100 AI Art Tricks That 99% Don't Know

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Midjourney V5 is incredibly potent, but you  probably know that by now. The problem with   that is that there are so many options, so many  styles, so many keywords that you can utilize   that no human being can keep track of all of  it. And that's why, with the help of my team,   I put together a spreadsheet that shows you all  the various tricks that you need to consider. And   not just that, I will show you all the tricks  today. I will also show you Midjourney V4 and   Midjourney V5 results so you can get a better  feeling for what these different models are   capable of. And my hope is that after looking at  some of these examples together, you can go into   the sheet and try experimenting yourself because  the only real way to get better at using AI for   your work or pleasure is to use it. So now, I'm  gonna lead you through this entire sheet that   we prepared. Then, there's gonna be a link in  the description so you can explore it yourself   and test some of these prompts and keywords  that we're prepared. And look, let's be real,   this could easily be a paid product, and I'm  open-sourcing it and providing you with free video   training to go along with it. All I ask of you  is to like this video so more people can see it,   and check out our Discord Community where  thousands of people are discussing AI art   on a daily basis and sharing their little tips  and tricks and results while they get better   at it. Honestly, there's no better way to do  this than with the power of community. So,   check out the Discord, but now let's dive in, and  let's look at this massive sheet of 100 Midjourney   tricks where I'm confident that everybody can  find some tricks that they didn't know before. Okay, first up, you can find a link to this  in the description below, but let me walk you   through this. So, the way this is set up, you  always have a prompt on the left side. You have   the Midjourney V4 result, and then you have the  majority V5 result. We also added these notes   to the site whenever we begin a new category of  tips. So, for example, these are the big guns:   very detailed prompts that get you a  specific result that is stunning. And then,   prompts 7 to 11 are all about weights and how they  affect the image. So, what I would recommend is   go category by category and explore that, try  those prompts, and then move on. And that's   exactly what we're going to be doing in this  video. So, let's start with the first category. These are the big guns, these are really  big prompts that are super detailed,   and they work really well in both V4 and  V5. You might recognize that these look   very similar as the outputs of the GPT-4 prompt  generator that I showed you in another video,   and that's because that was the exact starting  point for these, but we customized them a little   bit. So, as you can see here, we, for example,  add emotional context, and in the end, we also   have the art medium. And there are a lot of little  keywords like this throughout this entire sheet,   so you will just have to experiment and dive  deep to find all the little Easter eggs that   we hid in here. But what I personally find  particularly interesting about these big guns   is the difference between V4 and V5. Because  once you get this precise with your prompting,   the results are quite similar, actually. But you  can see that hey, Mid-4 gives you photorealistic   results, but V5 has that little X Factor to it  that even with my background in photography and   videography. I'm not exactly sure if it's the  sharpness, if it's the way the lighting falls   onto the characters here, it just pushes  it over the edge of realism. Which is one   thing that I really realized by reviewing this  sheet. But for example, in this first prompt,   I don't even see that big of a difference. The  water looks more realistic, and yes, this is a   little bit of a painting style, and this depth of  field looks like it came from a camera, but with   these big gun prompts, the difference is not as  dramatic. So, I just thought that was interesting. So, in today's video, we're exploring 100  Midjourney prompts and tricks, and what if I told   you there is a way to make income on the side by  using your newly acquired prompting skills? Enter   Wire Stock, a platform designed to make selling  AI-generated images on stock websites seamless and   hassle-free. Wire Stock enables you to distribute  your content to top marketplaces like Adobe Stock,   Pond5, and Deposit Photos, all from a single  platform. That means no more separate sign-ups,   extensive forms, or juggling payments across  multiple sites. Wire Stock has your back, guys,   seriously. Take it from somebody who has been  selling stock photos and videos for 8 years   now. The sign-ups, titling, keywording, payment  handling, multiple uploads - it's a lot of work,   and in the case of AI-generated art, it's usually  more work than generating the art itself. And   that's what's so great about Wire Stock. It  takes care of all the keywording and caption   work for you, so you can focus on creating even  more awe-inspiring AI-generated artwork. And with   over 210,000 creators and 8.5 million of media,  you'll be in excellent company. As a creator,   you'll also get a free individual portfolio where  you can sell content directly, create collections,   and even sell prints. Showcase your incredible  AI-generated art to potential clients worldwide   without breaking a sweat. And here's the  important part - when it comes to commissions,   you'll receive a generous 85% per sale, with  Wire Stock taking just 15% commission. That's   a win-win, if you ask me. So, if you already feel  inspired by the 100 Midjourney prompts featured in   this video and want to start selling your own  creations, Wire Stock is your go-to platform.   Click the link in the description to begin your  journey today, and don't forget to share your   success with the AI Advantage Community.  