Midjourney v5 | 30 colors to use in your prompts with examples | Part 1

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foreign and I like to experiment with AI art today's video is all about the mesmerizing world of colors I have had some success with using different kinds of colors in the previous versions of mid-journey so I wanted to see how mid-journey version 5 does colors as there is a very large amount of colors at first I went through a completely randomized list but then I came to the conclusion that I probably should look at them at least with some kind of a system so in this video let's look at the red yellow blue system that is used in traditional painting I have prompted all of the colors in this video by themselves in three different aspect ratios so one-to-one for square aspect ratio 916 for portrait ratio and 16 to 9 for landscape ratio and then I have also prompted all the colors along with one additional word this is to try to give as wide range of subjects as possible so you can see what effect each color has on the subjects the words I have selected for this purpose are landscape wildlife macro City interior architecture portrait fantasy sci-fi all right let's get to the examples let's start with the fiery and passionate color of red representing energy love and Power in its various shades red here we see some very red items and a few women nothing really that fantastic but the color is beautiful for Nature images I really like the landscape and macro images the wildlife images look kind of weird and unnatural for photographic Style nice red and black combination in architecture related images I like the drawn style that comes out in a few of the city images portraits seem to look a little bit Soviet to me for some reason I adore the flowy dresses in fantasy they kind of look more photographic but not quite sci-fi images are okay too but they feel a little repetitive for me let's take a closer look at the bright and cheerful color of yellow representing Joy optimism and sunshine in all its shades yellow right away we see mostly household objects Ceramics and vases and flowers as well landscape images look okay like pretty photographs but they tend to look like the default style for mid-journey Wildlife has some interesting results although it does want to make the animals unnaturally yellow architecture related images are okay nothing that really stands out for me here portraits seem to get a mix of different painterly styles that I am not even going to pretend to recognize right away I again really like the dresses of fantasy and sci-fi brings in yellow spacesuits this time and mostly guys next up we explore the calming and soothing color of blue representing Serenity trust and wisdom in its various shades blue and we have a lot of blue objects mostly made of glass or other breakable materials in nature images I think I like macro images the most out of these Landscapes are different possibly some HDR photography is showing there but wildlife images look just really weird I like the interior images the most out of these the blue is very elegant for City and architecture this color seems to skew towards nighttime and I do feel like in addition to night time my journey also kind of plays around with the emotion as well all the people in these images look a bit blue less flowy dresses in fantasy but nice Forest imagery and ladies in Blue spacesuits from the side so now as we've looked at the basics I also wanted to explore combinations of them continuing to the energetic and vibrant color of orange representing enthusiasm creativity and warmth in all its shades Orange continuing on with household objects and to no one's surprise oranges the actual orange theme is strong for Nature images too I mean macro images are basically close-ups of oranges and Wildlife is either sitting on or near oranges and landscape images are picturing orange trees I do really like the style of the landscape images sofa architecture related images only the architecture images don't actually have any oranges City images are mostly just hilarious who would photograph Orange's overlooking cities portraits seem to have oranges as well but a quite wide range of styles in this case for Fantasy it looks like the flowy dresses are back some of the images are kind of in concept art style and some are still looking more photorealistic and for sci-fi we get oranges in space possibly because this color comes with so many oranges I wanted to try out the color combinations that traditionally make up the color orange mixing the colors of red and yellow we get a bold and attention-grabbing Hue that exudes confidence and radiance red yellow not actually orange at all but a mixture of red and yellow quite literally but hey no more household objects and vases for Landscapes this color combination produces quite autumn-like images these birds are also looking a bit better than some of the animals we've seen so far and in macro we have bugs and caterpillars Maybe cities look like very Whimsical drawings I like them interior images are a bit too much for my taste portraits seem to give very realistic images I mean the wrinkled lady has just so much detail in her face I like the fantasy images too again a feeling of Autumn and leaves in the forest and none of the images for Fantasy seem to be photographic I love the Sci-Fi images especially the lower right one and just for pedantic reasons I wanted to see what the color combination would do in reverse order and if it would have any impact on the images yellow red and right away we can see that the images look completely different although the color combination is still the same and not Orange So based on this one could say that the order of words in a prompt matters a lot I think I preferred the Nature images with the other combination more but Landscapes are still painterly and look like autumn I'm not a fan of these birds so while the city images are drawn here too we had all images in the last combination looking basically 2D but now we still have a less Whimsical style of drawing with an additional perspective dimension still not a fan of this color combination for interior design the style of portraits is