I Created a Midjourney COMIC BOOK: "Treasures Beyond Gold"

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I created a graphic novel using nothing but chat GPT mid-journey and Affinity designer and publisher and so can you meet Maya the female hero of our story and Leo her partner in crime in today's video I'll show you how you can create an entire storyline character Concepts individual scenes and all the necessary dialogue for a full-blown graphic novel or comic book and guess what so can you and I'll show you exactly how it's done so first of all I start off by opening chat GPT then I start a new chat thread and I switched to gpt4 I'm using gpt4 primarily because I've found it to be considerably more reliable in following my instructions to the T GPT 3.5 sometimes has a mind of its own and no matter how much I insist on it doing exactly what I wanted to do it'll just continue doing whatever it wants gpt4 also seems to be much better at understanding the entire chat history and also giving me responses that are actually contextual to what we're talking about so at this stage I usually start off with a foundational prompt that sets the scene this prompt is usually much longer than any of my follow-up questions during the conversation for this particular exercise my foundational prompt consists of four distinct parts part one you are an excellent Storyteller and graphic novel author your primary job is to assist me in crafting a beautiful short story that will be turned into a graphic novel The Graphic novel will contain panels created with mid Journey this primes chat GPT for everything that is to follow and also gives it the Persona of a Storyteller this part is actually quite important because it will influence the way chat to PT responds to my follow-up questions as we go along through the conversation and here's the second part of the prompt part 2 input variables the variable genre which is Adventure theme two treasure Hunters searching for a long historical treasure in Southeast Asia and pages 4. now you might be wondering why I'm defining variables in my prompt well first of all it makes it much easier for me to reuse my prompt at a later stage and simply change certain variables in order to create an entirely new story I don't actually have to go through my entire prompt and search for the different references to different aspects of the story that I want and I can easily reuse these variables in different sections of my prompting process with chat gbt so here I Define the genre as well as the broad theme of our new story I also defined a certain number of pages which is meant to indicate to chat topt roughly the length of the story that I want however I must admit that I kind of messed up this part because honestly the number of pages isn't really a good indication of how long a novel should be or at least not with respect to the story let's move on to part three of the prompt part 3 the story please come up with a short story based on theme that uses elements that are typical for genre stories provide me with a three to four sentence summary and store it in plot so in this part I actually tell Chachi PT to give me the story so as you can see instead of actually entering a specific genre or theme I'm referencing the variables that I defined earlier in the prompt I've also asked chagpt to store the result in a new variable called plot just in case I need it later on during the process and now let's move on to the last part of the prompt part 4 scenes then break down the story into a reasonable amount of scenes that would fit into pages of a graphic novel describe each scene in 20 words or less where suitable please add brief dialogue that captures the essence of the scene we will use the dialogue for speech bubbles in the graphic novel so this is the part where I asked Chachi BT to break down the story into a number of scenes that fit into well the number of pages that I asked for I've also asked it to add some dialogue which I can use within my graphic novel later on so technically you could have also turned the word count into a variable that you could have defined further up in your prompt however this prompt is merely a demonstration of what I did for this exercise so let's have a look at what chatgpt came up with it gave me a fairly lengthy response including several scenes but let's have a look at the plot first two rival treasure Hunters Maya and Leo begrudgingly team up to find a long-lost historical treasure hidden in Southeast Asia as they face dangerous challenges together they eventually form an unbreakable Bond and discover the true meaning of partnership now that sounds like the typical kind of Adventure treasure hunter story and I guess this doesn't really tell us too much about what's going to happen in the story however if we take a closer look at the scenes that chatty BT has defined for us that's when you start to get an idea for what the story is going to be about so let's do that so here's the part of the chat GPT response that I did not show you earlier as you can see it produced a total of seven distinct scenes each with its own description and some brief dialogue based on this our current Story Goes a little bit like this Maya and Leo accidentally bump into each other on a Southeast Asian market while each one is staring at a map they then reluctantly agreed to work together and try to decipher the map once they do they take off into the jungle and encounter a river crossing which they successfully overcome with it with teamwork they find a hidden temple solve some puzzles and gain access to a treasure chamber they find the treasure but face the Dilemma of having to choose greed or friendship they choose friendship and walk out of the temple together the story closes with both of them standing on a cliff looking out at the landscape okay so this is already pretty good however I'm not entirely sure whether these scenes are enough you've probably noticed how there are some significant gaps between some of the scenes we're not really sure what's happening in the story it's not entirely clear how they get from one scene to the