Good luck out there and happy selling. So, let's look at the next category, which is  all about prompt weights. And if you didn't know,   prompt weights are a way to combine two or more  concepts, and then, as the name suggests, you   can weigh one of the two more, so it becomes more  dominant. So, for example, here we're emphasizing   the tiger, and as you can see, it's the dominant  object inside of the picture. Again, the   difference between V4 and V5 are not that large  because we are quite precise with our prompts   here. But on this picture of the eagle, which uses  the keyword "photorealistic image," we can really   see the difference. V4 gives us a painting, and V5  does its best to emulate the wildlife photo. Also,   this image of a tropical beach - this looks  like a drone photo straight off Instagram,   and this is a simple painting. But the details are  more subtle than that - you can see the textures   really changed, and all these little differences  are just something you're gonna have to feel out   while using it. For example, if I switch to my  second setup here and I copy the prompt. All you   need to do is go into My Journey. Yes, now you do  need a paid plan, but you can simply copy it in   here. And you know, maybe I want to change the  aspect ratio to 16x9 for a YouTube thumbnail,   and then I hit enter, and it will generate this  image. So, there's like zero work involved in   testing this. So, there you go. We just generated  this twice, and as you can see, we get similar   results here. And you can do the same. This is  what I would recommend for your favorites. Take   the prompt, regenerate it yourself, and start  adding little parts or taking some parts away. Okay, so next up, number 12 is super exciting  because before, I already showed you how to   copy artist style by using the keyword of their  name. But here's another way: by using the keyword   "Style Fusion," you're able to combine multiple  styles. And from our testing, this works even   better than including the name of one artist and  then the name of a second artist. And hey, in my   opinion, this is where we enter the interesting  territory of this sheet because as you can see,   this is not natural language. This is a bunch  of keywords. But the Midjourney V5 results are   still excellent. And this is the type of knowledge  that I'm trying to communicate here: you do not   need natural language to make V5 work very well. I  mean, look at this picture. Some of these results   are stunning, and it all comes from a bunch of  keywords. And that's the thing with AI, there's   no one right way to do it. There's multiple ways  because the neural net is so complex. I'll give   you a little tip here though that was communicated  by the majority team during the release of V5. If   you use keywords like Octane Render, 8K, Unreal  Engine, it will turn it into more of a video   gamish look than a photorealistic look in V5.  So, you know, just something to be aware of. Moving on, starting with prompt 17, you can see  some keywords that will get you these trippy   results. Feel free to play with these, feel free  to copy-paste parts of this prompt into your own   prompts. You will get some crazy stuff from this.  And similarly, in the next category, we talk about   the various ways in which art is displayed and  not just what you see inside of the art. So,   for example, if you say "Provide an exploded  view," you will get this very particular style   that is referred to as an exploded view. This  is an incredible keyword whenever you're working   with products. I mean, look at this vintage card.  This is incredible. Another one here would be the   "nulling perspective," which, by the way, makes  excellent content for your social media accounts. Okay, at prompt 26, we start talking about artist  styles, which is a video that I created before,   but it's just important to go into as it's one  of the main capabilities of My Journey. You   can use any artist's name, like Banksy here,  to get similar results. This is also the one   that stirs all the controversy, but it's hard  to avoid as the results are simply stunning. Next up, we need to talk about my personal  favorite: juxtaposition. This is where you   create as much contrast between two topics.  So, as you can see here, we have a medieval   knight on a horse in the middle of New York,  or you have a graveyard with fireworks. It is   less of a keyword and more of a concept that I  would like you to consider because if you put   VR headsets on elderly people playing bingo,  you simply put, gonna get interesting results.   Or these visuals of a Victorian era ballroom,  and then in the center of the ballroom stands   a futuristic teleportation device. You take two  opposites, and Midjourney can create something   completely new from that. I absolutely love  this technique. Try some of these out. And now,   let's move on. And here, we enter the fun  territory. So, you can really combine text,   emojis, aspect ratios, and different parameters  to get these super dynamic images. And these would   be some examples. So, here we also use emojis to  emphasize some of the points. And when you look at   these fairytale-like results, I personally  think these two are absolutely excellent,   and we achieved that by including various  techniques, including a description of all   the elements that we see in here, plus  emojis on top. And if you didn't know or   realize it, it also considers the color palette  of the emojis. Whenever you include a rainbow,   it doesn't just mean there might be a rainbow  in your image. It also means that you use   the various colors inside of a rainbow emoji.  And here, from 46 on, we go into emojis only,   which is kind of a fun exercise and doesn't work  as well with V5 anymore. But that doesn't mean it   doesn't work. Your results just start going all  over the place. Because, as you can see here,   if we use castle, dragon, sword, and shield, in  V4, we get this dragon knight. In V5, we get...   