entirely different they're basically yellow but kind of Soviet I guess that is the red that mid-journey recognizes for these fantasy images are similarly nice some Oddities here if you look closely sci-fi is kind of reminding me of Terminator for some reason next let's explore the refreshing and rejuvenating color of green representing growth balance and Harmony in its various shades cream we've gone back to household objects made of glass Nature images are looking slightly more natural if you disregard the green coloring of the squirrels City and architecture have some nice Lush and overgrown plant life and the interior design is much more elegant with color tones that don't scream at your eyes interestingly the people in the portraits also have green eyes in addition to green clothing for Fantasy we have lost the ladies in flowy dresses for a moment and we see mansions in Lush environments looking almost abandoned and I like the Sci-Fi images too although they are just what we've kind of seen before just green let's see another combination of colors that normally produce green combining yellow and blue creates a unique color that's bright and cheerful yet Serene and peaceful yellow blue lots of ladies with blue or yellow makeup or paint on their faces feels kind of Swedish Nature images are looking okay for me the one bird in the top left is kind of strange I can't tell if it's even a bird architecture related images are now all quite photographic interior images are looking simpler than before I think I like the fantasy images the most out of these portraits are okay and sci-fi is a bit creepy I think and one of the fantasy images is kind of borderline on the other hand blending blue and yellow creates a different shade that's equally intriguing representing logic and intuition blue yellow for some reason we now got Ceramics and glassware again landscape images are nice Wildlife is again kind of weird and macro images are okay too nice colors of I don't know what city has again lots of those Whimsical 2D houses like children's drawings and again really simple interior design for some reason maybe the word I'm looking is not as elegant as we've seen portraits also seem to have different kinds of art styles again I like fantasy images we've even got one kind of abstract swell there and one borderline image again and sci-fi is again kind of creepy with the yellow Androids continuing to the Regal and luxurious color of purple representing creativity mystery and royalty in its various shades purple now we get quite a wide variety of objects including precious stones and flowers I normally like purple but the landscape shade looks kind of strange some of the purple squirrels look okay and some look again very weird architecture related images are going back to night time again and interior images are a lot more elegant than the previous color combinations we just looked at [Music] the last set of images is going back to more realistic or at least CGI looking Style fantasy has some nice variety as well to the flowy dresses that I still do like and sci-fi even has some futuristic hallways combining blue and red creates a color that's bold and dynamic representing confidence and strength blue red a lot of string and hair here a few of the Landscapes are nice macros have pretty colors but Wildlife is looking strange not much to say about the architecture related images kind of untraditional color combination that you don't see every day in these contexts and the last set of images kind of goes off on The Duality of these colors I like a few of these images but majority is looking kind of strange let's see what happens the other way around blending red and blue creates a different shade that's equally striking representing power and stability red blue less string and even more hair thoughts about nature images are about the same nice landscape images although untraditionally colored and the wildlife seems to have gone even weirder and I'm starting to notice that many of the wildlife is in tall grass with these color prompts for some reason this color combination feels more modern to me City images have some HDR photography style going on there as well sci-fi still has the weird Duality thing going on but portraits and fantasy are looking better but that one girl at the top left really doesn't know how to do makeup and why is the nose blue for the lower right portrait next let's take a look at the vibrant and bold Hue of Vermilion representing passion energy and excitement Vermilion some nice Nature images here and I somehow get the feeling that the word for million is connected to some type of anime or an anime character I don't know why but I expected Birds instead of foxes for wildlife but almost all of the nature images are looking realistic architecture seems to also go towards quaint towns I don't know what the reason could be behind that fantasy and sci-fi images are really nice and different this time for Fantasy there is again that hint of anime and sci-fi doesn't have close-ups of people in Vermilion colored spacesuits yes the people are in Vermillion colored spacesuits but not up close combining red and orange creates a fiery and dynamic color representing adventure and enthusiasm red orange and we're again in the land of household objects and oranges a few of the nature images actually don't feature oranges for a change quite nice Aesthetics for the landscape images here but wildlife and macro still do oranges I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me but it feels like mid-journey has actually combined red and orange here into one color Vermilion did look kind of very red for me portraits and fantasy seem to have some and a lot of oranges respectively and sci-fi has space corridors on the other hand blending orange and red creates a different shade that's equally captivating representing excitement and ambition orange red but all we see is oranges and household objects that are orange colored and orange shaped orange is a really strong word it seems but hey no oranges in landscape images this time city has some Whimsical drawings again and interior is the interior of some kind of a boat or vehicle possibly portraits have really