Midjourney Control for Beginners & Advanced Users! (Every Command!)

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hey everyone so today we are taking a look at all of the dash dash parameters available to you in mid-journey I think this will be a very handy video for you if you're just getting started with mid-journey or you're an advanced user because you know actually I ended up picking up a couple of things as I was diving into all of this as a quick note these are all of the dash dash commands that are available to us today my journey does have the tendency to add new features with each version sometimes they just drop new features out of nowhere but very rarely do they take perimeter commands away from us so if you're watching this sometime in the future all of the information here should still be valid lastly this video does serve as a companion piece to a video that I did on prompting fairly recently you don't have to have watched that first these videos both work completely independently but if you haven't caught it it is linked below okay let's dash dash into dash dash perimeters in mid Journey offer several different ways to modify your image prompt and although most of our examples will showcase the power of each one of these perimeters in an individual context it's really when you start combining them together that you start getting some pretty incredible results perimeters should always be added to the end of your prompt with a dash dash followed by the command if you're doing multiple parameters you don't need commas between them and truthfully I haven't noticed any difference if you swap the order around okay let's go take a look at all of our commands so this is the list of all of the basic parameters available to us in mid-journey because with aspect ratios and ends with video we're going to be going through each one of these so you know you don't need to hardly read this or screenshot it or anything and in fact all of the visual information in this video will be available as a PDF over on the gumroad it is completely free but as always donations are always appreciated and I do thank everyone that has donated in the past you guys have been really awesome kicking off with aspect ratios which arguably has the largest effect on your overall image you would issue this command with dash dash AR aspect ratios Define the proportional relationship of the width to height of your overall image for for example 16x9 I think everybody knows as that's you know the shape of most of our TVs three by four is a fairly common photographic aspect ratio and 9x16 is the aspect ratio for everyone's favorite Black Mirror but ever since version 5 we've had the ability to use whatever aspect ratio we want which is actually super cool for example this is a viking on a battlefield with an aspect ratio of 16 9 while we take that same prompt and put in an aspect ratio of 10-4 and then we have a viking on a battlefield at a aspect ratio of twelve two so do experiment with different aspect ratios they're actually super fun and one of the things that I've kind of discovered is that mid journey is a very very good at maintaining a compositional structure even in the weirdest aspect ratios that you throw at it moving on to chaos which is one of my favorite commands and you can issue with dash dash chaos or dash dash C with a value of zero to one hundred this command introduces some unpredictability to your initial set of four Images so the way chaos works is that every time you issue a prompt those words are then converted into numbers the chaos function introduces random numbers into that prompt while still maintaining the overall Integrity of your initial prompt so in mid-journey recombines all of these numbers into an image we have these chaotic elements that are floating around in there dependent upon how strong you issued the chaos command for example this is Jimi Hendrix playing guitar on a Caribbean pirate ship in the year 1780. I don't know why I came up with this but I can't help but think that those would be some awesome sea chanties adding in a cast of 25 gives us these results which they're okay uh one and three I think probably look the most in line with the prompt whereas number two just kind of looks like a Jimi Hendrix themed show on a Carnival Cruise Line adding a chaos of 50 gives us these results which you can see things are kind of starting to break apart really the only image that looks like our initial prompt is that first one though I do have to say I do like those three other images and that's kind of where I think the strength of chaos lies is these unpredictable results that may lead you into completely different directions of course you crank all the knobs up which you should do because it's Jimi Hendrix to a chaos of 100 you do end up with some pretty surreal results for example in image number four where it looks like Jimi hendrix's guest appearance on some 60s cop show or in image number three which is I don't even know what's happening there that is so far away from the initial prompt moving on to fast which we're going to cover very quickly now fast on its own is not a command that you will generally issue mid journey is always by default running at fast the more important command is dash dash relax which slows mid-journey down but does not burn your overall GPU hours for the month additionally mid Journey has recently introduced turbo which is dash dash turbo which speeds your image generation up significantly but at two times the cost of your GPU time moving on to image waiting which is a perimeter that we can control when we have a reference image attached to our prompt I think in general people do tend to get a little frustrated with image prompting in mid-journey but a good way of looking at image waiting is using it as almost a style opacity filter so I rolled up Van Gogh painting of a city at night it is obviously very Starry Night influenced and just to juxtapose that I rolled up a completely different type of image this was avant-garde conceptual cinematic film of the 1902 George George malay's film a trip to the moon deep aesthetic intricate details by James Jean and Chris Cunningham so if you're just using an image reference and a prompt your Image Weight defaults to one so in this