I don't know, this one looks like a custom-built  in Minecraft. This is some screen in a mobile   game. But sometimes, it gets super interesting.  Because look at the next one. Rocket, alien,   planet, stars. With V4, you get this result that  I would call typical for V4. But with V5, look at   this little alien. This is super crazy. I would  have never expected this. And I'm glad I'm seeing   this right now. And if you look at this example of  the burger, fry, and beer emojis, while with V5,   you're gonna see the photorealistic tendencies  that the model has. We said nothing about   photorealistic. It just simply does it after we  provided it with a bunch of emojis. Okay, next up,   we show you a bunch of examples of punk styles.  Most people are only familiar with steampunk,   but there's more. How about nanopunk? You get  this futuristic technology-infused look that I   personally love. Or this one is diesel punk. Or  how about gothic punk? Extremely strong visuals,   and especially in V5, you get these scary-looking  characters with a crimson background. Again, it's   just one of those things that you wouldn't have  thought by yourself, but yeah, here you have it.   Gothic punk is a thing, and you can use it. Okay,  56 is all about making your images beautiful,   and it's important to realize inside of my journey  that there are different types of beauty. So,   as you can see in the note here, there's visual,  emotional, and intellectual. And by us focusing   on these different aspects in our prompts, we're  going to be able to achieve a lot of different   results. So, for example, here we say breathtaking  visual beauty, and this one says emotional beauty   level. And that's where Midjourney really  starts tapping into emotional expressions   that it learned through its training material.  And look, intellectual beauty is yet another   style that you can use to your advantage. Okay,  at 61, there's another category which talks all   about descriptive prompts, and again, these  are these long prompts that leave nothing to   chance. You can play around with these, and you  can always just take a particular part. Here,   because they're so detailed, you could  maybe just take this part amidst a sea of   golden hues and apply that to the image that  you're generating right now. Okay, next up,   so this is a really funny one. We keep the prompt  super short, but by using a microscope Emoji,   you're able to get macro photography-like results.  If you're not familiar, macro photography is where   the subject gets very close to a lens, and you're  able to achieve this high level of detail. Okay,   or if you want to create some characters,  here's a bunch of prompts that can do that,   and again, be careful with the keywords like  8K, Octane Render, Unreal Engine. In V5,   the results will be more like a video game  than a photo. And we're nearing the end here,   but there's more gems in here. The next one would  be emotional descriptions, and by describing some   of the emotions in here, it creates a visual look  that matches it. This was also super interesting,   so for example, face is drawn and tense, and you  get a fire in the background without us explicitly   mentioning include a fire. Okay, next up, this is  a really great technique because what we do here   is instead of separating the different keywords by  commas, we separate them with the addition symbol,   and this forces the journey to read the prompt  from start to finish. So you can think of this   as a Photoshop document where it layers the  different elements one by one, and it starts   with the very first one. And honestly, these  results are stunning, but that's due to a lot   of the hyper-realistic and 4K related keywords  in here. But it's also partially due to the fact   that it's layered differently with this addition  keyword in between. This is really one wall you   have to experiment with, but now let's talk about  the next one, which is the "versus" keyword. You   can create these crazy split images just by  using the keyword "versus." So for example,   nature versus human nature, you get this visually  incredibly deep results where it shows different   seasons in a fantasy landscape. I mean, this one  in particular is an extremely powerful keyword   with a very specific outcome. Okay, and last but  definitely not least, one of the most interesting   capabilities of Midjourney V5 is using the keyword  "anthropomorphic." So if you're not familiar,   this is a common term within the AI space, and it  means giving human attributes to something that   is non-human. And by starting your prompts with  this, you can create these fantastical creatures   that don't exist, but they resemble humans.  Because we use this keyword, in this case,   you get an anthropomorphic majestic blobfish  night. So I don't know, did I over-promise, or   did you find a bunch of new techniques in here? If  you did, I want to see your results. Head on over   to our Discord server, and we have an art contest  running every week. You can submit your results,   and others can vote on it. If you get the most  votes, we'll probably be featured in my weekly   newsletter that at this point goes out to around  65,000 people. Also, there's a special role in   the Discord for art contest winners, which lets  everybody know that you're the real deal when   it comes to my journey. But even beyond that,  it's just a fantastic place to discuss all of   these prompts and to get all of your AI-related  questions answered in the AI beginner rooms. And   if you want to go even deeper on my journey, I  recommend you watching this video because using   GPT-4 is really the ultimate hack to MidJourney  V5 and again I hope to see you in the Discord!
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 83,964
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Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Id: 2ORzO01NhJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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