Msfs2020 & Working Title G1000nxi Basic tutorial & flight plan. Vfr Basic flight lesson Ep.2 c172

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hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of 2020 flight simmers if you are new to the channel i would love to welcome you highly suggest you go down below hit that subscribe button take that little bell and while you're down there smash that thumbs up button it really helps us out let us know we're doing a good job and you don't want to miss any future videos just like this one so this is going to be our second episode in our vfr basics tutorial series with the cessna 172 g1000 mod so if you missed our last episode links will be down in the description go ahead and check that out there's a lot of good information there to get you started in this episode we're going to be talking more about the g1000 because moving on from here on out we really have to get a better understanding on how to use the g1000 and interface with it so if you want to know more about the g1000 stay tuned right here on 2020 flights of murders [Music] all right everyone so we are in the beautiful cockpit of the cessna 172 with the g1000 suite this is the g1000 nxi edition seems to be working very well right now and if you haven't done so already there is a new download in your marketplace so if you haven't checked that out yet today is september 3rd i would go ahead and check that out all right so to get started here we're going to go over the g1000 from left to right and we're going to go over pretty much every aspect of it so you can better navigate around the g1000 suite first part of this that we're going to be taking a look at is the pfd which is right in front of the pilot and we're going to go over all the different buttons on the g1000 so let's start from the left and work our way over to the right over here on the top this is your volume button so if you are checking your vor so make sure you have the correct frequency in and you want the morse code you need to make sure that you're turning your volume up the second knob down is for your nav frequency tuning the inner knob will tune your smaller numbers and the outer knob will tune your larger numbers to know which frequency is in use whichever frequency is on the right side of the box is the active frequency the frequency that you can actually change is your standby frequency to switch that frequency all you need to do is go right here and tap that frequency button and bam it went ahead and put that right over and it just so happened to be a frequency for something and as you see what populated right next to it tells you uh what frequency that's for to move to your second nav frequency how you want to do that is go ahead and tap on the inner knob of your frequency scroll and that will go ahead and move it down to your second frequency in which you can go ahead and program that to whatever you would like and before you do anything go ahead and swap the frequency over so the next knob down is going to be our heading bug and the heading bug is going to be displayed right here in our heading view window and you will also see the bug moving around your compass rows now if you are on course and you want to do a quick adjustment and you want to switch over to your heading from your nav and you just want to zero out your heading all you need to do is give a quick tap here on the center of the heading knob and it will go ahead and re-center the heading on the course in which you're on so we're going to go ahead and talk about some of these buttons down here on the left hand side the very top one is your auto pilot master button that is what's going to turn the autopilot on and off and if we turn it on you can see a bunch of stuff happen right up here and it shows us our autopilot is now on the second button here is the heading hold button so once your autopilot is engaged it is only going to engage basic roll and pitch so it's going to keep the airplane leveled out but it's not going to follow any heading or gps course you have to tell the autopilot to do that and to do that you would go ahead here and tap on this heading button when you tap on the heading button one thing you're going to notice right at the top here is the hd jeep will populate here on the left hand side and that tells you you are in heading hold mode so now wherever you adjust your heading to the plane will try to attain that course now if you didn't want to use heading hold and you wanted to go on your gps course well the very next button down is your nav button and if you tap on that button what's going to happen is the heading hold will go away and nav will appear now because we don't have anything put in our flight plan right now the nav will not appear because we do not have a pre-determined route so the near next button down in the list here is the approach button and this button is what you're going to use when you're almost in line with the ils you're going to arm that approach so that you can intercept your glide slope and the localizer more on that in future episodes so the very next button down is your vertical speed button if we tap on that button you will see your vertical speed index show up right here in the top right above the altitude now to increase that you would go right here and we have two buttons one says nose up and one says nose down it's pretty self-explanatory when you tap on the nose up button one thing you're gonna notice right here is your feet per minute are gonna change it will also change up here in the auto pilot tab so what the autopilot will do is try to maintain that climb or descent based on what you have programmed in here so if you have 700 feet per minute it will then try to pitch the plane