Mastering Pika 1.0 - Tutorial & Look at the New AI Video Generator!

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hey everyone so Pika the incredible and free AI video generator has begun rolling out its big 1.0 update P was nice enough to invite me to an onboarding session for the new 1.0 version so I thought I'd take what I'd learned there and pass it along to you so today I'm going to show you everything you need to know to get started with Pika and I think this is a perfect jump on point for new users as well and if you're a pika Pro well there are a lot of quality of life updates that you're really going to enjoy okay let's Dive In so first off and probably most importantly if you don't have access to Pika you will need to sign up on the wait list that said they have begun admitting users in so hopefully your wait won't be too long once you have access well I have good news for you Discord haters the UI is webbased the UI on the site is really well thought out there's a couple little tricks I'll be going over in just a minute so obviously you will first see this explore page there's nothing here yet this will populate as more users come in and begin generating material uh we also have my library here this is everything that you've generated so far as well as two different options to view down below you'll have your promp box obviously uh the ability to upload images or videos for reference uh video options over here your motion controls and perimeters so initially we're going to start off pretty simple and then of course we're going to get weird from there so this is going to be um cinematic a leather chair and a study next to a fireplace warm feeling comfortable and calm uh so let's generate that and within a few moments I'd say less than 30 seconds we have this which looks pretty solid uh from here we have a number of different options including retrying the prompt repr prompting it as well the edit which we're going to definitely get to in a moment and then uh an extension the adding 4 seconds so let's give that a shot really quickly as you can see by hitting that extend our prompt returns to the prompt box and then we have an attachment of our generated video uh from here we can actually continue to play around say we can now explore motion control where we have panning controls tilting controls rotation controls and zooming controls along with a slider for strength of motion uh I'm just going to give it a zoom out here um and then fire it off and with that we now have a 7-second shot with two different camera moves on it so one thing that I think that everyone is going to absolutely love is this retry button which is just roll but the way that the is now set up it's just so much easier in terms of organization and keeping track of your shots so if we have our prompt here and I just want to reroll it if I hit this retry button uh you can see that it now actually generates along in a thumbnail strip here anyone who spent any time generating AI videos knows that it's a bit of a dice roll every single time so having that retry button is a great way of quickly generating up four or five videos based off of one prompt to see where you want to start honing in on I mean almost to prove my point we have one generation that's like the study that's on fire uh we did end up with this one which I kind of like I like the look of that chair obviously one of the more groundbreaking things in P 1.0 is the fact that we have video in painting So taking a quick look at that uh if you come up to hit the edit button here once again our prompt with our attached video ends up down here so we can just hit the modify region button which then comes up with a popup we then select an area within our video and we can prompt so uh here we'll prompt a man reading a book and within a few moments yeah that is not bad now I did want to note that you definitely do want to make sure that you you know crop the entire area with that inpainting Tool uh cuz if you don't you will end up with you know some weird results for example when I didn't put the inpainting Box all the way down to the floor we ended up with Lieutenant Dan here that's a deep cut for you Forest Gump fans prompting is relatively friendly p has always been pretty good about that um you can use fairly detailed prompts like establishing shot cinematic uh Viking Warrior I did 4K HD high resolution and remastered or you can use more naturalistic language as I did in this Fallout inspired shot uh with cinematic wearing blue jumpsuit with a German Shepherd in a dystopian Wasteland look I know that there's like some weird mutant thing that's happening back here but overall I just love this shot I mean look at that good boy look at that good boy we do have controls here for ask ECT ratio obviously and then our frames per second um I just generally leave that at 24 frames a second but strength of motion can play a pretty large part uh it's one thing I've always really appreciated about p is the fact that it really swings for the fences when it does motion so cranking up the motion for our Viking gives us this shot which is pretty awesome whereas rerolling our Viking with a lower motion scale gives us this which if you run them back to back looks like a pretty epic Viking R battle if you need some tips on prompting you can check out a free pdf that I put together on prompting in Pika this was for the last version but all of the advice pretty much still stands included in the PDF is a whole list of called shots that are known to work within Pika it also includes a template on negative prompting which we're going to get to in just a minute uh the link is down below again it is totally free though if you'd like to leave a donation it is always highly appreciated in terms of P 1.0 model Improvement it's pretty remarkable especially when you compare it to Pika at launch so these were two shots that were generated very early in with Pik I believe these were generated by a user named Sosa taking that same prompt and generating it in the 1.0 model gives us this which yeah that's a pretty remarkable Improvement another place that Pika really shines is using anime models so taking that exact same prompt that we saw just adding anime to the front of it we get this few more examples here yeah it looks really great we are going to move over to image prompting