Melissa McCarthy & Octavia Spencer on Playing Superheroes, Messing with Jason Bateman & Prank on Set

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our first guests tonight are two very talented actors who are good friends on screen and off screen they play superheroes in the new movie thunder force it premieres next friday on netflix please welcome melissa mccarthy and octavia spencer hello ladies hello hi jimmy now listen if you're if you're allegedly such good friends why aren't you together why are you separated this is when we talk about our feud i see oh good let's start one right now yeah i feel like i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room right now melissa you are in australia right yeah i'm in australia up by byron bay and how are things there i heard they don't even have the virus in australia is that true you know we haven't i've been here like nine months and i'm almost i feel guilty saying it but i mean it's been completely covet-free um there's just been a few cases literally like this week and like they shut everything down became hot spots but we were talking about like four cases miraculous got it got out of brisbane but everybody shut down everything like the second one case happened it was like shut it all down and then they'll you know and they track everything like within within minutes so you're saying they're better than we are [Applause] sorry but we we suck and octavi you're stuck back here with us right yeah i'm in the land of cove yeah how long have you known each other 25 years over yeah 25 years 25 how often do you actually see each other well when we're home a lot but the problem is like for a while it was seeming weird we were literally doing this like as i and we live in that like we're neighbors and as i was coming home i'm like i'm gonna be home saturday and she's like i'm leaving friday night like it was like someone was planning specifically to keep us apart so getting to like finally work together was like a dream because i'm like i haven't had her for three months in at one time in like forever and octavia you said your neighbors like how close neighbors are you are you like right down the block from each other well we used to be if i sit in my backyard and threw a pecan i could hit her house um did you do that a lot were there pecans flying over that's that's why i moved that's why i had to move and then oh so then you moved melissa and then octavia you moved you followed melissa into her neighborhood i i moved to where she used to live and then now i it's a three-minute drive i see iris still did you like were you like potting together or whatever like i guess melissa you've been gone most of the time huh i've been gone a bunch but we would she would bring octavia would bring over her little chair and come in the gate with her drink and we would like you know we'd have our we'd have our own snacks and we'd have cocktails in the driveway and then at a certain at a certain point it would it would end am i right well we'd have to go to the bathroom so oh i see okay you let nature decide when the party was over i like the idea of it you'd wander down the street with a cocktail in your hand octavia well yeah that was uh you know uh uh sealed sealed okay not really a cocktail uh a mocktail yeah you know when she drinks she drinks a weird thing that she likes to call sangria which it's not what is it it's diet coke it's called it's an ot because it's for octavia timber but it's what is it it's cheap red wine specifically yes diet coke any fruit in the house and a splash of soda water it's not delicious and you're saying you're able to get that all sealed up huh how about that octavia have you been going to the house while melissa has been in australia well when melissa's not in town i get to spend some time you know with her parent oh right melissa your mom and dad come like for part of the year every year right yeah yeah they're there for a big part of the year which i love it is sometimes awkward though because there's times where like i'll call my like if i'm not working that day i'll call my dad he's like oh we just had the most wonderful breakfast with octavia i'm like i'm i'm i'm four houses away did you think about calling me and he's like i did not i didn't do it i was like dad and my mom's like she was wonderful i'm like okay do you talk about melissa the whole time what do you talk about with melissa's parents we just catch up you know they uh they're such amazing people we catch up we talk about melissa and margie when they were kids and just all kinds of good stories they told me about you know what how they grew up it was just we had a lot of fun i see i see you know today i know melissa maybe it's tomorrow where you are but it's april fool's day here uh i assume that that goes on in australia did either of you do or suffer anything foolish today well yes but it wasn't april fools it's just my own shame spiral because [Applause] because i melissa i know you did something to your friend octavia during the shooting of this movie thunder force that now before we see this tell us what you did okay so we were our like you know we're like okay we're superheroes we need a super cool car out comes so they we pick this purple lamborghini it's completely ridiculous and then we were like okay here's the action thing we're going to get in it well neither one of us has ever been in a lamborghini so when we finally went to like jump in and like peel out in it we realized it's like three and a half inches off the ground and you have to go in on an angle like like you have to stiffen your body and go in like a corpse it's it's crazy so i may have when we were shooting it for the first time i had the transpo guys lower hursty even more so it's literally like she's trying to get in in her super suit and it's like it's like a quarter of an inch off the ground but she's got to lay back while she slides in unfortunately then she couldn't get out well let's get out let's take a look at that and enjoy together here we go oh lord yes girl octavia well i don't know how what will you retaliate