case I took the image of the van Gogh painting use that as an image reference and then used The Prompt of a trip to the moon and we got this image which is a really interesting combination of the two as it has obviously elements of Van Gogh's starry night along with I guess that trip to the moon prop definitely leaned heavier into the James Jean and Chris Cunningham aspects but yeah overall it ended up a pretty nice mashup between those two images taking that same set of prompts and cranking the image weight up to two leads to these results where obviously the van Gogh Starry Night painting kind of really overpowers the Chris Cunningham James Jean trip to the moon aspect of the prompt but interestingly because we know that image waiting defaults to one we can actually turn down the volume a little bit so this is running that same prompt with an image weight of 0.5 and you can see now that the James Jean Chris Cunningham trip to the moon aspect is push more to the Forefront whereas the van Gogh isms are kind of a little more muted moving on to no no might be the most frustrating command in the index of mid-journey commands it is not uncommon for mid-journey to know your no when it works by issuing the command dash dash no followed by an item a comma another item a comma another item is that you are instructing the mid-journey bot that these are the items that you do not want to see in your image for example this is a cowboy obviously he is wearing a hat because that is what cowboys do so let's prompt a cowboy with a no command of hat and we get this image which is still a cowboy we've added a horse in there because that's the other thing that Cowboys do right is they have hats and horses so now let's get tricky and try to add in dash dash no hat comma horse and we do end up with an image of a character without a hat or a horse though I do think that mid Journey gets a little bit confused by the overall Arc Type of cowboy when you're saying no hat no horse because in mid Journey's mind that's what Cowboys have though I do think it's funny that without a hat and horse mid Journey just added empty bottles to all of them so that's the other thing that Cowboys are apparently is drunks as a bit of an advanced technique I know you can actually multi-prompt weight nose as well no on its own has a default value of negative 0.5 so you can actually multi-prompt in a situation like this with cowboy no horse Comet no hat and then colon colon minus one which should result in a stronger no hat again that said no matter how strongly you know sometimes mid journey is just not going to listen to you so just keep that in mind moving on we have repeat which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like you issued the command dash dash repeat or dash dash R followed by a number and your prompt will repeat that many times for example here we have a wizard standing in a magical forest with a repeat set to four It'll ask you do you want to repeat you just hit yes and off it goes so we do end up with a number of sort of samey results which makes sense because it basically is just the same prompt run four times in a row so an interesting use case for repeat might be to also combine it with a chaos command to get some variety as you can see by adding in a chaos of 40 with a repeat of three because I didn't feel like burning a bunch of hours we end up with multiple different iterations of basically Gandalf but you know still they are posed differently than sort of the saminess of that initial repeat if you're on the standard plan you can issue repeats between two and ten times if you're on the Pro Plan you can go up to 40. but again remember those you burn your GPU hours so you know just be careful with it moving on to seeds which can be a little confusing at first so I'm going to back up a second and explain exactly what what a seed is as I mentioned earlier when you issue a prompt in well really any AI generator that prompt is converted into numbers the bot then takes that series of numbers and plots out an initial field of static in which it begins generating its image that initial first burst of static is your seed we can actually take a look at it by kind of jumping ahead a little bit to the stop command which allows us to stop the image generation at any point that we choose so I'm going to run a wizard standing in a magical forest one more time and I'm going to stop it very early in so that we can see the initial burst of static so as you can see by running a stop command of 10 which is the lowest you can actually run a stop we see sort of like this blurry it's just starting kind of image that's beginning to form that is roughly the beginning of our seed now we can either upscale one of these blurry messes or I can take this initial so great of four head over to these three buttons and hit the envelope button and mid Journey will then send us information about this image including the seed number as you can see we've got our blurry mess here and right here we have our seed number that I can then copy so if I wanted to finish this image off I could take the same prompt and then add dash dash seed followed by the seed number that mid Journey provided us and essentially we're going to get the image that we would have gotten had I not issued that stop command and there it is so seeds are very helpful in terms of creating similar themes and overall Vibes across your images and to a degree you can even do some manipulation within your prompt using the same seed another interesting thing that I found out is that apparently you could just put in your own seed I didn't actually realize that you could just make your own numbers up for example I ran photograph down at a barbecue with a seed of twenty thousand which I'd did input myself and then ran that same prompt again with the exact same seed number and interestingly enough ended up with the exact same image but there's a lot of experimenting that you can do when you lock your seed for example this is a robot at the beach with a seed of ten thousand three and then I take the same prompt and Seed only altering the aspect ratio to 16 9 and while you can see yes the images aren't exactly the same they do have the overall Vibe of that initial image the robot in image number one looks