Midjourney v5 | Do simple prompts still work? | 25 words to use in your prompts with examples

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foreign and I like to experiment with AI art in today's video I wanted to explore miduni version 5. it was strongly suggested that simple prompts wouldn't work as well anymore so I went ahead and tried out some single word prompts in efforts to find out if some words will affect the default Aesthetics in transformative ways I went for words that have some more difficult Concepts behind them or possibly just words that I did not really know the actual meaning of before making this video and here are 25 words that I tested out just by themselves and also in combination with only one other word the goal was to Showcase several possible types of subject so the ones I selected for this video were landscape wildlife and macro by default the images look like this landscape has some digital painting mixed in along with drawing Style Wildlife is very photographic and photorealistic and macro also looks very photographic and all images seem to have some borders and signature artifacts on them the next reference set is City interior and architecture I wanted to Showcase an urban environment so I chose City I almost went with still life but eventually realized that it wasn't a really varied subject matter all the images looked basically the same to me just vases fruits and flowers interior has a variety of places that have Interiors two churches in the mix and architecture gives mostly exterior shots of buildings and another set for references portrait fantasy and sci-fi portrait in version 5 gives some really varied results no women here this time fantasy seems to depict castles and sci-fi depicts spaceships or futuristic cities or skyscrapers the first word I tested out is ethereal meaning delicate and light often with a Heavenly or spiritual quality this is one word that I have added to my prompts before as well and it might be quite popular and it doesn't disappoint in mid-journey 5 images either I like the Angelic and flowy aesthetic that this word adds to mid-journey version 5 prompts to Nature images it seems to add mist and light shining through that mist for architecture related images it also adds some kind of a misty feel for City we get a mix of futuristic and modern cities that are kind of Otherworldly interior and architecture images get very light colors portraits and fantasy images seem to depict Angelic Brides basically and sci-fi give some concept art with this combination the next word is melancholy meaning a feeling of sadness or depression often with a sense of longing or nostalgia simply the word Melancholy gives a wide variety of pretty sad looking images we've got everything from historical painting styles to anime and even photography the historical painting style carries over to the landscape images in this seed and Wildlife and macro are very photographic it makes me sad looking at those sad animals the city images are looking very cold and rainy I would look like that as well if I didn't have an umbrella and had to go outside in that weather interior images are looking quite depressing those ladies look a bit bored that they have to stay in and architecture images show some very gray exterior views portraits are looking sad too the top right image has a really strangely placed hand I absolutely love the combination with fantasy sci-fi is okay too I just don't like the additional text popping I guess it's hard to combine those two concepts and mid-journey struggles there for a moment the next word is serendipity meaning the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way so this word just by itself looks like it's a bit much for mid-journey to grasp it does have some nice Aesthetics thrown in there but it might just be the default mid-journey randomness for nature themes the images are very photographic they do differ from the default look without the word Serendipity in the prompt so I guess it does do something to these images for City we get city views from all kinds of different places I would say that two look very European one has an Asian feel and one reminds me of an American city in interior we have restaurants or diners or cafes and architecture has some quite nice looking buildings portraits seem to be all women now I really love the fantasy images funny that they have so many bubbles and sci-fi has some movie posters I guess the next word is inscrutable meaning difficult or impossible to understand or interpret from the amount of text in these images I guess this word was quite difficult or impossible to understand or interpret for mid-journey I almost didn't include this in my video but I do like how the nature themed images came out very grassy Landscapes here and the quality of the images is so sharp inscrutable Interiors look like they are either camper or boat Interiors but architecture images are the reason why I did want to include this word in this video I have been wanting to generate architecture pictures in this style since version 3 and didn't succeed in describing what I wanted to see and this does it just with one word City almost has the same thing as well but not quite it's just really chaotic for portraits we get photographs of men this time fantasy goes the way of cards although I do like those two images that don't and sci-fi again does movie posters in concept art style next up is ephemeral meaning lasting for a short time transient or fleeting I like The Styling that this word brings it is kind of mixed at places but still nice for Nature images it seems to mute the colors quite a bit it does that to architecture and City images too they look like drawings or black and white photographs and for interior images we get some hanging curtains or abandoned places but now we get to the good stuff portraits are nice but fantasy and sci-fi images are just out of this world I love the dreamy flowy style of the fantasy images and it has butterflies and sci-fi brings some nice concept art style pieces that are very atmospheric now we go to synchronicity meaning the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear meaningful or related but have no causal relationship this word gives a really special aesthetic I don't like all of the images and there's some text on all of them but it has a certain vibe to it that looks really awesome it certainly looks different from the default Style it doesn't translate to Nature images in the same way though for landscape we get some vertically mirrored paintings but wildlife and macro give almost a duality with mostly two of the same animal in the images City kind of does again some kaleidoscopic mirroring and playing around with Reflections on water or something interior on the other hand looks completely different I really like those Interiors and architecture goes for the sky again mirroring the buildings a little bit okay portraits and fantasy really bring