for this oh i'm gonna i'm gonna bide my time she's too good she's too good maybe you seduce melissa's father when you're over the house and like and destroy her parents marriage you know that could be fun is that too much okay that you know what i always go too far melissa mccarthy and octavius spencer are with us uh their movie's called thunder force we'll be right back to take a look at that oh my god here we go hammer it is time to go on the offensive i know what i'm going to do what are you doing i'm going to kangaroo's ass i don't think that's a good idea i know it's a great idea crab we've got a situation here handle it kenny that went better than i thought hey that is melissa mccarthy octavius spencer ben falcone and jason bateman in thunder force which premieres a week from tomorrow on netflix um well i have a couple questions first of all for those who don't know melissa ben falcone who was holding the gun is your husband is it more fun to fight with him in the movies than in real life yeah because we don't i do usually don't uh push off of him and go through the ceiling often at home yeah and every time he's like every time he pitches something i'm like oh what what if you're the guy that i punch yeah why is that always the request but he went through everything we've done together he goes every time there's six different people and you i'm always like what if you're bob who i punch right in the gut no jason bateman is well we couldn't see it in that clip but we have a still photograph i believe and jason has crab claws for arms yes you do did jason know that when he signed on for this film that he would have crab claws for arms i think that first of all when ben wrote it he was like oh i'm gonna make bateman wear big crab arms the entire thing was just to screw with bateman he was like i'm sure netflix he was waiting even when they're like hey we want to do this we're like amazing and then we both just sat there and ben's like we thought we were going to say you've got to lose the crap thing that's crazy and then every call after that they were like are you not gonna tell us to lose the crab things and then the next thing like we were in a model meeting and they were like carving these things that first day when bateman walked in it was like ben's like i can quit the business now i have your arms stuffed into sweaty crab legs i'm like [Applause] and and the crab legs themselves are they look very uncomfortable i hope they were yeah it really were he would try to it's like you know bateman so well but like it was when he was casually being like hey what's up and like doing stuff like that and he we have something where i do i uh i perhaps end up uh kissing or licking a part of it and they were really hard and they had those like nodulars and at one point he really got me and he just loved it son of a so ben was the big winner really in this prank he got everybody so you got everybody the premise of the movie is your well it starts out your your young women your kids friends and then you well it's based on a true story so i'll let you octavia tell us tell us a little bit about the plot here well it's a world where super villains reign supreme and uh these two uh childhood friends find themselves reunited when one of them uh comes up with the the technology that gives them superpowers that gives them superpowers and then you guys get to because you're making this movie yourselves unlike most comic book movies do you get to decide what your costumes are going to look like yes which was both terrifying and exciting yeah because we went to you know you go we went to ironhead which is like that's the place that's where like they're they're unbelievable what they do and other people can't do it it's not just like a normal thing for like a seamstress or a tailor to even make and so you have to go in there and it's very intimidating you have to go in and have like you know it's like 5 000 cameras and they body scan you yeah but it takes it takes two seconds to do you walk in stand there and it's done i am technology poison like i'm asked to leave the room when people's laptops don't work and i walked in and as my foot went over the threshold i heard somebody go oh my god oh my god and i was like what what's happening they're like the whole machine has shut down it's never happened before in eight years and they're like you walked into the room and the whole machine went boom [Music] so i'm standing there just get a visual i'm in a nude that's capezio it's a bunch of people yeah enjoy that uh it's a bunch of people i don't know and they're like we're gonna have to shoot it manually oh some some poor girl has to come out and be like and it takes 35 minutes as i'm standing there and i'm like oh great how how are those photos going it took like 35 40 minutes instead of like well this is what happens to people who lower their friends car seats and who put their other friends in crab arms it's called karma sometimes karma happens before the crimes also since it is i just want to say since it is april fool's day octavia can we get just one more wide shot of octavia's room what we're going to do is we're going to digitally remove that photograph of president obama behind you and replace it with the donald trump and then we're not going to explain it to anybody yes we're gonna yes sorry but it's april fool's day thunder force premieres a week from tomorrow on netflix thank you guys ladies okay spencer and melissa mccarthy we'll be right back with nassim pedro if you like that video then put a ring on it click the subscribe button below oh oh oh
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 195,977
Rating: 4.9205704 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, Melissa Mccarthy, Octavia Spencer, Actors, Friends, Superhero, Thunder Force, Netflix, Australia, Lockdowns, neighbors, Cocktails, Melissa Mccarthy Parents, Prank, Lamborghini, Ben Falcone, Jason Bateman, Crab Arms, Supervillain, Costumes, April Fools Day
Id: IcEfBC4zmgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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