How to service the Microtech OTF knives

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hey guys welcome back to is your six covered appreciate you showing up as always and today we're going to do something that you probably have never seen before we're gonna take apart the Microtech utx 85 then out the front very nice great knife these are the kind you walk around and utilize all day long be in your pocket climbing through sand getting dirty this is a good work tool I mean having a Sonia is what you need to do but with that said having a lot of pocket Leonor a lot of dirt depending on your in construction whatever the case is this thing can and will fill up with lint sand dirt whatever the case is and I'm gonna fill this up I want to make it so it does not work and then I'm gonna take it apart and show you guys what's inside now before you go ahead and take this apart you're gonna know that this will void your warranty so before all that now Microtech has a great lifetime limited warranty so sit it in if you can but if if you're one of those guys that just has to know what's in here I want to fix it yourself you're gonna have to get a proprietary tool right there you can get these off of the internet whoa for about 20 bucks these are our try wing you can kind of see a little bit of that but Microtech mix makes this nut kind of design like this so that you guys don't go in there and screw with it because it will void the warranty send it on back if you can but again like if like I said you want to know what's in here I'm gonna do the hard part for you I'm gonna show you what's in here that way you not to mess it up you don't have to void your warranty so let's get started just another quick thing you guys if you are interested in getting some proprietary tool in order to take this off I did a quick search real quick in p BK & e knives has them on sale for about 20 bucks so let's get started let's take this part see what happens okay so say you're walking along you're crawling through the sand you're awesome Microtech knife fills up with dirt oh it's working okay I'm gonna try to do this on camera I'm gonna go down a little bit so you guys can see we're gonna get this to fail even if we have to add more I'm just gonna see that dirt coming there that's good view now fill this up I'm gonna tap it on the ground so it goes in more all right here we go okay it's full as you can see you saw a little puff of the dirt come out we are going to go ahead and take this part now you know that it's at the point of where we need to basically blow some air in it try to get all the the the main particles out of it and then we're going to want to maintain and clean it and lube it and get it back to a working order all right so say we got to the point where your knife is not working okay we've got enough stuff in there now that it's not working the first thing we want to do is we want to try to get rid of all the particles that's in there we're gonna try to flush it out get rid of some of this I guess I should bring you guys down here we're gonna try to knock as much of that turn out as we can we're gonna see if we can get it to work we're gonna try to pull right now it's jammed in there there's a lot of stuff in there got a little bit out some more stuff came out you can tell it's not working correctly we're gonna go ahead and use the recommended oil Ram loyal for the Microtech nice if you seen that in the video basically we're gonna try to flush this thing out utilize as much as you can and then we're gonna blow it out afterwards and we're gonna do this until it's it's working sounds pretty good and you can tell it's a little bit dirty we're probably still gonna want to do it we're gonna blow it out we'll keep continue on with that for the sake of the video we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna take it apart anyways to show you guys but we're gonna do that we're gonna keep trying to get all that material to pull out and it's definitely sounding a lot better we're gonna blow it out again with some air we'll do that off camera just to keep the noise down so that's what you'd want to do in order to at least try to get it back in service inoperable again and pretty much this thing's basically back in action but for the sake of the video we are gonna get to the point where we'll tear this part so you guys a chance to see what's inside all right it's time to dive into this so here we go I'm gonna hold the blade first because it is a sharp object I'm gonna make sure that it's loose I'm gonna go ahead and use a proprietary tri wing to go ahead and undo the screws so first off I'm getting the first one we're gonna I'm gonna hold this all together so that the two pieces do not come apart there is a top plate in the bottom plate if you want to call it that I'm gonna go ahead and hold that now what now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna squeeze on the trigger and put pressure inward while pulling the top of the plate off and now you're gonna see that there's a bunch of parts in here and these parts have a few names so we'll go ahead and get started on it first I'm going to show you guys the the trigger assembly there's a spring in there so we're gonna make sure not to lose that because that is very important well then we're gonna have this slider the slider here is the part about my hands on right now and there's going to be a spring inside with the front leg and a top and a rear leg mount so you got a front leg mount and a rear leg mount with the spring inside of it we're going to take pressure off of it while holding the bottom or the rear leg place it in an order that way I can kind of keep track of all my stuff oops sorry I bumped the camera the now what we got is let me grab my needlenose and we're gonna do the stop pin and the stop painting I reach in with my my needlenose pliers I'm