Michelle Obama on Quarantine with Barack, Sasha & Malia, Eating on Foreign Trips & New Netflix Show

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our first guest has been on a remarkable american journey from the south side of chicago to princeton and harvard from the white house to the top of the new york times bestseller list and now she is talking to puppets on netflix she's a mr hooper for another generation on her new show waffles and mochi please welcome michelle obama how are you doing great jimmy i love that introduction the new mr hooper i love that yeah mr hoop remember mr hooper of the big horse big bird called him mr looper usually that big bird how has lockdown been going for you guys has the family been together oh gosh yes oh yeah we have been together it's it's going well you know we are of the mindset in this uh time that if we have our health we're doing well so we are blessed but no no we have been together for a very long time how long was it fun i would imagine when the kids come back and they're back in the house yeah it was fun for a long time i mean we set up this routine we you know where everybody would go into their spaces and they'd do their work the kids would do their classes and you know we'd be doing whatever and then we'd come together for cocktail hour you know get a glass of wine and do an activity like we were into puzzles for a while i bought some oil paints we had painting week um i was i've taken up knitting uh you know the girls were baking it was all just sugar and light and then we'd have dinner and then we'd play a family game i think that lasted for a month or so and then you know the kids would come down later be a little more surly a little less communicative you ran out of funny stories to sell that was you know and then summer came and that helped so we could eat outside every now and then now a year in you know it's we don't even really get a hello when people come to the table sometimes it's like hey what's up how's your day same same doctor's like same dead nothing happened to you nothing happened and how about that is dad because you've spoken and he has spoken about the fact that he's not exactly tidy around the house has he shored up that area of behavior is he being cleaner in the house he's he's cleaner but it's not because of him it's because he has someone that does it now but he likes to take credit for it like see how mean i am it's like it's not you you really have nothing to do with it i do the same thing so yeah a lot it's very neat around our house i got it except for the except for the kids rooms and we just don't go up there okay that's probably the you know giving up that floor the uh president was on our show right when his book came out and in that first week his book outsold your book but since then i think you're like do you know how far ahead of him you are as far as book sales go no jimmy of course i don't count i know i'm way ahead well since you don't know i will tell you it's 3.3 million which is a lot of books to 15 plus million which is a lot more you both have podcasts now are you comparing downloads as well no no not not really because it's like my podcast came out in the summer and his just came out right it's kind of like we're tag teaming you know uh-huh i need something he does something i do something so he follows yeah he has a tag team he has a partner in his tag team bruce springsteen who um he said on his podcast that you suggested he spend more time with bruce springsteen because bruce seemed to be more evolved than he is and no don't i hear people laughing yeah but let me just say this bruce spring springsteen is one of my favorite people not just because of his music but he's one of the few men that i know who has really done the work of self-reflection and he's willing to share right so i mean he he really goes in and that's what renegade the podcast is all about it's like how rare is it jimmy for men to tap into their feelings jimmy i'd love to talk to molly yeah she would want to talk to you who would want you to talk yeah it's just the rare thing for two men to talk about feelings and fears and growing up and bruce was always since i've known him he's been very forthcoming so that's what makes the podcast amazing do you feel that it is rubbed off on barack bruce yeah yeah yes he is becoming more tapped into his feelings and ready to express them it seems like it was a hundred years ago but it was a couple of years ago i interviewed you in tacoma washington in front of a big group of people you're on your book tour and we had a great talk it was a lot of fun and everyone was very excited to see you and i asked you a question that night and i actually asked your husband's question as well and he kicked it back to you i asked you that on the night that seal team six took out osama bin laden at your husband's order did you and your husband make love that night to celebrate you know i have to tell your your audience that for some very sick reason uh-huh you were very obsessed yes this portion of that major historical event yes in a way that no one else no one in the history of all the conversations i've had anybody drilled down on this particular point like you give me kimmel so i turn that back on you that's my that's my version of self-reflection that's what you want to know you're still that little boy in your bedroom under the cover with the flashlight going i hope nobody sees me actually it was a uh it was a propane torch and that's why the house burned down but yes i'm still pleading the fifth you're pleading the fifth all right tomorrow is saint patrick's day you're from chicago where uh they really celebrate st patrick's day and turn an entire river green every year and you guys are also you've been honored by uh i don't know where this is in ireland but we have a photo of the barack obama plaza which appears to be a truck stop at which there are statues of you and your husband that is real yes people that is not that that's not photoshop that is a money goal have you been there to visit yes yes in fact uh was it first term or second term i'm getting it confused but we went to ireland and we visited moneygall which is a wonderful town and he has many many cousins there right and we had a night at the pub where we drank some guinness and laughed and joked it's his obviously his grandmother's maternal grandmother's side of the family um from moneygall and since then some of them have come to they came to the white house to visit so you know a lot of people think the o in obama no i'm just kidding yeah there's a little little apostrophe after it right there's an