George Clooney on His Twins Speaking Italian, Quarantine Cooking & He Cuts His Hair with a Flowbee!

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our first guest tonight is an oscar-winning actor and producer humanitarian and tequila magnate he is the director and star of the new movie the midnight sky it premieres december 23rd on netflix please welcome george clooney [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome yeah how are you i'm good how are you it's very good to see you in the flesh it's good to see you in the place we just talk on email all the time i know every once in a while every once in a while i have some prank idea that only you can pull off well you you send me things and then i show them to my wife and all i hear is oh no and i'm like oh oh yeah [Laughter] how's everything you go oh boy i got i have one three-year-old at home i can't imagine having two to three years yeah it's a little crazy um there and also we did a really dumb thing which is we they they speak fluent italian wow fluent italian wow i had three but i don't speak italian my wife doesn't speak italian so we've really it's a terrible we've armed them with a a language a secret language yeah all these i'll say you know all right go back in and clean up your room before you can they're like hey papastranzo hey and i'm like what [Laughter] i imagine it's very cute how could you how is it that your kids learn to speak italian my son first of all barely with the english but even like felice navidad he says uh police knobby dot well i thought that's what it was so i'm from kentucky english is a second language for me you've been here in l.a right the whole time the whole time yeah during this thing yeah i was uh you know i was doing all this stuff i was doing all the things you did when you were when you were a young bachelor when you were struggling right it's all laundry and mopping and dishes and i would stain the entire house you did yeah did you do a good job probably not but i was busy for a while it kept me out it kept me out of the room with the kids speaking italian right which is do you cook for the kids yeah i cook well i cook for the family i'm the i'm the chef you're the family cook look my wife she does amazing things you know she gets journalists out of jail in countries right azerbaijan and egypt yeah but you know when it comes to cooking she makes reservations you know that right right that's not her thing no she actually uh she went to a hard boil an egg once and she put it the egg in the pan and turn the oven on or the stove on uh without any water in the pan it was good now that's not she's too smart for that was a message to you and the message i think was boil your own eggs dr ross oh we're going that far back are we going back 25 wow did the kids eat american food or they only eat italian exactly papastranzo no they eat they'll eat everything like god they eat you know anything like anything you put down they'll eat yeah that's i'm having a trouble trouble with that too my kids are not eating what i make oh no our kids eat like broccoli and spinach maybe we could exchange children for a while just to sure it sounds like fun for me yeah do they speak english never mind exchange children i'll just send mine over there and we'll say thank you that's great that'd be possible yeah we even had to you know we had to change things in the house like i had to turn my office which i loved into a nursery did you really yeah it's a terrible thing no i have fixed it a little bit though it really yeah cause they've got all these stuffed animals around you know and and so i ca i snuck up a bottle of tequila in the back of one of them i'm like listen i'll go in and take care of the kids don't worry [Laughter] daddy why does teddy smell like margaritas come here kiss him wow yeah i can't believe even you are displaced from your office i'm displaced i uh everything's going it's just it's it's wrong man it was it's wrong what did you do for thanksgiving i i cooked up the thanksgiving dinner for the four of us you made turkey and everything yeah now i know you're a big you're a food con he's a foodie you know like yeah food yeah and yeah you like i hate it but you like food like you like it oh i'm going to go to copenhagen and get a special mushroom [Laughter] [Applause] but you did the whole thing yeah i do the stuffing and the the the turkey and the uh mashed potatoes i do all the stuff we did in kentucky you know like uh yams with uh with but you cook it in the brown sugar with you listen the secret is just cover everything in butter and everybody's like it's right it's great the turkey gets covered in butter and the yams get covered potatoes are all half butter half butter and then everybody's like this is the best thing i've ever had you know and it's like yeah you might want to check into the hospital explains why the children are eating yeah i assume you're aware of this but you've been in the news for an unusual reason because you told a reporter that you floby your hair you give yourself haircuts i do and i've been doing it for years how many years have you been doing this well i you know i have had it for 22 years did you order it off of television no i got it off of uh yeah i think my assistant got it originally off of television and then it broke down we had to and then you couldn't get them for a while people who have assistance shouldn't be flow being their hair well i got her to flow be my hair i don't do it myself god that's cheap you know it's funny because i ordered a flowbee in like march because i could see my hair was starting to get a little shaggy and i didn't know if i'd ever be able to get a haircut again and i thought i wonder if they still make flowbees and i ordered one yeah and wilfred and but weirdly a lot of young people who i mentioned it to had no idea what i was talking about they did they don't have that fish or the pocket fisherman either dude yeah right oh yeah you remember that the pope yeah the pocket fish yeah so let's play that commercial just so people get an idea what