Mastering Midjourney v6 : A Deep Dive into the New Version!

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hey everyone well this is pretty exciting mid Journey version 6 has been released and this is a pretty significant update over version 5.2 in terms of Aesthetics and prompt understanding we even have a few new features in version 6 although this is a Beta release so we are actually missing a few features as well we'll get to that in just a minute so today we're going to take a deep dive into version 6 looking at prompting of course we're going to do some image comparisons and I've already got a few tips and tricks for you okay let's Dive In the first thing you want to do is to make sure that you are running version 6 in order to do so issue the command SL settings and then just choose mid Journey model V6 alternatively if you just want to experiment with version 6 and don't want to fully commit you could always just add D- V6 to the end of any prompt and V6 will render that prompt and while V6 is available on the mid Journey Alpha website I know that not everyone has access to that yet so uh I'm just going to stick to Discord for today's video as a major change with V6 prompting has changed according to Mid Journey themselves prompting with V6 is significantly different than V5 you will need to relearn how to prompt V6 is also much more sensitive to your prompt uh you'll want to avoid junk keywords like award-winning photo realistic 4K and 8K be explicit about what you want according to Mid Journey it might be less viby but the model is much better at understanding what you looking for for many of our previous versions if you want the less opinionated less heavily stylized version use-- raw now despite all of that advice I still do stand by my Mantra that there is no right or wrong way to prompt there are of course efficient and effective methods of prompting but even just taking something basic like toast and running that you will end up with you know a very lovely image of toast and taking that same toast prompt and adding a styze of 1000 to it gets us this beautiful Heart Stopper I do like the fact that it's got the fried egg and the bacon on there but it's on whole wheat toast so you know it evens out in general I found that my standard prompt formula of medium style scene action modulate parameters seems to be holding up pretty well uh I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on that I did do an entire video on this that is linked down below so kicking off with an image that I don't know it's kind of vaguely inspired by a made for Apple TV movie uh this is Cinematic scene dramatic film closeup a young fisherman on a boat and a young woman look longingly at one another in love Northeast United States rainfalling at an aspect ratio of 21 pushing in really shows where V6 shines the detail in her skin uh and the eyes and in the hair in particular that's something that I very much noticed uh the hair looks a lot more realistic and detailed right even down to sort of like the drops of rain that are in her hair hair and like on her jacket it is interesting to note how much the new model is paying attention to your keywords uh for example just swapping out Northeast for Northwest gives us well this very attractive couple who very clearly have a Pacific Northwest Vibe going on and I'm super jealous of that hat that hat is really really cool although I am a little concerned about whatever is going on with this skin here I think he's going to need some kind of ointment or balm for that I don't want to get too lost in the woods on prompting here again I did a whole other video on that but I did want to say that as we're moving into this new model that does have a different prompting style I do encourage you to play around with different ideas on prompting even just going fully minimal on your prompts can lead to some pretty interesting results but by cranking up your styze to say 1,000 and giving very minimal prompts like Innovative Visionary it's actually kind of cool or other worlds it really does give you an idea of what the model is capable of previous to the release of version 6 I did hear some I mean I guess gu criticism that the jumping quality between version 5.2 and 6 was incremental compared to the jump between version 5 and version 5.2 but I do think that's kind of unfair and is fairly unfounded when you look at prompts back to back so taking our old friend the man in the blue business suit walking down a city street in version 5.2 we get this which is solid it's an image that I've come to expect in version 5.2 slightly soft in terms of the image I just noticed that he's wearing like uh three tie clips as well for some reason maybe that's the fashion in whatever City he lives in meanwhile here's just one role in version 6 uh maybe not the most compelling of images but again it's man in a blue business suit walking down a city street uh but overall you know it's it's much more Dynamic it's just not as flat in terms of its composition I do feel that the character himself does have a little more personality to him and just in terms of background details and sort of the world there's just a lot more going on in this version 6 than there is in the 5.2 version and if you really want to split hairs well here it is in V4 and look I know that you're probably like oh God my eyes um I don't know I still like V4 V4 is just super weird and kind of gritty and just dirty and grimy I don't know I love V4 taking another one of the Channel's recurring characters the Cyber Punk woman with white hair uh this is photograph Style by cyberpunk woman with long white hair and combat armor City alley autumn colors fall all day at an aspect ratio of 169 I know normally we run her in the winter because I think the first time I ran her I said you never see cyberpunk in the winter and then a bunch of you commented with like the end of Blade Runner 2049 dummy I was like ah so my new challenge is cyberpunk in the fall I do not think I've seen that anyhow overall I do think that she looks pretty great there's some pretty heavy bouquet going on with the background that does mask you know kind of cyber Punk but uh you definitely get a lot of those fall colors in there uh and in terms of her costume and sort of character design I think she looks really great but the V6 version is kind of on another level I mean yes you do kind of still get that bouqu background where you're not getting a lot