apostrophe that no one knew about yeah no so that's his ancestral home his money goal when is the last time the two of you got really drunk uh let's see what's today michelle obama's with us your show is called waffles and mochi it's on netflix we'll be right back with a i think uh perhaps an insurmountable challenge as michelle obama goes one-on-one with my daughter jane we'll be right back what do we have here we have this magnificent spread of mushrooms wow look at this this one looks just like an elephant here that's because it's an elephant ear mushroom and they're really tasty too where did you get all these amazing mushrooms a mushroom farm in japan in japan you went to japan that's right you guys are so busy i thought i was busy we really learned that just because something is different it doesn't mean that you won't like it that is waffles emoji the new beloved children's characters on netflix and uh michelle obama executive producer of the show your husband is executive producer of the show as well did he do any work on this show no absolutely nothing nothing that's a quality many executive producers share so by the way what a great idea for a show because it is very difficult to get some children uh to eat healthy and to try new things and to try things from all around the world you've got chefs on the show you've got celebrities on you got lionel richie even on the show encouraging the kids to eat how did lionel come to mind when doing a show about children and food you know i the co-creators reached out to uh a broad cross section and uh lionel richie helps to close out the season um kind of in a surprise way that i won't give away okay right if you can imagine you know how would lionel richie show up with waffles and mochi but it's it's just uh amazing and of course uh a lot of celebrity guests were excited to join in because you look at the script and you see this you know the story line and there's humor there's one of the co-creators who's uh jeremy connors who was a co-creator of drunk drunk history so he brings the funny it's one of these shows that you want to watch with your kids but you also just want to watch it right and yeah that's the the beauty of something like this and as a as a parent of children you know you you realize there's not a lot of shows that you want to sit down and watch with your kids and laugh along uh and and this is one of those have you been in a situation as first lady or other in which you were asked to try something food wise that you really didn't want to eat but you had to be nice and eat it to be polite that's like every foreign trip really you know you do a lot of cutting up in small pieces and a lot of scooting around you know right just politely scooting and moving and then there are the instances where you get a sign from an agent to don't eat what's on your plate oh and that's oh oh there's been times where it was like don't touch that ma'am and because they feel it is not safe they they are in the kitchens watching what happens why they know what's going on and so there are those instances where you know you just sort of you just sort of talk and laugh and yeah right wow so yeah you know so i know what it's like not to want to eat something i can relate to jane well yes i'm glad you brought that up because you know you have an impossible task ahead of you my daughter jane does not eat but um well you gave it let's take a look and let's see how michelle obama stacks up against jane kimmel age six is a setup so i'd like to introduce you to my daughter jane jane come on in jane say hi to mrs obama well hey there jane you look lovely first of all let me just say you look just like your mom oh what how old are you at six and a half six and a half ooh that half uh adds another layer of chicken half is very important do you like vegetables no no i eat avocado which is a vegetable one she does eat avocado so jane why don't you like vegetables cause i don't really like to try new things i i know i was like that when i was your age you know i i you know what i like to eat and the only thing i would eat for breakfast every morning until i was 19 peanut butter and jelly what for breakfast yeah for breakfast but here's what i learned if you try something new just try it that you open up your taste buds and then you'll like a whole bunch of new things so can i get you to try just try a vegetable just just try it no way no i can't why can't you try a carrot i just don't want to do you feel like you're eating a snowman's nose is that why you won't eat it i have an idea can you help me with something can you help mrs obama with something uh-oh what's that green beans green dad no but i've got a game jane can you help me teach your dad a game that i learned from two of my best friends their waffles and mochi waffles is a cross between a frozen waffle and a yeti and moshi's got a little bitty mouth and mochi can't eat big things so mochi taught me this game called the small bite game dad can you can you try to cut those carrots up into the smallest bites the smallest we're losing her yeah i told her she's tough let's bring billy we hi buddy hi crazy what do we have here it's billy it's out and that's that well this was an epic fail yeah yeah this was a this was a complete setup well you know what you gave it a try i did jane can you do me a favor can you at least watch waffles in mochi watch waffles and mochi it doesn't require eating anything you don't have to eat you just have to watch tv you know how you just got right oh she's the best at watching tv for sure well thanks for being a good sport sweetie i'm still very proud of you how about this will you eat that what if we put the the string beans on the pizza oh that's a great idea no oh okay that's a bad idea thank you mrs obama sorry well you know what you gave it a really good try and yeah that was that was a tough one you know she wasn't having it maybe next time you are with us you can get guillermo to eat some vegetables yes yeah for sure it is he will eat yes all right waffles in mochi this is the show it's available on netflix now if you want to help michelle obama provide healthy meals to families in need go to wafflesandmochi.org thank you mrs obama it is great to see you we will be back with brittany howard hi i'm jimmy kimmel an evil wizard has trapped me inside this youtube video click subscribe to help me escape
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,616,724
Rating: 4.8345852 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets
Id: roG8Bmn9LVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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