Microsoft COPILOT | Everything You Need To Know About Copilot Pro

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a few weeks ago Microsoft released yet another spin-off of their co-pilot product Microsoft co-pilot Pro and in this video we will discuss what this new product is and some of the cool generative AI functionality that it brings to Microsoft 365 let's get [Music] started co-pilot co-pilot for Microsoft 365 and now co-pilot Pro what is the difference so yes all of these co-pilot products are getting really confusing so let me try to clear it up a little bit co-pilot by itself is just like a chat GPT it's a free AI powered Search Assistant that can be accessed from the sidebar of Microsoft Ed or directly from the website with another browser this product is completely free and I actually prefer it over chat GPT as it can also perform searches and answers in relation to the page you're viewing for example if you're looking at a recipe you can ask it to give you the perfect wine to pay compare with that recipe you can compare you can ask it to compare two products in that website that you're looking at or summarize a report now co-pilot for Microsoft 365 is more geared towards Enterprises and small businesses it works alongside popular Microsoft 365 apps such as word excel PowerPoint Outlook themes and many others and with co-pilot for Microsoft 365 you can do a variety of tasks such as drafting documents summarizing emails creating presentations and much more this brings us to our last product which is co-pilot Pro you can think of co-pilot Pro as the co-pilot for Microsoft 365 but geared towards personal users priced at $20 per month per user co-pilot Pro gives you access to co-pilot in select Microsoft 365 apps applications such as word excel PowerPoint and Outlook you can draft documents summarize emails create presentation and many uh other activities notice how Microsoft teams was not in this list for copilot Pro again you can think of co-pilot Pro as a co-pilot product made for personal users so it makes sense that Microsoft did not include Microsoft teams as part of the list of applications supported for co-pilot Pro with a co-pilot Pro subscription you also get a priority access to the latest AI models and enhanced image creation so now that you know the difference between these products let's check out some of the cool things you can do with Microsoft 365 when you purchase copilot Pro now before we get started I do want to mention that co-pilot Pro only works with a Microsoft 365 subscription if you have office 2016 or 20121 or any other non-subscription version of Microsoft Office this will not work for you and yes I agree this sucks I myself used Microsoft Office 2021 but had to purchase Microsoft 365 just just to make this video so one of the cool things that you can do with a co-pilot Pro subscription is to create now this can be creating a Word document a PowerPoint presentation or or an Outlook email from scratch so once you have a co-pilot Pro subscription when you log into word or any other Microsoft 365 application you'll get kind of this window that says St with co-pilot if you don't see this you can simply click on this co-pilot button here on the top right and you'll get the co-pilot um chat uh box or you even have a co-pilot button here in word that you can press and you can start drafting your document like that so just to show you kind of what this process looks like I'm going to go ahead and ask it to draft an article on inflation and its impact on the economy now I'm being very generic here I'm not giving it a lot of instructions this is not the best way to use a generative AI tool like Microsoft co-pilot Pro but but let's see what it comes up with okay and as you can see it starts drafting our document it's even adding headers and bullet points automatically and here I can decide whether I want to keep it I want to regenerate it or I want to trash what it just created completely or I can even give it a an instruction to either make it more concise give more real life examples make it simple to understand Etc so I can keep editing this which I do recommend never trust uh this should be self-explanatory but never trust what the AI puts out in the beginning you you should always edit check for plagiarism and things like that but yeah so that's one of the cool things that you can do within Microsoft words you can create full articles um with co-pilot Pro now let's now do the same but this time with PowerPoint so as you can see I'm I've logged into PowerPoint uh here right now I'm using the online version of the application but this will work with your Microsoft 365 uh desktop applications as well so let me get some text here and copy it now I'm going to go here in PowerPoint and I'm going to click the co-pilot button I'll get the co-pilot chat uh window to pop up I'll paste my prompt in this case I'm just asking it to help me create a present a on product management and we'll see what it comes up with okay so now copilot pro has finished creating a PowerPoint presentation as you can see it even added a video at the beginning um kind of like a title slide and then you went over uh what product management is the skills you need um and things like that and it it adds designs and pictures for you as well obviously this is not the best PowerPoint presentation in the world but it's a good base for you to start and maybe even get ideas on the structure that you want to take for your presentation and you can obviously edit and make changes to this but as a start this is great I think it's a really cool feature that you can create a whole PowerPoint presentation from from scratch finally let's take a look at co-pilot Pro or drafting an out look email with the help of co-pilot Pro so this time let me get another prompt I'm going to click here on the co-pilot Pro button I'm going to click draft with co-pilot and it's asking me what do you want this email to say I'm going to copy and paste my prompt so help me draft an email to a prospective client be very