up to continue with 700 feet per minute now one thing you do have to watch is your speed right here if your speed starts to drop too much the plane is still going to tip upright and that will induce a stall so the very next button down from the vertical speed is our optional way to get up to altitude that is called the flight level change and if we click on that button one thing you're going to notice now is our vertical speed index just dropped off the face of the earth and we have a speed index right above our speed ticker tape now how this is going to work is using the same two buttons nose up and nose down but what you're going to be controlling now is an actual speed so you might say well why would i use this over just using a vertical speed good question you ask so let's go right down here and we're going to skip ahead a little bit and come right back over to flight level change but i'm going to explain to you why you may want to use that sometimes so if you go right down here to your v refs you're gonna see a vx and a v y climb speed so if you have a very short distance to get up to altitude you may not want to use a vertical speed and you may want the plane to adjust its vertical speed so now what i did was i set our speed right here exactly to what our v y speed is so now what's going to happen is whatever altitude we put in our altitude bug the plane will now pitch up or down to maintain this 74 knots so i hope that explained a flight level change for you a little bit and vertical speed for you a little bit and when you would want to use one or the other the next button down in our list is our flight director and that is this little magenta arrow here if we go ahead and tick on that well if we go ahead and tick on that we can turn on or off our flight director now what the flight director is going to do this is going to help you try to maintain altitude and course based on what you have put in your gps for instance if we have a vertical speed set of 2000 feet per minute this magenta arc will be way up here to try to get you to pitch up and the idea is that you're going to line up your yellow line or your yellow arrow to your magenta arrow and that will keep you on course it also works for heading as well so now if you see that i just turned my heading all the way due west you'll notice that magenta arrow has now turned because what it wants us to do is bank the plane to go in that direction so this is a really good helpful hand in trying to keep you on course so the very next button in our list here is the altitude button and this is going to be the altitude hold button now what that is going to do is as you increase or decrease your altitude with the altitude knob here the inner knob will go in hundreds the outer knob will go in thousands so now that we have our altitude set while we are flying we want the gps now to maintain this altitude while we are in flight to do that all we need to do is come over here and hit the altitude button and that will put us into altitude hold now there's a couple caveats to that and we will go over those right now if you were on the ground and you're getting ready to take off you're not going to put it in altitude hold mode because you're not flying yet and you're not at altitude yet to want to hold a specific altitude so think about that this is if you want to hold that altitude now we need to get to that altitude so we're just going to put our altitude in and put our vertical speed or our flight change in now once we get close to this altitude what's going to happen is this is going to start flashing and automatically go into altitude hold so you do not have to press this and quite frankly if you hit that altitude hold button what it's going to do is turn the altitude hold off now one of the other things is while you're in flight the other thing you could do is if you tap on the center button here of your altitude it will zero the altitude to what you are right now for instance if we are at 4200 feet and i go ahead and tap this it will go ahead and set my altitude bug to 4200 feet and then you can just quickly go ahead and tap on your altitude hold button so the v-nav button and the v-nav functionality is used for either your departures for ascending or your arrivals for descending down into the airport so this will be very helpful and again we will go through this in a future episode on exactly how to use the v nav feature the bc is a back course button i don't even think this works in the sim right now so we're just going to bypass that so that pretty much takes care of all of our buttons and knobs here on the left hand side of our pfd we're going to move over here to the right hand side of the pfd right now and the very same thing at the top you have your volume button for com1 and com2 if you want to switch between com1 and com2 it's the exact same thing as you would with the nav you just tap on the center button and it works exactly as far as changing frequencies your inner button will change your smaller decimal numbers and the outer knob will change your larger decimal numbers to go ahead and swap that over you just go ahead and hit the swap button and it does the exact same thing as the nav so now below that we have a course knob and a barrow knob well the barrel knob is pretty self-explanatory when you change that barrel knob you're going to see your barometric pressure change and your altitude ticker tape will move correspondingly the inner knob on the other hand works your course function now to get the course to even show up on here you have to switch from gps mode to nav mode so after you go ahead and switch that from gps over to nav mode you're gonna see this cute little course numbers show up here now when you go ahead and