other so I gave Chachi pity some feedback and I asked it to elaborate that's not bad but I don't think those are enough scenes we need to fill the gaps or add detail using the same story create a total of 12 scenes with dialogue and guess what it did just that it added considerably more detail to the different scenes and the storyline and even though there are still some gaps I'm pretty sure we can fill those by ourselves or we can potentially treat them like the end of chapters who knows remember I'm not trying to create a full length graphic novel here I'm just trying to show you what the process would look like if you were to try to do yourself okay so now that we have our story outlined we could probably start creating some images for our graphic novel right well technically yes but we still don't know what our characters actually look like so let's change that so we already know that our two main characters are Maya and Leo however we know very little about both of them but of course that's not a problem because chat GPT will happily oblige and share whatever we need to know so I started off by asking it to describe them please describe each character of the story in 20 words or less and here's what chat GPT responded Maya resourceful determined at fiercely independent Maya is a seasoned treasure hunter with a sharp wit and a kind heart Leo adventurous charismatic and intelligent Leo is a skilled explorer who values loyalty and friendship above all else so while this says a lot about our character's personality and their strengths it's not exactly what we need right now at this stage sure these are important elements of the story however chaturpity already knows this and has already integrated them into the storyline instead what we want to know is what they look like so I tried a different type of prompt I actually wanted you to describe what each character looks like how old they are and what sort of clothes they are wearing and this time chat TPT fully understood what I wanted to hear from it and produced two very brief but suitable descriptions of what Mayan Leo look like Maya late 20s athletic build shoulder length dark hair wears a green cargo vest cocky shorts and sturdy boots carries a satchel Leo early 30s muscular short crop brown hair stubble wears a worn out red bandana base shirt cargo pants and hiking shoes you could probably input these descriptions straight into mid journey and get some decent images however what I usually do is I take some of these elements and I craft an entirely new prompt based on them we also haven't defined any particular art style for our graphic novel yet so let's do that and create some portrait images of Maya and Leo obviously everyone has different tastes in style and depending on what sort of a graphic novel you're working on you'll probably have to experiment with different pumped elements until you get exactly what you're looking for personally I like to use combinations of different art styles because there's rarely a single word that encapsulates exactly what I want for this graphic novel I've decided to use a prompt that looks like this blend of comic art and line art in full natural colors so this combines elements of classic comic book artwork with the high level of detail that usually comes with line art the reason why I've added full natural colors to The Prompt is because mid Journey usually Associates black and white colors with the concept of line art I will usually place this prompt at the beginning of every single prompt that I used to create a particular scene or particular image so why exactly at the beginning well from my personal experience and especially Ever Since switching to version 5 of mid-journey placing the style that you want at the beginning of the prompt tends to be more effective at least that's my personal experience also for this particular exercise I'm not too fixated on keeping the characters 100 consistent in every image my primary objective is to keep the art style roughly the same so let's have a look at our prompt for Maya imagine blend of comic book art and line art and full natural colors a full body portrait shot of an attractive Asian woman in her late 20s with an athletic build and shoulder length dark hair wearing a green cargo vest and khaki shorts with a with sturdy boots carrying a satchel tropical rainforest in the background and then we add our parameters as you can see I'm fully Incorporated most of the details that chatterbt gave us about Maya I've set the aspect ratio to 4 to 5 because I'm creating a portrait image and I set the stylized parameter to 750 because I wanted to return more creative images without going too crazy and will mostly keep this value the same throughout the entirety of this video so here's what Maya roughly looks like according to Mid Journey remember I said I'm not going to be particularly strict with regards to the consistency of our characters today's video is exclusively about the process of creating a graphic novel if you want to learn more about character consistency well then go watch videos about character consistency and I'm not interested in hearing people lament about how all these tools are not capable of producing exactly what they want if you're that damn picky just go learn to draw problem solved so next let's check out what Leo's prompt looks like as you can see the logic is mostly the same I've only replaced the character's features here's what Leo's portrait looks like once again these aren't 100 consistent and that's absolutely fine they are however good enough for what we are trying to do some of these images might actually feel familiar to you because I shared some of these images earlier this week on social media if you'd like to get more real-time updates and insights on what I'm actually working on then follow me on Twitter I share new images ideas and prompts nearly daily and it's a great way to stay in touch as well so now that we've picked a style that works for us it's time to start working on the images of the various different scenes of our story okay so and that was where the real fun starts however it also happens