professional and ask to have a video call on Friday at 600 p.m. eastern time I'm going to click on generate I'm just going to go ahead and keep it and look gives us a result and obviously again you can edit and improve it further but at least it's a good base to start with so these are some of the things that you can create with co-pilot Pro next let's look at how you can edit a few things with co-pilot Pro so another cool thing that you can do with Microsoft copilot Pro is to edit your document so let's go back to the PowerPoint presentation that uh co-pilot created for us and let's add an image to one of our slides so I'll select here slide number eight as we can see there's no image on this slide so I'll go ahead and paste my prompt again very generic the more specific you are with it probably the better the AI can understand you but for right now I'm just using a generic prompt I just need to add an image of a graph and as you can see see that's pretty cool it added an image I'm actually very happy with the result so I'm going to go ahead and keep this image and it added also kind of an element behind it if you can see kind of a circle so it's not only adding the image but it's also considering the design of the slide uh or the presentation overall um so that that's really cool that the the element behind it this circle behind it it's kind of matching the colors of the rest of the presentation so that's one cool thing that you can do next let's go back to word and this is the text that the AI created for us and let's say you're not happy with something new writing or something that co-pilot came up with sorry you can actually highlight the text click the co-pilot button and select rewrite now the AI will rewrite your text and what I really like is that it gives you a preview before replacing it it gives you a preview of what it's going to insert you can either insert it below if you want to keep both texts you can rewrite it or you can just go ahead and replace it and again this feature is making editing documents and slides very simple next let's look at another feature uh that you get with co-pilot Pro and this is probably my favorite feature as I find that if companies or small businesses start implementing this it's going to be really useful um for their employees and that is the catchup or summarize functionality within Outlook with co-pilot Pro so let me delete this draft email and let me open this email there's a conversation going on here it's obviously all made up um between two people right and let's say this is way longer right now it's only three emails that I've missed uh but let's say there were 10 15 20 Etc and I don't have time to read them all I can click here this summary by co-pilot button and co-pilot will actually scan this email thread and give me the summary points um of the conversation so as you can see average fellow asked if you have heard about co-pilot Pro and its features they also confirmed the meeting at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow um I asked if the discussion still about the slid share with Robert and the location of the meeting and average fellow suggested to meet at Starbucks on Main Street to discuss the slide share with Robert and the forecast report for June 3rd so as you can see it's really useful feature obviously I do recommend you still read your emails when you get a chance to catch up but just to get the highlights um I know for people like me that work at 95 you get tons of emails that sometimes you don't have time to read and this summary by co-pilot it's a great functionality um if you're able to use it so yeah that's the catchup functionality and finally let's review the understand functionality another cool feature that I want to show you with copilot Pro is the way you can analyze data in Excel to extract quick uh Trends so let's say you have a a here a sample data set this is just showing the sales of a few um food products you can see the quantity the unit price and the total price uh for that specific day region and and product and let's say I want to analyze or start understanding this data quickly without having to manipulate it myself I can click here on the co-pilot button I'm going to let co-pilot load and then I see here an option to show Data Insights so I'm going to select that and as you can see copilot an ized our data and it came up with a trend for us to review so I'm going to add this to a new sheet and as you can see it created a pivot table and looks like it's sorting by date and giving us the total quantity of items uh sold for that specific day and it also conveniently enough gives us a graph that we can review and just makes it a little bit easier for us to start understanding um our data and again this is a very simple example um I'm sure the as time progresses co-pilot will get better analyzing and giving you more Trends uh with your data sets in Excel but I find this to be very neat at least um when you're trying to start understanding a data set that you're looking at um this is a great functionality and then obviously you can also ask it to you know highlight the I don't know the Fest character of column A and it will also do that for you and you can edit your data using co-pilot um but the trends feature I I find that really nice so there you have it those are the features that I wanted to go over uh with Microsoft co-pilot Pro again this is a generative AI service provided by uh Microsoft it is currently $20 per month per user and it's targeted more for individuals um so yeah you can do some other cool things within Microsoft 365 um applications um so yeah let me know what you think uh if you have any comments or questions please leave them in the comments down below and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Progresspresso
Views: 2,776
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Id: Sy2Dx80AmhQ
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Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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