out what I saw with just this prompt and they also bring in the time element in the meaning of the word and sci-fi does movie posters again although I do really like the floating city and the upper right image the next word is diaphanous meaning light delicate and translucent often referring to Fabrics or materials this word really strongly changes the images the square aspect ratio has some weird abstract flowy stuff going on but I can just imagine what this word will do when combined with other prompts and it does give quite a distinct look to Nature images not sure if I like all of them though the wildlife images look like the animals are caught in some huge spider webs but I like the translucent quality of the macro images City looks completely different from anything we've seen so far it's almost like cities in an earthquake-prone area that don't have any skyscrapers interior images seem to be very white and flowy curtains everywhere architecture also has some interesting stuff kind of ornate or intertwined lines it's funny how architecture also shows interior images and yet look so very different from the images that had interior in the prompt portrait goes black and white and very old photos it would seem but yet again I absolutely love the fantasy images beautiful flowy dresses and varied poses there's even more color compared to what we've seen so far and sci-fi isn't bad either the black borders in this aspect ratio kind of bother me but that can easily be fixed for some reason there's lots of orbs the next word is quixotic meaning idealistic and impractical often with a romantic or chivalrous quality the images with this prompt look quite quirky and have red tones there's text in all of the images that I don't like at all but keep in mind that I haven't done any remediation yet to get rid of stuff like that I guess macro looks the most normal to me out of these Wildlife has lots of animals on top or next to each other kind of weird but okay and I really like what has happened to Landscapes with this prompt almost like abstract in some parts City comes out as really chaotic with lots going on interior depicts bar seatings of some kind very calm in comparison and architecture has some nice architecture going on but now we get to the really awesome stuff there is some text artifacts on most of these images unfortunately but I really like the style of these images it is so varied too you never know what you're going to get with this word might be not so good if you have something specific in mind but good for exploring what's possible we also have nebulous meaning resembling a nebula indistinct vague or unclear with this word though mid-journey doesn't know what to do I like it because it gives the image the space why look and it's exactly what has happened in the Nature images for Landscapes and Wildlife we get a really Starry Night Sky with Milky Way in the picture in quite many images and the macro for this word gives images that are out of this world maybe literally but they don't look like we've seen so far with the macro category City also gets a very sci-fi look with the night sky Interiors look very nice and futuristic and architecture looks a bit cloudy and unrealistic but the appearance is really pretty portraits and fantasy too lean heavily on the space and Star's theme and sci-fi just goes to spaceships as one would expect next up we have serenity meaning a state of calmness Tranquility or peacefulness so this is actually not that unknown but it really gives images a distinct feel s to be Asian themes in the images quite often and lots of calm water it continues to the Nature images as well Landscapes are as expected more waterscapes and a wildlife is enjoying a swim and the delicate flowers also have water droplets on all the images for architecture-related themes we also see a lot of water there and quite soft lighting again I really like the fantasy images with all the water and mist and for sci-fi I don't know if Serenity is a name of a movie or TV show or something but the images kind of look that way now we go to gargantuan meaning extremely large or massive often implying a sense of awe or amazement and mid-journey really does capture the meaning of this word with the enormous monsters or creatures quite many of them seem to be kind of cartoony or drawn Style for Nature images I like how the landscape images depict very tall and narrow Cliffs the animals look also totally huge and it's an odd combination with macro as it is in contrast something very small it's interesting how mid Journey has tried to depict something very small as very big for architecture we get a strange mix of stuff in the city images we get more fantasy with the building stacked on top of each other in interior we get churches and other old buildings and in actual architecture we have very tall stylistically weird apartment buildings that I for some reason would think as Asian for portrait on the other hand we get drawings of very large men and an orc I think fantasy and sci-fi images give a very nice concept art style of enormous monsters and robots from what we go to luminous meaning emitting light or shining brightly often with a sense of Brilliance or radiance this word combines some nice looking images with some lighting there's some text on quite many of the images by default but I hope it can be corrected for Nature images this word gives a really nice lighting effect landscape seems to get more painted style in most images but wildlife and macro are in photographic Style architecture related images also play with light a lot interior images get some sunlight City and architecture images also combine lots of artificial lighting and out of these again the fantasy Style Just catches my eye so beautiful and magical sci-fi could again lost the text and portraits are better than without this word I guess next up is maelstrom meaning a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river or a situation of confusion and turmoil this word really alternates between ocean and stormy sea paintings and Water Park attractions and nature theme really brings out the artsy side of this word very stormy seas the macro images are oddly captivating and I even saw two the images ranking quite high on my mid-journey rankings page City images continue the theme but oddly in the interior images we get some shots from some kind of an establishment with quite awesome staircase features and there's some interesting stuff in architecture images too certainly not something you would see every day and the last three also go back to the painting style of Stormy ocean in sci-fi we seem to have spaceships instead of regular ships moving on to inexplicable meaning unable to be explained or accounted for this is again something that mid-journey struggles with based on the amount of text in the images a large mix of all kinds of different styles landscape images look very cool with the colorful clouds wildlife images