in just a minute but two quick fairly important things and that's on guidance scale and negative prompting both can be found under the perimeters tab uh consistency with text is guidance scale so it goes up to 25 and down to five and it middles at 12 if you turn it up to 25 I don't want to say it ignores your text prompt but it tends to have maybe a little more fun with it whereas dropping it down it will try to keep the consistency of your text prompt uh perhaps with a little bit less imagination and movement a trick that I've been using is to crank the slider all the way down and begin with your text prompt there and then slowly start turning it up to see what you get until you end up with a happy medium I've been finding that between 8 and 10 seems to get me some pretty good results but every once in a while I just like to crank it up to 25 just to see what's going to happen negative prompting in Pika is a really really big deal it's no secret that Pika tends to do some pretty weird stuff I'm going to talk about leaning into that in just a little bit um but you'll often get shots like this with one person leaving the frame and another person sliding in another from our Fallout series where we ended up with a dog person so you're definitely going to want to utilize negative prompts there's a pretty good starter negative prompt that is in the PDF um you can ignore the dash NE that's obviously a Discord command you don't need the quotations but you can just copy you know ugly blurry deform multiple limb blah blah blah um into your negative prompt adjust based off of what you see for example here um obviously she is walking backwards so you would hit the edit button and then in the negative prompt you could write in backwards walking image prompting is of course image prompting so we'll take this mid Journey image and bring it in uh we don't actually even need to necessarily text prompt here you can actually just take uh the motion control Tab and choose a camera control for it and a strength of the motion let's take that up to maybe two and run it and see what happens and there you go not bad now I would say that this is one that I might go through and do an edit on uh with a negative of talking U but I'm just going to let this one slide that said I will say that I have noticed that when you are doing image to video if you try to do the ad 4 seconds that's when you're going to see a lot of problems start to arise the problems generally seem to start to arise once you hit the 5 to 7 second Mark so I really think of AD four as more like add one when you're dealing with image to video but I am not discounting it at all considering that there are times when those extra 20 sod frames uh really can make a break ad four does seem to work a lot better when you are using text to video for example here I took this shot up to 11 seconds now granted as the shot continues on with each add four things get a little bit softer and fuzzier that said I mean it's an 11-second shot that's pretty long between each ad you can change the camera controls as well for example here if we go back to that original shot and do an ad four I can change the motion control to a tilt up for the second shot so a shot like this works out pretty well I don't actually really recommend going above 7 Seconds unless you're doing something super abstract another interesting trick that you can try with repr prompting is just to completely change the style of a video uh for example here's a cowboy that I rolled up this is commercial establishing shot Cowboy but by hitting reprompt and by giving it the prompt in the style of Van go we now have well it's not quite Cowboy van go but it's you know our Cowboy shot in the style of Van go hey he still got his ear easily one of the most exciting new features about paa 1.0 is all of the canvas features um so taking this uh 9x6 image of a pirate ship flying through the clouds and animating it we get this which looks pretty cool um but if we wanted to turn this into a 169 image we can come down to the expand canvas button and we have different aspect ratios that we can change our video to so let's try 169 here and sure enough we now have our pirate ship flying on a cloud of Dreams um you can continue to do so as well so we could take our video here once again run and expand canvas with a 1 one uh place our pirate chip wherever we want and run the whole thing all over again Blaine Brown had a pretty cool example of this using video so obviously the bottom source is actual Source video and then the canvas has been expanded to showcase the rest of the sky and the beach here's a Adams familyes uh example from Styles Morales yeah I mean it really clearly shows how creative you can be with this new feature rolling back to video in painting because I think it's super cool but I did want to go over a couple of limitations with it um for example in this video where we've got this dude I guess like just Vape browing I wanted to change this couple out to a dog so um if we go over to edit once again modify the region and cover them and change the prompt to dog we get this which although the dog does kind of distort a little bit I mean it completely removed that couple Vape bro and the guy that he's talking to are still completely intact pretty much the entire shot except now we have a slightly morphing dog there now one place that I think this really flies is when you feeded an actual video source as Our Friend Martin Harland did on a very cold day in Berlin uh yeah this looks really really cool there is a limitation of 3 seconds per shot but I do think that Martin shows that with a little creativity that doesn't really matter so there you go I know this was a lot of information but I do think it's more than enough to get you started that said if you have any questions at all please leave them Below in the comments I'll definitely be circling back to Pika you know 1.0 is only a couple of days old and I feel like we've only scratched the surface in terms of what this model can do so if you found this video helpful please do consider hitting the like And subscribe button I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 85,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cte-UPyrhIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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