Michelle Obama says her brother is still their mother's favorite

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we are honored to have former first lady Michelle Obama with us this morning and someone who knows her best her big brother Craig are you ready are you ready now you've heard this great reaction about your this book that your sister has written what does that mean for you well Wow first of all it's it's still very hard for me to hear people say mrs. Obama yes but I you know I couldn't be more proud of my sister and in this book becoming and I'm just really excited to see everybody reaction to all the wonderful stories that are that are in the book and a lot of those stories as you know resonating with people have heard from so many people especially Michelle when you were talking about the miscarriage IVF to have your two beautiful daughters in fact there's one who wrote in her name is she said that Wow I salute you Michelle this is Alissa I salute you Michelle for being so open and honest after going through this myself it's heartwarming to hear so what's your message for those who are are struggling out there with the these issues right now you know you're not alone miscarriages are more common than we know and infertility is a common problem but that's the thing we as women we talked about this the other day we just don't talk about these issues so we deal with this stuff in isolation and that doesn't help so if folks like me coming out and talking about my experiences helps give some comfort and some courage to others to come out then I'm happy to share my story if it helps and I know that your family was there to help you in fact you wrote about you had two children at the time and so she would come over your sister would come over and would have some comfort my baby fix from from ya know she would come over and be that aunt who just messed everything up you had your schedule and she'd come over and keep him up late and let him walk on the furniture but she's a good auntie what kind of mom is she well you know it's funny you should say that Robin because of all the things that I'm most proud of him you know my sister's done a a whole lot of things a lot of initiatives but the biggest thing that one of the were the biggest things that was apparent to to our family was how she made family imperative within our own sort of family so that even though she was busy doing all these wonderful things we had Thanksgiving at the White House we'd have fourth of July at the White House and and our entire family felt a part of being in such a historical environment it's just it's great having him forced to say nice things about him like kids oh you all did I adored my brother I mean cray I was I have been Craig Robinson's little sister for most of my life and I guess happened right attitude about it but I am a fan too I mean you know here's the thing that I will tell men out there yeah is having for a girl to have strong men in her life you know like I had a father who loved me a brother who adored me and cared dorte me and cared for me made me stronger so I want to make sure male role models in the life of a strong girl and my brother has been my hero from day one you know he's like the enforcer in the family if bad news has to be delivered like somebody's asking for a little bit too much it's like Craig you got called you know you gotta go talk to you know you also have to talk your mother into moving into the White House yes Craig come on Mama's gotta go what did you say because first of all he is the favorite right so now I I am the first lady but my mother is like once-great coming so I was like you can talk her into doing anything I am the favorite so I just said because my mom and Robin you know my mom she is was not she is not the sort of intrusive in-law so she didn't she would never want to stay even stay over and babysit our kids before they moved she'd go home it'd be 2:00 in the morning mom stay over now she's going home so she really didn't want to join them in the White House for that reason and I just sort of positioned it like you you will be helping your granddaughters out number one and if you move into the White House then I'll come to visit you more [Laughter] just like that no it's you know it bit but to my mom's credit she saw the bigger picture and you know it is just wonderful to have that kind of support for them given all the stuff that they were going how are the girls today they're great they're great day or Hood they are thriving I let me just say this out loud in public I'm so proud of those little girls they they have managed this situation with poise and grace and they are normal and kind and smart and friendly and open gosh and it could have gone so wrong but I will also say that they had support from a lot of the other former first kids Jenna and Barbara and Chelsea I love those girls I will love them forever for what they always had their back somebody went after him in the press Jenna would get in there and say something Chelsea would send a tweet out you know and that made her that made a big big difference so they're doing well I'm glad to hear that and Mama your mom's doing oh she's good yeah she's roaming around here somewhere you know mom is still like I don't want to be bothered with any of it I mean my mother is she is a Southside mother you know who really thinks like why do I want to be bothered so we talked about this but every major trip we will go and we traveled around the world you know my mom you want to go to China with us why would I want