relatively like the robot in the first image of the original and the pose of the robot in image three is around the same as the pose of the robot in image 3 in the original locking the seed and adding to the prompt creates some nice variations as well for example this is a robot at the beach with the added apocalypse Wasteland pose Humanity things got a little dark here and maintaining the same seed ends up with these images which again things are shuffled around for example in image number one we have our robot that is sitting on a chair who appeared previously in image number four uh image number two's robot is relatively I think the same in terms of uh kind of like that rounded shape and definitely in terms of his placement and the Wasteland robot in image number three is relatively the same compositionally at least as the robot in the initial 16 9 image as well seeds are a concept that I do recommend you familiarize yourself with as it does travel across all of the various AI generators and even into AI video stop we did touch on earlier to be honest it's a command that I don't think I ever use but to issue it it's dash dash stop and you have perimeters from 10 to 100 100 being completion and 10 being you know what we saw with the wizard moving over to style there are basically two Styles in mid-journey there's the default mid-journey aesthetic and then there's raw mode a little less opinionated a little more photographic possibly a little more boring but it depends on what you're going for because the default is the aesthetic version there really is only one command for style and that is style raw in which you can put a prompt in and run it under the raw engine for example this is Cinematic still Style by 1940s romantic film handsome man in a tuxedo eyes filled with joy at a cocktail party in the standard aesthetic mid-journey model whereas this is the same prompt In The Raw mode it's a little less saturated a little more subdued in my opinion but in all honesty to me at least looks more in tone with a 1940s romantic film when you go with very simple prompts it becomes very clear exactly how heavy-handed mid Journeys Aesthetics can be at times for example this is toast just toast and that is some extreme toast whereas as in the Raw mode we have toast just regular old yeah that's toast now in the default of static mode there is a way that we can control the amount of style that mid-journey is placing upon your prompts and that is with the stylized command or Dash Dash stylize or dash dash s by default stylize is set to 100 so by knowing that we can either increase or decrease the amount of stylization we want on an image for example this is a perfect day with a stylized of 100 which basically means it is default cranking it up to a thousand as I do enjoy doing uh gives us these images which are very nice heavily stylized it does look like a perfect day I'm just not sure what planet that perfect day is happening on having things down to a stylized of 500 gives us this which again looks very very nice stylized but what's interesting about the stylized being at 100 is that we can actually reduce reduce the amount of stylization as well for example this is a perfect day with a stylize of 20 which while still very imaginative looks a lot more grounded earth-based and a little less busy than say stylized 1000. moving on we have the tile perimeter which is dash dash tile to be honest I don't really use this very often but I can see it being very handy for those of you who are designing things for Fabrics or textures or even wallpapers playing around with tile for this video actually did lead to some pretty interesting results with very minimal prompts and playing around with different aspect ratios I also did end up creating the most terrifying children's room wallpaper ever two quick interesting notes zooming out does not continue on with the seamless patterning but it does make things even more terrifying and what's really interesting is that panning actually kind of breaks things as well you can actually see that hard line right there when I issued a pan to the right weird I'm actually not going to go into a lot of detail on I did an entire deep dive video into weird you can check that out that is linked below but briefly like the command says it adds weirdness to your image you can control it from a range of zero to three thousand three thousand is a giant mess I would highly recommend not going that high I've kind of found that my best results happen in the range of like 25 to 100 and if you use it in conjunction with a stylized command you can end up with some pretty decent results so uh if you'd like to learn more about weird again that video is linked below and rounding up we have video which is not going to create a video of The Prompt that you issue mid-journey at least not yet it isn't rather it creates a video of your image being generated let's check it out here so I just took our avant-garde conceptual cinematic film of a trip to the moon prompt again I'm running that at an aspect ratio of 16 9 and then add it in dash dash video so we're gonna hit that once our image is generated we can then go and react to it again with an envelope and really within a few seconds we have an mp4 of our image being generated take a look at that real quick it's cool um to be honest I really don't use video ever um but I'm glad to know that it's there in case an idea ever comes to mind let me know if you've actually seen anyone use the video command in a creative way I'd be really curious to see that and those are our current mid-journey command perimeters now mid Journey with every version and sometimes just weekly is dropping new commands and perimeters so please do make sure you hit the like And subscribe button and I will be making videos about them as they come out I thank you for watching my name is Tim foreign foreign
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 29,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney commands, midjourney combine images, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney dash dash, midjourney beginner tutorial, midjourney advanced tutorial, ai art
Id: 56TnVebX6HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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