to be one of the more challenging aspects of creating a graphic novel asking chat to BT to come up with storiest characters and scenes as one thing but even if my journey is going to help you create the images for your graphic novel you're still going to have to put in some thought regarding the size of the images as well as the dimensions of the panels for your page some scenes will also require multiple images especially those where you can't really fit all of the action into a single image now chat TPT could probably help you out with this as well however I decide that I would just figure it out myself I mean what's the point if there isn't a single creative element left to this whole process so let's do this ourselves but before I start I just like to give you some fair warning I'm not going to be able to explain every single tiny detail on every single prompt and every single image there's quite a bit of material to go through I mean seriously we've got 12 scenes to work on and and I don't want to bore you too much so let's get started with scene number one scene one in a bustling Southeast Asian market Maya and Leo accidentally bump into each other while following the same ancient map dialogue hey watch where you're going that's my line here's the prompt I used for this image imagine blend of comic book art and line art and full natural colors attractive Western man in his early 30s with short crop brown hair and stubble beard and shirt in beige color walking through bustling Southeast Asian market reading a treasure map version 5 aspect ratio of nine to eight and stylized 750. let me quickly explain structure here a bit I start with the style prompt then I follow with the prompt that describes my character and then I follow up with activities and locations you don't have to do it this way and you'll see me switch things around later on but usually this works quite well you probably also notice the aspect ratio of nine to eight I chose this because I'm going to use smaller panels for this you'll see what I mean at the very end here's what we get from this prompt next up let's create something similar for Maya this is mostly the exact same prompt except that I've replaced the character's features and this gives us the following image so basically the very same type of scene but with Maya in it I still need a third image though because we need to convey the fact that they've bumped into each other in this prompt you'll notice that I start with a style but then I immediately set the scene first only then I add the characters and finally end with the activities as I said you will need to experiment with what works best for you I've also changed the aspect ratio because I'm creating a wider image panel okay so this completes our first scene whether you use just one or multiple images really up to you in today's exercise however you'll see that sometimes one is enough while in other cases I have to use more than one image and yes I'm absolutely aware of the fact that the faces and clothes are not consistent throughout all of these as I've already said that's not the point of today's video you can make these far more consistent with some simple photo bashing and image prompts but the process is simply too time consuming for this video okay let's move on to scene number two my aunt Leo reluctantly agreed to work together deciphering the map's cryptic riddles dialogue fine but we split the treasure deal here's the prompt I used for the first image this prompt is much shorter and focused on the surroundings because I need something that conveys the activity the resulting image isn't perfect but it does a good job of showing what's going on in the scene I need one more image though so we come back to the core prompt except that we're now in a tropical bar and both are deciphering riddles on a map cool so we now have all our images for the second C let's move on to scene number three the duo embarks on their Journey navigating through a vibrant Village filled with locals dialogue we should ask around for Clues good idea for this one we only need a single image this time I'm going to use an aspect ratio of 9 to 8 again because I want to create a bigger panel and here's the image of Maya and Leo walking through the village this transitions us straight into scene number four Mayan Leo received Vital Information from an elderly villager about the treasures history dialogue the treasure is cursed it tests the hearts of those who seek it once again a single image should be sufficient for this since placing three characters into a single scene is always a bit tricky in my journey I've opted to leave out Leo only using Maya makes this much easier to do and I think this one turned out quite alright moving on to scene number five journeying through the dense jungle The Duel encounters a treacherous River Crossing testing their teamwork skills dialogue will need to build a raft on it this scene is a bit trickier because it requires close-ups as well as zoomed out angles we'll probably need three different images for the whole thing so here's the first one I need an image showing both our characters walking through the jungle and a river should be close by I think this one does a pretty good job however I also need an image showing how they arrive at the shoreline of the river for this one I've opted to leave out our character descriptions again because we're focusing on the surroundings and as you can see this works really well because the characters are so small anyway but we still need one final image to close out the scene once again I've chosen a much shorter prompt here and even though the consistency of the characters suffers a lot it does a great job of conveying the activity let's move on to scene number six while resting at their campsite Maya and Leo share stories about their past Adventures finding common ground dialogue I never expected to meet someone who understands this life me neither for this scene I'm going to need a total of two images luckily I can probably squeeze out two images with the same prompt and indeed by simply re-rolling The Prompt a few times I was