flick on our knob you're going to see that coarse button change and this is going to be the same thing as your obs knob in the cessna one five two if you have not seen the vor flight training in the cessna 152 i highly recommend you go ahead and check that out i will put links down in the description for that as well one more thing is when you are switching through gp or the gps and the vor modes you're going to notice the vor needles are different between a vor1 and vor2 just like in the cessna 152 our vor needle 1 is a very thin line and the vor needle 2 is a very thick line all right so the next knob here is our range knob and you're going to say well a range knob really doesn't do anything but it does because we have not turned on our inset map on the pfd yet we will go ahead and activate that in a second so let's go ahead and move down to the direct to button now this direct to button is very similar to the direct button that is on our mfd screen so we're going to go over all of these on the mfd screen the only other button here is a menu button and quite frankly if anybody can tell me what this means i have yet to find any information about what this setup display even means under the menu so we're not even going to talk about that so let's move on so right down at the bottom here we have our fms knob and this is for if you wanted to program your flight right through this little menu right here so if you want to change your flight plan or alter it in any way right from here this is the knobs that you would use for that all right so let's go across the bottom of the g1000 and we're going to start with the map and hsi button now if you tick on this button you've got a couple different options that are going to pop up now all these options are for your inset map now you still do not have the inset map turned on and we have to do that first so all we need to do is go right down here to layout and you're going to either turn on the inset map which is going to populate right here on the left now if you go ahead and maneuver that range knob you're going to see that map scroll in and out the next menu that we have here's the hsi map and if you tick on that it's going to take your inset map and put it right here under your compass rose again if you adjust your range it will of course adjust the range within that map that you have displayed so now to go back we're going to tickle in the back button and now we can use all these different options down here now the detail option is something that i like to keep on number one or probably number two because this map is so small you don't want it getting cluttered up with a bunch of stuff you don't need to see now a couple other features that you can use is you have a topographical map that will show you the topography of the landscape around you and they're going to do that via different colors that are going to show up here on the screen so if we zoom out you can clearly see which areas are high and which areas are low if we go ahead and turn the topo map off we can also turn on a traffic map and this will show you all the different traffic related in your area around you the next button here is relative terrain and then you also have your nexrad feature to show you the weather now whether these work or not i can't really tell you i think this is new so time will tell so now we're gonna back out of that menu and we have a couple more menus to go through we have the pfd optional menu and if we go through there this is going to set up a bunch of different options for our pfd screen the very first one is svt when you click on this button you can turn the terrain either on or off on your gps i like to keep it on because it shows me a lot more information and i find it much easier to land with this the next button on the list here is the win button if you click on that button it's going to give you a couple different options again they don't really tell you what the options are you're just going to have to get up in the air and choose them and see which one you like the best the next item on this list is our dme and this is going to show you our distance remaining now the dme is already pre-programmed in here and i'm going to show you how to change that in just one second the very next button on the list is our bearing one and bearing two now what that's going to do is pull a bearing up right here and right here and you can set this for either nav1 nav2 or adf also gps i never use the gps feature because my gps information is usually right up here at the top now as you see when you have a nav frequency in here what it's going to do is display the distance to that frequency and we are 60.8 nautical miles away from our nav1 frequency that we have right up here in the top now the next item on this list is the alt units what that means is how they're going to measure your altimeter so if you tickle on that you can either pick inches or hpa depending on where you are in the world set that accordingly to your region the very next button is your standard bearer button and what this is going to do is go ahead and put you into your standard bearer setting two niner niner two now once you click on that button it's gonna put you back to your main menu to get back there you have to click to your pfd options click on standard barrel again and it will click to what you had previously set again it's going to kick you back out here to your main screen so to get back in we're going to hit pfd options and it will get us right back in all right so the next button on this list is our cdi button we talked a little bit about that earlier and if you click on that cdi it's going to switch between a vor1 a vor2 and a gps now here's one of the things that i do not like