Microtech Combat Troodon Disassembly Reassembly vs. Ultratech

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how y'all doing its Jared it's on Microtech Signature Series Kombat Troodon I freaking love that color it's so dope if they call it turquoise but it's actually blue there's a lot of really cool colors the purple that's in there it's all freakin awesome right this is a 2016 production try grip Ultratech coming to focus so you can see that one 2016 there's a serial number a little bit of beat up on the pocket clip I freakin love this knife I had this thing for a long time the Tri grip models were only produced for a little bit they've done a hold they've been done different textures and different variations in the actual pattern over time they've changed it up a bit but I'm gonna disassemble these things just do a little bit of a comparison between the combat Troodon and the actual Ultratech here cool kit they are the same screw which this I actually got with my with my tachyon 3 I'll use box here to see what I can find use this stick it in here break this thing apart so I'm gonna strip all these screws out well hopefully I don't strip them out but I'm gonna take it apart break it out come back to you listen to help freaking cool this sounds you need it that just sounds so dope the aluminum kind of screw coming out of aluminum way it's got a little bit of hollow ring to it cuz the internals on this thing these sounds are freaking cool right it's a mechanical nerd stuff there someone hold on my button here make sure that doesn't go flying off take my scale off relatively carefully so I don't actually lose my chassis I'll pull off my button a little spring chassis there set the knife down do the same thing with this one hold that button down the ultra tech doesn't want to come apart some more do you just get my fingernail jammed up in there Oh top scale off same thing remove that a little chassis take my butt no it's not like I'm gonna get them confused completely different colors here and I can actually remove the blade on this ultra tech which I cannot do on this combat true it on that pin just doesn't want to come out of there it's not pressed in I can't actually spin it all if you can see that I can actually spin it you know I can move that pin around and so I know that it's not permanently a it's fixed but you can kind of actually see a little bit of like marking right there at the front of it right there on the front and the blade and I have actually tried you know I've gotten some tools in there and tried to get it to move I can get it to move a little tiny bit but it just doesn't want to come out and it's not something I want to force you know I mean I think I paid back 720 dollars for this knife that's just not something I actually want to force to get out of there probably could but I'm just not gonna do it so the blade kind of stays in here you can see that little locking spring right if you're not familiar that's actually how this thing works it's got that little locking lever comes down and actually secures the blade in place right and you can see that they're the same size there's actually not a whole lot of difference in you know the thickness of the steel I do believe that that is probably the same steel stock the ultra tech is a little bit longer which you know I mean doesn't actually have anything to do you know I don't think that actually comes into play you know as far as durability or strength but you can see the amount of aluminum here the amount of aluminum that's sitting behind that little lock bar behind and the ultra tech and the combat troodon here the combat Troodon is just a little bit thicker it's a little bit beefier there's a little bit more aluminum actually supporting that little steel lock bar and I do think that actually comes into play as far as the overall strength and just yeah durability you can beat on these things but you can see it is basically the same design here it's the same deal in the back the locking mechanism in the back is relatively the same the chassis are different actually though this one don't use the spring chassis here you can see this is the actual spring chassis that little pieces falling off right you see the size of this in comparison to take that apart pull this one off so there's the combat Truitt on and the ultratech it's bigger it's a lot bigger same piece same design same functionality it does the exact same thing but just bigger bigger heavier stronger more steel and the same thing with the chassis here this chassis the spring chassis itself is much larger on the combat Truett on not just in size and thickness size you know and width there but the actual thickness of it here you can see just the overall thickness and so that itself is just I don't think comes into play honestly I wouldn't think comes too much into play on your the strength of the you know the durability of the overall knife because really what is this part doing besides supporting the spring but this is adding just a lot of overall structure to the knife you can definitely tell that but I mean it's the same part same basic design you can see a little bit of alterations up here you know I mean in design they fitted it to the actual knife it's not the exact same piece it's not 100% just sized up but it is operating I mean it's doing the exact same thing in these two knives and it's not very difficult to mix up these parts either they're not really interchangeable you can see the spring as well this is the combat true it on here thicker