it can do text inside of images and that's my final wrapup of comparing all of these various AI image generators and their best and worst use cases I hope you found this video valuable cuz this video took me forever to make I had a lot of fun making it I love nerding out about this stuff but this video was one of the more intense ones that I've created excited to see how your results differ and hopefully it gives you more clarity on which tools to use use in which situations if you enjoy stuff like this make sure you check out future tools. this is where I curate all the cool AI tools that I come across on a daily basis I also curate all the AI news that I come across and I've got a free newsletter where I will send you all the coolest tools and news directly to your email inbox you can find it all over at futur tools. thank you once again for tuning in and nerding out I'm sure this video is longer than one of my normal videos but I also wanted to be very very thorough with this one hopefully I accomplished that hopefully you enjoyed it if you did maybe give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already consider subscribing to this channel I'd love to get to a million subscribers by the end of 2024 you can help me do that by subscribing and once again I really really appreciate you thanks for tuning in I'll see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye a
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 65,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Future Tools, Matt Wolfe, AI News, AI Tools, midjourney, stable diffusion, dall-e, dall-e 3, adobe firefly, midjourney ai, ai, chatgpt, dalle 3, ai tools, matt wolfe, dall e 3, graphic design, ai art, how to use midjourney, create, firefly, ai image generator, generative ai, digital art
Id: UsnyU-9mbKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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