about the hsi map being on is when you're coming in for an ils landing and you're using vors or localizers or things like that the needle doesn't display the same information as it would without that map let me show you what i'm talking about so right here you can see that green arrow facing that way and the end of that green arrow here but you don't really know which side you're off of that unless you look up here you can kind of tell your way off to the right but other than that there's no other way to know so if you go to your map hsi and you go to the layout and you turn the inset map on here now look what you get in your compass rose so for me i prefer this one much more than having that inset in here i would rather have the inset next to it because i get all the information on this compass rose that i need for my flight so next we're going to talk about that dme information that was there to change the information that is showed in that dme information you're going to click right here on adf dme now when you do that you can either set to an adf frequency and you're going to use these knobs right down here to do that so once you get your frequency put in all you got to do is hit the enter button and it will swap it right over for you now if you're not using an adf and you want to use your nav one or nav two then here's where you can set either a nav2 frequency or your nav one frequency the next button on the list is our transponder this is where you're gonna set your squawk codes so from left to right we have transponder and standby this is to turn the transponder on and this is in altitude reporting mode to enter your vfr code you can either hit the vfr button it will automatically set your vfr code and coincidentally it's going to kick you back to the main screen as well to get back you can hit the transponder button now if you have a squawk code that you're going to enter all you need to do is go ahead and tap on the code button and you can enter the code that was given that'll then populate right here in your transponder and also tell you if you're in altitude reporting or if it's in one the very next button on this list is your ident button and we won't really use that too much in microsoft flight simulator even on pilot edge we have our own ident button so we don't use that too much all right so we're going to go ahead and hit the back button the next item here well we've already talked about this which was our vrefs at our timer and again you can go down here and set each one of these individually and they should be set up individually depending on your load but most of the time we fly with the default information in here and it seems to work just fine get out of that go ahead and tick that again and the very next button that you'll have is your nearest button if you tick on that nearest button this is going to give you all the nearest airports that are in your area now one of the cool things is if you're in an emergency situation you can go ahead and hit the enter button on that and then hit direct to and it will actually put you in a direct course right there and all you have to do is scroll down hit the activate button and now you can see our courses changed all right everyone so i think that pretty much takes care of the pfd let's swap over now to our mfd now most of the features on the mfd screen where we've already talked about so we're not going to go over most of these so all of the buttons down the left-hand side we have talked about those already the buttons across the bottom here well you can explore those so you can turn on your traffic map here as well you can turn on a topographical map as well or the relative map so the next feature on here is nexrad and that of course is going to give you your weather information and you also have a legend here now that will tell you some of your topographical altitudes we also have a couple different detail buttons here now with the pfd screen i like to keep my detail very low with the mfd screen i like to keep my detail very high the reason is because this is such a bigger screen and can show and display much more information all right so we went over all of that and now the very last thing we're going to go over is how to use this these functions right down here on the right we've talked about all the buttons at the top these are going to control your comms and your barrow as well this also has a course button over here so if we go ahead and tick the menu button you're going to have a couple different menus show up and they are adding more as we go as you can see here so the first one that shows up here is map settings and if you tick enter on that it's going to give you a couple settings that you can set up for your map now i always keep my orientation with north up and to get down there all you do is you move your outer knob and that will scroll up and down you can then adjust whether you want to track up heading up or north up when you pick the one you want you go ahead and hit the enter button and that will go ahead and set it so we click on the weather uh you okay so here we go we can turn the next rad on or off over a certain range setting just like we could with the other one uh the next is our traffic menu if we click on that we can then scroll down and turn our traffic either on or off looks like we can set the types of traffic that we're gonna view as well so that's pretty cool pretty cool stuff here i must say they're doing with the working title so now in the aviation button all right this is pretty cool so you can go down and turn on or off your ndbs vors the airports all right so now that we've got out of that we are going to talk about the flight plan in the g1000 now all right so to go with our flight