are quite strange and macro has again very sharp photographic images I like the ladybug architecture Joyce is some interesting stuff there the floating house is something new City and interior look kind of ordinary nothing special there really I really like the fantasy images quite nice looking castles coming up next is euphoric meaning feeling intense excitement and happiness lots of text again and some images but not all and we kind of get an explosion of colors that looks quite abstract in some images in nature images we get also some more color across the board and very happy animals City images look cool but I especially like the interior and architecture images really awesome looking designs there the portraits look nice as well but the real gems are again fantasy and sci-fi I just love the lighting and the colors okay that one lady has three arms but I otherwise really like the pose in the image let's take a look at amalgamation meaning the action process or result of combining for some reason there's a lot of game boards and wooden blocks this word doesn't do that much with the Nature images except turns Landscapes into rock sculptures City looks kind of ordinary mostly As does interior but we do see some really nice designs in the architecture category actually portraits look quite powerful and ethnic too and as usual I really like the fantasy and sci-fi images with their awesome castles and Greenery filled Terraces our next word is cacophony meaning a harsh discordant mixture of sounds and there is a lot going on in those images there's choirs animals monsters and whatever else the chaoticness continues in the wildlife images but does not really come out in the landscape or macro images for some reason in the architecture category the city images are probably the only ones that the word somehow affects interior and architecture look kind of normal compared to the city images but portraits and fantasy again have really much going on sci-fi seems almost tame next to these other images even though there's a lot going on in those images as well now let's explore effervescent meaning giving off bubbles visiting or vivacious merry Lively sparkling and the fizzy drinks and Bubbles are present in all of the images basically in nature images we get some nice summery bubbly stuff too wildlife animals are either splashing in the water or drinking it and lots of bubbles in macro images as well City and architecture images have also a lot of bubbles in them architecture even has some of them Incorporated in the designs and more bubbles in the rest of the images too almost like underwater fantasy images are again my favorites the next word on the list is elusive meaning difficult to find catch or achieve and I guess it's difficult to achieve from the journey as well because there is lots of text here but the Nature images have all a bit different but nice feel to them I like the half hiding wildlife images I guess elusive is a bit hard to incorporate to architectural images I don't find these particularly special and I guess this is the first time in this video when I have been disappointed by the fantasy images and oddly there is so many cats in the portraits the following word is pinnacle meaning the most successful point the culmination as one would expect mountaintops and skyscrapers and wine for some reason very pointy stuff in nature images and animals on top of mountains or cliffs and both City and architecture have very pointy skyscrapers those mountains don't really look like anyone I didn't know you could take a portrait of a mountain fantasy and sci-fi Pinnacles look really cool next we have arcane meaning understood by few mysterious or Secret but as one would expect from other use of this word we get a lot of Mages for some reason lots of text too Nature images get a fantasy twist on them too very Majestic castles and animals and architecture theme continues the fantasy Style we see it in all images basically I love it oh wow I'm surprised that we got so many majors in this theme I did expect that from portrait and fantasy but sci-fi too moving on to clandestine meaning kept secret or done secretively I don't understand how mid-journey struggles with this word maybe it's just the lack of a subject in the images that is causing the text in all images but luckily we get rid of that in the Nature images similar images here as there were with elusive The Beatles are different I think pity and architecture images seem to favor some shady Alleyways or narrow streets same seems to be going on in sci-fi themed images the Alleyways are just in a futuristic city and portrait and fantasy depict Shady women with hoods and up to no good coming up next is surreptitious meaning kept secret especially because it would not be approved of I guess this kind of sounds like a reptilian because there is nothing in the meaning of this word that I found that could explain why we see reptilians in all of the images landscape seems to depict muddy puddles where one would see crocodiles or other reptilians and of course Wildlife is crocodiles frogs and iguanas or chameleons as is also macro I guess the reptilian theme is kind of difficult to translate to architecture but we do see some scaly stuff here too and in portraits fantasy and sci-fi we go back to reptilians very scary looking creatures there but I love these images let's take a look at ubiquitous meaning present appearing or found everywhere we get a mix of some abstract stuff and very Urban environments even in Landscapes we have some Urban parts and wildlife animals are also mostly of animals in an urban environment macro doesn't seem to know what to do with this word not especially big changes to the architecture-related images as they usually are quite Urban I really like the portraits that this word generated and the fantasy images are also more urban sci-fi images look like just normal sci-fi images no big changes there our final word is peculiar meaning strange or odd unusual very distinct drawing style there although lots of text can be seen there too for Nature images this word doesn't really do much but architecture is a different matter the cities have a nice Whimsical feel architecture too portraits and architecture don't really have that much improvement there but I do like the fantasy images they could be looking just more fantasy but I guess they are somewhat peculiar I hope you also find some things that you liked out of these if you did consider liking this video and subscribing to my channel for more content like this and I also appreciate all comments they help me improve what I do here but let's continue prompting
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 20,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, exploration, imageprompting, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, new, style
Id: T5UhNpEjuSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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