to go to China it's like because it'll be interesting and then somebody else would have to talk to her Craig would have to call mom you should go to China and then you go okay I'll go to China and then she'd be in China and she's like China's great I'm having such a great time but you have to push these black mothers on the south side you got to push to try some new stuff she still I'm still doing that with her for eight years it was mrs. Obama Michelle's back Michelle seems like it's what is she post White House how is she different how as he is much more chill yes because you know you know my sister has had to be now she's always very frank and and forthright but you know when you're in the White House you have to have a you have to watch your words we talk about all the time that words mean a lot and and we were raised that words mean alive don't tempt me out no don't tempt me do not start no but you know she's she's just been a lot more relaxed and it's it's not that it's more fun to be around her now it was always fun it's just I you can see in her face and in her movements that things are kind of relaxing and and I'm sure her daughter's feel the same way I'm sure they do well the book is with called for coming and there's some great photos in there so we're going to show you some photos and because that helped you become the woman you are today and I want you to say the first word that comes to mind okay when you see these photos put up the first one right here as a little girl Oh Deuce and a quarter that's the back of the deuce and of course where do people don't know what to do some the court yeah that's the Buick a lecture at 225 to be precise yeah my dad's pride and joy and then he upgraded that oh it was supposed to be one okay I'm sorry great this is what happens leaving the White House he upgraded it to the maroon Deuce and a quarter which is the car we both learned to drive on so we basically learned to drive that big old car we haven't talked about your father we've talked about your mother and the health issues that he went through and he was still so strong and and laying a foundation for for both of you all yeah my dad he's our rock and I think so much of who Craig and I are is because we always wanted to make our parents proud I need to you know grow up with a dad with a disability who never complain you know went to work every day you know didn't miss a day of work never never remember dad being sick or talking about being sick you know when you grow up with that kind of you know drive and that kind of with those values you know we just never wanted to disappoint him so glad because you've said they both had such a an influence in your in your upbringing Frederika I had a question I'm gonna read it for you she said you've accomplished so much in your life some people want us sky dive or swim with sharks what's left in your list that you still want to do mrs. Obama oh there's still a lot of travel like like we've been around the world and have seen like the backs of hotels and elevators I want to go back to those places and like walk in the front door spend some time see a sight without security so there's a whole travel bucket list of places that I want to go to and go back to you got time got some time to do it young I don't know because this book tour I know you wanna be at the United Center well we're not going to the book forever no no no no but you know when we had the special that was so well-received and people were really touched by your reaction to Princeton students young women who were there on campus now in the example that you set for them in fact there's one woman that caught your eye in particular let's look at this tape Belinda they're the campus thank you just from the bottom of my heart I can't thank you enough and I hope to one day be able to convey that in person but thank you well here she is right now [Applause] oh my god would you are you I'm senior let's see you're almost out of here host how your thesis the uniess is underway yeah four years ago when I was a high school senior I considered Princeton because my mom said you want to Princeton and that changed my life and even through all the difficulties and trials like being a first-generation college student knowing about you did it helped me in so many other black woman other students at Princeton like her severe so thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you very much oh and by the way every student that was shown that video will be seeing you on tour so not just gonna be belinda everybody that saw you in that video is going to be see two younger people I mean I feel like that's our main responsibility as adults is to be role models to the young people to follow and you know for all the kids who felt some kind of inspiration and ability to do just a little bit more than they thought they could because of something that me or Barack or my brother or you have done that's that's what more could we ask for in case you haven't heard but coming is out now well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 6,165,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GMA, Good Morning America, Michelle Obama, First Lady, Chicago, Becoming, Craig Robinson, Memoir, books, basketball, coach, New York Knicks, politics, gma, abc news, Michelle Obama brother, Michelle Obama book tour, 2018, today, now, family, Michelle Obama mom, mother, Robin Roberts, ABC, Becoming Michelle
Id: i4OJL69hld4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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