a lot of styles and a lot of oranges too along with fantasy I like the Sci-Fi images here a lot red yellow had a similar spaceman in the lower right just in a more yellow tone continuing to the warm and inviting color of amber representing energy creativity and positivity Amber and it would make sense that the word Amber would produce both the color of amber and actual Amber some of the Landscapes have a nice stained glass vibe to them and for wildlife for some reason Amber results in baby foxes and the word Amber is so strong it completely takes over the city and architecture images for portraits I guess mid-journey wants to draw portraits of people named Amber there is no amber color in the portraits so it is hard to guess why that has happened the lower two fantasy images are great some autumn colors going on there there is a figurine actually on the top left and I would have liked the top right one too but it is kind of stretched sci-fi images look great too there are amber colored suits but at least they're not spacesuits mixing orange and yellow creates a sunny and energetic color representing enthusiasm and cheerfulness orange yellow for this one we have a mix of household items some oranges and some yarn and a few orange patterns as well with oranges in nature images wildlife and macro still are overpowered by oranges Landscapes look nice they actually don't seem to have oranges but are orange and yellow for City images we again see the Whimsical style I don't know what it is that brings it out like this there is surprisingly little oranges in the interior images and so many vases the last three themes look very different for some reason the portraits seem to have a distinct painting style fantasy has pretty ladies with leaves in their hair and beautiful swirling abstract stuff and sci-fi also has some really nice stuff blending yellow and orange creates a different shade that's equally bright and vibrant representing warmth and spontaneity yellow orange this combination seems to bring in a lot more yarn than the other way around Nature images look kind of similar to orange yellow I guess macro images don't have distinctly oranges in the images Landscapes don't have any oranges there either City images again have the Whimsical style in some of the images portraits are very realistic and different from the orange yellow combination fantasy images look great although the lady in the bottom left looks kind of strange if you look at it closely the Sci-Fi Android is very spooky but the other images are very abstract for some reason next let's explore the bold and unconventional color of chartres representing originality freshness and individuality chatras is shatras a name of a drink too or something because we get a lot of bottles and glasses with this word for Landscapes we get a lot of houses in a mountainous landscape could it remind mid-journey of some place I feel like it's French for wildlife we have green birds this time so from these images it is pretty clear that a place called chatras or something similar must exist still looks kind of medieval and quite French for mid-journey to generate images like this it must have a really strong reference point so far all the other city and architecture images have been some not very specific cities this really stands out and the drink Theme Goes strong for the last three themes too portraits and sci-fi have some distinct stylization on the images that don't depict just drinks and fantasy is just all glasses this has been quite a surprising color combining yellow and green creates a bright and refreshing color representing new beginnings and growth yellow green we seem to get a variety of items like flowers produce textiles and even yarn Landscapes seem to go back to the photographic Style with some summery looks Wildlife has some reptilians and birds architecture related images don't really have anything noteworthy photographic style mostly portraits have some people with their faces painted fantasy images look pretty again and sci-fi has some futuristic locations and Views instead of spacesuits refreshing change on the other hand blending green and yellow creates a different shade that's equally Lively and optimistic representing nature and renewal green yellow lots of yarn mixed in with random other stuff Landscapes and macro images look pretty similar to yellow green in Wildlife there is one less reptilian and one more bird in grass a few of the city images are actually nighttime images as it would seem and interior has some painted style as well portraits have less face paint the boy in the upper right corner has some very powerful and piercing eyes in fantasy there are less ladies in flowy dresses and more forests imagery and sci-fi has quite similarly environment images instead of spacesuits continuing to the cool and calming color of teal representing Tranquility sophistication and depth teal oddly all images are on a white background but mostly belts and handbags Landscapes look pretty I love the color and Wildlife and macro are obviously depicting teal ducks how could they not the city images look very different you can barely tell they're supposed to be cities on a few of the images but I like them they're different portraits seem to be of teal ducks again fantasy images look nice a little bit stretched though or maybe it's just my imagination and for sci-fi we have again spacesuits mixing green and blue creates a refreshing and calming Hue representing Harmony and balance green blue the overarching theme looks to be glass although there seems to be a variety of other things as well Landscapes look very summery looks like heavily edited images because the sky is not usually this blue and grass is usually not this green grass looks to be something that appears in the wildlife images quite often and architecture images look also quite heavily filtered that face paint on the lower left woman is really ugly fantasy images look again nice although the top left image is kind of strange if you look at it closely the woman is facing one way but the knee is bent to a different direction blending blue and green creates a different shade that's equally captivating representing peace and