going to pull that out that's just basically it keeps the blade from shooting out that's what it's going to stop on because I'll show you looks like and what it stops on I'll pull the blade out and you'll see I got this rated now I'm gonna point to the front and rear lock so what happens is that's the front lock and there's a spring in there so you don't want to flip this over you do not want to and that's the rear lock you don't want to flip it over and tap it because you're gonna have two springs in there that are made specifically for that knife and you don't want to mess with that so always leaving in that order or whatever so now I'll do is well I have a chance to get in there and clean out the dirt we're gonna utilize ram oil and really get in there clean out any other debris that might be in there and make sure that everything's looking good and make sure the blades looking well good we're gonna you know I'll wipe it off and make sure that it's clean other than that there's really not much to it it is it's important that you clean it and we're going to lubricate it at the end of it other now it's a pretty simple deal I'll kind of zoom in here and give you guys a chance to see what kind of you know basically what's what's involved so you can see a little bit of Springs you can see I got the I'll just kind of scan around a little bit I'm showing you guys the slider right now the front and the front leg in the rear leg mount see the spring in the middle you see there's a spring for the trigger the proprietary tool there basically the top cover and the bottom or the main housing so I'm gonna go ahead and slide your zoom off real quick I'm gonna I'm gonna put the blade back into it and I'm gonna make sure that I moved their front stop up so that the blade will actually continue on into its channel where it needs to be make sure that everything's looking good that it's a sliding nice and clean and you don't hear any grit or sand or you know any obstructions then from there I'm gonna replace the rear the stop pin there you go so I put it back in there and that's where it'll stop it's gonna hit inside of the aluminum housing as a groove basically where that pin will actually hit to keep the blade from falling out now here's where I'm gonna grab the slider I want to make sure it's all cleaned off and looking good and we are gonna go ahead and this probably one of the most tricky parts is I want to go ahead and put on the front and rear leg mount and I'm gonna start with the rear see if my cameraman can get a good position let me see I show them that part right there so I'm gonna I'm right-handed so I'm gonna go ahead and click the rear first and then pull up with my left hand and I don't want to pull over I don't see how how tricky that is I don't want to pull up over and go too far and extend on that spring more than I have to so that's the reason why I want to take my time be patient and be cautious while I'm dealing it so it happens the spring is basically popped off so I'm just going to make sure make take care not to loot lose anything have a slippery gloves here it's kind of tricky but you know we're gonna we're gonna battle through this and make it work I'm gonna go ahead and grab the ball out of the hole slide and I'm gonna put it in its track basically and I'll have the cameraman camera person zoom in you can okay so you can see me sliding that across there and that feels nice and smooth everything seems to be in perfect working order and then I'm gonna go ahead and assemble I'm gonna go ahead and assemble the trigger I don't know that's the official name without so I'm gonna call it for the video basically there's going to be a track that I want to put that in so I'm going to put that far edge on the track as I pivot it over that way it'll capture the spring everything's looking good so that tension that I have on the button I'm going to continue to push inward on it as I replace the top cover and make sure that it's work so right now we're wondering if it works we know that the the front trigger is working up in back very smoothly so we know that it's working now that I've engaged the blade again I have tested it I make sure that it was working so everything's in proper working order now it's mostly just uh I need to replace the screws in order to put it back together and then with that said that's how you're gonna service the UT x85 most out most out the front all right so some tips for you guys and when you get ready to put this all back together you on the screws itself you're gonna want to put some type of blade you know like a brake cleaner or something that's going to take off the impurities off of the screw and this is where we're gonna want to go back and do a little bit of red loctite now do not over tighten the screws so basically what I'm doing is I'm putting a three screws in it I'm just confirming that everything is lined up right working perfectly this is where I would normally put some red loctite on I would have cleaned the screws that way it'll it'll be nice and work as every great my protection perfect so what I hope you guys enjoy the video hopefully this has helped you out please remember that you will void the warranty if you do this other than that this is kind of one of those videos do at your own risk but I appreciate you guys showing up and I'm glad I'm glad I could assist you and trying to make this happen so with that said like sharing subscribe see you guys on the next video and stay safe my friends
Channel: Isyour6covered®
Views: 5,064
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to service, the otf microtech, microtech otf, servicing the otf knife, diy otf microtech, otf knife maintenace, knife maintenace, micro tech otf, microtech ultratech
Id: y11qPYjGrEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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