it's just a little bit thicker around it's a little bit actually thicker steel stock and the spring itself is wider see that and so there's there's just more steel here it's not on yeah I mean it's not a massive difference but there is definitely a difference in this just attention and this the overall spring size as well as you can see that it's kind of a different color which I don't know if that is indicative of anything itself it may be a difference in the actual heat treatment or the material whatever the actual steel alloy it is itself it could just be because this one's from 2016 this one's from 2019 that's had a chance to oxidize more over time who knows set this thing back up make sure my little screws on a little plate it's attached same thing on the back hook that little screw on there come on this one doesn't want to fit make sure they're sitting the right side down come on man work with me here it was hard to get on and then it just falls off what is that crap see that hard to get on what am i doing you want that fat section to come up off the front and I put it on backwards come on go in there come on click into place I'm actually gonna do this side first because it's being a pain and click slide that thing up simple the same thing this one here make sure it's in the right orientation I want it sitting this way get on there you want the fat section towards the front and the way that is easiest to remember that is that the fatter section opposed to the little L Bend bar right is put this back on the little L Bend bar wraps all the way around the back of the blade right so when this thing is sitting in here close this thing down when this thing is actually sitting in here it's got a ride it's got a ride like that and so that back section that little back L is longer it actually loops around the back of the blade and hooks onto the back of the blade and that's what gives you your forward thrust but that little pin the little fat section is actually only connecting on to the little bar right it's only acting on to that little pin that's actually in the blade itself and that's what's giving you your reverse thrust your closing pressure and so you can just you know it's always easier to tell you can't you know it won't fit if you have it the other way around it will fit you can assemble it kind of but it just doesn't really work right you can do some damage to the knife so you want to make sure that spring is just sitting in the proper orientation now I'm gonna make sure my blade is still free-floating that perfect fit just clips on there spring clamshell on I love the sound I don't know what it is about that but this I know that's some serious like knife nerd crap the considering the air the actual consideration of the sound it makes being assembled and disassembled running good I'll stick the rest of the screws back in that thing in a minute so the Ultratech I like that blade that's just a cool blade by itself it's a neat thing see most of the steel 90% of the steel is actually in the back end of this thing chassis on top except a NEMA button I make sure a little spring is sitting in the hole button on no one doesn't quite just fall into place but you know whatever what did I do wrong here who knows you know what I just did I just made a ballistic knife is what I just did watch my ultra tech or you know OTF into ballistic knife video if you want to see what would happen if I deployed this knife I've done that it doesn't work nearly as well as you might hope that in place forward screw I mean it's interesting you can see the residue of red loctite know if it's gonna come across on these holes right and that was from the factory I put blue loctite the residue from the blue loctite that you can see is me the red loctite was actually from Microtech I did have to break all of these screws free to actually disassemble this knife initially they were you know the first time originally that's actually funny a little piece just came off that screw a little piece of red loctite just came off that screw but you know I haven't reowww I haven't actually applied any Loctite to the combat true it on that's why the screws are just blowing a little bit easier I don't honestly think it's necessary as long as they're snug and I keep an eye on it make sure that you know these screws don't go anywhere I honestly don't think Loctite is necessary on these as well as I'm running all of my OTS dry now that's kind of a new development I used to lube them and they do the blade does fire faster it hits harder with lubricant in it but I've run into problems if you've seen my ultra tech I've got a couple disassembly videos of this ultra tech where it's not firing correctly and all of those issues that I've had I do believe are just because the Lube has built up so much of the crack you know I mean all of the crap and all the gunk that's floating around in my pocket or in my boot wherever I'm carrying this thing is you mean collecting in there and actually stalling out the blade and so I haven't had a problem since I stopped putting lube in these OTF knives I haven't had a problem with this it's just sitting pretty and it hasn't you know it hasn't had a hiccup sense and I've never had a hiccup out of this thing since I opened it up and cleaned all the factory factory Lube out of it well that's it you all have a good one
Channel: Lugermonger
Views: 14,511
Rating: 4.9312038 out of 5
Id: 1o_GSbdaTJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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