stability blue green again a lot of glass but also many buttons similar images in the nature themes compared to green blue I don't think rabbits are supposed to look blue and so much grass again why does this color combination result in HDR portraits are looking very painted this time around I love the fantasy images so atmospheric and sci-fi images look great too awesome worlds I can't wait until we can actually start exploring worlds like that next let's take a closer look at the rich and luxurious color of violet representing creativity spirituality and inspiration violet obviously we see a lot of violets here in macro images too but landscape images seem to have some Lavender Fields instead the animals look cute although they also seem to be partly colored violet City images seem to be nighttime images and Interiors are looking very elegant for some reason the portraits all have bags under their eyes fantasy images look nice the ladies are more realistic than their surroundings it seems and by realistic I mean they are not drawn or painted and look more rendered same thing applies to the Sci-Fi images the people look like characters from a video game combining blue and purple creates a color that's Serene and imaginative representing wisdom and introspection blue purple although this should essentially be Violet there is no violence but a lot of flowers nevertheless macro images look nice Landscapes look weird in this coloration and the wildlife is really odd City images look cool somewhat whimsical I'm starting to think that the HDR look is coming from the blue for some reason portraits are showcasing come very dramatic makeup fantasy images tend to be more abstract but pretty and one cool dress as well sci-fi this time made some spaceship Interiors I think blending purple and blue creates a different shade that's equally intriguing representing mystery and intuition purple blue actually a few violets here in addition to other flowers landscape images mostly looking a bit weird still with the exception of the upper right image Wildlife is looking better with this combination very vibrant colors on these birds and HDR again in the architecture related images portraits this time have a really wide variety of different styles fantasy images again looking great and Atmospheric the lady with three legs is a bit off but the dress is pretty and sci-fi again has mostly generated spaceship Interiors continuing to the vibrant and intense color of magenta representing passion creativity and transformation magenta this is the first time mid-journey actually has images of color all magenta colored hair I love these landscape images not traditional colors but they just fit the same cannot be said about wildlife images they are simply horrible architecture related images don't hold any surprises here elegant Interiors portraits seem to be in painted Style fantasy is otherwise nice but I think the images are a bit stretched or distorted again and sci-fi has some cyberpunk Vibe for me maybe it's the color mixing purple and red creates a color that's bold and luxurious representing ambition and sophistication purple red lots of textiles and yarn Landscapes give some Lavender Fields with red grass or sky the birds don't look very natural to me and again we have some grass and macro has some bugs and stuff cities again do nighttime images Interiors don't look that great in my opinion purple leather couches and red walls or curtains kind of ugly portraits have a wide variety of painted styles again fantasy goes heavy on the dresses and make up this time and sci-fi has a mix of typical sci-fi images blending red and purple creates a different shade that's equally striking representing passion and drama red purple lots of flowers and textiles with just this combination Landscapes have similar images to purple red lots of Lavender Fields the lavender theme seems to continue to Wildlife as well but the animals are really unrealistically red architecture related images again look very similar to purple red again with the purple leather couches portraits too have a mix of styles from photographic to painted so does fantasy but some of the images are kind of strange sci-fi mostly seems to continue the spaceship interior theme but those were the colors for this video usually I have explained exactly how I made my images before going into the examples but this time I thought I would leave it to the end for those that are really interested in how the images in this video were made I have received some comments that my way of prompting may be a bit confusing so I have now left out a few parameters from The Prompt texts of this video let me know if you prefer to see the prompts in this way or would you like me to show the entire prompt I used each time but basically the formula for the prompts I usually use is this all of the images that I have prompted also have dash dash no text Com or mock-up this is to reduce any text showing up or picture frames or somebody holding something basically to make the images prettier and I have also used dash dash seed 777 for all the images in this video I have been making this video for so long already I don't think you will be able to recreate the exact same images with the combinations I have provided even if you add the seed number but the seed number is important for myself probably more because it helps me check how the images with the exact same prompts have changed between model updates and I have wanted to include it to my videos as well so anyone could at least in theory be able to generate the exact same image or something very similar to it depending of course how much the model has changed since the release of the video but I really thank you for watching if you have enjoyed this kind of content please consider subscribing to my channel and I always appreciate all likes and comments I get let's continue prompting foreign [Music]
Channel: Thaeyne
Views: 7,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Midjourney, aesthetic, ai, aiart, exploration, imageprompting, midjourneyart, midjourneyv5, new, style
Id: EXt3jbgkyls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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