the flow b is for the flow be only a skilled professional could produce a good layered haircut tens of thousands have been sold to satisfied customers why because it really works proper suction is the key to getting great looking haircuts with no cleaning interesting that man that actor looked just a little bit like you yeah okay all right well wow how gray his beard was talk me through this because i'm not using it oh you've used one no i haven't used it i guess yeah you know what i couldn't hook it up to the vacuum cleaner it's a little bit a little bit long this extension so it's not going to do you that much yeah is it too long yeah it's too long but you turn this on the vacuum on yeah you turn the buzzer on okay you go to town like this on your hair you wear that fast huh i said you do it that fast can't hear you i'm slow me all right let's take a break and when we come back george clooney will be floating that's either it's a spaceship far away coming back from a planet that we we hoped would be our future but things didn't quite turn out that way [Music] that's why i have to contact them now before it's too late that is george clooney in the midnight sky this is a good movie i really enjoyed it i you know what i went to go see it by myself in a screening room it was the greatest thing yeah and uh you should do every movie in space i mean really it's uh you know the last one i died i'm not sure it's the best move uh what can we say about the movie besides the fact that you look like david letterman yeah okay david might take offense i don't know it's it's an interesting film it was a film about um about regret and about uh redemption and about all those sort of other elements that had very little to do with sort of the idea of being in space or being out on the arctic it's really about uh you know sort of coming to terms with uh what we're capable of doing to one another if we don't pay attention i think it was so interesting that you finished this movie before kovid was a thing and yet it seems like you made the movie with that in mind it's really weird well it's not you know it's nothing we're proud of to be timely on this film you know because uh there is a huge part of the story which is about our inability to communicate and to be home and to be with people you love and to talk to them and see them and so that's a it was one of the major themes of this is just being able to talk and yeah i mean we've been a shooting in uh february and got on a plane came back from london and uh went into the went into the editing room and i was turned on the tv and they were like this coveted thing's real and we're like oh and he goes but not to be concerned it only affects elderly people and i was with grant my buddy for 40 years his producing partner i looked at grant i was like well you know elderly and then they said 55 or older i'm elderly now the little girl is she is terrific and she's adorable she's never acted before really a little girl and she came in and you know we had the budget for you you're working with a kid so you budget for extra days and all this stuff every every single thing we did with there was one take i went to the other actors i was like you see that one take i want to hear about your preparation the twins really could be very valuable and so do you think you would ever put one of those kids or both of the kids in a movie just for the money just for the money yeah one's bad one day you get the other one in yeah although i guess girl they don't really you can't really do that yeah george yeah he doesn't get out that much you have had a long and illustrious career in film and television and and my personal favorite category uh films made for television yes yes and so we thought it might be fun to play a game of was i in it and this is for you tell us if you were in it and uh if you can remember your character's name you get bonus points all right here we go a surfer enjoys life with drug money together with his gang in 1980s california real movie or not i think this might be a real movie it might be a a a red serve that is correct red surf 1989 you know who you played in red surf i don't remar remar i've got one where i played a character named chick chesbro really yeah yeah that's a good one that's good we don't have that one i was an undercover cop on a harley during the day and a rock star at night works work history repeats itself when a crew attempts to make a movie in an abandoned school where a terrible tragedy occurred i did not do that yes you did returned all right all right 1987 you played oliver yes they actually cut my head off in that one but the mullet stayed the same a sexy single dad navigates the ins and out of dating during the irish potato famine i'm going to say i wish i'd done it yeah no no you're not that is not real but if it were it would have been called star for love all right let's do one more two high school students are ordered by a judge to spend a year at a military academy where one of the cadets finds out who's responsible for a spate of midnight thefts yeah that's combat high that is combat high and do you remember the name of your character in combat high was robert culp's son keith gordon was invited um uh the answer is no i don't you played major biff woods biff woods because harry was taken major woods well there you go right the movie is terrific it's called the midnight sky it premieres december 23rd on netflix george clooney everybody thank you george we'll be back with amanda seyfried thanks for watching remember every time you click the subscribe button one of your enemies gets destroyed
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,374,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Quarantine, Interview, George Clooney, Actor, Oscar Winner, Netflix, New Movie, The Midnight Sky, Flowbee, Haircut, Was I in it, George Clooney Kids, Italian, Tequila, Thanksgiving, Kentucky, Food, Space, Interstellar, David Letterman
Id: hTDkfp5XdGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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