able to extract these two images one simply shows Maya and Leo at their campsite and on the other one Maya actually has a slightly concerned look on her face which is perfect for what is about to come in scene 7 things get dangerous facing a dangerous snake the pair works together to avoid a deadly bite dialogue distracted I'll grab a stick got it for this scene here's the prompt I used and once again I was able to extract two images from this one one image in which both are approaching the snake another one where Maya is fighting the snake herself alright let's move on to scene number eight the duo discovers a hidden temple entrance and solves a puzzle revealing the entrance to the treasure chamber dialogue we did it Leo together we're Unstoppable for this scene we need at least three images but I'll try to go for four here's the first prompt by simply re-rolling this prompt a few times I was able to extract another two suitable images already this image right here shows them approaching a temple-like structure and this image shows a different perspective as they walk towards the entrance next I need an image suggesting that they're solving a riddle this prompt should give me an image of Leo standing within a temple and sure enough even though this really isn't a perfect image I guess this works but I still need one more image that suggests that they gain access to the chamber I actually had to re-roll this one quite a few times but I finally settled on the following image I like this one because it shows that they're happy to have found the treasure now let's move on to scene number nine inside the chamber Maya and Leo find the treasure but also face a choice greed or friendship dialogue we could just take it all but at what cost so here's the prompt this one is quite easy because I can use the same prompt with two different aspect ratios to get two suitable images here's the image with an aspect ratio of nine to eight and here's another variation using an aspect ratio of nine to four so we're getting much closer to the finishing line now so here's scene number 10. choosing friendship over greed the two leave the treasure behind triggering a trap that seals the chamber dialogue that was a close one we're better off without that curse so for this one I'll probably need three images again but instead of showing you every single prompt I'm going to finish off these last few scenes by only showing you the images that I picked remember the process is largely the same for every single one of these this image shows how Mayan and Leo have their doubts and in the meantime the sun has come up over the jungle they decide to walk away instead exiting the chamber triggers a trap that seals the door Maya turns around one last time and then scene 11 begins Maya and Leo stand side by side on a cliff looking out at the vibrant Southeast Asian landscape celebrating their new Bond dialogue we found something more valuable today friendship I picked this image because I wanted something big enough to cover two-thirds of the page and I'll use this one for the dialogue and finally the story ends with scene number 12. ready for their next adventure the duo walks into the sunset excited for the challenges ahead dialogue where to next partner The World Is Ours to explore so here I do more or less the exact same thing except that I start off with the wider image first followed by a nice big one that covers the rest of the page and that concludes the full story of our graphic novel but we're still missing one essential part we still need a title as well as a cover image so let's get to work I asked chat to BT for some suggestions on what to call our story here's what I asked by the prompt come up with three suggestions for a title for the graphic novel please also describe in 20 words or less what the cover image looks like it then suggested these three titles and it also provided a description for the cover image Maya and Leo back to back wielding their tools with a dense jungle Hidden Temple and ancient map in the background using this description as a template I created the following prompt for my journey you probably noticed that I'm using a multi-promptier the second segment is meant to apply more of a movie poster look while the third segment ensures that we get as little text as possible now check out the images that we get I agree that it might look a little bit too much like a movie poster however I really like the look that it has so I'm Gonna Keep It and if I add Treasures Beyond gold as a title and then it looks like this now all I needed to do was put it all together into a nice graphic novel layout using Affinity publisher and the overview of all of the spreads looks like this since I know how much you guys love to work with templates I actually put together a folder on Google Drive it includes all of the chat GPT prompts and answers it also includes the Affinity files and templates including the cover image and it even includes every single image that I used within this graphic novel if you'd like to get access simply confirm your email at the following address or click the link in the description below and if you'd like to learn more about character design storytelling proc design and just good old prompting and mid-journey then make sure you check out these videos and playlists as well this channel is meant to be a place for you to learn and improve your skills so keep on learning and take care
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 220,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney v5, midjourney version 5, midjourney tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney comic, midjourney comic book, midjourney graphic novel, midjourney graphic novel prompts, midjourney book, midjourney book illustration, midjourney storytelling, chat gpt story, chatgpt storytelling, chatgpt, midjourney consistent character, midjourney consistent style, midjourney character design, midjourney character prompts, midjourney character creation
Id: RPm8mQdxIjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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