plan we're going to tap on the flight plan button and it's going to bring you up your flight plan screen now you're going to think that oh i'm just going to start entering there but that's not where you want to go you want to click on your outside knob and take it down to the next line once you get down to that line you'll take your inner knob now and rotate it when you do it's going to bring you up with another screen here so that you can enter your origin airport now the airport we are at today is 8 s1 and there is a much easier way to enter that information than trying to use a scroll wheel and going through it this way and you very well can but there's an easier way so if you go up here and tick on this little marker and what that stands for is your keyboard so now once that's highlighted you can now use your keyboard to enter this information so now once that information is entered all you need to do is hit the enter button to accept it and that will then tell the gps where you are now you can then pick a runway that you want to exit on so we can go ahead and pick that set that up as well hit enter to accept and it's now in the system now you want to scroll down to your destination and do the same thing you can go ahead and scroll on that wheel it'll bring up your waypoint information tap on this little keyboard icon and you can now input the destination that you want to go to so we are going to put uh kgpi which is glacier park international that is going to be our destination airport we're going to go ahead and accept that and most likely we're going to be using a runway we're gonna go ahead and hit that and then enter and accept that in the route now there is one more waypoint that we're gonna enter for this flight plan today and we're gonna scroll down to the end route go ahead and give that scroll knob a roll hit on our spacebar button if it can hit come on and we are going to a vor fca so we'll go ahead and enter that hit the accept button and that is our flight plan in the computer now i don't know why it's still showing that now if we needed to enter an airway from that end route waypoint all you need to do is go down here to the menu button and hit that and then you can use your outer knob to scroll down to load airway hit enter and then you can load the airway information and you just enter the information as you go down so we're not using any airways so we're not even going to bottle with that but there's a couple other options in here you can collapse their way hold at a certain waypoint delete flight plan or invert the flight plan so if you wanted to go backwards back to the original destination you can just invert the flight plan and you can also activate certain legs to your waypoints so now that that is done the other button that we have here is our procedure button and if you hit the procedure button you can select your approach arrival and departures just scroll down to whichever one that you want to set up once you do go ahead and hit the enter button and it will list all the departure procedures you can then scroll up and go down use your inner button to then switch through the different procedures as you can see there is only one at this particular airport once you have done that you can go ahead and hit the enter button and then scroll down to the load hit the load and it will then enter that departure for you now we're not going to do that so we're just going to go ahead and hit the procedure button again and it will bring us back to the initial procedures and the same thing goes if you want to do your approach you would go ahead and select your approach so uh you can pick that approach hit enter and then you can go and select your transition once you do you can go down and also set your minimums for that runway the other cool thing that it's going to show you is your frequency for that runway now that frequency is a very important and you would need to enter that in your nav radio so you can go right ahead take that information put it up in your nav radio and swap it right over and now you've got that primary frequency in your nav scroll down to the bottom you're going to hit load you won't hit activate once you load that it will load that procedure in for you now if you go to your flight plan you can see that that entire flight plan with that arrival or i'm sorry with the approach procedure is now in the flight plan menu and if we scroll out a little bit now for some reason it's not coming up here on the screen correctly and that might be a little bug here in the gps so i'm not sure about that yet but as you can see all of that information is in your flight plan so that was pretty much a crash course of the g1000 nxi unit as you can see we ran into some hiccups here today with the new update so hopefully things will change but as for right now i think everybody is pretty used to dealing with some bugs here and there anyway i want to thank everybody for joining us today on episode 2 of our vfr flight basics training course i hope you got a lot of information out of this again if you have any questions please post them down below and i will go ahead and get those answered as soon as possible if you haven't done so already please hit that subscribe take that little bell smash that thumbs up button it really helps us out and to all of our flight simmers out there keep the blue side up we'll see on the next
Channel: 2020 fs'ers
Views: 3,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator 2020, msfs2020 g1000, working title g1000nxi, g1000nxi tutorial, msfs g1000 tutorial, msfs2020 cessna 172 guide, msfs 2020 vfr guide, msfs2020 lessons
Id: Omej7z23m94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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