of cyberpunk details but as a character she is definitely much sharper she kind of has a lot more pose and attitude and again as I mentioned earlier the hair is just so much more lifelike if there is one trick that I definitely have noticed that V6 seems to favor it is putting objects in the foreground uh as with this Leaf you know in front of our cyberpunk woman it is a very subtle but very effective way of reinforcing the fact that your subject is actually present in that location as a quick note all of the images from today's video plus this PDF worksheet are available over on the gumroad it is completely free although donations are always greatly appreciated they really go a long way I really really do thank everyone who has donated previously moving on to our first major feature of version 6 we have creative upscaling and this one is pretty big in order to use creative upscale you of course must upscale so going back to our original example of just boring toast by the way um I did cherry pick that earlier one um in the initial role there was just we got toast on fire which I guess is a way of making toast right anyhow once you've taken an upscale from your grid of four you will then be presented with options to either upscale subtle or upscale creative the toast let's face it is pretty boring and I wanted something more exciting so we went with cinematic still Ultra wide angle Godzilla rampaging through a modern city building destruction people running Kaiju chaos at an aspect ratio of 169 I mean that is pretty awesome I mean granted we did not get scandalous Godzilla as we did a few videos back but maybe that's for the best so running an upscale subtle gives us this which looks still fantastic uh we just pretty much just doubled our resolution not much else has changed but you get some really cool details when you run an upscale creative um as you can see if we zoom in here um like our boy's face is definitely a lot more detailed than it was in the original upscale now that said creative upscale can be a bit of a double-edged sword uh for example in our initial image we have a lot more like city destruction going on here uh more people running on the streets as well uh and then in our creative upscale although we get the better Godzilla face uh the building is much more intact uh a solution to that of course because these images are very much the same we can bring them into Photoshop or whatever image editor you like stack them on top of one another and then just take an eraser and kind of you know blend in uh our old areas of Destruction which is kind of interesting just by riding the opacity here you can actually see how much creative upscale brings to the table H pretty cool the other big feature is that we can now prompt for text in mid journey I at least kind of I mean it works as well as it does in say idiogram or any of the other AI image generators that give you text maybe just a little bit better and I do have a couple of tricks on that that front to have text appear in your image you simply encapsulate that text within quotation marks uh for example here is a copy of Stephen Kings the Gunslinger sitting on a table this is an image that I tried to roll up previously in version 5.2 you know obviously never got the text so aside from the fact that it doesn't actually look like a copy of the Gunslinger which is a much shorter book The Cover is not right and I just noticed that it's the the Gunslinger I mean yeah you got me m Journey here's a film poster for a sci-fi horror movie called The inhuman not the the inhuman thank you very much mid Journey uh yeah uh worked out pretty well on this one and finally a good oldfashioned like And subscribe subtle I know and here's the thing to get to that like And subscribe we went through a lot of iterations here's another one that had a like and And subscribe uh this one only had well this was actually not even it was like to describe and then ultimately it would get super frustrating when you would end up with like correct text but then there would be something kind of janky going on with the image like where this hair strand is kind of going through her uh sunglasses now I can't can't say fully for certain but I did feel like I was getting better results when I would either wait the text prompt as in uh quotation mark text and quotation mark colon colon and then a weight of like two or three or when I would use all caps across the text that said there were still of course a number of rolls so it could have been luck of the draw but I do feel that those two commands did help in some way speaking of commands yes there are a number of commands that are not yet working in version six uh the commands that currently are supported are aspect ratio chaos weird tile well it's right here and the unsupported ones are our pan our Zoom our very region in painting uh tuning and describe describe apparently does work it's just describing from the V5 model there is a new V6 describe coming out and I am super excited about that cuz describe is actually one of my favorite functions although I do want to point out although we don't have very region or in painting uh very subtle and very strong have gotten very powerful in version 6 um for example here we have illustration Style by blue and yellow motorcycle in the forest at an aspect ratio of 169 and by issuing a very subtle on that and changing the keyword of motorcycle to Van we get this image which is yes A variation not an in paint but it looks really really close I think it was confirmed that when we were in painting in version 5.2 what we were actually doing was in painting with a newer model which could obviously lead to some in congruencies in the image but you know now that it is version 6 to version 6 it seems like it's functioning pretty well so that's pretty much our Deep dive into version 6 uh I will of course be keeping an eye on all of the mid Journey updates as they start rolling forward and if you have a minute you might want to check out this video which um kind of bombed on me in all honesty but I thought it was a pretty good video with some pretty interesting stuff so i' love it if you sto by and check that one out as well I thank you for watching by my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 46,378
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Id: LJ36dMlw5C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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